Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 11, 1888, Image 7
'JUft) , ( UNION SAYINGS BANK in South 10th Street. CAPITAL, (SUOO.OOO Liability of Stockholders $400,000. IlKM KltOMlKllS J J IMIIOKK JOUNI'ITZ(IKltAU) JOHN It CI.A11K A S HAYMONI) K P. llltOWN DAVID HI'.MICK HKMOOHi: KltlinsOIIMIDT .t I) MACTAUI.ANO .lOMKl'll WHITMAN kkiiaydkn (miah. ha imonii diimuiii i:vinni:y okyatkh km halt., HKNItY K I.V.WIrt OW PKUT.KHtt (J. M I.AM HKUTOON M I. HMITII JMeOONKIIT W IIOI.DUEOK T KUA1AT.KT J W IIOWMAN I.MKYK11 OHIM1U1KK nrriciciw. It. K. MooHK.l'n-shtont. IlKNiir I.kwih, Vice President C. II. iMiiurr, CAshler Interest pntil on ileixwIU of $o nuil iipwnnli nt Hie rnto of 6 is-r rout ht nnnum,eoiiisuntteil semi nuntinlly Your savings account nollcltoil. MONEY TO LOAN Forn lone or nliort Mine on real ostnto or rip proved oollntorM security Hank open from 0:iVl . in, to a::W p m , nud on riAtiinlny evenings from 0 to H v. in. J. II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, IlulMhnrs coinplotol or In course of erection from April 1, lsmi: iluslncsH btoek 0 V. ontgniuory, llllt nnd N. do do I. V lllllinimluy, llthnoiirN Restaurant (Oitclls) O K Montgomery, N noor nth. ItoHldence, J .1 ImlmfT, J and t'.MIi do .1 D Miicfnrlnnd, U and Ct li. do John Zi'linimr. D mid lltli do Albert Wntklns. D liel nth ami 10th. do Win l UMiimtd, t: Nt Dth nnd 10th. do K 11 (luthrlo, Will nnd N do .1 I! Ili-oil, M I), K lK-t inth nnd 17th. do I. ( M llnldnln. O Im-1 I HI It nnd IHth. Sanitarium hiilltllng nt Mllford. Noli, Klrat llnptlfit church, 1 ltd nnd K RtrcctA. ortunry olud -I nnd receiving toiuh nt Wyukn cemetery. Ofllcfl Hootn. !KI unil.'tl Richards Qloolc. Working Classes!1!; .... w . . prewired n furnish nl clows with employment m home, tlit wliok) of the time, or for thrlr spare, moment, Business new, Hunt nnd profitable. I'ersons i either sex easily earn from W cents to (3.00 evening, and a pro)ortlonal buiii by dovotlngui the Ir time to tho business. Hoys and girls cai l Hsarlyiu much n uu-u, Tliat nil who soolhi may send their address, and teat tho business, ' make this offer. To bucIi a aro not well ifolisfU wo will Bend one dollar to pay for tho trouble u writing. Bill particulars and outfit free. Addruv O conot Stinson . Co., l'ortland, JIaJne. llTAlTTJVto,'m,ulf. Cut tlua ont and r VI 1 1 Hi H Y turn to U8i nnd wo wl" Hn yo ILL V 11 U 1 free, something of groat voluu an. importance to on, thnt will bUi you in buslms which will bring you in mor money right nwny tlinn an) thing elso hi this worli Any oneenn do tho work and llvo at home. Ellhoi ex; nil uges. Homerhlng new, that just coin, money for all workers vj will start you; capital not needed. This Is one of tfo Rename, lmortntil ehaucos of a lifetime, Thoso who aro tunblllom and enterprising will not delay. Orond outfit frn Address True & Co., Augusta Maine. 7 ATTcnn the at homo, and make more monc Villi"1 uork rnr "" ,'lttn ftt anything else ft. JJ Hill world. Capital not needed; you an started freu. Large earnings sure fron first start. Costly outfit and terms free. I3ettr not delay Costs you nothing to send ui youi address mid find out. If you are wlso yor wifl ui fi nt once II. llAl.Lirrr & CorortUnd. Jslue. GORSRTS Worth up to $2.00. Manufacturers Samples choice this week 50 cents. 100 dozen Ladies Alexandre Kid (Move live hook, embroidered back-, nt $1. Real value $1.75. I. FRIEND & SON, 913 and 915 O Street g Only Exclusive House in the City, - A. I. Davis & Son., gA.N El.t-.UANT STOCi:. L"W Htv " CARPETS 1112O Street. Cull mill see ui In nur" Now Quurtors. 15. 