Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 10, 1888, Image 5

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    V u
Wero all wlso enough to herd tilts ndvlco In
season, a world of suffering would tio avoided.
Tho best months In which to tako Howl's
Sarsaparllla, tho great blood purifier, aro
March April May
At no other season li tho Ixxly so much In
need of, or so snsceptlhlo to tho benefit to bo
derived from Hood's Barsaparllla, as now.
Tlio Impoverished condition of tho blood, tho
weakening effects of tho loiiR.cold winter, tho
lost appetite, nnd that tired feeling, all mako
a good spring medlelno absolutely necessary.
Try Hood's 8arsaparllla ntul you will bo con
vinced that It Is tho Ideal spring medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
PollbynllclruKKlt. Hi six fort's. lfereit only
ty C. 1. 1IOOI1 A CO., Aiotliocnrle, Lowell, Maaa.
IOO Dosos Ono Dollar
Coal and Wood.
Good supply ot
High Grade Soft,
anq Hard Coal al
ways on hand.
1201 O St.
Aftrr rortrr'
eiprrlence In tb.
reparation of mora
han Ono Hunilr.d
Thoaaand appllcatlona for nilint. In
Iba Untud hUt" nJ lfrelgn coun.
trieo, tba publlahera of tbo be jntlfU
American continue to act ollciton
lor patent., catfata, trado-marka, copy
rights, elo.. for tha United Hlatoa.and
to obtain patent. In Canada, lingland. 1 rune.
Oermanr. and all other oounjrlM Tbelr.ip.ri
ence I. un.qualad and thair faclllttoa aro uuaur-
Drawing, and .pacification! prepared and filed
In tbe l'al.nt Offlca on .hort notice, 'I arm. rry
r.aaonabl. No charge for lamination of modal.
or drawing. Adtlca by niall I ree
Palontoobtalnodlhrouirli Mnnn tOn aronotleod
lb. lark-eat circulation and t the mini Intluent l
n.w.paper of it. klnJ.publlahed In tbe world
Tbe advantage, of auoh a nolle, etery patent..
Tbi. large and anlandldty llluatrated nowapapar
la publiah.d WKKKI.Y at SlOOiiyeer. and la
admitted: to be tne ueaipaporuoromu "
mechanic Intention!, entineertnB work., and
other department, of Induatrlal progreaa, pub
fl.h.d In any country. It contain, the name, of
all patentee, and title of erery Intention patented
each week. Try II lour montu. iur uuo uuhw
Boldbyallnewadealer.. .....
If yoa hare an Intention to patent write te
llunn A Co., puhllaher. of Bcientltto American,
HI Broadway, New York
Handbook about paUni. mailed free.
lies c
from April 1, 1HI:
litislnehs block. O K oiilcomerv. 11th amlN
do do I. W iMlliursley, llthliesrN.
Restaurant (Odells) U E
JIotitKonifry, N near
itesldenee, J J InihnrT, J mid 13th.
do J I) Maefarliuicl, Q and 14th.
do John 7.1'linmi;, I) und Uth.
do Albert WatkliM. 1) Iwt Otlt nnd 10th.
do Win 31 U-oimiil r. iK'tOth mid 10th.
do K H Outhrli-, irrth ntul N.
do J K Ilt-ed, M II, T lt IMh nnd 17th.
do 1,(1 M llnlilln, 0 Ih'I ih nnd 18th.
Rnnliarlum liiillillnic nt Mllronl. Nidi,
Flirt UnptlHt church, Uth nnd K streets
orlunry citadel and ruculThittltomb nt kWyuka
Rooms it! nn.134
Ftioliards Bloolc.
DR. B. B. Powers,
GoMFillings A Speciltay
Gold, Silver and Porscclaln Crowns Insert
ed on loots of teeth. Sets Inserted without
n plate, All operations first xlnss nnd war
UI4 O Street oer Elliott's.
W Ebb
New York I'nalilniia for Spring, lnelttiN
lug lliintirtU mill ltmiml lint All
Alxmt thn ItrcoinliiE llrnddrruot
Known n Widows' Caps.
In our cut Is Illustrated ono of tho many
pretty widows' cups which aro now fash
ionably w orn In tho house. Theso accessions
to tho mourning toilet nro nindo In n grcAt
nrloty of styles.
