rr TmTrwn i i fi m i . r iv U I V 8L ? , FT. w, I? kM r n RfiL 1' ,r - UNION SAYINGS BANK in South loth Streot. capital, - - uoo,ooo Liability of Stockholders $400,000, JOHN II 0IMIK A J!) IIMOWKk Tl W I.KWW & W 1&1SR T KOAI.vr.ItT V Vmuikk I.MKYKIt OHIMHOIK orricm. .& M2SJWBl VUJ.1-WMT-U ,. 0. II. iMltorr. Cashier 'Interest iM on deiwalts of W ami upwards nt tho ratoofWriMUornnmini,TOiiiKniiHllw'ml' annually. Yroir mvIhk account solicited. MONEY TO LOAN For Ions or liort time on ronl estate or an airoTcl coflatwal -cnrliy. Hank open front 0:flO . m, to S;!W p. in., biuI on Hntunlay evenings ,, (rom0to8iMii. J. II. W. HAWKINS, .'ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, BulMInc completed or lu Icotinw of cnctlon wm April 1, 1(W0: rtuitnei bloak, O R ontitomery, 1 lilt and N. ,lo do tiWllllllnnlcy, llthnenrN, Restaurant lMoll) 0 K Montgomery, Nnear ItdslittMice, J J Iinhorr, J and liith. , do J O Mncfarlanil. Q nml 14th. tto John KelinutK. t nml lltli. , ilo AllKrl Watkln. I) Ix-t mil and lOtli. ilo Win t taiiinnl. K lx-t Dth nml 10th. do J K Kocil, M 1, V Ht 10th nml Ulli. do I. ( M ltaltlwln. O lxl lHtli and lBtli. ttanltArium building nt Mllfonl. Neb, rtrt ltanilat church, Uth nml K streets, or tnnry citadel ami rooolvliijf ;tomh nt Wyuka emctery, Office Rooms 0!) nml 01 Rloharda Bloolc. , Working Classes?! lirnMi at daaara wlUi employment kt homo, (lit whole of the time, or for their spare moineuU 8ualnes new. light and profitable. Persons ol Hher mx easily cam from 60 cents to $3.00 pel evening, and a proportional sum by itoTotlng nil their time to the business. Hoys aud girls tarn ''early a much na men, Tliat all who ico till, ibat eend their aiMruu, and test tlio business, ila aVe this offer. To audi aa aro not well untuned -we wilt send one dollar to pay for tho trouble o I wriuuir, mil particular! and outnt rreo. Addro 'sonoa Stinson , Co., 1'orUand, Maine. e MONEY to be made, Cut thbi oat and rr turn to ua, nnd we will tend yoi free, something otgrratvalucaiw importance u) on, unt will iiai feu In buahwM wlJch will brine you In moi rmooey rlRht away tlian anything elm la tbla world ABr onooan do the work and live at home. Either X! all asea. Bomerhlnir new. thai 1uat coliu WMiey for all workeri. we will atari you: capital -liaaM of a lifetime. Thoao who are amhillou hw4 eaterprlalnR will not delay. Uraml outfit free At4rea Tnim 4 Co., Aujruata Maine. t Alf can lire at home, and make mere money 1 1 1 1 t work for ua, than at anything elae In X V U Uil world. Capital not iieededi you are tarted free. Lam earning! aura from 'Ant atart, (.'only outfit anil terma rrea. Better ant delay, font you nothluK to aend ua jour "ftddiYX nnd find out; It you are wlee y will do Mat once. II, IIalUptt Co..rorUad. Jatee. GORSRTS Worth up to $3.oo. tMnnul acturcrt Samples choice this week 50 centa. 100 dozen Ladies Alexandre Kid Glovct lilvc hook, embroidered backs at $1. Reul rvalue $1.75. I. FRIEND & SON, 9x3 nnd 915 O Street vtiily Exclusive Honse iii the City, X X. Davis & Son., Am Eucqant Stock. L-jckt Btv CARPETS 1112'O.Street. Gall and two us In pur Now Quartern, B. 0. K0STKA, Horth Side Pharmacy, I230 O ST. Albums 25 per cent off.n N. R. HOOK, M.D., 'Uterine, Urinary and Rectal Diseases, A SPECIALTY. Treats diseases by tlio DRINKKUHOFK HVUNLKS8 BVBTiai: Oflloe, rooTna 97 anil 10, tKlehards Ulock. KleTenth and O avcet. Omc3 Hjlephono MS. lUwldence 18 Q&tiwt. Thono, 63 OMee hours, 9 to 1 a,m. II to S fctul 7 to 8 p ra :8uadaya,8toSp,m Owe Kew Store, which we sow occupy. ChM askeiit 3 aorta of Floor Space. OThe UUYKMK OUIOB U taaaed Kept, auad March, ch jrear,' M paes, 8J( 11 lchr.,wlthoVtr 3JBOO "luMratleaa-a whole Picture , Oallcnr. IVB VhoUile PHcia trtt to tontumrra o all sooaa tor lgsrsasial or fcally mac. TtlUhewto , eort of every 2" ae, eat. drlstk, wear, or JZSii wW, T',M MVAMIAIWJB Wa taferwattoa Slcaae4 traa ilia aaarheta of the world. A y wait FRKB apoa receipt of v m. aerray ezpeaee of tuaUlag. IdQNTGOMERY WARD A CO 11114 'JMIeahjaa Avenue, Chleaco. lib M orwiuHw, BaM and laraaet ooUeae red tor tiurinm In from Jaetoueuoa. Vullaaaex for 00M ate loimiala aad to " .. . . m awaii uaeeam, Mea, ffkMJAdAh . aiaiwT ;, STw-iLL iaasaaaaa) ar aMMfaBjaae ,,-'.. ; SCIKNCK AND P1100RKSS. A SELF WORKING SAFETY GATE FOR ELEVATED RAILROADS. Tlio I)rlructlve Inlliinnrn ol Htlnir Upon Slnrblo i:plnlnr(l Am IiitereatliiK Rx porjmniit Shorlii( tint Actlmi of OniTlty on I.lulit nml llfiiry Itndlr. Tnko n Minr wlutoil knlfo with n, henvy hmnllo nml prcHS It llfilitly Into tho wood work of tlio framo of 11 door. Jly atrlklng tho fnituo 11 stmfp blow with tlio iht, tho Jar will rvlcoHQ tho knlfo, which will fnll iwriwii dlculnrly to tho lloor; nnd If n wnlnut shell or othor soft body Is jilnced directly liononth it, It will Ik) crushed by tho forco of tho fall AN KXTKnTAININO XXl'KntUENT. Frovlous to plnclng tho iiutsholl In position tho hnudlo of tho knlfo should lio Inserted In ft glass of wntor (oo cut), when tho falling drop, on reaching tho door, will Indlcato tho exact siiot whuro tho nutMioll should Ik) placed. This oxiwrlmont. explains Nature, also Illus trates tho principle of inertia, ns tho blow upon tho f rnmuwork of tho door simply dis lodges tho knlfo boforo any motion Is trans mittal to it, as Is proved by tho fact that tho knlfo falls crundlcularly In tho catno lino as tho drop of wntor falling from tho handle It also shows that light and heavy bodies both movo lu tho satno direction when acted upon by gravity. KftVcti of Hnow on Marble, Tho results of tho examination of snow taken from dllTcrcnt places in Munich and its neighborhood, by Mr. Sondtuor, would scum to indlcato not only that snow has a considerable faculty for nbsorblug sulphurous acid from tho atmofiphorc, but that tho ab sorption rtoj on contliiuouily for some tlmo. Mr. Bendtucr nAcertnliiod that, on ono day when snow fell, sulphurous and sulphurlo acids woro prcsont in it in fairly cqunl por tions, but on tho second day almost all tho sulphurous acid had boon ozonised to sul phurlo acid. In tlio vicinity of chlmnoyg and gas works tho absorption would, of courso, bo greater. This great absorptlvo powor to ward sulphurous and sulphurlo acldn is con sidered of pnicUcnl interest, as explaining tho dostructlvo inlluoitco of snow upon marble. Capacity of Pump. To find (approximately) tho amount ot water a pump will movo per minute, assum ing a hundred feet piston siicod as tlio stand ard, says Popular Belonco Nows, squaro tho dlamotor of tho water cylinders, and dlvido by four; mid Inversely, to find tho slzo of a pump to perform a required duty in gallons, divide tho number of gallons by four, and extract tho squaro root of tho quotient. Tho result is tho dlamotor ot water cylinder re quired. niaek 011 Green. Several of tho French railway companies, and other publio IkxIIos, lmvo resolved on having their printing dono on green Instead of whlto paper. Tho reason for tho alteration is that thoy bollovo tlio oomblnatlou of whlto paper with black characters endangers tho eyesight of their workpeople. Black on green has always been recognized as a good combi nation, and many railway tickets aro so printed. To Make Ilektograph Ink. Following is a simple formula for making hcktograph ink, purple bluo and blacks Toko ono port anlllno of