TO i- to y I UNION SAYINGS BANK in South xoth Street. CAPITAL, $300,000 Liability of Stockholders $400,000. tlTOCIIIOLDItltX. J J IMltOKF JOHN FITZ(IKUAI.D JOHN 11 CI.AHK A H HAYMONl) E. K 1IH0WN DAVID UKMIUK UK MOOHK KIIKI) HOHMIDT J I) MACKAULAND JOSKl'II WHITMAN K K 1IAYDKN OHAH. HA IMOND DDMUlll KKINNKY O K YATK8 V M HAM. 1IKNHY K LEWIS O W DEWKKHK O M I.AM lll'.KTttON M I HMITII J McCONKIKP ( W HOLDUKOK T E UAIiVKUT J W IIOWJI AN li. MKYKK 0 II 1M1IUKF nrriCKM, M E. Mooiue, President. IIkmiiv Lewis, Vice President. 0. It. iHnerr, Cashier Interest paid on dcKwlta of K ami upwards at tlio rate of ojior cent ieraiinuiii,coin pounded semi annually. Your ruyIiirs neeoutit solicited. MONEY TO LOAN For a lontr or short limn on real estate or tin proved collateral security, llnnlc open from U:U0 r. tn, to 2:30 p, in., mul on Haturilny evenings from 0 to 8 . m. . liili A PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. FAST MAIL ROUTE. 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 Atchison, Leavenworth, St.Joscpli.Kansas City, St. Louis and nil points South, East nnd Went. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons, Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. 1'ui.lmav Si.kkpkks and Fkkk Reclining Chair Cahs an all trains. H, G. HANNA, . R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O and 12th Sts. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. ytllllnthe front and absolutely leading all ompotltors. Thoroughly equipped for tbi finest work, giving to each customer an un qualified guarantee for all work done. All of our work dono with neatness nnd dispatch. Wo solicit orders for suburban villages and neighboring towns, paying the express on all orders one way. Respectfully, C. J. PRATT Only Excliisivo House In the City, A. 1. Davis & Son., An Elko ant Stock. Latest 8tv CARPETS 1112O Street. Call and boo us In our. Now Quarters. Working Classesi'K! yJ prepared tc furnish al claws with employment M home, the whoto of the time, or for their spare momeuU Business now. light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily cam from W cents to J 5.00 pel renlnc, and a proportional sum by Unvoting all their time to the business. Hoys aud girls em Ke&rly us much as men, That all who see till may send their address, and test the business, do make this offer. To such as ara not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars and outfit free. Address XlconoK Stinson fe Co., Portland, Maine. MONEY! rto be made, Cut this ont and re ' tum to us, and we will send you , free, something of great value ant1 lmnortance to von. that will start you In business widen will bring you In roor money right away than anything else la this world Any onecan do the work ai.d live at home. Either ex; all uges. 6omerhlng new, tlt Just ooliu saoney for all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. This Is one of tee genuine, important eha'ices of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprlsiug will not delay. Grand outfit fre Address True & Co., Augusta Maine. 'XT A TTcan "Te ftt borne, and make mors money y E 1 1 1 at work for us, than at anything ebo In JL V U this world. Capitol not iieeded; you are started free, targe earnings sure from first start. Costly outfit ami terms free, better not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and find out; If you are wise you win do so at once. II. Hiu-rrr & Co., Portland, 2taiue. ' ! Crystal Steam Laundry Will call for, and promptly entrusted to tuom, una llnlsh same in latest and host ii.mmer. NEW MCHINERY, and lxsit facilities In the city, for doing strict ly first-class work. Our now locations are LAUNDRY, Corner 24th and 0 Sts, CITY OFFICE; 119 lU2tb Street. TELEPHONE No. 478. t3fA trial will convince you that tho Crystal (lo,is tho best laundry work in tho staco IntnrrstliiK Itnms rnrrnilii IVupl of