rjy-fr'81,'1 '.fP'Ttf i""",' '" r" "" ii'ij;wpi. , i. "ti-ily iii)iiihmr tr v w- IV i ?t I YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. THINGS THAT GRANDMA 8EE8 THROUGH HER GLAS3E3. A Quaint Htnrjr of Olilrn Tlmm Admit i MrrIo llm TIio Dullulit nml I'rriilnl tlr AtiPiiillliB llio Mulling- uf IIU CIiiIIip. Tho charming picture hero given of "Tlio Doll's Tnllor," ivpnwit n llttlo Kngllsh girl busy with luvdlo nml thread, making clothes for tho now doll, which ia, as yet, entirely tmprovldul for. lItntoforti lior ttulln Imvo boon glvi'ii to her fully dnwod, ns they emno from tho shops, or ulso somo of tho elder ones of tho family hnvo made clothes for them. Hut llttlo Noll Is, In her mother's -?-J TUB DOU.'H TAILOIU opinion, old enough now to learn to cow, consequently some very plain, easy garments hnvo boon cut niul prearcd for tho Inst now doll, niul on thorn Noll In taking her lint lcs son in scam nml hem. Jinny i woman owes Iter tnct of "cutting nml fitting," nml her doftneen nt sowing to tho easy lessons learned in early childhood making garments forn nu merous family of of dolls. Tim Mnulo llitx. A quaint story of oldou times, recently re told In Golden Days, convoyfl a pleasing les on to young iwoplo as woll an tholr elders. Tho story goon that Bomewhero mnuy years agothcro lived a housekeeper w1iom nlTnira for n long tlmo had been in n very bad way, and sho know not what to do. 80 sho vent to a wlso old hermit who lived In a neighbor ing cave, and told him her trouble, "Things go badly," said sbo. "Nothing prosper, in door or out. Tray, sir, can you not dovlso somo remedy for my misfor tunes!" Tho hcnnlt reflected, bogged hor to vrnlt, and, retiring to nn inner chnmber of hU cave, after a short tlmo brought out a vory curious looking box, carefully sealed up. "Tako this," Mid he, "and keep it for ono year. Out you must, turns times n day and throo times a night, carry it into tho kitchen, tho cellar and tho stablo, and sot it do mi In each corner. I answer for It that shortly you will llud things improve. At tho end of tho year bring back tho box. Now, fare well." The good woman received tho box with many thanks, and boro it carefully home, Tho next day, as sbo was carrying it into tho cellar, sho tnot a servant who had boon secretly drawing a pitcher of beer. As sho went, a llttlo later, into tho kitchen, thoro she found a maid making herself a vory largo emelette. In tho stablo sho found tho groom selling somo hay to a stranger. At tho end of tho year, faithful to her promise, sho carried tho box back to tho her mit, aud besought him to allow her to keep it, as It bod a most wonderful effect. "Only lot mo keep it ono year longer," she pleadod, "and I am sure nil will bo reuio died." Tho hermit smiled and replied: 'I cannot allow you to keep tho box, but tho secret that is hidden within you shall bave," llo o)cued tho box, and lol it contained nothing but a slip of paper, ou which was written this couplet: Would you thrive most prosperously, Yourself must ovcry corner see. When Grauitmn l'u I llr (liaises Osw k. When grandma puts her glasses on aim looks at mo just so il I have dono a naughty thing doo a sure somenow 10 snow. )&; Row is It sho can always tell So very, very, very wellf rv E E I 8ho says to mo, "Yes, little one, Tis written In your eye I" And If I look tho other way, or mm sod seem 10 try To hunt f 0.- something ou the floor, She's sure to know It all tho more. C3&. vr Y' v 1 aauiniu ximu jlnd ooon. If I sbouM put the classes on And look la grandma's eyes, " Do you suppose that I should be Bo very, very wUof Now what If I should find It true That grandma hod been naughty, toot But, ah t what am I thinking of To dream that grandma could 80 anything In all her llfo But sweet and kind and good! I'd better try, myself, to be '0 good that when sbo looks at me "With eyes so loving sll tho day, I'll never want to turn away. PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. I rjrosotice of Mind, t Presence of mind la sometimes shown by 1 laying tho right word at tho right tlmo. When Admiral Blake was a captain in the West Indies, one, of his ships blow up in an engagement with tho Spaniards. Seeing bis orew discouraged at this, Illako