Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 04, 1888, Image 3

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    Fremont Elkhorn & Mo, Valley:
Trdm lttri'll:Y)ii in mil
Tub Klkiiohs: VAt.uer I.isk.
To free lm lies In S'oillnvesteru Stlr.wVi mi
Southwestern Itakotn.
To tho lllsck Mills mil Mm Hot prlnn-.
To tVtitrnl Wyoming coal mid " field mi
caUIo ranges.
To Chicago mill llu Hist.
To St. Paul, tlio North und Northwest.
l''or further Information lniulre of
! M. TVI.KK. Agent.
ll South 10th street, Lincoln
NV. I'. Pitch, J. H. Hioiianav,
General M'gur. (loni Pmw. Att'l
Missouri Valley, Iowa.
Owns nml operate r,.'iO0 miles of tlinrnimlil'
qulpx-d roiul In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iown
Missouri, Minnesota und Dakota.
II In tin licit Direct Umilo betw, n nil the
Principal Points In iho Northwest, SoutlivvoM
ntul Far Wost
For iimpi, tlino ttillo, rates of passage mid
froluht, etc., apply to ii ivcst station uncut ni
CtltCAUO, Mll.w'At'KKK A rtr. Pvt'l. lUtt
w vv, or to unv Hiillrout Audit nny where lu
tho world.
(Jciicrnl M'n'r. Itoii'l Pass. .vT'kt K.
AHt. (Icn'l Mur. Aiit. (1. P. AT. Ant.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
pi"For Information In rctprenco to Lands
nml towns owned by too Ciilouicn, .miiwiui
kooAMt. I'mil Rullwav Company .write In II. I
O ll.viHJAN.f.iitil Commissioner, Mtlvvmikio I
Wisconsin. C
( triTAi. Stock $300.00''.
a 7 Mosher. I'rtwldont. W. J Wlb, V- Pr
It. a OuicaR, Caitultir.
Ul'.Al. KHTA 1 15 SIH1 IAJAO uivuisr.iira.
Kami Mortgage ixinni m pevi.ji7.
rtooiii . 1
its Mock.
Rigg's Injection.
Chemists and fihurmncist, Lincoln, Xeb.
Mailorders promptly attended lo.
"Western Resources.
A Journal Devoted to the tndustrs and
Resources of the West.
This Journal I vrliitei! on toned book paper,
thu ty UM'd Is clear anil new, tin title miki Is
illustrutod each in nth ultli noincthliiK xiiitnlilc.
mid lu iseiiernl iipiH'aruucu it Is as iiietnjitolltau
ami elegantly Kotteu up as Hauckh's i'.kki.y,
and it Is exactly tlitiHumimle as that paper
The object ami nlinof Wkstkiin Hkcuuuckh Is
to give the best Ktuck men, and runnil'b mul gen
eral biihlnevi men .1 thoroughly representative
medium lor obtaining and exchanging valuable
Information on those topic if viral importance
to their Industries.
1Ve Sick Dairy, Agriculture,
Horticulture. Turf Poultry,
and Forest y,
An depart incuts under careful editorship, and
nblo mtleles from our own corii'sHndents on
Cities, Couiilli-s, states. Crops, Itallroad llulldiiiK
Coniinerce, etc., form a sHi'lal ilepaitmeut.
Hon, Khiikiit W Ki'knah, tlu'edltor, Is ably ns
flBted by practlcalaud KCieulilTc writers,
To IntiiHluce thlsiuiiHir in fiery locality lu the
West we. will send It lor the remainder of ls",
beginning witli thu May munlier, for
One IJxtra Copy lth Kadi s Sul)-ciiben.
' AgentH send for terms and excluslio territory.
The Shortest, Quickest and Best
Route to
Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington,
Baltimoro, Now York and Boston.
JV Knr further Information
or or uddivss
Folders, etc., cull
11. (1. IIANNA.
City Ticket Agent, Cor. Omul lith sts.
P. I). IIAllCOUK, IcK)t Ticket Agent.
It. P. It, MILLAR, (leni Agent.
t m
scikxck and
llirmniil Inn Urgm-illng tlio Speed ofOcciin
Hli'iimtir A I'muniis I'nteut llcehdrd
Invalid Plowing t.ns Widl In t tin Town
of I nit Scott, Uun.
