Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 10, 1888, Image 1
CAPITAL CITY COURIER f . .. Vol. 3. No 13 LINCOLN, NlCDNASKA, SA.JIMJ KDAY, MARCH lO, IW88 Phioic Fivic Oicnts rf D t MMTATlVlUlUSlrlGS. ITEMS IMAGINATIVE AND OTHERWISE. Intended lii Tlrkle the ltlsllillllrs or In duce Philosophical Discussion. AM ill receiptor ii jirogrnm from St. Louis containing thocnst of tho performance of "Dnvld Onrrlck," given by tlio Harmo nlo chili nt their own mink- hull. Tlio occasion is 8K)kon of as n lirllllniit success nnd In looking over tho list of unities on tho lny 1)111 1 observe ninong other familiar lintnos that of our esteemed friend, Mr. Jncoli Mnhler. It goos without saying that with tlili gentlemnn in tho cniit, tlio plajr could bo taught elso but a success. Sjioaking of Mr. Mnhler reminds mo that wo will not kco bis smiling eountennnco in Lincoln thin sjirlug iih in tho jinst. When I last saw tho gallnnt jirofwwor, which was nt his homo in St, Louis, ho was freo to confess thnt in his opinion it would not ny him to coma to Lincoln again this season. Doing nwnro of tho fact that ho had taught nearly every ono that cared to learn dancing In his past three seasons, ho did not feel like pushing himself on tho good graces of his constituent for tho fourtli consecutlvo season. Horeniark od to tno: "I knowjtho jieoplo of Lincoln havo received mo very kindly, nil of which I nj preclato anil feel assured If I wcro to reojien in Lincoln noxt spring that I would do well, but I don't like to 'rido n good honso to death,' so I will not go to Lincoln tho coming season. Most all tho young folks havo learned to ilanco slnco I opened my first clnss and tliero aro not enough of tho younger generation there to mnko a class the success that I would like." Denver seems to bo Mr. Mahler's Idea for noxt spring's visit. Ho has Ijeen requested by leiuling social lights of tho Colorado capi tal, to open n class there and thinks seriously of so doing. I am of tho opinion Hint if Mr. Mahler was guaranteed a certain numlior of pupils ho would return to Lincoln Instead of going to Denver, and as tliero aro n number of our social leadeni tlmt havo expressed a ilesiro for Mahler's return, I would suggest that some ono tako tho mutter in hand uiid see If sullleleiit Inducement could not bo of fered tor his return. Tliero aro a. largo num ber who havo said they "would like to tako lessons If Mnhler would como back," and nil that is necessary Is for soino ono to take tlio lead. n Mr. Mohlor has not said ho would come back, to tho contrnry however declines to ro turn, but llko any business man, If It can bo shown that it would iny hliu to return I think ho would como, and I would Ihj very glad to hoar of such news. Mr. Mahler Is not looked upon ns simply a tutor of dancing, but as a gentleman who has hosts of friends hero Is a royal entertainer, nnd our so cially Inclined neoiilo has nover failed to ni- prociato his kind assistance at tho various Catherines' thoy havo given. I know ho would lie Kindly welcomed and trust that an effort will bo made to havo him return, for nn eirort will do no harm. Casually strolling about town Tuesday I stepied Into the Women's Kxchango for din ner, nnd I must admit, notwithstanding I had heard ninny complimentary remarks nlHHit tho place, I was surprised to see every thing so very neat, tastefully nnd handsomely furnished. Tho ladles have turned tho for mer dingy looking Btoro room, corner of Twelfth and P streets, Into a handsome din ing room where wholesome and homo mudo dinners nro served. As predicted by tlio CouniEU, tho enterprise proven a grand suc cess from tho start and will bo duly fostered by tho multitude of seekers for digestible food. "This seems llko home." said n young man who sat opiHwlto to mo nt the Kxchango eat ing his dinner und relishing it ns if it had been prepared by his own dear mother. "I tell you," continued ho, "thls'll catch mo hero after," nnd I may ndd when sulllelently In troduced and made known lb will draw hun dreds of young men dally who eat on high stools at lunch counters and other places. Tliero tiro a numlior of things to lie considered In jiatrouizlng the Indies' now enterprise, viz: 1st, it is a cluiritable institution mid for what ever money you leave you get moro than its worth. 