Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 04, 1888, Image 4

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    ltftfi - .iSfiT. ..."'
J7 .
Makes Hie preservation of the nntiiml
ttccth n specialty by all known approved
uncthods. Ctolil and porcelain crowns
mounted on the natural root.
All operation performed without pain.
aStlsiactloti guaranteed.
Wo, tlio undersigned mo personally ac
quainted with Dr. u Woato, who Is to leave
s soon mid engage tu the practice of deittls
trv hi virnr eltv.
Wo van unhesitatingly recommend hliu an
n thorough niintt-r of lit- profession, and we,
.am Mini that all work entrusted to him will
aw skillfully iviforined.
J. U.MIKIIIIIt.t., M. D.
W. W. Mo.Mann, M. P.
.1. K. MoAiiamh.M.N. M. I).
J. M. (Ul.t.KIIIHIII, I). I). H.
(lAitiiNKii, lt.t.iNom, Jan. JM, IM7.
-116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
JFine Shoes and Dancing Pumps
Price n low as reliable first-claim goods
can he sold far, and all honorable compc-
titloit fairly met
1043 O Street.
. 1.14 O street.
.Examine samples of our work before
ordering elsewhere.
Hew Hampshire
'Step, Single and Extension
230-232-234 S. I ith st.
IPhilharmonio : Orchestra,
. ITaoknow,
0. II. AscmiiN,
House, 3d Floor, Front
Musical Director,
- Office Funko'i Opera
W1U furnish Jrand or Sacred tnuslo for
land alt other occasion requiring first-class music
HT-bpeclal rales m
octal rates llf bo made with club
the ochestra for the season.
rates funitnlieJ on oppllcatlon.
Wo also dealre to state that we have opened a
'Conservatory of Jluslo In our atartmrnu In the
opera house building, for the Instruction on
orchestral Instruments. Tuition hours:
111 19 noon, and 1 till 4 p. m. every day except
Sunday. For scholars not able to attend atregu
r hours, special time will bo glten.
For further Information as to prices, time, etc
ddress or call on the manager.
Our New Stoix, whlcb we now occupy,
9uts about 3 bci-ci of Floor Space.
Issued 8cit. and March,
each jrrar. 49" 301 pages,
8x11 lnclies,wlth over
3, BOO Illustrations
whole Picture Gallery.
GIVES Wholesale Prices
Hrcc to consumer ou all goods for
personal or family use. Tells hotr to
order, and gives exact cost of evcry
' thins; you use, eat. drink, wear, or
have run with. These IIWALUAULfD
BOOKS contain Information gleaned
aVom the markets of the world. A
ony sent FHKB nou receipt of
10 cts. to defray expense of mailing,
J11.1U Mkblaan Avenae, C'ktcao, 1U.
V 't- !- "Tl 'KTtt,
jM$ D M U S3 Ei t KSisSs&t.
A l))mlitr ltirrvfMothrn Tlmra.
PunusitiCD Satukday
HiiiiKCiiii'TinK: One Year li)' Mull or Carrier f,oil
rtlx months, $l,l)il, Three months V Outs, Ono
V ,i 1 1 id n (i null m nil) In AiImiiuc
tivintMiri H iln farn lilint on npptlcnlln
nt t tu nlllcn Hpwlnl rati im Time. (NinlrncU
CiivrniniTIo! Hhorl spicy ski'tchrs, riiis, nnl
loi Irs sollcllrd IVrwinnl niul Hoclnl- iioIi-h are
esHelaHy desirable.
t'liiNTliiii Wn ninktHi Kwclmly of Plan Printing
1 1 til IN branches. Society work a cclnlly
Aililniw nil eoiniaiialenlloiiHillrei'ltn Ilia olllee.
wicssici ." DOiiniNM,
Capital Hotel lit North P.lmcuth Hln-ct.
IVlolimwi Kdltiiilnlltoom 1!M, Printing, trro.
Tim CotililKit will not Iki iiponnlblo for
any debts made by any ono In tin name, tin
less a written order aeeointanle the same,
iruMily ntKit,l of com ho.
Wkmhki. & Doiiiiinh, 1'mp'is.
To Walt Mason, greeting: Today la Hatur
day. Lincoln jieoplo at this season of tho year
call forma plotty good Idea of what life In
llkti In Venice. Honioimtorprlshig Individual
would reap n model nte-slrcd fortune hy put
ting In lino of gondolas on O street.
