Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 24, 1888, Image 5

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Boot and Shoe House
Will Have Something to Sny to You
Dealer In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
127 S. Eleventh st.
Coal and Wood.
1201 O St.
It 1 tho only line running directly tliromth
peuvertuul halt lnko City, ciirouto to Kan
Francisco mill other California points, nnil Ik
known iiH tlio "Hconlo I.tnu" to tho I'aclllo
const. Tho llurlhiKton Houto ruiiK over Its
own track every ilay In the your. Complete
(minx of Pullman l'nlnco Cars una Kleguut
jiy uooencs uotween
(Denver and Chicago,
Denver and Kan. City,
Denver and Omaha,
Kansas City and Peoria,
Kansas City and Chicago,
Lincoln and Chicago,
Lincoln and St. Louis,
Lincoln and Peoria,
Lincoln and Kan. City,
Making illrect connections In Union Depot
fnrull pinnts North. Knst, Houtli ami Went,
it Istlio Pioneer Dining Car I.lno lielwcou
Missouri rlvoruwl Uhlcimo. Meals only 7ta.
Tlio lturllimt'in UiiiIiik Cars wero tmlltox
.nrorNly forthoservleo nnil uio mnmiKcil on
ilrolylu tho Interest of our patious.
Via tho AhIiIoiiiI Out-olf, making tllreot con
nections with Indus for Ht.l'uul, Mlnnt-uolU
..Uhlcniio nnil all points KiiNt and NortlmiiBt.
TlitntluKruiiiKiif tho I.lucoln.rhleiuto sleep
ers via this popular rout nro at City Ollleo.eor
Omul 10th sts., where berths may ho secured
jttiiuy tlmo.
A specialty UinniliMif Ocean Hteiuusliln Tick
ets, nnd pnilli-HisiiiteiiiplatliiK utrlp tlio iiltl
country or iIchIi Ihk to wuil flir their friends Blioiilil
not full toeorrcHiKiml with us. Our rutcHiiru the
lowest, nudum facilities uiiimhiuIciI, as wo ropro
tfut eneh umtoui lluucuwMiigtliu Atlantic,
A. 0.. I I'M Kit,
fl.'EUSTIB, P. mid T. Agt Lincoln
U.P.iuidT.AKt., Omnhti.
IU1MVAT vonxruK.
To him who, In tho lovo of nature, holdi
communion with tho rollwny trains, sho
spooks In vnrlous languages. Sometimes riio
peak through tho conductor find says,
briefly, "Tlx," or "Fare,' Sometimes tho
train butcher Interprets for her nud then sho
talks of lxki that nobody rend, and, fruit
that nolxxly oats, nud things that nobody
buy. Sometimes, again, tho brakemntt In
torprctsnud then sho voice her thought In a
weird, mysterious patol, that Bounds llko
something you nover heard, and you learn,
when It Is miles too late, that "Kyordltpnnnl
Chair car fnlldrooinfldl" meant "Cnrrolltonl
Change car for llrndfordl" Again, shn em
ploys tho hackman at tho station, and ho roar
"llui forrup town I Going rltup! Hack I Kuvn
hackl ktivnhnckf kuvahuckt Una forThomerl
cals'otwo I Merchant Hotel I ThlsNwny for tho
Planter tSousol" And still ngalu, tho nuisen.
gem hold converse with you, and otio man
nsksyou, Whyn't you gone to stop off at
Emcrf" which you understand to mean,
"Why aro you not going to stop off nt Don
vcrf And yet nuother begins Ills narrative,
"Dovtcll you MKHit tho time," etc., which by
interpretation is, "Did I over tell you," etc.
And so tho way of tho traveler is Polyglot.
"Evangeline," wild Julian, earnestly, "I
bring you no mine of sordid gold; I pour
out nt your feet only tho priceless lovo of an
earnest heart nud tho unconquernhlo am
bition of youth, tho lovo of n mnn with only
his hands and brain to carvo nut famo nud
fortuno" "I know, dear .lullan," Bald tho
young girl, tenderly, "but you nro such n
poor carver, your tools nro dull nnd tho bird
Is bo tough. I cannot Ik your wife, but as I
am engaged to your landlord I will 1k a
neighbor to you."
"That's n very strong situation in tho sec
ond net, don't you think?'' naked tho author,
timidly. ".StrongP repeated tho manager.