Tlio town of Kurt Hcott, ICnti., appear U
be III tln enjoyment of Special blessings, tint
unil nml iirtillcinl. Tho government sugar
works nro hx-nted then1, nml during tho Into
sorghum ratio harvest 10,600 jxiuntls of incr
cnutlle sitgnr was daily ninmifiictiiiTtl, nml
tho success of tho sorghum sugar Industry
Ono of tho tinturnl resources of tho town
nro tho gas wells, nbout which Tho Kansas
Trlbuno relates tho following particular:
"Thero nro now boiiio twclvo wclln, from
which uncounted millions of cubic fi-et nro
dally flowing. At night thoy glow llko gi
gantic torches, with flames twenty feet or
noro In height, which llluiulimto tho sur
rounding country. Pipes lmvo been laid
through tho town, supplying light mul fuel
to overylxxly nt n cost of almost nothing.
Various manufacturing Inilustrics nro Ix-gln-nlng
to loonto nt Tort Scott, ami others nro
coining in. Tho future prosperity of the
plnco seemi to bo well Mttlod,"
Speed of Atlantic Nlciuncr.
Tho returns, which luivo recently boon Is
sued by Nich. M. Hell, Mipcrliitciiileiit of
foreign mnlls lu tho jxistolllcont Wtuthlng
ton, glvo homo lnforniatlou regnnling tho
upeed of Atlantic Btenmers. Thew glvo tho
tlino occupied lu tho conveying of mall dur
ing tho twclvo mouths from New York to
London. Tho Cunnrd liner I'ntbrla heads
tho list with nn averai,jtImo of 187.5 hours,
Uiilo tho Wisconsin, of tho Union line, which
stands nt tho foot, nxpilres i)S.l hours to
u.f.,t.i 4li,k ..nnii. inikuiiirii liiitliirii ilITiirinrvl
of very nearly thrco ilayn. Second on tho
list is tho Umlirln's ulster whip, tho Etrurla,
with Ism hours. Noxt comes tho North Oor
nmu Lloyd steamer 'I'rave, with an averngo
of PRMI hours, and tho Anchor liner City of
Home, with L'UJ.4 hours; whllo tho Alaska,
of tho Onion line, and thu Alter, of tho North
German Lloyds, cointivto very closvly for
, tho llfth plnco with times of Ji03 '1 and 0o.7
nxcn ciy. men wo navon cousiucrauio
iiumlxu' of North German liners with ap
proximately equal times, tho uverago of
which is very nearly tho timo taken by tho
Cuunril liner Aurnnln. Then follows tho
Servin, of tho Cunnrd line, with Ull.'J hours,
nml then tho White Star llnors put in nu up
peamnco tho llrltnuulc, with tho timo of
'J19.8 hours; tho Germanic, 2iS hours; tli
Adriatic, iS!0 hours; tho Republic, iStt hour,
mid tho Celtic, 'S'A hours. Tho lx'st of tl.o
Hamburg -American lino takes i.MO.7 hour,
while nlmost nt tho bottom stand tho Iiiiuun
liners, tho quickest of which, tho City of Chi
cago, takes L'11.0 hours; and tho clou est, tho
City of Chotvr, requires !iV),8 hours.
Put as u I'ooil.
Tho lato Professor Hughes Bennett is
quoted as saying that tho great cnuso of tho
prevalence of pulmonary pythisis was tho
scarcity of good butter nml tho iibumlniico of
pastry cooks. A writer in Medical ReKirter
nillrms that tho butter supply hits always
Ixx'ii Inadequate. Ho says; "Tho wiso fools
calling thoinsi'lves reformers, who n few
years ago went about lecturing upon the In
jurious nuturo of fat its a food, did n great
deal of harm in exciting n prejudice against
fut ham, bacon, pickled jiork, mid other
forms of wholesome fats." ,
Tlio llurlicd Wlro Patent Iimillil.
This famous patent has at last been de
clared invalid in circuit court proceedings.
Tho rights wero founded on the Gliddcii
intent, datod Nov. !M, 1871. Hitherto it has
met with no legal reverses, though numerous
attempts have liceu made to overturn it. Tho
latest decision, rendered by Judge Slilros, in
lown, declines it void for want of novelty.
A New I'etKiIciioi hpilng.
At Hahikhm, near Baku, Russia, a now
petroleum fepring, which rose 150 yards,
flooded tho country, impregnating every
thing. Nobody ventures to light a flro for
four the town will go ulT llko fireworks.
An IliKonloil" I'nzlc.
Tho cut hen given shows i single jx?rfor
nted pleco of wood having tho form of a con
ventional heart, nml In tho perforation Is in
serted nu arrow, also formed of u single pleco
of wood, tho barb und head being much
larger than tho perforation in which tho
shank of tho arrow Is received. Tho heart
is made of ono kind of wood nml tho nrrow
of another. Tho question Is, Hoir did tho
arrow get into the heart (
Scientific American, lu which tho illustra
tion orlglnnlly opxared, explains tho ap
parent impossibility. Tho heart is of black
walnut and tho arrow is of has.-, wixxl, llass
wood, ui all may not know, can bo enor
mously compressed, after which it tuny bo
steamed and expanded to volume.
This oculiur property is tho key to tho
secret, ono end of tho arrow was thus com
pressed, mid in its compressed state was
passed through tho aperture of tho heart,
after which It was expanded. Advantngo
has lx-cn taken of this principle In tho manu
facture of certain kinds of moldings. Tho
portions of the wood to Ikj loft In relief aro
ilrst compressed or pushed down by suitable
dies below tho giuernl level of the board
then tho Ixiard is pinned down to a level tin
face, mid afterward steamed. Tho coin
pressed ixirtions of the board uro expanded
by tho steam, to that they stand out lu relief.
r.lecunt Designs In Tnblo ( lultin A llomx
Atiiilo sciccii Itcclpi anil Hint.
A very quaint nml pretty Idea lit iv ovntcr
for n table cloth Is n basket work of rrouiu
whlU, plixit islgisl ribbon, caught nt eaeh
crossing w Kit n lino thread. The Held is made
of cream white satin. Tho Imnlcr Is of tho
Imskot platted ribbon, each erossliitf Ja.Moiiod
by a tiny silken ball. Tho x'rxiiillculur
bands of rlblxm extend Ix-low Iho cross bands,
mid nro turned In jxilnts and tlnlnliixl h
larger balls.
Hlcgnnt cloths nro inado of lino linen Ixir
dend with cut work or drawn work. Homo
of tho drawn borders nro marvels of Hue
noodlo work. They nro filled In w ith various
fancy stitches and law patterns, nml have
lino jxiltit laco braid wrought Into them lu
nrlous shnixs. Tho fringes uro luado of the
warpof thocloth, undniv knottisl and bruldoil
In various Intrlcato fashions,
Cut work, says Decorator nml Furnisher,
which dcscrllx-s tho above, is qulto easy to
do. It Is made in button hole Btlteli over n
stniiiixxl pattern, thu spaces Ixjtwoon Ix-lng
eutuwny. Koinot lines theso spaces nro llllisl
lu with laco stitches; others nro llnisl with
bright silk or with rlblxms. lloiilem of tlio
cut out work are used on plain cloths.
folding Hen-ens.
A folding screen Is now nn almost neces
sary nrtldo of furniture, nml few things nro
moro useful. As hniidson, throo fold screens
nro expensive, many ladles manufacture
tholr own by first having a plnln friiino
made by n earjx;ntor. Tho frames can Ixi of
common pine. Tho height varies according
to Individual lasto; four feet Isngcxxl height,
mul about sixteen or eighteen Indies w Ido
for each panel. Tho frnino limy Ixi inountcd
on tiny brass casters, If liked.
Tho cover for tho screen dcix-niK of
course, on one's own fancy. A pretty cover
1h dark brown Canton (laniiel on ono sldo nml
n deep shade of rod on the other, lty laying
tho frnino down on tho floor or on n Inrgo
tnblo It Is easy to tack on ono side. Then, If
tho cover Is not embroidered and you wish to
decorate It, it is Ixsit to do wo Isjforo putting
on tho other sldo. Kor Instance you tack on
tho rod Canton flannel, and by using brass
headed tncks you can finish tho edges very
prettily. If plain tacks nro used, it is lx-st to
flnlsh tho edges with a narrow gimp, or with
black braid, herring bono stitched with gold
silk; tills makes a particularly pretty llnlsh.