Mil. ( A. Muli.o.n'h address hofuru the
It Nh National I.rnguo on Htinday IhhI wiih
one of tho most scholarly disquisitions over
dotlvercd lieforo that liody. It Is safe to as
sort that Mr. Mullen Is n lllieral In every
souse of tho word.
TiiKi-dltorof tho Houth Hloux City Hun
imist have miderKoiiu a chniiKe of heart an
ivKnrdx tho uho of "plates," JndKliiR fnnu the
hint an well as provloiw limueti of that aHr.
Mr. .lr.y, Itappeam, liaMcoinoto 11 common'
wiiK) view of the matter.
Thk ieoplo of tho country aro jmitty well
tired of hearing of thm Martln-Tolllver, Me
Coyiiatllold and other bloody feuds, mid If
they don't kill oir one another wmiu wo will
send down a trio of Nebraska cow-boys to
clean out tho whole gnug.
is Lincoln to lie without a Imuhi ball club
this year) Homo good manager like Will C.
llryan ought to lie hecured and 11 good team
placed In tho Western league. A meeting
lias been called for Feb. tilth, at tit. Joseph,
and if wo are to have any club this year, del
cgntcti should bo Heat,
Bomk efforts are lieing made by a congres
sional committee to proerly Investigate tho
diirerenees lictw-con tho Heading railroad and
Itn employes and tho Lehigh and Relmylkill
miners mid operators. His earnestly hoHsl
that prompt action will bo taken in tho mat
ter, and the Investigation lie not allowed to
drag along after tho usual manner of congres
sional commlttccH,
Tiik Omaha World, in a recent ixsuu, called
John U tiullivan a coward and hlowhard,and
expiivws a wish that some one Jump on him
and KHUidhlm. Wo venture to assort that
were John K in Omaha none of tlio World
stair, with the exception of Fred Nye, would
rejieat tho language referred to. Mr. Nyo
has a few unpublished iocmi 011 hand that
would knock out tho rcdoubtahlo slugger.
TilK generosity of tlio good jKH)plo of Ne
braska is apixirxnt in tho liberal iimountH Uv.
iug contributisl for tho relief of tho sufferers
by tho lute bllMartls. Tho would
respectfully urgo upon thoo of its readers
who havo not yet contributed to one of tlio
various funds to do so without delay. Tho
need Is a most pressing one, ami if you havo
any money to give, give it now when it will
do tho most good.
One more ovll has been added to tho cata
logue of tho cigar. According to newspaper
reports u young lady, who was standing ot a
guto conversing with a gentleman engaged in
smoking a cigar, was severely burned by tho
man suddenly turning his bend, the lighted
end of the cigur btriklng her 311 tho eyo-lxdl.
It is not stated whether tho young man swal
lowed tho cigar or not, but it will bo a warn
ing to the young lady not to stand so close to
0110 of thq sterner sox.
The efforts put forth by tho board of trade
and private Individuals to secure manufacto
ries for tho city w ill shortly War fruit. We
are 'dso glad to note that local capitalists nro
moving in the matter of establishing manu
factories hero In case outsiders fail to keep
their promise.. This is something that should
havo been dono long ago. When our mouled
men show by deeds that thoy havo confidence
in the future of thoclty it will need but little
inducement for foreign capital to invest here.
Once started with a solid foundation thero
will bo no disastrously ending boom to Bet us
back on tho road of progress.
K iik i lived Culling Curds.
It is lxx-onilng more fashionable day by day
for Iodic- to use tho engraved calling card In
stead of tho written or printed, and to bo up
with the times thoCouuiEii now olrers a lino
of thetio choice goods at eastern prices. Dur
ing tlio past week wo havo taken no less than
a dozen ordors from the leading socioty ladies
of tlio city, and it will oiTord us pleasure to
show specimens of tho work to all who may-
call. 1 he engraving Is done In the very llncNt
style ot tlie art, and tho various shtiics in
c ards aro all represented. Ladies are iuvitod
to call ou us in the new Burr block.
