Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 21, 1888, Image 1

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V i
A ""
Vol. 3. No. Q
Lincoln, Nudiuska, Satuuisay, January 121, 1888
V 1
Xntend'ed to Tickle the Hltlblltle or lie
duce Philosophical Dlncuiiilon.
cmarkod an old telegrapher to tho Ob
server tho othor day: "I toll you vrhnt
tho telegraph business isn't what it
used to bo by nny moans. It lsnt so
long ago that the average of salary paid to
the Jcrkers of chalnol lightning amounted to
somothlng, but slnco thoso so-cnllod schools of
telegraphy hare turned out hundreds of what
they are ploasod to call oporators,wagee have
gradually declined. Of course a first-rate
telegrapher can still command a Rood salary,
but tho Introduction of so many tyros in tho
business is killing it financially. I know of
young follows who fill positions In small vit
iates in Nebraska who get but (35 and MO a
montlu "When ono oonsldora tho responsibil
ity an operator assumes, tho lives ho carries
in his hands, that usm is by no means sufll
ctent Thon again, tho company doesn't al
ways give us a fair show. Thoro Is a friend
of mlno who held a day Job down at -,
mid after tho road was extended through
from that placo he was trausforred to an of-
fleo in tho northern jiart of tho state, where
he had to handlo express and freight, sell tho
tickets nnd do tho dispatching, but got $10 a
month loss than ho received at his old posi
tion! Now, that might havo been tho host
tho company could do for him, but you can
understand what tho man's feelings in the
matter wero. As for myself I havo a good
enough position, and can keep it as long as
my, work is dono right. Tho company never
""fires'' a man so long as ho attends to busi
ness, and there are very fow who havo just
causo for complaint"
I learn that tho banquet of the press assocl-
-ntiou last week was rather demoralizing to a
number of tho boys. It Is not often that an
editor man is permitted to sit down to such
an abundance and variety pt edibles as grnc-
cd tho tamos of tho Capital hotel on that oc
casion, and it is littlo wonder that the tho ef
feet in many cases was bad. In fact I hear
that so overjoyed was oilo of tho "boys" that
it was with some difficulty ho was prevented
from embracing one of tho waiter girls. Now
any ono who was present will admit that the
waiter girl of tho ovoniag,bocomlngly attired
-as she was, in pure white, was somewhat al-
.luring, and tho brother was not much blamed
after all. It was a grand affair, and every
body had a good time, although tho speeches
toward tho clobe lacked somewhat in cohor-
ency. In fact, tho toast-master, General Mc
Drido, showed great discrimination as re-
.gards tho tlmo of closing the affair.
I had tho pleasure of meeting Mr. D. D.
Herbert,, president of the National Editorial
i association, who was a welcomo visitor at the'
press convention. Mr. Herbert, in appear
.rance, resembles a wcll-fod politician and not
-en editor. He is a man of broad intellect and
-culture, an orator of no mean ability, and ono
of tho most pleasing 'conversationalists we
have ever met. Ho is full of enthusiasm re
garding tho future of the press, and an indo
fatlgablo worker for IU higher and better de
velopment. Asa result of his visit Ne
braska bocomes n member of the National or
Eoutors, notwithstanding contrary ideas
bold by otherwise woll-Inf ormed people, aro
but human, and thoro aro as many different
kinds pf them as of other people Tho surg
ing throng that filled tho lobby, corridors and
rstalrways of tho Capital hotel last Friday
evening was a picnic to an observer who was
anxious to obsorvo; and the writer will en
lonvor to doscribo, briefly of course, tho dif
ferent species of the genus nowspapor man.
First, thoro was tho talkative editor, a gen
tleman omnipresont Whorover a knot of
rmen wero gathered, there you would find tho
"talkative editor holding court. Ho discoursed
a glibly and woll on every subject, from the
..presidential succession to the collection of
over-duo subscriptions. Familiar with ev--cry
subject, he handled all with a brilliancy
'that dazzled the group of admirers. The fun
ny editor and the story tolling editor paired
off early, and their course through the assem
blage was clearly marked by tho crested rijv
ples of laughter. 'Thoro was the self-satisfied
editor, who walked around with a strut, and
his bat removed to allow the air to toy with
his massive head of hair. There were only
two of this class, and they wore not newspa
per proprietors. But the man who attracted
tho most attention (at the table) was the hand
some editor. There was only ono of him; ho
was tall and splrituolle, wore an olsgant mus
tache and divine whiskers, nnd was a joy for
ever, There wero many othor kinds presont,
but I think I've said enough about tho sub
ject The street car service of Lincoln is ono of
the finest in the country. Tho cars are al
ways comfortably warmed, and tho only
draw-back Is that during such storms as that
of last week, no accommodations wero fur
nished. It has boon suggested that the com
pany buy bob sleds for use during snowstorms
In carrying lMisHongers ovor tho regular lines
-of travel. The suggestion is a good one, and
the thousands of people who would patronize
them would bo rejoiced to hoar of its being
carrlod out, It costs the company a large
um every blockudo, counting tho cost of
clearing tho track and tho loss of patronage,
and money would tie mado by using tobs.
