, J '.I, K.,1 i i - -.- r m DR. L. WENTE DENTIST. Mnkes the preset within of tlic niUiirul ccth n upcclidly hi nil known approved method. CJolil nnd porcelain crown s mounted on tlic natural mot. AH operation! performed without p.iln. nStlxfnctlon Kiinrnnlccd TO TIIK i'KOI'I.K OK LINCOLN, NKIIUAHKA. Wo, tho undersigned um orsoniilly no nuahiied with Ir. u Went,', who In tf) lenvti lit noon nnd engage In the practice of dentin try In vour cltv Wo can unhltntlngly recommend him n n thorough muster of hN profession, nnd wo are mini tlmt nil wink entrusted to hint will bo skillfully pot formed. . . J. Undkhiiii.i., M. I. W W. Mu.Mann. M. I). J K. MoAdaih, M. H, M. I). .1. M. (Iai.i.kiiuiiii, I). I). H. Uaiidnkh, Ii.unoih, dun, W, DW 116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Nob. WEBSTER & BRISCOE, Boots and Shoes. Fine Shoes and Dancing Pumps A SPECIALTY. cnl'ilccN lis low as rcll.ihte llrst-tinss goods n lie told for, nml nil lionomhlc eotnpc t Ion fairly met io.3 O Street. r- FINE : ART : STUDIO. Iit O stiect. Examine samples ( our work bcfoie ordering elsewhere. Hew Hampsfeire SUPKTXC HS Step, Single and Extension Ladders AT 230-232-234,S. nth st. LINCOLN HARDWARE Co. LINCOLN Philharmonic : Orchestra, A. IlAQCNOW, Musical Director, Office Funktt' Opera (I, 11. ASCIIMAN, Mnuager, Ilotue, 3d Floor, Front AVI11 furnbU Ornnd or Bacred muslo for COXCEIITH, KORINOS, l'AUTIKH, ItALLH aud all other occasions reinilrlnK flret-cliu mulc tWHiMclftl ratea w III bo niailo ttli club Ueutruiff tho oclisntra for tho season, rates furuUhed on application. Wo alo denlro to fctate that wouavo opened Consunatory of JIusIo Inourapartuu-nUlnthe opera liouw building, for the Instruction on orchestral tnstrumonto. Tuition hour: 0 a, nt 111 VI noon, aud 1 till 4 p. m. overy day except Sunday. For gcholar not able to attend atregu r hour, special time will I given. For further Informa lion as to prices, time, to address or call on t he manager, N. R. HOOK, M. D., IIISIJABKBOKWOMKN. Urinary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty, Treats rootaldUeaiso by lUUNICKUIIOPr PAIKf jKSS BY8Ti:SI. Olllce, rooms Vil. Kl and J2I Hurr Utock. Ktavvnth and O sire.it. Oflle. talepUotw BW. Ilosldeneo Iftfil Qstruet. M'tooiio, 6 1 -tOWco hours, 0 to 18 a in. 3 to S aid T to 8 p in ' Sunday, 3 to op. m BADGiS THE COURIER A limltii' liiert)f Moilern 'Vines, PUULIHIIICO SATUKDAY Suhw iiiitkini Oim Year liy Mall or Cnriler J,l) Hlx months, f 1,00, Thnsn months An Cents, One inmilli U) Cents IiiTArnlily In Advance. lvr.itTisitir.NTs: llntes furnished on nppllcntlsu nt Hie oMco. Hpoclnl rates on Time Contract CosrrnliurriOMs: Hliort spicy sketches, iss'ins, nnd stories iolleltt. 1'orsoiwil nnd Koclnl notes nre 1-spoclnlly dt'slrnhlo. I'iiintinoi We mnko n specialty of linn Printing i til Its branches Hoclcty work n sis'tinlty Address nil communications dlrectto tlm office WICHSIfiL A IDOUIilNS, KDITOIt AMI I'nill'HIKTOIIH Now llurr Mock, Cor. I'Jtli mid () Streets. TKI.KI'IIONKSM, TAKE NOTICEI Tim CoimiKH will not he responsible for tiny debts innilo by any ono In IIh iiiiiuo, tin lti it written order ucconipnulos the mime, pros'tly signed, of course. WKNHKI. & DoillllNH, I'ltijl'in. fiKXT to editing u notMtnMr tlm most ex ntlotmtud thankless Job we know of In run ulug (in elnvittor In n six stoiy hloek. A Nkiiiuhka limn hits iiiciitcd it tongue Hiipportor. Lincoln rout estate itKoittn will hnioneisl of hoiiiii such device dining tlm Imxiiii