Now for tho decorations. A few Japanese
fans, ns varied In shux mid color as possible,
nro to lie sowed on tho dlirorcnt panels. A
small umbrella, with the stick broken out
und sowed on lint, lixiks very well. Then
tnko a medium sired umbrella, of ns bright
color as jmssI1i1i and without llguros, tko
out the stick and cut the umbrella In half ;
ono-half will look well put on ono of the
panels, low down; then tho other half cut In
two ugnln, and lit one piece In tho upix-r cor
ner of a panel, and tho other piece lu tho
lower corner of tho jmnol farthest removed
from its counterpart. It ndds very much to
Ilnish the top of the screen with llttlo gilded
.mils. These can Ikj purchased nt nlmost nny
shop. After the dci orations are all
sewed on one side, lay tho
screen down and
tack on tho plain flannel.
These screens aro Invaluable lu a room
where one is accustomed to lying down, for
shielding ono and prevent ing draughts. They
may, of course, Ixi made up of hnndsomo
material, with elalxirato painted or embroi
dered decoration,, but oven a simple covering
of bright cretonne is pretty, nml ono nns
llttlo idea, unless accustomed to uso a fold
ing screen, how very convenient they uro.
Appetlzlni; DUIms for HroiiUfnat.
Two nlco breakfast dishes, says ono skilled
in homo cixikery, aro Graham gems and Bcal
loxsl Ktntoes.
I'or tho ilrst ingredients nro ono pint each
of Graham flour and whlto flour, two ten
RiKxmfuU of baking ixiwder, ono teaspoonful
of salt and enough rich milk to malum rather
stlir batter. If thero is cream in the milk tho
gems will Ixi tenderer. Drop into hot gem
puns nnd bake twenty minutes. I often mako
them with buttermilk mid sodn with good
Scalloped Potatoes Into a well buttered
pan (I often uso snusago frying, which adds
a grxxl flavor, instead of butter) place n layer
of cold colled xtatoes sliced thin, salt und
ixpixr them, add another layer and cover
with milk or cream, llako until well
browned. Wo llko them very much. Cold
mashed itotuUhjs are nlco baked lu the fcaiun
(iooil Lnjer Cake.
To four eggs Ix-aten very light add ono cup
of granulated sugar and bent well, then add
four tublcHpooufuls of sweet milk, one cup
aud a half of sifted flour containing two tea
spoonfuls of baking powder mid one tublo
blKxmful of melted butter. Killing may bo
made us follows: Grute two sour apples and
tho rind of two small lemons; add tho lemon
juice to tho a pj ilo, with n cupful of sugnrand
uu egg. Heat a few minutes, put over tho
Uro and let it come to a boil. If too thin,
add a llttlo corn t'li-ch. Lcttho lllliug cool
before spreading on tlio cake.
Potatoes Sen cil till' Second lime.
A gixxl way to warm over cold boiled potn
toes is to Ilrst chop them not too lino heat
some butter in a frying pan aud put the
potatoes in. Just a few minutes U-foro taking
them from tho llro stir in some well beateu
eggs. Hcr o hot. potatoes left from dinner make mi
acceptable relish for supicr If cut in slice
nbout ii quarter of an inch thick ami heated
in thb'itly salted cream.
Wooden Wnro for tlio Kitchen.
Long spoons and wooden paddles, mado
from white, hard wood, uro most convenient
for btlrrmg and Ix-ating.
Hoards of various sizes should Ixi kept ill
convenient places, ono for bread, ono for
meat, another fur cutting, aud two or thrco
smaller ones on which to stand ixts and
When tlio line Catches on lire.
If a chimney or lluo catch on ilru, doso all
windows and doors ilrst, then bang u blanket
in front of tho grnto to exclude all uir.
Water poured down thu chimney spoils tho
cariet8. Coarse salt thrown down tho flue
is much better.
Keep tint Carpet Mlibt.
Carpets may Ikj greatly brightened by Ilrst
sweeping thoroughly and then going over
them with u dean cloth uml clear suit water
Use a cupful of course suit tou lurge basin
of wutor.
Tim NervouKiiess of Women lirst Symp
tom of Infection lll.cnae.,
An eminent Herman hyglenlM has declared
Hint tlio lien mt'iievi of -onuui Is generally
owing to two ilrfisiA-nnivmta, caused by
tho silly notion that a hearty npxtlto Is tin
feminine, and fresh air starvation, accoui
jvanlisl by a lack of oerdo. To their fond
ness for fnsh air, their open windows at
night, and their iimstunt eternise, ho attrib
utes the greater beauty of tho l-higllsh
women. "The honuty nf thoOoriimu women,11
ho says, "lies lu their face, with ll.sdiniiglng
mid mulablii exproiislon, Tho Iwiuty of the
KnglMi lies in the whole Ixxly mid lu their
health. German wotni'ii," ho adds, ''am
martyrs to nu iimeiliinil state of civUlnitltiti,
mid If they would only Imitate tho Luglish,
hysteria would diminish In frequency."
