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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1888)
t, t1 nr THE COURIER. A tywJar jrjr e Jkfodsrn Ttm. Jitirday Evening, March 17, 1888. Tim Cmirlrr Cnn 1e I'ound At Windsor lfottl News Htand, Capital Hotel NcwsHtnnd, Odell's Dining Hntl Nowa Hlund. Clnsoti A Fletcher's, UIO 0 HtrreU A. T. taming A Go's., 1100 O Hlrcet. Tho Gotham NowsHtaml, 11H Houtli llth Ht. Keith nm., lit Not Hi llth Htrcot. Kd. Young, 10CO 0 Htrcot. NOTIOK TO ADVHHTIHKUH. Advertisers are requested In send In thol favors as rnrly n possible, not Inter Minn four o'clock Friday afternoon, ns tlio Count Kit goes to press that ovenlng. When ordering your advertisement out (Imp tlio business mnnngct ncard. Tho collector Is apt to forgot tuch orders, ntul rompllnuco with thli request will suvo us troublo and yourself nnnoynnco. We ro dnlly adding to our list of subscribers, employing n man especially for thnt solo pur po,und claim thatusun advertising medium tho Couiiikh In unexcelled. Dunlnp lints Spring Style. SPRING STYLES. W.R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher, 1137 O Street. Whltobrenst Coal and Ltmo Company. Lecvrtfi Domestic 7.fl5. Lnco curtains at Onklcy fie Co, Delicious lunches at Brown's Ca(5. Oysters, fresh, fat and fluo at Brown's. Ask your grocer for homo inailo bread. Bmoko Club Room cigar. Burr block. Fifty cent glove inle at Oakley & Co. Farty mltta and gloves at Oakley & Co. Carpets at bottom prices at Oakloy fc Co, Trickey & Co., wholesale and retail Jewelers. Kern Si Roberta, dentist S3 Alexander Blk. Embroideries in fancy edgings nt Oakley's. Don Cameron, lOSft-0 street, for lunchea Black silk mltU just received nt Oakloy & Co. Muslin underwear, now line, nt Oakloy & Co. Call for 18o full regular hose at Oakloy & Co. Got tho boat. It 1 Lenvltt's Domestic 7.05., All tho lotcat wraps and Jackets nt Oakloy ACo, Thirty-two Inch sateen 13 l-2o at Oakloy fcCo. Jots, Jets, jot, In trimming and panels nt Oakley's. Broadcloths f 1.25 and nmnton cloth nt Oak ley; Co, Hot rolls and to biscuit at tlio City bakery every day. Thousand mile tickota for solo at 115 South Tenth straot. Pure, ftrstrdass goods at BetU & Bowell's, .fiOO street. Oysters in every style, f lno and fresh, at Don Cameron V. Go to tho City bakery for homp made bread. Cor. 10th and N. Try Hutchlni & Ilyatt's Mendota lump for aleaMsUo purposes. Our best families all uso no other coal but Le-vltfs Domestic Our May Lee So cigar ts the best In the city. Try It Burr block. Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebreast Coal and Lime Co. Take the Elkhorn linos, Omaha train leav ing Lincoln at 7 a. m. Oakley & Co. have the fast black hosiery for ladies and children. After tho club parties, go to Brown's new caf t5 for a delicious lunch. Canned goods of overy description atBotts & Bowell's, 1120 O street, Betts Si Sowcll aro headquarters for fluo groceries, at 1130 O street. Smoke tho Club Room cigar mado by Ha vanah cigar factory, Burr block. Before Insuring look up tho Mutual Life Insurance Company of Now York. TheMItsourlPaclfla railroad run free reclin ing chalr'cars on nil through trains. lluttins & Hyatt mako a sjieclalty of sea soned W3 and toft wood, cut to order. Roast Turkey, Goose and all kinds of meats at Don Cameron's every day for dinner. Finest line of, smokers' meerschaum articles at tho Havana cigar factory, Burr block. Monarch and Lincoln brands of canned goods at Betts & Bowell's, 1120 O street; Fifteen cents a yard will buy a cholco French gingham of Ashby & MUlsuaugh. Doctor B. F, Ualloy, ofllco anil residence cor. of Thirteenth and O street. Tel. 017. Seasonable fruIU of nil kinds nrq special ties,, at Betts & Bowell's, grocers, 1120 O Imported smoking tobaccos, finest made, to be had only at Havana cigar factory, Burr block. Tickets to points in Kansas, Missouri and tlekebTvIu Oinalia on Bale at Elkhorn ofllco, 115 Bo. 10th St. Tho Mutual LIfo Insurance Co. of New York. W. B. Hastings, District Agent, room 