willed hits commenced to nri le. TllK generous people of Nebraska coutlmii) to send In their eouti Ihutlunsto tlm fund for the relief of tlm heroines of the, Into blizzard. .Miss Hlmttuek died Momliiy, nnd Miss lloyco U not xieeletl to sur Ive. A I'lioHi'Kirroit down In Kansas Is said to linvo discovered it vein of buckwheat cukes mid maple syi up, The Ho comes it little Into In the wnson, nt It would lmvu Itccii n KMd tiling, wty nhout DecumW. It Ik wild thnt tlm MH't Hwluhuriie, when coiuoslii); it poom, wilUw hut four linen each dity. Anyone, woxhould think, If he would duvotou wholudny to It, could wrlto four IIiicm of good iKxitry In that time. Oimcj-ttvimd contumiHintry tlm Doiuoonit, refeni to tlm CouuiKit ns.lnilo HtonnrtV or Kn. The Democrnt nhould lonrn, what near ly overy onu ulso known, that tlilt paer K the orgnu only of itt puhlixhei-H. Mll.WAUKKi: Is k'I'oImk jetiloil't of the pnnulnencn of MIuucniolixt Ht. l'milninl Um nlia, and the mH)in of that elty nro enllln loiiKitud loud for tlm jH-oplo to U'stlc them NohuH or they will Kt left in tlm ivar of tlm procctisloii of pronrejiM. I'OI.ITICH uro Kuttlii); lively In the city, and republicans and dcinoeintM alike. iiru U-Mtir ring themselves mid orKanlzliiR for the fall cmiipitlgu. The only ivally caccful man now Is tlm genttemau w ho (K-cuploH it scat on the foncu, nml who Ncoiivluevil tlmt the coun try will lmmifo no mutter who w ill ho elected president, i ' Woiik on the loom edition of the Democrat U prognvuluj; nnd Mr. Cox ox)HctH to kmuI thuwoik to pu-vs tlm latter pnit of the month. The tigravlngs usitl w ill he of it tine order anil the faits and llgm wt K'l ven will inaku thoixlitlou n ttup4)iioi' uiheitUiui; medium for the city. Tlmro is to bo no advei lining In It w lmto er. I.v olden tiuiestkv.lt nnd Indenture in I'lig lnnd wem written in l-Jitin nnd Pivneh. Xow siicliinstrtmiLiitH aroi-ouclusl In Kuglish, hut It titkcsn Sancrlt scholar to tlnd out what it iiieniiH. Boinu iieoplo, however, imagine that tho pi-oftiMi and uniiecuMuiry amount of ver hlago Ix Intended to give Hemhlnuco of legality to tho fee of tho lawyer. Tub Couiiiku would respectfully tender IU slneuroht sympnthy to tlm herein etl lvlatlves of Urn. (). II. Itotlmeker, wIiomi death occur red nt Omaha Wednesday. Klio was n liohlo woman, anil her untimely death nt tlm ago of twenty-threo Is greatly deplored by tlm largo circle of frlondtibho hnd made during her rud denco Huccesslvoly nt Washington, Denver nnd Omaha. l'l.KNTV of fun has Ihhiii ioktMl nt dotcc tl es for their nou hucws In trauing criml mils, hut tho fact thut they sometimw catch them has been demonstrated In tho enso of a tnan who was ccught lit XiiiichvIIIo, Ohio, tho otlier day w ho had munlerel it man thirty-two yea ro ago, but teiiNNl,b(liig captunnl by tho grnudhou of it detect ivo who had orig inally been employed on the ciuo. la Atlnutnlt Is tho custom now to publish a list of drunkards, for what 'purpose- it Is not stated, but probithly for tho guidance of saloon kccixirK. This jails to mind tho case of an editor lit n small Illinois townwhosomo years since published In his jMtjsjr tho follow ing: "On nnd after duto tho undorslgnwl gives notleo that ho will prosecute nny ier son selling him Intoxicating liquor of nny kind, to tho fullest extent of the law. This Is not to Injure whiskey dealers but to gut hoImu' aud stay bo." Tiik CouitiKH is s'irry to know that sovoinj of its conteinjioriirios, notably tho Omaha World