WIDOWS' cap.
Bomo of theso caps nro small, plain, Ktntod
fauchons ot whlto tarlatan. Uthers still in
fnuchou shapo nro tniulo in folda, mill aro
cdgetl with puffs of crimped tarlatan. Bquaro
cottago shnped caps, w 1th small crow lis, aro
worn by younger women, whllo old ladles
wear caps with a full, largo crown luid tab
strings, hemmed and tucked.
Fashion. Tor Spring.
Already spring goods nro in tho shop win
dows, whllo modistes anil milliners nro busy
with gowns and bonnets, tliat will upjienr ns
soon as tho Lenten season has past. Follow
ing nro items regarding Now York fashions,
as told in Iiarcr's Ilazar:
Corsages with full fronts nro in great favor
for drcs-ses of various materials, from heavy
silks to tho thinucht gauzes. Tho nmateur
dressmaker will llnd that this fullness is eas
ily added, and that it will Improve tho sim
plest bodice For plain muslins, ginghams,
and other cotton fabrics, and nlso for dinner
silks, it is only necessary to add two or throo
inches cf grentcr breadth to tho edges of tho
fronts, gathering this fullness at tho throat
and nt tho waist lino. In wash dresses mado
in this wny tho darts aro not taken up on tho
outside, but merely In tho lining; in silks,
however, tho darts nro sowed in both.
Tho llrst importations of spring millinery
show smn.ll bonnets longer in front than any
worn lately, but with crowns precisely llko
those of last season. In somo of theso bon
nets tho fronts project far enough to !k posl
tivo pokes; others havon ilnring brim that
will require trimming lnsido, w uuo tuo bo
coiniug coronets nro uddetl to close pricccsso
shaies. Colored straws uro shown of vari
ous kimls, from tho plaiu Jlilan to fancy
braids. Chips of admirablo lightness aro
also revived in nil tho now colors, nnd tho
thin Neapolitan braids aro mado up in plain
rows, and also in laco patterns of flowers and
web liko designs.
All trimmings nro lowered on tho now bon
nets, though they nro by no means flat. A
groat dilferenco will, howovcr, lie found bo
twccii tho high towering pointed bows of lost
year and tho soft w Ido loops now put on to
glvo a broader effect.
Ostrich feather tips, ombro nnd nlso mot
tled, will bo revived for tho demi-scasou bon
nets and will bo worn nil summer on round
Quills havo had their briof day of favor,
but n few aro imported, as well as half
stripped peacocks' feathers, barbed with a
silvered arrowhead. Flowers nio bunched
with n sluglo long thorny stem, or with
bunches of grqcn btemstied together. Small
slender posies, trailing branches nnd vines,
aro nlo mado of ono Llnd of llower in all its
colors, as chrysanthemums of every huo, or
elso flowers of different kinds uio loosely tied
Hound lints will bo exceedingly fashlonablo
for youug ladies, and uro Imported in two
distinct styles, thoso for city stieets having
high tajierlng crowns with close narrow
brims, while moro picturesque huts for sum
mer wear in tho country lmvo low crowns
with wido projeetiug brim in front.
Mmirnlnir Tnllola.
Henrietta cloth divides favor with impo
rial serge for deepest mourning dresses, theso
materials, of courso, to bo trimmed with
English crnH). T hero is also n crapo cloth
that is much uctl for tho purposo. Addi
tional fabrics ciiiplo)ed in mourning aro
camel's hair, Indies' cloth nnd other fabrics
without luster.
In tho accompanying illustration nro given
two English models ono u deep mourning
costumo mid tho other n half or second
mourning toilet. In tho first meutionod tho
dress is of imperial scrgo and crapo. Tho
draped tunlo nnd front of tlio full bodice is
of crapo, as is also tho veil.
Tho remaining flguro represents a cloth
tollot, trimmed with velvet nnd braiding.
Tbo tabliar is braided, and there is n pointed
plain tunlo alsivo. Tho collar, rovers and
roblngs uro vulvot, Cruiio ells worn by
widow s fall wltlila oliout ten Inches of tho
bottom of tho dress whon over tho fueo, Tho
bom Is about fifteen inches deep. Nun's veil
ing Is much used for tho English scarf veils,
being preferred by many to crapo ou accouut
of its lightness.
