J. A- ..yicNMiflfVf fjlJUWIl i l.li IHWil HMHUIIMHUM winwrni ihwbIiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiii 11 1 mi i m n m. "" i mm fn itti m , -, , Lmomn T"1 M 0 THE COURIER A JVpulm- Iijrr 0 tfwfrn TVmw. Saturday Evening, March 10, 1888. Tim Courier Can I mi 1'ouiul At Wliulwr Hotel News Hlnml, Cnpllnl Hotel Now Hlnml, Otlcll's Dlnlnu Hull News Hlnml. UlnMin A Fletcher', Mill O HtrcoU A. T. l.emlntt A Co's., IIM O Htreot. Tho Gotham NewsHluuil, UK Houlli tltli HI. Keith Bros., Ill Ninth lllli Htreot. Ktl. Young, IteMO Htreet. NOTIUli TO AVIltTIHi:itS. Advertisers nre requested to tend In thel favor as rnrly on xmU)Ic, not Inlrr tliiui four o'clock Friday afternoon, n tlio Count kh joe to press Hint evening When ordering your advertisement out drop tlio business manngci ncnnl. Tlio collector I apt to forgot uch orders, nml cuinpllnnco with thin request will K'vvo im troublo nml yourself annoyance. We are dally milling to our llt of sitbsnrlbor, employing n limn especially for Hint nolo )mr pose.aml clnlnt Hint a nil advertising inrtlluin tho Con ni Kit I unexcelled, Dunlnp lints Spring Style. SPRING STYLES. W.R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher, n 37 O Street. Whltebrcast Coal nml Lima Company. Lcavltt's Domestic 7.fW. Lace rurtnltm nt Oakley fc Co. Delicious lunches nt Brown's CaM. Oysters, f rcsh, fnt nml lino at Brown'. Ask your grocer for homo made bread. Smoke Club lloom cigar. Burr block. Fifty cent glove sale nt Onkloy & Co. B El ''H Bo i -n t n 'Ax JH K M.Lj 'ifl! ,m u ' Party mitt nml cloves nt Onkloy tS Co. Carpet nt bottom prices at Onkloy & Co, Kent & Holicrta, dentist SI Alexander 111k. Embroideries ln fancy edging nt Onkloy'. Don Cameron, 10SO O Htroot, for luuchce Black silk mitts Just received nt Onkley fc Co. Muslin underwear, now linn, nt Onkloy & Co. Coll for 18c full regular hoxo nt Onkloy & Co. Oct tlio best. It la Leavltt' Dotucstlo ' $7.W All tlio latest wraps nml JnckuU nt Onkloy SCO. Thirty-two Inch atccn 13 l2o nt Onkloy &Co. Jots, jet, Jots, In trimming nml panels nt Oakley. Broadcloths (1.23 nml nmnzon cloth nt Oak fey Co. Hot rolls and ton biscuit nt the City bnkory every any. Thousand mllo tickets for Rnlo nt 115 South Tenth fctrooL Pure, flrt-cloM goods at Betta Sowoll'a, .20 o ttroot. Oyiteru In every stylo, fine nml fresh, at Don Cameron's. Oo to tho City bnkory for homo inndo brood, Cor. 10th and N. Try Ilutchliis & Hyatt's Mondotn lump for domestic purposes. Our bokt fonilllod nil uso no other conl but LekvlttV Domostla Our May Loo So cigar la tho ticot in the city. Try It. Burr block. Canon City Coal ngaln nt tho WhiU'breast Coal and Ltmo Co. Oakloy & Co, have tho fast black hosiery for ladles and children. Aftor the club parties, go to Brown's now cafd for a delicious lunch. Canned goods of every description nt Betta & So well's, 1120 O street. Betta & Sewoll nro headquarters for lino groceries, nt 1120 O street. Bmoko tho Club Room cignr made by lln vnnnh cigar factory, Burr block. Before insuring look up tho Mutual Life Insurance Coniiwiy pf Now York. TboMlisourl l'nclllo rnllrond ntn free reclin ing clmlr cars on nil through trulns, Hutchins cv Hyatt niako n 8icclnlty of nwx soned hard and soft wood, cut to order. Roost Turkey, Goon) and all kinds of ineaU at Don Cuiueron'a every dy for dinner, ' Finest lino of smokers' tneerschnum nrticlea P at thollnvaiui clcnir factory. Burr block. Monarch and Lincoln brands of canned goods at BotU& Howell's, 1120 O street. Fifteen centa n yard will buy n clioico Frcncli giugliam of Ashby & MllUnaugh. Doctor B. F. Bailey, ofllco nnd residonce cor. of Thirteenth mid O streets. Tel, 017. Seasonable