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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1888)
Wt f-vsww-v-wr'S i it,' SCIENCE AND I'HOGIIESS. DESOfUPTION OF THE IARQE81 6NOWFLAKE ON RECOilD. Simple Menu HilBRrtnl fur Preserving Telegraph nml Oilier rotc-Tlin A pllratlim of i:intilrln Truntliiii tn Vnlil vie Illuming npon Orilhmry IliimU, Mr. MngutM Volk, of tha Brighton Kleo trio railway, has recently turned hi alien tlou tutliu application of oh:trlo traction to vehicles running iih)ii ordinary roads, Tho dog rart rcpreientod In tho adjoining en graving Is driven by nn I n . u motor of one-half horxo owor tyjw. Tho Klectrlolnn, In which f 111- engraving originally appeared, ny in description (hat tho current Is sup plied liy luvniuulntor which nt thn nornml rase of dlwhiirgi' nro good for n six hours' run. Tho ivlls nrn tlnnd uiuliT tho sents. Tho motor Is supiiorted liy hungers under tho lody of tho car, nml drives on to n countershaft lu front by ant col llukchnln. UHn tho Inner sldo of tho rlui of tho right Imnd wheel, which In four foot lu diameter, are nmuulier of block fixed nlmut oun foot apart, nml it second steel chain iioskcn from tho countershaft nround theso block Tho nrniUReuient I neat lu npenroneo. mid has tho advantage of reducing tho weight of tho cour to n minimum. i otjH, f " - u an km:otiuo OAiiMAnK. Tho motor nt present employed weighs fortv iHimuU. thouah It i scarcely lnrco 1 enough for' tho work It linn to do. Tho ox- I I porlmont no far mndo havo resulted In J obtaining vnhmlilo dutn ns to tho trncttvo lorco required for vehicles on roads of vari ous klniK On nsnlmlt tho trnctlvo force Is I less than on n grooved rnll, and a speed of nluo miles nn hour can ho obtained, whereas 'on n soft nmcudam road only four miles an I hour Is possible. With iv loud of two jxsr ons a grndo of ono to thirty can bo sur mounted. l To i:tlmntn ttm rower of 11 Htrmm. p To measure water roughly lu nn open stream says Toxllo Record, tnko f nun four to twclvo different iK)lutn in n straight lino across tho stream, and measure tho depth nt each of them points, nud nddlng thoui to gether, dlvldo by tho number of mensure meats token. This quotient will glvo you tho nvorngo depth, which should Ih measured Infect. Multiply this nvorngo depth in feet by tho width hefeot nnd this will glvo you tho square f eot of cross section of tho stream. Multiply this by tho velocity of tho stream lu foot )cr mlnuto, nud you will linvo tho cublo feet per mlnuto of tho stream. Tho Telocity of tho stream can ho found by lay hsg oft 100 feet on tho bank, and then throw ing it board Into tho stream at tho middle, noto tho tlmo passing over1 tho 100 feet, and dtvidiug tho 100 foot by tho tlmo nud multi plying by sixty, gives tho velocity lu foot per mlnuto at tho surface, Tho velocity at tho center Is only 83 per cent, of Mint at tho sur face, and ho only 8U cr cent, should bo calcu lated. For example, suppose tho float passes 100 feet in ten seconds, that divided by ten nud multiplied by sixty (seconds In tho minute) gives 0Q0 feet ier mlnuto as tho velocity, and 63 percent, of this gives 403 feet per mlnuto as tho velocity of tho stream nt tho center, and tho area of tho cross section multiplied by this will glvo you tho number of cubic foot per mlnuto in tho stream. Tills, of course, is only n rouglt wny of calculating, but it la Often ued, nnd is n good nnd slinplowny to obtain data to select a wheel by, lltminrknlilo Hnowflnke. Tlio