Cure of (tin Ilnlr.
To promote tho growth of tho hair mul
check its falling out, sago tea Is not only a
time honored remedy, but an excellent ono.
Where It falls. It Is tisuallv from want of xr
sovernnoo lu Its use Ammonia mid Ixuax
are commonly recommended now inlays for
cleansing Iho scalp. Ammonia Is a gixxl
stimulant, uml n llttlo of It may Ixi used In
Iho water tor washing tho head; but too
much will make tho hair dry mid brlttlo,
Injure Its color mid inllnmo tlio scalp. Tho
action of Ixirnx Is moro mild, but It, txi,
should I in sparingly used. Neither should
tho lmlr Ixi wnshml nny of toner than Is aliw
lutely necessary for purx.os of cleanliness.
Kroqucnt wnshlng removes tho natural oil
from tho hair, rendering it harsh, brittle,
nml Increasing tho tendency to split. Yelk
of egg Wnton lu a little water Is a good
cleanser for the siviilp. After washing tho
hair rinse it dean, then wlx) ns dry ns pos
sible with towels, and dry It by tho lire.
Novcr attempt to comb or brush It whllo
till damp, wait till It has dried ticrfeotly.
Neither go out of doors or to Ixsl with dump
lmlr If you do not wish to UV cold.
How Illlrntloii Hitman IIckIii.
Measles Iwgln as n cold, with running nt
tho eyes nml nose, nml the rash is lu dark
red spots, Ilrst scon on tho foni und forehead.
Hcnrlet fc or commences with it noro throat,
and the rash appears as a general redness of
tho skin nml shows Itself nbout tho neck nnd
chest Diphtheria Ix-glns with marked weak
ness; and tho inflammation lu the back part
of tho mouth soon hns a peculiar smell, ns of
put rid meat. Youth's Companion, which
enumerates the above symptoms, advises that
In no ease should either of Huso diseases Ixi
trusted to homo treutment. While the phy
sician hxiUs after Iho cum of tho patient, tho
friends should actively co-ojxrnto lu preven
ting the spread of tho disease, not only In
ino w uoie matter or uixiutcctlou, but lu com
pletely Isolating the child until thxisslbty
of communicating the Infection Is over.
llrcl Slippers.
No person should run nlxiut slwplng rooms
r Into halls from hod In bare fiot. Air eur-i-i-iits
ar- constantly lu motion tho floor,
and circulation Is more easily retarded lu
feet an I legs than near tho heart. Kor ono
who Is llnble to lx called up frequently, ns lu
caso of Illness, It Is therefore n good plan to
hare it warm wdr of slippers always close to
tlio bed, that may bo sllpixil on quickly lie
foro one's feet touch tho floor; mado looso
enough to Ixi kicked uir when climbing into
lxxl again.
Itemed)- for Watiifiilne.
rtlso early, exorcise fnx-ly in tho open nlr,
and do not slwp in thu day time. Knt light
suppNTH, mid retire at n regular hour. Kixingo
the Imdy with tepid water, and rub briskly
with n coarse towel. Winter night clothes
should Ixi mado of flannel, sitfllcleiitly long to
cover the fis.t nnd prevent contact with cold
sheets. Do not glvo a, child paregorio or
soothing syrups for sleeplessness or fretful-
I.aiicli ami i:i0y (iooil Digestion,
"laughter," says Ilufoland, "Is one of tho
greatest aids to digestion. Kndouvor to have
cheerful, merry coinixililnns nt your meals.
What noiiiishiueiit 0110 receives amid mirth
and jollity will certainly produce good and
light blood.'
Tim Much Disputed Oncstlou of Clin po
rous for Allicl Ii-iiii Cirls.
A girl's mother Is her natural chaperon.
and should lxj ulways with her on her en
trance into society, snvs Mrs. Sherwood.
Hut thero aro many American girls who hnvo
no "start Pi life," no introduction, no social
surrounding; yet such u girl may marry uml '
liccomo tho wife of a senator or n president,
when tin- questions of etlquetto and pieco
denco will occupy much of her attention.