fruits ot nil kinds are special ties at Belts & Bewoll's, grocers, 1120 O street Imported smoking tobaccos, finest made, to bo had only at Havana cigar factory, Burr block. Tickets to points ln Kansas, Missouri nnd tickets via Omaha on sale at Elkhorn ofllco, 115 Bo. 10th fit. Prof. F. M. Oibcault's instructions are val uable. Studio in tho Ledwith block, cornr lltb and F streets. All rises of best grade hard coal, nicely screened and nlwnya on hand at Hutchina & Hyatt, 1040 O street. The Mutual Life Insurance Co, of New York. W. B. Hastings, District Agent, room 53, Burr block. Betta & Bewoll keep tho freshest groceries to be bad in the city. Everything in tho family oupply line at their store, 1120 O If you want some of those Co glnhnms you MMt get Htem quick iy, aa tuey wiu omy usi a lew days longer. ABHBT & MlLLSPACOll. ADCUUTANTL. t mtw ou stand mulling ns innny anolhcr llns stood before now In n sort blnrn of Unlit, HccelvltiK your friends by tho side of your mother, A hoitutirul thliiK nil apparelled In white And an you stood liHiklnvso happy toicotlior, llehlnd you tho scroll of your m'litlo past furleil, I couldn't help wnmlerliiK curiously whether Would win In thostruKKlo yoursoul or the world. I couldn't help eastliiK a iiluucotip tho vlsln Of time, and omlcitv'rliiK, In vain, to sur tulso How tho ruttiro will seem whan you tustu, like j itur sister, The fruit of experience tljiit mukes ono so wise. Ho you think you'll bo crushed 'neatli the load of attraollons That dniK you to enrth from your henven nhovo7 Do you think you'll find time 'mid your thous and instructions To hallow n few happy iiioiiiouts wlthlovoT Chlldl when the trial In store for you dashes Your day dreams to fraKinonts, shall iwu nUo pray, I.lko many before you, that out of tho nshes Of Joys that nro past you may still think to day Was n ilny whoso roiuomhrnnco will brighten the lines You'll pass ero nnolhor scenii like It? . , ..... Ami yet It hardly seoms fair on tho llrstof tlio panes Of lAiur Hook of 1 .1 ft) toemtilnrou ItcKrot. K. Hkhun-Ai.i.kn InMaruli Home KnouU Mrs. Angle Nowmaii has returned to Halt Iiko City. Mrs. J. J. Butlor left Thursday evening for Cincinnati, Mr. (loo. Cook nnd family bnvo returned from tliolr California trip. Dr. (lerth nnd his nblo nsslstnnt, Mr. Ab by, loft Thursday for Now York. Messrs. Goo. lowroy unit C. W. Hnrvoy left Monday night on nit extendotl southern trip. Chnncellor Mnnntt left Wednesday on a tour ot inspoctlon to Falls City and other oints. Messrs. Frank Sheldon and Al. Hnrgronves leave for Chicago via tho Northwestern to morrow. Mossrs. C. E. Montgomery nnd Frank Folk wont to Bait I-nko Tuesday on n prospect ing tour. A dniico will bo given nt Tcmplo hall Tues day evening under tho management of Mr. H. E. Warner. Bishop Worthington, of tho Episcopal church, arrived in tlio city Tuesday on n parochial visit, Tho republicans of tho city are moving very easily in tho cnuialgn, nnd ench wnnl Is ropriwoutod by n club. lly nil menus let us hnvo a hospital, and not allow sectarian intolerance prevent us from accomplishing that end. B. B. Brlerly nml W, U. Blnckmoro of Mad rid, Perkins county, Nebraska, sjiout tho ixist week in tho Capital City. A party of young folks who were pupils of Mr. Mahler, will give n dancing party nt Temple hall Friday evening. Bolls, pimples, hives, ringworm, tetter, nnd all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Hnwavirllla. Prof. E. O. Bchwagerl, tho lnudscnpo arch itect, is happy once more, his wlfo and child having nrrived in tho city this week. Ex-Senator Bon Harrison, tho sou of "old Tippecnnoo," addressed a largo audience Wednesday evening In Bohnnnii's