Ear knobs aro nioro
sovcral years.
worn than beforo in
IB 4 Kv neui.
if S3fi
a Willi IHi
mi 111 fell
i?ff;-!i3fllWf liki 11 UilrWlFir.ViJ
LContliiutNl from llrst prKi
thn prtnldont of tho He))tibllt', nnll thn
Illicit statuary and palutiitg4 of living
artists. After their tlenth they aro to Int it
movod to tho Ixnivre. This Is tho placo to
which wo nro constantly gravitating when
tlnsl of street stvnes. W have Ikwi twice
and wo In-gln to bellovo then) uro four miles
ot halls
I.lko Wtwtnilnlster Abby, this gnvtt temple,
Is now tho rmtltig plneti of tho great men of
Ki niieo. A very brief description of this hls
torle building would require mi eiitlm aitl
ele. The oriiitmeutnl reiuitlus of tho good
nnd thebnd men who havo floured In tho his
tory of Kraneo for over n hundred ywirs, nm
found betv.
Wo were foitunnto in our visits, Ajyot
the costly llonil tributes of Victor Iltigt),
whoso writings (iron well known to Ameri
cniis ns to Krenehmeii, were still toUiwH'ii,
Thny nro fast fading nwny but tho world will
not soon forget thn imwerful words bit hns
Written in hehnlf of tho lights of limn.
The Inst tenant of thesu vaults Is Victor
Hugo, whom) remains worn dessltsl hero af
ter the magiilllccnt mimiUkhmIs of Juno 1st,
158.), still rrosli lu the memory of all.
A Nullity Tuwmrliil ltmort.
Lincoln has a number of very pretty bnrlier
shops, that for eonveiilentsi and modern Im
provements cannot lie lient in Onnha or tho
West. Iloutwer, It has lieon left to Ham
Wes erfleld to oien tho nobbiest and hand
somest shop in tho city. Mr. Westei Held hits
lieon busy for tho vnt mouth nrrniiging und
fitting tip his elegant new qunttors in tho
llurr lllook, and is now ready to iccolvo tlio
public. Ho oK-iusl Thursday, nnd slnco then
tho i tin of custom hits been very Rood, and of
tbo liest element in tho city. Tho llttlngs nnd
fuinlidilngs hno nil lieeii of tho very liest,
and the ehtnbllshment will Ihi run in n thor
oughly first class style. Tho floors mo of tho
latest stylo French tiling, tho walls und cell
ing oi nnmcnttst with tho very lluost mHr
nnd electric incandescent lumps Illuminate
tho place, Tho clinlnt nro from tho liest
makers, containing nil tho ln'ctit pate ts, af
fording enso and comfort whllo reclining to
get a shave, shampoo or hair cut.
At tho chnlrs Mr. Westerileld has none but
thoroughly coni)oteut and experienced work
men who thoioughly understand tho latest
fashions lu tho art, and manipulate the scis
sors mid inzor lu an urtlNtlc manner. Mr.
Charles 1'latt, well known in Lincoln as it
llrst class workman, has tho llrst chnlr, Mr.
Will Oslterno tho weond, and the proprietor
in the rear attends tho third chair and takes
in the cfisli, which tho customer always pays
vvltli n smile ot contentment on Ills wcll
shaveu "phiz."
Tho bath rooms in onnoctioii nro models of
ucntnexs, convenience mid comfort. Tho tubs
nro of tho best orcelalu lined, with shower
of hot und cold water always ready. Tho
bathing utensils uro nil that mortal man
could ask for, and tho water, unllko tho city
tiiymi, is fresh, clear and healthy, lielng
pumped from a well on the ground, tho sumo
us is ustsl throughout tho llurr block. Tho
bath rooms will bo open early Sunday morn
ing until noon for tho ncommodntlon of
Call In and seo tho now shop, Mr. Wester-
lleld feels justly proud of his now establish
munt, und will tuke pleasure in showing you
ultont It,
Bridegroom (on tholr wny to Tarls)
You'ro suro you'ro qulto warm and comfort
ablo, lovot
Brido Oh, yes, dear qulto.
Bridegroom I don't llko to seo you sitting
with your back to tho engiuo, darling. You
don't feel any draught (
Brido Oh, not tho slightest!
