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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1888)
'A ONION SAYINGS BANK in South ioth Street. OAPITAL, - - 9300,000 Liability of Stockholders $400,000, RTOCKIIOUJICH. J JIMIIOI'F JOIINFITWIKllAM) JOHN It 0I.A11K A S ltAYMOND K. K 1II10WN DAVID ItKMICK UK M0011K KIIKDHOIIMIDT J I) MACKAIILAND JOSKI'll WIIITM AS K K IIAYDKN OH AH. HA IMOND DDMUIll KKINNKY O K YATKH F M HAM. 1IKNHY K I.KWIH U W HHWT.KHK CM LAMUKIITHON MIiBMITII J McCONFIrT O W IIOM)IlF.aB T B OAI.VKIIT J W IIOWM AN L.MKYKII OIUMIIOKF orricrns. M E. MoonK. President. . llicNiiir Lewis, Vice President. . 0.11. ImioKr, Cashier Intcrrst paid on deiioslts of $3 and upwards nt the rate of fl tier wnt iht aiinuiii,comioundel semi Annually. Your saving account solicited. MONEXY TO LOAN For a long or short time on real estate or np proved collateral Nccurlty. Hunk open from 0:30 k. m, to 8:no p. m., nml oiiHaturdny evenings Xrom 0 to 8 i). in. FAST MAIL ROUTE. 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 TO Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas , City, St. Louis nml nil points South, Enst nnd West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Pnrsons, Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil principal points in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullmak Slkkpkks and Funic Reclinino Chaiii Caiis an all trains. EG. HANNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O and 12th Sts. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. ytlllin tho front and absolutely lending at) wmpotltors. Thoroughly equipped for th finest work, giving to each customer nn un qualified guarantee for all work dono. All ol our work done with neatness and dispatch We solicit orders for suburban villages and neighboring towns, paying tho express on nil aider one way. ltcspectf ully, C. J. PRATT Only Exclusive House in tho City, A. K. Davis & Son., An Elko ant Stocz. Ill-kbt 8tv " CARPETS 1112O Street. Call and boo us in our' Now Qunrters. Working Classes,; AttentlOE are no W prepared tc furnish nl classes with employment M home, the whole of the time, or for their spare moments Business now. light and prolltnble. Persons of Cither sex easily cam from 60 cents to $5.00 ei venlng, and n proportional sum by devoting all their time to tho busloos. Hoys and girl earu early tui much as men, That all who see till may send their address, and test tho business, il make tills offer. To such as arv not well satisfied we will send ope dollar to pay for the trouble ol writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Addreb iOeoiuik Stinson fc Co., l'ortland, Maine. VrAlTTlirtobemade, Cut tills ont and re Wl 1 1 h H turn t ""i anJ we w,u send y01 HI V 11 JJ X free, something of (treat value am Importance U. you, that will star you In buslmVis which will bring you in more money right away than anything elso In tills world Any onecan do the work nnd live at homo. Either ex; all ages. Somerhliig new, tliat Just cohu .money for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This U one of tre genmne, Important chauccs of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay, Grand ouUlt fre Address Tkuc & Co., Augusta Maine, T A TTcan lire at home, and make more money V 1 1 1 1 at work for us, than at anything else In 1UU tlls world. Capital not needed; you an started free. Largo earnings sura from first start. Costly outfit anil terms free. Better oot delay. Costs you nothing to send us your Address and llnd out: It you are wise jroc will do loatonco. II. 1ULLSTT& Co., 1'orUacd, .itlne. Crystal Steam Laundry Will call for, nnd promptly entrusted to them, anil finish same iu latest and best manner. NEW MCHINERY, ! be.t faculties in tho city, for doing strict er flrt-clasa work. Our now locations aro LAUNDRY, Corner 24th and 0 Sts. CITY OFFICE; 119N. 12th Street. TELEPHONE No. 478. t3fA. trial will convince you that the Crystal does tho best laundry work in tho ttace LINCOLN un iHffrrrcTK or rxsiuMnir, horthana and Typewriting. Beit and largest eoUee ta the west, at lufrnti prcparrd for busintvi In from to month. Inaivldual Instruction. Kulldod ex perienced facnlty. Bend for eoileie journal and iJUueuj of nenmuisbln to ULUUIUDUB ft ItOOBS, Lincoln, Xeb, tfr YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. BLINDMAN'S DUFF IN AMERICA, HOOD MAN BLIND IN ENGLAND. A Short Story About Disorderly Nun nnd Slier Clirlntiiius Stocking Iiitcllluml Monkeys That Amuse 1'ooplo with Tliclr Clever Tricks, Tho monkey, oven lu nn untrained condi tion, is always nn object of interest, nnd when ho is educated that interest It natur ally Incrrnhctl. In tho necoinpnnylng cut is given a very good plcturo of thoCnlmn moil koy, Mnthow, who enjoys a grout ivpittntlon for lutclllgonco. A Uulmn journal nssurco its readers that Mnthow will stand erect like n man, and politely salute nil present. Ho can wrcstlo nnd fight with nny dog of his slzo, comiwl n cat to lo hli most patient perv nnt, capture n pigeon nnd mnko it oxn nnd shut Its bill llko n pnrrot, Rtrlko nn nttltiulo of tho fiercest nttack on slgnnl from lt mas ter, or on n contrnry signal rclnim Into the: most submissive nnd InoITonsivo of creatures. ,1 & :?i UATItEW, THE CUBAN MONKKT. Tho nlravo is only tho merest outlluo of n fow of tho mnny things which this remark nblo nnlnml has been taught to do. His fumo having reached Madrid, ho has 1kmh sent over there, whero ho now attracts great at tention. Young Mr. Crowley, tho trick monkey in Central park, Now York, attracts much at tention from young nnd old. Ho will shako hands with visitors, wind up n Wnterbury watch, and indulgo in frequent lunches olT tho fruits, nuts, etc., brought to him daily by llttlo pcoplo, whom it need hardly bo told, ndmlro Mr. Crowley very much indeed. IUI ml mini's iiuir. Though man U somlor all tho day, Ills children they keep bright and gay And full of merry freaks. They think, and rightly too, no doubt, That laughing makes lltnks strong and stout, And rosy hued tins checks. Thero Is, jierhaps, no moro iwpular gamo known to tho juvenile world than ono hero known ns blindmnn's buff, whllo in England it is termed "Hoodman Blind," becausoit was customary to blind buff with a hood in olden days. HOODltAN BLIND. This gomo at romps consists, as most of our readers doubtless know, iu ono crson having a handlicrchiof bound over his eyes so ns to completely blind him, nnd thus blindfolded trying to chnso tho other players cither by tho sound of their footsto or their fmbdued merrhnont, as they fccrumblo away iu nil directions, endeavoring to avoid being caught by him; when ho enn manage to catch ono, tho player caught must in turn bo blinded, and tho gamo bo begun again. In somo localities it is customary for ono of tho players to lnqulro of Huff tlieforo tho gamo begins) "How many horses has your father got?" to which inquiry ho responds "Tureo." "What colors aro thoyT "lllnck, white and gray." Tho questioner then desires Duff to "turn round three times, and catch whom you mny," which request ho complies with, and thon tries to capture ono of the players. It is often played by merely turn ing tho blindfold hero round and round with out questioning him, and then beginning. The handkerchief must bo tied on fairly, so as to allow no llttlo holes for Duffy to seo through. Dliudmau's Duif is a very nncient pastime, having been known to tho Grecian youth. In Her Stocking. Tho following btory wns recent' 7 told in Tho Youth's Companion: Fnnnio wns tho good nnd orderly child of tho family, nnd Nan wns tho naughty ono. Nan's bureau drawers wero nover In order, nnd her clothes would probably lmvo gono unmondod till tho cloth parted company with itself, if grandma and Aunt Suo had not como to tho rcscuo, and heljK-d out in tho week's mending. Even her llttlo sister groaned over her ten dencies, and tiled to counteract them by wise counsel. "Nan," said sho ono morning, "whero is tho silk for mamma's tidy I'll help you finish it if you'll tell mo whero tho stuff is." "Oh, I'vo forgotten," said Nan, tho careless. "In my upper drawer, may bo, or In tho monding basket." "You won't got it dono boforo Christmas," said tho warning Fan, as sho looked over her sister's tumbled possessions. "Oh yos, I shall; thero's plouty cf tlmo," (aid Nan, taking a chocolate cream, and turning a leaf of her book. "Oh Fan, what do yousupposowo shall hnvo for Christmas!" Fan nt that moment was looking over a heap of tumblod clothes. Sho glanced up mischlovously. "I'll tell you ono thing you'll bo suro to find In your stocking," sold tho. "Whatr "A hole," Smiles and Tears. I smile, and then tho sun comes out; He hides away whene'er I pout; Ho seems a very funny sun To do whatever ho sees dono. And when it rains he disappears; Mko me, ho can't seo through tho teara. Now Isn't that tho reason why I ought to smllo and never cry? In moro than this is ho llko mo; For overy evening after tea IIo closes up his eyelids tight, And opens them at morning's light. Harpor's Young People, Wash combs and brush iu tpld water ontolnlng a llttlo ammonia. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Interesting I'nrN About tlio Skin l'npu Inr Itriui'ille nnd Itrclpo". Tho Wanly nnd health of tho body depend i pon the skin; kuowleilgo of its structure, unctions nnd the enro It requires Is there jro very iinrtnht. Among interesting tnltnry ))liitx, Dr. li 0. Cooke dewrllies ns dlows iu Demurest, tho oil glands and )x-r- ilratory system. Tho oil glands nro Imlicddcd lu tho skin ml ojin nl the end of each hair on tho sur aco of tho body nnd supply It with nourish ucut. It Is thu thlckenlui'of thuotl lu thowo lands which forms tho llttlo black rihiIh on lio skin, sometimes culled vtonui or grubs. Vhen Irritated by hqmvzlng, Uichi often In lamo nnd cause u uhroulu roiigliut'Hi of tho aco. Washing with very hot wnlcr nnd Hire soap rublied freely on tho parts iilroctcd vlth them black spots will often euro them, 'or tho stiff, uncoinfortnblo feeling resulting rum tho o of soap, n llttlo oil or vnsellno nay bo applied nfterwnnl. This should Ih lonont night. Nuver wnsli tho fmv Just Ih ore going out into tho cold. Oiling ulso irevents chapping. Tho 'tcrsplmtory appnraltm Is containod lu ho third layer, or true skin, nnd undcrlica ho coloring matter. It consists of mlnuto ubes which jwiss through tho upwr layers uul terminate iu its deciwst meslics. I'ach ubo forms n beautiful spiral coll, and when inlvlng nt Its destination colls uhii itself iu .uch n way ns to form nn oval sliapcd hall, ailed tho perspiratory gland. Tho ojH'nlngs if these glands wo call inires. Physiologists say that in nn ordinary sized ody thero nro nhout 7,000,OtK) perspiratory ules, each tuboono-fourth of an Inch long, naklng a drainage of nearly twenty-olght niles. From twenty to forty ounces of wnsto mss through those K)n overy twenty-four lours. If from cold or neglect those ojxn ngs liecotno obstructed, the nhsorlnts enrry his K)lsou back Into thu system for other organs to eliminate, giving these organs moro than their sliaro of work, nnd nn en tiro derangement of tho system follows sooner or later. Tho Iti,1i)' Until. First. Havo tho room warm, nnd overy. ihlngnthnnd which may lw needed during ilio operation. Tho baby's liasknt should bo arefully looked nfter, and ita rontonts ro 'ilonlshed when necewary. Becond. Tho irnter should lie of a pleasing tcnipcriituro neither too hot nor too cold and a pitcher of hot water nt hand to replenbh it us it cools, I'ho cloth used In washing If n cloth bo pro tcrixxl should lw fine nml soft, that it may lot irritate tho tender cuticle. A soft velvet --)ongo is much to lie preferred, however, and fow will return to tho cloth nfter onco trying .ts efficacy. In bathing, uncover but n smnll ortlon of tho body ntu time, keeping tho .-cnmlndcr wrapjied iu a llnunel, n soft old ilaukot or shawl nnswcrlnt this purpose ilcoly. Wash with gcutlo htrol;es of tho ipongo, and wiio instantly with n soft towol. Concerning tin, Complexion. When you find n soap thatiiipuroand Buita -our skin, contlnuo to uso it. Froquont linngcs nro bad for tho complexion. Pimples often nriso from washing with old water when overheated. For roughness, cnusodbyoxposurotowlnd, cpongo tho faco with equal parts of brandy did roso water. If you uso powder always wash it off boforo 'olng to bed Many persons prefer almond meal or oat ncnl to soap for washing faco and hands. Glyccrino does not ngroo with n very dry kin. A Fuvorltn Hulr Drrmlng. Ono of tho pleasnutosb nnd lKst of hair iressiugs can lie made by the following vclpo, which forms tho Iwiso of many of tho nost popular preparations lu wo: Castor oil (pure and friwli); six ounces; dcohol (05 per cent.), two ounces; oil of her- ramot, ono dram. Mix nml shako woll. .lergatnot