hull. This being tho first week of tho children's column it will necessarily, not Is) ns complete as hereafter, whou more fully established. Mrs. Gaylonl of Bridgeport, Conn., after n pleasant visit with tho family of Mr. Thos. Fitxgornld, returned to her homo Thursday, Interesting revival services uro being held nt the Christian church. Itev. Ira Chase is conducting tho meetings, and much good has resulted. A number of young folks from tho Univer sity, together with several couples of resi dents, will trip the light fantustlo nt Masonic Temple AVcdnesdny evening. Mr. F. M. Woods, tho live stock auction eer, KUorluteudcd a sale of Perchcrons at HU Marys, Kos., Thursday. Tho Colonel is In great demand In that capacity. Mr. C. E. Walto was called to Auburn Sunday by tho serious illness of his sister, Miss Cora, v ho has since died. Tho bereaved ones have the symathy of numerous friends in Lincoln, MibsFannlo Barnard ot Richmond, Ky., and Miss Huttlo Hans of St, Joseph, Mo., who has been visiting Mr. Oppenholmor on N street for the last four weeks, returned to Be Jos eph Monday. Mrs. Manutt was summoned by telegraph Thursday to the bedside ot her mother who took suddenly ill nt her home ln Orlunoll, In. Mrs. Monatt left on tho afternoon train nnd will bo gone nbout two weeks. A. C. Halter loft Thursday for Denver on a real cstnto transaction. Mr. Halter recent ly returned from California and stopped nt Denver, where ho reports tho boom as being on. IIo will remain about a week. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jnnson, after spendlmr the winter in California, returned homo Sun day and spenlc of tho trip nnd visit ns having boon very onjoyablo from beginning to end. They reiwrt Mrs. McMurty Jnnd daughter, Miss Tote, as being in good health and still In California. The Badger Lumber company have sev eral now wagons made specially for hauling heavy loads of lumber. Al. says they are tho ''canary bird lumber wngons" and ns tho Badger always leads ft is but but justice to say thoy are tho most attractive wagons for that Hue in the city. Miss Orctchen Mnrquetto loaves this after noon for a trip east. On her return from Greenwood early noxt week Miss Marquette anticipates a visit to her friend, Miss McCou nl IT, who is nt present sojourning In Denver. The Modorn Woodmen will entertain their friends at Masoulo Templo hall Thursday ev ening. Tho CouniKR has now In course ot transit from Now York among other lino stationery, several kinds of leap year novelties for pur ties and entertainments, announcements, pro grams, etc, bearing Illuminated designs aj propriato for such occasions. As soon as Aio goods arrlvo notice will bo given In those, col umns, and wo shall lo pleased to liavo tho ta il tes call and see them. Tlio following Item which will prove Inter esting to Lincoln friends ot tho lady, n peared in tho Omaha Ercrlslor of last Sat urday, undor tho beading of "Tho Army;" "The no ws drifts to us from Washington that Miss Jonuie L, Haydcn, ot Omaha, who has been spending tlio winter there, has been caught by an nriny olllcer, Lieutenant O. A. Bennett of tho Third artillery. Tho woddlug Is dated for tlio ilrstweek ln April. Miss Haydon is ut present with her brother, Mr. Kent K. Hayiien, lu Lincoln. Neb. Wo have every reason to congratulate her, not only upon her happy future, but ujion being allied to such a popular regiment as tlio Third artillery. Iiixl'illiitliiii of tint VAUk. Tho lislgo of benovnlent protective order of Elks recently oi gnnlrod lu this city, wilt Is) Initiated this nfteruooit r.t Knights of t'yth n Cnstln hull. Af one o'clock the initiatory crcnionles will Is) oeuod by Mr, Jack