I was Introduced Monday to Mr. 8. J. For
.han, leading man of Gardiner's Dramatic Co.
which played two night this week at Funke's
opera houso. Besides being a very clover no
tor, Mr. Forhan is ono of thoso pleasant gen
tlemen ono likes to meet often. Wo had a
very pleasant chat togethor, and as tho actor
was in a reminiscent mood, ho related many
experiences of his in various parte of the
country. "One time," says he, "I was ploy
ing an Irish part in a successful comedy, tho
nanio of which I can't just now recall, and
after a prosperous tour on the Paclflo coast,
wo headod eastward again. Our manager
was importuned by sovoral wealthy mine
owners who lived at Silver Cliff or Silver
Springs, (I don't remember which) in Eastern
Nevada, and us a good big guarantee was
promised we stopped. The theatre was a
rambly-Kliambly sort of an affair, but we
managod to get a few flats of scenery In posi
tion, and had gotten through ono act, when a
big hubbub arose at tho door, and looking
' through the peop-hole I saw atout u score of
-the roughest-looking minors ovor seen filing
into tho hall; and as thoj- wero very tolxter
ntin. wa looked for trtnihln." Hero Mr. For
han stopped, and meditatively pulled at his
rignr, wiiilo the littlo knot of listeners waited
to hear tho balance of tho story, but as ho
did not seem to bo in any hurry, somomio
asked, "Well, did, they make any disturb
anco! Finish your story." "Oh, there's noth
ing more to toll. Thoy woro quiet nx lambs
all ovenlng. You see," and n iulot smile Ntolo
over his face, "these stories one hears atout
actors' oxporiencos In mining towns nil end
in shooting scrapes, so I thought I would
vary tho monotony a littlo "
The Old Man Ahead.
"No, Mr. Sampson Ooorgo, dear," said
tho girl. "I can novor, novor to your wlfo,
but 1 will always bo a"
"Ah, darling," Interposed young Mr. Samp
ton, and his heart was throbbing tho buttons
off his now silk vest, "why do you address
mo in such an endearing term If it can never,
"Bocauso, Qoorgo, dear," and again tho
namo fell from hor lips llko muslo In tho
night, "I'm to Ijo a niothor to you in tho
L spring. Your father"
But the son-in-law had ilea. flow xoric
flood News.
"Tom, havo you heard tho newsf"
"No, what to UP
"Tho schoolmaster to deadl"
"Bully I Now I can wear thlnnor pants.
Llfe. '
A Keeper f the Truth.
A roan, dressed in greasy overalls, went
Into a newspaper office nnd asked to scot ho
editor. When asked if tho city odltor-or
some other man on the forco would not no as
well, ho replied that ho had come on vory im
portant business, and, must boo the editor-in-chief.
Whon at lost his pcrslstcnco had
forced an cntranco into tho room where
great policies wcro'outllncd tho editor said:
"You wero determined to sco mo; now, as
quickly as 'xnslble, state your business."
"All right, sir. I llko your paper, and I
want you to havo a chanco of saying some
thing that will startle tho country. For
some tlmo I havo been engineer at Grayson's
mill" '
"Woll, but what havol to do with thatr
"Just hold on a minute.' This morning the
boiler exploded"
"Go to the city editor If you want to hand
la a piece of nows."
"I thought that I would glvo you a chanco
to write a startling editorial."
"Editorial tho deuco I Wo have such acci
dents nearly every day."
"No, you don't Just glvo mo a chanco to
get dono, and you will thank mo. No one
was killed when this boiler exploded."
"That's nothing strango."
"And," continued tho visitor, "no one
would havo been hurt bad the boiler explodod
flvo minutes before it did."
A strango expression settled upon the
editor's face. "Will you ploaso repeat thatr
ho asked.