nnd Yenowluo's News, Slilwnukei), have iu lUsl tho ioople Kenentlly to tNirtici isito In a word hunt for prizes. Before tlnse pajKirsget through' with It nn entirely now stalt of writers w ill lw necessary. Tho w rlter was ouco connected wltn nn eastern Nisor wheru tho H.UUO dovlcu for iuereusliig tlio sub scription list was tried, There were some thing like six or seven hundred lists sent In nnd first onu nnd then another memlsjf of tho stair was detailed to go over each list, strike out w oi ds improiMM ly Insortcd.itud oth oi wise correct them, but tho end was the sumo iu every hutnnce. One day was enough for each man nnd his resignation wus prompt ly sent in. Rut ouo stuck It out fur tw o days and ho !s now an Inmate of nn usjluui. Wo don't doslro to discourage tho Iwys, but facts uro fuots. SWEET SCENTED ODORS. A IVw I'lirts ItritiirilliiKl'rntjniiit 15triict unit Tlii'lr .Milkers. MniliilerliiK iibout town ono iky this week a reirter happened In MoArtlinr.V Hon's phar macy, corner i;ieenlh nnd X strrctM, and foiiml it Mr. I'erci'Kon nml the liaiidsomo youiiK mnniiKcr. Mr Will MoArlhur,lntorct ed In a chut remirdlUK perfumes, and when It I know li thai .Mr. Ferguson Is tho rrprexim tutheortlio ICust man's perrumery, II will he surmised Ihiil he mix (lie most lulerexleil. The reporter being dill liitioduetd to the MrntlKcr, leaiiieiUlle lulerexled In the eon Mrsiilloii,takliiK whlltxof the delli'lout odors and learning something iibout this liixur). II Ix not often that nn humble newspaper cures to look upon luxurlnx, but In till In Htitueo Hie goods appeared so neatly put up, IhoiHlnrs so charming unit tho company so pleiixaul that we Joined In with the kciiIIo men, not reluctantly but with pleasure. The Kaxtimin goods huw become so well known In Ihlx eouutry Hint tint CorniKii eon sldnrs It uiiueerxxary to say mi) thing In their favor, fur II would he like telling a story that every one lint read. They make many varie ties which lire populat with Hie Ix'sl elements ofsoclelj. The huly lit lao fiiney ball or diestpiirt) ilocx not consider her toilet com plelowlihoul a dip here nnd there of llnM mun's extract ; ami on their hnudkeiehlers will uxuallj he fouiul one of the following olorsi "ArbulilV'llluo Hells or Hcothiud," "While Ilelhitrupe," "Mine, ".Jockey t'llih," "liugllsh Vloli t," "Violet tie Purine." ami Ihe iloren of other older brands Hint lire gen ornll) known to loers of Ihu frngritiit lluld. The geulleiiinu nt the opera does not feel iUlle right without the sweet sen so of Kant man's extract about him, and II bus become a habit In the ell), so Hie druggist tells us, fo our best people to ask for this popular iiinke, Messrs. MuArlhur A Hon have alwajsa full Hue of these choice extracts In stock, which mn. be purchased III lnrgeor small iiiautl Hex cither III fancy hollies or by hulk. Hinging Noises In tlm ears, Komctluuvt a roaring, bur lug sound, nre enused by cntnn h, that exe ed I ug ly disagreeable and very common ilisenM lissof smell or hearing also result fiom en tnrrh. HiMsl'sKars.'iNtrilla, the great Hood put filer, Ian Mviilliirly successful n'liiody for this illsease, which It cures by purifying tho blood. If you stiller from cutmrh, try Hool's Htrxaparllla, tho ecullnr medicine. A VALUABLE REMEDY. it Ih witli ckjicoIuI plcumiro that wo call tho attention of our oiibtomors to Cliiunlicrliiln'H Cotili Hemedy. After llftocn joarsof conslant tiHO It has bo I'linii) vory po)tilut' It has gruiHiitly