Krnu els of Omaha, District Deputy (Irand Kxnltvd Ruler, nnd It Is oxoctcd that if no unforeseen nccldeut occurs, with the aid of members of tho Omaha lodgo, the work of showing tlio lys the mysleiles of tho onler, will lie iimi. plobsl by nlsiiit half-past nine this uveil lug. Tho city nt this writing coulaliu over half of the incnilicmlilp of tho Omaha Elk lislge, also n largo nuinlwr of Elks from Kansas City, nnd it li anticipated Hint "our lsiys'' will Iki shown much fun heforo the sun rises tomorrow, but it Is confidentially oxsctoil that the visitors will have the bulk of the amusement. However, on Isdinlf of iIuno of our young men who nro troubhxl with heart disuse, tlio Couiukh earnestly1 reipimts Mr. Francis to bo easy on such us look timid and weak. Tlio olllcers to lie Installed after tliu Inltln Hon Including thonpitolntlvo ofllcei-H, nro ns follows: K.fJ. Zelming, Exiilleil lluler. It. ll.Townley, I'jtttviuist Iiyal KiiIkIiI. M. JlcKIiinon, KjiteciiiiMl Uiyn Knlit. (). K. Mniroon, K-leeined U-ctnrer. II. P. llelskell.Tylcr. l' II, HlfwMon, Inner (Itmrd, (I, . llonnrll. Kjvpilre, Tnistees-O. O. Hurr, J. II, Hnrley nnd F. I.. Hliclctoii. After tho ccreiunniw nt at Knlghti of Pyth ias hull to-night, n grand bauquot such ns Is popular with tho Elk fraternity, will bo ftprend at thn Windsor hotol nt ten o'clock. To tho memliers of tho Elk fraternity now lu tlio city from abroad tho Couiukh extends greetings of welcome, wishing them n plons nnt t!mo wlillo lu tho Capital City of Ne braska, nnd although unable to follow Knn mr City's hospitality In presenting the Oinnhn Elks with tho keys to tho motro)olls, wo grant them tho freedom of tho city w Ith open doors. To our own now lodgo of Elks wo wish a llfo of prosperity and an oxlstcnco full of usefulness, profit and enjoyment, "CisiiBlttlo(T) Tho firm of HufTmnn & Rlchter havo leen on tho sick list for a fow days this week. Mr' Hurfman Indulging (f) In tho fashiona ble and "swoll" complaint called Gout. Mr. Rlchter sntlsilcd himself In an humble way by having the measles. Holsn most nmlnblo Invalid, but requires much petting nnd six menls n day. Mr. R. Is around ncaln but we nro pained to mention that silk hand kerchiefs woro ned lu plnco of collnrs. Iliirn. Mr. II. M. Bushnoll, Lincoln ri'nresontatlve of tho Omaha rr, Is rejoicing over tho nr rivnl of a linndsomo pair of twins daughters nt tils home. Hore's to you, Bush. To Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. C. Hnwklns, former ly of Lincoln, a nine iwund loy. Tho Coun ir.it, with ninny other frionds, oxtends Its congratulations. Tho nbove event mnkes Rov. Ir. Hawkins a grau'pa onco more. Through nn oversight Inst week wo ro grotUsl to make moutlon of tho now addi tion to tho tiappy family circle of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Nowmnrk on M stm-t. Their cor.y home has teon enlightened by the ar rival of a handsome girl baby of the regulnr slro and weight. Tho llttlo stranger will lierenftor bo known ns Miss Nelllo Nowmnrk, and thu Couhikk wishes her a long life full of happiness. Sntn Hudsor wns hnndiug out Ilavnnns to his friends on O street ns lie enmo down Wednesday. Information ns to tho cause of supplying thepubllo with tills fragrant wcl, revealed tho fact that a bran now loy hnd nrrived nt his home, Kit!! R street. Bnm was on tho road when tho stranger nrrived, but ho nrrived homo by tho lightning expnwi to wolcomo the nawcomer, nnd says ho Is a beauty looks Just llko his pn. Mother nnd son doing well, nnd If projier treatment nnd cure is given tho father It Is oxicctcd ho will yet recover. However, tho Couiukh extends congratulations to nil concerned. Dentil