63, Burr block. Bette & BeweU keep tho freshest groceries to be bad in, the city. Everything In tho family tree. supply lino at their store, 1120 O f F Amv "f I '.H g fr-' j If you want soma of those Oo glnhams you mmt get them quickly, as thoy will only las w days loafer .v ASHBT & MlLL8lUGH. Mr. D. Newmaa to la New York on a pur. fcMfag tewr and Mr. Newman fa In Bait Lake ' 0 THE ELKS' JltATKKNITY, NOTESnEOAnDINQTHENOBLEOriDEn What Is It el nit Done at llnmn nnil Atirnmt In MinlMI. O. K. Among tho number of secret organization that now enjoy n prosperous distance In Lit), coin, nouo have a brighter future than tho now lodge of Klks, instituted Saturday own ing at K. of 1. hall. Twenty luemlwrs of tho order from Omaha and abroad wero present to assist In tho Initiatory ceremonies. District Deputy Oraml Exnltor Ruler John Francis of Omahn, in nn nblo and acceptable manner conducted tho services. At lialf-mst ten nil hands repaired to tho Windsor hotel, where a spread of dollolotis nulistnntlals and dainties awaited tho coming guests. Tho banquet was ono of tho finest that has been spread In Lincoln this season, and wixs served In coursed with wines, vlst Claret, Sherry and Mumm's Extra Dry. At tho conclusion of tho feast, tho flaw of wit, wisdom and eloquence was onjoyed for sev eral hours, there liolng a number of very fluo toasts rciqiomtod to by mouthers of lioth Om aha and Lincoln lodges. Of tho soveral oloquent toasts of tho even ing that of Mr. O. E. Mogoon entitled "Tho Lincoln Iodgo" received greatest amount of applause, and wo nro permitted to print it ns followst "Ono of tho singular stories of ancient my. thology was, that Jupiter took to himself a HKmse, and finding soon afterwards that she wai with child nnd fearing that tlio child, If a son, would wrest his power from him, Inju diciously swallowed his wlfo and tho unborn Imlio. As tho time of birth drow near Jupi ter felt great pain In his head and ordered ono of his servitor to split his head open with his battlo nxn; whorcuixm Mlnorva sprang fourth from tlio brain, clad In full ar mour. I am reminded of this fublo by tho organluitton of tho Lincoln lodge. It dntus its origin from this banquet boanl that has witnessed feats of swallow lug quite as ro markablo In their way as that of tho old Greek God. It springs Into existence, wltn tho stature of a mat), anil armed cap-a-pio for tho strtiTxle of oxlstenco. Wo pride eursolvos that s-j lusty an Infant must devclopo Into magnificent manhood. With Its birth it in herits tho future, with nil Its aspirations and possibilities, with all Its repining mid disap pointments. Its object will bo to promoto tho comfort nnd well lielng of Its memliers, and to share thotr bunions and sorrows, to cultlvnto fraternity nnd good fellowship, to arrest illwlll nnd malcontentlon, to stand lie sldo our brothers In Hfo and by his tomb nt death, to imrvuo together tho Journey of life until wo reach tho littlo wnysldo Inn where nil must sleep and whore tho only salutation is 'good night.' To tho Omaha lodge as nn organization nnd to tho members as Individuals, as n bride, wo plodgo you our troth; you nro our sponsors, your pledges wo will redeem, and as tlmo goes on and kindly consideration ripens into enduring friendship, I trust wo niny often meet to drink long draught from n loving cup nnd Join in singing: 'And here's n hand, my trusty friend, And glo's a hand o'thlno, And wo'U tnk a right guid wllllo-wnught For Auld Lang Syno.' " KLK NOTES, Tlio baby has been bom audit's n healthy ono, too, Tho question of tloslrabla club rooms Is now what Is agitating the members Just now. First regular communication of Lincoln lodgoNo. HO, wait held nt tho A. O. U. W. hall Monday ovoulng. A commlttoo of flvo wero appointed Mon day evening on constitution and by-laws for tho Elks lodgo and club. As a starter tho baby lodgo "put through" thirteen initiates for tho second nnd two for tho Unit on Monday evening. Regular communications of tho Lincoln lodgo for tho present