Bridegroom (who doesl) Then, sweetest,
would you mind changing places 1 1 "
London Punch.
Another Dlmu'a 'Worth.
"Drop your bundles, old man; wo'voboon
a layin' in nmbush oxjioctln' you for flvo
mortal hours. My namo is Cider Faced
Wolf, an' my pal is tho I'utty Eyed Screech
Owljwo'roon tho way west, an' every llttlo
will help. Bo drop your bundles an' walk
straight ahead, an' don't look arouud till you
turn tho corner of this lanol" Life.
How a Tragedy AVn. Avoided,
"You bail a row with Qrisby today,
I un-
"Not much of a row, fortunately."
"How ditl it occur!"
"Why, ho callod me a horso thief, a
swindler nnd numerous other disagreeable
"I told him that for two cents I would
whip him."
"Did bo glvo you tho monoyP
No, ho had nothing but n two cent stamp
aud I never tako stamps," Lincoln Journal.
A Modern Solomon.
Omaha Man Why don't you go into pub
liallfef You would bo a match for a dozen
of our so called statesmen, anil all your
friends know it.
Modern Solomon Even wero your opinion
well founded, paternal affection would keep
mo iu oliscurity.
"Paternal affectionf'
"Yes sir. I lovo my son, sir, and I will not
blight his prospects with tho memory of a
great father." Omaha World.
I.cnp Year.
"Do you know, Edward," said sho tender
ly, "1 do not caro for wealth. Truo affection
is w hat I seek. Lovo in a cottago is my best
"And right you aro, too, Alico," said Ed
ward, warmly. "Como, can't wo mako an
agreement nliout thntf You furnish tho cot
tago and I'll provide all tho lovo you want."
Journal of Education.
A Iletvveen Franco ami Illicit, Sam,
A great many pcoplo in Paris mako as
much as (10 n night ns "knot makers" or
"tiers of cravats" for socloty gents. In this
country tho sheriff act as "knot inuker," and
ties tho cravat, but whether ho makes as
much as tho Paris knot makor, wo know not.
Norrlstown Herald.
Vher l'urpetunl Motion lixlat.
Proftssor I'criKjtual motion, in tho
no -
coptod sense of tho Urm, is impossible. Can
you think of a pleco of machinery that oper
ates w Ithout an impelling forcof
'Yes, Bir."
"What is it f"
"A uiw meter." Nebraska Stato Journal,
V Department Mint our t, title Mauler
and Mle nro Ciiiidtielinu;,
Earl MoCreery was elected pnwldont of tho
Capital Cm Couiiticit Ci.tin, nnd JchMo
Inland ms-retary.
Tho following Is a list of tho present mem
bers! KmlMcCroery, Wilson Winger, Ted
Winger, llnllle Lyman, Frnnk (lusllii, Jesslo
Inland, Atla Uregg, Hiilo,(;(lustln, Margin
Winger and (loorgla Camp. Thew aiti char
ter lite inlivrs,
Any one wishing to contribute nro Invited
to Iki present nt the next meeting ntthii homo
of Huslo (lustlu, corner of Ninth und V. street,
or send their iinino to tho seeirtary
All real nice Isiys mid girls under fourteen
yeitiTt of ago can Join our gay Capital Citv
Coimiikii I'l.VH, by wilding lu their nnines nt
our next meeting at Huslo (lustlu's house,
eoi uer Ninth and E street. Wo nro going to
mako this club very Interesting to nil, und
wo want a good largo mentliershlp.
Tho mtshlounry nusdlng wits hold last Hat
unlay afternoon at tho residence of Atla
Fiidny, March -'ml, Jesslo lodiintl sjvnt tho
eteiilng with Ada 0 ivgg and Inula delightful
Friday, Slreh Und, tho Itojs of tho Capital
Citv Couiiiku Ci.uii siNut tho afternoon lu
the iuvlgniatlng exorcise of skating.
A number of the C. C. C. club attended tho
festival given by tho "Dairy Maids," Wed
nesday evening, Febiuury liHth, and it was
awfully nleu.
Atla (It egg and Jtwio Inland sMut Mon
thly ov tilling, March Uth, with Mary Winger.
Monday nfternmiu, March Oth, Wilson
Winger Usik Margie Winger nnd Jesslo Lo
laud out sleigh I Ming.
