Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 03, 1888, Image 1

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    1 1pfm ""
Voi. 3. No. 112
Lincoln, NiimuaKA, Sa,tukdy, M.vkoii U, 1888
Intended to Tickle tho ltlslhlltlcs or In
iliico rilllll(llllllll'lll Discussion.
1 understand tho Lincoln Press Club Is de
termined not to fnll Into Innocuous desuetude
iw did Its Immediate predecessor. A lino now
billiard tablo tins lxx'ii ordered, another room
secured mid every prenriitloii entered Into
to mnko It n pleasant resort for Its members.
Nearly ovory ono of tlio press gang nro mem
bers, whllo n number of gentlemen promt
nont In literary and professional circles nro
on Its list. At present it Is but tlio nucleus
of n splendid social club, mid tlio Observer
hojies that Interest will lw maintained mid
tlio clul) iittnln Its ultliunto object. It Iiiir
pleasant i ooiiis nnd a pood inoinlicrslilp, mid
thorn Is no reason wu know of why It should
not Imvo ii long mid successful career. Tlio
next meeting will bo bold next Wednesday
afternoon, nt which Col. A. 11. Hayes of tlio
,ourmif will rt'iul n isipor on "Nebraska
Farm Mortgages," refuting tlio assertions of
certain eastern Journiils; Wnlt Mason will
recite n ikkmii mid Hon. Patrick Egun deliver
mi address on "Tlio Irish Emigrant,"
I observed nt tlio Dnlry Maid's festival two
of tlio young ladles chewing pun while In
tho drill, nnd I must ray it looked anything
but nlco or proper. Chewing gum nny w hero
Is contrary to laws of etiquette and looks Imd
enough In private, but when brought In such
prominence Is certainly notlceablo and out of
place. I will not mention nmucs of tlio In
dies, for fear of hurting their feelings, but
this habit Is ono tlint certainly should lie
cured, nnd I trust tho persons referred to will
kindly accept this bit of advice.
lloliiiiinii' Hall.
Of Into this tiopulm hall has leeu In con
stant demand mid of tlio largo .fathering that
has recently taken plncu in tl." city, nearly
nil hnve found it to their convcnpiieo nnd nil
vnutngo to cngngo this now mid spacious hall.
In tlio llohanan block wo find not only n
largo mid hniidsomo dnucing hall, but n
second hall, tlio Inrgost mid best lighted as
sembly place in Lincoln, nnd wo might add,
tho largest in tlio state. An idea of its en
paclty may 1k formed, f torn tlio statement
nindo by tlio proprietors, that tlio larger hall
will accommodate, including tho gallery,
2,000 ieoplo. It Is centrally located, tho ac
cess thoreto is easy and tho accommodations
offered uro superior to thnt by nuy
other hall in tho city. For small parties tho
lower hall is a pleasant resort ami on most
ill occnsslous is largo enough, but for tho
great need that Lincoln lias, heretofore ox
)crienccl, the grand hall on the third lloor
lllls tho bill. Tho messenger service call box
Is handy, tho place Is closo to business centre,
tho ventilation is jicrfcct, nnil In every re
spect tho now place has the prosjioctor becom
ing the lending miiuseineut resort in the city
for dances, assemblies, public gathering, etc.
"While n select jwrty is being given in tho
lower hall, a largo gathering can tnkeplnCe
in the largo hall oIkjvo with no Interruption
to cither, so that two parties can, if necessnry
uso tho balls on the muiiu night.
Don't (let Caught
This spring with your blood full of impurities,
your digestion iuiaired, your apjietitu poor,
kidneys and liver torpid, nnd w hole system
Hnblo to lie prostrated by disense -but get
yourself into good condition, nnd ready for
tho changing nnd warmer weather, by taking
Hood's Siirsparilla. It stands unequalled for
purifying tho blood, giving mi apiotito, ami
for general spring mcdlelno.
To Texas Via tlio Missouri I'lirlUc Itall
w iiy.
Ono fnro for tho round trip from Lincoln
oalloints. Tickets limited to sixty days,
nnd transit limit going nnd returning of
fifteen days in each direction, Excursions
lcnvo Lincoln Jnntinry 25, February 8 nnd 20,
March 7 and 21. Double lluo of Pullman
sleeping cars from Kansas City. A ruro op
iwrtunlty to visit Texas. Lowest rates over
offered. For limps, descriptive pamphlets,
rates, and further Information, rail on or nil
dress It. 1. 11.,
11. (1. Hanna, General Agent.