Koto Wlmt tho NeniH'r Hay. BnMn wns a millionaire, when elected to Uio senate, lu 18$), hut inndo nu nstlgnmcnt to his creditors. He is on his foot ngiiln, nnd is oven reported to hnvo recovered consider able of his fortune. Lonl Lyons has loft n regular series of dinries, lu which nro rolr.ted nil the moro striking private Inclilont.H of his dlploiuntlo career. The passages rcliitlug his Wushlug ton excrieiices during the civil war, anil his notes of Parisian llfo heforo and after tho fall of tho empire, are of extraordinary in terest. On his 09th birthday, Feb. 8, 18S9, Gen. Sherman was captured by Lieut. flurnoy, of Barony's photographic establishment, nnd during his term of imprisonment wns "taken" in twenty different jKwItlons. Oon. Hliernmn was lu full uniform, aud bore tho ordoul with his usual stoicism. Sir. George W. Chllds wont to Washington i few days ngo to stand godfather to tho in fnnt of John It. AIuIjviiii, editor of Tho Cln cinnntl Knqulrlor. Sir. Chllds presented his godchild with n silver howl. Another silver bowl wns presented by Mrs. Grant, and lioro tho inscription, "From Mrs. Julia Dent Grant, widow of Gen. nnd President U. H. Grant," Wagner wns tho most furious nntl-Somltio fnnntio of his time, hut tho Jews at least lovo his music, Aprojios of this, a story is told of Liszt's visit to ii wealthy Jewish lawyer of Lolpsic, Sitting in his library tho two dis cussed inuslo with great enthusiasm, when suddenly Liszt stopiwd in tho midst of a laudatory tirade on tho "Muslc-draum" with tho Interjection, "Hut I forgot: you probably feci ii raeo lint rod toward Wagner." Tho other arose, took down a bust from a retired nlcho showing Wngticr with u chnplet of laurel around his brows and a halter around his neck, and said: "That's what I think of Uichard Wagner." Charles Hong, who died recently nt Mlntio nolls, wus oiio of tho original bottlers of that city. Thero was not n dozen actual bottlers west of the river nt tho Falls of St. Anthony, now nearly forty years ago, when Mr. Hoag arrived thero with his family, and within n few weeks of his advent, he had tho distinguished honor of standing godfather for the now frontlor settlement. Having lx-cn n school lonelier in tho east, ho con ceived tho idea of combining in tho name of tho now settlement a word from tho nuclent Greek nnd ono from tho Indian tongue, henco tho name Minneapolis (water city literally). Mrs. I). O. Croly, lwtter known as "Jennlo Juno," is ono of tho few womon who hnvo had n thorough Journalistic training. Sho began her career by writing for tho uows pairs, nnd sho has worked In every depart ment of n newspaper olllco except tho com posing room. Sho is n very hard worker, but sho has won tho reward that does not always follow hanl work good pny. Mrs. Croly wns ono of tho founders of Sorosls, nnd wns its president from tho first until within two years, when sho handed in her resignation, much to tho regret of tho bovcrnl hundred uiemlers of that society. Sho is now editor nnd proprietor of tho long known "Godoy's Lady's IJook." John Habbcrton mado moro monoy out of "nelon's Babies" than out of nil tho rest of his books put togothor, but it is hardly safe to mention it to him. Ho thinks moro of any of tho others, and has a great distaste for being known especially as tho nuthor of that skit. What ho wants to bo nnd is will ing to loso money in being Is n heavy his torian. Urot Harto has au almost equal dis taste for being recognized on tho merits of tho "Heathen Chiueo." Hut ho nover re ceived directly u cent for that. Ho wrote it In a California newspaper olllco to fill sjmico and quell tho insistent cry for copy, and ho nover thought it was funny. Wo havo two Peter Coolers in Washing ton Georgo Ilaneroft nnd W. W Corcoran. Thoy nro the last resort for copIo who wish to write nuw8iMiier paragraphs. When everything elso fulls, then