workcil Its wii into pnhllo ftivor by its romurkublo cures of tliront rind Iuiik illsouscs nntl by people who havo been cureil by Hh tecoinnioniUnt; It to thoir frlemls nml nidKhbor No qnu sull'cr ItiK from n throat or lung troublo can iino it without be unlit. It will euro a cowro cold in less time than by any othortrcutmnnt It is one of tho four preparations thut m.iy bo tivon to children without ilniifjer as itilooH not contitln it hiiiKlo injurious Mubstanuo. It 1ms uinloiibti'illy naveil tho llvi'8 of scores of ohililnni hy etirint' thum of croup nnd Iiiih nevor yet failed to euro ovun tho most sevein ntnl ilunj;erout casus of that illHeaso. Wo append a few tostimonlalM from people who havo used it. A PHYSICIANS' OPINION. Chamberlain's ('niijjh Remedy Is tho best iu tho market W. L. (!i.i:avks, M. I). Nodaway, Mo. A SEVERE COLD. I hnd a feovure cold for over two months and thought 1 would try Cham berlnin'h Coii);h ltomeily I rommoncod tnkliiK It lust Frlilny niht, and to day, eilni'.silny, I um eurcil of my cold. I i an trulj say it has no cciiinl. W. II Kincaid, Post Master, Itndcn, Knn. COUGHS. Having hail tho occasion to use. (;iiwniberlaln'rt Oouj;h Hemedy it gives mo pleasure to Mntn that 1 found it to bo ono of tho best modiclnoa for a roujrh I ever tiseil Iu fact I was cured of it cough tlmt hallled all oilier cough medicines but Chiimberlan's. N U. Huhnrtt, Atalissn, Iowa. WHOOPING COUGH. Chnmbci Iain's Couh Homed v is "tho boss" and sells on its mcritx. The lnrgo Rule on it hero was produced by ono family deriving Krcnt benelit from tho use ry it mid recommending it to thoir nelKhhors during our hcljjo of whoop Injc rough C. V. Haxtkii, drugcist, DoWitt.lowa. CROUP. My little girl was almost doad with croup, whon I procured a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. A I'hungo for the better was noted after taking a dose, and before a bottlo was used a complete euro was affected. I sincerely boliovu that the remedy laved ni child's life. Ciiaiii.kh Waldf.it, South Ilutun, Kan. Sold nt W. .1 Turner's. Nollco of I'lililleitlliili. In County Court of Lancaster Count) s Iu matterof Kstateof .1. A. I'eilawa Notice of Heading Will. To tho heirs, legatees and all persons Inter ested Iu said estate.Tako not lee that on Thurs day, the Ul day of February, Inns', at 'J o'clock p.m., at the county court room, I will open and lend the will of J. A. Feditwn, deceased, now on deposit In this oltlco.ul which tlmo any person Interested therein may appear. Notice of this proceeding ordered liilblfslud three weeks In the OAt'irAl. Cm Cot'utisu, W. K. HTKWAHT, County Judge. Not ten I'rolmte of Will. Michael N. Klmutel, deceased. Ill county court, Lancaster county, Neb. Tho .State of Nebraska to tho heirs and next of kin of the said Michael N Klmmol, de ceased; Take notice, that upon tiling of a written Instrument purisirtliig to bo tho Inst will and testament or Michael N. Klmmel lor urobato ami allowance. It Ix ordered that said matter bo set for liuirlug the'JIstdny of li.tiilikri- A. IV lSxS uttrt hiilil f.fililltv court, nt tlio hour of U o'clock it. m., ut which tlmo nny person Interested may appear nml contest the same: ami notleo of this proceed ing Is ordered published three weeks succes sively In tho Caimta I. OitvCou mi: u,n week ly newspaper inilMlshed In this state. In testimony whereof, I hitvo horcunto set my hand and the seal or the county court, at Lincoln this :M day or Ketiruary, A. I). Isxs. W