li lt m e? m Sr ?9 DR. L. WENTE DENTIST. Milken the nrcocrvnllon of the imturoi ccth n vperlitlty by nil known approved methods. (Jolil anil porcelain crow n mounted on the imtiiral root. All operations performed without puln. SlNfnctton jruurnnleed. TO TIIK I'UOI'I.K OK LINCOLN, KKIIHAHKA, Wo, tho undersigned nro ixirsoniilly ac quainted with Dr. U Wunto, who Ih to leave us soon mid engage In the practice of doutU try In Your ellv. Wo rnn unhesitatingly rcvomiuctiil him it n thorough master oC his profession, mill wo ro sum tlmtiill work entrusted to lilin will bo skillfully performed. .1. Unukiiiiill, M. 1). W. W. MoMann. M. I). .. K. MoAdamh, M. H. M. 1). J, M. Uallkiiuiiii, t). I). H, Oaiidnrii, Ii.i.inoih, Jan. 'J-,', ltW7. 116 South Eleventh St Lincoln, Neb. WEBSTER&BRISCOE, Boots and Shoes. Fine Shoes and Dancing Pumps A SPECIALTY. Price nt low ns reliable flrst-cliiss goods enn be sold (ar, ami nil honorable cotnpe tlon. fairly met 1043 O Street. FINE : ART : STUDIO. 13140 strcu. Examine samples of our work before ordering elsewhere. Hew Hampshire SPEUCE Step, Single and Extension LADDERS -AT- 230-232-234 S. I ith st. LINCOLN HARDWARE Co. LINOOLN Philharmonic . Orchestra, A. Haoksow, Musical Director, Office Funke's Opera Q. II. Aboiimak, Manager. House, 3d Floor, Front Will f uroUh Ornnd or Sacred muslo for CoNCKivrs, Weiidinos, FaIitieh, Balls aod all other occasion requiring flrst-clust music pST-Sixclal rotes wilt bo madowlthcluUi deslriW tlio ochestra for the teaaon, . rates furnished on application. We nlso desire to Klato that wo liavu opened a Conservatory of Muslo In our apartments III the opera houso building, for tlm Instruction ou orchestral Instruments. Tuition hours: 0 a. '" U it noon, and i till t p. 111. every day ox Jepl Bunday. For scholars not able to attend atiegu ar hours, special tlmo will Ih) given. r, For further Information as to prices, tlmo, etc address or call on the manager, N. R. HOOK, M. D., DIHK ABKH OF WOM F.N. Urinary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty. Treatfl rectnldtsenios by imiNK..lUltW .l'AINLKSH bYBTKM. Ofitco nxnns Vtlt (a mid V& Burr lllock. Twelfth and O kiwis. Oilier uiV-bofiK 6Pi. ltesldenco IfcSI Q street. I'bono. njHeo hours, 8 to 1 a.m. a tof6 nmlTtu p in BUMoays, s 10 o p. ., THE COURIER A bjmini' li)rr of Moilri'n Tlmta. PlJMMHlIICD SATUKOAY HtnwciunioNi Oim Yinr liy Mnll or Carrier f'J.rt) Hlx months, $1,11, Three immlliN) Ci-ntu, Ono month ) Cents lnvnrnlily In Advance. tpTKNTISKHKSTRi ltllteil furnished Oil nlltll'llllll nt tlm officii, HHlrtl rotes mi Tlmo Contracts, CoNTiilinrrinss! Hhort spicy sketches, ikicuh, mnl torle solicited, I'crsonnl nnil Hnclnl notes nrv reolrilly desirable, I'niirriNiii Wo iniikn n specially of Fine I'rliitltifc li nil lt lirnnohos. Hoolety work n nx'clnlty Address nil coituuutilciitloiii illnctlo lliu office. wicysici, DonntNa, KMTOIIS AND fnOI'IIIKTOIIfl. Nl'W llnrr lltock, Cor. U!th nnil U Htrcf, 'I'r.i.r.iMioNK'iVl, TAKE NOTICEI Tho Uouiiii'.ti will not I m responsible for any debt mmto by any ono In It unmo, un less a written order accompanies tlio snino, pro)M'riyslgiif4, of iimiiim, WKtMKI. & DolllllNH, I'rop'rs. ViuiKKor four wholesale homos Iiiivo lo cated in Lincoln tho jxist week, anil tlm rush ban Just commenced. TllK of Nebraska City have de cided to plant 11 grovo of clii-ntimt trees In tho now Hirk. Tho action Is NlulMcutit, (iKNKIIAL MANAOK.iI 1'OTTKIl of tho Ullloil l'aclllo Ih nt present u very nick man, and It In nuthorltlvoly Mated that ho will never resume nctlvo management, nt least, of thnt road. HUl'KlllNTKNIIKNTliANK hll tlllls far 10- cclvoil about $I,(XK) for tlio hcroluo fund from thodllTereut Hchools of tho ntnto. Cou trlbutloim nro slow In coinlui;, but tho iiiuouutH nro KiMuirully Rratlfylngly largo. A MUliDKiiKit out In Denver wan nnpilttod thoothoi'day by an intelligent Jury on U10 Knmudsof transllory frenxy. This