"I say that no ono would have been hurt
had tho explosion occurred five minutes before
it did. All other explosions that I over
beard of would havo been flvo times as dis
astrous if thoy had occurred a short time
before, for a party of young ladles or a com
mittee of gentlemen, or somo important per
sonage had, of course, just left the mill when
the explosion occurred."
Tho editor's eyes had grown wonderfully
bright "My dear friend," said ho, "dear
bocauso you- havo chosen mo to bo the orig
inal recipient of this great piece of intelli
gence, lead on, and I will follow you. A
man with such a glorious appreciation of the
truth is a rare Jewel. Como, sit down bo
sldo mo, that I may feel your presence as I
write. Stay by mo, gentle keeper of the
truth, for my mind is stirred up, and I fain
would muse." Arkansaw Traveler.
Monthly Iteceptlon.
Tho postponed reception of tho Y. M. C.A.
was held at tho association parlors on Men
day ovenlng. An Interesting program was
carried out, and tho large number present
pleasantly entertained. Tho address of Hon.
Albert Wntkins on "Tho woll mado man,"
was listened to with tho attention it deserved.
Tho speaker gttvo the young men some vory
good advice as to tho foimatlon of character
and the carrying of wholesome precepts In act
ive daily use.
Muslo for tho ovenlng was furnished by
Miss Edith Doollttle, who gavo somo very line
selections from Chopin and Beach.
Home Industries First.
Tho CouniEll has always advocated tho
policy of keeping all money, or nt least as
nearly so as posslblo, at homo to foster local
Industries and buy nothing abroad that cut!
bo obtained at homo. In this connection It
togratlfyl g to know that gentleman who
heretofore sent east for shirt?, collars, cuffs
etc., find it both profitable nnd expedient to
leavo their orders at tho Lincoln Shirt Fac
tory, 118 South Tenth Street Tho fact that
this establishment Is fully prepared to execute
nil work with goneral satisfaction to tho tnulo
is best known by tho immense trade they sup
ply, not only in this city, but throughout the
state. This establishment is by no moans a
now thing in Lincoln, but to ono of our pro
minent business Institutions, witli an establish
ed reputation that in itsolf is sufficient to in
crease the business of tho houso In tho future
us It has In the jwist Reliable eastern prices
aro always duplicated, and first class work
manship with an excellent fit is always assur
ed. It will pay you to Inspect tho goods and
ask for prices nt tho Lincoln Shirt Fuctory
leforo ordering elsewhere and wo fool assured
thoy can satisfy you.
Trnv Ion, f t ( I (mi
Iloreafter passengers holding local tickets
rending from Lincoln or stations east to Ash
laud, Omaha, l'lattsmouth, or Pucillc Juuct Ion
will not Ira carried on No, 'J leaving Lincoln
atl:.V)p.m. P. B. Euhtih,
General Passenger Agent.
Mr.Hiut Mr. A, 1.'. HurKrenve Oelebrnln
their Tenth Anniversary
Monday was the tenth anniversary of tho
wedding of Mr. nnd Mrs. A, K. Hurgrouve,
and in tho evening of that dny a number of .
friends gathered nt tho Hargreavos mansion
in response to invitations Issued. Tho houso
was very prettily decorated with flowers,
and jiottod plants, a conspicuous decoration
bolng a tin panel bearing tho dates "1878
1888." Many handsome and useful presents
wero sent, nmong them a leautlful tin hat
for Mr. II, At sovon o'clock tho company
were seated at tho well-ladou tables and
enjoyed themselves for an hour or more, after
which, with cards, and social converse, the
ovenlng was vory pleasantly sKnt Congrat
ulations woro showered upon Mr. and Mrs. II.
nnd many happy returns of tho, day were
extended. Thoso present woro; Mr. nnd Mrs,
Ilnymond, Mr. njul Mrs. Abbott, Mr, and
Mrs. Lonvltt, Mr. and Mrs. Fawoll, Mr. and
Hall, Dr. and Mrs. lllghter, Mr, and Mrs.
Leonard, Mr. nnd Mrs. Blair, Mr. ami Mrs.
McKwitu, Mr. and Mrs. Newman, Mr. and
AV. II. Hnrgreavos, Mr. and Mrs. Balrd, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wilson, Mrs Johi' Zehrung, Mrs. J.
