Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 11, 1888, Image 3

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Fremont Elkhorn & Mo, Valley1
Train leave II. Yin in mid VI W p in
Tmk Klkiioiii Vaiakv Link.
To freo homos In Vertlm rstoni Kr-lintskn an
Southwestern Dakota.
To tho tll.ipk HUM and tlio Hot Spring.
To Central Wjnmbig coat ami on (Idils nn
cattle ranges.
To Chicago nntl llio Kiwi,
''o St. I'nul.tlii) N'orth nml Northwest,
for further Information liniulniof
UM.TYI.KIt. Afri'iit.
Hi Houth 10th street, Lincoln
V. Fitch, !. U. IhriMNAS,
General M'gur, Hen'l Pass. Ag't
Missouri Valley, Iowa.
Owns and operates a.'fH mill's of Hiorui!hly
ijulpped mud In Illinois, Wisconsin, lotvii.
Missouri, Minnesota nml DuUiitii.
It In tho Host Direct lluiilo botwi m nil tlio
l'rlui'lint Points In tho Northwest, Southwest
nml Far West I
For limns, tlmo tnlilos, rates of ims-miro anil
f roli-lit, etc.. apply to nearest Htatlon intent ol
WAY, or lo any llallroail Agent anywhere lu
tlio world.
Oonornl M'e'r. tlen'l l'ass. AT'lit Agt.
Ast. (Icn'l Mr. AhsL (I. 1 ,t T. AkI.
Milwaukee, WIsciiiihIii.
FfWl'r Informatlou In refcroin'O lo I.uiul"
nml 1'ownn ou'iii'il by tho CbleiiKO, Mllwau
keo.t Ht. 1'iuil Itallway Cotnpany.wrlto to II.
O. llAUOAN.I.iitnl ComiulHsloner, Mil waultei
WIscoiiHln. i ii 1
C riTil. Sroi.K 1300.000.
aw Monher. rnwiditnt. W.J" WaUh, V. Pre
IL O. OutMlt, Casblor.
OSKI.KY ft 8TEriIEN80N ,
KKAIi laSTA'lK Wia LUAB miuMim,
Fann nIortRneo IMins a ipoclftlty.
llnom H. Hlclianls block.
Rigg's Injection.
Chemlstx and pharmacists, Lincoln, Neb.
Mall orders promptly nttended to.
Western Resources.
A Journal Devoted to the lndtistrjs and
Resources of the West
Tills Journal Ik printed on toned hook pncr,
thetyiKHiscil is clear nml new, the titlo "1K' Is
Illustrated eneli month with Huuiethliig miitnlile.
and lu Keneral iiiieiirttiiee it Is as iiivtroMilitnu
nml elegantly goiten up ns IUiii'Ku'h Wkbki.v,
and it is oxnetly the saiiie sl.e as that paper.
Tho object aud aim of Wuhtkiin Hkcolmickh In
to give the liest stock men, nml fanners and gen
eral business men a thoroughly representative
medium for obtaining mid exchanging valuable
Information on those, topics f iral Importance
to their Industries.
Live Sick Dairy, Agriculture,
Horticulture, Turf, Poultry,
and For est y,
Are departments under careful editorship, and
able articles from our own correspondents on
Cities, Comities, States, Crops, ltnllroad building
Commerce, etc., form a special department.
Hon. Hoiikrt W. Fuhnas, the editor. Is ably as
Blsted by practlcalaud scientific writers.
To Introduce this paper In every locality In the
West wo will send It ror the remainder of 1SHT,
beginning with the May number, for
One Extra Copy with Each 5 Subscribers.
Agents send for terms and cxcIiihIwi territory.
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltimore, Mew York and Boston.
fWFor further Inforumtloii
or or address
Folders, etc., call
City Ticket Agent, Cor. Ootid I2lh sts.
H. 1IAII0HCK, lH'Kit Ticket Agent.
It. P. It JtlLl.Alt, (len'l Agent.
sni-xnc and imkkihkss.
telescope: in
Tim-Aini'i It'iin I'olU l,oro Sni'lrlynt ('mil
bridge, Mins. IMUon's New I'linno
Kmpli, Alter u Ciuolol Test, Is llcporlcd
to Ho it -iin'i'.
It is ton years slneo Professor Kdlson In
tivililiiil Ills phonograph ! the MiliHc Tlio
original Instrument, wonderful nml amusing
ns It was, failed, however, to fnlllll tlio to
qulsltcs of tlio Inventor, who linn recently
perfected lits Invention mid brought It nearer
to (ho Ideal phonograph.
. nj w v
Tlio new phonograph, tdiowii in (ho nccimi
pntiliiRcutH and mndo from original illiiff
t rat ions in Kelcntillo Anierlcaii, Is nbout (ho
tlzoof nn oiillnary Kewiug mncliine, and In
construction homethliig llko a very mall en
glno latho.
A crucial (est of (his mnchlno, innilo ro
condy at KiIIsoii'h lalKirntory in Now Jersey,
according to tho journal ivfernsl o, gavo
results Hint (ended to jirovo rno s'i'fcctlou of
tho Instrument. IVrfii't repiisliietions of
whistling, whispering, all tho liniierfeotiims
of tone, tho half tones nml modulations even,
wero faithfully reproduced. Tlio no pho
nograph is to bo ticd for taking dictation,
for taking testimony lu court, for roKirtliig
speeches, for (lioroproducdonof ocal music,
for (caching language, for corros)ondenco,
for civil and military orders, for reading to
tlio sick In hospitals, and for various other
purposes too numerous lo mention.
American roll: Lore Noddy.
At tho recent meet iug licld in Cambridge,
Mass., for tho purposo of organizing (ho
"American Folk Iiro society," rules for tho
government of tho society wero enacted, of
which the iirst declares that "tho American
Folk Lore Myicty has for its object tho study
of foil: lore in general, ami in particular tho
collection and publication of Hie folk lore of
North America." Tlio rules Outlier provide
that tho hoclcty shall consist of memlicrs who
subscribe an nmmal fisj of ?:); that each
member shall Ihj entitled to a copy of tho
Journal to bo Issued by tho society; that an
ntmual meeting shall lioheld; and that thu
nlTairs of tho society shall bo conducted by a
president and u council of fourteen memlicrs,
to bo elected annually. I'rofossor K. J.
Child, of Harvard university, was elected
Prehistoric Skating.
Ah is well known, tho art of skating is u
prehistoric one. In many parts of Kuropo
bones of domesticated animals have liccn
found which had liccn used as skates oral
runners of small sledges. It Is of consider
able interest to learn that similar Implements
are found still in use in several parts of
northern (lermauy. In Tho Journal of tho
Berlin IJthnological Society sledges nro do
BcrilKsl which consist of a board resting on
tho lwnesof 11 horse., But, Ix'sldcs this, skates
nro used tho runners of which consist of tho
lower jaw of cattle, tlio curvature of tho
lower side serving admirably tho object of tho
Do 1'orents Inlluenro Kiiliiliill'
Tho liellef very generally exists that (ho
culluroof forests induces an increase of rain
fall ami that their destruction diminishes it.
Mr. Henry Gannett, in Science, claims that
11 satisfactory explanation of this "siiposod
phenomenon'' has never liccn oU'ensl. Ho
goes further, mid assumes that results gained
in our own country go to bhow "that tho in
fluence of forests upon rainfall, from uu
economic point of view, is too slight to bo of
tho least practical importance."
Witter Conor from Artesian Wells.
Many artesian wells spout water under a
heavy pressure, just as many gas wells find
tho gas tinder a pres-suro of several hundred
iKHiuds to the sipiuro Inch. This water power
is used in many places in Franco by means of
turbine wlnsds, ami it is probable that oven
tho gas pressure might in some cases also bo
utilized. In cry deep artesian wells tho
heat of tho water is also utilized.
The W I, (100,000 Telescope.
Tho great refracting telescope of tho Lick
observatory, Mount Hamilton, Cnl., has
been tested, mid tho verdict is Hint it is a suc
cess. Thu slzoof tho object glass is thlrty-slx
inches. It is the mm.t Kwcrful tclcscoK in
tho world. A magnifying jsiwer of '.',000
iliameters, it is exjssi'tisl, can l vinployeii on
tuiiablo objects.