will to held In tho A. O. U. W. hall, 1110 O street, over Mrs. Gospor's store. Thurvlny ovonlng n business meeting was held, convening nt 7 o'clock nnd lasting ono hour. Then! wero no lodgo matter attended to, tho meeting being principally to audit ac counts, oto. Mr. R. 8. Berlin of tho Omalia lodgo, who came down with tho delegatos from tho me tropolis, was tho guest of Exalter Ruler F. C. Zohrung whllo.ln tho city. Ho returood homo Monday. A special communication of Lincoln lodgo, No, 80, B. P. O. E., will bo held Thursday evening next, instead of Monday, as an nounced. Work In tho first and second de grees will bo glvon. Saturday night was a bad timo for the Omaha Elks to got away or moro would have Jolnod in on tho trip. Tho newspaper boys wero all busy as bees getting out their Sun day editions, most of tho salosmon and mer chants has to bo nt their places of business Saturday night and had it been on any othor night almost the entire Omaha lodgo w ould have como down. Tlio Elk visitors in the city last Saturday woro Messrs. John Thompson, of Providence (R. L) lodgo, Louis H. Lyford of Boston lodge, and member of tho Omaha lodgo as follows: John Francis, D. D. E. R.; A. B. Davenport, 11 R.; E. U. Snyder, E. L. JC; R. C. McClure, E. L. K. ; D. W. Unynes, sea ; W. Van Cott, treas.; Martin, Kelly Tyler, J. "W. Miner, C. W. Thompson, II B. Alexan. der, M. Terrill, II. W. Hyde, W. R. South anl, Frank Balch, J. E. Larklns, W. M. Bchull, Tho. Godfrey and R. Berlin, making twenty in all. Exalter Ruler Frank Zehrung on Thursday received n beautiful hot of jowols as n present to tho now lodgo from tho Omaha Elks. Tho set comprises fourteen piece and are said to bo tho finest wt lit the west Thoy are in cased in a neat Russia leather lox with the following in gilt lnsciilied on the lid: II. P. O, E. Omaha Lodgo No. 89 To Lincoln Lodgo No. 60. Tho jowols wero soon by nil who entered Zehrung & DtuuV pharmacy Thursday nnd wero greatly admired. Ed. Ewiug and U C Dunn wero shown the mysteries of tho first, Monday evening. It Is expected that tho first social session will be glvon about tho middle of April. Tho boys uro going to Omaha to tuko in n social session of No. SO to "kind o' get xstod as to how it's done." Rest as sured howover, No. 80 will not bo very slow In It first, uttempt, Mr. K'tnp Rn. ltn nt Mnhimbntn Inwn who recently moved to Lincoln, Is opening out a largo stock of ladles' and genu' flue Hlinert. nt 1010 H Ktrwt. tvYimvlnrr M... linlf of Mr. L. BatT's jowelry store. By the way, air. mrrnui nmiio quite a nobby look ing store of tha old stand, Mr. H tears occupy ing tho sldo tliat Closon & Fletcher vacated. Miss Magglo Mitchell begins an engagement at tho Fourteenth Street tboatro next Mon day night, presenting for the first tlmo in New York "Magglo tho Midget," which will bo presented with a oompeteut cast and hand some scenery and accessories. The play fa certainly not new to western people. THE ARTFUL BnUSH. A Visit to n Lincoln Art Htitillii. A brief call njion Mrs. Van Alstynn, at her elegant rooms In tho Eutcrprlso block will av suro anyone that sho Is not unappreciated by Lincoln's most fastidious art students, nnd that Mrs. Van Alstyno Is worthy of this ap preciation got without saying. Tho lady has studied the lost fow years with the best masters In tho east, thereby enabling her to bring forth In her pupils something nbovo tho nverago result of artists. Her Ideas aro modern and her Kwcrsof Imjvutlng aro phonoinltial, To tho visitor her rooms nro n scene of art and beauty, and from II n. in. to fi p. m. tho liarlors aro filled with iientoverlng students, each strlvliigin tholr utmost to oxcel. Among tho numerous plocm of nrt under process of completion went noticed KVernl lienutlful screens, which In thomselv cm wero marvels of art and eleganco nnd certainly Ikj sHnk much credit to lioth tutor nnd student. An exqulslto tea gown, of black surah silk, was being handsomoly decorated by tho ar tist herself which will, when dono, U a rolsj fit