St. l'mil Ice rnlwce lUcursloi',
January SOtii tho Klkhorn Valley train
leaving Lincoln at 12:05 noon will connect at
Missouri Volley with a special limited oxcui
slon train for Ht. Paul to emiblo passongcrs to
witness tho flntstormluoftho ico Palace on
Friday night and to seo tho grand lllumlnn-.
tlonsof Saturday evening. Tickets good re
turning till Feb, 6th. Bound trip, I13.M
Berths reserved In advsuco M US H. Tenth st
IIow toOrtron Gold.
a auiijkct in wiunt wi: ahb all hokk
To euro i cold quickly tiittnl bo
properly treated an noon h tlio llrnt
yiiiptoiiis uppenr Do yot know tho
llrnt synipUiiimt If not, y 1 will tin
iloubtodly reini'iiiber ImvliiK iliein at
nuiiieroiM times and that you did not
consider tlirin at all hitIoiih or oven
worthy of your attention Thoy aro
n dry loud coujjli. n thin whHo coating
on tho toilful inn! 11 jirofimo watorliiK
illnclinrKe from tho homo. Any otm or
111010 of tlii'Ho Nyiiiptoiui is iiiiliirt'H way
of tolllnjr. jH'opln they lutvc taken cold,
ami divert tlioin ample tltiitt to euro It
within two daH If they ili'slii) to. Thu
free lino of Chaiiiberlalirs t'oti"Ji Keiii
edy will lesliire the mj .Mem to i healthy
coiiilulon within thattlmo. If however
tlio cold in neglected and allowed to
becoino settloil In tho 8atciii Hovrral
dnyn or even n weok nay bo required
to oflVf-t a ctlro, an niitiiio tntint then
tako its coiirso ami all that ciin bo done
In to aid nature In frcoliiK the xyntoin of
tho cold, which Is be.staeconiiiflnlied by
iihIiiu Cliniiiliorlttin'N l'ouj;li Kemedy.
It will open tlio nccretloiin and loosen
and relievo the cold In less tlnio tliiiu
any other mcdiciim or treat melit; it
renins to undermine a cold and to com
pletely eradicate It from the Hyntein. ns
evidence of iln superior oxccIIhiico, wo
refer to the following testitnonlaln of
peoplo well known and renpectcd nt
their several iilaces of rcnhlenco.
Tho general exprex.slou of thosu who
luivo used I'hatiiherlalu'H ('ouh Hum
edy is "It In the best I over tried."
W. H. Uu.r.v, Stanford, 111.
t have nold Cliiiiulierliiln'n Gondii
ltemedy for idjjlit yearn and il hun given
unlvoisal RiitlnfaeUon to my ciistomern.
1 una no other In my family and haw
nover called u doctor lor any lung
trouble. Wo could not koop housu
without It
S. 11. Walkkii, druggist,
Cnliuntii, ('Hilton, Co., Iowa.
Mr. J. J. l.tiGrange n lending drug
gist, )f Avocii, Nebraska says: "I
have been eiigagud in tho sale of drugs
and medicines for tlio past twenty-eight
years, and during that tlmo huvo sold
ninny tlilVeieiit cough prenaratlons, Ipit
I havo never sold or handled any cough
medicine tlmtgnxo as perfect sittisfao
Hon, to nil my customers, as Ohnmliur
lulu's Cough Remedy. I consider It n
spooillo for croup and all throat ftnd
lung complaints of children. I know
of cases of njiasmoillo croup where tho
lifo of 11 child has been saved by the
timely use of this medicine. It in very
pleasant to take, which In 0110 of thu
Important requirements when a cough
remedy ic intended for small children "
One Way.
"Sco hero, sir," said a man to a, Dakota
roal estate ngent; "you know that lot you
sold mo for V0 last fall P
"Well, I find you you'vo Jiwt Fold tho namo
lot to m eastern speculator Just saw tho
records warranty deed, consideration (500.
What tlo you mean by selling 'my lot!"
"Isn't your lot down under twonty-flvo feet
of snowl"
"Well, yes, from twenty to twonty-flvo."
"Well, this lot I've sold to tho Now Eng
land man is on top. When tho snow thaws
In Juno you Just go ahead and take jkisscs
(Ion of your lot and tell tho Iloston man that
his lot has melted and run Into tho Gulf of
Mexico. Oh, there's more than 0110 way to
skin an cabtcm capitalist liesldes holding
over him in draw poker I" Chicago Tribuno.
Ton Much.