desired color, dissolve in about seven parts water and add ono part glycerine. An Autamaflo Jlnllroart Gate. A gato which is designed to bo self opening and self closing with tho movement of tho cars on and oft tho track at stations, and which is more especially designed for use on elevated railroads, is shown in tho accom panying cut. Scientific American explains it as follows: On tho platform supjiorts aro secured a number of guides, which extend up to tho outer odgo of tho platform, a vertically slid ing gato being held between each two suc ceeding guides. These gates aro connected at each end by a link with a weighted lovor fulcrumed on a post or on a bracket secured either to tho track posts or to tho platform supports. From tho fulcrum of each weighted lever extends an arm pivotal ly connected with a rod nrrongod horizontally along tho platform, tho outer end of tho rod being pivotally connected with ono arm of a bell arank lover pivoted on ono ot tho track posts, fad connected ut its other arm by a link with tho free end of a rail lovor hold alongsldo of ono of tho rolls of tho track. llEiynnyk B8MJK?'lvail?JBaBBB i"wji-M.Baaja(jeiSJSB AN AUTOMATIC KAIUIOAD OATS. This rail lovor is arranged in position cover ing tho usual locomotive stopping places, and is so formed as to bo acted upon only by tho larger treads of tho locomotlvo wheels. Each gate link may be connected to a separate weighted lover, or the links of two adjoining gate ends may both bo connected to ono lever. Tho weights ot tho lovers aro so ar ranged that tho lovers hold tho gates inn closed position and also bold tho rail lover slightly extending abovo the rails of tho track. When a train ruoioo up to tho sta tion, the treads ot tho front locomotive wheels press tho rati lever downward, swinging tho boll crank lover, aud drawing tho horizontal rod forwanl, so that tho weighted lovers aro swung to draw down tho gates until the top edge ot each is fluth with the top of tho pht form, thus permitting passeugors to pass from tho platform into the cars, or vice versa, in the usual manner. As soou as tho train starts to leavo the station, and the treads of the locomotlvo w heels move oft tho rail lover, tho gate movo upward vertically again by the actios of the weights of the lovers, and tho station platform is closed ob its track aid jj.v!. STORIES ADOUT MEN. Itnw JiiiIko (lury Itetonirml Illnuelf, on n IVIeml. Ono day while tho Annrchlst trial was going on lu Judgo Onry's court, Mr. William King, who Is upward of 80 years old, sought admission, but was told ho could not go in. Going to tho state attorney's olllco, Mr. King explained that ho was nn old friend of Judgo Oary, and Jio was sure tho judgo would let him In It he know ho was thero. Mi. Furth limim told 111 t ti tho court room was full, but that ho woud try to find a place within tho bar. In n fow moments tho two entered tho court room, nnd started to walk down tlio aisle. "Hit down," wild Judgo Oary, sternly, "Your honor,'' explained Mr. Fiirthmann, "this is an old frlond of yours." "Bit down," said Judgo Oary, louder nnd mora sternly. Mr. King looked as If ho would liko to hnvo a big holo coino up through tho floor and swallow lil tit. There wis no place for him to sit down, nnd still tho judgo kept calling for him to do no. Ho looked npallugly at his old frlond, but tho old friend only glared on htm savagoly nnd repented tho awful com mand, "Bit down." When tho old gentleman had succeeded in reaching tho bar Mr. Orlnnull got up and gavo him his seat. When court was ad journed Judgo Oary camo down from tho bonch, rubbing his hands together gleefully and laughing rlonr to his feet. "I