Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 24, 1888, Image 8

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4 IVjnilar- itptr of MtUrn Imt.
Saturday Evening, March 24, 1888.
Tim Ciinrlrr Unit Iik I'iiuihI At
WlmUor Hotel Now Htnntl,
Cnnltnl Hotel Now Hlmul,
OtteU'n Dining Hull New Hliml.
Clnnon A l'le tchorV, 1110 O HtrccU
A. T. I.cnttnR A CoV, I1M O Htrcol.
liiaClntlinm NiwiStnml, 111 Hmitli U(li Ht.
Kolth ltro., lit Noith lltli Hired.
Kd. Young, IbiOOHtrrct.
Advert Iter nro rriittcittril to lend In tlicl
favor n rnrly n jmmllilo, not later tlinn Tour
o'clock 1'rlitny nftcrnooi), n tlio Co'uuiKit
gooi lo intM tlmt owning When onlerlntf
your mlvcrtUnincnt out drop tlio liunluoim
ninnngm nenrd. Tlio collector linpt to forgot
uoh ordeiKf and coinpllunca with litis rcqucM
will vo u troitbto and youniolf nnnnynnro.
Wo nrodnlly willing to our llt of Rubacrlbcr,
employ ltiir a man vupcclnlly for Hint xolnpnr
jxMc.nnd clnlintlialaN an nd vert lulng medium
UioCouiitKit lnunoxi'ollcri,
Dunlap Huts Spring Style.
Hatter and Furnisher,
1137 O Street.
Whltcbraut Coiil and Ltmo Comnnny,
LeAVitt' DoiiimUo 7.(V5.
Laco curtains at Onkloy & Co,
Delicious luncho-i nt llrown'a CnlA,
Oyitcrs, frwli, i'ut and lino nt llrown'a.
Aak your grocer for homo mmlo bread.
Snioko Club Iloom cigar, llurr block.
Fifty cent rIovo enlo nt Oakley & Co.
Fftrty mltU ami gloves at Oakloy fc Co.
CarpoU at bottom price nt Oakloy & Co.
Trlckoy i&Co.,wlioltaloiunl retail jawolora-
Kent & Robert, ilontUt 23 Aloxandcr Hlk.
Don Cameron, 1020 O utrcot, for lunches
Black silk mitt just received nt Oakley &
Muslin underwear, now lino, at Oakloy &
Call for 1 to full regular hotiont Oakley &
Got tho best. It Is Leavltfs Domestic
All tlio latent wraps and jackets at Oakley
Tblrty-two Inch sateen 1!3 l-2o at Oakloy
Jets, jets, jets, In trimming and panels at
Ihoadclothft $1,25 and amazou cloth at Oak
Jey fs Co.
llot rolU and tea biscuit nt tho City bakery
every day.
Thousand mllo tickets for salo nt 115 South
Tenth struct.
rure, Qnt-class goods at BctU & Bowell's,
.200 street.
Oysters lu every stylo, fluo and fresh, at
Don Cameron's.
Go to tlio City bakery for home mndo bread.
Cor. 10th and N.
Try Hutching & Hyatt's MondotA lump for
dometUo purpoeea.
Our best families all use no other coal but
Learitt' Domestia.
Our May Leo So cigar Is tlio best In tho city.
Try it. Uurr block.
Canon City Coal again nt tlio Whitcbrcattt
Cool and Ltmo Co.
Toko the Klkuorn linos, Omaha train leav
ing Lincoln at 7 a. m.
Oakloy & Co, tiavo tlio fast black hoelsy
for ladles and children.
After tho club parties, go to Brown's now
csio for a delicious lunch.
Canned goods of ever)' description at Botts
& Hewem, VM U street.
Botts & Sovrell nro hcailquarters for flno
groceries, nt 1120 O street.
Smoko tho Club Iloom cigar mado by Ha
vanah cigar factory, Burr block.
Before insuring look up the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Now York.
TheMlttouri l'aclflo railroad run f reo reclin
ing chair cars on ull through trains.
llutchlus & Hyatt mako u sjieclalty of sea
soned liard and soft wood, cut to order.