Useful I'ollslilug I'nwiler.
A trustworthy authority suyss A very
useful polishing powder for metals nml glass
is made of very finely ground glass mixed
with n small proportion of dried sodu ash.
i:ngllh Words.
A half-dozen lhiglish words from Tho Bos
ton Journal of Kdueallon:
Twilight is Ih-twoen light.
Twine, twlccd, or twisted.
Thread, thrml, (hrlecd, (hrisj i-ordisl.
l'crsjiiratlon Is Invisible; sweat stands lu
Strength 's said to Ui the longest syllable
in the Kngllbh language.
i JUL.
tliJ. ' l Wi,f AM
Tim "Dutili Hull" Hoik ttukculilft of
Newspaper .Mun.
Homo fifty years nun, nn nrtlolo nppiuvil
ill nil Kuglish prm liu'lnl t.ivr, Tin' Leicester
ItcruU, under tin- tltlonf "Tlu Hutch Mull,"
wl'ththe announcement that It litnl nrriti'il
tiK Into fur trmidntlou unil hml boon sol up
nml printed in Co nrli;liml A "rent ilonlof
nttontloii wnsntirciote.l to tli nrtl lo, ninny
I Dutch scholars nmmnuciiig In print that It I
I ...... ...t 1.. ...... .IUl....t ..111. .. I.l.l. Il,.,f II.1K.I I
ns not In uiiy illnloet with whh h they et,
luipuilntiil, until It wim llnnllv illiiiiii'il to
tonhoii.. Kir Ulehaiil I'lillllps. tlio eilllor
i of the niMr, tolls till Htory of how it win
riiiuvivnl anil I'urrliil out:
1 "One ovi'tiini;. iH'foiv ono of our pulilloa-
(Ion-, my iiieii ami a boy overtitinnl (wo or
I tlins.1 iiiiutniii of tho vmv In typo. Wo hml
to K"t uiiil Mimo way for thi'i'o.ielies, whleli
I at I in the morning ivipilnsl 1(H) or MX)
' jinperH. After every oirtioii, o eio rIioi t
nearly n column, but (hero kIikhIii leuiptliig
1 column of 'pi' on tho K'lllci"- ' wiililciily
Ntruek mo (hat this might Ihi thought Dutrli
I inaile up tho column, nvereaino thohoruploH
of (ho foreinaii, unil wi nwny (ho country
tnlltlim went with lbs plillololeal )iul" lo
worry (ho honest iiKi'lcultiiinl reiuloiV henils.
Thero miis pleiit of (lino to set up a column
of plain Kiil!sli for tho local edition." Kir
ltlcliaril lells of ono mail whom ho met In
Nottingham who for thirty years prei-erveil
a copy of Tho l.clocstcr Herald, hoping- (hat
Kouioday tho letter would Ih explained.
Arminil llm Worlit In Klctity llujs.
If tho traveler could "rldo wltli tlio nun"
ho could go around tho world lu twenty four
hours without losing any time. Hut bo can
not rldo with tho huh, and at etch place wcHt
of tho starting (Kjliit bo Units himself later by
four mlii'ilcH for ovury ilegnsj of longittido
by which the placo Is urt of that point Ho
when bo nrrlvis at tho btai ting inilnt, after
circumnavigating the world, ho lias traveled
westward Just MM) degs., his watch U'lng put
back four minutes for ench degu-e, in order
that bo may keep llio tlmo of tho places ho
visits. So wliii hogetH ton point iMX) degn.
west of his starting point his tlmo Is Just
twenty-four Iioiii-h liehlnd thatof thoRtartliig
Klut. IVinoiir going around tho world from
west to east, gala four minutes for each do
greo tmVelisl, so that when they liavo gone
alMiut thoeaith tbey are twenty four hours
ahead of tho tlmo of their starting point. It
is on this fact (hat Jules Vciiid'h "Around
(ho World in Highly D.iya'1 is founded.