Georgo Bancroft can bo trotted out. I baw him last at tho White House, where ho is very fond of going when weather and health ieriult. Ho had just passed in front of tho president and was being shot through tho pas.sagoway Into tho East room, which was already well filled. Ho tottered its an old man in his IXHh year will, and ho wns rather timid and garrulous. Ho was clinging to tho arm of his granddaugh ter, Suzanule, who eloped with a fellow to Baltlmoro nnd married him. "Don't go so fast," ho said. "Wo shall got lost in tho crowd. Hero, hold on to my nrm I Dear mo, what n Bight of people. Bo careful of tho wny you go." Tho story thnt ho is losing his mind Is contradicted by Gen. Badeau, who re cently sjwnt bovoral hours chatting with him. Tho general tells mo that ho found Mr. Ban croft in tho best montal condition, with a clear recollection of tho past. Of course, lis will never write much moro history, and BOino ouo else will havo to tako up his groat work when ho loaves it. LINCOLN lfjst 'Smi Scutate 4M MtfTITUTE OF I'lOHiSBIIU', flliorllmnd anil Tyix-wrltlnir. Rout and UiRrt onllrm In the Meat. Bunli'iita prepared lor 1jih1iih In from S to It mouths. Individual liutrtirllon. Kullnml ex perienced fuculty. Send fur collrrfu Journal, and i pocliucai of iMMiinftimhln to ULUUIUUUK I100S& Lincoln, Kcb. A Very lteiiinrkiililn llooni. Tho puro nmlier is precious stuir, nnd the oxtravngnuco and grandeur of tho Russian rulers may bo suggested by a chninbcr in tho old palaeo of Catherine tlio Great at Tsarekn- Selo, thirty miles from Petersburg, which is lined, walls nnd coiling, with tho finest amber. As tho room is half as largo as tho great Jiost room in tho white Ilouso nt Well ington, its vuluo is purely a matter of specu lation. It caunot bo estimated. Tho golden gum is in largo plecea larger than can bo found elsewhere in tho world; in fact, no where but under tho wntors of tho Baltic lu bo large nn accumulation of tho stuir, nnd it in laid, llko mosaic, so artistically thnt tho divisions can bcarcely bo detected. When tho room is lighted tho effect is superb. Thero is nothing to compare with it. Thin amber wns a gift from Frederick tho Grcnt of Prussia to Catherine II, tho most ox travngant monarch that over reigned, at tho tlmo ho was trying to provent nu iilllanco lo tween her and hcrsisterqueon, Mario Theresa of Austria, Tlio coat of nrms of the giver it carved In ii I"-, '!-..! of ainlier nnd sot in , center of tho widest wall. William Eleroy Curtis in Chicago Now., Youthful tVUdom In ii Milliard. It is rolnted of two llttlo girl of nnd 18 years of ago that thoy wero lato in going to school, and when about half way tho storm nroso and thoy turned back. After wander lug ubout for u time thoy ciuno to a straw stack. Tho oldor girl dug out tho straw as fur ns she could. Sho then put her sister in ahead of her nnd crowded iu after her. Sho took off their shiKti, and when their feet grow cold she ruhlHxl them briskly. Tho younger girl fell asleep, but tho elder keptuwuko and continued tho rubbing process when nocos Bary. Tho parents gave up their children as lost, but early Friday morning, after tho storm hud subsided, thu girls, none tho worso for tholr exiierlenee, made their wny homo, nnd it is needles to say thero was great Joy and rejoicing in that hoiiho. A wise head is sometimes found ou very young shoulders. Minneapolis Tribune. Tho last now languago into which tho "Pil grim's Pilaris-." lias been translated is thut of tho I' mill ou tho Gold Coast, CLIPPINGS OF ALL SOnT8. Tho four girders of tho I'.lfM tower nro iu place, and tho work Is rising fast, Ottumwn, la., hits un nrteslan well which discharges V!,XX),000 gallons every twenty four hours. It is said to bo the best well lu tho country. In jwtloin of Florida jioople nro planting tho peach treo instead of tho orange. Tho Idea is that the