U allow wrluklo In legiil phlmuolot;y, and omotloiial Insanity will bo rclogntod to tho rocr 111 nbsoleto. Tine notorious Victoria C. Woodhtill is shortly to establish a school of mnrrltiKO in tlilii country. AVo nro not fiiiuillar with tho working of such an liiHtltution, but Mrs. Wooilhiill is eminently tlttcd by oxporicucu for a toaeher in 0110. Tiik National 0xini eoni)iniiy has llualy anil forovoi 'buxtoil, nnd lU nieniliers aro wnttoredto tho four wlmN. It was a vision nry hcIiciuu nt Its best, nnd wo nro only sorry that J.oocko didn't llnd it out long ngo, and wo presume I.iocko is, too. llmiioi' Coxk, of tho Protostniit Episcopal ilioccM of wwtcrn Now York, entortnlns tho honslhlo belief that our American public schools ought to my mora nttsutlon to do votophif; tho American idea. Thnt tuition should include 11 moro thorough training in Amerlenii history nnd in tho prlvnplo of tho constitution, and tho lawH of tho laud, if wo would bnvo tho rising generation Intelligently and morally lilted for tho duties of citizen ship, TllK CouiUKli is in receipt of soino llnoly or-cutod ndvortlslng inntter for tho C. M. & 8U i'. railroad. Tho liook showing county maMof Nebraska, Iowa, Vlsconslu, Illinois, Dakota and Kansas Is worthy of u place In any man's library, mid should bo uhjii to bo appreciated. Tho Mllwaiikeo road in a most extensive advertiser, and therefore gets tho cream of tho travel Iwtwcsin Chicago nnd western and southweNtorn points. Tiik liquor Cenlcrs of tho state nro doing moro to enhance thoauso of prohibition than nny agency wo know of. Tnko for instance, the saloon men of Omaha, who hnvo been re quired to close tholr placcvn of business nt midnight, but are now petitioning for tho privilege of keeping open nil night. Those men claim thoy lmvo to pay n $1,000 a year llconso nud should bo allowed to close when ever they pleased, forgetting or not under standing tho fact thnt tho moiioy Is levied not as n tax but as a llconso. Prohibition sentiment is gradually growing, nnd tho liipjor men nro fostering it well, TllK great Burlington utrlko has been tho chief subject of illsciibhlon during the (Mist week. From all tho facts presented tho Brotherhood have mndo nn HI ndvlsed more, which will likely result in their complete de feat. It Is generally conceded thut their monthly wages hnvo leen largely in excess of thnt wifd other skilled lalwr nnd why thoy domniuVd moro is hard to tell, unless thoy were acting 011 the same principle that caused tho formntlon of sugar trusts mid tho ninny other kinds of trusts. Tho men nro entitled, howovor, to much consideration for tlio quiet, manly way in which thoy havo nctcd, and If thoy nro finally defeated, will take it philo sophically, Literary Notes. Tho OmniojioMiiii (Scllght & Field, pulx llsherb) for February hits boon received. It Is quite 11 decided improremciit oyor former numbers, the irinclml nrtlclo Ixnng "Tho Ballet In Paris," by Theodore Child, pro fusely Illustrated In color. The contents of the magazine do iiot .lietlo lbs name, "Hunt lug nnd Trapping In Cniinda," "A Tartar Tea Party (11 tho Desert," "Ministering In tho White .one," and similar well-written ar ticles by kuow-u wTltcrs are Indicative of its meritorious contents. Homo excellent short stories and oeius udd to -ho attnntlvenoKS of the number, ucrifciii,i, for March is as usual an enter .vlniiu: iiumlwr, Hubert Imii Htevonsou continue his iays with some delightful reo ollectioiw of "Beggartt" whom ho has known, rme old characters, full of ommtrioity. Mr John O. Hoi contribute thu llrst of two ur tldles 011 "Tho Cainniilgii of Waterloo," and the second mid concluding Installments of "Mi'iullesolm's letters to Mosvhelen"aro very Interesting, touching as they doiqion Ids in ner life and thought. Tho liuinW contains an unusual amount of lletlon. Tho Ktrlal "First Harvests," ngnln trnnsfor tho nclion of tho story to Now York, giving