Confrilerille Plugs.
Tho Confederacy had four Hags, besides
tho various stuto lings curried by sumo of the
regiments. Tho familiar ".Stars and liars"
wis adopted in .March, iNil, while tho capital
of the Cnnfislenicy was still at .Montgomery,
and ilrst waved above tho old state house of
AlalHtma. Them wero three horizontal burs,
two rod nml ono white, with nine white stars
in 11 circle mi n blue union lu tho upper left
hand corner. In Septemlier of tho snino jwir
a b.ittlo Hag was adopted 11 red II. ig, with
thirteen white stars displayed in blue stripes
crosiing the red Held diagonally, tho wholo
having a narrow white border. In lNill tho
".Stain and liars" was supplanted by 11 Hug
with 11 white Held, having tho battle Hag in
tho corner for u union, and on tholth of
February, IMm, in order that this might not
Is) mistaken for 11 Hag of truce, tho outer half
of tho Held beyond the union was covered
with ti vertical nsl strljie. This was (ho hist
Hag of the Confederacy.
American Colli Din.
Tlio dlo of tho goddess of lllierty on Amer
ican coins was originally cut by Mr. Honcer,
(lie inventor of tho SK;ncer lathe. Tho Ilrst
dlo was from 11 portrait of Mix Washington.
(Jen. Washington was not pleased with tho
head of his wife as a medium of circulation,
mid at his rispicit tho dlo was changed, only
u few coins having lss-n cast from tho orig
inal design. Tho die as it now ap(icars was
made from tho former ono by placing a cap
on tho bond and altering thu prominent
Tim Mliniincr.
Cipt. Andrew lloliiiison hulltut Gloucester,
lu Massachusetts, in ITl.'l, tho Ilrst schooner.
As tho vessel was gliding Into tlio water at
(ho tlmo of launching sumclxidy shouted:
"800 how sho sehoous!" ami thoowuur, catch
ing the word, exclaimed: "A schooner let hot
Ih. This is said to Ik) tho story of tho origin
of this distinctively American kind of craft
and of the iiaiuo by whkh it is kuoiwi.
The hplljnx Klilille.
ThoKphjnx was said to Imvo lss'ii n scjv
monster that promised a riddle to the Tho
bans, and murdoicd all who could not guess
it. Thorlddlowiu,:
Whut gisti on four feet, on two feet, ami three,
lint the morn feet it goes on tho weaker It ls-r
Tliounswer, "Mini," was guessed by Kdipus.
, Till) ri.lltlclll VSelenr.
John ilninlnlph, of Virginia, was noted foi
his skill in debate. When speaking ho gen
erally pointed toward thu object of Ins Inveo-
I tlvo with Ills long bony lingers, ut times
wildly gesticulating. "For thirty years,"
writes Benton, "hu was tho political meteor
of congress."
I Clint Horsemen.
I Tho js'oplo of Tliessaly weru tho ilrst prob
ably among tho Greeks who broko horses for
I servijo in war, and the pinllcieucy of these
i KM)plo us tspii-Mrians gave rise to tho ancient
myth that their country was originally in
habited by Centaurs.
Dipth or lint Wells.
Tho depth to which natural gas wells aro
excavated varies w it ti the locality. Gas has
been found at 700 feet, or even li-ss, in so
calletl pockets, mid again a depth of 'J.OoO
feet wus ic.ichod before u vein was dis
covered. Aurora HorculU.
In Canada tho aurora borcalls is common
on any cool summer evening; in the United
States it is s'n in the autumn mouths as a
rule. Tlio phenomenon is supposed to Ihi
caused by electricity, but no one knows how,
Tim Ilrst Heed In Ihigllsli,
Deeds in England wero formerly written in
Latin or French; the earliest known iustuuco
ill Knglish is tho indentuii, lietweeu the Al
lot of Whitby and Uobert Busturd, diitisl at
York in i:n:i.
Is Hut Word "lt.- nil" In Hi,, lllldi?
Thu word "reverend" is found lu tho Bible
only once, ami then it is applied to tho Al
mighty, ns "Holy and reverend Is his name,"
, Psalms oxl, !.