City Ticket Agent,
Corner O nnd 1:2th streets.
Ilrown's Vienna Coffee nnd Oyster houso in
tho ojK'rn house block is the neatest and nob
lost resort in tho city.
Dressmakers and ladles to call at'120 South
11th street, in the Holmes block, to Investi
gate Madam Kullngg's French tailor system,
Silver dross Cigars.
Tho best seller in tho city, at Kd. Young's,
1020 O street.
For all kinds of society stationery, such as
Invitations, programs, cards, nieiius etc. call
at tho CouuiKii ollleo In tho nmr Durr.block.
largest lino of Key West and Imported cl
gnrsnt the llurr block.
A Ureal lliittle
Is continually going on In the human system.
Tho demon of impure blood strives to gain
victory over the constitution, to ruin health,
to drug victims to the grave. A good reliable
medicine like Hood's Hursnparilla is the
weapon with which to defend one's self, driv
tho mbicrnto enemy from tho Held, and re
store poaeo and liodlly health for many years.
Try tills peculiar medicine.
Dally excursions to California via tho Mis
souri l'aclllc Hallway. Tho tourists favorite
route. Choice of two routes going, nnd priv
ilege of returning nny ono of four routes.
Descriptive folders and nil Information
obtained of II. (1. Hanna,
Or 11. 1'. II., (leu'l Pass. Ag't.
City Ticket Ag't., cor. O. and 12th sts.
Here No Is Airnln.
A certain Dunkirk man was so mean that
very ono shunned him and ho grow eraser ,
and more crabbod from day to day, until at t
lost his hat refused to fit him mid his shoes I
nubbod him oponly. Ono morning in winter
a lady passing his house saw a strange sight, I
BtnllflfflP oil thn imrnli ivna it nl.l ttinti '
throwlug crumbs to n Hock of sinirrows, who
chirped and danced mid iecked nt tho food in
high glee. Moved to compunction for her
previous bad opinion of him, tho lady said,
pleasantly, "Good morning, Mr, NuvcnijKmd
feeding tho birds, I boo." Tho old man
looked up surlily nnd then went on throwing
tho crumbs. "Nnw," ho growled, "I'm
nlwmln' 'era," Buffalo Courier.
Wanted to Try It.
Mr. Check I owo you $10, Griggs; can't
you let mo havo (A more to mako it 15f
Griggs Ya-es, I guess I can go you a
Aver; but will you tell what kind of norvo
food you uso 1 Texas Sifting.
William N. IUddle, n Now York broker,
"who has tho reputation of being among tho
best closo rnngo shots In this country, has
only ono lung." It may bo coiuidored a great
honor to bo numbered among tho best closo
rango shots in this country, butwo'd rather
liavo two lungs and bo unablo to hit tho gable
end of n houso at a distance of ten foot.
Norrlstown Herald.
Mr. Wabash Dlil you visit Ireland whllo
you wcro nbroad, Miss Breezy?
Miss Breezy Oh, yos; wo wore n montli in
Mr. Wabash (whoso Ideas regarding tho lo
cation of tho blarney stono nro a trifle vague)
You kissed tho blamoy stono, of course
Now York Sun.
Tnklng n I'rosh Start.
"Clara," wild tho old man from tho head of
tho stairs, "hasn't that young man gonoyctP
"Your daughter isn't horo, sir," feebly
responded tho young man. "Slio hns Just
stepped into tho kitchen to fill nnd trim tho
lamp." Now York Hun.
It Will retch "Km.
A wlso man, who has given tho matter
much earnest thought, says "tho coming
nowspnper will recolvo no advertisements."
Hoh I That's just w hat's tho matter with tho
paper flint's gono. Burdetto in Brooklyn
A Oolitic Hint.
"By George!" exclaimed Wngstaff, with ft
chuckle, as ho looked his cards over, "I don't
bellovo I could improvo on this hand."
"Perhaps you huvo novcr tried soap on It,"
suggested Buckhorn. Chicago Tribune,
Where tlm l'orter Steps In.