of Gen, AVIIson. Gon. Alex. Wilson, father of Mrs. D. D. Mulr, died at tho residence of his daughter, 1228 R street, on Monday evening Inst. Mr. Wilson nrrived In Lincoln last autumn on Ids wny to Colorado, but on necount of ill health could not proceed further, nnd gradunlly snnk until death enmo to his relict. The fu neral occurred Thursday nrtcrnoon. Tho Couiukh oxtends Its slncerest syniimthy to tho bereaved friends nnd relntlecn. Nonmthliiir Novel. Our many friends w 111 plenso notico in this odltlon of tho Couiukh Hint ono column is being devoted to tho children of tho city. Everything contulnod therein hns liccn writ ten for tho CotmiEii by children of Lincoln, tinder tho age of fourteen years, they choos ing their own subjects, notes, etc. Tho arti cles are printed exactly as sont in by tho llttlo onts, and are quite interesting and funny. Thoy have received no aid from any ono, or oven any suggestionst excepting the nipiusi, mm iney write something Tor tho Couiukh. Ono of the mothers snld to us, "Whnt is it that my little boy Is trying to dof no camuino other Hay from what ho called tho 'Cavitai. Crry Couiukh Cmjii,' saying that ho must write something for tho Inte rior' (meaning Cnur.lKlO." Tho llttlo ones havo organized themselves into a club, clocted n president and secretary, nnd nru rendy for work. When worcmcii' ber Hint they are nil under fourteen years, and many under ten, their llttlo plnco m tho CouniP.it is not without interest. Any child under this ago Is requested to contribute to tho children's column, nnd nil communica tions may bo sent to tho secretary, care Couiukh. Kuiniett Anniversary , Temple hnll wns flllwl to overflowing Mon day evening ou tho occasion of tho Ennnett anniversary by tho Celts club of this city. Hon. Patrick Egnn presided, opening tho meeting with ono of his boultirrlngHecches. Excellently rendered solos by Mrs. Weber and Mr. Ijiwlor woro followed by a speech by Hon. M. V. Gannon, of Onmlia. Tho cifted s jieakcr iwild nn elegant tribute to Emmett in a pntrtu: and nn Iiishmun, following wltliu strong plea for Irish indeieudenca and recog nition as a nation. Miss Mny Flnnagun added crentlv to tho enjoyment of tho evening by her excellent singing or "Tho Isio That's Crowned With Shamrock." She was followed by Mr. N. J. Coj lo, who recited one of Enimett's mmhis, nnd by Miss Lottlo Ecklianl in a solo, "Tho Exile's Lament," Remarks were nUo inndo by lions. 1'. O. Ciwildy nnd O. P. Mason, tho meeting closing with tho singing of "Khnll Erin's Hni p Strings Croak no Moro" by M. M. Corcoran. A l'mgrossho Kiiebro Party wos given by .Miss Kirker nt her Iwautlful home, (Su south Seventeenth streotSatunlny evening. Those present w ero: Misses Louise Pound, Mny Tibbly. Iilnii Hyatt. Julia Lip plncott, Mniulo Wnlgwood, Mnbol Tuttle and Messrs. J. B. McDonald. A. E. Perrln, Roe coo Pound, II. C, Cope, Burt Bounellund John Lyons The royal prize was won by Mis Lippln cott. nnd tho liooby prize by Mr. McDonuId. At 10:10 p. ni. tables were cleared of cards, nnd eleL'nnt refreshment weruserv.il. Tho remainder of the evening was siiont In dancing. t ONE OF THE FINEST. Thn Snvr I'ltubloii Kiiiiiiirliiin of Messrs. Iliimiiim .V.