2d, tho cooking Is under tho direct supervision of the most prominent lud leu of tho city who givo It their time nnd attention gratis. !!rd, It Is tho moit attractive and cleanest resort of the kind In the city, nnd prices aro no higher than nt restaurants und lunch counters, so it is certainly ndvantagous for you to visit tho ladies of tlio Kxchango often, Hero you can bestow charity both on a noblo cnuse and on yourself r.s well. The old saying mac "imoclcthcs don't make a man," was truly demonstrated nt the Kan tnsina performance Tuesday night. I refer to n jiersou who is accustomed to occupy nsont in tho gallery. Ho took a lady to the jer formnuco nnd at tho comedy jwirts w hen ev ery ono on tho flrst iloor would glvo vent to their feelings of delight by clapping their hands and laughing, this particular Individ ual, liolng mi accustomed to hoot und givo a regular war cry, that, forgetting himself nnd the place ho was in, gnvo Ills usual expression of delight, much to tho minoyuuco of many about him and amused others who enjoyed tlio nwkwnnlnoss of the occurrence, Huch peoplu should continue to visit tlio galleries until they know how to act when sea ted umoiig ladies and gentlemen. At tho depot this week it has lieen rather dllllciilt for anyone to enter the west plat form. Kvoryono was coiniellod to either show n pass or a railroad ticket. Kven em ployes lmd to havo a puss signed by tho su perintendent and show them up In passing tho "dead line" or to go through tho doors leading to the platform from which trains or rivo and deimrt. (loo. Fan ell ns chief, was on hand with tome twelve, or tlftoou sjiecial K)lico to see that none but such could jxiss. Don't (let Caught This spring with your blood full of Impurities, your digestion Impaired, your upjietito poor, kidneys and liver torpid, mid whole system liable to lie prostrated by disease -but got yourself Into good condition, and ready for tho changing und wnrmer weather, by taking Hood's Bai-sporllla. It stands unequalled for purifying the blood, giving an appetite, und fur gvnerul spring iiiodlcluo. Trickey &Co.,wholobulouud retail Jewelers, NEGRO INTHEWOOD PILE. fhe County (,'omiiilssloiiots Ooiidmiinril lor Adopting Inferior I'orclgu Work. KniTOU CouuiKU; Tho decision of tho county commissioners In favor of tho adop tion of the plans of an Omaha architect In preference to those of a local architect for tho now county court house, has caused genernl dlsapprolmtloii. Thnsieclal jiolutsof merit upon which this decision was based have not lieen made public. Certain It Is, however, that Judges, clerks, barristers and others who had examined nil tho plans critically, and whoso opinions must lie rvxcctcd, pronounc ed tho plans submitted by Mr. Hawkins be yond n question the most conveniently ar ranged, most economical nnd unoquollcd in tlio matter of light and ventilation. In out wnrd npHnanco Judging from the elevations and iiersjiecTlvo wo would hnvu had a struc ture iniKslng, nnd of n modern design. The coni)etlvo designs of Mr, Hawkins havo been on exhibition for tho past week in the store windows of A. M. Davis & Hon, and have lieen ndmlrlugly vlowed by hundreds of jieo plo who do not hesitate to denounce the In justice of tho decision which fulled to "render unto Caesar tho things which are Cnosar's." At tho same timo the ipiostlon has been raised, why were not the accepted plans plncod In somo prominent jiosltlon that all might see nnd bo consoled. Wo understand, how ever, that thoy were In n rather crude state not yet ready for public gawj or comparison. It is generally conceded that tho cities which enjoy tho greatest prosperity nro those which keep their interests nt homo, nnd not until Lincoln encourages homo talent and home Industries, nnd has prirfr anil honor In tho bestowal of her fnvors, will she succeed. Do you Imagine for one moment that tho press and citizens of Omnha would havo jior mlttcd such a pieco of w ork to go out of their city, when tho homo production was by gen eral opinion termed the best) Soma, how ever, seem to think green Holds nro always In tlio