"I should Bay bo. It was in tho prlmo of Ilfo
when I was n loy, and it has supported every
tragedy I have over read." "Then you think
it will live!" asked tho hopeful nuthor. And
tho manager sighed nnd said, wearily, "I'm
Everyliody carries bags nowadays. Tho
children carry school bags, tho commercial
travelers samplo bags, tho ladles shopping
bags, tho shop girls carry lunch bngs and tho
editor gets into tho swim and carries bngs nt
tho knees of his trousers. Bardotto In JJrook
lyn Eaglo.
A Question.
MIks Brown You must como to my houso
tomo day, Elslo, nnd play.
Elsio Got nuy llttlo boys thero, Miss
Brown f
Miss Brown No, denx.
Elslo Got nny llttlo girls
Miss Brown No, dear.
Elsio Then what nro thoyf Lifo
Klne Death's Victim.
"Thero goes n funeral. I wonder who is
"A mnn of tho namo of Brigsby. I know
him well."
"What discoBO did ho dlo of I"
"Oh, ho caught a bad cold, and it did him
"What business was ho engaged inf"
"Ho was tho manufacturer of Brigsby's
cough remedy." Nebraska Btato Journal.
Causa of Detention.
Omaha Oirl (in Now York) I couldnt
loavo Omaha any sooner. You soo, I had
promised to lend n paper nt tho Athonlan
symposium before I received your Invitation.
New York Oirl Symposium!
"Yes, you know, a friendly contest of"
"Oh, dear me, yes. Wo had ono In Now
York a short time ago. Hero we call it n
six duy go as you please.' "Omaha World.
A Fortunate Dog-,
Boston Lady (to caller) I want you to ad
mire my llttlo dog Kido, Mrs. Bunker. Isn't
he lovely, lying thero on tho P15!
Mrs. Bunker Beautiful; nnl he seems so
peaceful nnd contented. The expression on
his face is almost human.
Boston Lady Isn't it! I've been reading
Browning aloud, and I really bollovo tho dear
little fellow understands it. Now York Sun.
II I ! ,
A fillcht Mistake.
Maud Allow mo to introduce you to Mr.
Blanche I am dollghtcd to meet you, Mr.
Crowloy. I havo beanl a great deal about
you in connection with Central pari:, you
Crowley turns palo and roakos up his mind
to apply to tho legislature for a change of
name. Judgo.
Since Ha Came.
"You haven't been qulto your usual self
to-night, Miss Clara," ho bald, as ho prepared
to go.
"I havo n bovero headacho, Mr, Sampson,"
tho girl replied.
"That's not pleasant, Miss Clara; havo you
had It nil day!"
"No, only for nn hour or bo." Tho Epoch.
Natural to Suppose (So.
Quest (at restaurant) Waiter, this fowl's
bo tough that tho knlfo recoils llko it would
from a piece of India rubber. What's tho
mnttcr with it!"
Walter Dunno, boss. 'Spec it mus' bo ono
ob deso spring clilckeus I" Georgia Cracker.
A llnse Inilniiutloii.
Boarder I don't know what's tho mnttcr
with me, but I haven't been able to eat worth
n cent sinco I ciuno to this house.
Landlady Wero you a mucum freak be
fore you lost your upjwtltol Nebraska Stato
Thoy AVIll Do It.
In sptto of our lxst efforts, our delinquent
subscribers nro MM holding their own uud
a little of ours, Hartford Times.
Tho Deaf Stan's Hope.
Tho denf man finds somo consolation In Uio
how cf a hear after. Bingham ton Loador.
1 IjBHiw
rl 'X3' v mtf nliiiVfl
VwJBv m
rnshlnn In I'liiRrr IUiirs The 1'oetlent
Iilea of Theatre lloiiiiiirtu A " O'clock
Tea" Toilet of 1'itrU Make for the
In our cut Is given tho representation of
an npproprlnto "B o'clock ton" toilet for the
hostess. Tho model from which our cut was
mado wo of French origin, nnd n marvel of
toxturo nnd color that cannot Ihi reproduced
on aper. Tho gown consisted of ruby
colored volvct, on tho palest pink llsse, em
broidered with tlowcr of gold and silver,
with small leaves in perfect tones of pink,
uluo, moss green nnd quiet reds.
a "five o'clock tea" Toiurr.