A Common Trench Name.
Katilto Ste. Mnrlo is pronounced 8x .Saint
Mary. It is n French nnnio mid signifies tho
leap or fall of tho St. Marj, or St, Mary's
I A Itlliln expression,
I Tho expression, "Man shall not live by
bimd nlone," Is found in Mutlhuw, ix, -I, nml
in wouiorniioiny, vlil, ;.
A "crusade"
Ims lH'guu in
Hudson river.
against cigarette smoking
set era! localities alon the
I'onltlnu III Mrcp oil-.ltolltillo StlllUI
hint t'oodlllij nil IllViltlil.
Konrlv nil x'rxonswlionroluellnnl tn snore
tlo mi ulii'ii Iting on tho back, Im-oiiuso, no-
I cording tn Hi- llrnuvillc, (ho soft pulntonnd
I iivtiln Imim on tho longuo ninl that niv.iiu
' fulls Inn k mi nn to puitly close tho uiudpliio.
Ho nilvl-n-s, thi'tvfuru, to ho nil (ho side, nml
hi (honliM'iiiviif special dlscusm tendering It
doslruhlo to tleon tho weak Hldosoii loleuvo
. .... ...
tholiKnlihy lung Ovo toi.hiud, it is well lo
use the right side, Inhviiiso when tho body Is
thus plnissl the food gravitntcM nioro easily
out of tho stomach into thu lutisllnos, ami
tho weight of tho stomach does not com-pi-ess
tho upjier portion of tho lutes! lues. A
glance at any of tho visceral anatomy will
show this must bo. .Many isTsnus nro deaf
In one ear nml prefer lo Ho on a paillcular
side; bill, If possible, tho I Ighl sldo should 1st
chosen. Again, Mccplug with tho arms
thrown oer tho head Is (o bo ilcprocatisl;
but this position Is often nssuunsl during
ulccp, tieraiiso 1 ircilhitiou lu then freo lu the
I'xOvuuticH, and (ho head and neck unil
muscles of (ho chest nro ilruwu up and llxcd
by the shoulders, and thus tho oxpmmlon of
tho thorax Ih easy. Tho chief objection to
these positions Is that thoy create a tendency
(o crump ami cold lu Iho arms, and some
times seem lo caiiso headaches during ulccp
nml dreams.
Household Meillrliirs.
A list of slmplo medicines that It Is well lo
Ito provided with, especially If Iho drug store
and doctor aro far uwny, Is suggested by lln
byhood: "A thrco ounce bottlo of castor oil
or four ounecH of aromatic nyrup of rhubarb,
two ounoi-H of syrup of lpicac, ono ouiico of
essenco of ioiperiulut or ginger, (wo ounces
of spirits of camphor, ono ounce of sweet
spirits of nitre, throo ounce of tlnctumof
arnlea, nn ouuco of blenrlKinato of sisla, a
flask of good brandy, u small vial of smelling
salts, a Ihix of mustard (to tsi mixed with
flour or meal In making mustard plasters),
Homo adhesi t-o plaster, a Isittlo of vaseline
ami n package of old muslin, together with
such other articles us Individual peculiarities
may demand, will inal.o an available modi
cluo chest for tho mother's use. ICacli Isittlo
should have n label ilcuotlng tho contents,
iIom), mid for what purKio to bo usisl.
The Proper Way to llrusli Teeth.
Contrary to tho nccepUsl practice, aro tho
following directions of a dentist: To brush
eirvtuully, placo tho upjK'r and loripr rows
of teeth parallel to each other, tho points of
the. fronts touching; then usi your brush up
mid down tho teeth between the gums, being
not unmindful nor fearful to brush as w ell tho
gums as tho tooth thereby toughening the
ono nml cleansing (bo other. Your back
tis'th need more brushing than jour front
ones. Wisdom In this resjxvt will Iw dis
played should you show n partial euro for llio
back ami outsldes of tho icarmost teeth,
above mid licloiv. Af lor each and every meal
uso a ipiill toothpick, waxisl silk floss, mid
rinse Hi. i mouth with inoderntcly cold water
Tlio intention ii simply to romoo fix I from
among the teeth. I)comiKbcl,(icidlllcd food,
unluial or vegetnblo, Is iho worst enemy your
teeth luivo to encounter.
