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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1888)
a tfS 'if PiW .J f h n i :i It" I '... r t . ii B F fl ?l r THE AGE OF SWINDLE. THE HEV, DR. TAUMAQE'8 SERMON AT THE TABERNACLE. Wkra Man's llutlnrs I.lf )nt Not Corrtupnnil AVI Hi 1IU l'rtifrMlon, lilt Kellglon Ii ft ltuiubiiir When It Is Right to llorrow. Brooklyn, Mnrch U Tlio hymn sung at Mm Tabcnmclo Mils morning tagiiis A cloud of wltnrwie nnmml HoM then In full ntmty target ' M slrrou! trwt, And onwnnl urgo thy wsjr, At, Inst Bnblwtli, tlio Itor. T. Do Witt Tnl tnftRti D.D., tlio pastor, hail Imptlccil liy prlnkling, lio, tlili morning, Imntlml liy Im mersion tiioso who proformi thin mode, a imptlstry having Ixxm liullt umlor tho pulpit. Thomhjwtof hiiMTtnon wnn, "Tlio Ago of Birlndlo," mid tho toxt, Job Till, 111 "Whoso trust sbnll lwn spider's Mob." Dr. Tixlmngo Midi Tlio two most skillful architects In nit tho world nro tho 1ho nnl tho spider. Tho ono Cuts up o sugar iiinuufnctory mid tho othor ullds ft slaughter homo for flics. On n bright summer morning, when tho nun comes out nnd shines uKn tho spider's web, ls docked with dew, tho gossmnor structure Kcmi bright onough for n suspension bridgo for supernatural beings to croin on. Dut alas for tho ioor fly, which, In tho fatter part of Hint very dny, ventured on It, nnd In cnught nnd dungeoned nnd destroyed. Tho By was Informed Hint It wnii n frco lirldgo. nnd would cost nothing, but nt tho othor end of thobridgo tho toll jiftid won ltd own Ufa, Tbo noxt dny thero coition n strong wind, nnd wny goon tho uob, nnd tho mnrnudlng tpldcr nnd tho victimised liy. Bo dollcnto nro tlio silken thread of tho spider's wob tlmtiimny thousands of them nro put to gether lieforo thoy lecouio vlslblu to tho human eye, nnd It tnkos -1,000,000 of them to S&ke n thread a lnrgo ns tho litinmn hnlr. ost cruel ns well ns most Ingenious in tho tpldcr. A prisoner In tho llnstllo, Franco, hnd ono ro trnlned thnt nt tho sound of n . violin it every dny camo for it menl of flic. Job, thonuthorof my toxt, nnd tho lending scientist of hi day, hnd no doubt watched tho voracious process of this ono Insect with mother, nnd saw spider nnd fly swept down with tho snmo broom, or scattered by the mmo wind. Alas, thnt tho world has so many designing spiders nnd victimized files. Tbcro has not been n time when tho utter and black irresponsibility of many men hav ing tho financial Interest of others In chnrgo tins been mora evident than in thoso Inst fovr years. Tho unroofing of Iwnks nnd dlsnppenrnnco of administrators with tho funds of lnrgo estates, nnd tho disorder nmld postoluco accounts nnd deficits nmld United States official, hnvo mndo a pestilence of crimo that solemnises every thoughtful man nnd woman, nnd lends ovory philanthropist nud Christian to auk: What shnll bo done to stay tho plnguof Thero Isrx monsoon nbrond, a typhoon, n sirocco. I somotimes ask myself 1st It would not bo better for men making wills to bequeath tho property directly to tho executors nnd officers of the court, and appoint tho widows and orphans n commit tee to see thnt tho former got nil thnt did not belong to them. Tho slmplo fnct is tliat thero nro a lnrgo number of men sailing yachts and driving fast horses, nnd members of expeuslvo club houses nnd controlling country seats who nro not worth a dollar If thoy return to other their Just rights. Under somo sudden reverse thoy fail, nnd with nflllcted air seem to ro Uro from tho world, and seora almost ready for monnstlo life, whon in two or three years they blossom out agnln, having compromised with their creditors, thnt is, paid thorn noth log but regrets, nnd tho only dlfferenco be tween tho second chapter of proaporlty and tho first is that tholr pictures nro Murillos in stead of Konfiotts, nnd their horses go n mile In twenty seconds less than tholr predeces sors, and instead of ono couutry sent thoy have three, I havo watched nnd hnvo no ticed thnt nlno out of ten of thoso who fnil la what Is called high life, hnvo moro means after thnn before tho failure, nnd In many of tho cases failure is only a strategcnitoeseniw the aymcut of honest debts nnd put tho world ott the track whllo they practice a large swindle Thoreis something woefully wrong In tho fact that those tilings are pos sible. First of all, I charge the blamo on careless, Indifferent bank directors and boards having la charge great financial Institutions. It ought not to bo possible for a prcsldont or cashier or prominent officer