soiil Iniior views of life In Gotham. M. Duniier'H ktory, "National Koloetlons," Is ronoludisl In this iuiiiiImt withn rathi'tiuixHetisldoiioiiinont, short sturli-s by Mrs. Iloliert Louis fitevutiMiu nnil Oclnvo Thnuet, and ooius by llisslo Chnndler, l P. Cnmcli, Thomas Nelson l'ago and Charles Kdwln Markhnui nlso grnco tho ges. No woman niu claim that It Is1iiikssIIi1o to gain information of nny Niibject of which sho wishes knowlislgo if sho Is n render of Or mnirst's Mimtlilii .Mimntliw. We haVo coino to this conclusion after looking through tho March niiiiilxr of this valuable publication, for not only iIih-s It contain matter lutorest lug to every member of tlm family,hut the pub lisher 'iicouiags women of all cIiowm for Information, an oppoituuity which is lib leally embraced. Kvery woman should sub scribe for this ls'autlful and i'omprehouso inngaluo, tn'nutlful ou account of Its artistic mei it, coinpieheuMvo bis.-auso It covers overy subject in which women aro Intcrc.Uil. "Tho original Mr Jacobs; A Htnrtllng Kx jM)so,"lsthotltlof iilsiok Just ro.i'ivisl, It jmrKirts to bo a true history of I ho customs, inaunei-M and origin of tho .lows, but Is In reality a most valid and entirely unjustified nttack oil tho people of that race. Tho author nelivU as exaiupleH tho worst skcIiucim of tho liobi-uw and holds his shortcomings up to view as liolng characteristic of that people. Ho miikes such men iw Rothschild, Wouus and others eouspIratorH against existing forms of government, and accuses them of wanting tho eat th, In fact. It Is a fact that tho JouHiiroclalinlsh, but that Is more of it virtue thnn 11 vice such iw tho bigoted writer endeavors to uiuku it out. On 0 sSook Is 11 very much over-drawn picture, and onrlcatures where It endeavors to illustinto. "I'iik OiimiNAi, Mil. .Iauoiim," Mlnuwn Publishing Co., Now York. For sale at all liOMwIealei-s. Clilchfii Feed. A man in Athens, Mich., possosscs n hen 10 yearn old. Bho is still in egg-collcnt health. Lowell A Ht. 1mls chicken lms threo wings, and tlio old rooster says gravely that tho young chicken Is altogether too Uy. Homervillo Journal. It is stated thnt gold is found in tho chick cu's crop in Nebrnskn. Thoy havo Imported 'em, too, wo Judgo from tho price of tho la.t pnlr wo bought. Uoston Uulletlii. "Don't crowd your fowls," snys n oiiltry oxchnnge, AVo will mid that if you do crowd tli cm, do it with corn. Wo nro boiuo on poultry ourself. Daimillo Breeze. Russia baa placed a tnx of 0110 kojieck each 011 every egg sold In tho kingdom, and tho hons kocckiug around with every murk of dissatisfaction. Kjioch. A Michigan man has a chicken which is 10 fears old. Scaled projiosaU for tho purclmso of it will lie received from bofirdlug houso Weepers Hotel Mull. vl Win Lire's Trollhlo. First Domestic Suro iu a hnrd plnco olVe got now, Mary, only two ulgbU out 11 wnko mi' one av thlm Is Uundny. Becoml Domestic How ninny nfteruoons out hnvo ye, Jnuol "Only slven." Oiiinhn World. A Hoy's Tliouithtrulncsi. Minister (dining with tho family) You woro iv nice llttlo iwy in church this morning, Bobby. 1 noticed you kept very quiet nnd still. Bobby Yes, sir; I was afraid of waking jmv up. Now York Bun. Tliry Kuvcil Houiettilni,' "I nm pleased to leani," Vf rlt Bcnntor In. gnlls, concerning tho recent Are, "that thr nclghbow Kivod tho well." Atchison Globo. UN (Iwu Children. Not long bIiico thoro wns a crowd of ox cltetl darkles In nn Austin alloy, gathered around two negro boys who hnd clinched each other ami wero fighting nway for doar llfo on tho ground. Thoro was ono negro man present, nud ho urged tho combatants not to glvo up. "Gougti him in do oyo, Bllll" "Sam, if you givo In I'll tan ycr hldo for ycr. If you whips Bill, Iso got 11 qunrter for ycr." A wolldrensed gentleman stopixnl nnd said to tho negro mun: "You ought to bo luliAiued of yourself to encourage thoso boys to light," "Why, Ior, boss," was tho resjionao, "dem's my own chlldrons." Texas Sittings. livery Ono Itim. Omaha Man Wont to nsnlrltunl seanco down in Arizona, ehl Anything happenf Arizona Man Well, yes. The medium went Into a trance, mid thon atiiiouucod that ho was tho spirit of a man who had been murdered, mid thnt tho murderer sat iu tho nudience. "Well, well. Did nnylxxly runr "Wo all ran."