naeh will bo the morn popu lar fruit, nnd It begins to yield n return earlier thnti tho orange. Dwarf fruit trees nro coming Into fashion ngnln. They nro recommended to ornament lawns and for producing fruit for iKirsons w ho hnvo but smalt plots of ground. Manual training is practiced in Swedish schools wllh groat success. It Is culled "slojd," a word nllled to our "sleight of hand." Tho teachers say that It sthnulalos exertion Iu other studies. Tho king of Portugal, owing to ill health, was unable to attend tho recent Pattl con certs lu Lisbon. Ho sat iu his jmliuv, how ever, wllh n telephone nt his enr, heard tho great dlvn ns she sang In tho Hnn Carlos the atre, and seemed to enjoy tho entertainment, A unique election recently occurred in n small community in Germany. Tho vote wns tnken to deeldo who wns the "liest lunii" In tho community. Only ono man, n shoe maker, voted, and as ho voted for himself, ho wns declared to Imj unanimously elected to the position of best mail in tho municipality. For thu first tlmo In Euglnnd u womnii has been burled with military honors. Mrs. Fox, wife of tho quartermaster of the Couimught Hangers, was borne to her grave ou u gun carrlago, tho colllii being covered with tho Un on Jnck, nnd nil tho usunl military forms lielng observed. Sho died from wounds re ceived six years ngo in tho Trnnsvanl war, In which sho was made n prisoner. It is claimed thnt thero hns recently been discovered n now oil nnd n proeoss for ob taining it, Tlio oil is n hyro-cnrloii and vegetable in its nature. It can lie obtained from nny sourco not mineral or anliiml. It can oven lie mndo from waste paper, woods, otc. It Is n puro grouse, colorless, anil has a very faint and hurdly pcrcuptlblo odor, not at all disagreeable. It Is jierfectly neutral, will not ferment or beeomo rancid, nnd re mains perfectly limpid In cold weather. As nn lllumliiiiut it gives a strong, brilliant light, nnd Is non-oxploslve. It is also nu ex cellent lubricant, Tho crnzo for Jnpnncso brlc-n-brao which has so thoroughly caught nnd held American collectors is tlio growth of n little over thirty years. When Comuxxloro Perry returned to Wnshlngton from Mikado land, about 1854, ho brought the llrst Jiqinueso curios over seen hero. Among them wcru two largo lnequcml bowls, with covers, ono of which wns bought by Edward Everett. Lacquered wuro was greatly udmlrcd, nnd it wus do clared thut tho Japanese had inndo wood malleable Watchlnc tlio 'Wealthy ".Snoror." "Thero goes another snoror," said tho clerk of a downtown hotel, nodding nt a well dressed, dignified gentleman who was walk ing to tho parlor. "Thoy'ro n nulsanco and every hotel in tho city is Iwthcrcd with them." Tho dignified man entered tlio pnrlor, selected a comfortnblo chnlr, crossed his knees, cloyxl his eyes as If iu deep medita tion aud wits) scon sound asleep, in a littlo whlloho whistled softly through his noso, but tho noiso gradually nttnlned such u high pitch that guests passing through tho corri dor wero stnrtled by tho sound. Tho other guests in tho parlor rattled their nowspniicrs, looked angry, muttered "outrageous" nud othcrwiso evinced their displeasure. "Ten minutes, tlmo up," exclaimed tho clerk look lug down the corridor nnd placing Ills finger on his noso. Tho quiet man who wnlks nhout tho hotel during tho dny, and is known ns tho hotel detective cgtcred tho jwrlor, shook tho snorcr until ho was awake, and mado his exit without saying a word. Thodignilled individual looked around calmly, crossed his knees again and iu ten minutes was linril nt work snoring ngnln. Of course thudctectivo shook him up soon after. "That gentleman puys tho largest bill hero overy week, nnd of course wo cannot turn him out. Ho will enter tho jmrlor nnd ho will mora Wo simply shaku him up every ten or ilf teen minutes." Now York Mail and Express. Ilunutlful Woods of