called out: "Now, my lads, you have seeu an English hlp blown up, let us see what bort of a flguro Spanish ship will mako in tho snmo state.'1 By this woll timed uddress ho restored the eourago of his men, and their antagonist was ooa on fire, llewunl of Merit. I "Sam," said one llttlo urchin to another, tbe other day, "Sara, does your schoolmaster ever glvo you any rewards of meritl" "I pose bo dexw." was tho rejoinder; "ho gives aw a Uckln every day, and says I morlts L A Hlnnuliir l'rolrotlnu A Rahul Cold IVoL Iluw lit liikn tannins fur Miliaria. A novel proveutlvo of cold or fncn foot is tho following, which, according to a writer in Tho Mechanical News, is well known to old lumbermen who work out of doors in tho severest weather. Tako two hunches nf common curled hair, ns lnrgo a tho cloned fltt of tho ersoii whoso feet art) to I hi kept warm. A llttlo llhornllty In tho quantity will do no harm. Pull thU out nml mako a md largo enough to cover tho solo of tho foot from heel to too. It must Iwpullcdoiit light nml froo from linii nml bunches. lnt 0110 of thoM) uU In each stocking next tho foot, Tho quantity of hair mutt cleKMid to somo extent ou tho Iikwoihm of tho Hh(x Hut whether much or llttlo is uw.il, tho object Is to cover tho nolo of tho foot only wJth hnlr, nml prevent tho foot from coming in contact with tho stocking. Tho sides nml top will then tako enro of thorn solves. Tho writer has successfully used a bunch of hnlr less thnn tho bulk of tho lin gers of 0110 hand, Ho small n quantity Is likely to lw full of lums mid does not well protect tho foot; yot It prevents tho foot from becoming cold enough to ncho, AVIien curled hnlr Is not to bo hnil, that which can bo combed from tho mano nml tall of homes or cut from tho hcniLinnd necks of cnttlo nuswora tho pur)oso. Tho action of any kind of hair Is ccullnr. If tho lingers nro smarting or nchlng with cold, nml nro thrust into a bunch of hulr, tho mln, in most cases, iuttnnlly ceases. When tho enrs nro tingling with cold tho pain stops ns soon ns thoy nro covered by tho hnlr, oven though thoy nro not warmed especially for somo tlmo. Tho hnlr In thostocklugdocs not act in tho sama way ns a slinnlo non-con ductor. Its nctlon Is nltogothor out of pro iwrtlon to tho bulk employed. When worn regularly il should Ih frequently removed from tho stocking, pulled out nnd dried. This will prevent it from getting Into hard lumps and cnuslng'dlscomfort. Hot Water fur DUrnteil Kycs. According to Dr. L. Connor, of Detroit, hot wntcr hnsamoht lx'noflclnl action ou a morbid Htnto of tho eye. It is safe without tho watchful enro of tho physician, whllo IKjultlcos nro unsafe and unreliable menus of applying heat to tho eye. Tho water should lw as hot as tho forefinger will boar without discomfort. Tho best method is to tako a common tumbler, till it to tho brim with hot wnter, and, Inclining tho head slightly for ward, apply tho rim of tho tumbler to tho sldo of tho nose nnd to tho brow nnd check about tho oye, which brings tho vyo itself actually Into the wntcr. Tho wntcr loses its heat slowly, nml I'oce not require frequent changing. Tho eyo mny lw kept in hot water with very llttlo troublo for bourn nt a time. Antiseptics mny bo added, ami tho remedy Is easily attainable with means for applica tion. Tahuoiiii for Mnlurliil Disease. Tommart Crudcll, tho discoverer of the malarial germ, advocates tho two of a decoc tion of lemon as a menus of preventing malarial diseases, mm In conjunction with other remedies, for cui ing them. Ho directs for this purpose that a fresh lemon bo cut Into thin slices, rind ns well us tho pulp, and the wholo liolled with throo cupful of soft wntcr until evaporated to one Tho result Is thon strained with pressure through a linen cloth, left standing over night, and drank iu tho morning licforo breakfast. Ho claims ro markablo success with this slmplo means, after having tilled with tho approved remedies. Walking Diphtheria. Probably no dlseaso Is more justly dreaded than dlphthorla. Dr. Francis P. V'l Ittlosoy unhesitatingly declares that many deaths might hnvo boon avoided If tho nature of tho apparently mild sore throat, which perhaps recovered under tho use of domestic reme dies, had been