cut hero given represents lu its natural lto (nearly), soys Topular Scionco News, a jnowflako which fell at Cliapstou in wales Vn unu. 7 last, It measured 3,0 inches in longth, 2.4 lu breadth, and l.!l in thlcknoKS, and when meltiHl gave about ouo-half a cublo inch of water. It was composed of numer ous separate crystals which had adhered to gether wlillo falling through tho air. Tlio atniospherio conditions wero very favorablo (or tho formation of largo flakes, as tho tem perature was Just abovo tho freezing polut, which rendered tho snow moist and coherent, and tho air was perfectly calm and saturated with moll t ure. THE CURIOSITY SHOP. Nnmn fir it Novel Tlnmtiorn- Tails How "Vault rlr" Was Named. Th(iclteny's famous novel, "Vnnlty Fair," derived Its iinmo under tho following clrctim tnuccs, according to tho statement of n friend of tho grent nuthor, who thin rotate tho story lu n recent ntimlior of Hcrlbner's Mngnr.lnoi "In tho enrllest days of our frinuiNilp Thackeray hnxight Ills morning work to ivnd to mo in tho evening, llolmd Just commenced 'Vnnlty Knlr, and was liv ing nt the Old Hhlp Inn, where ho wrolo somo of tho first nuuilK'rs. lie often thou said to mm 'I wonder whether this will take, tho publishers accept It and tho world rend itf I romomlior answering him that 1 had no reliance iixm my own critical jNiwers in llterntuiw, hut that I had written to my sis ter, Mrs. Frederick Klllot, nud saldi 'I havo mndo n griMit friendship with one of tho principal contributors of Punch, Mr. Thack eray. Ho is noiv writing n novel, but cuu not hit upon n nnino for It, 1 may bo wrong, but it bccius to mo tho cleverest thing I havo over read. Tho Hint tlmo ho lined with us I was fonrfully nlnrmcd nt iilm. Tho next day wo walked in Chiches ter park, when ho told nil nhout ills llttlo girls nnd of his groat friendship with tho llrookllohN, nud 1 told him nlniiit you nud Choshnm place. When lio heard this nnd my opinion of his novel ho burnt out laugh ing nud saldi 'Ohl Mndemolsello(nshonlwuys called me), It Is not siunll beer, but I do not know whether It will bo alntnhlo to tho Loudon folks.' Ho told mo somo tlmo after ward that nfter ransacking his bruin for a unuio for his novol It cainoiipon him una wnres lu tho middle of tho night, ns it n volco had wlilsjiered, 'Vnnlty Fair.' Ho snldi 'I JuiiiihI out of bed nud ran three times nround my room, uttering as I went, Vnnlty Fair, Vanity Fair, Vnnlty Fair.'" The ChrUtluit V.rn. Our era does not take its oxnet date from tho lili th of Christ, as is generally supposed. Tho Christian era was Invented by Dlouyslus Kxlguus (Ulutiysius tho little, so called cither on account of his humility or his small stature), nn abltot of tho Hlxth century. Ho placed tlio birth of Christ in tlio fourth year of tho 101 Olympiad, 763 years from tho founding of Homo. This is now generally admitted to Is) four years too late; but tho intentions of Ulonyslus Wero good, and tho discrepancy is of no practical Importance. Dlonysiuii mndo tlio liMh of March (Lndy Uay tho day of tho Conception of Christ) tho ilrst day of his year. Wo havo changed that, but adopted his reckoning lu other respects. Tho Ulouslau cm was adopted almost nt ouco in Homo by tho pocs lu tho Kloventh century, and, its Now Year's day changed from March ' to Jan. 1, nnd itself rochrlstonod tlio Christian crn, liy tho Western world at dlircrcut dates from 1501 to 17M. CniNir Introduced tho present system of leap year, and Gregory X1I1, lu 16SJ im proved it to its present form. Tim CnsUnt Copy of tlio llbul. Wlillo Alexander tho Great was on hi Porslnu oxihhIIHou and nfter ho had con quered Oaza, Hyria, "a casket Iwing ono day brought to him, which appeared ono of tho most curious nnd valuable things among tho treasured and tho whole cquipugo of Darius (tho Persian king), ho asked his friends what they thought most worthy to bo put into it, Dliroroiit things wero to bo proposed, but ho said: 'Tho Hind most deserved such a case,' Tho Iliad, ho thought, ns well ns called, a portable treasure of military knowledge; nnd ho had n copy corrected by Aristotle, which Is called tlio casket copy. 'Darius,' said Alex ander, 'used to keep his ointments in this casket; but I, who havo no tlmo to anoint myself, will convert It to n nobler use,1 Oneslcrltus Informs us that ho used to lay it under ids pillow with his sword." Plutnrch. ki7TWi!?lSv3f??-B Mr wwnt KTfltCKrkXtfllTlH Leap Vear. Onenccountof tho origin of tho custom of young laillea llndlng leap year a propitious tlmo for taking matters Into their own hands is as follows; liy an ancient act of tho Scot tish parliament, passed about tho year 1U3S, it was ordained that during tlio reign of her blessed mnjewty Margaret, every maiden lady of Itoth high and low degree shall havo lib erty to speak to tho man sho likes. If ho re fuses to take her to bo his wife, ho shall bo mulct in tho sum of 100 or less, ns Ids estato may U, except nnd nlwnyn if lie enn mnko it appear that lie is betrothed to another wo man, than ho shall bo freo. It was a hard tlmo for bachelors. Tlio I-nt Trump. Wheu clubs are trump look out for war On ocean ami ou laud, Fr bloody deeds are often done When clubs are lu tho hand. Tlio final trump of all Is spade, Turned by tho hand of time; No matter where a mau may ll?o, In cold or torrid clime. No matter how much a man may lose Or how much ho may savo, You'll !hut tho spado turns up at last Ami diss the player's grave. The Keystone State. Pennsylvania was so named by Charles II, when ho granted tlio province to William Penn. It was not named after tho latter, but in compliment to his father, Admiral Venn, whoeo naval and uitriotlo services in tho cmiHoof Charles had been very great, nnd created a debt which wns paid to tho son by a grant of land in America. "Bylvnnin" means u wooded or a forest couutry, and "Pennsylvania" has been interpreted to moan Point's wooden or wooded country. A MAMMOTH BNOWTLAKB. During this Jtonn tho snow full in rcmarka bio quantity. About one-fifth of nn Inch tell in six minutes, which when molted wot equivalent to about ono twenty-fifth of an iuch of water. This b ccrtoliily, says the journal quoted from, ono of tho largest snow- sum on roconb Preserving Telegraph Poles, Telegraph poles are preserved la Norway, aaye BcloutlUo American, by making an uger hole, about an inch in diameter, in ch post, about two feet from tho ground, and pointing down at a small angle till the center of the (tick is reached. From four to lire ounces of sulphate of copper, in coarsely Eiwdered crystals, is inserted, and tho open g b stopped with a plug, which projects so (bat it cau bo pulled out to admit of replao lnsr the charge every three or four months. Ta chemical is gradually absorbed by tho wood, which, it is said, permeates to the very sop of the pole, the wholo outside surface as suming a greenish tint, duo to tho presence C copper In the pore. Thlastmplomoansof reservation suggests the oppllcutlHi