This is tho Hint week wo have had anything
to do with pu-iers, und If It does not make a
real good showing this week, wo will in;. 'to a
Isitter one next time.
Alsnit four vvtsdts ago a dancing school
was slarttsl hero In Lincoln by tho well known
nnd jKipulur young lady, Miss Anna Hawk
Ins, and several of us boys und girls attend.
Miss Hawkins was very much shocked at
some of the scholars for chew lug gum, ami
thieatenisl to arrest us If over she caught us
chewing gum again ut dancing school.
Ono of tho Imys wus Injured severely by tho
teacher throwing him on tho floor for not
Ix'huvlng pio-ieriy (her laws aro very strict.)
Wo were very fortunate to-diiy In tho nmt
Ur of falling don n , for only alsiut thirty of
us fell thn lug a lesson of two hours nnd n
half. Only three out of tho sixty were per
maneiitly injured.
Ten dollars lino was decided upon for turn
ing In the toes nnd corporal punishment for
running ucrossthe floor.
It Is ixisltlvely forbidden to tlnnco on roller
skates or rublier boots, nnd over-shoos and
rubliors must not lsi removed until after en
tering the hall.
Gentlemen must always excuse themselves
from tho ladles when leaving them, and nlso
tliuiik them for the dance. If theso ruled are
not strictly olwyod tho ierson violating them
Is compelled to lie thrown from tho window.
This Is strictly (un)tnie,
Jkhhik Lki.and.
iiow to kihh a i.aiiy.
Tho gentleman must Imi taller than the lady
ho Intends to kiss. Tako her right hnnd in
your nnil druw her gently to yon, -miss your
It ft hand over her right shoulder, diagonally
down ucross her liaek, under her left arm,
und you will havo nothing elso to do but to
lean a llttlo forward and press your lips to
hers, and then tho thing Is done. Don't mnko
u noise over It its If you wero llrlng off shoot
ing crackers nor pounce down iijkiii It llko
hawk on un Innocent tlovo, but irentlv fold
tho damsel in your arms without smashing
her standing collar or s-iolllng her curls, mid
by n sweet pressure unoii her mouth rovel lu
the blissfulness of your situation without
smacking your lips over it as you would over
a glass of beer.
N. II. Ladles should seo that those rules
ale strictly obsorvtsi, Huhik Oustin.
Hostess (to young Mr. Bissy)-.You will
kindly favor as with somo music, will you
not, Mr. Sissy f
Young Mr. Sissy Well aw, I'm not qulto
my usual self to-night, Mrs. Hobson, but I
will aw, sing a llttlo, if you llko.
Hostess (j-raciously) Oh, thanks; you oro
very kind. Even a llttlo of your singing,
Mr. Sissy, goes a great ways, you know.
Tho E-och.
A New Specie.
OITlco Boy Gontlomau down stairs wants
to seo you. Ho's got a jioom,
EdlUjr-Ehl Hair long!
"No; short,"
"Eyes rollingl" .
"Not u bit,"
"Blmbhy nttlror" "
"Dressed llko a dudo."
"Show him up." Omalia World.
A Ilnlautl for an Oliver.
Wifo (to husliund, who has stumbled over
a pair of hor bhoes) Don't lw so impationt,
John. I never saw a man who has so llttlo
Bolf control over small things ns you havo I
Husbuud Heavens, my dmr, you dont
call your shoes small things, do j-oul Now
York Sun.
Tim Oman of thn Cluincc
"Bnrlier, I want my hair cut tpiito short."
"All right, sir, but you said tho last tlma
you wero in tliat you intended to let it grow
a foot long."
"I know I did, but tho poetry I sent to tho
magazines has boon doollnod." Nebraska
Btato Journal.
I'ontry unit the Heoannn.
Sho (with emotion) There's Mr. Bangs,
tho jxxst, ho seems to bo all wrapped up in his
no (freezlngly) Yosl I think bo would
look liotter wrapped up in an overcoat
Now York Sun.
Kvery Comrort Thought Of.
Customer (at railroad rostaurant) nore,
boss, this eoffeo is cold.
Proprietor Yes, sir; you seo tho train
stops only a fow minutes, an' if tho eoffeo
was hot you wouldn't havo timo
to drink it.