0. KOSTKA, North Side Pharmacy, I230 (J ST. Albums 25 per cent off. N. R. HOOK, M.D., Uterine, Urinary and Rectal Diseases, A SPECIALTY. Treats ilihoams by tho ItltlNlvllUIIOl-'l-' I'AINI.KSS HYHTKM. OHlce, rooms .17 nnd W), Illehnrilslllock. i:iooiith nnd O mi-eots. Uflleo telephone AM. Itoslili-ni-u I0J-.I Qstnt-t. "I'hono, CM Ofllco hours, II to I jam. '2 to .' and T to 8 p 111 Sundays, :i to .1 p in PEERLESS Steam Laundrj 1117 P Street. Still In the front und alisolutely lending all nqxitltors. Thoroughly equipped for th unestworV, giving to each customer nn tin qualified guarautoo for all work done. All 01 nur work dono with neatness and dispatch Wo (solicit orders for suburban villages mid neighboring towns, paying tho oxpiess on ut' ardors one way. ltespcctfulli , C. J. PRATT. LINCOLN rotf AMIISKTITUrKOK I'UMUSmilt', Shorthand nnd Tj pmvrllhiK. Hest ami turnout eolli-Rn lu tlio went, muilenl prepared foi limlnifa In from 3 toll mouths. Iiullvldiiul limlmethiii. I'oll iinilox-rli-mvd fncully, hend for isillio JuuruuU and tsvUnriii of poiimniiHlilii lo UI.UUniDUi: I HOOSK. Lliu-oln, Net), I rJs)T r L vrf tfm&tfcwu DITS OF GOOD READING. Klrny linn of (li-tioritl Interest Clipped friim tin- Various Ksclinitgc. Only twelve Indians urn loft of tin- trllio of 1,(100 v.lm Itilmliltoil tho Yosomlto Milloy but n fow ymrs hko. A Cliiiiiiiiinti nnvstnl In Hnu Krniielseu enrriod n rmolver which wns hnivlly plnUil with hllvor ntnl sot with rubles. Arrlin-olnglst lmvo trmisl tho woddlnp; rln to tho onrllost tliin-s. It has Ikm-ii iiiiiiIo of gold, fllvvr, t'(ipKT, lirnsrt, Iron, tin, ov tcr, lend, bono nnd wooit. Tho hnrlmrnt Clint'lcnton uhiiI touboiitid lu black IWli, but noun nro cmilit the re now, nnd It is Ix'l loved Unit tlio iviithqunkcs lmo senrcd them nway, It Is n pink season In Wn.xliliiKton. l'ink menu cards nro uswl; Ices pninn In pink rosos wt In real roso lenvivs of green; nud tho Imlloj wenr pink cornU. Tho oinprvM of AuMrln lins lioen reeom-meiidi-il to try tho now health clothing for rheumatism, from which alio Millers, but nlio prefers luiH-rlal purploiillk with taro trim iiiings, Tho king of tho llolglans has ivcontly In surod his own privnto proKrty In tho roynl uilneoHnt llntsKolsand ut liokon for X!IV),. 000. This proHrty consists of furniture, pictures, pl.Uo, objocts of art, nnd cliliin. It is now possible for 11 traveler to go direct by rnil from tho City of Mexico to llritlsh Columbia, 11 dl-dnneoof 0,000 iiiIIoh, This I mi lx.rn uindo Hwiblo liy tho recent .(siiupletlnil of tho California and Oregon rnilwny. A census has boon In-guu of tho French cnrrler pigi-ons, Thoy nro i-egnrdisl now ns of such ImiKirtmico In thooveut of wnr that nil owners nro obliged to report their pigeons under iv maximum lino of 2,000 francs. IhizznnU In Mississippi devour vast quan tities of carrion nnd lieneo nro valuable as scavcngerH. Tho law iigiilust killing them is strict, tho iM'imlty for violating it lielng $15. Tho birds aro thoroforu very plentiful nud tunio. A inemlior of tho Duko of Norfolk's mis sion took his wlfo to Homo, but was at unco obliged to relegate her to another hotel, ns tho Vatican etiquette, which is very strict, re quire thnt no woman Hhnll Im) included in, or connected with, nny mission to tho pojie. Tho Urltlsh nro rapidly pushing their India railway Hysloiu in Afghanistan. Hostmi, a Iolnt twenty-llvo miles beyond Qucttn, to which a railway is ojion for trnfllc, lias 1k como an emjiorium of Caiulaliar, lu 11 sluglo week recently oOO tons of drlwl fruit, wool, and nierchnudlM wero brought there for car riago to India. It is said that tho ambition of tho lire of Mino. Iloueicaut, tho great Paris shoikwicr, was to li'ceivo tho crovs of tho I'glon of Honor, but she always refused to intrigue for it or to buy it, hoping to earn it. The recent scandals, showing how empty wus tho honor that sho sought, was 11 great blow to her, nud she nt ouco guvo up her longing for tho deco ration. Tho dinmouil mining companies of Hotith Africa, which number nlxmt ninety, proposo to form a gigantic combination that will con trol tho w hole diamond territory. The ob ject, of course, is to Increase, tho price, which has been ivdtieod by tho enormous, produc tion of that region. It is catlmntod that tlieronroiil)out$l,000,0K),000 worth of dia monds now in use, one-half of