K. Hti:w aiit, rounty .IiuIko, A llopml 1'iir IhtiirliiK Oliiss, MIns Anna W. Hawkins, who tlmt yiurs ngo had it most successful class In dancing, has ls'ii earnestly solicited (by tho lswt jx-o plo of Lincoln) since her return from Kuroc, to nguln take a class. Miss Hawkins will de cide by tho first of next week, nnd all those who are interested will Ihj duly Informed. Should Miss Hawkins accept, the class would meet every Ratiinlay afternoon nt tho Jla honlo teinplo at -;!), and no ssctntors will Is) allowed until nfler tho fotulh les.iou, when Miss Hawkins, ut that tlmo, would lx more than pleusfd to see nil thoVi interested, It is sluceiely IiojksI t lint tho class will materially, i.s n city the slio of Lincoln ought not to I hi I without u ihiuclng school. ICtkhnrii Vnllny Line 1'nxamignr Train 8r vlre. The Chicago flyer Is (lain No. II, lending nt I2.U'i iitHin. It enrrlcs n through twilaco liH'xr Lincoln to Chicago, nnd n dining car from Missouri Valley nml rtvichen Its destina tion nt 8 o'clock tho follow Ing morning. This train makes connection at Fremont for Nor folk nnd Omaha; at Missouri Vally for Hloux City nnd Ht. Paul Train No. Vi liii.es Lincoln at 0;,Via. in. for Wnlioo, rremont, Not folk, Chadron, tho lllnck Hlllteouutry, York, Kewnnl, nnd Itns tlngs, To the Traveling I'ubllr. Please note thnt n suihtIi lino of FHl'K CIIAIH CAltyisnow tun Isitwism Lincoln nnd Chicago on trains Nos. r, anil No. 0; also that s1eeilug car lierths or draw lug rismis on tlm "Myers," Nos 1 and 1! may Ito resorted Iu advance nt City Ticket Olllce, eomor Tenth nnd O Htieets. A. C. .lUMKIl, City Passenger Agent. Inckxouvlllc, Florida, excursion tickets on sale nlL'Iklioiu ticket olllce, 115 Ho. lOlliRt. They know Just how to please you w Ith oysters iu overy stjlo utllrown's New Vienna Care. (Jo east by the Ht. Inils ami tho Missouri Pacific railroad nnd avoid nil omnibus trans fers; all changes niailo In I'nlon deKts via this i onto. Chair curs free, Wedding stationery, Invitations, programs nnd nil Hue printing our specialty. Call and sit) sms. Imeus of our work. Wonsel & Dob bins, llll North Klevcnth street. Canon City Coal nt mid Lime Co. the Whltehreast Coal llurllngtoii Itonto Callroriilu Excursion. Itst cheap excursion by tlm Ihulliigtou Itouto Feb. Kith. Tickets liO.tM). Ooisl for six months $n).(K). Kxcurslon tickets sold o cry day. For tickets, lutes of fare, etc., apply to A. C. Zikm:iii, City Pass. Agent. Take Notleo. Hereafter imssengers holding local tickets rending from Lincoln or statlouscast to Ash laud, (Juinlin, Plattsmouth, or Pacific Junction will not lie carried on No. 2 leaving Lincoln nt t :) p.m. P. H. Kuktih, flenentl Pnsseuger Agent. M, I'ltltl and tlm Northwest. Points In tho nlxo directions nre reached Is-st by the Klkhorn vnlley line. Connections nro sure nnd tho lino inostdirect. Oct tickets nt lift South Tenth street or depot, comer 8 and Llghlh sreetts. sl, Flint Ire I'alace. t:i5n Tho St. Paul lc Palace and Winter Uariii va 1 opens Jan ""tli aud continues ten. days. Thonbovo figures represent tho amount to Is) chargisl for tho round tilp via. tho Klkhorn Valley Line. The "Hloux City Route." For full imrtlculars Inquire nt their olllce, lift Ho. Kith Ht. Tickets will lie sold from the 'J Ith inn. to February 1st, gissl returning until Febru ary ftth. To I'eople Vlm Cnterlaln. HiK'icty pisiplo nrrnngiug for parties, Isills wtsldings, uveptlons or mi) thing in this Hue, should inspect our elegant linn