-Omaluv World. A liars Combination. Certain society circles hnvo boon grently agltatcxl this week ovor a novel sort of bovor ago Introduced by tho wife of a Now Jorsoy congressman ut her rocont reception. No body seonis to know what it really wns, but overylKxly, you may depend upon It, Is ongcr to find out. Quito by accident I am enabled to satisfy this curiosity. Tho following con versation lictwcen thb hostess nud ono of hor "assistants' nt tho refreshment tablo took place iu 0110 of those lulls when tho stream of 'jicomiiig visitors seems to lmvo for somo un iccountttblo nason boon arrested, only to preuk out nfrenh with redoubled fury llvo "uinutes afterwnnL It Is given upon tho mthorjty of a young scapegrace, ut tho tlmo 1 n Inmato of tho houso; Hostess (turning to tho refreshment tablo mid pointing to n pot of Iwuillon) Mary, dear, if you want to replenish thnt pot of bouillon, just ring the bell for tho servant; sho'll bring it up from tho kitchon. Mar" Is that bouillon! Oh, heavens, nnd hero I huvo been serving it all tho afternoon with milk and sugar! Tnblcaiil Now York Tribune lie Iluit No Library. "1 tnllovo you aro a great roador, Miss Qulmbyf "Yes, I rend a groat deal." "Havo you raid nny of Tolstoi's works?" "No, but I am dying to sou somo of bis books." "There Is no reason why you shouldn't boo thorn. I can furnish you with them." "How dollghtfull You must have qulto a library, Mr. Iwigheadr1 "No, 1 can't say that I hnvo. But, yoa ceo, I am iv book agent.1' Nebraska Stato Journal. Nftmsry I'rulliiilnarlet. Professional Stago Manager (engaged to superintend nmntour theatrical) Aro tho audience nil seated! Professional Assistant Ten, sir. "No ono allowed to enter except thuso who bnd invitations I" "No, sir." "Did tho policemen nt tho door succeed in disarming everybody?" "Yes, sir," "Itlug up tho eurtn In." Omaha World. THE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM. It Is claimed that rliriitiiiitisiu Is MtmutlinoH Inherited but It Is moro like ly that tho persons presumed to Inherit It nro pliysicnly constituted tlio siiimi lis tliulr ptiroiitrt nnil tiiituraly stiscuptlhlo toil. If child ron urn il.fl'orantiy oon ntllutod from tho nllllrtcd puront thc do not "InliM.t It," Illllmisiii'ss is us nitioli of iitiinlicrltiincn us rliuiiinntisni, as porsoiiM of a bilious toiiiporiiini'iil nro most misocptlblo to It mid thoy of courso got t hoir teniporiiiuuiit from tliulr imroiits. Oilier ittilhorltlo.s oliilms Hint rlioiimitllsiii isciiiiseil by tlio proHuiiou of urlo iiold In tho blood. UtliorH to Inking cold when lliclr l.s poison I'lnni Ititlut lu the blood, others (hat It Is purely nnd Holtdy 11 ilisciito of tho tier votis system It is well known that when persons havo acute or liillumiiiit tory rhnuuiiitlHin tlio IjowoIh nro usuiil.v coiisllpntediiml the urine Homily, but Ih thnt not enusi'il by tho rhemmitlsin I'ltthur lliuii tho oniiso of It, for when tho bowels nro kept open nnil tlio in llmuinutlon kept ilnwn, 11 euro Is soon produced. The lullmiiiiinlhu iiitist lie kept down until the pints nro rumored to 11 lionlthy condition. TIiIh Ik not theory us it groat ninny sovoro cases lmvo been cured In that way. Tlio iu llmunintloii being ileop Minted nnd mostly iu tlio joints. It is dlmciitt In tench mid but few external application will rnllovo It, thorn is 0110 Imwovei that will, mid Hint is Oliumburliiin' Pain IliiluS, ono application Is usiuilv sulllulent to relievo tho pain mid onl) tho worst oases require morn thnn out or two lifty cent bottles to effect 11 cure