distance, but oftentimes they prove but ban-on wastes, nnd thoy llnd to their chngrin, "that all good does not eminnto from Omaha. AA lion will Lincoln discard hrlendlngstrlngs ami lenru to net independently 1 She might ns well bo merged into the sister city proving a valuable, suburban nddltlou. However, as the jiolltienl stylo of to-dny In tho metropolitan east is "lioodllng," It has been charged by many that the stylo has struck Lincoln. Our Omnha friends having had n taste of boodling, have appar ently tried It on Lincoln, nnd tho scheme, it seems, hns worked well, IIomk Kiuht. Hlio L'ainv. niMiiiimwMiWiW "Miss Footo, from Chicago, arrived last night." (Extract from a letter.) Ufa. Miss l.uoliillrlllln. This talented lady entertained a largo nnd appreciative nudleuco nt tho Y. M. C. A. rooms Thursday night. Miss (Irillln ns nn imorsountor certainly docs the various char acters in u creditable manner, wlil'o in her recitations sho shows that much time and study has been strictly paid to her calling. The several encores were as deserving, ns tho audience was appreciative in thus manifest I'lg their npprovnl of tho artist's work. (Iruut Memories. Parson, the (Ireek scholar, could repeat Milton's 'Vnrndiso Lost" lmckwanls. A monk, who resided in Moscow, In tho fif teenth century, could repeat tho whole of the Now Testament. George HI, though deficient In education, nover forgot a name once heard or a faco once seen. It is said of Themlstocles thnt ha could call by nnmo tlio jxxqilo of Athens, which city then numbered 'JO.OOO inhabitants. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. I'. Foster nro onco inoro nt homo to friends, having arrived Wednes day evening. Thoy havo had a delightful trip to Now York, Pennsylvania and Illinois, voting in Chicago lieforo returning. They look well, utiil the CouuiKU Is pleased to wel come them "homo again," Vnfortuaota Ilciulta. Bho I hoar that you havo lost your vnlu ablo little dog, Mr. Sissy. IIo-Yii'ns, In a rnilrond accident. I was saved, but the dnwg was killed. Sho (shocked) "What rt pltyl-Tho Epoch. A Change of lliulnxis. First Heggnr AVoll, Tim, what lay nro you working now? Second Beggar Oh, tho crlpplo for Hfo racket. Had my legs dlsnblod during tho war, you know. Hut it will lx my last week In this business. "What nro you going nt noxtl" "1'vo cngnged with a variety show as a high kicker and start in on Monday." Omaha World. MBHiOMUMsVIIIMUlnw iiifiT UkjH JIM? PARIS AND THE CH'MPS ELYSEES. A Descriptive Article on 1'iiriistnu An. Tlio Churches (liilterle. lite. tWrltton for tho Couiukiu W": rencheil Paris from Halo, which Is town of Switzerland, iKmlorlng uiMin Franco, or rather Alasco, tho lllilnn iirovhuv taken bv tho (ler- mnus from Franco In tho recent war. A littlo Incident on tho way shows the feellng.thnt still oxlsts in tho French nrmy townnls their nelghliors on tho lllilnc. The government at Paris hnil Just ordoivd tho mobllluitlon or nn nrmy corps, In tho south of Franco. As train, containing ninny Herman toui lit, had reached a station in Franco, wo found n long train of French soldiers standing on tho track near our train. As soon as tho soldiers took in tho situation, as many n could, shout ed as loud as Kwslblo from every door nnd window of their train, "Ikmlnngerl IJoulnn gerl" and kept It up until our train, contain tabling Clermnns, had passed on. Just now, this genernl is popular with tho army anil is ready for n camjinlgn against Germany nt a moment's notice, which wo do not bcllevo. Wo camo through a lovely country to-dny, jwrt8 of Germany, Switzerland and Franco. That jwrtlon of Franco, through which wo IMissed, was under ii high state of cultivation, It was mostly farming and grnjio vinos. The soil evidently required much fortlllntion, having an old worn-out look In places. There wore nbout us many women in tho Held as men. Tlio men without lints, ns is tho fash ion here, with tho country jieopla Tho forest trows nppenrcd qulto plenty looking not un llko our cottonwood, nnd I liellovo of tho snme siHjeios. Tho Innbardy iioplnr seemed to lie n great favorlto and wo found them around many farms and gardens. Tlw richest jvirts of Euroio wo hnvo kmii yot aro tho