of the same material to other structures thau tela graph pole. The Admirable Crlchtun. James Crichton, called "Tho Admirable Crlchton," was a real jiersonago, bora in Scotland in 1500, who died in 1583., Ills ex traordinary knowledge of language nud his superiority in every manly accomplishment, bis eloquence, learning and wit, won for him his sobriquet. He was a genius of tho most remarkable kind. Tracheotomy. The operation of tracheotomy, recently per formed on tho crowrn prince of Germany, is making an owning into the trachea or wind pipe to extract a foreign substance, or to per mit tho passage of air to tho lungs. A BOON TO PHYSICIANS. Bernd's Physician Office Register I v, iitf iii-tw if"'t f'i'.'H ii.i i . . i j - ." -jUr1 1 Ql'J&'JL '---"-3----' 1 1.. I n ii 5 1- , ZTtf ti . . f. J . f . . S a : ZL -X mIH 'fi,-t .... Jl - lr . " ' - ' J ' ' 1 1 1 i 1 3 T' " n 3 .1 1 1' f n i n i; r i n r t r : z ' T : 'ijrj T ua 1 1 ji itvoz i nt lie irori'&caiifi; r r . ' .... ? af !i I j . I it r ...iyA'A.l.".ijlu'iiZ zz - 1 1 ) i ii i ii 5 i j o ) j i ii i- a r i) f. r, i-1, r, ' . ; : : . :r, -P i'ii-iri7in.7iii3jfC"J0DrDci:r;r:: V . . I T m . O ?-.... . .....-i. 1 !! .... ., ", ..' '"" ""i,j "Lr T """" . "."."!-!. """I""!X.! i. J im"l"IIl.imi"Il"I"IIIIIrII -------iiumi5"iO:n5 5i3tioT,apu09"i"r:;dp:r; rpTfiTiliif5":oaj?373?!?Dc;5Q5copr'!i:::::::: i. . , . ..:C I ZIlv? T-I . " ""I ciPMtn codc 21" I1II Z I Z.Z Z 1 U . . . . , - -j, , .-- t(t, !, ' - - - . i9"""ii""ii"ri""r"""izizizi!"" 1 zfe . .Mti V ! I tit I.M,HVK D , " ' T1 S r ",n"1 ''" ZZ ft - Ij lr "' .!"'' J " hi!.iiiij"""ii"i"""""ziiitii' rzitei.iiiiiiiirr j"5isr" i"""izizizizz r : - -1 -1 1 r 1 1 i 5 .j i ,i j ; s . t b d 5 a e d a a ; : r : : ,Sj ; dp zijitiii5S7 S'X, uitcuaituzzzzzzzzzzzz s ri.""iiirmiii""iiiiiiizzizizi itlil " z zLx . i u '"a, zzzz t Z-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZIZ ZIZ .Jl1 '. Z Zhj "I""I""IIimiII"""ZZIZIZIZZ . , iFlrt' nil - - y . -7ivtiisrJi3i:!33TOcrai!r:r:::jj:c S II I " I -- - 'Jlj'"i x m a ZIIIIIIIIZIZIZl'ill Z " " J J f l hTTlTl riTnTl I II 1 1 II 1 1 I II I II 1 1 1 1-JJLlJ.nnB FTM 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II II II 1 11 II 1 1 1 11 1 II 1 1 1 I II II iTTfzl II B i- I I The above cut shows Register open. The book is prepared with especial reference to improving the system of recording calls, visits, etc. It Is complete, simple comprehensive, nnd as n labor saving method of keeping accounts, will at.oncc commend Itself to every Physician in the land. Your attention is called to the fact that the account ngnlnst n patient roil AN kntirk ykaii is contained within n space three Inches In width. This book is 13x17 Inches; contains too pages; each page divided into 7 spaces, thus providing for 700 accounts, contains a condensed cash account showing (on one page) cash receipts from both "regular" nnd "transient" patients for each day in the year, besides 4 additional ruled pages for memoranda, such ns "the address of nurses, 'future eng.igjmi.its" "private .consultations," etc., etc. T,he book Is alphebctlcally indexed on linen tabs, substantially bound Russia back and corners, cloth sides, spring Prices, 700 Account Office Register, $5.00. 1400 Account Office Register, $8.00 fo; BERND'S POCKET REGISTER. Its Advantages are as Follows : StCTIOSM. VIEW.SHGVtlNC AMAMSEMtNT DFALURNVTE LONG ANO SHORT UAVES A Imux Ituail. Binco the new lines of tho Northern Paciflo railroad havo been finished, the distance under control of the Northern Paciflo com pany measures 7,000 miles, making that Line tho longest line in tho country. - No Transferring No Indexing. 