Nuturul Canae,
A man fell dead whllo cleaning tho snow
off his sidewalk. It is supposed ho suddenly
dlscovoicd that ho liad got over tho lino aud
romo veil tho snow from nearly six inches of
Ids neighbor's side, Norristow u Herald.
An Onilialon.
A nttsburir tvtpcr tells of a man ?J yoors
1 old who has slept in ono lied, lu ono corner,
in ono room for thlrty-ono years. ltdienot
mention how long ho has tioon off tho foroo,
haw tn er. Yonkers BtatcMnan.
Tako tho Klkhoru linos, Umaha train leav
ing Lincoln ut 7 a, m.
- AT
Special attention will be paid to
Stock Large.
Assortment Complete.
All the New Shades.
All the New Fabrics-
145 South Tenth Street.
Union, - Pacific - Railway,
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest Route to all points in
vECDEE-iw I(lall'
J m w I I H fi
I I I I i 1
II Hi 1 I II U w
The Overland Route'
Take tho overland llyeraud save 0110 day to all I'nrlllo coast points.
Running Into Union Dapots nnd ennueetlmc with tho fust limited trains of all linos for at
points east, north and south. Throuuh tleliiits 011 modern tiny coaches. IIiikkhiio chocked
through to destination from all xilutn nut In tho United Htntes and Canada.
Sleeper accommodations reserved in through Pullman Palace cars from the Mitt ur
river to the Pacific const
E. 15. SLOSSON, Agent.
KHI O Ktnet, Lincoln, Nebraska.
T. J. POTTEll,
First Vico-Prosldent.
Tesscl & Dobbins,
Burr Block,
Th following txmki arn publithttl In neftt pmrhlt form, i noted from coot) rcidabU tri on rood
fipp ftnd many of tdtni .inJomlT lllutnrtleil They aro witliiml eirtptiuii tlt cheapit bunkt rr raU
iihJ lu an land or lancuag and (nrnlHi iu tha maiit-a uf tin pol an opi-ortuniir to arcur th bat
littratura or tt. d&r at tittf moat trlfiiutf i6iie In anr other tnea tln"a yuat wurka vruuld cost roan
ttini tha prlca at which thty art her oth-u-J i:arl, oue ti coiutlet lu iulf
Wondrra of tho World, KaTuati. mn Oruaa, Con
lain ufivrtttuot an4 llluiiraiien af tl.a mot I waadtrtNl
wurkiof Diluit D4f inaa Vtrjr lnlritlac an J tntituftltt
tVonderaof thohrik A tlMcriptlon of tha uiany won Ur
fiilatij Uauiliul li.lnn luunj at lot Uttout ft Ua txu.Ub
proUt tlluiirttlont
A I'lrHfure I'lertlipB' und Other HLrtrhr. Ur
M Joiuh ait-KM Wirt. " a fil(lon vt lrriaiibiy rubor
IvvtrhM ty ua moat popultr tianiurou rltfr ii f Uy
I lie lunt kralnh 1'nprrs ty CLa aiaT aaiar
at Iht Ituri iKKunnni a mrt tUicuWuily fuaoy UMa
-(Batry wy eqlta 'WI4aw Hadotl '
hrUtniHB Morlra, ly Cnabim Pkiim Caalalai
nnnitirof itta nioteit4fn.liif Oindiut ! rir ? r wrltltD
Itound th K.enli)ir i.aiiii. A r-xk ii rlorUi.plclvraa,
ty lrif;rfftUt wflUr wboavt r llt. I lion iirouiltla
DUlll.aau I cam., fur li.a llllla I ik. ai liuma
I'opuUr WrtltHllona atiul IllHluitura, hamoroB. 4rama
tlaarxl atliatle lurhUlac all tha I tit. I, !! aa4 RioatiMtpaUr
TkKHrlr.mailo lrn or MuJrrMl Imra. ,r
Italia an t t-l (raiil.aot atll ua4a Am.tkaaa from Iba
lima of Kraaklm In tha ral
r'Nitilllur tludtiitlona. Cuulalalai tbaorlila ao4 aelb
hlpof hiaaf phraira fiaauatitlr mt I lor.atlDf aa4 wuvtr.a
tla A valuabla work ot rr.rtac .