C. White, Messrs Zehrung, West, and llov.
Joiidkx IIydk At ths rosldonco of tho
bride's parents ITS I K. fit. Wednesday oven
lng, by tho llov. II. L. Davis, Mr. J. W. Jor
deu nnd Mlsrt Jonnio Hyilo. A number of rel
ative and Intimate friends of tho couple wit
nessed tho ceremony, nnd many huudsomo
useful present wero received, nmong them
tolng n deed for a choice residence lot from
tho brides father. It is with pleasure tho
CouniKH chronicles tho announcement of tho
union of thoso two coplo who arc woll and
favorably known throughout tho city, Mr.
Jorden is employed in tho stationery depart
ment of tho State Journal company, nnd is
a young man worthy of tho young lady 'who
Is now his wife. Mrs. Jorden Is tho eldest
daughter of Mr. T. H. Hyde, thoodltorof tho
ovenlng Nows. Sho to a young lady of many
accomplishments and gifted with tho quali
ties of head and heart that go to mak.t up a
good wlfo. Tho CoimiKH extends Its con
gratulations to tho happy young couple and
bespeaks for them a happy nnd prosperous
married life.
Churchill Stllluian At tho residence of
tho brides slsterMr.C. L. Clason No. l)3 0
Ht, Wednesday afternoon , by tho Rev. E.
11. Curtis, Mr, Edmond J. Churchill and Miss
Liska Sttllmau. The ceremony war witness
od by only' the noar relatlvos of tho young
couple, who departed on tholr wedding tour
at 4 o'clock. Both Mr. Churchill and his
young brido are woll known in tho city where
they have resided for somo tlmo although Mr.
Churchill at presont bolng located In Wyom
ing. Both are graduates of tho State Unl.
vorslty, and have a. host of friends who join
with theCouniKR in wishing them much joy
and happiness.
Kiitcrtnlned at Card.
Lust ovenlngMr. and Mrs. J. M. Mlltspnugh
entertained a number of guests at thclr'plcas-
ant homo on Fifteenth strcot. Tho company
was Invited to sovon o'clock tea, uftor which
progressive ouchro was duly brought Into
prominence nnd enjoyed until tho midnight
hour, and when tho gnmo ended Mr. Ferry
man nnd Miss Hardy were awarded the royal
prizes, whllo tho booblos wero assigned to Mr.
and Mis. Chapman.
Tho atfalr was In honor of Miss Milton, nn
eastern friend of Mrs MllUpaugh, who Is at
presont visiting hero. Following were among
thoso who enjoyed tho very pleasant ovont:
Mr. and Mrs. ilclskell. Mr. and Mrs. Perry
man, Mr. and Mrs. Mlltspnugh, Mr. and Mrs.
UuckstnfT, Mr. und Mrs. Ashby, Mr. and Mrs.
Chapman; Misses Metcalfe, Funke, Hardy,
Dickey, Lattu, Milton, Mary and Addto Al
iters; Messrs. Zehrung, Law, Hlckoy, Badger,
Algors, Aaron Iluokstairund others.
An Knjoynhle Tarty.
A very onjoy.iblo party was glvon Thursday
ovenlng by Mrs. M. M. Oeorge, No, 300 South
Thirteenth street, In honor of herson, Burton.
Tho evening was spent at cards and kindred
amuseinonts. Thoso present wero: Misses
Jcnnlo Dlmcry, Nannlo Itobortson, Lydla
Johnson, Corcornn, Nannlo Itooso, Liz
zlo Irvine; Messrs. Fred Wells, Will Tom
pie, It. A. Unrnos, M. A. Cameron and Burton
Everything la Shape.
- y
. .j1 j rv
Dakota Editor (to foreman) Aro the forms
all ready!
Foreman Yes, sir.
Editor Pistols and bowio knfvos in good
Foreman Yea, air.
Editor Gatllng gun loadedl
Foreman Yes, sir.
Editor Thou let the paper go to press.
St, Paul und the Northwest.
Points In the aliovo directions are roachod
best by tho Elkhorn valley line. Connections
nro sureond'the lino most direct Get tickets
at 115 South Tenth street or depot, comer S
and Eighth sroetts.
They know just how to ploaso you with
oysters In overy stylo at Brown's New Vienna
St. I'uul Ice l'ulace Kxeunlnii.
January Sdth the Klkliom Valley train
leaving Lincoln at 12:05 noon will connect ut
Missouri Valley with n special limited excur
sion train for Ht Paul to enable pusnengcrs to
witness tho nrhtstormlug of tho Ice Pulaco on
Friday night and to sco the grand Illumina
tions of Huturday ovenlng. Tickets good re
turning till Fob. Mb. Itound trip, I13.M.
