Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, February 04, 1888, Image 1

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Vol,. 3. No 8
Lincoln, Nkiiuaska, Satlikuay, Ficiiwuauy A, 1HWH
Intended In Tlcklii the lllslhlltlcs nr In
dure l'lillomililciil Discussion.
fl ft' HEN ono comes to soliloqulro over
w a flw inoilts mill (lotncrlUof MM'luly nnd
OT It" wu)s, lie bus nil Immense Held for
thought, Thrronro iiiiiny things thnt
society Is to bo blessed for, nml ngiiln nmiiy
things Hint call Iny downfall to the sumo
ciiuho, nml I will not go Into tlio extremes on
either side, but take up tlio common plueo so
doty us I have seen It in the Imll hhiiii, lit tlio
private jmii ty, etc. To tlioifcbnfiinf, society
apjiears liko n charming p-iradlso It is liko
n now piuty dress, when first worn It is
lovely, It Is handsome nml tin) sight of it
pleases over) one, lint noiio tnoro tliuii tlio
weiiicr, but after n shot t time It Int-onies u
llttlo worn nml does not look quite bo pretty,
nml llnnlly lovw Itt attractiveness nnd bi
coines tlio nttlro of every da) oecoslons. Ho
like tlio ileliulttnl , nt llrst tlio dimmed elrele
welcomes liei' u it t open urins. She receives
much attention nml consideration nuil for u
time swings in tlio Joyous but limited tiilo of
happiness. Tlio (fioiffiint known not tlmt tlio
smllo of mi acquaintance does not always slg
nlfy what It nppours, or tlio words of eonipli
inent not always from the hcuit, nlso that
"nil Hint glitters is not gold."
FYleniFJilp formed during the ilrbiihmt
days nro oft times trim nml win m onuybutit
Is In theso days uliou tlio heart is young nml
tender nml tlio mlml susceptible to tlio msn
lug fancy of imaginary triemMilp, that in lif
ter yours In lug remorse.
Tlio Kiddy prattle of society is dimming
music to tho ear of tlio new usplt nut, nnd
much lUnt Is said ns conventional wx-lety talk
is drunk In as solid souso. Tho jietty flattery
anil tlio llttlo laughs which nro forced and
uunnturnl nro In tiiuo been in their true light,
nnd tlio society of tho many In gradually nml
vv llllngly rcdunsl to tho Held of tho select few
Ono in tlmo liccouiPH vvcury of tho custom
ary mnnnorlsms of society nnd gladly inukes
room for tho coming generation. Wo see It
day nml day. A smile Is oft times liko a
couuteifelt coin, nnd a compliment liko broad
cast upon tho waters it may Ito for good and
it may not.
Etiquette ill tho ball room to tho observer
is certainly pleasant to witness. A lady ro
cdves n gentleman very pleasantly, chats gen
ially, and when asked to see her progialii
says, "Oh, certainly, with pleasure." How
often, kind reader, is this n truthful Haying
I would Jildgo not over half tho time. I huvo
hnppeucd to Im nt tho side of ladios after such
gentlemen would select u numlier, and having
thnuked for same left, would nay: "Oh shaw,
I don't want to dntico with him." "Ho makes
mo very tired," nnd similar expressions. 1
don't mean to say this is a local habit onlj ,
but ono thnt Is in voguo most every where.
"Miss , will you havo this promenade
with mo!" "Why cei tmuly, w 1th pleasure,"
will lie tho reply, and then tho fulr dnmsel
will look nt her companions unseen by the
gentleman, nnd frown, apparently very much
annoyed. It is nil n matter of form, and thnt
is ulmt society in these days is muchly made
up of. Whore It is not practiced to excess It
is unobserved, but I have noticed this thing
quite often of late ami there should be less
of It.
I had a llttlo chat the other day w ith Tom
Ilyuii, the veteran railway conductor. Mr.
Hyau is not an old man by any means, but
lins been w Ith tho road from 'the day It was
first known as the 11. A; M. railway. In fact,
bofura the Ihirllugtou bought the old Midland
railway Mr. Hyiin was conductor of that
road nnd has lccn running trains for lotli
new and old companies, for seventeen years.
Hohusseeii many wracks nnd has had many
a close call, but is today ns sound nml healthy
ns over with tho exception of tho loss of a lin
ger. Ho has been a servant of the Q system
since their cntro into this suite, has proved a
faithful mid honest employ e, and If anyone
on the company's pay mil deserves pi (miction
cci tiilnly the venerable Tom Hyau does. Ho
is nt picseut running between Hastings and
l'aclllc Junction ami I trust the day Is not far
distant that will see Mr. Hyau in a more lu
crative osltion, for ho ceitalnly is worthy of
It, and I feel assured that the ltiirllugtou com
pany does not underestimate his worth.
In tho Gloumlui;.
Chicago Uuly (to liusbnnd) My dear, did
joxx think to order a ton of coal today?