of stationery nnd printed no cities used on such occasions. Wo have Just iccelved our now fnll lino of elegant luill pregiams, invitations lor w ed dings, parties, etc., nmumuccmciits, folders, culling cm ds and in fact everything In this line. Sninu Cheap I'uiperty, A lino resldenco lot on Twenty-first stioct near N for salonta leasoiinblo price. Also one iu Mechanics addition, Iljdo Paik nnd niiuwood.Will sell cheap If sold tuiuitdlntely Call on or address L. Wessel, Jr., care this olllce. New Sowing- .tint It Inn lor Sale. I lmo n first class new sowing machine never been used, of the latest inention mid with all the model u appliances that will be sold nt a big bargain. Addiess Jo-Jo, care this olllce. lliioni tlio Tow n. Iciive it tutiwr wiapiier with a tluxsj cent utmupoii with H. O. llauua, city tleketngent of tho Missouri Paeillc tailway, and haven Lincoln Illustrated" mulled tojotu fi'eud east, fno of charge. Through sIixisjrM to Chicago nre run and nil eastern connections nmdo by tho Klkhorn Vnlley and Chicago ami Isorthwesteni rail road. Try this elegant loute. Olllees, lift South Tenth stieets and deiwt, corner S nnd r.lghth stn-ets. Chicago Hi Northwestern mileage tickets sold to anyone nt Klkhorn olllce, lift South Tenth street mid deisit corner S and Kighth streets. McMurtry's addition on K street, Iwlow NineUent)i, Is one of tho sighliest In tlio city, ns well ns Mug rignt in the centre of tho fastest grow lug iortion. Call nt his ofllce ls low tho Capital National Rank and secure ono of thert lots. Only via tlio Missouri Pacific railroad can you gel fits) reclining chair cars through to Atchison, Knnsns City, Chicago, St. Inils, Terre llauto nnd Indlnuapolls. Lincoln Hack and IlaggaRe Line. Telenhoni) No. HOI. meat market. 937 stieot, or Nil !W)1 livery bniu. Oiiler slates nt same plaies and V. P. ticket olllce, corner Kleveuth nml (J streets. Hack stands, capi tal hotel nnd meat mm kot. Hoiiano.v linos. ntllro Furniture Tor hale. An Improved double olllce desk, two finer o cllnlug dwk chairs, two otlier cano sent olllco chairs, etc., for salo at alxtrgaiu. Only Ihsjii iu usu four months. Good us now. In qulro at this ofllce, Kit North Kloventh St. Slierlll's Hale. Notice is hereby given that by vh tuo of tin oxcetitiou Issued by tho Clerk of tho District Cuui t of thu Second Judicial DUtiict of No braskii, w itlilit nnd for Lincnstor county, iu an action wheielu Ilegiiier it Shoup are plalntlirs and Charles W. Hellloy defendant. I will, nttinVlockp.ni., on tho 'J7th tiny of l'ohrunry, t. I). iys, nt tuo ironi euirnuce to tho DNti let Court looms in city of Liu coin, Ijincnster county, Nebraska, oirer for salo nt public auction the follow lug ilesci ibed riml estate, to wit; I)ts Two mid Three (ti mid 'A) hi Hloek Pour (1) in Clark's Addition to Dennett in Itncns t'r county, Nelu aska. Qlven tiuiloi my hand this 21th day of Jan uary, A.D., IBM. . M. jici.iuiv, oiieiiu Imported smoking tobaccos, fliHt made, to bo had only nt Ha vana cigar factory, llurr block. .Salt lllieum With Its Intense Itching, dry, hot skin, often broken Into xiiuful clacks, and the little watery pimples, often cmww indescribable fninVring. IIwxl's Kaiuarillahns wonderful swer over this disease. It pm (lies tho hliNsl nnd exiols tho huinor,nnd tho skin heals with out it scar. Scud for liook coutaiuliig many statements of curm to C I, Hood & Co.,aiH)tli ecarlus, IiOwll, Mass PomeroyCoal COMPANY DEALERS IN Coal and Wood. Good supply ot