"Wo want you to coino and seo us Thurs
day night without fail, Mr. Iluskln; mamma
bos quite set her heart ou having you thero
ami I am qulto as anxious on hersolf."
lluskin, immensely flattered I am do
llghtod, Miss Hachol; I will Iki there storm
or shine. "Thero will Ikj a few f rlenils to
meet you." "Floods, flro or death cannot
keep 1110 away." "And wo will present a
llttlo play, a oor tragedy of my own, en
tirely by our ow 11 hot, all amateurs." "Ah,
yes, charming ha, I had forgotten! My
father pardon this emotion fell dead in
tlio street but a few wsumts ago, and I am
oven now on my r.".y to my tfldowcd mother,
who is ot tho point of iicth. 1 fear I may
bo compelled to disappoint." Weeps and
flees. Hurdotto In Brooklyn Eaglo.
Tho Ono thing N't'ilful.
Among tho recent applications for patents
is ono for a cigar selling machine, which
drops out a "Havana," clips tho cud ofT
and exposes 11 match mid a piece ot sand
paper whenever a nickol is dropicd into a
slit in the sldo of tho machine Tho jmtent
ofllco has decided not to grant a atcnt until
tho inventor attaches a contrivance to his
machlno that will also produce an automaton
that will grab tho nickol cigar and go off in
tho woods and smoko it. Norriitowu Herald.
Progress with a lllg 1
Eastern Visitor Well, I'm amazed I
you havo cable roads hero I
Omaha Man Yes, thoy did very well at tho
tlmo thoy wero built, but tho city is growing
and wo noed olovated or underground rail
ways now.
"My, my I I thought tho cahlo roads wero
something now."
"Nowl No, indeed. Thoy'vo boon running
a month." Omaha World.
AVhero They I.undeil.
Nowspapor Advertiser Boon sending cir
culars to iwoplo, I sco. ,
Business Illval- Vm yes, I sent out a
small lot last night, IIow did you And it
"I saw them scattered around tho poet
ofllco floor whero ooplo got tholr letters.
Omaha World.
DUtnnro Itud Knchnntinont.
Bobby Clara was telling ma that sho bad
a call from you through tho telephono yester
day, Mr. Feathcrly.
Featherly Yes; and what did your sister
say, Bobby?
Bobby Sho said it was tho plcasautest call
sho ever had from you Tho 1-ixx'h.
A Vantlllttr Face,
Guest (to hotel clerk) Pro met that gen
tleman who just went out lieforo some. where.
His face is very familiar, but to sa o my lifo
I can't call his namo.
Clerk His uumo is Smith; ho Is ono of tho
officials at Auburn prison. Your bill is $4,
air. New York Sun.
Severn Discipline.
Bostou Young Iady (to convict in peniten
tiary) What aro you reading, man?
Convict A volumo of Oulda, miss.
Boston Young Lady (shocked) Monstorsl
And do they really comjiel you to read Ouida,
man I Now York Bun,
With prompt and courteous treatment,
Ilutchins & Hyatt solicit your orders for any
thing in tho line of hard or soft coal. Tele
phone 235
si:M1Tr Mr
i:iUliiirn Vntloy Line rnrMK'r Train Hiir
The Chicago flyer is train No, I i, leaving
at rj:(0 noon. It carries a through a1aco
slcecr Lincoln to Chicago, and a dining car
from Missouri Valley and reaches Its destina
tion nt 8 o'clock the following morning. This
train makes connection at Fremont for Nor
folk and Omahii; at Missouri Vally for Hloux
City and Ht. Paul
Train No. I'J It u ten Lincoln atfl:Ma. 111.
for W'ahoo, Fremont. Norfolk, Chadron, the
lllaek lllllscounlry, York, Seward, and Has
tings. To tlm Trawling Piilillc.
Tlenso note that a stiKrb lino of Kit K IS
CIIAIK CAHHIsnow run Isitweeu Lincoln
and Chicago on trains Nos. ft and No. 0; nlse
that sleeping car lierths or draw Ing rooms on
the "flyers," Nos. 1 and 'J may 1st reserved In
advance at City Ticket Olllce, cornur Tenth
and O Streets. A. C. Kihhkii,
City Passenger Agent.
Jacksonville, Florida, excursion tickets on
sale nt Klkhorn ticket olllce, llftKo. 10th Ht.
They know Just how to please you with
oysters In every style at Brown's Now Vienna
Go east by the Ht. IaiuIs mid the Missouri
Faclllo railroad and avoid all omnibus trans
fers; all changes iiiado In Union dcpoU via
this route. Chair cars free.