of a banking in stitution to swindle it year after year with out detection. I will undcrtako to say that If these frauds nro carried on for two or areo years without detection, either the directors are partners In tho infamy and pocketed part of the theft, or thoy are guilty ef a culpable neglect of duty, for which God will hold them as responsiblo as ho holds tho acknowledged dofraudors. What right havo prominent business men to allow their names to bo published as directors in a financial Institution, so that unsophisticated peoplo are thereby induced to deposit their monoy la or buy the scrip thoreof, whon thoy, tho published directors, aro doing nothing for the safety of tho Institution. It is a case of de ception most reprehensible. Many peoplo with a surplus of money, not needed for lmmodlato use, although it may bo a littlo further on Indispensable, nro without friends compotcnt to advise them, and thoy aro guided sololy by tho character of tho men whoso names aro associated with tho Institution. When tho crash camo, and with tho overthrow of tho banks went tho small earnings and limited fortunes of widows and orphans, and tho helplessly aged, tho directors stood with Miotic stare, and to tho inquiry of tho f ronriod depositors and stockholders who had lost their nil, nud to the arraignment of an Indignant public hnd nothing to sny except: "Wo thought It was all right Wo did not know thero was anything wrong go ing on." It was their duty to know. Thoy stood in a position which de luded tho peoplo with tho idea that they were carefully oHcrvnnt. Calling themselves directors, they did not direct. Thoy had opiwrtunlty of auditing accounts and inspecting tho books. No time to do sol Then they had uo business to accept tho posi tion. It seems to be tho prldo of somo monlod 'men to bo directors in a groat mnuy Institu tions, and nil thoy know is whether or not they get their dividends regularly, and their names aro used oa decoy ducks to brlug others Bear enough to bo inado game of. What, first of nil, is needod is that live thousand bank di rectors and insurance company directors re sign or ntUmd to thglr businoM as directors. The business world will bo full of fraud just as long as fraud is so easy. Whan you arrest she president and secretary of n bank for an smbeazleraeut carried oa for many years, have plenty of sheriffs out tho snmo day to arrest all the directors. They aro guilty aUber of neglect or complicity, "Ob," some one will say, "better preach 1 Ike gospel and let luminous matters alone," J replyi If your gospel does not Inspire ail oa honesty la the dealings of men, tho aoemr yoa close up your Gospel and pitch it !Jsj4s) the depth of the Atlaatio ocean tho better. An orthodox swindler Is worse thnn a heterodox swindler. Tho recitation of all tho cnthechlsms ami creeds over written, and drinking from all tho communion chal ices thnt ever glittered in tho churches of Christendom, will never savo your soul unless your business character corresponds with your religious profession. Home of tho worst scoundrel In America have been mem Iters of churches, nnd thoy got fat on sermons nliout heaven when thoy most needed to hnvo tho pulpits preach thnt which would either bring them to repentance or thunder them out of tho holy communion, where tholr presence was a sacrilege and nit infamy. Wo mustrapeclnlly ileploro tho misfortune of banks In various parts of thl country in thnt thoy dnmngo the bnnklng Institution, which I tho great convenience of the con turles, nud indlsjieusnblo to commerce nnd tho ndvntiro of nations. With otto hand It blesses tho leudor, nnd with tho othor It blesses tho borrower. Tho Umk wns born of tho world's necessities, nud Is veuernblo with tho marks of thousand of years. Two hun dred years before Christ tho bank of Ilium ox Isted nnd paid its depositors 10 or cent. Tho bank of Venice was established In 1171, nud wns of such high credit Hint its bills woro at a premium nbovo coins, which went fre quently cllpied. Hank of (lonon, founded In l!H.t; bank of Hnrcolonn, 1401: Hank of Am sterdam, 10(K); Hank of Hamburg, founded 1U10, Its circulation based on great silvor bars kept In tho vnults; liank of Knglnnd, started by William I'nttarson In NH3, up to this day managing tho stupendous dobtof Knglnnd; Hank of Hcotlnnd, founded In KiW; Hank of Ireland, 17H.I; Hank of North America, planned by Iloltert Morris, 1771, without whoso financial holp all tho bravery of our grandfathers would not have achieved Amoricnn lndcondence. Hut now