Berths reserved In ndvauco nt 115 H, Tenth st
Canon City Coal at
and Lime Co.
tho Whltebroust Coal
The Homo of Ann llutlmtw.) The Uut'on's
llililtro The Memorial lit lite
(treat Dramatist.
(.Written for tho Couiukh.)
UH Lincoln party ssnt a delightful
day at Strntford-ou-Avon. It was on
ono of tho last days of June, and na
luro had Vestured tho lnudscao In her
gayest nttlre, tho fields wero of tho deep
est green and tho gardens and waysides
were brilliant In inanydiuwl flowers. It
seemed llko a holiday in Stratford. Tho
Queen's Jubttee had been eolubrated on
ly a few days Iwforc, nnd tho streets
nnd dwellings still retained decorations, gay
banners and graceful festoons of evergreens
and flowers, jet remained, and many em
blem of royalty still floated in tho hreczo.
Tho stores woro decorated with jwrtrnlts of
tho Quoon nnd the royal family, tho medals
sho bestowed iiKn tho various orders who
supjiort her empire. But none of tho Insignia
of royalty could divert our minds from tho
shrine sacred to tho memory of a ioet whoso
ramo belongs to all nations and to all ago.
The memory of kings and queens will more
snroly fade fade from the mind than will tho
Immortal lines in which tho ioot depicts tho
grnndeuraud the woiikuoss of all earth's m
Wo arrived at Stratford soon after sunset
and woro driven to tho old "Rod Horse Inn"'
the same that Shaksiearo and his Ikxhi com
panlons of tho drama had often frequented to
pass the Jovial night dnubtless "a feast of
reason and n flow of soul." such as no other
village In tho world had seen. As our buxom
rosy-faced hostess conducted us to our rooms
nnd lighted our caudles and turned down the
lied covers In tho old-fashioned room with tho
qualntm of old furniture, nnd wo had Ikv
stowed ourselves lit feather bods, wo felt that
wo had suddenly gone back a fow hundred
years in history and were really living in tho
days of Shnkspoare himself. It Is no wonder
that wo dreamed of "Tho Merry Wives of
Windsor," of Mnclwth and ghosts ami Ilnm
lets and of the vas procession of kings anil
queens and uohlos nnd clowns and fairy crea
tions of the great ;oot of human nature.
Wo arose early, and bofore tho ladles of.our
party had completed their toilets, wo strolled
down to the banks of tho Avon, by tho old
stono bridgo of ninny arches and laved our
hands in the same stream in which Slinks
jwaro had doubtless bathed whon a boy. What
changes slnco then! We thought of Tenny
son's lino to tho brook,
Bleu may come and men may go,
Hut I go on forvrer.
Of course our first visit wob to tho houso
whore Shakspoaro was lwrn. It is certainly
ancient endugh to havo existed three or five
hundred years ugo, its heavy oaken booms
nnd interior finish, its furniture, all
spoko of tho days long ost Tho custodian
of tho house had forblnden any mora names
to bo writUsi on IU walls, and instead we rec
orded our names in tho Shaksjierlan mo t or
lal volume. We sat In the samo chair arid
tiesido tho largo open fireplace, before which
the boy Sliakspearo had often ployed end
dreamed. Wo saw tho room in which ho was
torn, tho high loft In which his father stored
tho wool in which his father dealt
We noxt visited on the outskirts of tho
town tho homo of Ann Hathaway, tho girl
whom ho loved nnd Mod; looked into tho fam
ily bible and read the record of the marriage
of Ann Hathaway and William Shakspcure.
As wo approached tho thatched cottago, a
crowd of merry school children camo around
us with bouquet nnd single flowers pluckod
from tho gardens adjoining tho cottago. It
needed littlo iiersuaslon to secure mementoes
of tho place, but wo valued mora thoso that
the kind matron jermitted us to gnthor from
Ann Hathaway's garden. Wo strolled thro'
tho neatly tended flower ImxIs, took a fow
sprigs of the box and tho old-fashioned pinks
and marigolds and sweet Williams.
From the living spring in tho midst of the
garden, wo draw a pall of delicious water and
quenched our thirst from tho samo spring'
from which Ann and William had drank long
ago, when "to fame and fortune unknown.'