made him sit down, didn't IT' snld ho to Mr. Qrlnnoll lu Mr, King's presence. "I'll tench him nut to bent mo nt whist as ho did last night. I wish I had half a chance, I would have put him out," and grabbing Mr. King by the iirni ho took his old crony out to lunch with him, Chicago Nows. Hon llutlor's IIIk Appetite, Tho gastronomlcnl iiecullarltlos of great I men are frequently mado a subject of com ment Of all tho publio characters who visit 1 Washington, I am told that "Uon" llutlor I hondt tho lint as far aa his ability for stowing , away food is concerned. Ho literally "takes I tho cake," for tlio steaming pauenko is his wanijiieMX, ana it is 1110 testimony Here mat tho most ngilo cook In tho district cannot turn tho farinaceous flapjack fast enough to meet tho demands of "Hen's" appetite. In tho lower part ut Pennsylvania avouuo there stands a little hotel, an unpretentious llttlo caravansary, noted for tho correctness of its culslno and its excellent service. It is a quiet resort, with all tho comforts of nn old English tavern and tho KtcluMon so dear to tho nvcr- I ago gormandizer? "Uon" llutlor frequently l comes to this placo to ordor his favorite dish. I "I havo heard ot appetites," said annt I tendnut to mo tho othor day, "but I novcr know exactly what a real nppetlto was boforo I saw Mr. llutlor, I remember tho first ttmo ho came hero ho ordered two porterhouso steaks, a dozen fried eggs, with fried onions, raw fried potatoes and pancakes to suit. ' I thought 1. was for a iarty of four, and I fixed plates, napkins, knives and fork ac cordingly. What tho nt) you bringing nil thoso dishes in hero fort Do you supposo I'vo in vited a regiment to dlno with mol Tako thorn away,' shouted Mr. Duller. "Whllol cleared away tho deck Mr. But lor sat there imimtlcntly with a fork in ono hand and a knlfo in tho other, waiting for mo to set tho onion on tho table. Thoro woro twolvo pancakes on a plate, Thoso ho sliced through at ono blow, cut out a soctlon and apparently swallowed it pretty much as tho avcrago man does an oyster after giving it ono bite. Another soctlon followed in tho soma way, and boforo I could turn around ho thundered out: ' 'Bring in somo moro pancakes. "I rushed back to tho kitchen and dotailod tho situation to tho head cook. " Why, ilat must bo Mr. Butler,' said tho cook, knowingly, and, calling to an assistant, ho told htm to mako up a big panful ot pan cako batter and to bo 'mighty quick about It, for dar Is a man in do dlnln' room wid an appetite liko a rat hole.' Whon I got back to tho dining room ono ot tho porterhouso steaks was missing. It had disappeared so quickly that I began to doubt whether I had brought It or not, when ray mind was settled by Mr, Butler, who said, as ho wiped his mouth and chin: " 'That steak was just right, but this ono is not quite raro enough.' "But ho fell to It all tho satno and destroyed It in largo sections, supplemented by mouth f uls of egg, potatoes and onions, and an oc casional half cup of codec, " 'Where tho aro thoso panenkesfho shouted, while glaring at mo with ono good eye, and then ho turned as if to tho cook: " 'Bring in thoto pancakes I' "Well, sir, you may bollovo mo or not, but Mr. Butler got uwny with four dozen pan cakes, and as for tho steak, 053s and pota toes, thoro wasn't enough left to toed a cat. And thou ho got up and wnlkod down tlio avenue as briskly as it bo had only lunched on half a dozen raw oysters." Now York Tribune, Not Llkoly to l'orget It. MoJ. Thnxter, of Portland, Mo., is ono of tho fow veterans who know that Virginia was tho only Confcdorato state that sent twelvo cavalry roglmonts into tho war. Ho got Ids