Tho lnco which gnvo tho finishing toueh t"
tho gown was of cream net embroidered with
gold nnd silver.
Another very pretty ten gown of recent
Importntlon wns of hellotropo colored velvet
opening over n cream silk underdress, em
broidered with mauve nnd whlto lllnc.
Ornament for the Ilnlr.
Ornament for tho hair contlnuo fnshlona
bio, nnd nro out, If posslblo, In n grenter '
vcrsltyof stylo than over Iwforo sinco tholr
introduction. Numbered with decided nov
elties in this direction nro gold or tortolso
Bhell ornaments In the form of n feather and
edged with tiny brilliants. Gold and silver
nrrows, wt with penrls, nro nlso mimlxrod
with tho noncr hnir ornnmonts. In somo of
theso nrrows, which, by tho by, nlso ilguro
ns brooches, nro copied tho verltnblo
Indian nrrows, nnd classed nmoug tho so
cnlled Indlnn jewelry. Tortolso shell hair
pins, set with diamonds, nro nlso now. Gom
set liorseshoos, stars nnd butterflies remnin
as fashionablo as over, not only for pendants
nnd brooches, but ns ornnments for tho hnlr.
Tho llttlo tortoise shell sldo combs with jow
eled tops havo proven n great success, and
nro worn by ladles of nil pges, elderly ones
fastening their puffs nud curls in plnco nt tho
sides of tho fnce, v. hllo younger ones plnco
them wherever the hnlrnppenrs to need nn
onininent. These llttlo flat combs nro only
nlxmt three Inches long, but mako very cf
fectivo ornament with their sparkling lino
of brilliants or rubles, ns tho enso chances to
to bo. Jewelers' Circulnr.
rincnr Utiles.
Tho Mnrqulso ring has gained favor nmong
tho ladles, nnd Is very popular when com
posed of Hiuall but lino diamonds. From
London comes what is called the bnnglo ring,
which consists of a gold hoop that nearly
meets on top of tho linger, either end being
sot with n gem, usually n ruby or brilllnnt.
Of English origin, too, is tho horseshoo ring,
which, ns the namo indlcatos, has its gom
sotting in tho form of a horseshoo. A very
effectivo ring seen was a plain gold hand
widening slightly at tho top nnd set with flvo
flno pearls, grndunted ns regards tho slzo, tho
largest ono lclng in tho center. Quito n
popular ring is what is termed tho diamond
half hoop ring, set with diamonds half way
Theatre TlniiqueU.
In tho larger theatres of Paris tho poetical
idea of thcatro bouquets is agnln coming into
tho foreground. These nre generally smnll
round bunches of flowers with lace frill, very
oftou mado from tho border of a pretty, old
pockot handkerchief.
Drm Shoes anil 811k Sleeking.
Tho shoo with embroldored front, iu tho
Illustration, is of natural colored Danish
leather (it may bo of very flno leather), em
broidered with tho elaborate pattern in flno
metal bends nud silk, shonn In tho central
ilguro of tho cut. Dress shoes nro now very
fashiouablo when made either of leather or
dull corded silk, of a color to match tho
dress. Tho remaining shoo is of tho latter
Tho stockings shown nro of n very clegnnt
description, tho greatest iosslblo luxury lo
iug now indulged iu iu tho matter of silk
hosiery. Ono Ilguro represents 11 red stock
ing with richly embroidered clock ten inches
long. Tho stocking shown Iu tho other Ilguro
can bo purchased in any color, and is orna
mented iu front with n pleeo of real Valenci
ennes lace, thirteen inches long nnd three
nnd n quarter inches wido iu tho middle;
this lace insertion is edged witli a row of em
broidery. I'iiiIiIoii Notes.
No wedding trousseau is now complete
without n fan to correspond with overy
evening toilet.
Very flno silver wntch chnins nro olfictod
by somo youths whoso fathers or mothers
lmvo tho money to procure them gold ones.
Silver ohntolnlnes contlnuo to bo worn
especially with tea grows by slender young
Bangles rvmulu iu favor.
Tortolso hhel I jewelry sot with small dia
monds is worn.
Now Indian bill; und French foulardt
como in large designs.