It Is tho most peiiclrutlnj; llulmeiit known nnil )iroinptlv relieves tho ago nlin)' pains both of rhcuumtisin nud nutirnlgin When tho parts omi bo reach cd and tlio I'aln ltAlm applied directly to tho seat of pain, us in cases of burns mill toothache, it relieves instantly mid in cases of rheumatism (inly iv few moments are required for its affect to bo felt. To keep tho bowels open al ways use St. Patrick's Pills as thoy nro absorbed Into tho blood, nut through it, purify it mid thoroughly olouuso tho whole system. a n an Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Will euro 11 Severn cold in loss time thnn by nny other treatment. It ro liovcs tlio lungs, opons tho secretions, renders tho mucus less tenacious mid easier to expectorate and aids suture in restoring tho system to a houmiy con dition. If frcoly used as soon its :i cold has been contracted ant) before It litis become settled in tho system, it will often cure what would lmvo boon n sever cold in u single day. It is a cer tain cure for croup. Sold nt W. J. Turner's. New Bowing Mnelitne for Hale. I hnvo a first class now sowing mnchino nover bocu used, of the latest invention and with nil tho modern appliances thnt will bo sold nt n big bargnhi. Address Jo-Jo, care this olllce. lloiiin tho Tiiwii. Leuvo a jiaper wrapper with a threo cent stamp on with 11. Q. Haunn, city ticket agent of tho Missouri Pacific mllwny, nnd have n "Lincoln Illustrnted" mailed to youi friend east, free of charge. Through sloeors to Chicago aro run nud nil eastern connections mndo by the Klkhorn Vnlloy and Chicago and Northwestern rail road. Try this elegant route. Olllces, 115 Bnuth Tenth streets nud depot, corner B nud Kighth streets. Chicago & North western mileage tickets sold to anyone nt Klkhorn olllce, 115 .South Tenth street and dejHit corner B mid Kighth streets. MoMurtry's nddltion 011 K street, below Nineteenth, is one of the slghllcst In tho city, as well as being rlgnt In tho centre of tho fastest growing Hrtlon. Call at his olllce be low tho Capital National Bank and secure 0110 of thes lots. Only via tho Missouri Pacific railroad can you got free reclining chnV uvrs through to Atchison, Kansas City Chicago, St. I hi is, Torre Huuto and Indium ih1Is. Lincoln lluckuiid Iliigg'ieo Line. Telephone No. 201, meat market, 037 O street, or No. 5101 livery iwrii. Order slates nt same places and U. P. ticket olllce, corner Kloventh nud O streets. Hnck stands, Cnpi tal hotel mid meat market. Bohanon Bitos. Ofllco Furniture For Sale. An improved double olllce desk, two finer 0 clltilng desk chairs, two other cane sent ofllco chairs, etc., for sale nt almrgaln. Only been In use four months. Good us new. In quire at this olllce, 131 North Kloventh St. Wedding stationery, invitations, programs nnd nil flno printing our siociiilty. Call and see sioclnioi)S of our work. Wessel & Dob bins, 131 North Kloventh street. To People Who L'nterlnlii. Society peoplo arranging for parties, lmlls weddings, receptions or anything In this lino, should Inspect our elegant lino of stationery nnd printed novelties used on such occasions. Wo hnvo just received our now fall Hue of elegant ball programs, Invitations for wed dings, parties, etc., nnnouncements, folders, calling cards nnd iu fact everything iu this lino. Homo Cheap i'1'iipurty. A flno residencu lot on Twenty-first street near N for sale at 11 reasonable price. Also ono iu Mechanics addition, Hydo Park and Klmwood.Wlll sdl cheap If sold immediately Call on or address L. Wessel, Jr., enro this ofllco. To the Traveling 1'ubllc. Flenso noto that n superb lino of FUKR CHAIK CABS Is now run lietween Lincoln nnd Chicago on trains Nos, 5 and No. 0; also tlmt sleeping enr berths or drawing rooms 011 tho "flyers," Nos. I and 2 may bo reserved lu advance at City Ticket Ofllco, comer Tenth nnd O Streets. A. C. Zihmkii, City Passenger Agent. Ht, l'liul and tlio Northwest. Points iu