Roast Turkey, Goose and all kinds of mats
at Don Cameron's every day for dinner.
Finest lhe of smokers' meerschaum articles
at the Havana cigar factory, Burr block.
Monarch and Lincoln brands of canned
goods at Botts & SoweUV, 1120 O street.
Fifteen cents a yard will buy u choice
French gingham of Ashby & Mlllspaugh.
Beasonablo fruits of all kinds nro special
ties at Botts & Bowell's, grocers, 1120 O
Imported smoking tobaccos, finest made, to
be bad only at Havana cigar factory, Burr
Tickets to points in Kansas, Missouri and
tickets via Omaha on salo at Klkhora ofllco,
115 Bo. 10th St.
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Now
York. "VY. B. Ha&tlugs, District Agent,
room 53, Burr block.
Gentlemen, tho cheapost furnishing houso
ia Uie city is the Arcado. Look at tho goods
jiad convince yourselves.
Beits. & Bewell keep tho freshest groceries
to be bad in the city. Everything in tho
teuUy supply lino at their store, 1120 O
Hoarseness In a child to a sura sign of croup
Md is undoubtedly intended by nature as a
waraitMC to mothers. If Chamberlain's Cough
JUawdy Is given, as tooa as the hoarseness
jaysstn, K will pre vent we croup, ror wie
bf W. J. Turaer,
W m b VtT I 1
PJ k 1
II o g
A Kill A UW ifl
lli-mm's (ttiutriuit Ninv Opou in New
nnil KtrKitnt Onnrtnr.
For the post two wreks our friend Tom
llron n, of Brown's restaurant fame, has twn
Innlly pngngctl nnd wo might say, "head over
Iuo1r" lu work, preparing to open his elegant
now rwort on North Kleventh street In tho
now Hholdou block just south of tlio Windsor
hotel. Tlio oHinlng day was Thurwlay ami
it U but slight Justlco lo say that ever since
tlio doors nero ooiip1 to tho puhllo n contin
uous stream of ntronngo hns Ikhui oxU'nded
tho now place.
A short review of Mr, Brown's buslnoKH
career In Lincoln will not prove uninterest
ing, llocamo hero nlioitt n year ago, in
cngod wltli.tho Caiiltal hoU'l as cliff ih rii-
sftir, having chnrgo of tho stove; room nnd
everything iortatuliig to tho kitchen, After
six months with tliln popular hostelry, Mr.
Brown's over watchful oyoolmervedtlmtthcro
was a splendid ojionlng hem for n first-class
rentaurnnt, nnd shortly afterward renting n
store In tho oora houso block opened a res
taurant that proved a success from tho start.
Business kept Increasing nnd (teoplo were
very often obliged to wait for their turn to
get nt tlio tallies or "take n wnlk around tho
block" and como back ngnlu later. To oh
viato this, It wai uoccary to sook larger
(uarteni, which were duly found in the hand
Homo now block liero Mr, Brown It now re
ceiving his friend patrons nnd tho public.
Of tho now place wo could say much nnd
tnko many lino In describing It, but wo will
Ihj brief. Tho institution occupies three
fronts, using tho front half of tho first for an
ollleo, from which tho restaiunnt is reached
on tho north. This is n largo commodious
room occupying two fronts, with seating ca
pacity of 1UU with foir fort and easo. How
over, nt largo banquets, when eieclnlly
served, tho room vt ill nccommodato many
more, Tl.o Iloor Is handsomely ornamented
with French tiling, tho ceilings nnd walls have
Iteon richly decorated by Messrs. Ilolhrook &
Boubright lu tho latest urtlstlo manner, tho
work showing excellent taste. Tlio engrav
ing nnd painting nnd other nttrnstlvo orna
ments nbout the place chnractorlzo It by far
tho tlnest lu tho city nnd stato and ixiuiil to
nny similar resort In thu west, of tho service,
it is equal to that of tho past nnd that said, doubt that ull will bo promptly nml
courteously served. Tho consluq has lioeii
enlarged, tho now place affording amplo fa
cilities, more javorablo than tlioso in tho old
place. Tho bill of faro wilt Imj kept up as
tmial, with many dishes of delicacies and sub
stantial added.