countries liordprlng on tho Ali. Tlio northern irt of Italy Is n jiorfoct gar den, alxjundlng In fruits, flowers nnd vines. Tho Tyrolese country is nil very pieturosquo ami fruitful. Today wo have not soon so ninny vineynrds, which nro found mostly In tho south of Franco. Wo find that nearly everybody drinks wlno hero at dinner, which is from 11 to 8 p. in. These simple wines nro believed to Iw a great help to healthy diges tion. A half bottle of llordcuux, or Khlno wlno cosU less than twenty cents. It Is used only nt meals, and yetwohuvo seen nodruiik noss. Tliero nro no saloons In our sense; this Is no coiieeilmont. A jmrty traveling on tho cars carries n lunch nnd of course- n Iwttlo of wlno or two. I Haw nut a drunken limn in Switzerland where uvurybody drinks wine. Wo saw none in Venice. It is chiefly tho whisky und lioor drinking people who get drunk, the Kugllsh, tho Scotch, Irish und Americans. Tlio Germans nro oxcessivo beer drinkers. It is now lovely Bciitomlior, wenthorvnud wo ho)e to enjoy n week or so in Paris, which is in Franco. Wo imrted with our friend, the Remlcks, nt Milan, lie Intending to go ns far south in Italy as Genoa, nnd return to Purls by tho way of Lyons. Having n letter from the Hon. Mr. Ix-'lgh of Now York, to Mr. Hartholdl, the artist who designed tlio statue MIIKIITV KNLK1HTKN1N0 TIIK WOULD, erected in tho hurborof Now York, and taking a cab wo drove to his studio. To our great ro gret wo found ho was at his summer homo in Alsaco, but his letter gave us entry to his en tire works. Wo ww shown by polite nt tcudaiits tho nrt works, tho process of con struction, and the original models of "Liberty Knllghtoiilng tho World." Ono of the nrtl hiiis who went with Hartholdl to America, mid nlded In I ho erection of tho statue, could speak Kugllsh and showed us much attention, Is'lng Americans. These Frenchmon love Americans as much as they lrnto Kngllsh men. Wo nro now flxod in our niwirtments on tho Houlovard Des Capuchlens, not far from the Madeline, the great iiiuslo hall, tho Place do la Concord, tho Champs Klysses, tho Louvro, nud prlnciiiul streets for shopping. Our room cost us only seven frunks jier day, well furnished. I am moro in lovo with tho French thnn nny jieoplo I havo met, they nre so polite, in dustrious, sober, quick nt anything, overy pi ico so neat nnd clean. Their eating hou aro gems of art, In tho culinary sense, and then as to nrt itself, they easily surplus the Kugllsh. Tho shop window's ore a marvel of goal tnstn, nnd the richness of tho display of dress goods nnd dresses, jowolry, photographs, embroidery, china, glass ware, anil in fact almost overy article that Is desired by a highly cultivated tnsto is to bo seen here. Tho Pnlueo Hoyal and its miles of arcades nil npproprhtod to shops w 1th their crowds of busy jieoplo nnd tourists, and tho incessant rumbloof vehicles of nil kinds, tell you that you nro in Paris. Then the Imvro with its four miles nud moro of paintings nnd other works of nrt, ancient and modern, wo havo spent hours in this saloon, nud come home weary with tho very facinntlon of nrt. The jieoplo of Franco nro evidently masters of their own ulfnirs. Tlio revolution has Ix'Cii comjileto. Wo walked through tho gar dens of THE Tim.EIUKH to-dny.T A jiart of tlio jinlaco grounds from which in tho days of kings and queens the jieo plo wero excluded, now every thing is thrown ojieu to tho jiubllc, nud we found crowds of men, women and children of nil ranks, en joying tho shaded walks, the fountains, the statuary, and the flowers; littlo boysnud girls Milling their boats In the ornamental lakelets, nnd others playing games, with no ono to molest them, within a stone's throw of tho siKf whoro Louis XVI was beheaded, nnd Mario Antoinette, his wife, und Charlotte Corday, met the sumo fato only u short tlmo after, in 17K. From 1TIK1 to 17tS more than 2,WK) persons voro executed here. Tho Guil lotine stood In the Plaeo do la Concorde, Just In front of the entrance to tho Tuileries, A, and I went to-day to tho Hotel Des Invalided, and to the Mausoleum of Niqiolron, Wo sjicnt over nn hour in and about the tomb, Monday Is n freo day from 1'.' m. to 4 Ji. in.. It is indeed a worthy memorial