Wedding stationery, Invitations, programs
and all flue printing our spis.'ialty. Call and
stsi sKs:lmens of our work. Wessel & I)ol
bins, Ull North F.lovcnth strct't.
Canon City Coal at
and Lime Co.
tho Whltcbreast Coal
lliirllngtoii Hoiitu Onllrnrnlii Kxeurslmi.
Umt cheap excursion by the Ilurllngtou
llouto Feb. Kith. Tleketn flW.IXI. Oixsl for
six months fSO.(H), ISxeurslon tickets sold
every day. For tickets, rates of fare, etc.,
apply to A. C. Xikmhii,
City Pass. Agent.
Tra'lrs, Tukii Notice.
Hereafter imsseiiKers holding local tickets
reading from Lincoln or stations east to Ash
land, Omaha, rinttMiioutli, or Pacllle Junction
will not lw curried on No. a leaving Lincoln
nt 1:00 11.111. P. H. ISuhtih,
Oenernl Passenger Agent,
Ht. l'aul niul tlm Nortliwc.t.
PoliiU in the above dinsjtlons are reached
U-st by tho Klkhorii valley lino. Connections
are sure and the lluo mostdlreet. Oct tickets
at 115 South Tenth street or iletot, corner S
and lSlghth srectts.
St, l'mil Irtt l'alaei.
Tho St Paul Ice Palaco and Winter Carni
val oiiens Jan, U5th and continues ten days.
Tho iiImvo tlgiiris represent the amount to Is)
charged for tlio round trip via. tho Klkhorn
Valley Lino. Tlio "Sioux City Houte." Kor
full particulars Impilre nt their olllce, lift So.
10th St.
TickeU will lw sold from tho 2 Ith lust, to
February 1st, good returning until Febru
ary 5th.
To l'eoil Who r.ntnrtiilii.
Society ieoplo arranging for artles, balls
weddings, receptions or anything in this lino,
should insiieet our elegant lluo of stationery
and printed novelties usod ou such occasions.
Wo havo Just received our now fall lino of
elegant ball programs, Invitations for wed
dings, ixirtlcs, etc., announcements, folders,
calling cards and in fact everything in this
Homo Clivup l'roporty,
A lino residence lot on Twenty-first street
nearN for sale at a reasonable price. Also
one in Mechanics addition, Hyde Park and
Klmwood.Wlll sell cheap If Koldimuadiately
Call on or address, L. Wiel, Jr., care this
Nun- Howlni; Machine for Salo.
I liavo a first class new sewing machine
never liccn used, of tho latest invention and
witli all the modern appliances that will lie
sold at a big liargain. Address Jo-Jo, euro
this olllce.
lliimn tho Town.
Ixvivo a iiajier wrapper with a three cent
stamp on with II. O. Ilaimn, city ticket agent
of tho MIx.som'1 Pacllle railway, and have a
"Lincoln Illustrated" mulled to youi friend
east, free of charge.
Through sleepers to Chicago aro run and
all eastern connections made by tho Klkhorn
Volley and Chicago and Northwestern rail
road. Try this elegant route. Olllces, 115
South Tenth stiects and depot, corner S and
Eighth streets.
Chicago & Northwettern mileage tickets
sold to anyone at Klkhorn olllce, 115 South
Tenth street and dcH)t corner S and Eighth
McMurtry's addition on K street, lslow
Nineteenth, is ono of tlio slghllest in tlio city,
as well aslelng rignt in tho centre of the
fastest growing ixirtion. Call nt his olllce bo
low tlio Capital National Bank and secure ono
of tlies lots.
Only via tlio Missouri Pacific railroad can
you get free reclining chair cars through to
Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, St. louis,
Torre Haute and Indianapolis.
Lincoln Hack iintl UaKHR" I.lno.
Telephone No. 201, meat market, 0.17 O
street, or No. 301 livery 1mm. Order slates
at samo places and U. P. ticket olllco, comer
Eleventh and O streets. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel ami meat market.
Ofllcu Furniture 1'or Sale.
Ail Improved double olllco desk, two finer o
cllulug desk chairs, two other cano seat
ofllco chairs, etc., for salo at a bargain. Only
been In use four months. Good as new. In
quire at this olllce, 1U1 North Eleventh St.