which can 10 from tho African Ileitis. Tho pniK-rs and public of tho two capitals of Austria nud Ilelgluui were much excited tlio other day nt tho report of an accident which had liefallen Archduchess Stephanie. Homo bungs had beeomo Ioimi, nud sho winded to lit them with her own hands nnd a hot iron, lint those hands not liciug used to rough work tho iron burned tho tklu nnd did not llx tlio bangs. An ugly burn ocr tho eyo wua tho result of tho mishap. A Itoiiinntle Story. A story li told in Brooklyn six-loty of tho sudden npjM'nrunco of a former ii-Milent with a largo ilintuond nud nn nmbition, equally glitUring, to nmrry n foimer sweetheart if ho could. Ho had U-ou to Australia, made a pile, and was coming b.u-k tostny long enough to get n wlfo, glvo her tho diamond, marry her, nud tnko lier back there. Unfortunately, tho girl of his choice was engaged and nbout to marry. Tlio Australian went sadly away without having show 11 his diamond, mid in a day or two he gave it to another old acquaint ance. Then ho called upon tho lady of his cliolco to bid her good-hy, nnd sho told him that sho had been thinking tho matter over, and had found that sho loved him better than sho loved tlio man to whom sho wns engaged. Hack wont thojoung man to the girt to whom ho had mailon pi c-ont of his diamond and persuaded her to givo It to him nud to tnko Its worth in money or in another jewel. He then took the diamond to the girl for whom it was intended, nnd sho liecnmo his wlfo mid they lmvo sailed for Australia. Now York Sun. A Trunk full or D.Miiiinlto. There's a young man in town who has n whole trunk full of dynamite in his room, and 11 good many persons 1110 nuxlnus lest ho should let tho stuir explode. Somo of tliom nro miles uwny, too. This dniamlto con sists of 11 few hundred lottoi-i written by iuciiiImm-s of tho grout whisky ring ten or a dozen yearn ago. "In tho lot," says tho young man, "are letters which would miiko n great sensation if published own at this latoday. Hut they'll not bo published. What am I keeping them forf 1 don't know. Nothing, I suppose. Yet how isiuld a fellow go and destroy a lot of letters like tliutf 1 haven't the heart to do it." Chicago Herald. l'arlrldgOH In the Snow. Ill the northern states the nill'i-d grouse, commonly known as partridges, luue a habit of nestling down lu the snow, mid hunters say they do so to keep warm. In Oxford county, Me., a man was passing through a wood lot mid was startled to sec n liiid start almost under his feut mid lly uwny. Iixiklng carefully ahead of lilm ho saw n doon or morn black sjieoks on tlio snow. Closer in sjiectlon pniMsl that each of these was tho head of a partridge. The birds sat quite still until he was almost near enough to touch them, thou shook themselves five from tho light snow mid How hurriedly away. Chicago Herald. Tlio Cut's .Tfedlclne. A eat that had the iipjicaraucii of being sick euteied a drug store at Van Huron, Mo., und liegun gnawing at n pajn-r package of medicine. On examination ft was found that the package eoutaiuisl catnip. A quan tity of it was imed 011 tho Moor, and tho SNctntors wero surprised to sis tho cat oat freely of the dry leuvvs and tlinn lio down mid wnljuw in theiu. The cat has rceated its visit to the ding store ever) day since, nnd has taken imslieiuo roguliirl) , the result of which is 1 hut it is rapidly nsiiverlug. Chicago lleruld. ll.mplpos nr Hie llinli, Tho emir ol Afghanlsjau lias urdeivd 'J00 bngplis's. It U not stated what his serene excel lencj's object niay Im in ordering so large 11 1 niisigmiiniit of thos.1 ececutriu ln ttriiniouts. PERSONAL PAHAGnAPHS. liOiilso Michel Is nick nnd in need of money, Piiueo lvriisl Mite Is lecturing for her is-nclll, Mrs. (loorgii Unuld has a while ostrich feather fan, inlaid with gold and diamonds, which 1 iistf, 1,000. Dr. Merrlani, of Ninth Adams, Mim,Koos sleigh riding lu n sleigh that was made fur hisgront-grcut-giuudfnthcr in KHSt, mill has bis-n