High Grade Soft, anq Hard Coal al ways on hand. 1201 O St. J. R. LEMIST, Agent. UNION PACIFIC R'WY . TIIK OVIJRLANI) ROUTK. Shortest nnd safest route to nil points hi Colorado, Utah, California, Montana, Ida ho, Oregon and Washington Territory. Take the Overland Flier nnd save one d.y to all Pacific coast points. The Union Pacific Is the Free Chair Car line running Into I'nlon depots nt Oinnh.t nnd Council Khiffs, conncctltnr with the fast limited trains of nil Hues for the cast, north mid south. Through tickets on mod ern day coaches. Uaggagc checked thro' to destination from nil point enst In the United States nnd Canada. Sleeper nc conimod.itions rescned on through Pull man Palace Cars front the Missouri river to the Pacific const. K. 11. SLOSSON, Agent, 10 14 ) Street, Lincoln, Neb. T.J.Porrru, K. H. Lomax, J.S.Tkiuikis, ISt V. I'. A. !.!.& 1. A. .!. &T.A. o.A.SHOEMAKER,M.D. Honifflopatliist Physician, Telephone No. 085. 163 South nth Street, Limulm Nkii DR. B. B, Powers, DENTIST, geB$a Gold Fillings A Specialty Gold, Sili cr and Porscelnln Crowns Insert ed on toots of teeth. Sets Inserted without a plate. All operations first telnss and war ranted. 1 214 O Street ot er Klliott's. Crystal Sieam Laundry Will call for, and promptly deliver all w o entrusted to them, ami llulsli same hi latest and best manner. NEW MCHINERY, and lot facilities In tho city, for doing strict ly Hrst-elass woi k. Our new locations nro LAUNDRY. Corner 24th and 0 Sts. CITY OFFICE; 119 N. 12th Street. TELKPHONK No 178. piA trial will convince you that the Crystal does the nest laundry work Iu tho scato TRAVEL VIA THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. It Is thoonl lino running directly throuuh Denver and Knit Lake 'lly, eiirouto to Kau l-'raiuisco and other California points, and Is known as tlio "Beeulo Lino" to tho l'aelllo coast. Tho Ilurilniftou llouto runs over Its own track ovnry day lu tho j oar. Complete trains of l'ullman rnhieo Cars and Klcuuut Day Coaches betweiu Denver and Chicago, Denver and Kan City, Denver and Omaha, Kansas City and Peoria, Kansas City and Chicago, Lincoln and Chicago, Lincoln aud St. Louis, Lincoln and Peoria, Lincoln and Kan, City, Mnkliu; tltioct connections In I'nlon Denots for all points North, l'.nst, Hoiitli anil West. It Is tho I'loueei Dining Car Lino between Missouri river and ChleiiKo. Meals onlv 7c. Tho Ihir'tUKUin Dining Cars were hulltex prosly for tho service aud me managed en tirely In tho Interest of our patrons. rUIOHY LINK IIP.TWKKN LINCOLN AND OMAHA. Via tho Ashland Cut-oil, making dlieet con nections with trains for Kt.l'niil. Miti,,..ll.iiy Chicago and all points Itusl and Northeast. Tho diagrams of the Lincoln-Chicago sleep ors via this popular rout are at City llllleo.eor O mid loth sts., whoio berths may ho seemed at any time, A.C..IKMKIt, M. r.USTIH, I'.anil I Agl , Lincoln (J. I'. and T. Agl , Omaha. , W&2WP aMBafeBKS&i.fk.-a'"' lf-JJg75aBS The Omaha Daily Bee, DKLIVKRKI) 11Y CARRIKR liver)' Morning betorc 9 A M. LKAVK ORDKRS for Subscriptions nnd Advertisements at Lincoln Office Omaha Bee 10.20 P Street, Capital Hotel Rulldlng. SOMETHING NEW. We hnte purchased the meat mnrkct of Mnngcr Rro (former! Shcrrcr Si Hcnl relch) 12S S. nth Street. We will miry a full line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Fish, Game, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Etc. Wholccnlc nnd Rcsnll. Goods bcllvcrcd to inn part of the clt. Telephone 60. Come nnd sec