Is an exquisite and favorite per i tune, but nny fragrant oil such as rosomary or lavender may lio substituted if preferreiL Tho proportions of the rccIo aro excellent, yot ono may mnko tho dressing loss oily, if liked, by omitting an ounce or two of the oil Cooking fiodii for Dunn. Common cooking soda affords speedy ro'lof to all burns and scalds, nnd is ono of tho best us it is ono of tho most conveniently obtained and applied, of domestic remedies. Tho dry xla should bo laid thickly over the burn (tho object being to excludo air) and should bo bound on with n cloth. When tho skin is badly broken, cloths wot with a very strong solution of soda in water nnd then spread with dry soda nro sometimes applied to tho burns. A Cure for Itlncwnrnm. Ringworms sometimes como on an appar ently healthy skin without any causo that can bo dlscovcrod, and provo very stubborn to treat. Dorax is said to bo n suro euro. Wash with a strong solution three times ir day nnd dust over with tho Una dry iwwdcr. Gargle for a Norn Throat. A physician prescribes tho following gar glo for a sore throat: A tahlospoouful of gly ccrino and ii llttlo wilt say half a teaspoon ful iu n half glass of water. SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. Good Milliners Moro Scrvlcealilo la So ciety llmii'u Hunk Account. Good manners nro not to common ns to bo of no weight in society, llko gootf ipclllng or good English, says Harper' Dnznr. Ono may bo as rich as tho Kotlisclillcln, ono may bo highly educated ami not jwssehX them, or ono may hnvo them in a degree. Good manners aro moro servlreablo than a passport, than a bank account, orn lineage, Thoy make friends for us; thoy nro moro potent than oloquenco nnd genius without them. Thoy undoubtedly spring from a kind heart, and nro the dictates of good humor. Thoy nre not something to bo lenruul from fashion news nnd books of etiquette; thoy nro not imported or borrowed. The good man nered jiorson docs not tells us our fallings, docs not lecture us; ho does not merely wear his manners because thoy aro becoming or KlItic, but been uso ho can no moro exist without them than without air. Thero nro those who may Im said to have n positive genius for good manners as an other has for conversation; they know how to sway others by thorn. Poho jicople have an influenco that is not duo to their position or possessions, to their learning or their wit. Thero aro those who believe that good man ners aro only another name for good clothes and good food and good homes with tho modern conveniences and luxuries, that thoy nro talkative and omphatlo nnd showy; but wo do not nlways find that tho best man nered jiooplo livo in iMilaces. Good manners nre bouiethlng which no bod j can afford to do without, no matter how rich or powerful or Intellectual ho may be. They add to beauty, they detract from per sonal ugliness, thoy cast a glamor over de fects, thoy ninnliornto the round bho'ildetn of this person and tho squint of tne other; whoro thoy exist, Imagination Mipplios defi ciencies of overy other attraction. Miey nro contagious, llko tho inoiudcs, but thoy must bo more than skiu deep to be of uuy service. Ranson , ,, MJ W ,., ' A WQIDEKFUL IIYEITIOI, This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and SavesGas. This light can be seen at our offlcel 25 N. 11th St. Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. SMITH 3 2 as S 3 l 3 90 3 3 I 8 1" 8 1 u B t til 0. 5 Hi i o k. VAN son I The foregoing plat shows the location of "Knob's Hill," the highest dryest and most beautiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots arc not high priced when their sightliness is considered; they are sure to be the homes of our best people, and will always be valuable property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms are thus: One-forth Cash; balance 3 Equal Annual Payments WITH INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. DELAYS ARRDANGRROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-five are sold. Buy now. MgBRIDE & MELONE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK, Carbon Light. Scale, 100 Ftl Inch. a V. Jr. 'i M i ai 3 3 a it ia 17 W X 0 ! ia IB ii 14 la IS D Ul ' ' V i , 'I ! J ' m -a " ' M i - . i STRUT. & S s a s s v s t a M 8 n a STW1T. i I