wo havo Iwtnks In nil our cities nud towns, thousands nnd thousands. On tholr shoulders nro tho Interests of privnto indlvldttnls nnd grent corporations. In thom nro tho great arteries through which run tho currents of tho nation's life. They havo been tho re sources of tho thousands of financiers In days of business exigency. Thoy stand for ac commodation, for facility, for Individual, state and nntloiml roller. At tholr bond nnd in their mnnngement there is as much in terest nnd moral worth as in any clnss of men perlia;) more. How nofnrlotis, then, tho liehavlor of thoso who bring disrepute upon Hits venornblo, benignant nnd Ood honored Institution, AVo nlso ileploro nbuso of trust funds, Ikv cnuso thoy ily In tho face of thntdlvlno good liess which seems determined to bless this land. Wo nro hnvlng tho eighth year of un exampled national harvest. Tho whont gamblers get hold of tho wheat, and tho corn gamblers get hold of tho corn. Tho full tide of God's mercy toward this land Is put twick by thooo grent dykes of dishonest resistance. When God provides enough food nnd clothing to feed nnd nppnrel this wholo nation like princes, tho scramble of dishonest men to got moro thnn their share, and get it nt nil linzards, keeps everything shaking with un certainty nnd everybody nsklng: "Whnt noxtl" Kvcry week mnkos now roveln tions. How many moro bank presi dents and bank cashiers havo lieon specu lating with othor peoplo's monoy, and how many moro tmnk directors aro In linbocllo silence lotting tho perfidy go on, the great and patient God only knows! My opinion Is that wo havo cot near tho bottom. Tho wlud has been pricked from tho great bubblo of American speculation. Tho men who thought Hint tho judgment day wns at least 0,000 years oIT, fouud It In 1888, 1887 and 1880; and this nation has been taught that men must keep their hands out of othor ico pie's pockets. Groat businesses built on bor rowed capital have beou obliterated, and men who had nothing havo lost all thoy had. I bcllevo wo aro started on a higher career of prosperity thou Hits land has ever seen, if, and if, and if. If tho first men, nnd especlnlly Christian men, will learn novcr tospoculato upon bor rowed capital If you havo a mind to take your own money and turn it all luto kites, to ily thom over ovory commons in tho United Btntes, you do society no wrong, oxcept when you tumblo your helpless children into the poor house for the public to tako care of. Hut you have no right to tako tho mouoy of othors nnd turn It into, kites. Thero Is ono word thnt has deluded moro jieoplo Into bank ruptcy and state prison and perdition than any other word in commorclal llfo, and that is tho word borrow; that ono word is respon sible for all tho defalcations, and embezzle ments, and financial consternations of the last twonty years. Whon executors conclude to speculate with the funds of an estate com mitted to tholr charge, thoy do not purloin, thoy say thoy only borrow; when a bankor makes an overdraught upon his Institution, ho docs not commit theft, ho only borrows. When tho officer of a company, by flaming ad vertisement in somo rollglous papers, and gilt certificates of stock, gets a multltudo of country peoplo to put their small earnings into an enterprise for carrying on somo un developed nothing, he does not fraudulently tako tholr money, ho only borrows. Whon a young man with easy access to his employer's monoy drawer, or tho confidential clerk by closo propinquity to the account books, takes a fow dollars for a Wall street excursion, ho expects to put it back; ho will put it all back; ho will put It all back very soon. Ho only borrows. What Is needed is some man of glgantlo limbs to tako his placo at tho curbstone In front of Trinity church, and when tliat word borrow comos bounding along, kick It clean through to Wall street ferry boat, and if, striking on that, it bounds clear over till it htrikes Drooklyn heights or Brooklyn hill, it will be well for tho City of Churches. Why, when you nro going to do wrong, pronounce so long a "word as borrow, a word of six letter, when you can getaBhortor word moro desorlpttvo of tho reality, a word of only 11 vo letters, tho wonl stonlf Thero aro times whon wo all borrow, and borrow legitimately, nnd liorrow with tho dlvlno blessing, for Christ in his sermon on tho mount enjoins, "From him that would borrow of theo turn not thou away." A young man rightly borrows monoy to get his education. Purchasing a house and not able to pay all down In cash, tho purchaser