- llleliter. Kur sonin lime tmst the Hew but well nnd fninr- nhly known merelmlit tnllors, Mcsar. llnlTiimn fit Itloliter, hnvelHi'ti busily riiKfigcd nrrniiKlng ivi'd titling up tlielr elrgnnt Hew qlinrters, 121)1 nnd 2'J(MO street, In Hie new Hurr block, nnd It tuny now Iki snld Hint they are certainly owners of the Itnesl stock of liluh grade tailoring gotsls nnd one of tlio llnest estnlillsliincrils In the entire west. To compare cither lhlr slock or their plnco of business lo Hint of nny other house In Hut city would 1st folly, for In this Itistnuco ft mny he truthfully elted Hint "eompirlsnns uro isllous." HteppliiK hi at this jiopiilnr IstIiIvo of fnsldon ycslenlny we found Messrs. Iltifrinnii nnd Itlch terlsith busy waiting on patrons, nnd nfter n wnltof severnl minutes conversed nllhonooftho firm, nonfiling tlio clinnne, If them Is. nny, In Hie st lo of cutting for spring wear. "Well," snld he, "I don't know ns tho changes nro very great ones, nothing grent enough In fact to crcnto a social sensation, but of course as tlio stjlesnlnnjs nry from ono senson to another, there nro, of course, some chiines notlccahlnfor Hid spring of 1KKH. "Tho cut of garuients w hlch nro now fosliloanlilo nro hi every senso of the wonl nrt Istle. Tliero Is net nn exaggerated feature isipulnr, eerj thing li lu accord Willi tho lines of tho Ixsly without following them so closely ns to sugggest tlio 'MiKT-oii-tho,wnll'st)lo of fit. Tho coloring of fabrics Is almost marvelous In Its subdued rich ness nnd pleasing effects, and tho weaves nnd patterns which urn ptilarnre dellcntonnd In-nu-tlful. "All conts nro inndo soft, so ns lo roll free when thrown open. Hhonlders nre wider thnn they wero Inst season. H'cks nro looser with wider bocks. On slnglo breasted conts the roll is nbout tho same as It wns Inst fall, ranging from -t 1-2 to 0 Inches deep, n fnlr nverngo liehic 0 Inches, Hleavcs nnd trousers nro larger, nnd thn tendency is townnis n still moro pronounced Increase In size. Vests nro Inrger, open lower, nnd thorn of tha curved crease form do not havo tho crease so greatly curved as Inst yenr. Tho tendency Is to ward plaids, but strlisisnnd checks will bo chlellv worn, nnd In overcoats tho Chesterfield will bo In demand." ln looking over their elegnnt stock, which Is undoubtedly tho llnest assortment nnd tho largest lu Hie state, wo notice such fpo goods as hnvo never before leen shown In Lincoln. The variety to select from embraces evcrj thing nnd anything Hint the most fastidious tasto could desire, from tho customary business suit to tho finest dress suit for evening wmr, for tho party, reception or Hie most fashlonnblo ball. A feature Hint Huffman A llleliter hnve, nnd nn oxtrnominnry ndvnntago over tlielr competl tors, Is that of lielng direct luiortcrs of foreign rnlirlcs. Tills class of goods nro received In Lin- coin by them In tha original packages, giving ex clusive styles ofpnttems nnd material to the cus tomer. This lu Itself Is a great feature, nnd by lenders of fashion Is n great Inducement. Mr. Wiley, the firm's fine cutter, wns seen nt ins post or duty "fiend over heels" In work. Mr, stl l I m .... i iej, miring ins snnrx sojourn lu Lincoln as cutter for this establishment, hns gained n ronu tntion fornrtlstlo work Hint characterizes lilm ns n master of the nrt. It Is not necessary for the Couiukh to go Into detail regarding tho various merits of the work turned out by Messrs Huffman ,C lllehter, or the lino of goods they carry, for everyone that lias hvwi in Lincoln .10 days knows who the lend mg tnllors are and where they mny be found. It Is lint necessary for us to ndd Hint you should visit, incir elegnnt new quarters to lusxct tlielr spring gooasamistjiffl. A Kcct-pilnu. vov. innyer nun stair wero irlven n verv pleasant reception Wednesday evening by tho uiuiuiiu iuiiik jv. oi r. ni iastio nan. iiio governor recently iipjiolntcd two memliers of tho division to his staff, a recognition tho ooys uosirou to snow thnir nppreclntion of. Tho evening wns very lilensantlv tinssl In listening to short tnlks and sjhwIios from tho visitors, as well ns from the Knight, AjniIIo division