of the greatest man Kuroie has known since Charlemagne, Wo have seen tho evidences of his power nnd Ids wisdom lu many places In tho reformation of governments. Kuglnnd has nlwnys 1ks.hi the enemy of France, she dislikes tho successful establish ment of freo government in KuroHi as much as Germany. Sho jilottod under Pitt, tho downfall of Nujioleon, because It humiliated France; and to the Germans havo dono, bo VISITING IN KHANCK. catiHo liny fear French freedom, nnd tho suc cess of free Institutions. The Kugllidt press Is constantly mlsrcproicutiug tlio state of af fairs in Franco, nnd our American press Is often misled by Kugllsh corresMindonts lu Pnrls. I havo seen many Instances of nils representation, Tho manifest of f'nuiif (f r( was Ixsusd only a few day Ixiforo wo reached Franco, und from thoiiccviiuts of tho London pajn'm, n rovohiUou was oxsctoil any day. It was printed lu tho Paris jnijmm-h; It was a sensation for u day only, no attention was jinld to It, I can mmj ivery where today how Intelligent tho French nro nnd how thoy deserve freedom, Thoy do not nisi I out riders to help them manage their own af fairs. They seem very hnijiy nnd tho motto which they havo lucrlbcd on nil their public buildings und chinches, "UIIEUTY, KOAI.ICTK AMI FI1ATK11N1TK," seems to Isi realized by them ns much ns lu our own laud. Waiting girls lu the Cofo's nro ns IiideNudeut and sclf.rcsioctlng as Americans In llko jsisltlous. Tliero is no cringing servility as In Knglniid, This morning, after resting a while after n long morning walk through the gardens of the Tullorlos, we took a long rido on tho horso cars to tho fortifications of Paris, giving us an extended view of this well built city, wo reach homo nt 8 . in, Wo have lieen to the Imvre and sismt several hours, nnd ex jsict to go several times. A mouth might lie Rjicut probably lu this world of art. Wo havo Ihsju twice to tho Grand Muslo hall. Ou Saturday evening Geu, ltemlck nnd family nnd ourselves occujiied th same Ikjx. AVo jiald seven fratikw each. It was the ojiera of "Faust," but dllTiToiit from thnt which wo saw in Indon, by Irving, which we greatly adnilnsl. There wero sev eral thousand present. Wo had a fine op jiortuulty of seeing the liest class of Parisians as thoy swept down the wide marble stairs of this Palace of Music. The costliest building of Its class lu Kurojio. On Sunday wo went to church nt tho "Madolalno," whlcli overy Ixxly who visits Pnrls should stsi. This Is tho most successful attempt to produce u temple lu the highest style of Grcoclnu art. It faci nntcrt tho lieholdor, nud we found two or three visits only excited n dcqier admira tion. We saw among the worshipers only tho Isttt clnss of Frvuch jieojile. It is the most fashionable church In Paris nnd one of the most costly. Its ritual nud its muslo mo the ticstthat the Catholic church can furnish. You MS.IJ nothing but tho backs of tho priests clad In their gorgeous shnll I say stunning rolH.s meant to dazzle the lie holder. As the robes bowed tho jhsi pie bowed, while the priest wero saying a few words lu latin. As I camo out u live Hiqitlst from America said to me, "If we had this church wo would mnko things hum," und I havo no doubt they would. AVo havo Usui now over a ween m Pails, nud have lieen over the most notable and his toric places. AVo have Issjn to Versailles nut! Its jinlucct. Tho small jmlaco where Maria Antoinette und numerous other nota ble ladles of the court of Louis XVI resided, for at ono tlmo he had more thnu4000 courte sans, and attendants at his court. AVo saw the window in the palace w hero ho und Maria 'Antoinette looked out upon tho Paris mob who camo to tako them, and Die place where both were executed, nt the Plucu do lu Concord, not far from where wo nro stopping. Now nil these halls of the Palace are filled with works of art nud nro opuiusl dally to tho public. The jinlaco and grounds nro guarded by tho soldiers of the Republic. The gai dens und forests, of A'ersnllles nro very extensive. Thou there nro numerous public buildings which take.thno to sco. The num erous plcturo galleries of ArcrsulHcs cannot be seen In a day. Hrielly wo may say, they represent tho enrly battles nud