Husband Yes,
Chicago IaiJi And my shoosi
Husband Yes, mid qiecrlng out of tho
window) there is u truck backing up to tho
door now, but it's too dark to teo whether it
Las the coal cr tho shoes.-
A great many icrsons who havo found no
lolief fi oui other treatment hno liecn euied
of iheuiimtlsin by Clianibfiliiln's I'aln-Ilahn.
Do not glvo up until you havo tried It. It is
only f cents jst bottle
Mr. W C. Austin, whoso ncioptnbry (Ills
tho lunjoi'silinlrul Wust Lincoln, has k
cuicsl tho promise of u depot nt that city by
tho Union I'ailllc. Now for a post-olllce.
Ate l'nliil 1 h li die
To tho "good imiiie ut holno" won by HoihI's
HniMiuu Ilia. In l,owill, Mnss., wheio it is
piepmid, theie is inoie of HikhI's Kursnpa
i ilia sold thnnof all other incdiclius, and It
luiHghin the best of satisfaction since Its In
tioduition ten years ago. This could not I hi
II tho luedii inn did not possess mei It. If J on
sillier fiom luipuie IiIihmI, try Hood's Kuisn
pmllla and icnllo its (oculiiii'euiutlve jsiwer.
IP JPt v
Xehiimkii Oil Ncmi. Note unit Oilier Mul
lein of (limslpy Interest.
The (Hint wis'k was Indeed lk-n plenrnut
dienm nfter tlio drend wenther of tho week
prov Ions, mid tho Jo.vous cxprisslon on nil
fiiccs, the buo j nut spit its of nil mankind, and
tho merry tw itttr of the liilds, showed how
nil Wings can appreciate the good after a
tinge of n filgld atmosphere With the wel
coined warmth the snow Is gradually ilwiuil
Hug Into widely nto s and forming rivulets
in the march to tho sea
With light heart the xpi lug poet cns his
charge on tho utiwaiy Journal., describing
tho vlituesof "Tho Henutlftil Spring," and
the lee man Is thinking of the golden harvest
which ho will soon leap
Tho good woik of raising a fund for the re
lief of Mks Htta Hlmttuck still continues, mid
tho itconlcnf Nebraska City me showing their
syuiatli) in the cause by lilictnl donations.
A ball was given for her licncllt at the opera
house Tui'sdny evening, and $llf was real
I rod Besides this several funds were stinted
by benevolent gentlemen nml Indies. These
will amount tout least two hundred more.
Tho work on the lit Idge across tho Missouri
is pi ogresslng rapidly One of the massive
stone pleis Is aher.dy completed nnd tho steel
for the llrstspitu has urtived mid will soon lie
put In shniHt
'.(liungeiVnnd "hnysoisls" will insist in
blow lug out the gas uotw Ithstaiidlng the no
tices In two Inch letters which say, "Don't
blow out the gas" On ret li lug ono of the
aforesaid did Just what he was cautioned not
to Ho was soon shinds'tlng In the nrms of
uioiplietis, Inhaling laughing gas by the cu
bic foot Tho Moi ton house wnsctowded
that night, and a iliummerhiiiienlug In on a
ate train was shown to tho room of tho gent
from thocouutiy, and uulvisl Just in time to
stop him f l oni iiHHsing In his checks, The
iliummer thinks a lelief fund would 1 In or
der. En Mki.vim.k.
Progress In Florida.
Public Spirited Citizen (Jacksonville, Flo.)
Whero Is my lienrskin ovoreoatf
Wifo IJy tlio kitchen stove, dear. I hung
It there to get warm.
"Oh I I can't find my buffalo lobe chest
protector, or my arctics or my noso muff,
cither "
"They nro all in tlio kitchen by tho fire.
Where nro you going?"
"I nin going to tho tropical fruit and
flower show.1' .
New to Illtu.
' nt i'
mir' '' r
Fanner Rquecrs (shopping in Now York)
Th-in ere sofas, young man, mil Iks all ther
stylo, but It would take a circus actor, bo
gosh! to lay down onto ono
Now I'uhI rime Schedule v'u Oinuliu
uuir t'lu Itook IhIiiiiiI Itotilu
between Council lllulls.iiitl
Pssongorscoiiteniplatlng n trip ICast from
Portland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Ogdeu
Halt Tjiko City, Cheyenne, or Denver to Chi
cago, or jsiints InteriuiHlIato or lieyond, via
Omaha, should sec that their tickets read over
the "(Iiikat Hock Island Houtk." Tlio
new train, tho "Chicago Limited Express,"
in dosoconnivtlonwlth the' 'Overland F'lyer'
of tho Union Paclllc, lenes U V Tmnsfur
at 4 P. M. ami Council llluirs nt l:OS P. M.
nml making few intenmsllato stoiH, arrives
at DavenM)i tat ii-.'M) A. M., Hock Island ut
SiSi A. M.,mul Chicago nt 8 A. M next day
I only 111 hours lHtweeu initial and terminal
isiiuts, and five hours gntucd on jirevlous
times schedules, with coiie8iiimlfngiisliiction
In tlmo ovtr tho entire route lietween Han
Francisco nml Council lllull's, The " Chii ago
I.lmltisl ICxpress" is a magnillceut train of
Unit-class conches, dining cars (serving de
licious meals)and Pullmiiii Palace Bleeping
Cars, liberal rtshn tlons in jirico of lieiths.