California. Somo of tho natural woods of California and Oregon nro coming into extensive uso, both nt homo nnd abroad, for interior finish, tho most valuable for this purjioyj leing tho redwood, tho w lilto codur, tho laurel, nnd tlio syenmoro. Tho rodwood takes tho leatl in this lino, taking a good iiollsh, nnd, for general uso, wenr and staying qualities, is alleged to havo uo superior in any forest iu tho world. Tho laurel Is smooth, firm, lieautlfully fig ured, aud altogether u dosirablo wood. Tlio valuo of tho sycamoro as an ornamental wood has only quite recently beeomo gener ally known, its grain being much llko that of tho eastern birch, having waving Hues close together, ana, ns it Is quite tough nnd strong, it possesses BUcrior value for veneering. Tho Oregon ash is of beauty nud utility for docorutivo punwscs, is figured with conccu- trlo curves, and allows nn attractive polish. Tho maple of that state is also of beautiful appearance, light yellow in color, nnd a sur fuco covered with btnall, wavy lines, of e s jwclnl beauty in tho gaslight. Now York Sun. Tim Origin of "Leap Year." Th custom observed overy fourth year of permitting tho falrorboxto assume tho right, nnd prorogntivetj appertaining to their brothers during tho remaining thrco is a very nncient ono. When it originated is not definitely known, but a law enacted by tho parliament of Scotland iu the year of 1U83 is doubtless tho llrst statutory recognition of tho custom. Tho law was as follows; "It is Btatutaud ordaintthat during tho relnoof her malst blisslt megestio, ilk fourth year, known as leap year, ilk maiden lndyo of balth high ami low cstnit bhnll I ! ' rty to bespeak ye man sho lik, e- fuses to tako hlr to bo his wyi. , ..dl bo mulcted In yo summo of nno undis ur less, as his estuit moit lie, except and aw is gif ho can rank it ap(etir that ho Is bctrothit to aino ither woman, thut ho shall then bo free." Chicago Nous. Kipeilnientul Torpedo limit Cruise. Put not your trust in toriedo lioats, is tho inornl to l drawn from tho return which has Just Informed an astonished puhlio of tho results of tho .'xpeiimeutal torjiodo bout crulso of last sp.-ing. Twenty-four so called llrst class lioatu btarted on this exjieilltion, Fivo pasted through tho ordeal (which con sisted of several hours' run down channel in very fair weather) uninjured. Of tho re maining nineteen one burst her Ixiller, ono ran ou u rock nnd two got into collision, while the rest sustained moro or less serious breakdowns of machinery of ouo kind and another. What would havo hapiHued to tho llotilla iu real warfare is more easy thau pleasant to contemplate. The natural Infer tneo would seem to Ik that tn'du Ixxitsnro nhv-ilutely useless craft either for ull'ousivo or defensive puqiotca. London Trutlt Ranson Carbon Light. V A WOIEEEFTJL IIYEITIOI. This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and Saves Gas. This light can be seen at our offlGel25 N. 11th St. Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. Scale, 100 Ft.1 Inch. SMITH TRKIT. Ui K 5 X H Z lai U & 3 O 3 a 3 2 m 3 3 ao 3 it i i 3 ! 3 I" a i ii & m iy -1 a S i ii ui 5 i K W X M aa ai aa it is 17. ! ia 1A ia tn i a s a a a a a v a a a m a it a i a m I I van oorjn STRUT. I The foregoing plat shows the location of "Knob's Hill," the highest tlryest and most beautiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots arc not high priced when their sightliness is considered ; they arc sure to be the homes of our best people, and will always be valuable property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms arc thus: One-forth Cash; balance 3 Equal Annual Payments WITH INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. DELAYS ARR DANGEROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-five are sold. Buy now, McBRIDE & MELONE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK