f. t V THE ROM) TO HAPPINESS, OR. TALMAGC'S StVGNTH 8CRMON TO THE WOMEN OF AMERICA. Wlmt Cnn and Wlmt CiMinot Mnka n Womnn Hniij" III Huhjnrt Tho Chkf Aim or Ufa ftttotiM tin Umrnlm Mln iAkri of Young I'mpto. Brooklyn, 1'Vli. III. Till inoniltiR tho Rov. T. I) Witt TnliunRo, I). I)., jircnclitsl tho ovcnth of hi iorlpit of "Hormoiu to tlio Women of Aiiicrlcn, with Iinjwwiit Milt to Mon.n Tho )pci)Iiik hymn U'gliui Then lot our nonjt 1mnml, AndoTpry trorlilry Vr'ro iiinrcliliiK UiiiiiikIi liumnniiot' ground. To fnlrvr world on high." I)r. Tnlmngo took for hit text tho follow ing wonlst "Slio tlmt llvoth In jilMuuro is tlottil whllonho llvoth." Ho wlili Tho oilltor of n Ilonton nown)ior n fow dtvynniro wrote, nxkliiR mo tho tor quo tlonii "Wlmt In tho ronil to lmpiliicM" nnd "OuRht Impplnon l tho chief nlin of llfof" My ruwwor wrui "Tlioronil to hnpplnewtU tho continuous ciTort to mnko otlioni lmppy. Thoohlof nlmof llfo ought to bo usefulness, not hnpplii(vp, hut hnpplniytt nlwnyn follows efuhioM." ThU inornliiR'i tost In n rtronjr way nU forth tbo truth tlmt n minimi who oak lu worldly ndvnntoRo hor clilof5 enjoy ment will coiuoto dlsnpimlntinont nnd dentil. 4'8ho tlmt llvoth in plixituru i tlwul whllo ho tlvoth." My frlemU, you nil want to bo hnppy. You hivvo had ft great ninny recipe by which It it proposed to glvo you Nitlsfttctlon nollil Mtlifnctlon. At tlmai yon feci n thorough enrest. You know m well 'm oldor ixxrolo intuitu Into bo ucpnwKcri. A dark Mindowi sometime fall Ukui tho geography of tho school girl n on thopngo of tho vpoctnclod SiUoaoplior. I hnvo rocii m (Cloudy days in ay tut in November. There nro no deeper algh breathed by tho grandmother thnn by tho granddaughter, I correct tho popular ImprcMlon that people nro happier In child hood nnd youth than they over will bo again. If wo llvo nrlght, tho oldor tho happier. Tho fcnpplrot woman that I ever know was n Clirixtlan octogounrlan! hor hair whtto n whlto could Iw ; tho luullght of heaven, Into In tho of tcrnoon, gliding tho peak of snow, I hnvo to My ton great many of tho young; jwoplo that tho mont mltonihlo tlmo you nro ever to havo U juit now. A you advnnco 1r life, m you como out Into tho world nnd fcavo your head nnd heart all full of good, honest, practical Chrlitlan work, then you will know what It is to legln to bo happy, Xharo nro thoso who would hnvo us bcllovo that llfo is chasing thUtledowu nnd gnuplng babble. Wo hnvo not found It to. To canny of us it has teon discovering diamonds larger than tho Kohlnoor, and I think that ear joy will continue to increase until iioth Itr short of tho everlasting Jublloo of hoavon will bo ablo to oxprcu it. Zloratlo Qrocnough, nt tho closo of tho fcwdost llfo n man ovor lives tho llfo of an lAHierican nrtlit wrotot "i don't want to loavo this world unttl I glvo 'omo sign that, feorn by tho grnco of Uod In this land, I linvo foand llfo to bo s Tory cheerful thing, and ot tho dark and bitter thing witli which my surly prospects woro clouded." Albert llarnes, tho good Christian, known the world ovor, stood in his pulpit in Fhlla Slelphla, at 70 or 80 years of ago, and sold: "This world Is so very attractlvo to me, I am wry sorry I shall have to leavo it," I know that Solomon sold soma very dolo rous thing about this world, and throo times declared: "Vanity of vanities, nil Is van ity." I suppose it was a reforenco to thoso j times in his career when his seven hundred wiveaalmost postered thollfoout of him. But I would rather turn to tho description ha gave after bis conversion, when ho says In nnothsr pkco: "Her ways nro ways of pleasantness, mad all her paths are poaco." It is reason able to expect it will bo so. Tho longer tho trait hongs on tho tree, the rljicr and moro Bellow it ought to grow. You plant ono grain of corn and It will tend up a stalk with two ears, each having ntno hundred and fifty grains, w that one grtfln planted will pro dace nineteen hundred groins. And ought sot tho Implantation of a grain of Christian principle in youthful soul develop into a large crop ot gladness on earth, and to a har vest ot eternal joy in hoavon I Hoar mo, thee, whllo I dlscourso upon somo of tho mis takes which young pooplo nioko in regard to kapplnoss, and point out to the young women what I consider to bo the source ot complete attef action. And, in tho first plow, I adviso you not to tmild your happiness upon moro social posi tion. Persons at your ago, looking off upon Vfe,aroapt to think that, it by somo stroke at what is called good luck, you could arrlvo In an elevated and affluent position, a llttlo Maker than that in which Qod has call wl you toMre, you would be completely liappy. In ttaite mistake! The polaco floor ot Ahasuems Is red with tho blood ot Vashtl's broken heart. There havo boon no moro scolding tears wept Mian thoso which coursed tho chocks ot Josephine, If tbo sob of unhappy woman hood iu tho great cities could break through the tapestried wall, that sob would como long your streets today like tho simoon ot tbo desert, Bomotlmoe I hnvo hoard in tho netting ot tho robes on tho city pavemont the hlw of the adders that followed fa tho woke. You hnvo como out from your homo, and you hnvo looked fjp at tho great houso, and covot a llfo under thoso arches, when, perhaps, at that very moment, wlttdn tlmt houso, thero may havo been tho wringing ot hands, tho atart ot horror and tho very agony ot hclL I know such n ono. Iler father's houso was plain, most ot tho pooplo who camo thero woro plain; but, by a chaugo In fortuno such as some times comes, a hand had been offered that led her into a brilliant sphere. All tho neighbors congratulated her upon her grand prospects; but what on exchange! On hor sddo it was a heart full ot generous lmpulso and affection. On his side it was a soul dry fid withered as tho stubblo of tho field. On ber sldo it was a father's houso, where Qod m honored and' tho Babbath light floodod tbo rooms with tho very mirth ot heaven. Ofi bis sldo it was gorgeous residence, and the coming of mighty men to bo enter tained thore; but within it wcro revelry and godloccaew. Hardly had the orange blossoms ot the marriage feast lost their fragrance, than the nlgbtot discontent began to cast hero and there its shadow. Cruelties and unkindnesscs changed all those splendid trappings into a hollow mockery, Tho platters of solid silver. tho caskets ot puro gold, tho head dross of gleaming diamonds, were thero; but no God, bo peace, no kind words, no Christian sym pathy. 'The festal muslo that brokoonthe captive's ear turned out to be a dlrgo, and the wreath In tho plush was a reptile ooll, Ad tho upholstery that swayed in tho wind mi the wing of a destroying angel, and the bud drops on the pitcher were tho sweat ot fserktsting despair. Oh, how many rival ries and UBhapplneases among thoso who seek Ja aseial life their chief happiness. It mat tan Rot bow. fine you have' things, thero aro neonle who have It aner. 'Taking out wateh to tell the hour of tho day some twill correct your timepiece by pulling Mt a watch more richly chased and jew lei. JU4e ia oarriane that ooat vou 800. aiA bo rons you get around tho park you will meet wllli ono that cost ,),(X)0, ifavo on your wnll n picture by Copley, nnd Iwforo night you will hear uf homo ono who lias n plcturo fnh from tho ntudlo of Church or lllor Mndt, All that thl world can do for you In silver, in gold, in AxmliiHler plush, In Oobollu tajustry, In wldo hnlls, in lordly nominliit nmvshlp, will not glvo you tho ten thou sandth jmrt of n grain of solid satisfaction. Tho KiirIWi lord, moving In tho very high oH sphere, wns ono day found seated with Ids chili on lit- hand nnd Mi olliow on tho window sill, looking nut nnd snylngi "Oh, I wish I could oxclmngo place with thntdogl" Mcro social ikmUIou will novor glvo happi ness to n woman's soul, I hnvo Imd wldo nnd continuous observation, nnd I toll tho young women that thoy who build on moro social xMltlon their soul's immortal hoppluom urn building on tlio mind. HupKvxi that n young woman expends tho hrlghtii)a of hor early llfo in this unsatisfac tory xtrugglo and omit tho present opjior tuulty of uH'fulncKi In tho homo ciroloi what a tulMnkot Ho surely a tho yearn roll around that homo In which you now dwell will liccomo extinct, Tho parents will iw gono, tho prop erty will go Into other ixKwesilon, you your self will Ik) In other rclntionshlMi, nnd that homo which, only n year ngo, wo full ot congratulation, will lo extinguished. When that erlod comes you will look back to sea what you did, or what you neglected to do in tho way of making homo liappy. It will bo too lato to correct mistaken. If you did not smooth tho tvith of your parent toward tlio tomb; if you did not make their last day bright and hnppy; If you allowed your younger brother to go out Into the world, unhallowed by Christian nnd sisterly influ ences; It you allowed tho younger sisters of your family to como up without feeling that thero had ixxm ft Christian oxamplo sot them on your pnrt, thero will bo nothing hut bit tcrneiM of lamentation. Tlmt bitterness will bo increased by nil tho surroundings ot that homo; by every chair, by overy plcturo, by tho old tlmo mantel ornaments, by every thing you can think of as connected with that homo. All these thing will rouxo up ngonlrlng memories. Young women, havo you anything to do In tho way of innklng your father's homo hnppy t Now is tho tlmo to attend to it, or leavo it forever undone, Tlmo Is flying very quickly away. I suppose you notice tho wrinkles nro gather ing nnd accumulating on thoso kindly facos tlmt hnvo so long looked upon you; thero Is frost lu tho locks; tho foot Is not as firm in its step ns it used to bo; nnd thoy will soon bo gone, Tho heaviest clod that overfalls on n parent's cofllu lid i tho memory of nn ungrateful daughter. Oh, mnko their last days bright and beautiful. Do not .ctn though they woro in tho way. Ask thor counsel, seek tholr prnyent, and, nftcr long years hnvo nssod, and you go out to seo tho gravo where thoy sleep, you will Unit grow ing all over tho mound something lovelier thnn cypress, something sweeter than tho toso, something chaster thnn tho lily tho bright nnd beautiful memories of filial kind ness informed era tho dying hnnd dropped on you a benediction, and you closed tho lids over tho weary oyos of tho worn out pilgrim. Better that, in tho houn ot your birth, you bad been struck with orphanage, and that you hail been handed over Into tho cold anus of tho world, rather than that you should hnvo boon brought up un der a fntber's enro nnd n mother's tenderness, at last to seoff at their exnmplo and dorldo tholr Influence; and on tho day when you followed them lu long procession to tho tomb, to And that you nro followed by a still larger procession ot uuflllal deeds dono nnd wrong words uttered. Tho ono procession will leavo its burden in tho tomb and dis band; but tlmt longer procession ot gluistly memories will forever march and forovor wall. Oh, it is a good tlmo for n young wo man when alio is in hor father's house How careful thoy aro of her wolf aro I How watch ful thoso Muouta of all her interests I Boated at tho morning repast, tathor at ono end tho table, children on el thor sido and between; but tho years will roll on, and great changes will bo effected, and ono will bo mlssod from ono end tho table, and another will bo missed from tho other end tho table. Qod pity that young woman's soul who, in that dark hour, has nothing but regretful recollections. I go further, and adviso you not to depend for enjoyment upon moro personal attrac tions, it would bo sheer hypocrisy, becnuso wo may not havo it ourselves, to despise, or affect to dosptso, beauty in others. When Qod glvei it ho gives It as a blessing and as a means of usefulness. David and his army were coming down from tho mountains to destroy Nabal and his flocks aud vineyards. Tho beautiful Abigail, the wifo ot Nabal, went out to arrest him when ho camo down from tho mountains, and sho succeeded. Coming to tho toot ot tho hill, sho knolt, David, with his army of sworn mon, camo down over tlio cliffs, and when be saw her kneeling ut tho foot of tho hill ho cried "Unit 1" to his men, and tho caves echoed it: "Haiti haltl" That ono beautiful woman kneollng at tho foot of tho dill had arrested all thoso armed troops. A dowdrop dashed back Niagara, Tho BIblo sets iR'foro us tho portraits of Sarah and Itobeccn, aud Ablshag, Absalom's sistor, and Job's daughters, and says; "Thoy wero fair to look upon." By out door excrclso, and by skillful arrange ment of apparel, lot women mnko themselves attractive Tho sloven has only ono mission, and that to excito our loathing and disgust. But alas) for thoso who depend upon personal charms for their happiness. Beauty Is such a subtle thing, it does not Bceut to depend upon facial proportions, or upon the sparklo ot tlio oyo, or upon tbo flush or tui chock. You sometimes And it among irregular tort ures. It is the soul ililntng through tho faco that make ono beautiful. But alas) for thoso who depend upon mora personal charms. Thoy will como to disappointment and ton groat fret. Thero aro so many different opinions about what aro personal charms; and then sickness, and trouble, nnd ago, do mako such ravages. Tho poorest god that a woman ovor worships is her own face. Tho saddest sight in nil tho world is u woman who has built everything on good looks, when tho charms begin to vanish. Oh, how thoy try to cover tho wrinkles and hldo tho ravages ot tlmo I When time, with iron shod foot, stops on a faco, the hoot marks remain, and you canuot hldo them. It is silly to try to hldo them. I think tho most repulsive fool in all tho world Is an old fool! Why, my friend, should you bo ashamed to bo getting Jd I It is a sign it is prima facie ovldenco that you liavo bobnved toler ably well or you would not havo lived to this time, Tho grandost thing, I think, isoUrnIty, and that is mauo up ot countless years. Whcu tlio Blblo would set forth tlio attrac tiveness ot Jesus Christ, It says; "HI hair was whtto as snow.' But when tho color goes xrom tno cnooK, and tlio luster from tho eye, and tho spring from tho stop, and tho grace fulness from the gait, oloaj for thoso who hnvo butlt tholr tlmo and their eternity upon good looks. But all tho passage of yoars cuu uot toko out of oue's faco benignity, and kind ness, and companion, and faith. Culturu your heart and you culture your face. Tho brightest glory that ever beamed from a woman's faco is the religion of Josus Christ. In tlio last war 00 wounded soldiers came to Philadelphia ono night, and came unheralded, and they had to extemporise a houpIWvl for thom, and tho Christian women of my church, nnd of other churches, wont out tlmt night to tnko rnro of tho r woundod f ellp ws. That night I saw a Christian woman go through thownnUof tho haspltal, her slcovo rolled tip, ready for hard work, her hair dls hovi'lcd lu tho excitement of tho hour, Her faco wiw plain, very plain; but nfter tho wound wero wnshod nnd tho now bandage wero put round tho spllutorod llmhmtnd tho exhausted Iwy fell off Into his first pleasant sleep, sho put her hand on Ills brow mid ho started in Ids dream, mid saldt "Oh, I thought mi nngol touched mol" Thero may hnvo Ixvn no classla elegnuco in tho features of 51r. Ilnrrlit, who c.imo into tho hospital nfter tho Boveu Days awful light, ns sho sat down by n wounded drummer loy nnd heard him solllixiuUoi "A ball through my body, nnd my ixwr mothor will novor ngnln so hor Iwy. Wlmt n pity It 111" And sho leaned over him and saldt "Uliall I bo your mother nnd comfort your And ho looked up nnd said I "Ym, I'll try to think shu'shoro. I'loaso to wrlto a long letter to her nnd '.Ml Iter nil nlmut It, nnd scud her n lock of my hair nnd comfort tier. But I would llko to hnvo you toll hor how much ( suffered yen, I would llko you to do that, for she would feel so for mo. Hold my hand whllo I die.'' Thero may hnvo been no clawtia olegnttco In her features, but nil the hospital of Harrison's landing and Fortress Monroo would hnvo agreed that sho wiu lienutlful; nnd If any rough innu In nil that ward had Insulted her, somo wounded soldier would havo leaped from hi couch, on hi best foot, nnd struck him dead with n crutch. Agnlni I advixo you not to dejxmd for hap piness upon tho flatteries of men. It Is a pjor compliment to your soxthnt so many men fool obliged lu your prosonco to offor un meaning compliments'. Men cnpnblo of ele gant and elaborate conversation olsowhuro Hometlmcs feel called upon nt tho door of tho drawing room to drop tholr common wnw nnd to dolo out slckonlng flatteries. Tlmy say things about your dress, nnd alout, tour appearance, that you know, nnd they know, nro fnlso, Thoy say you nro nn angel. You know you nro not. Determined to toll tho truth in ofllco and sioro and shop, they constdor it honornblo to lio to u woman. Tho satno thing that they told you on this sldt of tho drawing room threo mlnutos ngo they snld to somo ono on tho other sldo of tho drawing room. Oh, let no ono trnmplo on j our self rcspoct. Tho inonnest thing on which n woman can build hor hnppInoiM in tho llnttcriei of men. Again: I cbnrgo you not to depend for hap piness upon tho dlsclplcshlp of worldllness. I hnvo seen men ns vain ot tholr old fashioned nnd their eccentric hat im your brainless fop Is proud of hi dangling fooleries Fnshlou Rouitlmon makes a reasonable demand of us, nnd then wo ought to yield to it. Tho daisies of the field havo their fashion of color and leaf; tho honoysucktes havo tholr faihlou of tar drop, nnd tho snowflaken flung out of tho wiutor heavens have their fashion of oxqul sltoncss. After tho summer shower tho sky wels tho earth with rlug of rainbow, and I do not think wo havo a right to desplso tho olcgaucles and fashions of this world, espe cially If thoy mako rcasonablo demands upon us; but tho dlsclplcshlp and w-orxhip of fash ion is death to th body nnd death to tho houL I am glnd tho world is improving. Look nt tho fashion plates of tho Seventeenth nnd Eighteenth centuries, nnd you will And thnt tho world is not so oxtningant aud ex traordinary now as It was then, nnd nil tho marvelous things thnt tho granddaughter will do will never equal that dono by tho grandmother. Go still farther back, to the Blblo times, and you And that in thoer) timed fashion wielded n morn tcrrlblu scepter. You liava only to turn to the thlrcl chapter of Isaiah, a portion ot the Scilpturon from which I onco preached to you n urmou, to read: "Because th daughters of r.'An are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks nnd wanton eyes, walking and mincing as thoy go, and making n tinkling with tholr feet: In that day th4 Lord will tako nwny tho bravery ot their tinkling ornaments about their feet, nnd their cnuls, and their round tiros llko tho moon, tho chains nnd tho bra co lets, nnd tho muAlors, the bonnets, nnd tho head bands, and the tabk-ts, mid the car rings, the rings, and tho noso juwols, thu chnugcablo suits of nppnrcl, and tho mantles, and tho wimples, and tho crisping pins, the glasses, and tho lino linen, and tho hoods, and tbo Yelli.' Only think of a woman having all that onl I am glad thnt tho world is getting bettor, and thnt fashion, which has dominated In tho world so ruinously In other days, has for a llttlo time, for a llttlo degree nt any rnto, relaxed its energies. All tho splendors and tho oxtravngnnza of this world dyed Into your rolw and flung over your shoulder canuot wrap poaco around your heart for a singlo momont, Tho gayest ward robo will uttor no volco of condolence In tho day ot troublo and darkness. That woman Is grandly dressed, nnd only she, who Is wrapied in tho robo of a Saviour's righteousness. Tho homo may bo very bumble, tho hat may be very plain, tho frock may bo very coarso; but tho halo of hoavon settles In tho room when sho weans It, nnd tbo faintest touch ot tho resurrection angel will chaugo that garment into ralmont exceeding white, tam no fuller on earth could whiten It. I como to you, young women, today, to say that this world cannot mako you hnppy. I kuow it li a bright world, with glorious sunshine, mid goldou rivers, nnd tiro workod sunset, nnd bird orchestra, aud th darkest cave has IU crys tals, and tho wrathlost wavo Its foam wroath, and tho coldest midnight its flaming aurora; but Ood will put out all thoso lights with tho blast of hli own nostrils, nnd tho glories ot thU world will perish In tho final conflagration. You will never bo hnppy until you got your sins forgiven and allow Christ Josus to tako full possession ot your soul. Ho will bo your friend in overy orplexlty. Ho will bo your comfort in overy trial. Ho will bo your defender in overy strait. I do not ask you to bring, liko Mary, tho splcos to the Eopiilcher of a dead Christ, but to bring your nil to tho feet of a living Josus. His word Is poaco. Ills look Is love. His hand Is help. His touch is life. Ills smilo is heaven. Oh, como, thon, In flocks nnd groups. Como llko tho south wind over banks of myrrh. Como llko tho morning light tripping ovor tho mountain. Wrontho nil your affections on Christ's brow, sot all your gems iu Christ's coronet, pour all your volco into Christ's song, and let this Sabbath air rustlo with the wings ot rejoic ing angols, and tho towers ot Ood ring out tho nows of souls saved. This world Its fancied pearl may crave, Tls not tho pearl for mo; Tts ill dim It luster in the gravo, Twill poriih In tho sea. Out theru's a earl of price untold, Which never can bo bought with gold; on, tnui s tun jwari ror me, Tho enow wus very deep, and It was still falling rapidly, when, in tho first year ot my ministry, I hastened to see a young woman die. It was a very humblo homo, Bho was an orphan; hor father had been shipwrecked on tho Itauks of Newfoundland, Bho had our nod hor own living. As I entered tho room I saw nothing attractlvo. No pictures. No tnpuitry. Not oven n cushioned chair, Tho snow on tbo window casement was not whiter than tbo cheek of that dying girl. It was a faco never to bo forgotten. Sweetness and majesty of sou), and faith In Qod, had glvcu her u matchless lienuty, and tho sculptor who could hno caught tho outline of thoso features, and froron them into stono, would hnvo mnilo hlmsolf Immortal. With her large, brown oyos sho looked calmly Into tho grunt eternity. I sat down by her bodsldo nnd said: "Now tell ino nil your troubles nnd sorrows, and struggle nnd doubt." Hho re plied: "I hnvo no doubts or strugglo. It I nil plain to mo. Jcmis has smoothed tho way for my feet. I wish when you go to your pulpit noxt Huiblay you would toll tho young jtcoplo that religion will mnko thorn happy, Oh, death whoro Is thy stlngf Mr. Tnl mngo, I wonder If this I not tho blls ot ilyliigl" I snld, "Yes, I think It must bo." 1 lingered around tho couch. Tho sun Wn sotting, nnd her sister lighted n cnndlo. Bho lighted tho cnndlo for mo. Tho dying girl, the dnwii of henveu lu her faco, ncodod no cnndlo, I rose to go, and Miosald: "I thank you for coming. Good night. When wo meet ngnln It will l In henven In heaven I Good night I good night!" For her It wa good night to tears, good night to pov orty, good night to death; but when tho sun rose ngnln It wns good morning. Tlio light of another day had burst In ii)on her soul. Good morning! Tho nngel wero singing her wolcomo home, nnd tho hnnd of Christ wns putting uon her brow n garland. Good morning. Her sun rising. Hor pnlni wnv Ing. Her spirit exulting before tho throno of Ood. Oood morningl Good morning! Tlio white Illy of ioor Margaret's check had blushed into tho roso of health Immortal, and tlio snow through which wo curried her to tho country grnvoynrd wero symbols of that robo which she wears, so whlto thnt no fuller on onrth could whiten it. My sItor, my daughter, inny your Inst cud bo llko hers! ODDS AND ENDS. Two young MasxnchiiFettH women hnvo gono to Uuffnlo with the Intention of embark ing In the profession of dentistry. Lonvcunorth claims to hnvo a houso wherein dwell in porfect harmony eighteen Intelligent, marriageable young women. Sandwiches of grated turkey, th brendcut In tho form of crosses, wero served nt a Now York rocoptlou of n seml-rellgious character n fow days ngo. A Now York correspondent nssertn that thoro nro fifty widows In that city with for tunes ranging from $1,000,000 to 15,000,000. Bo many sontrleo woro frozen to death In Russia that thoy havo turned some ensnnts out ot their houses so thnt tlin soldiers can bo kept alive, whilo tho peasants freozo to death. Thoy nro being bothered in Mexico just ns wo nro hero. Tho local papers thero complain that tho women who goto tho bull flghtu wear such big lints that It obstructs tho viow of thoso behind them. Tho highest price, JCIO.OM, juild Inst year for n plcturo nt miction was Boucher's por trait of Mine, de Pompadour. Gainsbor ough's "Sisters" brought 0,005, nnd Turn er's "Vnn Oozon" jLO.SM. Expert accountants hnvo already discov ered a deficiency of $350,000 in tho accounts of tho provinco of Mnnltoba, nnd tho books aro lu such shnpo that it Is Impossible to tell just how tho Una ncos stand A Knfllr vnnlshod, and groans wcro heard. Ho wns searched for without result, but on tho following night groans wero still heard. The search continued, nnd tho innn was found murdered. Ills murderer was arrested Mid executed, but tho groans still coutlnucd, to tho dismay of their auditors. At last they wero traced to u mocking bird. That bird, lono of living things, had seen the deed of olood. At Cnrlyle, nis., a young lndy conceived the Idea of Issuing invitations tonuntquo ilolgh ride. Before sending out tho cards, however, she becured flvelargd pairs of oxen. TIioho were hitched to stylish cutters, which were louded with tho representatives of tho bonuty, wealth nud culture of the town. Throngs of jiooplo wero attracted to witness tho novel procession as it moved through tho principal streets. Cork from the Nellie. Thousands of corks are gathered from th Selno every day, nud after thcMi nro sorted they are sold. If n cor): is ititnet It is washed in chloride of tin and rasold an new; thoKo thnt hnvo ix-ou dnmagod by corkscrews or otherwlso nro rccut into smaller sizes for tho uso of perfumers nnd druggists j thrwo which nro too much damaged to lie rccut nro w orth forty cents per 100 iraunds nt tho linoleum factories. Undamaged corks nro examined before thoy nro sold, nud thoso marked with known brands And their way to eel tain res taurants, where they w uwl in order to pass off chenp elder nnd other bogus produc tions os line varieties of sparkling rhiim pngno. It tho customer complains of the poor qunlity of this wlno the honest publican protests that it is not his fault nnd gravely points out tlmt tho cork is marked with tho brand which hns liecn called for. Every thing is utilized In this city. Paris Cor. New Orleans Picayune. Sick Child In China. When a child is taken sick in China tho parents boliovo that ono of its souls has wnn dorcd nwny nnd is lost. So the mother nius to tho open door nnd cries, "Li! lal" "Soul come houi"! soul com- homof and tho father hastens out into tho street nnd crosses tho nearest bridgo, searching for tho truant spirit; h hoars tho mother's wail, and shouts bnck tho cheering nnswer, "Coming! com lngl" Then a paper horse is burned in tho houso for tho soul to rido homo upon, and tlio mothor, still uttering her weird cry, begins to search the corners of her floor mud, If sbo Is ioor; brick or mnrblo, If sho bo rich nnd tho flrst thing of lifobhofludslssupiiosed to contain tho missing spirit. Often it is n Hon or u beetle. When it Is socurcd sho gives a great cry of joy, wraps It in paper, aud places It under tho pillow of tho buffering child, and expects an immediate recovery. Chicago Nows. Lot Him Whittle. "Stop thnt whistling! Don't you know it is Sunday, aud tho minister la listening to your' said n young ofllccr to a sailor on board nn English vessel on which a Presbytorlnn minister was a nsscngor, "Nonsonsol" said tbo minister, "let him whistle; it keeps ovll thoughts out of his mind." I always ad miral that saying nud tho man thnt said it, though I do not know his name, Thnt man know something ot human nature aud of tho workings of tho human heart; and ho had a iust nud generous Idea ot tho Creator. Llko iUther, ho liolieved thnt "nasio drivos the dovil nwny." Homo Journal. Odd Incident In Court. Tho result of tho attachment for debt of tho property of a Webster county, Ark., man brought out an odd Incident in court. Among tho property attached was a small herd of cattlo, and to them tho debtor's wlfo mado claim. Sho sworo that when sho and hor husband wero engaged to bo married ho was not ablo to glvo her an engagement ring, and instead guvo her n likely yearling heifer. Tho calf grow nud prospered and multiplied, and tho result was tho hord of cnttlo to which tho good wifo laid claim. Now York Bun, CALIFORNIA'S Finest: Production. JARVIS WHDB and MAJDDS. PUREST, OLDEST AND BEST -FOR- Medicinal & Family Use The G. M. Jarvis Company Is located nt San Jose, in the lovely Santa Clara Valley, and the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains, a region that grows every variety of grapes known on the favored Rhine or on the sunny slopes of the Mediterranean. In this beautiful, fertile valley the purple, golden and deli cious grapes arc ripened to perfection, and among these deli cious harvests of vineyard products are made their Choice Port, Golden Sherry, Muscatelle and Madeira TABLE WINES. and from the Reisling Wine they distill the JARYIS' REILING GRAPE BRANDY Which is now the standard of purity and excellence in this country. We were awarded FIRST PRIZE FOR BEST PORT WINE at Illinois State Fair 1872. FIRST PRIZE FOR BRANDY AND WINES at World's Fair, New Orleans. We have taken Seven First Prizes, and have in our possession seven Gold Medals from State Fairs of California. DR. THOS. PRICE, The great assayer and chemist of San Francisco says: "I have submitted your Brandy to a most searching chemical analysis and find no adulteration, no fusel oil. It is a remarkably pun article." DR. BEVERLY COLE, of San Francisco, says: "I have analyzed the Jarvis Reisling Grape Brandy, and find it pure and a genuine 'good article." The followin is rom the well-known Analytical Chemist of Chicago. THE G. M. JARVIS CO. Gentlemen. I have made complete analyses- of your Wines and Brandies. These tcsr show me that they are not only strictly pure but that they contain all the essential quali ties so much admired by leading wine chemists. J. II. LONG, Analytical Chemist Chicago Med. Col. THESE AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS All testify to the purity, wholesomeness and high standard of the Jarvis goods. They are known the world over and have become deservedly popular for EAMILIES AM MEDICAL PURPOSE The goods are always to be relied upon; prices low for first class article and put up in Their Rich Bartlett Pear Cider s a most delicious, healthy and nutritious, as well as the most popular, drink ever offered. Made from the Over-ripe Bart lett Pear, boiled down and filtered through charcoal. Jt wil not ferment or spoil. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE G. M, JARYIS CO THE G. M, JARVIS CO, San Jose, Cal. . 39 N. State St. Chicago. W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman. L. L. LINDSF.Y, Family Supply Agent for Lincoln, Neb. packages convenient for all. '' ' -I'MI'