rightly borrows it on mortgage Crises como in business whon it would bo wrong for a man not to borrow. Hut I roll this warning through nil thoso aisles, over tho backs of nil these pows, never Itorrow to speculate; not n dollar, not n cent, not a farthing. Young mon, young men, I warn you by your worldly presjiocU nnd tho value of your immortal souls, do not do it Thoro aro breakers distinguished for tholr ship wrecks tho Hnnways, tho Needles, tho Caskets, tho Douvers, tho Amlerlos, tho Bkerrios and many a craft lias gone to pieces on thoso rocks; but I hnyo to toll you that all tho Hanways, ami tho Noodles, and tho Caskets, and the Hkerrl" niv us nothing compared with tho long lino of breakers which bound tho ocean of commorclal life north, south, oast and west with tho white foam of their despair and tho dlrgo of their damnatlon--tho breakers of borrow. It I had only a worldly weapon to uso on this subject I would give you the fact fresh from the highest authority, that 00 per cent, of those who go into speculation in Wall street lose all, but I have a better warning than a worldly warning. From tho place where men havo perished .body, mind and tonl stand off, stand off I Abstract putpl' discussion must esldo on this qucstleii. Pall I' and repentance are nlolutcly nocoiwiry, but faith and repentance nro no moro -liK'trliii of tho lllbln thnn commorclal Integrity. Hon ilcr to all their dues, Owo no man any thing. And whllo I mean to preach faith mid ro cntanco, moro and moro to preach them, I do not menu to spend nuy tlino in chasing tho Hlttltos and Jobu sites nud Gtrgnshltcs of Hlhlo times, when thero nro so many evils right nrouud us destroying mon and women for tlmo nnd for eternity, Tho greatest ovnugellstlo preacher tho world evor saw, a man who died for his ovangollsm is-erless l'ntil wroto to tho Homnnsi "Provide things hon est In tho sight of nil mom" wroto to tho Corinthians: "Do that which Is honest;" wroto to tho Phlllpplnns: "Whatsoever things aro honest;" wroto to tho Hebrews! "Willing In all things to llvo honest I, ." Tho Hlblesays that faith without work ilsdenil, which bolng HWally translated, menu that if your business llfo does not corre)oud with your profession, your religion I n hum bug. Hero 1 something that needs to ho founded Into tho ears of nil tbo young men of Amer ica, and Iterated and roltornted, It thin couu try Is over to lo delivered from Its calami lies, nud commercial proorlty is to bo established and oriotuatod Llvo within your means. I havo tho highest commercial authority for saying Hint when tho momornblo trnublo broko out In Wnll street four yenrs ago thoro wero $2)5,000,000 In suspense which hail already boon spent BiksihI no moro thnn you niako. And lot us adjust nil our busluosi nud our homes by tho principles of tho Christian religion. Our religion ought to moan just us much on Saturday anil Monday as on tho day lw tween, and not as n mero periphrasis of sanc tity. Our religion ought to first clean our hearts, nud then It ought to clean our lives, Ilellglon is not, n somo seem to think, n sort ot church delectation, n kind of confection pry, n sort of spiritual caramel or holy gum drop, 6r snnctifiod iepi)ormtut, ortheulogl col nnrosthotlo. It is nn omnipotent princi ple, nil controlling, nil conquering. You may get nloug with something less tr.iu that, and you may deceive yourself with it; but you cannot docclvo Ood, nnd you cannot deceive tho world Tlio keen business man will put on bis spectacles, and ho will look cloar through to tho back of your head and seowhothor your religion Is a fiction or a fact And you cannot hldo your samples of sugnr, or rlco, or tea, or cuffou If thoy nro falsa; you cannot hide them under tho cloth of a communion tablo. All your prayers, go for nothing so long as you misrepresent your banking Institution, nud in tho amount ot tho resources you put down moro siecIo, nnd moro fractional currency, nud more clearing houso certificates, and moro legal tender notes, nnd moro loans, nnd moro discounts thnn thoro really are. and when you glvo nu account of your liabilities you do .iot men tion nil tho unpaid dividends, nud the United Htntcs bank notes outstanding, nud tho In dividual deposits, and tho obligation!) to other banks nnd bankers. An nutboilty moro scrutinizing thnn thnt of any bank oxamlnor will go through and through and through your business. I stand this morning before many who have trust funds. It is a compliment to you tliat you havo been so intrusted; but 1 chnrgo you, In tho presence of God nud tho world, bo careful; lo ns careful of the prop erty of othors as you aro careful of your own. Aliovo all, keep your own private ac count nt tho bank separata from your ac count as trusteo of an estato, or trustee of nn institution. That is tho oint nt which thou sands of peoplo mnko shipwreck. Thoy got tho property of others mixed, up with tholr own property, thoy put it Into investment, nnd away it all goes, and thoy cannot return thnt which thoy borrowed. Then comes tho explosion, nud tho money market Is shaken, and tho prosi denounces, and tlio church thunders oxpulsion. You havo no right to use tho property of othors, except for their advantago, nor without consent, unless thoy nro minors. If with their consent you invest tholr property as well as you can, nnd It is all lost, you nro not to blamo; you did tho best you could;' but do not come into the delusion which has ruined so mnuy men, of thinking becauso a thing Is In their possession, there fore it Is theirs. You hnvo a solemn trust that God has given you. In this vait assem blage there may bo some who have misappro priated trust funds. Put them back, or, if you havo so hopelessly involved them that you cannot put thom back, confess tho wholo thing to thoso whom you havo wronged, and you will sleep better nights, and you will havo tho better chance for your soul. What a sad thing it would bo if, after you aro dead, your administrator should find out from the account books, or from tho lack ot vouchers, that you not only wero bankrupt In estate, but that you lost your soul. If all tho trust funds that havo been misappro priated should suddoidy fly to tholr owners, and all tho property that luu been purloined should suddenly go back to its owners, it would crush Into ruin ovory city in America. A missionary in ono ot tho islands of tho Pacific preached on dlshonosty, and tho noxt morning ho looked out of his window, nnd ho saw his yard full of goods of all kluds. Ho wondered and asked the causo of all this. "Well," said tho natives, "our gods that wo havo been worshipping ermlt us to steal, but according to whnt you said yesterday, tho God of heaven and earth will not allow this, so wo bring back all these goods, and wo ask you to help us in taking them to tho places whoro thoy belong." If noxt Sabbath nil tho ministers in America should preach bernious on tho nbuso ot trust funds, and on the evils of purloining, nud tho sermons wero all blessed of God, and regulations wero mndo thnt nil these things should bo taken to tho city balls, it would not lw long before overy city hall in America would be crowded from collar to cupola. Let mo hay In tho most emphatic manner to all young men, dishonesty will novcr pay. An abbot wanted to buy a ploco of ground, nnd tho owner would not bell It, but tho ownor finally consented to let it to him until ho could rnlso ono crop, and tho abbot sowed ucorns, n crop of 'XO years I And I toll you, young man, that tho dlshonostlos which you plant in your henrt and life will seem to bo very insignificant, but thoy will grow up un til thoy will overshadow you with horrible darkness, overshadow all tlmo and nil eter nity. It will not bo a crop for IXX) years, but a crop for everlasting ages, I havo also a wonl of comfort for all who sulfor from tho malfeasance of others, and overy honest man, woman nnd child does suffer from what goes on in financial scamp dom. Bocloty Is so bound together that nil tho misfortunes which good jieoplo suiror In busluchS matters como from tho misdeeds of othors. Hear up under distress, strong in God. Ho will see you through, though your misfortunes should be centupled. Philoso phers toll us that n column ot air forty-flvo miles in height rests on ovary man's head ind shoulders. Hut Hint U nothing compared with tho pressure that business llfo has put upon many ot vm. God made up his mind long ago hoiv many or how few dollars it would bo best for you to have. Trust to his uppolntment The door will soon open to Iot you out and let you up. What shock of delight for men who for thirty years have lxcn In business anxiety when they shall sud denly nwnko In ovorlnstlng holiday. On tho mnts of tho Arctlo regions thero nro two places whoso names nro remnrkablo, glvon, I suppose, by somo Polnr expedition "Capo Farewell" and "Thank Ood Harbor.11 At this last tho Polaris wintered In 1871, nnd tho Tigress In 1873. Somo ships havo insod tlio caxj, yet nover reached tho harlior. Hut from whnt I know of many of you, I hnvo concluded Hint though your voyage of llfo may lw very rough, run Into by leeliergs ou this side and Icc1ergs on that, you will In due tlmo reach Cao Farewell and thero bid good-hy to nil nnnoynnccs, nnd soon after drop nurhor In tho calm and lnicrturlnb1o wntors of Thank God Hnrbor. "Thero tbo wicked ccaso from troubling, nnd tho weary aro at rest" Rrnn nt nn Ant's Funnrnt, Tho following Incident npenrs In the "Proceedings of tho Llnnean Hoclety," hav ing liecn communicated to Hint learned body by nn observor In Australia. Tho writer saw a largo number of ants surrounding somo that ho had killed, nnd determined to wntch tholr proceedings closely. Accord ingly ho followed four or five Hint started oIT from tho rest townrd a hillock n short dlstanco off, in which was nu nnt's nest This thoy entered, nnd In about flvo minutes thoy renpicnrcd, followed by others. All fell Into rank, walking regularly and slowly, two by two, until thoy arrived at tho spot where lay tho dead bodies of tho soldier ants. In a few minutes two of tho nuts advanced nnd took up tho body of ono of their com rades, then two others, nud so ou, until nil were ready to mnrch. First walked two outs lcnrlng a body, nnd thon two without n bunion, then two others with another dcod ant, nnd so ou, until tho lino wns extended to nlwut forty pairs, and tho procession now moved slowly onward, followed by an Irreg ular body of alwut 'J00 nuts. Occasionally tho two laden ants stopped, nnd laying down tho dead body it was taken up by tho two walking unburdened liohlud them, and thus by occasionally relieving each other, thoy arrived at n sandy spot near the sea. Tho Iwdy of ants now commenced digging with tholr Jaws n numlier of holes in tho ground, In each of which a dead nut wns lnid. Then thoy nil foil to nnd filled up tho graves. This did not qulto finish the ro markablo circumstance nttendlng this In sect funeral. Bomo six or soven of the ants hail attempted to run off without perform ing their share of tho task of digging; these wero caught and brought back, when they wero nt onco nttneked nnd killed on tho siot A single grave was quickly du?, and thoy were nil dropped Into it Capo Argus. A Dog's Arooii)iIUhinniits. It Is no now thing, of course, for dogs to bo jwllto, for no human being carries tho Idea of self sacrlflco to such a point as dogs do. What man would leavo his dinner utterly untouched, no matter If ho was ravenously hungry, Just to ncconinny a friend on a walk In tho woods f That Is a thing which almost nny good dog would do. Tho Listener's own collie, of whoho character and accomplishments ho has, ho believes, hereto fore boasted, holds all bis own puriwsos and nppotltort Invariably secondary to tho notions of nt least half n dozen human lieings. This samo colllo, by tho way, has mastered a now accomplishment, entirely without in struction. Ho shaken his head when ho wants to sny "no." Tho snmo dog is well known nmong his friends for his muslcnl nccom pllshments, being nblo to sound the scale, scarcely accurately, but with oxcellent Inten tion, to sing high or low notes ns tho koy is given him though, to toll tho truth, ho hits tho oxnet note only nbout ns frequently ns do certain public singers not to bo named ami his trills nro Invariably greeted with great opplauso. His musical accomplishments havo loacLan admiring critic to tiestow upon him thofulo of prima dogga. Uoston Transcript "Listener." I'rlco f IJeer lit Pnrls. A curious phenomenon Is now taking placo in this country. Tho price of cattlo on tho hoof is falling, and nt tho snmo tlmo a marked Increase Is noticeable in that of dressed meats. In other words, French breeders nro forced to bell their cattlo at lower prices Hum thoy could get a year or two ago, whllo never before has tho cost of veul, beef and mutton licen greater to thoso of us who consume such articles of food. Hero in Paris nnd all the other lnrgo cities bf Franco peoplo nre grumbling nt tho In crease of butchers' bills, nud farmers all ovo tho country nro complaining thnt It no long pays to rnlso cattle for tho markets. No it sinco 1870 has tho price of oxen, calves and sheep been so low as now, and In somo cattlo raising districts, notably in tho eastern de partments, the decrease Is quite 60 jkt cent Iu the neighborhood of Lyons, tho city after Paris that consumes tho largest quantity of moat, cattlo on tho hoof, which four years ago wero belling for tMOtofll tho hundred weight nro not now bringing moro thnn from 18 to t0. In Normandy cows aro selling for $30, which In April, 18S0, would