victories of Franco up to the Crusades in KKM), or ulsiut that time. Then there nro several snlons devoted to tho Crusades, tho jireachlng of Peter tho Hermit, St. Bernard. Then the numerous battles with the Turks, tho cap turoof Constantinople, etc., the' taking of Jerusalem. The history of Franco up to tho Revolution is very well iiroserved hi historic paintings. The battles of Napoleon, the gal lery of jsirtrults of all tho Kings nud Queens of France, the famous painting of Nax)leou crossing the Aljis, so familiar from the en gravings of it. AVo remember that wo cross ed the Alps nt the same pass by the St. Gotli and tunnel, and had jsiiutolout tons the road mndo by Nnjiolcou, where ItO.tXK) men wero oniloyed. AVo saw also at Lucerne tho Hon cut in tho face of the mountain, to il lustrate tho murder of the Swiss guards who wero oinjiloyed nt tho Palaco, Tliey w ere nt AVrsulllos guarding the King nnd his Queen when the lUvolutloiilsts lame to tako them. They wero nil slain, ollleers nud men, AVo were shown tlio room occupied by tho Queen nud the wardrolsi in the room whoro her children wore born. It was locked tho day she was taken nwiiy; it hns not lieen opened since. It Is to lie unlocked at tho French World's KxjKisitlon In lNsll. Tlio old fash ioned jilnuo tion which she played is still hole, and wo walked through gardens nud walks which she often frequented, Hut the innocent always suffer with tho guilty in nil great Hovolutlo'is. Wo do not wonder that tho K-opb of Franco havo got rid of Kings and Queens und Palaces, England Is suffer ing from this curso now, nnd there is much grumbling among John Hull's people. Amer ican ideas aro jioiictrutlng nil Kurojio and great changes are ahead mid may lie very soon. THE AllCH OF TUIUMI'II. AVo linvo Iksjii to tho top of tho Arch of I Triumph nt tho head cf Chump's Klysses and havo looked down the grand Antilles , built by tho Great Napoleon. Thoy all rail into from this jioint and wero constructed at a vast expense. The houses und prosrty destioyuil must havo Ikhjii extensive, as until Ing was allowed to stand In tho way of his great plan of lieuiitlfylng the capital, by wide iKHilowinls, Ou reaching tho top wo found ourselves In tho jiresoiioo of a group of snMigo looking Molmmcduii Arabs from tho north of Africa in white tin Imiiis nud diess. They lielougcd to n jvarty of Arabians who nro jier forming nt the Paris Hlpodromu, to illus tratothe wild life of Africa, as lluliulo Hill Is doing iu liondou of tho AVlld AVcst, They wore qulto jieiicibly taking In the views of t'aris llko ourselves. THE I'AI.ACK OP TIIK Ll'XKMIU'llO AVo sjiont nearly n day at tho jmlaco nud about tho grounds. This jmlaco was em'ted for tho jileasuro and tho home of Marie dee Mcdlcis, a famous nanio in history. Her fountain is u very elaborate jileeo of nrt carv ing nnd statuary. Nearby lu the new gal lory of the flue nits, latily ojhmusI by Oiooy IContlnued on fifth jmge TllKTIIKATIIICAIi WOULD. A WEEK'S REVIEW AND'PROSPECTIVE. Tlio Held of Amusement lu Lincoln, News About I'Iiijs, Actors, I'.le. iia;i.on'h pantasma. The most sueeessful eiiKiigemelil of the season, all tilings couslilenst, was thnt of Hie lliuilou's New KiiiitnsniiiN, which occupied Ilin Isinrds of the Punka thiisHilKlits,eoiiiiiiiiichig.Motiilny ev ening and ileinonstrntes thnt agoed nttliietloii enu piny moro thnn utie night logoisl liulnon. The house was ery large on each eienlug nnd the presentation a most cloior pleiv of senle skill. Tho nrloim scenes, Irniisfotuiatlotm nnd others receded duo approhntloii of npptnuso shiiwhignppreclntliiuof rikmI work bytholntge niidlences, IheiKvnu sci'iieniidtralisfornmtlim nt the end of this net wero fcclnlly grand nnd extra mention MioiiMuIkoIio ttmcloof thehrllllnnt Irntisforiiintlou scene I ii t lit) Inst net. The eoinpnny was llrst elnss thnHiKhout nnd nothliiK tint wonlsof priilMi wns heard oneiery hniid, regarding the isTforiunnre, the scenery nnd tlio iiiiiiinKeiuent, lll'NCII IIP KRYS. TheHpnrkscoiiipnnv tun Hunch of Keys np Nnnsl nt the l'uiiko Thursday evening to u Inrge midlcncc. The favorites of foniier sensiins were mlsM'd In this eK, Hiose tnlilngthelr parts Is'lng greatly deficient, The