information this way: Ho went out with his regiment from Worrenton, Vo., on a raid. When ho returned at night ho rodo to tho placo whenco ho had sot out and camo upon a cavalry camp asleep. "What regiment is Oils!" ho shouted, "Tho Twelfth," was tho answer, "Tho Twelfth what!" ho asked. "Twelfth Virginia, you fooll" was tho answer from ono who was surprised that any ono shouldn't know that there was but ono Twelfth cavalry regiment in tho sorvice. Mnj, Thaxter didn't wait for furthor in formation, but got away. Ho afterward learned tlint tho Union troops had fallen back aud the Confederates taken their placo. Now Yorjt Bun. UE Evolution of a l'oet. Wo. aro always glad to note tho re sult of closo appli cation, determina tion to succeed, and tmo American grit Peter Peako Boamman, ot Ovous, sent us a poem about a year ago, which, while brist ling with gems of literary acumen, was not exactly suited to tho requirements ot this paper. Wo returned It with tho advice that bo porsevcro in his efforts, and that ho has , dono so, with maguUlcont success, and at tho samo tlmo not allowing his brain to run away j with tho practical atful rs of llfo, is evidenced , by his coming In today with a forty-four , ound pumpkin, to which is pinned tho fol- lowing beautiful wntlment exquisitely en- nmuu 111 iuriiu 111, When this you eat Remembrr Pete. Saskatchewan (Minn.) Exposer. Hold Western Hyperbole. "Did it ralnl" exclaimed tho western man, m tho courso ot a thrilling recital ot border life. "Bay, It rained so hard that ufternoon that Uui water stood three feet on u siant roof. Buffalo Courier. If PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. A IVriillnr Form of Intntlcntlnn Hvll Kited of Carbonated Waters. Essence of ginger is iwpulnrly regarded as an Innocent and harmless preparation a sort of "old woman's remedy" or family modi el no to lw dealt out for tho small boy's pain under his Jacket or to sustain the grand motlior under a "fnlnt Bpoll." Tho following statements aro thoroforo (surprising: A drug gist is Mild to nfllrm that thero exists a ccu liar kind of dissipation, known as ginger drinking, of the extent of which few people are aware. Tlio article used is tho ossouco of ginger, or tho alcoholic extract ordinarily sold by druggists. Having oneo ncquired a llklpg for it, tho victim becomes ns much a slavo to his nppe tlto as tho opium cater or tho votary of co caine. In lb, effect it Is much tho most inju rious of all such practices, for In tho courso of tlmo it destroys tho coating of tho stom ach nnd dooms Its victim to a slow nnd ago nizing denth. Tho druggist says that ns gin ger cmonco contains about 100 per cent nlco liol, aud whisky left than CO wr cent, tho former Is thero.'oro twice ns Intoxicating. In fact, this is tho reason why it is used by har dened old topers whoso stomachs aro 110 longer capable of intoxicating stimulation from whisky. Thoy need tho moro powerful ngoncy of tho puro nleohol in tho ginger ex tract. Tho authority mentioned relates tho In stance of a woman who contracted tho habit through employing tho glugor on several oc casions for stomachlo pains. The relief It niTonled her was so grateful that she took to it upon any rocurrenco of her trouble Sho found, too, that tho slight exhilaration of tho alcohol bnnlshod mental depression. In this way sho got to using it regularly, nnd finally to such nn excess Hint sho was often grossly Intoxicated. Another caw was tlint of n man who bought a four ounco bottlo overy morning and drank Its contents by noon. Ho craved tho stuff so ardently that ho was unnhlo to go about his business until ho had sot tho ma chinery ot his stomach In