With Mr. Brown's bountiful oxiwlonco.
hi handsome new quai tors, and tho central
location, tho success ho has horotoforo attain
ed will undoubtedly continue with him and
kcrease. The otrers Its congrntu
rrttoiiH to Mr. Brown on tho nppcarunco of
hi now restaurant and wishes him tho
success ho deserves for untiring effort.
Mr. C, L. Trovttt has returned from his
Wnshiugton trip.
Al I'ltrsons, who Is pnictlclug law nt Grant,
was In tho city this week.
Messrs. B. B. Chase and F, li Newton liavo
roturnod from California.
Hon. J, B, Weston ot Beatrice was in the
city suvoral days this week.
Haydrn makes thoflnost photographs in tho
city. Try him. 1210 0 strcot.
Al Falrbrothcr wasrcnowlngaciualntance
with Lincoln frlonds Tuesday,
Mr. I. Friend returned Saturday from his
southern trip lu search ot health,
Tho grocery firm of MoArthur & Rces has
dlstolved, Mr. McArthur withdrawing.
Mrs. C. T. Brown loft Wednesday to visit
AIUs Clara Mercer, at lirownvlllo, Neb.
Dr. Hook made a Hying trip to Oskaloom,
Iowa, his old homo, the foro jmrt of tho week.
Mr. John Duudas, editor of tho Auburn
tfrftiir,siontn fow hours In tho city Mon
day. Mr. Gcorgo Tucker has returned from his
Hot Springs trip, nnd "Richard is himself
Secretary Dumnott attended tho mooting
of tho state committee ot tho Y. M. C. A. in
Miss Ida Garoutto of DesMolnes, is visiting
her cousins, Mr. and ill's, L. W, Uuroutlc,
of this city.
Thu l'leusant Hour Juniors will glvo n
swell party at Masonlo Temple on tho even
ing of April Oth.
Capt. J. A, Huddleson has returned from
California, and Is satistlcd htreaftor to re
main in Lincoln,
Mr. E. K. Bennett, treasurer ot tho Wis
consin Furniture and Collin oompany, Is very
HI with pneumonia.
Mr. A. S. Badger, treasurer ot the Nation
al Lumber company, left for Chicago yester
day ou a business trip.
Mrs. Chapman,mothorotMrs. C. T. Brown,
was dangerously ill on Saturday last with an
attack of heart disease,
Mr. J. II. McMurtry was called to Lafay-
otto, I ml, Monday by a dispatch announcing
tho Derlous Illness ot his father.
Mr. W. W. Holmes is another of Lincoln's
citizens who has roturnod from California
perfectly enchanted with this city.
Mr. L. M. Crawford of tho opera honso
management, whoso headquarters uro in To
poka, arrived in tho city Thursday.
Mr, A. C. Halter has returned from Denver
whore ho Iiok been tho past month or so. He
still lielleves Lincoln Is tho beet city on tho
Miss Edith Doollttlo nnd Mrs. J. P. Don
left Wednesday for Crete, where they assisted
that ovonlng lu n concert given under aus
pices of Duano college.
A pretty surprise party was given to Mr,
Grilll n, princliial of the Park school, Friday
evening, tho 10th. It was a real surprise and
highly enjoyed by tlioso present.
An orange social was tho attraction at tho
Congregational church parlors Wednesday
evening. It was quite largely attended and
was mo6t interesting and enjoyable,
A very pleasant social was given Wednes
day evening by the young jwople of the Pres
byterian church at tlie residence or Airs, v,
C. Grlfllth, cornor of Fifteenth and L streets
Tho Yorko gave a very pleasant party last
Friday evening at Masonic Temple. Tho
members of this club are mostly high school
students and terpslchorean pupils of Mr,
Messrs, Furnas, Mclntyre, Dinsmoro and
Dunham of tho board ot managers of tho
stute fair, held u meeting at tho Windsor
Tuesday to consider matters relative to tho
big fair next September.