fornqueoii. Tho entire front is lirocadid with "falling imnslea" of dlirorent colors, arrnngod In acconlanco with tho artist's s-r-fect taste. Wo also iiotlcetl soveral (liilshcd pieces, among them a tepresuntntloii of tho Oriental Idol, which was a production far above tho skill of nn amateur. A very pretty snow scono was receiving tho llnlshlng strokes, which portrays n forest scene In mid winter. Many unfinished pictures woro uot(cd with tholr "faces to tho wall" which will er' long brighten tha homo of somo ambitious art stu dent. Mrs, Van Alstyno Is n natural artist, of much ability, and altovo all n most ngrecublit and successful teacher and wo earnestly Iiohj that hor success will lie dally ndvaneod. Hocliil mill Porsonn . Mr. A. II. Weir jmld Hannibal, Ma, n visit this week. Miss Mlnnlo Iittn is visiting relatives In Plattsmouth. Mr. F. 1). Reeves returned Monday from his eastern trip. Mr. A. B, Raymond inspected tho new town of Alliance this week. Mr. Gtistln, wo nro sorry to say, has lieen qulto 111 for n few days. Mr. John II. Ames nnd wlfo returned from their Florida trln Satunlay. Mr. E. W. Parish of Chicago, Is visiting his brother, Mr, J. D. Parish. Miss Mnrquett was "At Homo" to n fow friends Friday ovo of last week. Mr. O. J. Wilcox, of tho Gorman National bank, loft Monduy for Furgo, Dnk. Miss Knto Dainrow will visit hor friend Mis Gilbert nt Denton, over Sunday. Dr. M. E. Jones has returned from u trip to tho coal and Iron region of Alalmma. Messrs. J. E. Utt and G. M. Lnmbertsoii loft for Chicago Wednesday on lioanl of trndo business. Col. W. W. Wilson has tired of tho cllmnto of Florida, and tuny now bo found nt homo In Lincoln. Mr. J. E. Mlllor, tho prlnco of dry goods men, jwild Kansas City a flying visit tho fore part or tlio wook. The Pleasant Hour club, so wo are In formed, will not announce another dancing jwirty this season. Mrs Putnam entertained a fow friends at hor elegant resldenco on K and Twelfth streots last Friday evo. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hargrenves left Sun da on an ertended trip east, taking In Chi cago, Now York nnd Boston. Tho Lincoln Hotel company has filed artl of lncorKrntion with tho secretary of stnto, and tho big hotel will lw built. Mr, S. M. Ashby Is in Chicago looking up new styles In dress goods for tho popular dry goods houso of Ashby & Millspaugh. Dr. W. J. P. Lnwton and wlfo have return ed from their trip of six months to tha east, nnd are at present stopping at tho Llndoll hotel. Mr. M. McKlnnon,B. & M. car accountant who has been 111 for tho past two weeks Is con valcscent nnd expects to bo at his jnwt next week. Tho "Happy Holpors" of tho Presbyterian church gavo an entertainment Wednesday evening at tho church, which was well patro nized. Mr. Jacob North of tho Journal celebrated his fiftieth birthday Wednesday evening by a very pleasant social gathering nt his homo on O street Mr. John Schulor, with L. Moyer & Co., loft last night for Buffalo county, In rospouso to a telegram announcing tho sorious illness of his father. Tlio Harmonlo society will hold n meeting tonight for the purpose of tossing resolutions of respect to tho memory of tho dead emperor of Germany. Mr. Charles Carter, deputy commissioner of public lands nnd buildings, returned Tues day from Washington, where ho had been on official business. The Police ball at templo hall next Thurs day promises to lw very largely attended, nearly 800 tickota havo been sold and an en joyable tlmo is assured all who attend. A very pleasant loop year party was given nt Temple hall Tuesday evening. Unas un der the management of Mr. 8. A. Warner, and it Is unnecessary to say was n success. Several lending memliers of tho Knights of Pythias accompanied Governor Thayer and stair to Omahn Wednesdny, w hero thoy wore glvon n reception by tho second regiment of tho Uniformed Rank of that city, A meeting of tho director of tho Union club was hold Wednesday evening to formu late pl-uis for the erection of n club building. Tho matter has been talked of so long thnt tha Couhieii hopes Immediate action w ill lie taken. MIssFlorenco Lnwonstcin, a sister of Mrs. I. C. 