When to Feed tlio Slrh.
Except when In a stupor from exhaustion,
ns sometimes occurs In typhoid fovcr, nil
invalid should not bo wakened to bo fed, no
cording lo Good Housekeeping. During n
long sleep food should Ixi prepared in readi
ness to bo given at onco on waking, A con
valescent should tnko sonio light nourishment,
ns ii glass of warm milk iho laHt thing at
night. Persons who are very ill should lx
fed In tho early morning, from 11 o'clock until
5, Tho powers of life aro then at their
lowest ebb and ought to bo ro-cuforccd. If
necessary, nn exlrn covering must Ixj added
lo tho lxsl ami a hot water bottlo put to thu
Tlio American Nervous Njstrin,
Dr. K. P. Thwlng Inn stated that Ameri
cans nro more susceptible to the iullueiico of
alcohol than Kngllslimeii, nml that they nro
inoro nuectcd by tolucco t'mn tho Holland
era, Turks or Chinese This ho supposes to
lie duo to an increasisl wmsliivoness of (ho
nervous system, Induced by tho high pressure
llfoof this country.
Protect Gin Iluby's Cjes.
Let the transitions -in oarly ago nt lenst
from dnrkncHS to light, from objects near ut
hand to those nt n distance, or leu versa, Ixj
gradual, and senvn thu tender orbs, w henever
it is xjssible, from tho direct ruys of uny
brightly tllumiuisl Ixxly.
Useful lull ITiifusliloimlili',
"Tho ttnslitiih is tin excellent gymnasium,"
suggests n practical genius. "Were it only a
craze, every girl in tho land would bo takin;
lessons on tho washboard."
SOCIAL etiquett:.
All Uncomfortable II.isiltallly Hint,
(lentlemeii Cillers.
A lady tells in New (Jrleanu Picayuu that
sho was onco invited to sixjnil a wis.k hi a
family where tho extra exx'iise thus caused
was ireipiently nlluded to, mil' h to her (lis
comflture. "Have tlio milkuiun leavo an
extni pint Ixx'nuso wo have comjiauy," or
"older more Ix-rrlcs Ushiy than usual and
toll tho grix-'-r wo wunl six Hiuudsof butter
thlswoel: instead of live," wero among tho
orders given by tho mistress with extreiuo
frnnkness in (ho presence of her guest. At
evening time it was tho custom of husband
and wife to make up accounts, nml tho excel
lent habit was not waived, as it might have
boon, till t he couple wero alone, but every Item
was talked over; if surprise was expressed nt
uny ono charge, tho wifo would kindly ex
plain (lint ono must expect company to add
something to tho oxcuso, "You aro so
much ut homo with tn tlmt wo don't mind
you," was fnspiently said as u sort of ajsjlogy
for tho uncomfortably candid conversations
that took plnco in her presence. But tho
"company" did not thoroughly enjoy her
visit, mid gave herself strict orders never to
let her own futurogiuwts feel that they caused
trouble or expense in hor house.
It is not in tho best taste, alllnns a re
cent authority on such matters, for a woman
to appropriate thu olllcial or professional
titlo of her husband. Mrs. Itov. Dr. Morton
isnn ImpoM-iblo U'iiig, unless tho lady her
belt is a Icrgywoumn and has received the
titlo or LL. D. In Washington it is usual to
speak of Mrs. President Blank, Mrs. Secre
tary Miller or Mrs. Sxaker. Kteu in such
cases it is much lietter form to sny Mrs.
Blank, wifo of tho President, etc.
Concc! 1'orni lor Gentlemen.
For a short cull, where a formal reception
Is going on. tho overcoat, ruhlxTs nud um
brella should lie led In tho ball, and the hat
and gloves or ciiuo carried into thu irlor
nud held in tho left hand. For a longer call
all theno articles, except tho gloves, mo left
In the hall or dressing room.