2d. One Writing of Patient's name for entire year. 3d. It enables you to keep the run of your accounts without referring to auxiliary books. 4th. Can he commenced nt any time during the year. 5th. The price is far below the cost of keeping accounts In the old style, vlz:VMtlng List, Journal and Ledger this book combining nil three. Tills cut shows book open, witA example similar to that shown above. Cipher codc is embossed in gilt on Inside of cover. The Register when closed is 4x7 inches, convenient size to carry in pocket. The lines of the short leaf nre adjusted to the long. When the short leaf is turned to the right, the first half year is visible. The Hook is Gilt Edged, hound In Black Seal llexlbie with Inside pocket and clastic tablet. Contains condensed cash account, showing at a glance Receipts from Regular nnd Transient Patients for entire year besides eight Memorandum Pages, Pencil and Holder, nnd is closed by a Silk Elustlc Hand. Extracts from a Few of the Many Letters Received, I am gratified to say that for the first time in long years of practice, I am able to keep my accounlsjwlthout having to suffer the drudgery of cumbersome book ikeepingDr, II. Tuholske, St. Louis. It is just the thing I want. Dr. G. Swan, Hartford, Connecticut. The book is a treasure to any busy Doctor, It saves an amount of tedious work at the'end of the month which Is particularly njrecauie. ur. ii. a. napoion, iveirou, 11-1111111. I have lost enough this A. m. to pay for the book,havlng to make out an account in haste. Dr. Juo. Boardman, Buffalo.N.Y It Is by far the most complete work of its kind I have ever met with shall take pleasure in recommending it to my friends In the profession. Dr, S. II. Chester, Kansas City, Missouri. I regard It as the only Register In use adapted to the Physician's requirements. Dr. J. T. Kent, St. Lonls, Missouri. For the past fifteen years I have used several kinds of Registers, all very 'good, but none beginning' to compare with that purchased from you. Dr. W. C. Barker, Hummellstown, Pennsylvania. I have found it useful and exceedingly convenient. Dr. Benj. T. Shitnwell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I must congratulate you on the Introduction of such a perfect method every member of the profession should extend to you their appreciation by adopting the same. Dr. Wm. Bird, Chester, Pennsylvania. I would not o without it for fifty dollars a year. L. W. Clark, Rushvllle, Illinois. PRICES, 300 Account Pocket Register, $3.00. 440 Account Pocket Register, 4.00. WF1F hntClnrJs -.A 1 mi suA-jIV". &muLLi. tA-l--. Sl-ve Trade. Xv lliaMlv tt TTr.u.lit T..!n t-1Q V J W ..J W.W., W.J AW, f V, British government agreed to furnish 4,800 negroes annually to Spanish America, The contract was renewed la 1748, but given up m iiov. A Mode of Kxrcutlon. Boiling to death was Introduced as n mode of capital punishment during tho reign of Houry Vllf, 1031, but tlio act establishing it was repealed sixteen years later, hwJUt h H J-!."7"1"0 ! ii MiUJiMnifVtMH utn Mft' jl BiBl III - I 7 i l sr N 1 1 1 1 rnTB l iti" rf Wfic aTg "in;-p-. o r Seas. The oceans outsldo of a lino one -rurtrr league from shore, are the high seas, WESSEL & DOBBINS, Western Agents, v Burr Block. I..' LINCOLN,. NEBRASKA. i 5 wU WHvmfm 5Bsawmrw r; v yi-wMWsiMwVty,'gys ;TiT)lllJHft'TTTr m rr etr y a.jM. n