tho above directions aro reached best by the Klkhorn vnlloy lino. Connections are sure nnd tho lino mostdlrect. Get tickets nt 115 South Tenth street or dejsjt, corner S nud Kighth sroMtts. Cllcliiirn Vnlloy L, -j 1'iissoiiKiir Train Hor vleo, ThaChleugo flyer Is train No. 41, leaving nt 12:05 noon. It carries a through palace sieejKjr Lincoln to uiucago, anil 11 (lining car from Missouri Valley and roaches Its destina tion at 8 o'clock the following morning. This train makes connection nt Fremont for Nor folk and Oinnha; nt Missouri Vnlly for Sioux City mid St. Paul, Train No. 42 haves Lincoln at 0:55 a. m. for Wuhoo, Fremont, Norfolk, Cluulron, the Black Hills country, York, BowarJ, nud Has tings. ADDITIONAL TRAINS. THE NEW UNION PACIFIC GEH SERVICE. PASSEN- Tlm Last Time Unnl .HIiohIiik L'oliiirrtltins, .11 nro Trains, Iletter Sort Ire, F.le. For somo tlmo past the Union Pacllle trains havo arrived nt nnd departed from this city Iu n innimer, that was to sny at best, not very satisfactory. No direct connections could be made any where, not even w ith their ow u main line trains, nud ev'eit these trains were rim at such hours as to innko it anything hut con veil ent for travelers How over, tho tlmo table Issued Inst Kuiiila) going Into circct Monday, has made a big change nnd quite a welcome luipiovemeiit, so that now tho Union Pnclflc will again bo nblo to carry Its largo share of travel to and from tho Capital city. Two ad ditional trains have lceu put 011 hot ween Council Bluirs, Omaha and North Platte, to nccouunodnto tho rapidly Increasing locnl bus iness of tho road. Tho equipments for this new service Is tho most suitable nnd conven ient thnt modern skill mid Ingenuity can de vise. New cars built expressly for these trains aro provided for tho comfort of Its numerous patrons, Two first class tinlns leave Council llluirs regularly every day except Sunday, at 7:15 Iu thu morning and 5 o'clock in tho even ing, roni'ioNcd of baggage, mail, express nnd chnlr cam, smokers and lli-at-class coaches. Passengers rim now seat themselves In 1111 ele gant new conch at Council Bluirs and Omaha and reach Vnlloy at l:!!0 a, m. nud ll:2J p. in. Valparaiso at loirs') a. in. and 7:50 p. in. Lin coln nt 11 ::" a. m, and 8:U5 p. m., arriving at Beatrice at t o'clock p. 111. for dinner nudlhftO p, in. David City unit Btromsburg passen gers ncisl make but one change nfter leaving Council Bluirs nnd Omaha and that Is at Val paraiso nt 10:55 11. in, and 7:50 p. m. Closo onnectlou is madu whereby Htromshurg Is reached at 1 o'clock p. m. mid 10 p. m., pas sengers desiring to go through to Manhattan will hnvo plenty of time to transact their bus Inoss In Beatrice nfter tho arrival of the 1 o'clock afternoon train from Omaha, leaving on a mixed train nt 3 o'clock nnd nrrivlng iu Manhattan at 1 1 rtO, or they can remain over until tho next morning, leaving at 8:15 n. m. and rench Mnnhntuui nt 1:10 p. 111. for dinner. This now iirrnngMiuont gives tho patrons of the Union Pacific threo lui' trains each way between Illuo Springs, Beatrice nnd Lincoln, nnd tho same uumlicr each way between Lin coln and Valparaiso, two of which ore dally each way, mid tho other dally except Sunday each way. Manhattan passengers for Omaha can leave there at 4:15 11. in. and Btop for din ner at Beatrice ntl:25 p.m. Connection with tho through train nt Beatrice nt 2 p. m., which arrives in Omaha nt 7:'W p. in. Pas sengers from Lincoln forOmnhncnn tnko this train at 3:28 p. in., nnd Valparaiso nassen- gers can take tho same train nt -1:15 p. in., nr rivlng lu Valley nt 5:15 p. 111. Passengers leaving Btromsburg nt 2 p. in. nrrivo at Val iparalso iu time to makocloso connection with this train ut 4:10 p. in. A train nlso lenves Stromsburg at 7:30 a. in., which arrives nt Vnlpnrnfso nt 0:25 n. in., connecting with tho curly morning train leaving Beatrice nt 7;20 n. m., Lincoln 8:13 n. in., and Vnlloy nt lt;05 n. 111., arriving iu Oinnha at 12:25 p. in. At Columbus close connection is iniulo at U:l.i n. in. mid 8:1 i. m. for Oconee. Madi son, Norfolk, Genoa, Albion nnd Cedar Bap ads. Grand Island is readied in tlmo for illn. nernt 1:45 p.m. on tho morning train fiom Council Bluirs and Omaha, mid at 10:10 11. 