MhurlrTs Suit).
Notice is horoby iiiven that by virtue of an
execution issued by tho Clerk of- tho District
Court of the Second Judicial District or Ne
braska, within and for Iaucastor county, in
an action wherein Hi'guler & Kltoup aro
plaintiffs and Charles W. Hellley defendant,
I will, at 'J o'clock p.m. ,on tho 'J7th day of
February, A. I). 1WS, lit the front entrance
to tho District Court rooms in city of Lin
coln, Lancuster county. Nebraska, offer for
sale at public miction tho following described
real estate, to wit:
I)ts Two and Tlireo (3 and 3) in Block Four
(I) in Clark's Addition to Bennett in 1-iucos-ter
county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 2-lth day of Jan
uary, A. I)., 1888.
S. M. MELICK, Sheriff.
Im)ortrd smoking tobaccos, finest made, to
lw had only at Havana cigar factory, Burr
Hull lthmiiii
With its intense itching, dry, hot skin, often
broken into painful cracks, mid tlio little
watery pimples, often causes iudtwcribablo
suffering. Hood's Sarsaimrllla has wonderful
lowor over this disease. It purifies tho blood
and exiels tho humor,aud the skin heals with
out a scar. Send for book containing many
statements of cure to C. I. Hood&CoMapoth
eearles, Lowtll, Mass.
f.'"'"""'--w - wa'igrT'M',T"'iniTrtdrTTf'TTrfifiiah '
Coal and Wood.
Good supply ot
High Grade Soft,
anq Hard Coal al
ways on hand.
1201 O St.
Shortest and safest route to all points in
Colorado, Utah, California, Montana, Ida
ho, Oregon and Washington Territory.
Take the Overland Flyer and save one day
to all Pacific const points.
The Union Pacific Is the Free Chair Car
tine running into Union depots nt Omaha
and Council Bluffs, connecting with the
fast limited trains of all lines for the cast,
north and south. 1 hrough tickets on mod
ern day conches. Baggage chucked thro'
to destination from all points cast in the
United States and Canada. Sleeper ac
commodations reserved on through Pull
man Palace Cars from the Missouri river
to the Pacific const.
E. H. SLOSSOK, Agent,
10 14 () Street, Lincoln, Neb.
T.J. Potteii, E. B. Lomax, J. S.Tkiiiikts,
1st V. I A. O. 1 & T. A. O. I'. & T.A.
HomoBopatliist Physician,
Telephone No. 685.
163 South nth Street, Lincolm Nnn
DR. B. B, Powers,
Gold Fillings A Specialty
Gold, Silver and Porscclaln Crowns insert
ed on roots of teeth. Sets inserted without
a plate. All operations first xlnss and war
1214 O Street over Elliott's.
Crystal Steam Laundry
Will call for, and promptly deliver all w o
entrusted to tliem, and finish same
in iatcbtnnd best manner,
and lest facilities in tho city, for doing strict
ly first-class work. Our new locations are
LAUNDRY. Corner 24th and 0 Sts.
CITY OFFICE; 119 N. 12th Street.
5!TA trial will convince you that the
Crystal ilo.a tho Dest laundry work In tho
It Ih tho only lino riinulm; directly throiiKh
Denver and Halt Lake City, enrnute lo Han
t-'rauelsco and other I'ullfomla points, and Is
known as tho "8cenle I.lno" lo tho Paeltlc
coast. Thu llurllmrton ltoute runs over Its
own track ovoryday In thu year. I'omplete
trains of Pullman Palace Cars and Elegant
uay toacnes noiwecn
Denver and Chicago,
Denver and Kan. City,
Denver and Omaha,
Kansas City and Peoria,
Kansas City and Chicago,
Lincoln and Chicago,
Lincoln and St. Louis,
Lincoln and Peoria.
Lincoln and Kan. City,
Making direct connections In t'nlon Depots
for all points North. i:ast,Kouth and West.
It Is iho Pioneer Dining Car I.lno hetweeu
Missouri rlvor and Chicago. Menls only Tc.
Thu llurllngton Dining Cars wuro hulltox
proHly for the kurvlcv and aie managed en
tirely In tho Interest of our patious.
Via tho Ashhiud Cut-oir, making direct rnn.
neetlous with trains for Ht.l'uul, .Minneapolis
Chicago and all points Kust and Northeast. '
The diagrams of thu I.tncoln-Chlcairo sh-on-
ers via this opuliir rout aro at City Ulllci,cor
u mm luiu bis,, ivnriii iwruis may oe
at any tlmo.