Shall such a young girl refuso the attentions
of n young man because no chaperon is
forthcoming) It Is nu embarrassing ques
tion. We can truly say Hint whllo a young
girl has tho protecting influence of work In
our bravo jouiig world, "A thousand 11 v
eriisl nugels lackey her."
If she is n young school mistress, artist or
musician, shop girl or drcnsuinffer, if sho ro
fqiects herself, all tho world will respect her.
She is self consecrated, n Joan of Are. His
a noble, a beautiful trait of our American
life, tho resjxjct paid to women. Wo lmvo
nothing to say to such u girl if sho is mother
less nml friendless but to advise hertochooso
Boiue young girl friend, that both may go to
gether when they seok n mutual outing.
Hut if a girl enters tho world of fashion
r.ho must nccopt its laws nnd limitations.
They nro Inexorable, and sho must accept
them if sho would succeed. American women
generally ixjsscss a strong penso of propriety.
They have a truly healthy lovo for virtue,
an nbsonco of morbid suspicion of wrong, as
American men liavo a natural lovo of law
and order mid a projiensity to obey tho law.
Lot us hope that it Is tho natural outcome of
a young republic and owing to tho exception
ally resjiectfiil and chivalrous nature of
American me i, that nu American woman is
safe anywhere. Hret Harto ami all tho play
wrights lmvo treated us to tho siootaclo of
the sight of ono young schoolmistress who
charmed a whole colony of wild miner) Into
submission and dean linen.
Children's lUlquette.
In tho lx.'st social circles children aro no
longer trained to the use of sir mid madam,
or ma'am, toward parents mid i chit Ives.
"Yes, mamma," and "No. papa," "No,
aunt," "Yes, uncle," nnd the like, ivplaco
what was once the only rupeotful formula.
Indeed, ono authority ulllnns that "sir''
should bo by overt Ixxly used sparingly and
toward superiors only, nml that "niu'uin" Is
a word to bo entirely dismidrd It is, how
evt r, customary, if the questioner is nu older
n emu. to respond, "No, sir," "No, ma'am,"
mul the like, if an equal in age or position,
simply "No" and "Yes."
Afternoon Tea.
It Is not necessary to vi i ito either on nc
.vptnncu or i egret to mi invitation to an
afternoon tea You must either go to tho
'on or semi your card nt the hour designated.
Uiayluovery shade Is cxmkidensl In Voxls
just now tho must stylish of lib ixjlurss.
Prospectus for 1888-Bcaiitifnl Christmas Number,
Among llu important articles to appear during the year
18HS arc tlu following-. Sent! for prospectus;
ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON win ..uni.i. regularly
lo cucli nuiubir dining the year, lie will wtlie of tunny topics, old n Mil new, nml lu a
familiar mid personal way, which will form new boiidsof filcndshlp between the au
thor mul his thousand of leaders, lu Ids first paper untitled "A Chapter on Dreams,"'
appealing lu Hie January number, he tclu'e Iniidciilnlly, In connection with the gen
eiiil siibjeii, sonic Inteicsilng facts conceinliig the origin of Hie now famous story,.
Slraiige CVe of l)i Jckill mid Mr. Hyde.
RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, by v,s. chaplain, win in.eiiret
of an especially Important mid lnleicllng series of pajicrs on railways, their adminis
trations ami constiuiilon, Including great eiigluceilng fonts, famous tunnels and passe
mid, liulecd.lhiisc blanches of the subject which lu this day engage the attention of the
whole country. The Illustrations which will accompany this setlcs will be very clnb
oiuliyirlglnul, and beautiful. The iiuiIioin nml the titles o( the future nrllcloi will bc
announced later.
DR. D. A. SARENT'S papers mi 'ylcnl 1'ropoi lions nml Physical!
Tinlnlng will be continued U) several olliicicasliig Intern!, wllh as rich and unique
Illustration as those which have already appealed.
ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of special Interest will be thine
the C'ainpulgn of Waterloo, by JOHN C. U()l'KK;iui "The Man at Arms," by I!.
lll,..SIII-'l'.1.l;twip.iprrH by HOWARD I.. WILSON, Illustrating results of ro
cent icscarch;a further article bv
connritcd with his iccciit contribution on
nun' i'.n.ii)K ."iiiAt.i'iKh articles on the Mm luce tif the Kmtli will lie continued yintl
articles upon two of the most Interesting groups of contemporary Kuropcun writers
will be accompanied by rich ami novel poi trait illustrations.