havo brought $80 to $100. Honry Huynlo's Purls Letter. Word from M, llenun. "And after a llfo well filled, tlio conscious ness of a duty well done, what I.i thero bo hind r "Mystery, mystery. Speculations on tho ultimata end ot man aro too mcsqulns. For my own part, I bollovo that ho who has sought tho right nnd truth for their own sako will not havo done so with loss. Thero may lw flno surprises on tho other sldo. It Is better that wo should know nothing. Thoso who do good with a future reward in view havo no moro morlt than tho ono who invests in an enterpllso that prom ises profitable returns. A good man is not ono forewarned." Lo Cocq do Lnutrcppo in Now York Post Duty nr rhy.lcal Health. A littlo girl gave her fnthor tho most im portant condition of physical well lwlng when, iu nnswer to tho question, "What was tho minister's textl" sho replied, "Keop youi soul on top." Challenged to find the toxt, sho discovered that It read, "I keep under my body." Hut sho had got tho right Inter pretation of it Ho who keeps his soul on top, but makes his lody a strong nud vigor ous instrument of his soul, will observe the two conditions of physical well lelng, nud will havo what Is tho essence of truo man hood, ft sound soul in a sound body. Cor. Christian Union. A Clinrltiililb ?-Soltlnn. A proposition which has met with mucl fovor iu Now York is that tho city shall pond $300,000 In tho erection of three free lodging housestwo for men nnd cno foi women; ono of thoso for men to bo located below Canal btreet, and thnt for women not highor up ou tho island than Fourteenth street Uostou transcript Tile l'tttsnro nt l'actt. France has taken up tho conterboard ques tion. A national nautical authority says in Lo Yacht that "the day Is approaching when tho Yacht Ilaoing association will bo obliged to yield to tho prebsuro ot facts which have triumphantly i.liown the real worth of these sadly underrated boat, Naw York Sun. CA-LIFOI?N LA'S Finest .- Production ' " ' i..t ,.., , ii. . .I,., . i I,, r JARVIS WIIES and BEAIMES, PUREST, OLDEST AND BES1 FOR Medicinal & Family Use The G. M. Jarvis Company is located at San Jose, in the lovely Santa Clara Valley, and the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains, a region that grows every variety of grapes known On the favored Rhine or on the sunny slopes of the Mediterranean. In this beautiful, fertile valley the purple, golden and deli cious grapes arc ripened to perfection, and among these deli cious harvests of vineyard products arc made their Choice Port, Golden Sherry, Muscatelle and Madeira TABLE WINES. and from the Reisling Wine they distill the JARVIS' REILING GRAPE BRANDY Which is now the standard of purity and excellence in this country. Wc were awarded FIRST PRIZE FOR BEST PORT WINE at Illinois State Fair 1872. FIRST PRIZE FOR BRANDY AND WINES at World's Fair, New Orleans. We have taken Seven First Prizes, and have in our possession seven Gold Medals from State Fairs of California, DR. TKOS. PRICE, The great assayer and chemist of San Francisco says: "I have submitted your Brandy to a most searching chemical analysis and find no adulteration, no fusel oil. It is a remarkably pure article." DR. BEVERLY COLE, of San Francisco, says: "I have analyzed the Jarvis Reisling Grape Brandy, and find it pure and a genuine good article.1' The followinjs ron the well-known Analytical C! em'sf of Chicago. THE G. M. JARVIS CO. Gentlemen. I have made complete analyses of your Wines and Brandies. These tcsrs show me that they are not only strictly pure but that they contain all the essential quali ties so much admired by leading wine chemists. J. I-I. LONG, Analytical Chemist Chicago Med. Col. THESE AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS All testify to the purity, wholesomeness and high standard of the Jarvis goods. They are known the world over and have become deservedly popular for FAMILIES AM MEDICAL PURPOSE The goods are always to be relied upon; prices low for first class article and put up in packages convenient for all. Their Rich Bartlett Pear Cider s a most delicious, healthy and nutritious, as well as the mos popular, drink ever offered. Made from the Over-ripe Bart lett Pear, boiled down and filtered through charcoal. It wit. not ferment or spoil. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE G, I. JARVIS CO THE 6. M JARVIS CO, San Jose, Cal. 39 N. State St. Chicago. W. B. HOWARD, ja&eling Salesman. L. L. LINDSBY, Family Supply Agent for Lincoln, Neb, ' t-M ' SSsSSBSS k2 zf5PW jffjgal8&