MlssNcllloBauiu entertained Company B
ot tho Dairy Maids' chorus, In honor of their
under, Mr. Gur wig, on Friday evening, tho
10th lust. Members ot tho Plesant Hour, Jr.
were also present, and a most delightful ovon
lng was nent In dunciug.
The Lincoln Press club completed arraugo
munts Wednesday for thu appearance ot Mr.
Charles Dickons at tho opera house ou April
10th, in ono ot his popular rcudlugs. Tho
natno ot Dickuus Is a household word wher
ever tho English lauguago is sjwkon, and as at
tho some time you will bo beneficial tho new
paper boys as well as listening to a good en
tertalnmeoe, awry ono should attend.
1 DrpHrtmant that nur I.lttlo Master
unit MImo nro Conducting.
Ono of tho mora pretentious llttlo cities I
Kearney, tho rnpltal of Buffalo county. It
nn mnny modern conveniences among which
they have street cam, water works, water
tower, gn, and that which touches the heart
or nil mankind, n lino hotel. They liavo nil
nrtlllelnl lauo, on which I n steamboat to do
light pleourn-mckcrs when tho sun shines.
ami runt now they are glorying In brenk
ne'k luiHtlmo kti"wn ns tlio modern toboirirnu
slldo. This slldo olfer such lino facilities for
committing suicide that, taken with a largo
schoolliotiHo ou tho Mil, maintained nt thu
stale's xieuco, makes Kearney ono of tho
most attractive or Lincoln's satellites,
As California Is a subject of much Interest
nt tho present date, my cxorlcuco lu that
glorious state will douhtlewt bo of Interest to
tho many rendorsof tlio Cuuuir.n. I startl
alioul tho mlddlo of December, nnd ns dull
cnto health was tho rensou of my going, I of
course bundled up warmly, but ns I nenred
my destination it Ixx-aino so warm that I was
obliged to ruiuovo my wrnjw nnd get out nov
end palm leaf fan. Al I alighted fnim tho
train I was mot by a llttlo boy trundling a
wheelbarrow of oranges. I bought u couple,
which cost mo tho enormous sum of a dollar,
but finding them too largo nnd heavy to carry
I gave ono to a small child.
Being very much fatigued with my Journoy
I took n carriage and ordered thodrhor to
ilrivo mo to tho licst hotel In tlio city, for
which kind luslstauco 1 paid him live ilollais.
I was shown at oneo to my room, a llttlo 7xt)
iu tho seventh story. As soon ns I had rested
n llttlo, I went down to my supper which was
conqiosed of n baked jxitaU) at IB cents, u cup
of colToo at 83 cents, nnd two rolls nt 50, urter
whlvh l discovered Iwns not very hungry.
Tho next day I started out to vlow my sur
rounding. In tho distance ot u block I mot
no less thai) six acquaintances, who all looked
mora or loss haggard for tho want of nourhh
Ing food, and every ono of whom asked mo
for tho loan ot live dollars.
Tho scenery was very lino, and as I strolled
along lu tho broiling sun I juussed hundreds
of rose bushes growing wild, and Hoveral ot
t'm lino residences nro fenced in with hedge
of fuchsias. Orange trees wero blooming ev
erywhere, nud tho )erfunio from tho blossoms
was utmost strong enough to knock you down.
I did not remnln very long In this Inwitlfiil
city, ns I found my funds gjowlng low. It
was n very muddy day when I started for
homo, nnd I was mot at the dciiot by a police
man, who told mo that unless I handed over
immediately cash ($500 jior foot) for tho rea
estate I was carrying away upon my shoos, I
would be obliged to return with him to tho
city nud spend tho night iu Jail. As I thought
my stay In California had boon lengthened
enough, I gavo him what ho demanded ami
took the Street and Walker Hue for homo.
My feelings wore very much hurt to And that
tho olllclals had not sutllclently considered tho
comfort of their paskongors, consequently my
journoy homo was ovon more tiresome than
my Journoy out.
Tho next tlmo I suffor from Ill-health I
shall hire a competent physician and remain
at home. And my advice to alt friends Is to
do the same unions thoy hnvs a fow thousand
they do not know what to do with.