ELECT RICITY In its various applications as a motive power KXl'LO
SI VICS, etc, will he the Millions of another uioiin of Illustrated nrlliles of emirl nnic
1 tlcal Intel est, by loading authorities upi-ui
iMFMnPT .nHM'Q I PTTrTRQ ... ,, , .....
---... . .. w .. , w.
elides, at a iiocullaily Inloicstlng lime of hlscaicor, will furnish the substance of sever
al aitlclcsoi great lutcicst lo musical readers, which wl
and drawings from Mendelssohn's own hand.
THE FICTION will be strong, not only In the work of wcll-knowh writer
but In that of new aiithois, lu securing whose co-operation the Mngaluc has been so
loitiitialc iliirhur Ih lirsl venr nf iniblli-iitlon. A serial iiiivid. oolllli-il iiKlrsI I Inn f ts '"
1 b KKIiDKKIC I.S'l'lMSON, will he begun In the January number, and early In the
I venr no.elllesvvll'l be published by llliNKY J AMISS and II. C IIUNNKR. Tlur
short stones arc ot noticeable strength ami jrcsqucss.
ILLUSTRATIONS. The Magnlnc will show Increased excellence ln
Its illustrations. 'I'hcy will be more nbuudaut and chilxiratc than ever. It Is the In
tcntion ui the publishers to represent the best work of the lending artists, and to pro
mote and foster the most skillful methods of wood engraving.
Or bLIAL NOTICIS. To enable loaders lo possess the Magazine from the
first number (January, 1887) thu following Inducement arc 01 tiered.
year's subscription nnd the numbers for
A year's subscription and the numbers for
K"t top,
$3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number.
Remit by Dank check or money order to
JE:i'Ti"l fl K". jiiVT 7i.i 4tt I r Vffv.. oM4n-s
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and coiittnuoiiB linos at ti-rmlnnl points, WoBt, Northwoat, mid South
woBt, muko It tho true mid-link In that trunucoutlnuntal chuin of stool which
unites tho Atlunttc ami 1'iuitic Its miiln linos und brnnchos lncludo Chi
cnijo, Jollot, Otttiwu. IiSullo, Poorlu, Gonosoo, Moltne and Hock Islnnd, hi
Illinois: Duvoujiort, Muscutlno, Wiishinu'tou, Kutrtlcld, Ottumwn, Oukiiloosiv.
Wost Llbertj , Iowa Cltv, Dot, Moines, Inillunoln, Wintorsot, Atlantic, Knox
vlllo, Audubon, Unrlun. Cluthrlo Contio und Council Plulls, in lown; utllntln,
Tronton, Cntni'rr'i, St Joaopb und Kannno City, In Missouri, Loiivenworth
nnd Atchison, in KutiHnH, Ml'inounolUi and St I'aid, in Minnesota ; Wutor
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ItulHoottorHiiOHOiaKOFI'.OTJTES to unit f. mi tho Pacific Const and Intor
modluto pbu-i-s, milking all trnnforH In Union it pots. Fast Trulns of lino
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bury, Nelson, Horton, Tupoka, Hcrinct ,,, Hutchinson, Wichita, Caldwoll,
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hiotod track of hoavy sti'i 1 rail. Iron an t stonn brldKoa All sutoty upplluncoa
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tuinty, comtortund luxury assured
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Its Watortown Branch tmv ren i i nu-.a ptodiu-tlvo hinds ot the groat
"wheat and dairy bolt" of Northern Iowa, Soutiiwustoru Mtnno&otu, und East
Contral Dakota.
Tho Short Lino via Sonocu and Kunkakoo offers supoiior facilities to travol
botwoon Cincinnati, IiulbmupolU, Laioyotto, und Council Ulutls, St. Joseph.
Alohlsou, Loavonworth, Kansas City, Minnoapoltb, und St. Paul
For Tlokots, Maps. Foldors, or any duslrod Information, apply to any Cou
pou Ticket Oltloo in tho United Stutos or Cunudu, or uddross
Oonoral Man.iger.
chic r,
triitliig i
on a subject
Wagner, mid many other of equal Interest,
thioc loplcii.
. a &vr vvniiuii iii ins irienii, .iiu
'iifsli the substance of sevcr
be Illustrated with portrait'
1887, bound lu two volume, cloth,
$ 50
$6 oo.
Oou'l Ticket & ra5'r Agent.