iu. 1I0VHY & SON. H. W. BROWN, Dealer In Drugs and Medicines PAFNTSjOILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 127 S. Klcicnth st BLOOD POISON. Old (lcul teeth contain tho quintessence of blissl isil.nnl Who cjin sH-tllo v It, gushing out of old leetli At eiry moil nnd Is) healthy? These teelli nro driiil, ulcerated, unli nlttiy trenucntly csnc n s(lc.l face Hhnuld rcrlnlnly It" extrsctnl nml rejilixusl u Ith C(xkI, nrtlllclal ti-otti Hint ncicrsche. O1111 Iwedrict od wttliout pain. No hum bug. New Years Proclamation. In order thatciery 01111 in ly M 11M0 to eat turkey thfttikrully, wo will put up arllllctal ttetli nt tho fof. Inp low rales until tlio mt nrjtnmry: WIN mlngtonTcvtli, 3, Moley's Teeth, used more than " Sj,''lu I'liiiol". n very line article, 87 60 tier flti Whlto's Pat 111 IVctli, Hith plates of doiihls atrenjjtli, wear itlili a ivrx:iuiil islsh, cold-web pUtes, hridjjo nork, etc . .it tho most rcasonabls prlcos. IlDom No m. 1A o sirect, Ualdwln Uroc Uloclc. Lincoln Ncli Diseased Qums. SJ) The teeth turn black and die, the rfiimi bleed at tho slightest touch, ulcerate, tho teeth looceu and rail out, the breath Is horrlhlo. DR. A. P. BURRUS. I 1200 O Stroot, ! On tha Rapid Transit, ciucs up diseased gnms, I makes the Uncnt gold nnd platinum lllllncs, nuka the oncat teeth that tobacco will uot tarulih. PEERIESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still In tlio front and nlisolutely leading all vniisstitors. Thoroughly equipped for tlm nest work, giving to each customer tin mi lunllfled gunmntea for nil work done All ot iur work done with neatness mid ilUsttch We solicit orders for suburban vill.tgus and i clghhorlug towns, pnylng tho cxptess on ad uilers ono wuy. Hcspectfully, C. J. PKAT1 S. H. BURNHAM, BROKER. Slon.sy loaned on Iodr or short time at lowo itos. Ortlco In Itlchards' Block, room S3. Take elevator on Eleventh street entrsac. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. KCONOMY IS W1JAI.TII. All tho l'ATl'KHNb you wish to uco durllii; tho j iiir. for nothing, (tt suvhig of from $J.UO to S 1 00j, hy subscrlblug for THE CAPITOL CITY COURIER ANO )emo rest's nwroL With Twelve Order far Cut Piper Piltermof your own selection snd of any ilie. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, ros $3,25 (THREE TWENTY-FIVE). D EMOREST'S THE BES Or nil tlio niiiftrcr.liioH. UONTAININO RTOniES, roKHS, ANII OTIIKIl I.ITl IUII1 ATTIIAOTIOSS, toUIIININO AUTISTIC, Ht'irN- Tiril), AND HOUSEUIII I) MATTEItS, Jlluslrilil tvtth Original Iflerl i.'iifrni'- lif;, i'lioliiiiruviim, Oil J'tclurm nml Iiir H'oo(ruf, mtihluo U the Mvili I Mann. iiip of .Diirricn, I.ich Miu'iizlno contains a coupon ontir intltllnir I ii holder to thtiMlcciioaiif any pnltira lllustrutcil ki tho fiishloa ib parlini'iii In lliut niimlici, nnd In ,y of tho tlzu muiiufitctun-il, mukltig puttiriM lirlntf the itnrol Hie vniiieoi nttrinree iiitiinn. lir.MOUKVrs MONTHLY Is Jmtlv iniltlcsllhe IVorlil's Modi I MaRiulne Tho l.arcft la 1'iirni, tlio Urt In ClrLiibillou, nml thu bet TWO Dollar i'nniliy MiiRiulau In-ill d ix will bo tlioTwiiity f mrili jenr of lis piibllrntlua, mid It sluliils ht tho In ill of l'amlly IVrlisllruU It lontnliis Ti pages. Inr,'u iiimrto. Hl,xllM liiclns, lesntly iirlnti-d unj fully Illustrated. 1'ublUhtd by w, Jcnnlni; Deuiorctt, New Vorlc Anil by Special Agreement Coin 's blnuil with tho V Capitol City Courier at $3,25 Per Year. Q 1 li T JhJj f r!'Ti3-3 -t m i.(l. ri (tja. tr cir ?