We lingered among tho shrubs and flowers
and talked with the bright, rosy children, as
they wended their way homeward from
At tho stono bridgo wo can tako a boat and
row up to tho stono wall of Trinity church
yard. A few stem brings you within tho en
closure. Tho beautiful stono Gothic church
contains the remains of Shnksiearo. The
grave to In a stono vault twneath tho floor of
tho chancel, and a memorial slab and medal
lion of the poet has been placed In tho oast
wall of the church. Tho yard ubout the
church is quite largo and oxtends to tho
banks of the Avon. Tho walks are nenti'y
kept and flowering shrubs border tho lot. A
line avenue of lindens shade tho main en
trance to tho church door, showing with how
much care every spot sacred to the memory
of tho great bard is guarded. Wo lingered
somo tlmo by tho banks of tho Avon and be
neath tho grateful shado, and pluckod u few
momorials of the place, A short wulk by
rows of neat cottages and gardens brought us
to the "Bhaksporonn Memorial Building." The
ixjlito custodian admitted us to the library
and IU literary treasures, consisting of ull tho
rare editions of his works, in all lunguugos.
Here nearly overy American edition is to bo
found. The librarian regretted that he had
not been able to obtain Hudson's edition and
loctures, and we ventured to offer our nld In
procuring a copy. Tho memorial building,
which is of brick decorated with a light-colored
stono, Is qui to large nnd costly. It con
tains a theatre and usually once u your somo
of the great actors and students of tho dram
atist como up from London to Stratford, nnd
gives tho villagers entertainments, lasting
sometimes a week, presenting readings and
frequently wholo plays.
Passing from the memorial building uo vis
ited a public square in another part nf tho vil
lage where our countryman, Geo. W. Child,
of Philadelphia, is erecting at a cost of 5,000
a memorial fountain to Slmkfxnre, the cor
ner stono of which was laid a few dayslieiore
our visit.
Iist of all, wo went to the place of Shaks
jHViro s death,
The foundations of tho build-
ing nro carefully preserved and nro In the
midst of a flower garden. It is known as the
a iik.u,,ii..uI ..! .... I.. l...
"New Plaro," and lias many visitors. It Im
shaded walks, vase of flowering plants nnd
well-kept path. Across tho way Is tho old
iiartsh church and school that ShaksK-are at
tended In his youth. Tho master of tho school
mid his estimable wlfo conducted w through
the church and buildings, and entertained us
attho rectory, with many reminiscences of
the poet's life. Both had contributed valua
ble imperii In tho periodicals of tho dav. ex
plaining sornoof tho obscure passages nf his
lire and works. No were given a copy of
"Bbnksporeana" published in Philadelphia,
showing thnt our Bhitksoronn students urn
not liohliid English scholars. Wo were shown
tho part of tho school room, which tradition
says was tho place occupied by Hlnksiioum,
ami tho room on tho llrst lloor where his
plays were llrst rend to tho villager. or all.tho hostess of tho Hod HorseJIiin
showed u tho chair In which Washington
Irving sat whon ho wroto his "Stratford on
Avon" In his delightful "Sketch Book," one
of tho volumes that no American should fall
to read.
We wero Indeed woll repaid for our vlsltln
meeting kind friends, nnd no peoplo seem
more wolcomn to Stratford than Americans.
Wo had a lovoly day and nature soemed In
harmony with our fooling. Tho villager
woro busy during a part of tho day In remov
ing tho Queen's Jubilee decorations. But,
perhaps, tho memory of king and queens and
lords and ladles of the jirettnt Ume will all
pass from men's minds beforo the world will
forget the wonderful creations of; tho bard,
who has pictured tho rise nnd fall, tho glory
and tho shamo of England's frail sovereigns.
l'ast and Prospect I vo Kvsnts at till
I'opular llmui,.
C. A. Unrdlnor's Dramatic company pro
son tod " Only a Farmers Daughter," at
Funke's Monday evening. Tiia princlplo roll
was takoti by Miss Marion Ablmtt, a young
lady of much beauty, both of form and faco,
as well as a talonted aotross, Tho character
of Lizzie Stark Is capable of groat dramatic
expression, and In tho hands of Miss Abbott
was ably Interpreted, Mr. Forhan was cast
as the heavy villlnu of tho ptay, nnd gave
him u comparative easy part Jean Houston
lmjernonnted Hnrold Lennox, tho ambitious
husband, nnd thnt actor In features and tal
ent Is iwrcullarly gifted. Tho child actress,
little Maud Thompson, is certainly a precious
youngster and will make her mark on tho
stage of the future. Tho same comiiany pre
sented "Morlarty, tho Corjioral," Tuesday
evening. Tho piny Is oni of Elliott' Barnes'
wardrnmns, mulls thrilling in plot and of
much dramatic Interest
Tho Funke wns comfortably filed Tuesday
evening, whon the splendid Irish drama of
"Tho Ivy Leaf," was given. This play wa
seen bore beforo, but It presentation by
Powers' comiiany has never been oxcolled.