'Wise, who visited hero last winter, was married Thursday evening to Mr. f. Doutch, at tho bride's homo in Cincinnati. Tho CotmiKii Joins friends in extending congratu lations. The death was announced Monday after noon of Mm, IS. S. Ahliott. Tho funeral took placo from tho Congregational church on tho following day. Mr. Abbott was greatly In terested in charitable works, nnd her death is generally regretted. Henry Weasel, brother of ono of tho Cotjn lEit proprietors will arrive from tlio wot today and on 'Monday continue his Journey eastward to New York City whore ho will enter a prominent law school nnd liegln study for tho legal profession. Brown, tho popular carter and retaumntcr has moved Into hi now and elegant quartors next to tho Windsor hotel nnd will oeuou Monday next. In our noxt Issue will bo found a description of his new cafe. Cull around and see 1dm opynlng day. Mr. Mid Mrs. J. I!. Harloy gavo their littlo daughter Dora n very pretty party on Mon day list. The littlo onta report tho "nicest time they ever had," as usual, and knowing Mrs. Hurley's ability as an entertainer, we liavo no doubt the littlo ones wero right. THE THEATRICAL WORLD. A WEEK'S REVIEW AND PROSPECTIVE. The Field of Ainiiietiiont In Lincoln. News About I'lity, Actors, I'.tc, ANNIK rtXI.KT. Funko's Opera housu has not held an aud ience formally a night that has licen so thor oughly pleased and satisfied with a play and actress as tho ono thnt wltneHscd tho first presentation of tho "Deacon's Daughter.'' Tho play Is by Mr. A. C. Gunter ami tho scenes laid in Now York city and Fawtucket, Tho synoslsof thopleco In brief Is thnt a ihsieon's daughter (wrtraywl by Mis Pixloy) goes from her homo In Connecticut to Now York City and nfbir two years as nunto girl, contrary to tho wishes of a strict father visits tho theatre and like It so much that sho stud leu diligently to lieromo nn actress and finally makes n succos of tho endeavor. Mean while hor father Is not nwnro of his daugh ter'? new Ufa nnd knowing of his visit to New York, sliechangesnttlro with hor maid and nppears lieforo hor father nt tho hum ble servant ho had ortrayed her to bo, ho always having a horror for actresses, play" houses, etc. Owing to tlio presence of sov eral actresoft attired a la ilrcolrttr, ho finds his daughter In the homo of bad people and tears her nwny, taking hor homo. Rather than break tho old man's heart, shu remains nt homo doing chores, washing, etc. Ono day tho houso nnd homo Is sold out tinder mortgagu and by n scheme lictween tho daughter and her lover, tho old folks are taken to Now York and the deacon secured good employment. Charlie, tho lover, grad ually shows tho deacon tho amusements of tho city until he rather likes tho theatre and Is finally taken to the theatre to sea "Ma bel Hawthorn" (his daughter) In tho play. Ho greatly admires tho actress nnd wishes his own littlo girl could bo half as cultured nnd duo a lady. Mother nnd father, aro af terwards taken by Chnrllu to visit tho nc tress nnd dually n clear sky hover ovor all nud tho deacon docs not think tho actress tho worst peoplo In tho world. Miss Pixloy assumes tho leading rolo Inn manner thoroughly pleasing to all. Her seclaltle) wero encored every act nnd twice recalled after fall of tho curtain. Tho deacon In tho hands of Mr. M. C. Daly was tho II nest luqiorsonatlon of tho old Now England deacon wo have over seen. Hlsspeech nnd every no tion were true to nature nud much of tho suc cess of tlio evening may Imj allotted to him. Tlio balance of tho company was exception ally good, tlio costuming elegant and tho ex cellent stugo management alt rendering It ono of tho most enjoynblo plays seen at Funko's his season. THIS ATTIIACTION TO-NIOIIT At tho Funko will bo tho "Ranch King" with James D. Clifton in tho leading rolo Ho ts surrounded by n compnny of metropolitan artists. Among the