111. on the evening train, this lielng the end of the run or tno latter train. Continuing tho morn ing train reaches Kearnoy nt3;:W p. m. nnd North Platte, tho present terminus of this lo cal service, at 7 p. in. lteturnlng noxt morn ing tho train leaves North Platte nt 7:.'W) a. in. nnd Kearney ut 10:57 n. in., nrrivlng ntGrnnd Islund for dinner nt 12:35 p. m. Tho other local train lenves Grand Island nt 7:15 n. m. Here tho morning train from North Platto connects with trains from N1111 tnskct, Loup City, Howard, Ord, Bcotla and St, Paul. Tho two trains leave Central City at 7:58 a. 111. nnd 1:47 p. in., arriving at Col uinbus nt 0:15 n. in. nnd 3:20 p. in. Both trains connect closely here with tho trains from Norfolk, Madison, Oconee, Genoa, Al bion and Cedar llaplds, arriving at Schuyler nt0:4'J n. in. and 3:50 p. m., Freinunt 10:10 n. in. nnd 5:15 p. m., Valley 11:05 n. m. nud 5:15 p. 111., where trains above mentioned connect with trains from tho Omaha and Republican Valley district, arriving in Omaha at 12:25 p. in. and 7:20 p. m. and at Council Bluirs at 12: 15 p. in. and 7:10 p. m. Thera local titiins stop nt all stations. Adnlly service has been provided for Lin coln nml other points in that district nsfnr south as Beatrice by running extra trains on Sunday lietween, Council Bluirs, Oinnhn.Vnl ley and Intermediate joints, leaving Vnlloy nt nt 11:05 a. in. and arriving there nt 0:22 p. in,, nrrivlng ut Onuihu nt 12:25 p. m. nnd leaving there nt 5 p. in., arriving nt Council Bluirs at 12:15 p. 111. anil leaving nt 4:30 p. 111. By this menus tho residents lu tho locality named are enabled to receive tho Omaha nnd Council Bluirs nuwsimpors dally. Jacksonville, Floridu, excursion tickets on salont Klkhorn ticket olllce, 115So. 10th St. ihey know just how to please you with how oysters iu ov rery stylo nt Brown's Now Vlennu CnM. Go east by tho St. Louis nnd tho Missouri Pnciflo railroad nud avoid all omnibus trans fers; nil changed made In Union depots via this route. Chair cars free. Quion City Cool nt the Whltebrenst nud Limo Co, Conl l'lcimo Tnko Notice. Hereafter luissongcrs holding local tickets reading from Lincoln or stations east to Ash lnnd, Omaha, Flnttsinouth, or Pacific Junction will not lw carried on No. 2 leaving Lincoln nt 1:50 p. iu. P. B. Kuhtih, General Passenger Agent. FOR MUSICAL PEOPLE! North's Musical Journal Is tho best Musical Monthly publlshod. Con tains 1(1 to 20 pages of musical literature and 111 paces or now aiuslo 111 overy Issuo. Kvery sulMorllier receives .'.) worth of shoot music selected from our catalogue of publications us a premium, thus the subscriber really re ceives during tho year inusle which would cost lu shoot rorm not less than I'il.oo, for only ono dollar. With tho Fobruary number an Instructive serial, "Hints on llulliul Mm-. liiK'Mjy l.iiiniH J. llunltt, was commenced and will continue several months. This ser ies of arllules is alonu worth iiiunv times tlm price of subscription, nud Is hut one of tho many viilimiil lluutlou. Only Ml 0(1 iter oar. Niioelimm u 11 features of this popular pub- Copy 10 Cents. A PIANO FREE. To tho person soudli'ir the tsrontost number '!.?;,.'i?ir."'urH J" Noitrii's .iitiNiuAi. .MIUIt.SAI, previous to July 1st, lsss, wo will KlViiiiHI'l, liSlllU IM'IIIUIIT PIANO wltll stool iiiiil cover, vnliio H. Also a Flno Wll cox & lilto (ran to tho one sonilliiir tlio seeiiiul greatest number. For full particulars address 1', A. .NOHTII .V CO,, publishers, lUOHChodiut Mt,, riillndii., 1'a. The Omaha Daily Bee DKUVEKEI) 11 Y CARRIER livery Morning hetorc 9 A M. LEAVE ORDERS for