After 0 o'clock any man who wishes to ho
in "correct form" must don Ids dress Milt
mil patent leathers and put on a little white I
mull tie.
Prospectus for 1888 Bcautinil Christmas Number,
18SS arc t lu
ll u
loll owinjj
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON win n,n.,ii,.c ,,,1.
In each iiiiinbcr iliiilng the year, lie will wiltc id many topics, old nml new, nml la
(ainilhii ami iictsoual way, which will form new bonds of (ilcmUlilp between () am
thor and liU tliousaiiils ol rcmlcis. lu Ids Ilrst paper entitled "A Chapter on Drcamm,"
appealing in the Jiinuarji number, he rcla'es Inchlcnlnlly, lu iiniiioclloii wllh Hit Kr
cral subject, sonic Inlcicstlng facts concerning tho niloju ol Iho now (iiiiiiiuh titoryy
"Strange t'nc of Dr. Jckvll and Mi Utile.
in att TrAr a t tt t- kt r c
VtlL VV l X IVKslUim 1
of mi cspccliilli Inipoilaut and lutcicsllng
IriillniiN mul consliiiillim, Iticliullng great
ami, imiccii.inosi' maiicnesoi tuc suiitcct
ihjci't wh
wlilch wl
whole counliv. The HluMrntinuN wlilch
orati',oilgliiiil, ami beautiful. The authors ami the tillc of llio future nrtlclcs will Xm-aunouuccilhilcr.
liiilulug will be continued bv several of loci
Itliistiatlou as those which have ahcaily appealed.
ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of special imcrci win he tiimc
the Campaign of Waterloo, bv JOHN V. UOJ'ICHion "Tin Mini ut Arms," by K. H.
IILASIIFIKLDitwopapeis hy KDWAKI) L. WILSON, llluntrallng icsult of -cent
F.gyptlim icscaich;n Outlier article bv WILLIAM P. nPTAOUP, on u su?Jir-A;
lonncclcd with Ills iccent contribution on Viigner, and ninny other of rqtinl Intercsft
PUOKI'SSOU Sll ALKH'S nrllclcs on the Surfaccof the l-'nrtli will becoiitlnucd-a-A
attlclrs upon two of the most IntcieMlng grouns of i oulciupornry Kuiopciin urltcrr
wlll be atcompaulcd b t it-It ami novel poitralt lilustnitlous.
llLllC 1 1.1UI 1 Y in Its various nppllcatlotiH as n tnotlvo power PXf'Ci
1 SIVKS, etc , will he the sublccls of another gioup of lllustuitcd nrllclcs of cqurl pw
tlcal Inlcicst, In leading autlioiitles upmi llncc topics.
; MENDELSSOHN'S LETTERS written . i,u oicur. m
1 elides, at u itcciillatly Interesting time of his
al aillclcsoi gical luteicst to musical leaders, which will be Illustrated with
mid drawings fioni Mendelssohn own hand.
THE rlCTION will be strong, not only In the woik of wcll-knowh trr?tmr
but In that of new authors, lu seeming whose co operation the Magazine bus beenrar.
foi Innate iluilng Its lirsi tear of publlciillou. A scrlnl novel, cnlltled"l'lrst IInrrt"J"
lit PKICDKIIIC J. STlM.SON, will be begun in the liiiiiinrv number, nml cnrlt fn la
t'eni no cities will be published bv IIKNUY lAMKSnnif II. C. IIUNNKIi Tin:
I shoil stotlcs a; c of noticeable slienglh nml jicstiiess.
ILLUSTRATIONS. Thc.MngaInc will show Increns.-Ml cxcellcitcirSr
Its illustrations. They will be more abundant unil clnlxirnte than ever. It Is the &-
I tcntlon of the publishers to represent the bust work of tho lending artists, nml to pr.
' mote ami foster the most skillful method of wood cngiavlng.
OrtlLlAL NO'I'ICIC- To enable lendcis lo possess the Mngnlue ft met (A
Ilrst number (January, 1587) the following liidiicenicnts nro oiilcrcd.