most prominent are Miss Mary Trent, tho bright littlo soubretto who has won applause from coast to coast. Miss Mary Stuart, tho young nnd talented actress. Tho famous comedians, Gus Cohun nnd Win. Iloyer as delineators of Irish and negro char acters thoy are unexcelled. Tho play Is n pure nnd refined comedy melodrama nnd from beginning to cud is chasto and full of fun. It truthfully depicts tho checkered career of n ranchman's life w it li grotesquely ludrlcrous situations, Intermixed with scenes of pathos. Tho scene opens nt tho Ranch King's homo in the San Jounu country, and shift from there to tho sunny land of old Mexico, with a highly romantic llnale. A piny of tho day, amusing and Instructive to nil allko, Interspersed with refined specialties, new sparkling catchy songs and dances by n bevy of beautiful girls, comic and witty Buy ing by great comedians; introducing tho wonderful acting dog, Trlx, and tho ltatich King's horso Nero, tho Roman charger. Till! INIMITAIII.K LOTTA. Every tlieutro-goer tu Lincoln I eagerly an ticipating tho forthcoming visit of Lotlu. ThooiiKHKeuieiit will bo for two nights only, Monday ami Tuesday, nnd will begin with tho famous new play, "I'awu Ticket -.'10." Uittu Is as bright and us well worth seeing lit vcr, l'ypo and Ink mid paper cannot do her Justice; only u sorles of Instantaneous photo graphs could do thnt, and thoy, If they could bo hud, would liuilto an allium well worth much money. "Pawn Ticket No. 210" Introduces Lottu In a scries of situations that give her every op portunlty to show how amusing sho can be Tho scene of tho first and t bird nets Is n New York pawnshop, whero Lottu, known as Mug lias been pawned as a child for t.TO-and has boon loft for ten years' The second aid tho fourth ucts are In tlio parlor nud library of John Hternhold's home, Into which Mug goes first as a lady's maid, and finally as Htern hold's long-lost daughter. Tlio pawnshop Idea was a happy one, slnco It gives Lottu n wonderfully varied outfit with which to heighten the effect of hor madcap fun. She makes uso of hnr opportunities, too. Blio makes things lively from first to last, nnd keops every ono In such a gulo of merriment that tho absurdities of the piece aro almost forgotten. Lottn can say moro with a twist of hor wrist, a twitch of hor eyebrow nnd a left-handed kick of hor right foot than Noali, Webster got In his big dictionary. When sho talks ot tho sumo tlmo, Webster nnd Worces tcrtogcthcraroho tten out of sight. Tho littlo actress has somo good players with hor this year, as a glaitco over the cast sliows, whoare holplugher win now laurels with her excellent now play. Tho reserved seat sale wns oponed this morning and seats uro going oil qulto lively, "Littlo Dotcctlvo" will bo given Tuesday. KTAC1E TALK. Agnes Horndon Is "resting" in Now York. Booth & Barrett havo a data at tho Funko April 13. Lottn played a very succeaful thrco'nights engagement in Omahn this week. Tho Faiitnsma company passed through Lincoln Sunday en route Hastings to Wichita. John S. Clark's 1 1 road Street theatre, Phil adelphia, will bo sold at miction on tho 1th of next month. Tho llooth-Barrett combination appear two nights In Omaha and a Saturday matinee, at which Hamlet will bo tho attraction. Manager Al Hayman has offered Iiura Ki rnlfy $2,500 each for four perfermnnccs of Chevalier Blondln In Sun Francisco noxt fall. Funny Davenport has achieved another great success In "La Toscn," which promises to mako more iiiouoy for her than has "Fo doro." Rose Stahl, a pretty girl and u natlvo of Trenton, N. J., will debut in tho cast of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," when Baudmuun pro tents that play at Niblas, in Now York. Lotta ami Modjeska aro two type of re markably well preserved women. Modjeska was forty when sho liegnn to htudy English. Mis Lottu is Just thnt ago now. Sho played In Omaha three night this week. Roland Reed has made tho hit of hi life with Now York theatre-goers as Samuel Buiidy in "Tho Woman Hntor," and