Jehhik Lkland.
Jessie Lcland and Fiiunlo Hector tool: tea
and Bpent tho evening of Mnrch 10th with
Buslo and Frank Gustln.
An enterprising youth of this city has nn
Incubator of his own make. Ho has great
expectations. Look out for early broilers.
Any ono wishing spring chlc'cons to fry call
at Ull) II street.
Nt. PiUrlrk'M Kiitortitliiiitont.
An entertainment in honor of St, Patrick
win given in Fitzgerald hall on Thursday
evening last. Mr. J. J. Butler nresided. nro-
facing tho exerclsos of tho evening with a
brier roviow or the life nnd works of St Pat
r.'ck. The program was so long nnd contain
ed ho many oxcollent piecus that special men
tion would bo Invidious. Tho parliclp ints
aro all so well known and their talent so con-
erally recognized that wo need not particular
ize. Bongs wore rendered by tho St. Theresa
c'aoir, Mr. M. Corcoran, Miss Kittle Flynn,
Messrs. Corcoran and Lawler, William
O'Shen, Miss May Flanagan, Mr. Lnwlor,
Miss Eckhanlt, and Mr. Corcoran, Mir, A.
Halter accomtianyiug ou tho piano. Recita
tions wore given by Miss McVnnu, Miss
ueacu ana Mr. Movann, and instrumental
music by Miss Lizzie Flynn nml Will O'Shoa
nntl the Misses Hynn. Encores wero limner
oits nnd the entertainment highly enjoyed,
Yuneter of the l)uy.
Editor Count eh:
Wo e ny youngsters of tho day .but wo moan
of the night. Children now a Jays are not
cuuurcn, ana Lincoln lias her share, There
aro, as we all know, young Elrulu tho societv
who ought to bo iu bed overy nlgH at nine
o'clo:k. Instead of that they aro up overy
night attending parties, balls, theatres, etc,
ttj., until ono and two o'clock iu tho morn
iug, Icnnuotseo what their mothers aro
thinking of. When wo were girls wo were
obliged to attend school until wo were eigh
teen years or age; tnen wo thought it was a
very great favor to be allowed te occomixiny
our parents to places of amusements. Now,
girls keep tho company of youug men ntH,
liavo their "solid fellow," and afterwards, if
ttioy liavo a llttlo tlmo to dovote to literary
pursuits, all right j if not, all right.
Wo would llko to kuow why the fond moth
ers of tho day allow their daughters privilege
which, for tholr own goal, thoy wero depriv
ed of. But I supposo they settlo it on tho
ground that civilization has advanced; but
wo don't think so. Ou tho contrary It has de
generated. What do you think!
Mkh, Common Bknhk.
Tho public schools of tho city liavo been
holding examinations this week, and next
week all tho pupils will bo given a vacation
prior to tho beginning of tho spring term,
which continues until June.
Tho lecture room of Bt. Paul's M. E, church
was tho scone of a very pleasant entertain
ment Wednesday evening, tho occasion Iteing
a Mexican entertainment, the participant
appearing in appropriate costume. Literary
and uuwlcal selection woro given.
Mr. nud Mrs. Becker entertained their
daughter and sou, Miss Hattlo and Master
Ray, at their residence ou D street, Saturday
the 17th, Wo were unable to obtain a list of
the names ot those preseiit, but aro assured
that tho party was large ami highly enjoyed,
Tho young folks passed tho evening In dano
lug, after which elegant refreshments wero
Buffalo Bill sails for America, bag and bag
gage, Indian uud cowboy, tho 3d of May. Ho
charters tlio steamer, "Nebraska." Ills
daughter, Miss Arta will return with him,
all J it is hoied she will mako Lincoln a visit
duriug the summer. Mbs Arta has not been
at all spoiled by ler Europouu trip and royal
Attentions, but is more thoroughly American
itum over,
(Iritml !iiliir iif the Nrlirnshn I'lnrnl
Cnmpitiijr' IXiililUlimrnt.