understood. Dr. Jacobl, of Now York, says there Is ai much diphtheria out of bed as iu bed, nearly as much out of doors as iu doors, and cites Eoveral instances in which fatal diphtheria was traced to walk ing cases of tho dlseaso. SpongliiK With Halt Water. Sponging with halt w atcr is of ten recom mended as a tonio for delicate parsons. A iwuud of courso salt is dissolved in four gal lons of ater, and tho body well sponged with tho solution. After dry'ugi brisk fric tion should bo applied over tho wholo but. face, New Thlnits Iu Household l'ruetlce. A raw egg, swallowed In tlmo, will effect ually dotach a fish bono fastened In the throat, says Engllih authority. A priest in tho state of Now York claims to havo cured a enso of gcnulno, undoubted hydrophobia by putting tho patient into a vapor bath of very high temperature until ho was completely sweated out. 1 SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. ' "l Dinner Giving the Pivot Upon Which llKiltnllty Turns. Dinner parties fonn ono of tho most pleas ant means of giving entertainment to friends, according to Good Housekeeping. A dinner party legitimately addresses itself to tho Interests of all in a manner not reached by other forms of cutertatnmont; for Mr. Green cannot danco, and Miss Fresh cannot talk, and nono of Wesley Calvin's fumlly are allowed to play cards, but 0 vory body can oat. All arrangements for ovcry detail of a din ner should bo mndo well beforehand; and this application of tho "art which conceals art" Is tho only way Iu which an occasion of this kind can bo rellovcd from conventionality and stiffness. If any ono of your guests are so thoughtless as to ctpono their acceptance of tho invitation uutil a lato day, tholr fault should bo remembered; and if any should bo Impolite enough to bo tartly on tho occasion, do not lot tho other guests and tho dinner suffer for tholr remissness, and remember that in such case ono Is rellovcd of all em barrassment in not awaiting their arrival. Au excellent method of securing tho de sired arrangement of escorts to tho dinner table is to place in tho gontlemcu's room an cnvolopo directed to each ono, and in that envelope n canl stating that ho is expected to escort such or such a lady to tho dining room; and In tho ladles' dressing room an corrojpondlng cards, giving to each lady the narno of tho gentleman whoho attention is to bo devoted to her. Tho most desirable way of seating guests is by card at their respective plates; ami this will atono for any mishap in pairing them off for dinner; for it frequently happens that icoplo will volunteer tholr ser vices ns escort iu udvunco of any action by tho hostess. Toil Kxduitlve or Too Shy. , Two ladles will meet tu n friend's parlor, says Hurjier's llaznr, and, it not introduced, will sit nml guzo at each other as if they be longed to hostile trllios of Indians. This is a relloof barbunsm,nnd, moreover, dreadfully Ignorant and ill bred. It is proper In your friend's parlor tooxcluitigotbocoiumonphces of courtesy, even If you go down the front stops without speaking. Havo good manners for tcu minute iu your friend's houux It is the least rt'iNiymcut you can niuko for the privilege o I . 3 there. A BOON TO PHYSICIANS. BerncTs Physician Office Register I -,, , w.. ................... ....... ...ji ' Jm 1 ---. ...... - .... JUii ;y t ' 1 ' ' f ' ' ' " " 3 ' " ' " '' " " '' r " l " " '' ' -:-:":''? - imiimvanL'-33-ijvirDrlDvuDitlz z:z iat Aw tft, . Til" 1 1 T7 m 11. " ". r i af. .:::.:::::::::::::.::::;::::::: f.::z:i i tit::: sui'1' : j"iniiTi3i)rvij7i7Binniiii.&tifi5.z.r:r:!i!:j:rnniirii3tja'ij32JircQDDtiJD!iDft r ::;: '- - z..z.:.z:z:z:'i rzion ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::: i:i:i:z: j r 1 1 ; 1 1 1 j 5 j 5 ; 1 - 1 3 c i 0 r, 3 : 0 b a 1 ; : r : z : t ; z ll 1 n ? 1 1 1 1 1 : : 1 ? 5 ; m j j c 0 n 5 5 5 0 a e 1 5 z z - : r z . . . .L .,! ZJli! I.I" ciPMtn coot IIHIII"""' - j jniiin!iiJi353j.nGDDr.aDr.a3s.:::E$2,,li,njrfII fSSa.- fi5nBosci:r : i i. I rlli '" - -- p rt i II I II II I ZI ZI ZI zzz Sn3iimia.ria:,micIiii6CEEa5si : Jr:-a::r JEt23;nm;s3 oiL nnua iiE:r : : "s" Jzii'iiina3Jjai5ia8cnaeai-co!itbr:::::lt: --'zniiniiStti3j55333scggcnG5gtg-:rrr:r: 1 5:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::E:i:E:iEES::::::::: ' ' ..