At Chicago it connects with through fust
trains for Detiolt, N'lagnni Pulls, lluirulo,
PitUbiirg, Boston, New Yoi k, Phlladlphla,
and nil Knstcru points. The condition of
tinik, iorinaneut way, suiHirstnicturo ami
paRM.'iiger equipmeiits of tho "fliiKAT Hock
Ihi.ami Houtk" is so Incomparably suerlor
ns to iissuio all who travel oer its lines not
only the highlit skss1 eoinpatihle with safe
ty, but comfoit and luxury to e pre-eminent
dogi ee.
Tlio I.iuly In the Homo Cur.
Woman with suchcl enters car, sits down;
conductoi enters, asks furo, woin.m opens
snchel, takei out ptirso, shuts snrhel, ojiens
purse, takes out dime, shuts puise, opens
snchel, puts in purse, shuts snchel, oilers
dime, receives nickel, opens snchel, takes out
purso, shuts snchel, 0en pur-o, puts In
nickel, cliisok purso, opens sachul, puts In
purse, closes snchel, stop the car, pleaso.
Philadelphia Hecord.
stlir nml Proud.
Wife Well, our now gli I is going to leave,
liusbnnd-Wh ?
"She s.i) s jour manner townrd her on tho
street is entirely too wkiI, that we haven't
our fnmily mow on tho kitchen stoo lidsiiud
In oom handles, and that on tho whole wo'ro
not of hei set "Texas Hiftlngs
lt uu I'roi ci iIIiik.
Jnck Toni, weio you at Charley's wod
ding) Tom Yes, but the futher of the bridodid
s mean thing
"How was that?"
"Wh) , hu gue hernwiiy before tho wholo
company "Now York Evening Sun,
.' 1 r
Hie KIkI KiiIiii Mmmt I'llutim-Heeiile
tleiitles of Sw llierlniiil.
Wo left Milan, Its grand cathedral, Its two
thousand marble statues, its lofty tm rets, to
roach the pinnacle of which we nsccmltsl by
live liuudrtsl stone steps We shall not soon
forget tho grand panorama of wide uxenues,
costly edlllcc, Its line jvirks, ancient palm es
nnd triumphal arches Wo were shown man)
evidences of tho Intel est tho great Nas)leon
had takrn In the city l'irst lie onlcitsl tho
woik to lie renewed uhiii thegient cathislrul
the llrst in urchltts'tuie, unity nnd lienuty In
EuroM, for heio Is no blending of the styles
of dliren'iit ages, no offense to gissl taste, but
nil Is harmonious, the substantial rtsilluitlon
of n pure (lothlc temple.
A grand triumphal arch near the entrance
to the city tocords tho achievements of Nu)h
Icon I Ho sttcngthcucd the exteusUo de
fences of the city mid built the unipithcntcr,
itsuppiouch being adormsl b n costly stone
entrance. The in una Is capable of sealing
10,01)0 eopIe. Heie the Kipulnce weio enter
tohusl by exhibitions of horsemanship, b)
lliKHllug the menu fmpieiit Isint races weio
proviihsl A new palace was built and his
brother lmis uistalhsl.
Hut wo cannot dwell on Milan. At I p.m
we took the em's for A i oiui on Ijiko Muggl
orn, fannsl ns one of the most Want If til of the
North Italian lakes It lies almost bidden
among the lower Aljis. At Arona wo tisik a
steamer for l'lillana, embowered in nlmost
tmplcnl vegetation Our hotel was high up
on the hillside, oci looking a wide expanse
of hike wenei) , Islands under a high sbito of
cultivation mid lino pilwito lesldeuces tliutn
jirlnco ling' euy It was tho season of
(lowers mid fruits such ns Italy could justly
lionst Ilouquets were piosd iis)ii us by mi
obliging Italian hst as we left tho hotel In
the morning for out ttlp up the lake by bout,
thelitis by the Hwiss railroad over the HL tlo
thard pass,
This iuss Is famous In history as Mug tho
ono over which tho Russian nml F'leuch ar
mies passed, lighting their way, In 1T1KI.
We passed the fatuous "Doil's ltrldge," a
single inch siauning a cataract almost vertl
cal In lt dcstx'iit. Tho bridge has an olova
Hon of nearly 'JOO feet.