part of Littleton Hnnggs lutlio linndsof Wllllnm Hmllli found no equal to that of the former plnj croft lint chnrncter, while hi the (Irhnes of Jnines I). Mnckln there Is no comparison to that presented by KiiKcnoCnnfleld. The three kcjM, Hose, Tidily nnd Mny wen) no. ceptnhly presented by tho Misses Marietta Nash, Ada Ilothner nnd Marie Hell, the jmrt of Tidily by Miss Nash creditably sustaining former rep utation of thovork of. MIks U'lin Men lite. The hnlnnco of the company mum only fair, nnd as a whole the ixTforumnco was Inferior to that of prolans engagements of tho snine play in tills city. AXNiie wxi.r.v, tiiuiisuvy. For Dm llrst three nights of tlio coming week the Punke w III bo dark, ojicnliig nn Thutwlny ev ening with oun of. Mnvrlcn's foremost soiiliretlisi nnd comedy nelnwiisi, Miss Annie I'lxley as the nttrnetlon. Miss I'lxley will on this occasion present her erj' popular and successful play entitled "The Deacon's Daughter." Of the pleco the press everywhere hns had n good word losny, ismiiiientlng fiunrnhly of cery uactlou luidsis'iiklng In glowing words of the plot, Its characters and Its eclnltlcH, Of M'sm I'lxley tin-in In littlo to Kiiy Dial can luqsirt more Infor mation to nimiHi'iiiciit-lovcrs thnn thoy nlrendy kiiiiM'. She hns Ih-cii iH'fori) tho pulille so long nud known so fntornhly lo theatre-gisTsof Amer ica that to say an' thing lu her favor of slink ing In detail of lier talent would Is siiihtIIiious. Kiifllceltto say, MIkh I'lxley will npMnr nt the runkii Thiirsduy eM-iihig in her now jilny, "The Deacon's Daughter," Which Is an excellent one' nud ) Od should he present to mw It pnweuted. TDK llANCII KIMI The Isiokuigs nt tlio osru liouse show the en gagements of two nights, hcKhmlng with next I'rlilay night of "The Itniige KIiik" company. This play hns lieon pn-M-uleil In the larger cities of thoeaHtwIlh great success, and I lie piece gbes general satisfaction where It haslH-euplajisl. In the hnnilsof ugiMNleoiiipany It iHcxpccttsl that the presentation of the "Itaneli King" will find npprovnl of n Lincoln audience nnd play to good business Isith nights, Youthful Ambition. Minlstor AVell, Hobby, what do you want to Im when you grow tip Hobby (sum-ring from parental discipline) An orphan, Now York Bun. Two Cursors. Mrs. Muggins Suro, I'm thntworrlod over my son. Ho'h iu Now York n-studyin' art, an' it's nn awful time the jioor lxy has to keep out o1 the clutches of Anthony Corn stock. Mrs. AVugglns It's snfo enough my boy is. "He's not learning to jialnt jilcturos, thenf "No, Indeed. Ho's burglurlug in Chicago. " -Omaha AVorld. Clot Away from Illni. Landlady (whoso attention has lieen dis tracted for a moment) Why, whoro Is Mr. Dumloyl I thought ho was carving tb duck I Mr. Dumley (from under tho table) It's all right, Mrs. Hendricks; I'm after tho duck. Now York Sun. Tho Criiin. Itinerant Vendor 'Kro's ycr nico frnlsh 'ot wnflles, halwnys hlnwigoratin' linn' com fortln'. Miss Anglos Oh, Troml do let's stop nnd listen a littlo. I haven't heard such pure English slnco wo left Lunnon. Judgo. Advice lo Writers. Young writers in jircjmring their mann script should lenvo jilenty of sjmco between tho lliusi. Tho world would not Miller much if many of them should mnko it all spue. Somcrvlllo Journal. Trradlne the .Mui). ,i:tT,T Young Mr. WnWh (to Miss AVnldo, of Haton, ntn dancing jmrt.M -AV(U you favor mo with two or three round i, Miss AValdol Miss AVnldo (nn admirer of John U, ot course) Certainly, Mr. Wakvsh, with pka uro. Or, If ou llko, wo will contlnuo it to a finish, New York Sun. Si i .tkji .; j ' . ,!lJfjEfflv fflf'fflmfSS ' I f! TW7-j l THE GENTLEMEN OF LINCOLN. Why 'I hey Visit Ilin I'luy lloiisn lluno I'liinpiiiileit liy Liiilles, AVo nrn In receipt of 1 ho following contrl byllou, written by a Lincoln lady, which In nn intellectual nud common sense way. ns or I lo why gentlemen havo not nivldsl tlielr lady friends to whi tho play'oftener, "There nro goisl nud Humorous tensous why the young gentlemen don't take ladles and should not, Lincoln has reached such n state, that n young man cannot go Into society without kis'plng himself iu debt. If ho goes out loan livening company ho must have a carriage, and