operation and started tho circulation of tho blood with this Aery draught Large doses aro described as producing a quiet stupor and additional ones a profound lotliargio slumber wliich lasts lu somo cases twenty-four hours. Careful Nursing. When a sick porson is obllgod to llo con stantly In ono position, as Is tho enso with a brokon leg, bod sores must lw guarded against Tho lower inirtof tho back Is most frequently attacked, says Good Housekeeping, and tho nurso should pass her hand pudor it at least twice a day to soo that tho draw sheet is f reo from wrlnklos nnd crcasca. Morning nnd night sho must batho It with a small spongo dipped In alcohol or a solution of tnnido acid, and whon it is dry rub It with corn htarch or buckwheat flour. It may seem lniposslblo to her to got her hand underneath, but most bods will yield n llttlo to pressure, and by working In a roll of old linen under tho back abovo tho place to bo bathed, sho will obtain a llttlo space to work In. If in splto of pro cautions tho back becomes sore, nn air cush ion with n holo in tho middle must lw used to prevent tho soro from coming in contact with any surface, or it cannot heal. ' Carbonated Wntors. Dr. Hcrzog, a German physician, calls at tention to tho evil results of a continuous use of carbonated waters. A daily uso of sucb beverages will lu consequence ot tho disten sion of tho digest! vo organs, caused by tho carbonic acid gas, produco nervousness, numbness, irritation, and oven rupture ot n vessel Thoso, liko xworful medicines, should only be employed undor tho itdvico of a physician. Treutnient of Hums. For slmplo burns oil or tho whlto ot an egg can bo used. Ono part of carbollo acid to six iarts oltvo oil is found to bo lnvalu ablo in most cases of burns, slight or sovcro, nnd tho first layer of lint should not bo re tmoved till tho euro is complete, but saturated from time to tlmo by tho application of fresh outsldo layers. Cleaning the Hair and Scalp. For cleaning and softening tho hair e, popular means Is a beaten egg rubbod well Into tho hair and on tho scalp, and thor oughly rinsed out with several warm waters It does not leave tho skin harsh and dry, an soap, ammonia, etc., somotlmos do. Ico for Sick Stomach. When a person Is "sick at tho stomach,1' loo taken into tho mouth in small pieces, nml allowed to melt boforo swallowing, will in very many instances relievo tho discomfort SOCIAL ETIQUETTE. Manners anil Customs Practiced In Follto Society. Au authority -on etiquette, objecting strongly to tho terms "lady frlond" and "gentleman frleud," gives through Tho World tho following reasons for so doing: The terms lady and gontlomau havo been and aro so misused as to havo grown almost moaniuglesM, and their constant npglloatlon to all conditions of llfo almost vulgar. Hencn tho term lndy friend does not convey nny Im prosslon, as a rule, beyond that tho frnd is a feminine ouo. If intended to qualify, in can only bear tho lnferenco that tho person speaking of "my lady friend" has others he or sho does not consider ladles. Every ro spectablo woinan or girl is prosumod to bo n lady, and overy reputable man a gentleman, until ho or sho proves himself or hursolf to txs otherwise. Among rcflncd aud cultivated pooplo, whoso uso ot langungo 13 tho best test of its correctness, tho moment a word or term becomes misused and meaningless it is dropped, Ilcnco tho reaction ot late yuan among refined uooplo in favor of tho old Saxon terms, man and woman. Lady and gentleman In other days carried au idea of persons of good brooding and position. Tho doslro of many nooplo to have thoso terms I applied to them Is duo to tho impression that