There to n great deal of local coloring to the
piece, but not enough to harm it The scenic
aTceshorlos were very flno, mid the various
specialties by tho comany much appreciated.
Miniiii uutioii as ilurty Kerrigan, Con,
T .Murphy a ltolsjrt Nolan, W. II,
Elwood a Herald Daly, Miss Conallne as
Colllco O'Brien wore especially good In their
several jwirts as was also Rosebud a Mau
reen. T1I1C mo HIIOW
At Funko's 0kuii House Monday evening
Jan, IXId. The management of tho "Hidden
Hand" Company will presont tho piece In tho
most costly nnd elnlioraUi manner Ksslblo.
Miss Cora VanTfUsel will assume tho duel role
of Caiiltola, tho heiress, aud "Arehlo" the
news toy, will enliven the iwrt with slmrlnir
and dancing, specialties In which she has uo
sujwrlor. The humorous negro role of Wool
will bo assumed by that sterling aud mirth
provoking comedian, Mr. Edmond Young.
Other tttrU will to sustained by ladles and
gentlemen of ability and high artlstia repu
tation. Tho sccnory has been prepared by L. W.
Seavy, ono of the very best arrist in tho
country ami is of the most costly and realis
tic decriptlon. In the portrayal of tho
Brooklyn Bridgo by moonlight, tho old Vir
ginia mansion and Black Donald's cavo taste
nnd accuracy havo been combined with tho
most satisfactory result. A sensational foa
tura of the representation Is Black Donald's
plunge into tho shooting water of the James
In evory town a mnguiflcont street parade
is given, headed by a full military hand of
uniformed artists drawn by six gorgeously cap
arisoned horses. This is followed by won
derfully constructed moving panorama rep
resenting tho principle incident in the drama.
Tho panorama is mounted on a stage eight
leet high,
Tho wholo making tho grandest street pnr
nde ever attempted by any dramatic organ
ization. MOUTK CIIMTO.
The famous actor, Jos. O'Neil will apjx'nr
al Funke's opera house, Monday ovenlng Jan.
80 th, p. canting Monte Crlsto.
The German Club. ,
Tho new German club guvo tho first of a so
rlcs of dances nt Masonic Temple on Wednes
day eve Inst. Tho club wns formed for tho
purpose of dancing the gcrmau, and If their
llrst party Is any Indication of what tho suc
ceeding ones will bc.somo vory pleasant time
may bo looked for. Number wero given at
nine o'clock, und under the leadership of Mr.
It N. Townley, tho dancer moved through
the figure of till most delightful terpslcho
renn exercle,favor bolng distributed by Mrs.
John Zehrung.
Tho participants were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry
man, Mr. and Mrs. Iluokstatr, Mr. and Mrs.
Lnmbertson, Mr. and Mr. Boeson, Mr. and
Mrs, Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Holskell, Mr. and
Mrs. Kwlng.Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, Mr. and
Mrs. Macfarland, Mr. and Mrs. Townley;
Mlsso Funke, Wolls, Dickey, Latta, Holmes,
Hawkins, Metcalfe, Drown, Hardy, Messrs.
Zehrung, Cooper, Forosman, Hardy, Lemlst,
Magoon, Law, A. U. Smith, K. 11. Smith.
Tho Library Mngnilue,
The January 7th Issue, tho llrst of the year
IhSS contains tho following interesting arti
cles; x
The First Chapter of GonUls, by Prof. W.
Gray Elmslio. Captured Brides in Far Cath
ny, from HUtckwood's Mumuint. The Time
It Take to Think, by J. McK". Cuttell. Ling
. InL'n'ii ItiVnulAii nr Ihn, f 'plm.nt rw '
lake's Invasion of tho Crimea from the iil
.ViiI7 (Idzettc. Mr, Donnelly and Shnkesiearo,
from The Athenaeum, nnd othors. Single
copies three cent; $1.00 a year. Order direct
not sold by dealers. John B. Auikn,
Publtshor, M Pearl St, Now York,& Ultl
Clark St, Chicago. Sont with the Couuikii
ono year for $3,00, the price of this wer
The Pleasant Hour Party (liven In Honor
of Mlas (Irunlngar.