Subscriptions and Advertisements at Lincoln Office Omalia Bee IOJO P Street, Capital Hotel Building. SOMETHING NEW. We have purchased the meat market of M imgcr Bros (formerly Shcrrcr o' Ilcnl rclch) 128 S. 1 1 tli Street. Wc will cn n full line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Fisli, Gamo, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Etc. Wholccnlc nud Rcsnil. Goods bcllvcrcd to nny part of the city. Telephone Co. Come nnd sec us. 1I0VBY & SON. H. W. BROWN, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines PATNTS.OILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 127 S. Eleventh st. BLOOD POISON. Old dead teeth contain , tlio quintessence of blood Ipolronl Who cad swallow f It, guthlng out of old teeth t every incul nnd bo licslthyf Theso teeth aro dead, ulcerated, unhealthy trcqucntly caiuo n tncllod faco. Hhould certainly bo extracted and replaced with KOOd, artificial teeth that never ache. Can bo extract ed wltbout pain. No hum bog. New Years Proclamation. i.Ini0r,.,Jr ut every n may bo ablo to eat turlcoy thankfully, wo will put up artlOclal teeth at tho fof Ing low rutus until tlio mt of Jamury: Wlb mlngtonTotth, $5; Sibley's Teeth, used more than D7 !IV I" IJi'roln.nvcryflno article, $7 60 per Ml; White's l'atmt Teeth, with plates of doubts strength, wear with a jicrpeuial iwlUh, gold-web plates, brldo work, etc., at tlio mojt reasonabls prices, ltoom No. 10, UW O street, Ualdwln Uros, block. Lincoln. Neb. Diseased Qums. Tho teeth turn black and die, the rfumj bleed at the slightest touch, ulcerate, the teeth looecn and fall out, tbe breath Is horrible. DR. A. P. BURRUS, laOQ O Btroot, On the Rapid Transit, cuies up diseased makes tho llnoat gold and platinum fillings, the finMt teeth that tobacco villi not Urnlih. Rums, PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still in tho front and absolutely leading all suui))ctllors. Thoroughly equipped for tin uncst work, giving to each customer nn un qualified guarantee for all work done. All of our work dono with neatness nud dispatch Vo solicit orders for suburban villages and neighlKiring towns, paying tho express ou ail inlersoue wuy. ucspectiuiiy, C. J. PRATT. S. H. BURNHAM, BROKER. Money loaned on long or short time at lowest ites. Ofllco In Richards' lllock, room 22. Take elevator on Eleventh street entnooa. viTbnrbTRyuL SUCCESS. KCONOHIY IS 1VHAI.TII. All tho PATTERNS you wish to uo during tho year, for nothing, (a savfug of from $3.00 to $ I.00J, by aubucrlblug for THE CAPITOL CITY COURIER AND H)e mo rest's i"t.i mTb.v 7Ylaa3ine With Twelve Orders for Cut Paper Patterns of your own teieciion ana oi sny lire. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR run- $3.25 (THREE TWENTY-FIVE), -ros D EMOREST'S sT -:: THE BES OF nil tlio AIiiprnv.lituH. Containing 8Tniiir, Poems, and otiikii I.itriuri ATTIIACTIONS, CIIMIUNINI1 AllTUTId, bt'lCN. Tine, and Household uaiteiis. JIUiBtriiltil with Original Ntrrl JJiifriie. iif, J'liittofirtivureii, Oil 1'ictiivin ttntl flim H'ootlciilK. maUlny it tho Mattel Maya. slue of AmurfcH, Miisnzlno contains u coupon order ciitltllns I le holder In the nclccnoii of nny pattern lllimtrated la tho fiililon departiui-nt 111 that number, and in ny of thi rUvs manufactured, making pathrns tu Ins tlio venr of tho value of over three dollar. DKUOltlfcT'a MONTHLY Is Justly intllled Iho IVorld's Model Miifiizlue. Tho I.urvest In l'orm.tbo Lirirt in Clrculailon, and tlio bent TWO Dollar Family Miigazhio iMiieil Hf-flwlll ho tlwTvicnlr. fuiirili cur of Its publication, and It stniiils ut tho Imid ef Faiiilly l'erlodlcalt. It contains W pai!r, l'iro (piurto, S(X11M luche. elKautly printed iiini full Illustrated. l'ublUhtd by W, JinnliiL' Uoiiiurott, New York And by Special Agreaniont Conl- blued with tho Capitol City Cornier at $3.25 Per Year. Pif a 1 - r, it T imrmtfrwwtptmmiim"' tVrvim-mmm.vtmnirili4r TJiWyyiirif it faaaet attr