Ycstcnloy while sauntering along Twelfth
strcot our roorter'H eyo was attracted by a
largo crowd ot ladles entering and leaving
the now storo of tho Nebraska Floral com
pany nnd In quest of now hastened to the
scene Ou arriving the reiwrter wo told
that tills was the first of the two oixnilnc;
days and a tho Indie wero not slow to appre
ciate n now departure lu this Hue, they
sccmodto liavo turned out toweloDiuo the now
II in i en masse. Gaining further Informa
tion wo learned that Massrs. Parsons fc Mil
ler wero tho proprietors and had lifted up a
place that would boa credit to tho city and
llll n long felt want. Speaking to uuo of tho
linn, lie said: "Wo liavo hero as lino n placo
as you will find In any large city and tho line
of llowors nnd plant wo now carry and ex
pect to keep ou hand, I net to lie excelled
anywhere Wo liavo como prepared to moot
the big demand for lino flowers nud lino work
manship lu designs, etc, nud nro hero to stay.
Wo will endeavor to plonso tho trado and
from what I liavo seen of tho callers hero to
day, 1 thfnk our efforts will be appreciated
and the business prove n successful undertak
ing." Observing numerous wire figures on
tlio wnll, w o wero told that thoy wero used to
fill lu with flowers for designs for all sorts of
occasions, Somo wero stars nnd ltoasch.
othera woro crown, lilies, anchors, etc., nud
iu fact tho subject woro Ltoo numerous to
enumerate. Thoy aro all skillfully mndo up
and arranged by tho deft hands of artist w ho
hnvo hud years of oxorIcnco. Tlio llrm
makes n specialty of cut flowers, nud custo
mers may at ull time Hud tho cholccht'of
thts) fragrant ou hand. During tho day tho
placo was filled with a bovy of ladles m.d to
each was glen a beautiful Imutnnnierr,
mere iolng so many caller a to require over
500 roses for tho day. Every ono wns de
lighted with tho now placo and well pleased
with tho prospects of now having soiunnhcro
to lctivo orders for their wants lu this line.
Tiik CouitiKii congratulates tho Nebraska
Floral company upon tholr successful ojien
lug and trust their future business career
will lotqually so. In conclusion wo would
say, the firm Is prepared to do all sorts of
landscape and 'garden dcvtgnlngniiil will take
pleasure In furnishing estimates on tho work,
giving amount of plant needed, etc. All
thoy ask r a call and thoy can convince all
that they are here to plcaM) the public ami
win patronage. Telephone communications
promptly answered, 032 being their number
nnd all mall orders will rocolvo careful and
personal attention when nddrossetl to 125
north Twelfth street.
Mr. I. Deutch and bride, (nee Miss Flor
ence Loweiistoln) wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.
I. C. Wise several days this week. Tho
bride Is a sister to Mrs. Wise. Mr. and Mrs.
Doutch loft yesterday for Atchison, their fu
ture homo, Iwarlng with them well wishes
nud congratulations ot Lincoln friends.
An invitation received nt this ollleo nn
nounces tho coming nuptials ot Miss Jennie
Haydeu nnd Mr. Charles A. Bennett, U. 8.
A., Wednesday afternoon, April 4th, nt tho
resldoncoofMr. nud Mrs. K. K. Hayden,1127
G street. Tho young lady is a sister of Mr.
Hay ilen, nnd thu wedding will bo foliowedby
a reception from two till six o'clock.
Mr. L. WoshoI, Jr., of Tub Couiuku, leaves
this afternoon for a trip of several wseks In
tho northwest. During his absence ho will
visit Portland, Ore., Senttlo and Tncoma lu
Washington Territory, nud perlia) jiolnts in
Alaska. Ho will bo nccompnnlcd by Mr. W.
W. Cnssel or tho Sterling Vrs.
Tiik Couhikh acknowledges receipt of n
huiidsomo invitation to attmJ the grand ball
nnd reception of tho International Ranch
innn's Association at Denver March 211th, at
Talior Grand ojieru house.
Lincoln Iliiiliu'is CiiIU'kj Notes.