Indesciiblng their piiKsagetho Hiisslau gen
eral says: "Our army jienetratisl the dark,
mountainous ca ecus of Unsseii and made
themselves masters of abridge which con
licet two mountains nml Justly beurs tho
iiiiiuo of the 'Devil's llridge.' Though the en
emy hnd partly destroytsl It, tho pi ogress of
our victorious army was not !uitslcd. Plunks
were tlisl together with the olllcer's sashes,
nnd along that bridge they throw themselves
from the precipice into tremendous abysses
and, falling In with tho enemy defeated thein
whci ever they met. It now remained for
our tioopstochmbii mountain, the summit
of which Is covered with eternal snow, ice
nnd clay, by which iiumliersof men nnd hors
en were lniX'lled down the yawning caverns,
nnd others escnped with tho gientest dllll
culty "
'It IhIwjoikI tho Kwer of language," he
concluded, "to txilnt this awful sihs-IucIo with
'fill Itu linn in tt 'I
Now nil this dllllculty of imsslug into Italy
is changed. We hail a cry pleasant Join ney
in a very comfortable car, w hicli w as accom
plished in a few hours, mid while the scenerj
Is grand, wo doubt much whether It excels
that on tho route of our Hjo (linude road
over the Rockies.
There nro over thirty tunnels.our objective
point lielng Iiko Lucerne ami tho Hlgl. It
had mined the night beforemid nil the moun
tain stienms weio full. In our ascent a hun
dred i i uluU Kiurod down the mountain side.
Tho largest tunnel j asstsl through was nine
nnd one-half mill's fiom which xilnt the mad
winds through several tunnels spiral in form
until wo loiieli F'uistennt the hend of Ijike
Lucerne. Her" n fine steamer tnkes us to Lu
cerne. It Ijiko Muggloia Is jik'turevpie, Lil
ceruo is grand, tho bold mountains forming
In some places almost crcnillculnr walls.
The deep blue of tho waters, tho constantly
chnnglng outlines of the mountains, now re
ceding into deep valleys and gorges, with
mountain cascades intersjH.rscd, passing many
beautiful towns an 1 villas in all their sum
mer decorations of luxurious vegetation. We
are suddenly In ought fuco to face w ith lofty
1'itatus on tholuft and tho rugged sides of
the Jlifii-Kulm on the right. Wo leave tho
steamer and take our scuts on tho v randa of
our hwiss hotel '1 ho town Is in tho midst of
a vast iimpltheatre of tho numerous onks of
tlio Mwlss Alps, the hlno lake stretching nway
in front ami tho shine dotted with villages j
ami the water alive with small steamers from
the many lake resorts for Lucerne Is the out-'
let between the mountains on the way to
FYance and tho westei n pin t of KuroH'.
Wo nro now in the heart of .Switzerland,
and we me never tired of gu7lngutthoiuouu '
ti.lns, watching like ginuU on every side of
our quiet village the Hegl-culm and Mt. II
Intus, tho former S,!hm) fwt and tho latter 7, '
000 feet nlsive the sea Ho seldom nro those
K'uks fits) from their "misty shrouds" that ,
wo must carefully chose our day to ascend
Meanwhile a word nlmiit our quiet retreat I
This is truly u laud of jhiico The da) s of,
warlike tumults have jiasstsl. Switzerland'
din's not iuxhIIht mountains fortresstsl to keep
away her foes No Kuroiean power desires'
to invade her ssueful homes We can see!
tho evidence of iiiuny foimer contests during
u semi elvlll.ed stnto Woiiiiimhi oven the I
trace of foitlllcatlons built by tho 1 tomans to
guard the empiie fiom baib'irinu tilU'S, but I
nil this is passel and wo llml only the remains
of old walls and towers, some of them of the i
"middle ages I'ounerly this town was inn I
tts'ted by high stone walls extending ncioss '
the pass fiom the high hlllson the right to
Mount Pllatus, streiigthemsl by Iiumeuse
stone towels set ut legulai Intel v ills, of n lib h
eight still i ematu overlooking tho wholo ex
muse of the lake and the bioad juss oHiuiug
vvestvvmil. lliesii me all crumbling away bv
the steady advance of the town, and soon the) j
w ill Isi usisl only us building material We !
huvo taken several long dlives into the coun- i
ti), nnd over the long Ixnilcvnid stletchlUK
I for miles along the lake, then diverging into
l the vnlle) sand hills Wo juisstsl li) ok hinds
nnd vine dud Holds, by the old and quaint
Swiss cottages and but us, leiulndlng us of u (
b)gono generation, nnd liesido theie ate the ,
aillstle stiuetuiesof thopni.eut, wheie much
niellitectuiiil taste is displa)is Tho old,
wide gables, in which mo built sov end stoilos,
I besides, them licucnth the gables, tho nxif ex-
I tending ovei tho ample smco wheio the cat
tle me carefully housed In winter. We Ikw
heldeveij foot of available soil under culti
vation, lino heiils, nbumtnuce of nutiltlon,
gnisMK and fiults, s-nn, apples, peaches and
grapes. So near am we to Italy that all the
choice fruits of tho Misllleiranenn ami Its s
ands are found on oui tables, Our hold, the
"Hohlbgeihof,"lsoiowilod with guests from
nil parts of Eutope. Our blessnt land, tho
groat republic across tho water, Is Inigely
repiesinttsl They hnMMiminto enjoy this
laud of quietness und plenty Wo urn dally
Inipieswsl with the fact that them Is of music,
of sculpture and of naliitlin: me In hluh ie-
gnnl. The Swiss am musical, and consequent
ly, hnppy hem till They um veiy ludiistil
oils mid Ingenious, us their watches, Jewehy
and wood em vlng abundantly show. Lucerne
Isu Invel) id i eat forcniovvorn visitors. A
rest for the inliid. lleslde these gmat moun
tains, the still, blue waters of tl.-i lake, sot
liko u gem in the veslum of the mountains ns
It dmps to the waters edge, wo hoar tho plash
of the steamer's wlrnils us it moves gracefully
over the water, Ism lug hundreds of visitors
to its sjlvaii ictn-ibi, ortoiiHivnd tho Hlgl
or Pllatus.