displaying its uxrcllenco In tho swoid unit for tho entertnininout of tho guest i. It wns nn occasion long to lie remembered. An tlnfortiiiutto rail. Wlillo on tho way to school last Thursday nuio i-enn Jionmui, unugiiter of J. C. Hon noil, fell and broke her wrist. The frnctur" Is qulto serious but it Is hoped that tlmo nnd enrcful treatment will nnko It right ngnln. At tile lliiiieliurHeliool. Ithnslieen remarked that Miss Hawkins pnys iNtrtictdar attention to iwllteness in her Battirday afternoon dniielng school for chil dren, having certain rules which nro strictly olieyed. Pupils nro never allowed to run ncross the hall. Tho young gentlemen nro not allowed to loavo their artner wlthoutercuslngtheni solves or visa versa. Gum b not allow od to lie used. Gentlemen nro obliged to uso their hand kerchief in holding tho waist of a lady. "Thank you" nnd "Please" are upjiennost in the minds of tho llttlo ones. All nre oblieod to say good night to their Instructor. Wo might mention numerous other good rules, but sutllco to say that visitors are always wel come who can easily see for themselves. AVfhto (lootls. Checked and strljicd nnlnsook, fifty pieces, worth from 15 to 23 cts a yard, all to Ik sold at 10 cts a yard for throe days only, begin nlng Mondny, March 11. AS1II1Y& MlLMvTAUOII. Kxciirslon "West and Northwest. Dally excursions have loen arranged for over tho Union Pacific, Railway to Sun Fran cisco, Knn Diego, Colton, Los Angeles, Ban Bernardino nnd Ban Jose, California, nlso to Portland, Oregon, nt 8d.00 for tho round trip. Tlckots nro good (10 days for going wv snge nnd good for tho return trip for six months from dnto of sale with tho usual stop over privileges in both directions within theso limits. These tickets aro also good by way of Den ver nnd Bnlt Ijike City in each direction. Tho agent, Mr. E. B. Blosson, tolls us qui ten num ber of our townsmen uro thinking of making tho trip soon, and it would lio well for thoso Intending to go In select parties to sec him nnd nrntngo for tholr accommodations. Mr. John B. Frawloy, traveling agent, Union Pacific, at Omnha, Neb., will give you any further Information In rognrd to these excursions. Parties who prefer enn corros- pond with Mr. J. B. Tebbets, (I. I' & T. A., Omnha, Neb. Jlou't Hut Caught This spring with your blood full of Impuri ties, your -digestion Impaired, your npjietlto poor, kidneys and tlver torpid, and wholo system liable to 1k prostrated by disease but got yourself Into good condition, nnd ready for the changing and warmer weather, by taking Hood's Barsupanlla, It stands un equaled for purifying tho blood, giving nn npisjtite, and for n general spring medicine. Keinnval of Crystal Laundry Oilier, On Thursday noxt the Crystal Bteam Laun dry will movo to Its new and elegant up town ofllco on Twelfth street lu tho Burr block. Tho ofllco has lieen fitted up in first class stylo, and ns tho location U central and ono ot tho most prominent in tho city, tho chnngo will be boucilctal to both the laun dry company and its patrons. Q'l'uSi-'riEiMijEJisra: or Mutual Life Insurance Company of lew York, RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. l?or tlio Yoar ending Dooomber 31t, 1887. ASSETS, $1 18,806,851.88. Insurance and No Amount Policies nnd Annuities In force, Jan. 1, 1S87 1211.1127 .7.i:l,tsl'.),202 88 (i'J,l57,l(W)l7 iuskh ..Ksuincii, 1M,305 152,2:12 llslp2(K,()71 25 Dr. Revenue To Rnlnnca from Inst necount f 101,710,7:11 III " Premiums - - 17,110,lNJi 02 " Interest, Rents nnd Preni- ium on Securities Bold - 0,000,(r.) $I87,KKI,0.V1 77 Dr. Balance To Reserve for Policies In force nnd for risks torinlnnted,fll2,4:W,0'.K) 00 " Premiums received ln nil- vnnco, .... 