their assumption of them, or rcboutniont whon thoy aro not applied, will give to them qualitlos aud position they do not possess. Dlsroputablo persons of oltbor sex aro often Vehement in their claims to bo called "lady" or "gentlemau." Avoid a Fusty Manner. It is in tho worst posslblo taste, according to Harper's Bazar, for a lady to concern her self about a gentleman's hat, tho seat ho has chosen, tho length ot a call, oranythlugabout htm. Sho simply smiles, bows, gives him her hand when ho cornea in to make r. call, and puts him at his oaso by hor tactful con versation, as he makes an effort to bo agree able to her. Bhu docs not urge him to come again or to prolong his cull; her maunot must do all that. Young men aro especially annoyed at ahy exhibition of fussincss on tho jwirt ot theli entertainers. "I wish Mrs. Brown would Jet mo sit on nu uncomfortablo chair if I wish to," is tho remark of moro than ono youug man when ho cornea out of somu.fmy presence. Young men can tako enroot themselves in a parlor, and it is not na uncommon fault of American women that thoy are too anxious to take core ot mem CALIFOJNIAS Finest : Production. JARVIS WIIES and BEAIDIES. PUREST, OLDEST AND BEST -FOR Medicinal & The G. M. Jarvis Company Is located at San Jose, in the lovely Santa Clara Valley, and the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains, a re ion that grows every variety of grapes known on the favored Rhine or on the sunny slopes of the Mediterranean. In this bcautiftil, fertile valley the purple, golden and lus cious grapes arc ripened to perfection, and among these deli cious harvests of vineyard products arc made their Choice Port,' Golden Sherry, Muscatelle and Madeira TABLE WINES. and from the Reisling Wine they 'distill the JARYIS' REILING GRAPE BRANDY Which is now the standard of purity and excellence in this country. We were awarded FIRST PRIZE FOR BEST PORT WINE at Illinois State Fair 1872. FIRST PRIZE FOR BBANDY AND WINES at World's Fair, New Orleans. We have taken Seven First Prices, and have in our possession seven Gold Medals from State Fairs of California. DR. THOS. PRICE, The great assayer and chemist of San Francisco says: "I have submitted your Brandy to a most searching chemical analysis and find no adulteration, no fusel oil. It is a remarkably pure article." DR. BEVERLY COLE, of San Francisco, says: "I have analyzed the Jarvis Reisling Grape .Brandy, and find it pure and a genuine good article." The followin is from the well-known Analytical Chemist of Chicago. THE G. M. JARVIS CO. Gentlemen. I have made complete analyses of ' your Wines and Brandies. These tests show me that they are not only strictly pure but that tliey contain all the essential quali ties so much admired by leading wine chemists. J. H. LONG, Analytical Chemist Chicago Med. Col. THESE AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS All testify to the purity, wholcsomeness and high standard of the Jarvis goods. They are known the world over and have become deservedly popular for EAIILIES AM MEDICAL PUEPOSE The goods are always to be relied upon; prices low for first class article and put up in packages convenient for all. Their Rich Bartlett Pear Cider s a most delicious, healthy and nutritious, as well as the most popular, drink 5ver offered. Made from the Over-ripe Bart lett Pear, boiled down and filtered through charcoal. It will not ferment or spoil. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. THE G, M. JARVIS C6 , THE G, M, JARVIS CO. San Jose, Cal. 39 N. State St. Chicago. W. B. HOWARD, L,., L. LINDSJDY, - Family Supply Agent for Lincoln, Neb: Family Use Traveling Salesman. RJW r ,,"-