A. C. 7.1 KM EH,
.8. KUrtTIS, P.iind I'. Agt.,
(1. P. and T. Agt., Omaha.
The Omaha Daily Bee,
livery Morning bctorc 9 A
for Subscriptions and Advertisements at
Lincoln Office Omaha Bee
1019 P Street, Capital Hotel Bulldlnjr.'
' 11
We hnvc purchased the meat market of
Manger Bros, (formerly Shcrrcr & Ilenl
rclch) taS S. nth Street. Wc will carrv a
full line of
Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Fish,
Gamo, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Etc.
Wholeeale and Resall. Goods belivcred to
any part of the city. Telephone 60. Conic
and sec tu.
Dealer In
Drugs and Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
127 S. Eleventh st.
Old dead teeth contnla
the qntntoiiMico of blood
poltonl Wlio ran h allow
it, gulitng cut of old teeth
at t'wry mcil mid bo
licsltliyf Tlicra teeth are
dead, ulcerated, null -nltliv
frequently rauo a ruvlltM
face. Should certainly Is
extracted and replaced with
good, nrtlllclal troth that
ncierachc. Cau be attract
ed without puln. No hum
bug. New Years Proclamation.
Iu order Ihatutery unu may be ahlu to oat turkey
thankfully, wo will put up arllilclal teeth at tho fof
Ing low rate until tho it of J.uuury: Wil
mington Teeth, J5; SIIloy Teeth, ued more than
sny ojhoii hi Lincoln, a very Hun article, $7 50 per
Mt; hlto'e l'at nt Teeth, with plates of douWs
strength, wear with a ierKrnal iollh, gold-wek
plates, bridge work, etc., ut tho most reasonable
i''T' . !t00,.n No. 10, law o meet, Ualdwin Bros.
Ulock. Lincoln. Neb.
Disoasod Qums.
The teeth turn black and die, the gums bleed st
the lightest touch, ulcerate, the teeth loosen
fall out, the breath la horriblo.
1208 O Stroot,
On ueltapia Transit, cntea up utreueu gums,
mates mo nncai gom anu pinunum linings, i:
t nMt testh that tobacco will not tarnish.
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street.
Still In the front and absolutely leading all
.miMititors. Thoroughly cquipcd for the
nest work, giving to each customer an un
qualified guarantee for all work done. All ot
nur work dono with ncatnew and dispatch.
We solicit orders for suburban village and
i elRhboring towns, paying the xpic on ml
-"del s ono way. llnsiivctf ully ,
Mnn.y loaned on long or short time at lowest
itri. Office iu Itlchnrda' Dlock, room 18.
Take elevator on Eleventh street enlranoe.
All tho I'ATTKItNS you wish to utu during the
year, for nothing, (a navlug ot from $3.00 to $ l.ufy, by
aubocrlblDg for
)e mo rest's mt--
With Twelve Orders for Cut Paper Pattern! or
your own selection and of any size.
or nil tlio AlngnlneH.
Tine, AND lloUtEltOLI) MATTEItS.
Illuttrateil tvlth OrlyliHtl Ntrrl Ungrnr
4ii(7, Vhotofimvuren, Oil J'lclurt't iirtii
liie M'ooifenf. muliliio U the Aloitcl Maya.
sine of America.
Uich M.'unzlno contains a coupon order entitling
the holder tu tho sclrctlnn of anv pattern llluntratcd
ki the fashion department In that number, and In
liy of tin Izc manufactured, making patterns
larltu; tho yrnr of tho vuluo of over threo dollars,
DKSlOHIiST'S MONTHLY is Justly cnlltlid tho
IVorld's Model Magazine Tho Urgeat In I'orm. tho
Urgett In Circulation, and tho best TWO Dollar
I 'anilly Magazluo Ismicd. IRKSwIll bo tho Twenty,
fourth year of Im publication, and It stands at tho
held of Family Periodicals, It contains 7i pages,
largo quarto, HYxllX Incites, elegantly printed and
fully illustrated. Published by w, Jcunlugs
Demorcst, Now York
And by Special Agrcemont Com-
blnod with the
Capitol City Courier at $3.25 Per Year.
- " - TTrtmi