If ho docs not ho Is colled a "chump," If ho goes to (he theatre he must send flowers, In nddltlou to tho absurdity of a cnrrlnge, nud If bo falls In this he Is termed "stingy" or "n niossback." If ho attends a ball ho must of course havo a cnrrlnge, send flowers, nud If he omits tho usual done of iltspoisln, after (ho party.'by going to tho restaurant, he "ihswu't know how to tako a girl lo n inrty iroioriy," Thcsn little luxuries nro nil very nlcu and highly enjoyablo, but tell mo tho umuo of ono young man, who ran conscientiously afford nil thlsf Of course ho can do it, but how is n young mail going to get ahead or keep oven, who keeis himself In n constant fever to moot his society hlllr It has lieen sold by ono of our great mens "The feeblest minded man Is ho wlio lives iMiyoud his means." A'o know however there aro exi-ejitlons, ns it Is always uxjsictcd thnt when a lady la dressed for nn elegant linll or reception, ifo ollrte, slliM)rs, etc., thnt she shouliqiio railed for Willi n cnrrlnge. Hut toatUnd tho thea tre lu n small town llko Lincoln, with such goxl strisH car fnellltlis, tlio Idea of carriages seem absurd unless, on tho other handth weather Isnxcocdlngly liiclemeut. In Haiti morn and Phllad(lihln the young jieojilo In variably go to tho theatre In street cam, and to all evening comxtu!os thnt aro not full dress. Lincoln has n great many "hlghfulluten" Ideas of this kind, and the quicker they nro traded olf for common sense the more money will l savisl and tho sooner the young men will lie nblo to put on style, If they must do It. What young lady hns not rospoet for a young mnn who tries to mnko something of himself by cutting down his nxjionscsi Well If sho hasn't this rcsect it doesn't mutter bo cnuse she then shows thiitslie Is nof, as was siitK)sisl, u lady. AA'o nre aware thntthcro are tunny lino fol lows who would llko to enter tho social swim if It wero not for tho ridiculous exonNO In volved, iu'modcrn society, but tho extrava gance Is too much, nnd rather than lsi behind tlielr fellow society friends prefer to ro main excluded. Them hns been a sudden revolution In somo of the cities of tho east within the jmst win ter. Tho young ladles In several cawsogrecd among themselves to refuse flowers or car riages except for largo full drrs jmrtlen, nnd In sovoi ul Instances carriages have lieen dis missed by tho ladles. Why cannot Lincoln girls havo a littlo grit, and establish theso rules? Or does It mnko no dllfercnco to them whether their gentlemen friends ever amount to anything or not I U-t us think over the matter nnd solve the problem, whether wo nro totally void of couselencof It can lie noticed nt overy entertainment how many gentlemen go alone. And whyr O.NK OK TIIK OlIU.8. It's Worry Thnt Kills." G us How do, Chollyl Como In nnd aw havo aw glass of sodah. Cholly Cawn't do It, Gus. Got too aw much business to attend to this mawnlng, and I aw havo to keep a clear heiuL Gus AVhy aw what is It, y' know! Cholly AVhy I aw havo to jmrchaso for mamma a aw dozen posthngo stamps nnd owdah n aw now palawr of twousers for myself. Life. Hrarrhril for Fraud nnd rcninil It. "That ton of coal looks to mo about 200 pounds short," said n family mnn, "and by thunder I'll have It weighed. Tlio way somo of theso coal dealers cheat is wicked." After he had had it weighed, ho said to his wife: "It's all right; weighs nliout 100 pounds over." t3 "How much will you havo to jviy for tho extra wolght, Johnl" "Nothing. That's their mlstnko, not) mluo." Life, Ignorance of Easterner. Eftstcm Mnu My graclousi That's terri ble. I'll bo ruined. Omaha Man AVlmt's upl "I own jrojerty at Saratoga and tho jv per says tho famous medicinal springs thcro nro drying up. My, my I Our wholo wealth depenils on n jiermaneut supply of Saratoga water." "Dont worry. Myfriond minks down at tho dnig ktoro will tell you how to make it." Omaha AA'orM. Things Aro Not AVhat They Rrcni. "AVho is tho man with tho ministerial lookf" "That's tho sporting editor." "And that one that looks like n priM flghterl" "Tho religious editor." "And that solemn looking Individual!" " "Tho funny man." "And that Jolly looking fellow," "Tho obituary editor." Boston Courier., i