Hatunlay ovenlng tho party at tho Wind
sor that had licon postKued on account of
tho very Inclement weather nf Thursday even
ing, proved u brilliant nnd thoroughly enjoy
able social event Tho affair was given in
honor of Miss Lulu (Irunlngor, of Cleveland,
Ohio, a young lady who has been a Lincoln
visitor since Inst early springtime nnd return
ed to hor homo during tho past week. Not
withstanding tho cold atmosphere that scorn
ed to meddle quite too freely with tho com
fort of tho highway traveler who ventured
out that evening, the attendance was largo
nnd tho cotniuy nil that could lie conducive
to tho pleasures of, a farewell occasion.
In fact, wo might add that It was
quite n compliment to Miss (Imulnger to soo
so tunny friends present under such very un
favorable circumstances, and we do not think
we judge tho lady amiss when wo say sho ap
peared to appreciate It
Tho apartments woro all neatly arranged
and evory comfort and convenience prepared
for the reception of tho party, Tho dancing
surfneo was excellent, tho muslo by the Phil-
harinonla orchestra nt its best, and tho ordor
of dance admirably arranged to ploaso olL
Tho program, containing fourteen number,
was considered tho finest tho club has used la
several years. It wa composod of an extra
heavy foldar with interleaf, on which wa
printed tho ordor of dances. On tho title
page wore two beveled panel of au oblong
triangular slioim, one along tho top with the
word "Program" omliossed thereon, tho other
on tho lower part, Imndsomoly adorned with
the work of the artist' brush, each one show
ing a. different flower nnd leaves. Each panel
wa fringed with various shade of light col
ored silk and diagonally across the center of
tho card wero the words, "Pleasant Hour
Club,Complimontary to Miss Lulu Grunlnger,
Thursday Evening, January liith, ltWd." On
the reverse sldo was tho namo of Mr. Frank
C. Zehrung as master of ceremonies nnd the
place of holding tho hop. The cord and pen
cil wero of tho latest stylo, being of chenille
with German silver tlpjcd fabers,
Tho honored guest wo beautifully attired
in a cream-colored costumo of lieu vy material
with n waist of light blue frontage, square
cut neck, short sleeves, and silk mitt to
match, carrying a lovely, embroidered fan
representing peacock feather ou one sldo and
flowers on tho rovonte. The skirt was jiaii
ollod, richly embroidered witli peacock feath
er, and otherwise uuioriiuy arranged.
Those proHout woro: Mr, And Mr. A. U.
DocMon, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. BucksUff, Mr,
nnd Mrs. 11. L. Ferryman, Mr. and Mrs. IL
P. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Zieiner, Mr.
und Mr. K. K. Haydun, Mr. E. S. Thomp
son of Omulia, Minxes May Potvln, Lulu and
Sadie Grunlnger of Cleveland, Ohio, Holme
of Kansas City, Clara Dickey, Minnie LatU,
Wells of Cincinnati, Clara Funke, Anna Haw
kin, Sterling of Mt Pleasant, Me. II. P.
Wiley, Frank C. Zehrung, Will Hardy, J.
HumoU LemUt, K..1L Smith) A. B.-.Hmlth.W.-HeUkell,
"Deacon" Brown, W. It Cooper.
Frank Tnelps, Ueorgu N. Forosman, Will Mo
Arthur, Cliancs Mngoou and a number of
A nestle Night.
Countryman (to
botol clerk) I
reckon you'll have
to glvo mo an
other room, mto
ter. Clork What'
the matter with
the ono you haref I
Countryman j
Tbe sign says:
won't blow out tho gas," an', b'gosb, I
gyvy wuu au tnst ugnt in inoroom.
Th Matter of Hlnng.
"Mtos Hauteur," sold ono of the pupils off
an Indiana boarding school for young ladlea
to tho principal, "we want to ask you a
question beforo we recite "
"Certainly, my dean; ask as many a yoa
"Would ono of W' jfirfo irrrr bit justified la
using uangr
"You certainly would not," replied Mto
Hauteur with quiet flrmnes.
"Wo frequently hear educated and culti
vated people employ It In their conversa
tion," insisted the young lady.
"That may bo only too true; but It to bo
excuse. Wo cannot fall into all the way
practiced by oven the to called educated and
cultivated. For my own part," continued
tho principal, aa she sat up very straight oa
the edge of the chair and glanced at tho text
book she held in her band, and again raising
her eye, "for my part I will allow th
boreal blasts to whistle through my whisker
a very loug time before I will indulge In tha
bm of slang." Chicago Tribune.
JST TTrtMr fC-l (cBUV IV I I