B11U warpod Hanriotta cloths nro taking
Uio placo wiUi many of French cashmere
Fashions nnil Fan) of the Dinner
Table Smiling riant for Spring.
Regulation dinner napklus nro -oven-eighth
or n ynrd squnrc
Tnbla mats, though a convenience nnd still
popular on family tables, nro hardly to bo
regnrded ns styllih, Those crochotlcd from
heavy whlto cotton represent n favorite
kind. I
Tiny doyley for finger IkiwI nro'deco
rntcd with etching in Indelible Ink or em
broidered with wnshnble silk.
It I fnshlouable n well ns pleasant nnd
economical to uso n henvy cloth of whlto felt
ing or rnutou llnunel under the whlto linen
tablo cloth. This protects tho table, lessens
wear on tho damask, nud Is moro ngreoablo
than tho linen covering nlono.
Heat Methods of Cleaning fllnis.
To clean gins tattle, fill with ammonia
wnter, put In somo smnll shot, nbout n ton
spoonful to n medium sired Imttlo, nnd shako
rapidly till thobottloi clean. Whcro tho
shot is not convenient, smnll pebble or cin
der will mister tho snmo purpose, nlthough
thoy nro not ns clean to uso as tho shot,
Whcro n fine, glass bottlo I to Ik cleaned,
nonoof these things should bo used, ns they
nro sure to scratch nnd defneo tho glnss. Fill
tho liottlo two-thirds full of nmmonlnwntcr,
put a soft swnb on tho point of n flno bout
wlro nnd clean tho Iwttlo with tho swnb. If
tho whole cannot lw cleaned In this wny,
nfter cleaning ns much ns olblo, remove
tho wlro, put In tho lottlonn eggshell brokon
flno, nud shnko well. This will clean Uio
bottlo nnd will not defneo tho glass. When
putting I co In frngilo glnsses bo very careful
that you do not drop It in, which Is tho usual
custom, or you will lo wondering why the
bottoms of tho glasses fall out so easily.
A Ilcnovntnr of Silk Fnhrlrs.
Totato water clean silk of any kind or
color, say n houiowifo. For ovory quart of
water to m used In washing n dress, for In
stance, pare nnd grato ono largo potato. Put
tho grated jiotntocs into tho wnter, which
must bo soft wnter nnd cold; lot stand two
days without being disturbed in nuy wny;
then very carefully pour off tho clonr liquor
from tho sediment into n lnrge, convenient
vessel, in which dip tho ploces of silk up nnd
down. Of course, silk must not bo creased
by wringing it; let it hang and drip nearly
dry, then lay it Hat on the tablo and wlpo it
first on ono side nnd then 011 tho other. If
necessary to press it, do so between llannol
with n modcrato Iron.
Holy I'nly for Drunerl.
Try nn npplo roly poly for dessert. Mix
n cup nud n half of sifted Graham flour with
tho samo amount of whlto flour. Sift with
them n teas)oonful of soda and two of cream
of tartar. Wet theso with n cup of sneot
cream, or, if it is moro convenient to uso
sour, omit tho cream of tartar. Hnndla na
quickly nud ns llttlo ns possible. Holt Into
nn oblong sheet nqunrter of nn inch thick;
cover with good linking npplos, sliced thinly,
or with nny other fruit preferred; leaven
margin nt each edgo; then roll, pinching tho
edges llrmly together. Wrnp in n napkin,
allowing room to swell; put In a covered tin
basin, Iu n steamer, over n pot of boiling
water. Set tho basin on Micks to nllow tho
steam to pass underneath. Eat with cream
nnd sugar.
OrniiRo I'uddlnc.
Peel and pick to pieces four or flvo oranges
(according to sire), put luto n pudding dish,
sprinkling sugar between each layer. Bo
careful to tako out nil tho seeds, ns thoy givo
a bitter tasto. Tako tho yolks of threoeggs,
ono tnbles)oonful of corn htarch, ono cup of
sugar, ono pint of sweet milk. Boll this
custard. When it Is done, nud w hllo still
hot, pour over tho oranges. Beat tho whites
of tho eggs to a stiff froth, add two tablo
spoonfuls of sugar, nud put it over tho pud
ding nud plnco in tho oven until it is a doll
cnto brown color.
finvlnc Stepi,
It casts nothing to koop broom and dustpan,
nud saves tlmo to havo two or throo, ono for
tho kitchen uso, ono for tho nittlng room, and
ono to sweep feet in winter. Thero should
nlwnys Ihi n set plnco for these, and ench
momber of tho family required to keep them
there Shears aro needed many tlmo during
tho day, nud a pnlr should be In overy room;
nlso a conrso nocdlo and thread. A good pin
cushion will always find customers, and
plenty of match safes are indispensable.