Of course we have lieon to see "The Lion of
Therunldseiis" cut In tho mminbtliiM, Tho
dead lion reMs,(ng mslgmslly In his cave of
stone, his paw liiu tho Helvetian shield. Tho
crirthut pieicul his heuil hnsdoiio Its woik
nnd Iciives but slight lines of agony In tho
face. A little stieuiu Issuing fiom tho rock
lllls ii dark iol at the fool of tlio cliff, tlio
blow of the lock belmr ovcihunir with vino.
the whole sui moulded with u fringe of trees.
The pin pose of this work of ml is to com
ineinornte the binvoiy of tho Swiss gunnls,
who, dining the stoimy dnjs of tho F'reneh
mvolutlon, worn plniisl nsgunrd overtho pal
ace at VerwillliMiiiid weio all slain In defend
ing the m) al family fiom tho revolutionist.
On that fatal day twenty six olllcors and 700
soldleis of tho Swiss guard were slain.
Above the siulptura Is Inseillssl the motto:
"Helvetloiuini Fidel ue Viitute." The llgure
Is of Immense slw , UHxl8 feet,
W'u have not yet venturwl to ascend tho
Hlgl or Pllatus We must have a pleasant
day and a dear atmosphere to takir lathe
gland panoi aula of tho Im dud Alps .proiif
Istsl us, Hut we can enjoy tho view from tho
window of our hotel. We never tlio or look
ing at Mt. Pllatus a doeii times u duyw4th
fuel easing admiration, so many are the
changes going on. In the ivuly inurulntho
misty shroud is ever In motion, now envelop
ing tho top, now descending in graceful folds
towards tho bnso. How the purple liaxo, like
an under dress, reaches liolow tho sklrtsof the
white garment, Wo would like to see these
mountains In n storm, peihapswo might leal
lAt Hymn's lines:
From enk to eak
The rattling crags along leajis tho live thun
der, Not from one lono cloud, butovery mountain
Now hath found n tongue,
And Jura answers through her misty shroud,
Hack to tho Joyous Alps who crj toller aloud.
This morning, HcptcmW 17th, wo ascnmhsl
by an almost pVrpciidlculnr cable car to
"Uutch." This is a hotel built on tho llrst
plater; n tho apdnvidi to Mt, Pllatus. It is
six hundred feet iiImivo the lake, l'rom tho
hotel, the mud winds through a lovely pine
finest nuimsl tho"ffiitHchwald " U was plant
isl Roino) ears since In regular rows, and has
now attained a huge growth U Nmk the
main mad through the forest, passing which,
tho mad by a stoop ascent broughWlo a
higher ImjiicIi of tho mountains, abpu 1,000
fiDtiilsivo the hike Hem tho view was very
line, the hike, the Hlgl Killm, Pilatus,audthe
snow -i lad Alps far away to the noith and
east. In the clear atmosphere tho mountain
seems v ery near
"Vice inagnlilque1'' "Pinco vastlsslmol"
said tho )roirii tor as ho culled our attention
to the extended v low of hike, forest nnd niouu
tain. The pmpriotor was an intelligent
Freiu'hnian, and know well how to ploasu his
vlsltois. The rustic porches ami vino covered
nrbois, and abundance of Mowers and shrub-Is-ry,
Hindu this a most inviting retreat, over
looking us it did a vast extent of country.
Oui ascent of the Itlgi-Kuhn we must leave
until next week. "Skjma."
A Terrible 1'rlclit.
Mrs Johnsing I-'or the Lor', Henry Clay,
Jr , wal's do mnttuh?
Henry Clay, Jr I doun lxen scurod hot
to def
"Mought ha' knovved dot, chllo; you"
white as a sheet," Texas Siftings.
In WiiHtilnctoii borlet).
At an nfteriiooncri
She Ah, good inornlngl How do youf
Ho Thnnksl Ohl ulil So glad to seo you
this morning.
She Charming day I
Ho Delightful You nro looking lovely!
She Ah, thanks, awfully. Didn't I meet
you )eterdny at Mrs. Ulank's tout
Ho How kind of jou to remember, no
wasn't there I heard n putty compliment
paid ) on at Mrs X 's last night, Churmlng
place that, Isn't it f
She Exquisite (She was never there.
Do tell mo what you '.eardf
In aiiothei comer, later:
She (to a fi lend) What a delightful man
that Mi Robinson is.
I'm ml-Why, that isn't Robinson; that's
In another comer, alsnit tho tlmo:
He (to a friend) Isn't that Miss Ilrovvn
lovely I
F'riond-Rntsl That ain't Miss Rrnvvn;
that's Miss SivJih. 'nshlugton Critic.
i .