It Is stated that tho now vestibulo cars run
so smoothly that n man can bo shaved on
thorn. So ho can on tho ordinary pnlnco
cars; tho jwrtcr has always dono that for all
tlio passengers. Boston I'ost.
Homo Sonne.
"I suppose thnt Fioldcn deicrvod hanging,"
said a Chicago man, "and yet it was a pity.
Ho had lots of good horse sense." "Just so,"
replied his friend, "did not know enough to
keop his head out of n halter." Burdetto In
Brooklyn Eagle,
Worm Thnn tlio Cllmntn.
Edith What n dreadfully trying cllmato
you havo hero in Boston! Is it tho cast wind
that chaps ypur lips sol
Maud Oh, no; I'vo boon taking somo les
sons in Volnpuk. Life,
Much Out or I.lttlo.
Tho hen, fool though sho is considered, pos
sesses in n marked degrcotho faculty of mak
ing much out of little. Feed lior corn by tho
pint and 6ho eats it by tho peck. Bingham
ton Republican.
Lived In u lloardlne Hoiur.
Dentist How did thoso now fillings work
that I put in your teeth last month
Spooncr (who boards) All right, I guess.
I haven't had n chauco to try them yet.
Lowell Citizen.
Any Wny to Suit.
Bereaved Widower (to ofllco boy) Thero is
tho obituary notico of my wifo. Will you 6co
that tho editor gets It?
Ofllco Boy Yes, sir. Do you want it illus
trated? Epoch.
Compnrntlvo Oullt.
Father What do you think of a boy that
throws a banana skin on tho sldowalk?
Son I don't know. What do you think of
n banana skin that throws a man on tho sldo
walk ?-Llfe,
Ciiuin for Youthrul Sorrow.
Many of us havo felt very soro over Michi
gan's greatest industry. Sho produces mora
6hlnglcs thannll tho othor state in tho Union.
Yonkurs Statesman.
Hut Unrd to Keep.
National banking in Cincinnati is not diffi
cult. It is easy to got tho run of it. Louis
villo Courier-Journal.
A Natural CJiioHtlon.
1 frrrs 1
Young Mr. Sissy (to protty cou3ln) Do
yon know, Maudo, that I havo all my hnta
mndo to onlorr
Pretty Cousin Thoy nro lovely, Chnrloy.
I supiose tlio dealers don't carry such u small
size in dock." Tho Epocli.
Lincoln to Chicago without change via the
Elkhoru line.
t U. IH
ft iwvi'ufrrvU
M3 1 1 '
Us llnndsoiiifl (liirdeui), I'nlHtliil 1'itl-
nees nnd lis l.ocly Purlin Other
Written forlhoCotiitiKU
Opixmlto Mnyeuco, (Miilux ns the Hermans
spoil it, ( on tho other side of the Hhlue Is
Wiesbaden, onn of the. fntnous watering
places In Germany. After break f its t nt our
hotel, the Ithelnscher lrof, wo nil took the
homo rnllwny, mid went to the depot across
tho bridge mid nt tho little village of Ca-el
wo took tho ears for Wiesbaden. It Is only a
few miles from Mnyence. The situation Is
lovely. Most of tho business imrtof tho
town is on a plain, rapidly rising Into tho
the high hills back of tho town. Wide ave
nues have been graded through and by
numerous gardens nnd parks. Tho streets
along the hillsides are ndornod by costly resl
donot'S of the host class of Hermans, and
always with a profusion of shniblvry and flow
ers,ross, vino covered vnKos,and grassy plats.
Our pnrty wcro iiccomnuxlntcd by two car
rlnges,und our drivers took in most nt the
principal objects of Interest. The cabmen
drive ns bard n hnrgalu hero, ns in Now
York. We rodo for u tullo or more nloug
well shaded n venues nnd attractive dwellings
to the famous Greek Chapel, erected some
yea i-h since by wealthy Husslnns. It is mi ex
quisite seciuicu of architecture, not large
in sl7o but costly in Its decorations. Tho
whole interior is of )ollshod marbles from
ltaly,0 recce and Kgypt,iiot a particle of wood
work liclng iiMsl.
Ouo of Its Interior attractions ir 'ho sar
cophagus of a Ittissiau princess, ihvorated
with more thnnii doen statues of heroes mid
saints, around the sides of the polished mar
ble block. Tho figure of the princes lies at
full length in repose upon a tumble cusslou,
covered w ith rich marble draierics, a thin
veil of marble covers tho whole figure. In ho
high esteem were the nrtlsts of this splendid
chajxd, that appropriate niches nro adorned
with statues of the architect, the binder, the
sculptor ond decorator. Wo huvo seen noth
ing in all our travels that surpnshcs this for
benuty and costly decorations mid works In
marble, except tho Memorial Chniiel to Prince
Albert, erected by Queen Victoria to her
lamentisl husband, near Windsor Castle.
Both nro tmo specimens of the liest modern
nrt. Near by the Greek Clmpcl Is tho tomplo
of Nero, built on n jiolnt overlooking tho
wide vnlloy of tho Khlne. Wo nro hero 1,fi00
feet nbovo the sen level. Tlio vlow Is worth
a visit to Wleslmden, which lies sprended out
before It, lwyond which is tho silvery stream
of the llliluo nnil tho Hue bridge leading to
Mayeuce, with its lino gardens nnd houses
nnd lofty spires in full vlow.
Nero's Temple Is simply a dome, not of
largo dlmlnslous, suportcd by columns nnd
ojxm to tho country on all sides.
Wo returned by another raid which bjgught
us in vlow of tho Boyal Palace nnd other
princely edillccs.'ull of rare and choice design,
but plnln in exterior. Tho petty princes of
Gcrnmny'aro very nuinerom and all cannot
Indulge In veiy costly residences. The rich
aristocrats of tho country nro much mora
ambitious, and often their homes surpass In
splendor their more noble lords nnd dukes.
Tlio same economy of tho soil is seen hero as on
nil tho Hhlno from Cologno to Mnyence, vine
yards nnd tho sugnr In-nt nro cultivated
wherever a smnll piece of earth can lie found .
Tho hills are terraced to their summits and mo
under cultivation. Returning from the hills
wo strolled through tho pnrks nnd gardens,
somo of which were ndornisl with fountains
of various devices, at times sending up n
strong column of water to fall in spray into
a marblo basin. The fountains in front of
the Assembly House In tho midst of oxipisito
tropical plants, nnd Hanked on both sides by
the dense foliage of lindens, were the most
lienutiful in Wiesbaden. The Colonnade with
its long row of stone columns on the side open
to tho strict and Its store, richly furnished
for every want of mankind, from a watch to
a pin, from a sealskin coat to n child's bib
found nlways n crowd of promennderH.
Tho Kochbruneu Springs, famous for cer
tain human ailments had crowds of visitors,
evidently the wealth nnd fashion of Europe
can 1m found hero ns well as the overworked
who need rest and change of scene from the
vexations of trado.
Whosoever has tho means can find n charm
ing retreat horo in Wi'-sbaden.
Wiesbaden hnd in 1871 n population of
Xi, KK1 nnd hns Ik-oh steadily on the Increase.
It is a strongly protcstant, town, 7,000 are
Catholloand 1,000 Jews. In 18S2 the tourist
nnd invalids numbered over 10,0000. Wil
helmsstrasso is n lluo avenue half a mile long
lined with trees leading to the Theatre
The KurMial with its flno colonado of stones
on two sides Is a umgulllcont building. It Is
In the season the centra of attraction and
Its ample halls are thronged with the
wealthy and tho fashionable. It has a lxdl
room, reading room, drawing room and con
cert room, all finished in the highest style of
disvoratlon, all connected with extensile
pleasure grounds. Tho nrendo of Iron and
brass oxteuds to the principal Boiling Spring
(about 160 Fnronholt,) giving 17 cubic feet
of water cr minute. Tlieronre ninny other
springs for drinking and bathing, claiming
special virtues.
Tlieio are many water euro establishments
for the cure of various human nilinents, nnd
no doubt the usual share of quacks who
I pretend to cure nil diseases. There are
1 llifrtv luitli ltfiiiv.,1 mill nvnr SJNl hi.tuiifiti,
rooms. A library of 70,1X10 volumes and mi
nrt gallery. Tlio worst form of gambling
has been abolished since 1872. As a de
lightful hummer resort by the liest clnss of
jtcoplo In the wot Id It stands deservedly high.
It was an old Roman military station uhleh
were usually established for sanitary pur
kh at thermal springs. Those old
llomaiiswere no fools ns many old recordsnud
i tilns attest.
1 Having learned mid seen nil we could
jalioutthis famous Herman Saratoga wo il
lumed to .Mayenco to look over this pinee
which liasn very Interesting history. After
a good nights rest nt our comfortable hotel, I
stat tod out early In the morning for a stroll
without a guide. Every place Is a sort of
lr rra incni,UI(i to a stranger in luroH.
Very near was tho great Cathedral of Mny
ence. Its deep toned liell hnd Justcvnsisl
tolling. It was the hour for service. I went
in nnd found nil the seats In the nave of the
church full, Tho lluo choir and orgnn were giv
ing out Hue harmonies, the music was simple
but eluntlug, Tho ritual proceeded ns
iisiiiiI in nil t'lithollechurches. I Mood dur
lug the recital until the sermon In (lei man
begun, which, however eloquent, I did not
appreciate. 1 liont n quiet retreat nnd found
myself In a few minutes in the centra of n
largo square facing a Hue statue, erected to
thogreat German poet Hchlller This I could
understand, as who that has rand him, has
notlKs'n thrilled with the ilrnnintle siwer
and (sietle elegance of this author. Passing
onto the submits of tho tow linear tho wallsof
the formications I was examining some old
Roman walls us I Mipposed, nil Intelligent
German came tqi to mo nnd siiiHxlng I was
a stranger In town, offeusl kindly to show
inn somo of the sights. He could uotsicakn
word of English, but I understood w hut ho
wished. Ho look me through the modern
foili-osses, surrounding tho city mid by
guards on duty which 1 could not have passed
alone, then Into long avenues of shade
trees loading to tho flue entrance to the come
tary, the gardens, rich In llowers nnd orna
inented shiubliery. My stranger guide, nil
the time gesticulating mid talking in German
to make me iindcrstuiid, In which he very
well succeeded. It was n good object lesson,
n rare one to mo mid not without some very
ludicrous feutuicH lit my struggles to get
knowledge. He pointed out novel id tombs of
great artistic mei It nnd other objects of In.
torest. Then turning to tho right at no
great distance across the Holds he showed me
the remains of the old Roman walls, prob
ably built by "DrusiiH," 2,000 years ago.
The masonry w ns very ancient. Then taking
me by a uairow road through tho modern
fortifications, by a short turn I found myself
suddenly in tlio city. Howasn perfect gen
tleman, one that you always dulcet, no mat
ter or what race or language. I learned that
he was a follower of Luther and ho said there
were ten Cuthullo churches In Muyenco nnd
one Lutheran. Madam do Ktai1!, who trav
eled among nil the nations and tills In
Euro? said she hnd met only two kinds of
Ksiplo "men and women." I'lw biilili-snll
look Just lll.o American babies nnd cry Just
as loud In the cars, uro loved Just as much by
their mama's as ours.
The boys on the titreoU on their way to
school look Just like school Isiys In Lincoln,
play tho same games, at leap frag nnd mar
bles mid kites, quarrel Justthe same mid play
the smno tricks on each other. Tho women
mo Just us fond of di ess and display, are
loved by the men Just the same mid mako
Juut us good wives, husbands and parents nnd
woik Justus faithfully as with us fortholr
homes. Whenever we found Germans that
could H(ieak English, wo found ourselves at
Ik mo, and when thoy found wo were Aineri
cans took sjieclnl pains Ui give us all tlio In
founatlon wodeslusl about their nation mid
jHsiplo. Evidently Germans have a high
opinion of thogreat nation on tho other side
of the Atlnntlc.whero thousands of them have
tstabllslusl themselves In good homes nnd
found prosjierous times.
Ournextstago willlnlng us to Stindmrg
of which wo havo already given br'of ne
ceunts. The weather is growing warm ond we shall
svjii lie in Bomo cool retreats among tho
Alps, where wii shall seo the springs of the
Historic Rhine!
HurdnltA's riillnsnplir.
So you havo bought a dog, havo you, my
boy? Well, that's all right. The dog Is c
faithful friend and ft cheery coiniumlon for n
long stroll; but constantly bear In mind this
thing: If Ananlis had not been struck dead
when ho was, tho chances nro that In less
than n year ho would havo published a vol
umo of dog stories, Bo proud of your dog,
my boy, but romamlier whenuver n man tells
a, story about his dog, ho Is never Inclined to
fall shnmcfully short of the truth. I onco
called on Truth In company with n friend of
mine, n good man who owned n dog. As wo
stood bowing at tho door ond semping our
feet on tho snowy door mat, whllo Truth
smiled i welcome, my frlond said: "I guess
I won't let my dog como in. A funny tiling
hnpKMiod ono day last week w hen ho wont
calling with me. Ho went into the parlor"
And Just then a crash of thunder rent tho
heavens nnd mado tho earth tremble.. Error
black as night, ugly as sin mid big as a
mountain, stood grinning before us, nnd a
boy enmo running up to bay that Truth had
Just fallen into n Clarion county oil well
25,000 feet deep.
Funny Davonport is tho strongest woman
on tho stage, and sho says sho dovclopcd her
muscle by churning buttor on hor ranch in
California, Just ono word in your oar,
friends! wo havo eaten somo California
ranch butter. You hnd that nnwclo beforo
you churned it,
Mrs. Ewing enys in Tho Womnn's Journal
that "sho liollovcs that 50,000 women could
cam a living in this country by tho manu
facture and salo of homo mndo bread." Wo
lcllovo so, too. There's n fortuno In it. A
iwiving material that will bo yielding to tho
horse's foot, comparatively noiseless, and yet
moro ilurablo than Belgian block, Is some
thing the: has not yot boon discovered. On
to tho front, O woman I
"Havo you suffered much from train rob
bers, conductor?" asked n jKisscnger over tho
Wabash. "Not at all," replied tho oHlclal,
"I haven't seen a director on tho train slnco
lost November." And only tho sighing
pralrlo winds swopt plaintively through tho
windows, and tho rattling wheels went click
ing monotonously on "I-cloanod-'em-out; I-clonnod-'oin-out;
I-clounod-'ein-out," Ilrook
lyn Englc,
Where I thn Museum Slim?
Editor do young man)-8o you would Ilk
b place on tho paper as reporter, would you I
Young Man Yes, sir; but I'm Just from
co1!to nnd I don't suppose I'll amount to
much for a year or two.
Eil i tor (after recording from ft swoon,
brought on by surprise nt tho young gradu
ate's exceptional modesty) Just ono mo
ment, young iiinn, and I'll talk biisinoivs with
you Thn Ejiocli.
A Wise Decision.
We havo rand a llttlo of tho writings of
overy poet, from Chnueer down to Hiram
Wilson, tlio jxxit laureate of Grassy Lick, but
wo havo not loarncd enough about it to un
dertake to correct tho manuscript of tho
original verses frequently sent to this oflloj
for publication, and wo Imvo decided that nil
poetry must go in verbatim ct llteratuni with
tho manuscript. Mount Btcrllug (Ky.) Bon-tiuol-Dumocrut.
The field nT Amusement In I.IihoIii.
Nows About IMnjs, Arlois, lite.
I'uosdiiy livening last tho Cnrleton okiii
conimny presented "Kriulnio"nt the Fiinko
to n very good nudlenco. The title role was
taken by Miss Alice Tlnceut, n young lady of
preiNMsensliig appearance who In also possess
ed of a very.fliio voice, Hho was the ivclplont
pr much applause, mid In fact hers wnsn
most finished performance. The pat t of I la
venues was taken by Mr. W. T. Cailctoii,aud
as ho was In his usual gtssl Milco It was well
rtiiideied. Ills singing of "Rose Mm lo" In
tho third net was rapturously iccelvcd, and
won hlni a recall. Mr. Robert lliodeilckns
Marquis do Convert, Miss Mngglo Ilnxtorns
Captain Dellnnnay, and Miss Clam Wisdom
ns Princess do Oruuqioiicur nro deserving of
sss'lal mention.
KKHK KM.Ht.KllH, "KtlVIT,"
The nudlenco nt tho Fuiikn Wtslnesdny
evening to son Elllo Kllsler in her now piny
"I'-Kypt" was n largo ouo mid ouo that
thoroughly appraclntod tho talontisl folly's
work. In her new chnructer Miss Ellsler Is
given ample opiiortuiilly to show her excell
ent qualifications for acting of the nlither
order, Miss Ellsler Is a finished artist and
the play sho Is In starring In, gives promise
of making a brilliant repiitatl-m for tho lady
nnd adding now laurels to her already estab.
llshed successes. The construction of tlio now
play Is similar to that of "Lorlo, the Artist's
Dream," In nsinuchas that In tho Hint pal t
of the play tho heroine goiis lo sleep mid
waken up In the Inst net to find thnt every
thing that had transpired was nil a dream,
The statuary scone In the fourth act was a
dlllloult part for tho actress, as It necessitates
her standing erfoctly stllltmit polnstul with
out support during thu entire act. Tho sup
IHirtlng cotnKiny was very go si and the en
gagement was one of the most enjoyable ones
we have hnd this season,
Funke's was comfoitably filled Inst evening
to see what Kate Castlefou nnd lior conqmny
of comedians had to offer for the enjoyment
of the fun-loving patrons, mid well may It ho
wild that oreryone present enjoyi da dollght-
iui livening, jviiss (,'nnilflou who very clever
1 ly takes tho part of Hybllln Tubbs, a bashful
I girl Just homo finui tho homdliig school, In
triHlpivs n foivy of toplcnl songs, which nro,
of course, loudly applauded, and her treat-
incut of tho "Poor Mnnluc." Is certainly gen
tle mid kind, though not nppi eclated. Ar-
thur Hell as Dr Hulllvan, tho victim orn plot,
acceptably fills the bill, whllo William
HiHth, who ImngliKs himself to bo John L.,
the slugger, rrcntes much Inughter nt Ids
victim's expense, mid the chnrncter is well
taken by Eddie Foy In fact the entire cist
Is an excellent one in whoso hands "Crazy
Patch" finds a successful and entertaining
presentation, There will lxi n matliieo this
afternoon and another irforiunnco to night,
on which occasions "Crazy Patch" will re
ceive its final presentations.
On next Thursday evening tholxwinls at tho
Fuiiku will Isi occupied by that sterling com
pany known mi familiarly as tho Ssuk's
Hunch of Keys combination, under the man
agement of the author, Frank W. Sanger.
This extremely funny piny hasbs'iion the
i road live jeurs, nnd with tho several changes
' this season, is meeting with even Isdlcr siic
I cess than it was accorded on Its previous sor
I les of successful tours. The piquant and
' dashing little actress Marietta Nash makes all
out of the jiart of Teddy Keys that them Is lu
It, while James Mnckle, lu the great charai
ter of Grimes, has never Iss'ii equaled, and
. iJ-SfSN
w ith George Iuur as Snnggs, the iiiisi finds
lu thoroughly enjoyable rendition. The .Vn
1 itrl: llernliVx ci itlcs snvs
"A Hunch of Kes" still pisso fts gieat at
I tractions for the public, despite its frequent
I ivprt'scntatioii in this city At least that Is
what seemed to lx the ea,e last night at the
Grand l)Kni houv), for the house was throng-
tsl to overflowing This rattling, farcical
i prtsluctlim bristlitt with funny situations so
i closely followtsl non tsich other that the
audience was in almost a continuous sstl of
laughter until the cuitalii fell. The songs,
ilniuvH and nuslleys which form nit iuiH)rtnut
Item in the piny weie very nleojy rendeml.
jCCN -V5FN , V.
MliwNwdi as Tis Idy Keys, Mr. Macklo n
(runes, inn! Air, Ijiiui! ns Hnnggswero ox
trainely funny, and the rest of the company
wen) Just as entertaining and clever, ,
Tho coiniuu enunuemeiit of the Hanlons
Iintnsinn nt Funke's next week IsIimiIiimI for-!
ward to with an unusual amount of Interest, '
and our theater-gocm hnvo enuso lo exect
lunch In Iho several Hrformincrs of noxt
vltsik. The coiniMiny played at lloyd's In
Omaha Inst week to Immense liuslness
the lire In soukliig of It says It was tholluest.
presentation of "Fnntasina" ever seen in
Omaha, This menus much, for Fniilasnm in
racognlred everywhere us one of the grandest
sHsjtaeular plays Isiforo Iho American pub
lic, at d now Hint It, hns Iss'ii Improved, It
stands nt (he hend of this class of plays, Qt
their recent engagement in Chlcngo, tha
"People were turned away from the Grand
0srii llhouse, wheiotho Hanlons nH)iieil
with Iho spectacular production ofFnuta
ma." Thn tcrforiimuro Is not now In Chi
cago, but thoroJinvo Iss'ii many chnnges In
tho thing mid sbmeof the niechmilirg effects
are novel and striking, The wvi scene Is es t
IHH'Inlly noteworthy, and hoiiui very fnent
work Is done in tho wny of mid idr nuslnos
from wires. Miss Lnuta Hint, whoapiicunt
as tho Fnlry Qmsul. IsBoiiimvlintof a novelty
In that character, liiasinueli as she Is somo
thing mora than a woman with a pretty fnca
nnd symmetrical figure, thn usual total qual
ities of one w ho plays the part. She is n flno
singer, wllh a wonderful soft voice, and Is n.
clover netrcss ns well. As n whole, tho isir
foi malice Is one of the best of Its kind. It Is
a iHirforiniince almost exclusively forthoiiyes
nnd ItilocHfittiurt eyis a great ninny of
I hem,"
The first performance of the three nlght'H
ciungcineiil ori'iirHMiiiidiiyavoiiliig, nnd scat
uro now on sale at usual prices.
(,'iiitliin Aunlual Oiniilin,
Written forllieC'oitiiii'.it.
Must over been In Omaha,
Where rolls the dark Missouri down.
And four stnmg horses senrcaciiudruvr
An empty wiiKoti throiiuh (he town?
Where muddy waters rise and swnll,
Willi fearful and resistless mlidit;
Whore fish uro eaunht by umiko of smell
llccatisu Ihey cannot seo to blto?
Where sard Is blown from every mound
To Mil vouroyes nnd ears and throat,
Where nil I lie steamers nro Iimrounil
And all thelioiisos are allonl?
Whore InKor beer Isnll tniwruii,
And bloody scalpers como to t ratio;
Whuro everything Is overdone,
And oveijbody uiiilorpald?
If not, lake bred to what I sayi
You'll Mud II Just ns I havo round t
And If It lies upon lour way.
Illrst Uporlul Cabins.
London Cablo Corresjionden How is nowa
Assistant There's very llttlo going on;
don't know what we're to tlo.
"Wrlto up ft teto-n-tcta hctwocn Queen Vio
torlftiind John U Hulllvan, Intimating that
her majesty has offcrctl him tho plncoloft
vacant by tho death of John Brown."
HYcs,lr. AnyUifng.elsor . ,
"Well, you might Icuoc-U together a column
to tho effect that tho 'IVirleH nro preparing to
hitch n roo around Ireland mitt tow it up to
tho north jkiIo. Guess that'll All up tho re
mainder of Iho space," Omaha World,
One Way Out or It.
A I'oein on Childhood,
Tho Imnl was asked to couqioM) n llttlo
poem usm his childhood, nnd this Is w hat ho
produced: "How dear to my heart Is tho
school I attended, mid how 1 remember, x
distant and dim, that rod headed Bill and
tho plu that I U'uiled, and carefully put on
tho tieucli under him. And how I recall tho
surprise of the master, when Hill gnvo a yoll
mid sprang up from tho pin so high thnt hU
bullet head smashed up tho plaster above,
and the scholars all set up n din. Tho active
boy Hilly, that high leaping Hilly, that loud
shouting IJllly who sat on u pin." Toledo
Whj She Silt Down.
This inoiuing a young lady wns passing a
resldoiico on whoso steps w as a young man,
nnd in front of which wns n dog. In ft flash
her feet went out from under her and sho
went down on the ley walk. Tho dog In n
playful mood rushed to her nssUtance, whllo
the young man, not nt nil omburm&cd, asked:
"Did you fall f"
"Well, I should think I hnd," said tho
young ludy, rUJug nnd rearranging her head
"Yes," responded tho youth, "I thought it
must lo fuunv If you sat down to play with
tho dog." Allmny Journal.
Served Hot.
"Mndnni," pleaded tho tramp, piteou&ly,
"I nm hungry to starving, May I kike a fow
snowtudls to cat from your side yard I"
"Certainly, my poor man," replied tha
woman with the big heart, kiudp-, "and if
you like I'll warm them up for you. ,Wft
iVi. zzzz