82,!I14 l " Bunlus nt four per cont, - 0,21(4,41102 118,800,851 88 I have carefully examined tho foregoing statement and find tho snmo to lo correct. A. N. WATERHOUSE, Auditor. From tho Surplus nbove stnted a dlvldoned will Ih npjwrtlonodas usunl. Risks Yenr. 1881 18H5 lbhrt 1887 Assumed. $34,031,420 40,507,i:t0 f0,8:i2,710 U'.l,-I.r7,-I(l8 Nkw Yoiik, Jnnuary 2.5, 1888 ROBERT A. GRANNIS8, Vice-President. ISAAC F. LLOYD, 2d Vice-President. WILLIAM J. EA8TON, Secretary. BOARD OF Bnmucl E. Sproulls, Lucius Robinson, Hnmuel D. Bnlicock, George B. Coo. John E. Dovclln, Richard A. McCurdy, Jnmes C. Holden, Hermnnu C. Von Post, Alexander II. Rice, F. RntchfonlBtarr, Iiowls May, Oliver Harrimsn, Henry W. Smith, Robert Olynhnnt, Gcorgo F. linker, Jos. Thompson, Dudley Olcott, Fnxlerlo Cromwell, W. 11. HASTINGS, District Manager, THOS. L. STEPHENS, i2o S. loth St., Lincoln Neb. Special Agent for Lincoln. W. F. ALLEN, General ABcnt, For Nebraska. Dakota, Colorado, Wyoming nnd Utah, Office over First Nntionaf Bank, Cor. Fnrnatn and 13th Sts., Omaha, Neb. SEE SPECIAL PRICES ON White Goods Ginghams -for First Three Days of Next Week. ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. NEW SPRING STYLES! JUST ARRIVED. And now ready for inspection at John Morrison's All the Finest Qualities and Latont Patterns in stock. I have the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Call and see my goods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. Special Sale of Kid TO - We put on sale one of the largest stocks of uiiitc utiu outer Known tnaKcs at tne low price ot bUC. por pair. Hosiery and Underwear. 50 Doen, Bro. Hal. and Pin Stripe, full regular hose 18c. worth 3c 35 " Black Lisle Hose, (Fast Color) 2i;c. 40 to " Blnck bilk Hose, " " 7. $135 S " Balbriggan Vests 35c. 50 18 " Jersey Knit Lisle Vests 48c. " 7c S " " " Silk Vests, nil colors $150 " $225 OUR Trimming Department Is filled with latest novelties. OUR Silk and Dress Goods Department has the newest and most hdect stock ever found in Lincoln. OUR Embioldery stock Is the Imijcst and cheapest in, the city. It will pay you to call for BARGAINS. Carpet Sale contiuued this week. O. R. OAKLEY & CO. Something for a Rainy Day. 100 Ladies Gossamers with Byers Ventilated Epaulets worth $2.50 we will close the lot at $1.25. I. FRIEND & SON 9 1 3 and 9 1 5 O Street. TIIK Annuity Account. No Amount Policies nml Annuities! lu force, Jan. 1, 1KSS Risks Terminated, - KO.tH.'I 11,2851 427,028,1KB 51 :n,(X17,7!l8 74 1 o8,2.KI 4(,2(W,0T1 25 Account. Cr. By Endowmonts.Purchnsed In- surnucus, Dividends. An- unties nnd Death Claims 11,128,123 CO " Commisstons.Commutnt'ns, Taxes, and all other Ex- tienses .... ,1,(VtO,514 40 " Bnlnnco to now account - 110,001,718 08 ti27,S3,CM 77 Sheet. Cr. By BondsSccurcd byMortgngcs on Real Estate, - - 40,015,2(W 06 " U. S. nnd other Bonds, - 4:),klt,877 81 " Real lNtato and Ixatis on Collaterals, - - - 20,150,173 07 " Cash In Banks and Trust ComiMinles nt Interest - 2,010,303 00 " Interest accrued, Premium! deferred nnd in transit nnd Sundries, - - 2,073,100 08 $118,800,851 88 Risks Outstanding $351,780,285 :W,ll8l,4il :R13,800,203 427,(528.033 Surplus. $4,743,771 B,012,(KH 5,043,608 (1,201,442 TRUSTEES. Jullon T. Davlos, Robert Sewoll, S. Van Rensselnor Cruger, Charles R. lleiidcrwjn, George Bliss, Rufus W. Perkhnm, J. Hobnrt Herrlck, Win. P. Dixon, Rolwrt A. Grnnnlss, Nicholas C. Miller, Henry II. Rogers, J. W. AuchincloRS, Theodora Morfonl, William Bnbcock, Preston B. Plumb, Win. I). Washburn. ti iE- Gloves and Hosiery. DAY perfect Kid Gloves In Foiter Hook, Alex- atr wreww- ttt T" 7-rl 7 y "" "w y nyrrF xyw