his Im personation of tho old bachelor who pretends to hate tho gentler ox, but In reality adore thorn is one of tho funniest thing seen on that stage for a longtime. Wall Paper, Wall Paper I ARTISTIC DISPLAY Thursday, Mch. 22, Wc will place on exhibition an especial ARTISTIC DIS- PLAY of the CHOICEST DESIGNS and FINEST COLORINGS in Wall Paper Decorations, Which were ever shown in Lincoln. A cordial invitation is extended to all. HOLBROOK & BONBRIGHT, 234 South Eleventh street. ea?..1,:E::M::E3JfcT1, OK TIIK Mutual Life Insurance RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. For tho Yoa ondlriK December Qlst, 1887. ASSETS, $118,806,851.88. Insurance and No Amount Policies nnd Annuities In force, Jan. 1, 1M7 I20.D27 !ilW,809,202 83 Gy,457,-l(VS 37 U1SK3 iVBHUIUtSl, - -'i 1IW,S12, l(KJ,2fi(l,071 21 Dr. Revenue To Balance from last account 101,710,731 31 " Premiums - - - 17,110,1)01 02 " Interest, Rents and Prem ium on Securities Sold - 0,000,020 SI l!J7,b;,C50 77 Dr. Balance To Reservo for Policies In forco nnd for risks tonnlimted,112,430,090 00 " Premiums rocoived In ad .. c vmleo' - - - - 82,314 30 " Surplus ut four per cent, 0,204,441 53 118,800,851 88 I have carefully examined tho foregoing statement and find tho snmo to lw correct, A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor. From tho Surplus nbovo stated n divtdonod will bo apportioned as usual. Risks Year. 1884 1885 18KJ 1887 Assumed. $34,081,420 40,507,139 50,832,719 KVt07,-HK New Yong, January 25, 1888 ROBERT A. ORANNI88, Vice-President I8AAC F. LLOYD, 2d Vice-President. WILLIAM J. EA8TON, Secretary. BOARD OF Samuel E. Sproulls, Lucius Robins in, Samuel I). Ilalicock, George S. Coc. John E. Dovelln, Richard A. McCunly, James C. Holdcn, Hermann C. Von Post, Alexander H. Rice, F. Ratchford Starr, Low Is May, Oliver Harrlmsn, Henry W. Smith, Roliert Olyphant, Oeorgo F. linker, Jos. Thompson, Dudley Olcott, Frederic Cromwell, Time; r QTPiMirvQ W' " "ASTINGS, Dlitrlct Manngcr, niOS. L. STEPHENS, I20 S. xoth St., Lincoln Neb. Special Agent for Lincoln. W. I ALLEN, General Agent, For Nebraska. Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, Ofllco over First National Bank, Cor. Farnam nnd 13th Sts., Omaha, Neb, SEE SPECIAL PRICES ON White Goods Gringliams FOR THE First Three Days of Next Week. ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW Bead Wraps, Jackets and Dlsters. Also our elegant line of the latest novelties in DRESS :-: GOODS, In Stylish Shades, viz: Ressida, Raisine, Copper, Olive, Bronze, Goblin, and all the newest tints. Beaded Trimming to match. O. R. OAKLEY & CO. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELLS DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY BLOCK, 1 1 19, 1 121 and 1 123 N Street. Meals 25 cts. $ per week. Company of Mew York, Annuity Account. No Amount Policies and Annuities In forco, Jan. 1, 1888 140,0 i:i 427,028,033 51 :iT,037,738 74 nisKs Terminated, - n,vu 152,230 10:1,2011,071 25 Account. Cr. By Endownientfl,Purchased In surances, Dividends, An nutlcs nnd Death Claims 14,128,423 CO " Comiiilsslons.Commntnt'ns. ") llliu 1111 ULllUl JA- tietmefl - 3,040,514 40" " Ilalanco to now account 1IU,U0I,7IB 03 127,830,(B0 77 Sheet. Cr. By BondsSecured byMortgngos , on Real Estate, - $49,015,208 00 " U. S. and other Bonds, - 43,430,877 81 " Real Estato nnd Loans on Collaterals, - - - 20,160,173 37 " Cash In Banks and Trust Companies nt interest - 3,010,302 CO " Interest nccrued, Premiums deferred nnd In transit nnd Sundries, - - 2,073,100 03 $118,800,851 83 Risks Outstanding $351,789,285 :HW,081,441 :3,809,203 427,028.033 Surplus. $4,743,771 6,012,034 5,0-13,508 0,30-1,443 TRUSTEES. Jullen T. Davit, Roliert Howell, 8. Van Rensselaer Crugor, Chailes R. Henderson, Oeorgo Bliss, Rufus W. Peckham, J. Hobnrt Herrlck, Win. P. Dixon, Robert A. Qrauulss, Nicholas C. Miller, Henry IL Rogers, J. AW Auchincloss, Theodore Morford, William Babcock, I'roston B. Plumb, Win.D.Wa&liburn. 7TTflWatfrrriiniiW mtrfmr 'Sw-mtrnim-mntfrrm f;"Pr2