A ('0111111111111: nml liilerctlii( Article on
I be Nuldeel li) nil Able Wrll.if.
In 11 iisdiiI letter fmm Denver vvu inen
tloniKl that in ucurient Issue, the Cot'ium
would publish an ai tide on this subject rioiii
tho iHMi of Mr Stanley Woods of tlmt elm
The same Is given Is'low und will bo found to
contain some very Intel cstlug points on tho
subjist With full details us to tin, llnmlmir
the centennial state. Tho writer gives some
valuable Infoi inatlon that will remove nny
misconceptions us to thodlumteof that state.
"It Is 11 mistake to iHillevolliat.lHsviuso Col
orado has it high elevation, the mercury In
the thci mounter ilras down lielow com In
the winter sonson nml Mom them, nml thnt
the snow mounts up with the nltltude. The
fuel is thnt tho average precipitation of inols
tumnt Denver during the entlm year Is only
1 177 Inches. With sin h n slight precipita
tion there Is practically no danger of snow
bliH'kailesou the rallraails, save nt a few
IKilnts exsistsl to ill Ifls.and these K)lnts have
Issm amply piotoctod. This lsesMMjally true
of tho through lino of the Denver it Rio
Orandoiallmnd from Denver to Salt Iwike
City and Ogden.
F'acts sNak louder than words, mid the fact
s that travel over tho scenic lino has gone on
with hss Inten option from snow, during the
Inst thieo winters, than It has 011 the plains
Hues, which am s)pulaily hiiposol to Isi
more fi isi f 1 mil such ilela) s than the moun
tain s) Kleins.
A winter's icslilenco In Colorado will ban
ish foiover the false Impression that this Is 11
Hoi cal region given over to Inclemency mid
snow-dilfts. Them is mom sunshine In Colo
rado than In Florida, them Is hss snow than
In nny state oust of the Missouri river. A sin
gle trip over the Denver; Hlo (Iiando rail
mad from Denver to Ogden, In uild-w Inter,
will disabuse tho tiiluil of the tourist or trans
continental traveler of the ei roneous notion
that mouiitalu mill oads sillier fmm delays
by snow to any L'l eater llum In Uu.
trains uh)u tho less atlractlvo and by far
iiiuio mem; plains.
Tho gloi los nnd plivisures of a summer ti lp
by rail throuuh the Hockv .MomnIjiIiw imvn
lieon laiiihsl in ityflnUttm, nnd, Indeed, too
inuiii cannoi no sain in tuts direction; lint
Winter adds now grandeur to f lm ki-ihih. Inmlu
II HOW charm to the massive Imlunrtu .if Mi,.
gigantic rnngm, and Introduces n noweleinent
01 variety ami Isnuiy lo tlusM uiiKtirpuswsl
and unsurpiissablovvondoi-Hof Nattim. These
sight can lie onjivjed, these wonders Witness ,
si, with no dangers of delay and no nntldpii-'
nous 01 vexatious detentions. This assurance
is mnilo with thosiiiiiKirt of hxih.iIih nml
for tlio puroso of correcting Impressions
iuihiumi iiikiii liicorreci inroriiiiitlonor luUln
teipieteddata. F'iuuieH don't Hi fiwfM ilit nut. tiilul.,fi,.
theieforo It Is well to glvo a few meteorologi
cal c,ouiparlsons:
..Vol) 2. - -.
lii'i'.k T". . ....... rr
.Mean 1U Years
Menu I Years
Relative Humidity
Menu 4 Years
Absolute Humidity
Mean ID Yeurs
Mean 10 Years
Hero we have Denver, Santa I'o ami Salt
Inko City, with tho maximum elevation
among the twelve cities named, ami the mini
mum precipitation of moisture. Denver is
the Eastern terminus, and Ogden, only thirty-six
miles Isiyond Salt IjikoClty, tho West
ern terminus of the through transcontinent
al line of the Denver Si Rio tlrande railroad.
At Denver the jeaily prtsdpltatlnu of moist
ure Is 11.77 Inches, at Salt Ijiko City It Is
17 '1 hit Iks. These figure will apply to all
the places of the same approximate altitude
011 the lino. There Is nothing ulai tiling about
these llgures, for with such a remuikably
small prts'lpltntiou of moistum theie can be
but little snow Them are those, however,
who, knowing that the Denver A: Hlo (I ramie
1 iiilioiul climbs great juissos over tho inoiin
tains, are apprehensive of snow blockades at
those s)lutH. Hem facts come to the lescuo
The trains 111 e not dcla)(sl, for the oxossl
places of this character have liccu amply pro
tts-Usl, and the exMirleniis of years prove
tluit delay of trains from snow is a inier event
011 this mountain climbing system than 011
the level and, in fact, mor" oxjmisisI linos of
tho cast.
Splinters of Sport.
Jack Dempsey ami Domluii k McCaffrey
w HI have a go Tuesday The latter bus tho
odds in lietting.