M. A. Cameron Is stei ojrapher for G. M.
Ed Quackcnhush not only got his diploma
but a good situation iu a bank at DoWitt.
J. C Small has accepted a position with
the Badger Lumber company, and begun his
U C Olierlels lots with thacollego diploma
under hi arm last evening. He goes to Dor
Chester to take a position in a bank.
J. G, and E. C. Yont have earned and been
awarded tho college diploma and returned to
their home at Brock,
A, E, Houck is a pushing young man. Ho
lias just accepted u situation with an Omaha
collection agency and Is making things lively.
E. Belle Corblu of Tecuuiseh is in school
ngnlu. She Is n fluo shorthand writer, and
is hustling the business course with much en
ergy. J, Ia Codington, a fine iHlimun and Look
keeper, on receiving his diploma tenured a sit
uation w ith the Rudge & Morris Hardware
J, W. Aikiu has accepted u situation lu
Denver, nud left at once to cuter uimn his du
ties. He slings tho quill with a good deal ot
Jemito E. Dhuory of Beaver Crossing, took
tho college diplomu along with her when she
returned homo. She has secured a good situ
ation In n store.
Miss Lizzie Irvlno, who has been a popular
uud earnest student for a number of mouths
loft yesterday to wield tho birch at Prospect
Hill during the next term,
W. B. Young from Lawrenco is m oner
get io and pushing youug man who begun
his business course last Monday, and ho Is
show lug marked ability lu his work.
J, A. Carlson, Nancy Robertson, Roscoe
Barnes uud C. R. McCull have completed the
course and rejoice hi a well earned diploma.
Tho college heartily recommends them as A
No. 1.
J. M, Hatruor has accented a iwrtnorshtn
iu a general store at Tokio, Mo., and leaves
ut ouco to begin his labors, J, M. Is u man
and he w HI make his murk iu tho w orld.
Stick a plu there.
J. C. Schwurtzeudlnbcrlsmaklnc wonder
ful progress lu the Beclul iemuanshlp course,
If his name doesn't kill him he will make one
of thu finest pemuoii lu the land, He is do
ing immensely well, anyhow,
Rov. Johnson, pastor of tho Christian
church, maJe a pleasant call Thursday to sto
"is son wno is taking thu busluoss course, nud
to have a marriage certlllcnto filled out for
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Grillin. By tho way C.
D. used to Im)oiiu of our best students.
Prupured fur l.t-up Veur Call.
Ono of our prominent youmr business men
on O street Is now prepared to receive leap
year calls from thu young ladles, having Just
bad his teeth built up and otherwi&o rejuve
nated by Dr. Durrus, tho dentist, 1204 O st.
'atluiiul Kuiik'u Association ut Denver.
The Union Pucltlc railway will bull tickets
to Denver for one fure and a third for the
round trip, ou March 20 only, For jmrticu
lurs apply ut 10H O street, or at dujiot.
Gentlemen and ladies to tuku notdtlnn with
reliable houso. Good salary guaranteed.
Promotion rapid. Address A, this ollleo.
First in
As -heretofore at the opening
nrsc to announce mat our
Elegant Soda Fountain
Is now in running order and despensing the very
Finest : and : Purest : Syrups,
We have all the latest flavors and our syrups arc strictly pure
and home made.
Mineral Waters,
Ginger Ale, and other popular beverages served. Call and
sec the beautiful fountain and try our luxurious soda.
Montgomery Block,
Holbrook & Bonbright
Wall Paper & Window Shades,
Special Attention given to Designing wiiichjwc do Free.
23-4 Soutti Eleventh. St.
Samples and Specifications without Charge.
Hatter and Furnisher.
O and Eleventh streets.
Silks and
123 North 15th Street, OMAHA.
Bead Wraps, Jackets and Ulsters,
Also our elegant line of the latest novelties in
In Stylish Shades, viz:
Ressida, Raisine, Copper, Olive, Bronze, Goblin, and
all the newest tints. Beaded Trimming to match.
the Field.
of the Spring Season, we arc
Cor. Eleventh and N Sts,
Dress Goods
::.. ,
-ii-,w. .,,... H
3 ,.