Low I.ITo In cw irL. A MtWa of t itlt itnilcmrta
aUwlndbaJaik all of li la Iba rtal rl; JlailraKil
I hr Ituotl lu Wrullll. Sl ao a4rllalat clrrular
but a IhorvMfhlr woik olntlnr oat a way by
wblrh all may hiaba tiiuutr taally tai I4ly ah4 lion.lly
Ono llunJrrtl I'opulnr Song., .nllroantal lalttllg
aolrumlr liirlHllucit .t ui Ilia U nira n.wantoli
Mr Noil'a lli-lr. AN l Hy U Mat Aiiaaa Kl una
A llHrlrrr.l I irn A N o.l lly M.aiua llan aiu
n Old Man'a Sa.riaro. A Sattl. Uy Vlra 4a s
S-W Will arllil anr n.tir uf tho ahnvo luiba lit"
B. t riilaiai.jrfHvntii i-rlorf.(H rnlai the tntltn lll(lOI.Kikifur 7.1 1 i'iilal' i tun liat buiiml lnbnla
with rltlitii,.li. fur M .III. Thil.lhaaralvt lunraln inUmltaatvtiillrrrii Hum if ail loldv ujlautaeaof lc
.valKAKflnntiKiiMNf li.rmanry rrui.lAl. l'ottfrataiuia taVr n for fraclloni uf ailcillar Aalourrvlialillla-,
wo rrfrr to any noaapairr iiubllalinl In Nvt rk, llkoxim to tlio l'.inini"rial rnrlra. AH orilriaSlloJ by
Talutmuall AilJtaallltti. V,U.'TILN, J,ubll.Ucr,.No lUMuiiu) rtlrcl.ew"l-urla-
Washing 'n
Ass. Hen. Pass, and Ticket Agt. Ucu. Pass and Ticket Agt
1206 O St,
'I ho ramlllnl lluhlt. 1 Soi.l. Br U T C.t
'lkalllil ll.Unl krat. A ..l, U;SLVtaOu, Jr.
'I Si. Irrl wrilirOrtn. a Sef.l. hy auuct.
Hallow Aab) IUIL A Koi.l. II r UluuiT Utou.T.
'IIITb llouar. 4 Vo,. I. Vj Srra W riaaca,
llndrr Ike l.lUra. A So..l. Ur Iba aulavr ( "Itona
TliArna '
'lbs DlaMon.1 Ilrartltt. X Kil. B atra. Ilaaal
Ytonv WvltrtttJ
Thn l.aMjrr'aHrrrrl. 1 Noi.l SrllluM I. IlaiDMa.
'Ikehinmye t'n.oor llr. JcLjII bJ Misllyd. A.
! Ut K I STKvavaoa
A Ulftr.lllIrL 4 No,. I n? H.aiCciL IUt.
' Pih'ukm "
l.l)r lHurlh'a lllaMinaila. A hixal, BJ "TIM
llilaHiTwaNlia A SoTtl. J tba aatbof at xrv-
Tborua Coirraf.J
Tho Mm r llrarta. 4 No.l Ky tl L, P.alaaa,
llorla'o Kortunr. A .Noval tty TLoaaaca Waaoaa.
A Low Moti-Ihso. A Noval Hy btt.a atutora Ubjoa
'Ihollullijr Itlarr. A Satal. UyiLaiat'ti.ia.
'I III. I'oUon or Abuo. A Novtl Ur lLoaaMC0 Uaaaf aav
Moot limner. A Natal l Uta llaaar Wood,
rorirtnc Uio rltrra. A Naval Sy Ula ALataaDoa.
A I'laynrlvht'a llauahler. A lly alra. Aaaia
Kiiwaaoa, iUw.iral.J
r'alr but I alar. A Natal , tba autbor of MPra
Tt'orna" ilulratfi
l.anraatrr'a i'ubln. 1 By Ilia U V inn.
rlorrnre lalagton'o Oalb. A Natal, By Ura. Uaar
A. iaauia ItwilraUJ,
Tho M omuu llatrr. A Natal Hy Pr J II Hoauaoa.
1 he fallfornla Cabin. A Natal Hy U. T Caiaoa.
malt rviat nal 1 nrw.ii r m f tiiilv 1 1S fVnlal anr frra for