Very few sorting men tfiere are who be
liovotho Kilraiu Smith tight was on the
square Kverjlsnly is now awaiting tho 10
sult of tho Sullivan Mitchell scrap
Jake Schiu for and Eugene Carter are mak
ing a tour of the west, giving exhibitions of
fancy phi) lug
Ducky Hemp will play this jour with tho
Dallas, Tex , team, which Clmilc) IjvU will
Tom Dolnn, Joe Ilerr und Jake Ilcckloy
me a trio of Lincoln pin) ors of hut ) ear, who
have signed with l)ftus' St lmis team
(Iisirgo Shafer "old Shaf'-vvill likely
phi) with Pittsburg this ) ear
.Sharlugliaiiseu, Ehletaud I'kotter, of last
v ear's Western league, huvo signed with Aus
tin, Texas
Ti ick McSorley, late captain of the Deuvei
tciui, will plaj next season with L)im. Phil
bis nnd Hi iggs, two other boys, have signed
with Davcnpoit
I'eiiv Wenlen will assist New Orleans with
his) ell this year
llealy, Omaha's gi eat plt her of 'sT will
doirt of tho twilling for D.iveuioit.
J41 k Smssl, of last v cur's Toxkn team, will
b found next season with New OrltsiiLs.
11 Heeder, who did some good work for
LiiiidIii tho. latter pint of last year, Is open
foi engagement.
I'nst nnd 1'rie.peellve Kvenls nt till
Popular House.
F'or n innnlsir of seasons the eminent acior,
lames O'Nell. Iwtu iiulil vNH. i., I i.,i 1
i ,-.,... "v.w .jiiii. iii, ,11111
on each occasion piosonbsl Ids own version of
Moiile Crlsto One would think that pros nnt
lug Him sainn piece so often would tlio the lov-
. n .11 um iiuimii, nun inoy would ileiuiiud 11
change, 11 piny whoralu ()'N,. nmld show his
tnleut In another chuineler, but It msiiih that
Is not necessary, nnd thnt 'ho may yet Isi sis.hi
doing gmsl bulinss In Motile Crlsto,
The house was a very largo on that wit
neswsl tho production of this great play Mon
da) evening nt I'unko'slsifomoneof IJncoln'i
mpusentatlvo audiences, It is needless for
ustoenlurlulo detail 011 Ihe nierlU of tho
pliHiior give a synopsis of II, for both phiy
and actor am to well known to nissl any ro
marks from us nt litis Intedny. Tho compnny
Is ono of the best that has ever surrounded
Mr O'Noll The sconoiy, ns hoiotoforo, was
leallstle, nml the net Ion of the piny piogrossod
In Its iicciistomod satlsfuctory iiinnucr.
Wislnesilay tivenlng was tho naming of tlm
new miiuagniiieut at the F'uiike, and tho at
tun turn picsoutcd was certainly In keeping
w ilh the (Hi iislou The houso sisimisl to look
In Ighter than ever, t ho singe mm o nttraotlvu'
aUdeVerVllllUl! llMlklsl well fur Hi,. UihiI ..I, .1,1
of a now cartur Tho iisliem wem nil tiw..i,
(Mil In their Isisl ntilm, each cue wearing n
haudsouio bouliiiittlff .111,1 ivin 1 l
., .. I" '' i 'ii'ilaiiu
Hiuiie thoy sisimisl to enter on thrlr duties un-
...1 u iimiiagement, Willi mom than usual'
gracefulness. In the ui u, ..... ,i
.i 11,1 ij,r.
ernor und his family In the auditorium w'as
seaust niemlMirs of the clly council, ami hero
and theie 11 stale ollhvr was to Isi ki-ii, and'
it may Isi said that the o.nlng nlglit of tlio
new mannuemeiitbiiil iiw..iM..ii,,,...i.i....i .....
, , ", '..".. uKiiiniitst pur
sons In tho house than on any pluvious neon-
The littnielloii unu Amr.itl.. H..1..1.
.. . ,.,.h, ,,,,,, ,,,y n ikpiiii-
larconnsly, "A Night Oir," which was-iuig-iillln.iitly
stag(sl nml all the pulls well taken.
I he company Is alsuil the same ns Inst year,,
w th icrhiiH a change of on,, r two ihtkoiis..
which, however, adds to tho strength of thw
(iiiiipniiy. The play iilsiuuds solely In jiuro
humor; there Isiioslnglng or ihinclngnspilrtsp
.. .iUi. imii, in im success. 1 nem Is a rich How
of lellnisl liiimiip fiiiin u.,.ii,i.i.... 1 ..
the audience, Judging from tlio laughter 11111P
"""" iimouesusi, iiiomuglily enjoydl tlio
alfalr TIlO SlllL'll Hllttllllf tin J .,nl.... !..!.. ....
.1.. ., .1 n i-.i.itiiiitiijr inirae-
HVe, lellts'tlniriiiueli ermlll ui M.. 1...1...-. .1....
nmsterof proHjrtles,iim Mr. Hull, tho stage.
rntisAiiln 'PI... ..1.... ' .. . " .