in the Meirlam family over since. In IM.0 Iluti'hor I'asohko Is-gnn business lu ilerliu. On Doc. U ho kllhsl his 'J(N),tsM)tli gis)so, which, lo suitably cclohrato tho (K-ea-lion, was s'clnlly fattcmyl, and afterward eaten with gn-al coivniony. Prlneo Chun, tho father of tlio rolgnlng emiM-ror of China, is not dead, ius won ro jsirttsl lu tho eablo dlKpalrhos somo wivks ago, but merely suiTorlng from n usslng In disH)sltIou, duo ton treatment of powdered otter's llu-r, to which ho had Im-oh subjivlisl by his native inodleal attendant. An Kng lleli physician of tlio name of Dr. Mnnsoiilias now lieen suinmoui-il from Hong Kong to lake elmrgo of the case of his lniorlnl high ness, this U-ing the llrst iMvaslon on wlilcli a foreign doctor Iiiih ever ut tended a member of the itiiM-rial family of China. Tho widow of the Into Henry Ward lloecher has devoted herself to writing slneo Mr. Ileechor's death. In addition to assisting In the preiwirution of Ids "Mfnnnd lA!tteii,"sho has written many excellent iiousmht nrll clos. One of thein argues, with groat gissi heiisoniid ability, ngnlnst familiarity, Tlio gospel of reserve, that r(iervo noi-ossnry to tho dignity of ci-rlaln self eoutaiuisl souls, nnd which well moaning but stupid friends so often outrage, wiih novel" bettor preached. Mix llei-cher is herself a lady Into tlio depths of whoso feeling, it is plain to Ixisocn, neither friend nor sti nngcr should try to enter unin vited. Hneh jh'i-soiis npjNnr eold to tho ma jority of others, Is-can-si they have n dignity of soul v.hleh L-ommonplaco minds cannot understand. Although his friends lmvo known it for a long time, it seems to have Just boon miido public that Mr. Amos It. Kno, nlono and un ntdstod, refunihsl the ontlro nniotint of his son's ilellclt to tlio Second National bunk, writing his chock for .',111.1,000. Tlio 1 47,fKK) ndvnneisl by Mr. William Walter 1'1io1m for this puroxo was returnisl to lilm with inter est by Mr. Kno. Mr. Phelps disclaims nny credit ho may liavo got from tho press for his jtnrt in this trnnsaetion, Mr. Kno Mug tho solo loser by bis son's conduct. While Mr. Kno could well uirord to refund tills money, it was not inetunent iqion lilm in law or equity. Ho did it of his own free will nnd accord liecauso ho lielloveil it to Im tho right thing for him to do; and it may Im truly said that fow men, no matter what their bunk account, would have acted with such noblo generosity, particularly as by so doing ho could not save his family from tho mortification of 11 public scandal. Mr. Amos Eno is n remarkable man in many ways. In tho llrst place ho amassed his largo fortune, which is estimated nt from $10,000,000 to $'0,000,000, by his own exertions, having como to New York without a dollar in his pocket. When ho liegnu to earn money ho put it into real estate up nrimiul llroailwny and Twenty-thlid street, which was tlion pretty far out of town. Now in his old ago ho amuses himself with rouillng nnd study ing. Within tho last three or four years ho has taught himself Italian, which, though ho hesitates to speuk, lie understands perfectly, and can read as readily as English. Tlio (icruiim (.'town I'rliienss. "Tho (lerninn crown pi incoss," says Dr. Moroll Mackenzie, "is a model nurse, having all feelings under strict control mid suf forlng without making any sign. I do not think I can bo accused of iluukeylsm, but it is the simple truth that she is the most r maiknblo woman i have ever met. Her knowledgoof scieucn Is something quite ox train duiary, nud sho Is now thoroughly posted in the put hology und surgery of the larynx. I consider that very few medical men-not specialists would bo ablo to acquit theui sohos satisfactorily if examined on thoso subjects by tho crown princes. KI10 ilis ciusod tho opinions of nil tho physicians mid tlio various suggest Ions for treatment, ciiti-el-ing each with the most jierfis't kimwlcdgo and judgment. Yet there Is no sHs.