Ilaiidinme Center I'lere for the Table,
Tho contcr ornament of tho tnblo nt a re
cent dinner, ns described by Harper's Bazar,
was n hundsomo basket, low in shape, but
with a long twisted handle, filled with largo
nnd crfect bunches of gropes; tho stem of
ench bunch was tlod with purplo satin ribbon,
ench tie of a different shado. Tho basket
itself stood upon n mat mado of ribbons tho
same shado and width ns that usod for Uio
ties, nud tho whole effect was cluirinlng.
A New Wrinkle at Dinner forties.
Chcse straws nro n now wrluklo nt dlnnor
parties. The checso comes iu long sticks llko
macaroni, mid one end is tied with a narrow
strip of ribbon. Theso choose straws wero
first introduced nt tho 5 o'clock teas two sea
sons ago, nnd now And their way to tho fash
ionable dlnnor table.
Ornuinontnl Kami.
Attractlvo for tho parlor Is tho fancy oasol
ropreseiueu in mc,
cut. As a conve
nient catch-all it is
a graceful chango
from the wall pock
et. The easel is in
twisted Japnneso
straw, Boppe-rUng""
a high backed bask
et, draped with
ruby volvet or
Iloman sheeting,
enhanced with cor
dellcresand fringo
lnold gold; against
back board in
straw or velvet is
often placed a pict
ure or engraving
of tho day, whllo
photos of celcbrit ios
nro thrown luto the
open Ixik for tho
diversion of visi
tors. This 1 occp
tncle niny also bo
used for tho latest magazines, which will
then Iw always "handy."
hlnrllni; 1'lunL for tliu Coining Season.
Pansy and veibeun mxhI ought to bo sown
Immediately In Ikixcs in the house, iu onlcr
to get strong plants by tho time thoy will bo
minted for tho flower garden. Dublin seed
started now will mako lino plants tlmtwill
flower beautifully tho coming season.
(iiiiiilMi honp in Muiln In tint South.
One chicken fried brown, one gallon of
wnter. four tllcos of ham; cook slowly four
hours, t.tUoouo quart of okra, chop Hue, mil
ono pint tomatoes, one oulou chopped, suit
nnd popper to taste; cook until theso lugrcill
snta iloue.
fif'M ' 91
SafcC$ MOsliiLQ,.
Special attention will be paid to
Stock Large.
Assortment Complete.
All the New Shades.
All the New Fabrics.
145 South Tenth Street.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street.
Meals 25 ets. $4.50 per week.
Verdict : oi: : tle : .People
Nebraska Floral Company,
12s; North 12th Street. Telephone 682-
Woven Wire Bed Springs at $2.00.
Husk Matrcsscs, Cotton Top at $2.25.
GUILES, 1210 0 Street
And now ready for inspection at
John Morrison's
All the Finest Qualities and Latost Patterns in stock. I have
the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal
and see my goods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
Union - Pacific Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest
tHi ff jS r 'Til rf 'li
. (Ill I m
xv m m rea wj m-
"The Dveriand Route
Tako tlioiivorland llycr und ut nniin tnuti I'licillo coast points.
Hunulmt Into Union Depots ami connui'tlmt with tlio f.itt llmltcil trains of all llnmfor n
points east, north und south. Tlirouuli tickets on iiukUtii ilay coaches, llnmimro oluHJlia
tlirouKhtoilebtluatlou from nil HlntMuuMl In the I'littcd htates and Canmla.
Sleeper uccumiiioilatlons rukcrved in through Pullman Palace cars from the Miss u
liver to the Pacific coast.
12. B. SLOSSON, Agent.
1:. u
l"ln.t Vlca-l'iwldei
leut. Asa. Oou. Pas.
Route to all points in
HUl O Stiwt, Lincoln, Nehniskn.
1.0.MAX. J. a TKiiinrre.
nnd Ticket Agt. Uon. Piu tmd Tiukot Ajf