- . -j ji The above cut shows Register open. The book Is prepared with especial reference to Improving the system of recording calls, visits, etc. Ills complete, simple comprehensive, nnd as n labor saving method of keeping accounts, will at once commend Itself to every Physician In the land. Your attention is called to the fact that the account against a patient I'oit an kntirk vkaii Is contained within a space three Inches In width. This book is I3XI7 Indies; contains 100 pages; each page divided into 7 spaces, thus providing for 700 nccounts, contains a condensed ensh account showing (on one page) cash receipts from both "regular" and "transient" patients for each day In the year, besides 4 additional ruled pages for memoranda, such as "the address of nurses, b'futurc engagements" "private consultations," etc., etc. The book is alphcbctlcally Indexed on linen tabs, substantially bound Russia back and corners, cloth sides, spring 1 Prices, 700 Account Office Register, $5.00. 1400 Account Office Register, $8.00 . ' -ft l.' BERND'S POCKET REGISTER. Its' Advantages are as Follows:- "" ist. No Posting No Transferring No Indexing. , ad. One Writing of Patient's name for entire year. 3d. It enables you to keep the run of your nccounts.wlthout referring to auxiliary books. ftli. Cnn be commenced nt any time during the ycaK 5th. The price Is far below the cost of keeping accounts in the old style, viz: Visiting List, Journal and Ledger this book combining all three. This cut shows book open, with examfh similar la that shown alviv. Cipher code Is embossed In gilt on Inside of cover. The Register when closed Is 4x7 Inches, convenient size to carry In pocket. The lines of the short leaf are adjusted to the long. When the short leaf is turned to the right, the first half year is visible. The Dook'ls Gilt Edged, bound In Dluck Seal flexible with Inside pocket and clastic tablet. Contains condensed cash account, showing at a glance Receipts from Regular and Transient Patients for entire year besides eight Memorandum Pages, Pencil and Holder, and is closed by a Silk Elastic Hand. Extracts from a Few of the Many Letters Received, I am gratified to say that for the first time In long years of practice, I am able to keep my accountswlthout having to suffer the drudgery of cumbersome book (keeping Dr. II. Tuholskc, St. Louis. It is just the thing I want. Dr. G. Swan, Hartford, Connecticut. The book Is a treasure to any busy Doctor, It saves an amount of tedious work at the end of the month which Is particularly agreeable. Dr. E. A. Chapoton, Detroit, Michigan. I have lost enough this a. m. to pay for the book,havlng to make out an account In haste. Dr. Jno. JJoardman, Buffalo,N.Y It is by far the most complete work of its kind I have ever met with shall take pleasure In recommending it to my friends In the profession. Dr, S. II. Chester, Kansas City, Missouri. I regard it as the only Register In use adapted to the Physician's requirements. Dr. J. T. Kent, St. Lonls, Mlssouri.J For the past fifteen years I have used several kinds of Registers, all very good, but none beginning to compare with that purchased from you. Dr. W. C. Darker, Ilummcllstown, Pennsylvania. I have found it useful and exceedingly convenient. Dr. Bcnj. T. Shlmwell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I must congratulate you on the Introduction of such a perfect method every member of the profession should extend to you their appreciation by adopting the same. Dr. Win, Bird, Chester, Pennsylvania. I would not do without It for fifty dollars a year, L. W. Clark, Rushvlllc, Illinois. s . SCCTIOSM. V1EW.EH0WINC AlUUMCtMENT OF ALTERNATE LONG AND 6H0RT LEAVIS M)t? X&mLU if fcitUltt. 'hnLi M Li::iii::::ii ill --- --- ... ... - .-... . 5, . .2 1. 7 - - 7 JLII"III""58 9 " """ SB Hf A I B -JLI 4I ?? PRICES, 300 Account Pocket Register, $3.00 440 Account Pocket Register, 4.00. 'ft b lilllJIII-IIIIIcf -t x 5 t:::::::i:::::::: :;:::::to:::::e; 'jf-- t , 1 New Burr Block. WESSEL & DOBBINS, Western Agents, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. '4 i" i t . 4X 1 qwsaMifaMiaaMft; -ftwff f Ci;jaV-Ml'WWW. '.'MM i'IM,..MP'Wr' ' 1 ilwilHl,.i...m.jjTT.il 1, rj.nnj, 1