-k of 'blue' about In r. Her maimer, when sho cares to pleas -, has 1111 indescribable fascina tion about it, which makes 0110 understand thu devoted feeling of personal loudly that bos sometimes been felt for princes. I cnu only say that if all roynl jiorsoniigos wero like this exalted lady ami her gallant hus band, republicanism would soon Imj an ex tinct tradition, Iloston Transcript , The Maharajah' Itciicxolcnrc, Tho mahariijah of Darhhauga. Itcngal, hits established, in connection with Lady Duf fcrlu's medical aid lor women fund, u liospl tnl and illsciiNiry for women ut it cost to himself of more than W,000. This beuevu lent nobleman, dining tho jvist eight joars, j has ex)M'iidisl in philanthropic works fully $1,700,000, iiieluding the building und en- ' duwmontol tlneo hospitals mid twintj-threo 1 schools, the oH'iilng of 150 miles of roads, und the construction of irrigation works ut a cost of flSWi (XHl. When ho was made a K. C. ' I, H. he ivmitusl $.V),(xXI of routs to his ton- t nuts. In bssc! ho canceled nil an ears duo lilm lu his dominions, amounting to over j f'Ji'i.OOO, mid In lb' ho remitted f l.V,000 more. To the llenares drainage works ho contributed $.',0,000. Ilo is, us might Ihi sup- ' iHJsed, a highly educated man, a lino English scholar, nud a most loyal supporter of tho British empire. -Now York Tribune. llliutriillng tlio lUllerent ItollgloiiH. Great progress is iH-ing liiade with the building of a museum near tlio Tris-adoro palace, in Paris, fur tlio exhibition of tho maguillceiit collection ioriucd by M. (iiilmet, at Lyons, to illustiate ilie dill'erent religious of the world lu 0110 wing of tho museum will Ih the .lupaneso dlvlnltieH mid the Miin dura, a kind of Jiqimieso Olympus, the Egyptian divinities mid collections of Japa nese porcelain, while the galleries which face tho Avenue d'ioua w ill eon tain tlio divinities of China, India, C recce, Italy and (laid In another wing not et built will bo exhibited the dl initios of Atrica, Ois-miiea, etc., while in another pai t nl tho building will Is- studies for tho use of persons oiiiplou-d to translate Indian, I'hnicM' mid Jupauuso uiamisci'iptk. Chicago News. I'ioiii lli'linllsl lo A iihI i jilta. The Hritaiiuia, ot tho renlusiilar mid Ori ental Steam NiiMgation company's Hue, has Just made tho uis.sugo from llrmdisi to Aus tralia including detention in Kgypt waiting tho mulls, the dotuur to Cojlon, and deten tion theie for ilurty-six liours in twenty tluisj dajs mid ton bonis n I'lialinuoiissjsHsl nt sen for ,()iki miles of, within a fraction, sixteen knots per hour. I.lllll Tdllll) null's Illlil-J. As a dnirwnau IaiiiI Toimysiin sivms to lw a sucihiss. The demaiiiU on the prodtio tionsol' tliuTomiMii dairy nr-. iuerivisiug nil over tho Isle o Wight, mid this is not Laid to Im a I'issjyimliin of motli-al guiuiN but of tlioM-iitabloexi-elleni-eof the butler, mill: und crea-L Chicago Now. Ranson A WOIDEEFUL IIYEITIOI. This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and Saves Gas. This light can be seen at our oQcel25 B. 11th St Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. 8MITH 3 S 9 2 as 3 t 3 o 3 i 3 IN 3 I" 3 1 3 1 3 " t m Ui Ct 9 Id U H a 3 O u. VAN DORN The (orcoinf plat shows the location of "Knob's Hill," the highest dry est and ran beautiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots are not high priced when the i sightliness is considered; they are sure to be the homes of our best people, and will always be valuable property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms are thus: One-forth Cash; balance- 3 Equal Annual Payment! WITH INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. DELAYS AREDANGRROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-five arc sold. Buy now. MCBRIDE & MEL0NE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK Carbon Light. Scale, 100 M.l Inch. o B .a an ai 3 Z UI 10 It It z at ui z CO 17 IS ! II li 14 la 1 128 Ut STREET. a a a a i a a a a a is t m STRICT. 1 ic c X