A year's sobtcilptloii and the numbers for 1887, $i
A ) car's subscription mid the numbers for 1887, bound In two volumes, cloth,
gill top, $6.
$3.00 a Year, 25
Remit lit Hank eheik
. oJ''l2i?s75rf 5tFw5S5VtT XJuVV04 Ji Pi "KJfcsl?; vti'
nrrMTI7 jT r'?'J.ra VTjS-nfuLVAv,,-, cwWL?Ai
mimiBPB !. miriiM.. n frifTTrn T TM1 MM
Its contrnl poalHon und clono nonnoctlon with Euntorn linos nt Chlcno
und corttlnuoun lined ut tcrmlnitl p dnta, Woot, NorthwoBt, and SoutJb
wiihi. rrinko it tho truo mld-liiilt in Unit trunucontlnontul chain of stool whldi
unltoiitlin Atlantic mid Paolllc. Its miUn linos and nruncuou includo ObV
caao, Jollot, Ottawa. LnSnllo, Pooriu, Oonouoo, Molina and Rock Islnnd. in
Tronton, Cnnieron, St. Josuph und
nnu Alt'UlHon, in jviiiihcm; iuiiniuimoiiB unu OL i-uui, in juinnusoui ; wiuox-
town and Sioux Fullo in Dakota, una many otlior nrosnorous towns and cities.
It nlso olloru a CHOICE OF I.OUTES to und from tho Pacitlo Coast and Jnter
modluta plncos. inuUlner all transform In Union dopots. Fast Trains of ftne
SLEEPINO OARS, and tbotvoon CUlcnffo, St. JoEopli. Atchison and Kiutontt
City) rostOil nuutlNINQ CHAIU OARS, soats FREE to holders of throucJa
nrst-clnsu tlclcotu
ExtondH wost and sot thwost from Kensci City and St. Josoph to Ftt
bur', Nolson, Horton, Topoliu, IL'rlnrjtun, Ilutchliuion, Wichita, CuldwcOt.
and all points in Southern Nbru-l:a Intorior Konmiu and beyond. En tic
passontror OQiilpniont of tbi colnbrntod Pullman nmmimcturo. Solidly bus
lustod track of lionvy utocl mil. Iron and Btono briduos. All safety upnltnnoo:
and modern linprovomonts. Commodious, woll-bullt suitlonB. Colorlty, ir
tulnty, comtortnnd luxury ussurod.
Is tho favoiito botwoon eldest t, Rook Islund, Atchluon, Kttnsns City, tuiA.
Mlnnoapolbinnd St Paul Tho t'jurijt ronttio nil Northern Summot Rosort&
Its Watortown Brunch -raver.-jj tho :aont proih.otlvo huulu of tho rwxx
" whuut i.nd dairy bolt" of Northorn Iowa, Soutl?o jt crn MinnoBoto, and Ea&v
Contral Dakota.
Tho Short Lino via Sonoca and Ktvnktikoootrom uporioi"laollltiostotruw2
botwoon Cincinnati, IndinnupollB, Laftiyottc, und Council BlulUJ, St. JoBopti.
Atchison, I,oavonworth, Kanoas City, Mlnnounolli , :d Bt. Paul.
For Tlokots, MnpB, Foldors, or any dosirod Information, apply to any Ctvu
pon Ticket Otllco in tho UnltodSuitouor Cuundu, oruddroos
Otnoral lUnaer. ( ! i I I ( ' ( i 11,1. Oou'l Ticket AFau'r Agtaa
important articles to appear during tho year
lor prospectus;
O, b W.S. CHAPLAIN, will he (lit- firA
scries of impels on iiiIIwiiim, their admlnW-
engineering fcnls, faiuoiis tunnels and pnti
which in tn
lis il,i ciiuul'c the attention of Irvr
will nccotnnanv this scilcs will be vcrr rlnU-
on I'liNslcnl I'ropoitlons mid I'lifikaJT
rcnsluu Interest, with ns rich nml uiilonc
cmcer, will furnish the substance of i
Ii pnrlmTAk
Cents a Number.
or money order to
Kntiuao City, in Missouri j LoiwenworUt