.... , .... 1, , ,j- uKiveii 011 muootlili' nuil
tlio cngngement wiw an artlstlo succohs.
Ilovt. the IKiimlnr tiliivui-o.l.i 1 -1
', , i--. "..iii, uu. i'riiniirt
noiMiual In tho way of ii,, .. ...1...1..
soinii coinislles, and turtnlnly none liavo
adiloved the brilliant success that has lieon
his good fortune, in yearspast. Hoyt's plays,
nro ever isipular, and tho announcement of 11
now ono is always hailed with delight by
patron of tho tbeiltro. It will Is, Msn i,v 11,0
rollowing notice tliutthecomiwniy Is notcoin
IfOsed of a cast iinw In (1 1.. ..... mi...
gonial Frank IjiwUm nml ehunnliig F'lorn
.1 . V, ' " ""'"K" kwii hem to alono
Illl tliohousa. This will l.i tl... nt ..
., . ., , ... iiinv iiiiwjiiUI
Hon In the city of this piece, ami wo inks our
Kr-w mini) 11 uie iiouso will not mi crowdul
neieis wnat uis.Miw York Nowssays-
" Anyone who went to tho KourUiitli Ht.
theatre last nlL'ht to ivlim. ., ..i... ...... ....
. ,, .. , -' '.I.J .Tl ttlS"
fully illsnpK)lnted, but If to enjoy two limine
and a half of exKs;tatlons wero
nsilitsl. Mr. Hoyt seems U havo lot his lui
agluatlou run riot, for such a lot of singing
"""ciiig, cajKirs nun nil Hint form
sjieclnltles nro brought In nml mixed up wltl
tho plot iiikiii which the fiinnlinent), nro
busod, I In, names of such nrtlsts m Flora
nlsh, Nanetto Comstoek, tlwirgu Richards
FVankljiwton, apjearlntho cast, nnd us 11
rib tickler, "A Hole in tho fit-omul" is a hit."
It Is to Ikj regrettiil that thocoiiiiiaiiy will aii
iwirbutono night. Wed"""-'":-, ht, hu,
Seats on sale Tuesday morning,
One of the Imdlngattractloim for F'ebruary
nt tho F'unkois theeiigageinentof .Airs. Harry
and Mr. Hedimiiul, who apjiear two night
comnieiiclng F'riday evening, F'ebruary 10th
Hoth are w ell ami favorably know 11 to tho tho
atricnl world, and their roK(rU)lro Is ono of
tho rarest and best tlmt Uoirensl forthopul).
lies consideration. In tho "Midnight Marri
ago" tho coiiiinny made a wonderful lilt
throughout tin. country lust season. This will
bo pi educed Saturday night, tho company
nM-ning FViday owning In their now play en
titled "Reno," of which the San FViinclsco
Examiner sa)s
' Reno" is a picturesque play and given a
very pretty otrect of harmonious variety in
color and costume. Although a good deal is
said alsout the HugiicnoU iu it, tho action of
the jilay has very llttlo todo with any question
or even suggestion of 1 ellglon It is only a
lovuairalr townich thopersivutlon of tho Hu
gilenoU gives a gloomy lmckground The
real trouble that dUturbs its course is the re
sult of a duel in which Rene 'ills, or thinks ho
kills thoouly son of tho Duchess whose nloco
and adopted daughter is Reno's Imtrotlitxl. Tho
young man eventually turns up all right and
ever) thing goes well Mrs. Thomas Harry U
forcible, finished iu Ii-crs, of a lino stage pres
ence, nnd made n good impression 011 her audi
ence Mr. Itedmuiid is a capital actor, and
thotwoarusupjKiitoil by a ixnuiietent com
J A giKsl story Is told of Uwroncv Hanett's
I wirnestness under most amusing circiimstnii -
IM I.M.. J.. II.,. ..I. . 11.. . ..
.,..' ....iu 1...H11 moi jioiinoii ami I'nino on
n iLshliigtonstnsa iu Hoston and asked thorn
how tho llslilng was at Coluisset, wheio tho y
and Hanett during the summer "Oh,
them are plenty of Ibh them," said Hokson,
"but they seem to piefem tingle death. Thoy
won't bite at comic hooks, t'mnonnd I can't
get any of them, hut Lawrence Itnrrett sits
alongside us iu tho )udit and fairly hauls
them in. They seem to lie uitiund and vv uit
for liim to is.nie." "Well," mplinl Ilmith, "I
niiia tingnlliin uijself, 1 guess I eaii get a
mens." And with that they went. down and
tried the llshing, but caught not a tin" As
thoy landed at the Colmvsett pier Hanvtt
drove by in bis splendid and handsome tut 11
out. "Any llshl" says he "None," said
RoKson, "they am all out Losing, uiouiuf fo
Mr Rarivtt'sdlu'iiilhsl sinker ' "MyH d
Mr Kohson,"nnswored Mr. Hanvtt, "can't
you ever bo soilousuliout anytlilngt"
Ruck Ebrlght proposes to stick to Califoi
lila iu the future