Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 07, 1888, Image 1

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Vol. 3. No. 4
Lincoln, Nicdkaska, Satukday, January 7, 1888
Phioic Iivjc Oicnts
Intended to Tlt'klo tli Ulslhlltlos or
duco Philosophical Discussion.
I'll, tlio holldnys nro over, mid tlio
fact thnt tho present tlmo finds ninny
of tw jioorer llnnnclnlly tlinn Iwforo
tlio festival season, Is admitted with ft
fooling of "goneness" on tlio part of our
pocketlsioks. As to whether wo regret tlio
outlny Is ft question thnt can lw answered hy
mnny In tlio negative, whilst most ilonont
liavo causo to rejoice. Tlio holldar presents
glvon today do not seem to hnvo tlio snmo
signiflennco as thnt of tlio good old days.
Nowadays mosst presents nro given witlin
view of somo reclprocntlon, or to follow the
custom. For instance, tlio merchant gives
'his help presents iKvntiso thoy hnvo lnlwred
faithfully lu his Iwhnlf, or Iwcauso thoy, in
most cases, ex)oct It. Tlio mother mid fnther
who glvo their sou or daughter n gift, do it
with n puro motlvo, thnt of love, as well ns
tho young limn gives his sweetheart u token,
or vice verm, prompted liy nffeetlon, nnil n
good way to show their esteem for encli other.
Tho giving of Christmas presentJi is moro of n
custom generally thnn of good will nnd
friendship. Mnny of my kind renders doubt
low can say to themselves, ,lI gave such or
such n present simply Iwenuso thoy gavo mo
8omothlng last year, or Iwcnuso I was In
Bomo maiinor under obligations to them. Had
It not Iwcn for that, I surely would not liavo
mado tho presentation." It Is taken for
granted thnt tho husbnnd nlways gives lilt
lio'pmoct n Christmas present, nnd, of course,
'tho anticipation Is generally realized, lint
liow often does tho husband ilud himself
financially unable to purehaso something ele
gant nnd usually costly nothing elso would
answer and tlicro nro cases whero tho
sterner of tho two, when happiness is not al
together complete, buys these tokens simply
'because tho occasion demands it, anil to mako
lifo so much less burdensome. However, lay
ing nil those nsldo, there Is scarcely anything
that can glvo n truo heart so much Joy as
making n gift that goes out as n token of real
friendship prompted by genuine lovo nnd
affection. Such gifts are ft pleasure to both
giver nnd recipient, but f those I doubt if
thoy will lie one- Unit ot tlio presents nuuie
1 regret to learn of tho removal of Express
ngont 8. C. Potter from this city. Ho ban
sbeeti assigned n moro lucrative position; thnt
of mnnnger of the joint olllco of tho Amorienn
nnd Wells Fnrgo Express companies in
'Omaha. Mr. l'ottor who has only boon n rosi--dent
of Lincoln for nbout eight months, has
just becomo well acquainted with our business
men; nil of whom had cause to njipreclato his
efforts In their liehnlf to furnish prompt and
careful service. Ho has lieon ono of tho lwst
agent wo liavo over had, and should his suc
cessor drovo equally popular, thoro will bo no
-causo for complaint. In his now homo, I
trust ho irny lw well recelvel.
Mr. C. It. Teas tho now Wclls,Fargo agoiit,
comes from Fremont, nnd Is a gentleman
whom I wns pleased to meet. He is qulto nn
experienced man In business nnd comes with
excellent recommendations. I take pleasuro in
extending tho hand of welcome and trust his
rosliienco In tho capital city may noverbo
regretted, but to tho contrary provo pleasant,
both to himself nnd the numerous patrons of
-of tho company. Mr. Totter takes chargellu
in Omnha to-morrow, leaving Mr. Ferris as
manager to-day.
California Kxoursloii.
Tho Missouri l'ncllla with Its usual ninount
of push nnd enterprise, has arranged for a
.grand through excursion from Lincoln to Los
Angoios, Tho train will leave this city Jan
uary 11th contKsod of elegant Pullman
i Sleepers that will run through to the coast
without change, via. tho very popular south
orn route. It is estimated that nearly ono
half of tho travel to California this season
from Lincoln has been via. this lino mid all
speak of as it iir oxcllent. The old rate f CO.
(which has lieon raised to $80.00) will prevail
on this occossion, and tho only time during
Jutmary. Mr. Hanna the city ngont of the
M. P. Hy. will cheerfuly glvo nil Information
as to tltuo and rates, route etc. Call nt
tho ofllce, corner 1'Jth, and O.
A Now HiiMort Kor (loiitluinii'i.
Among tho now enterprises to bo opened
soon in this city, there is ono for the entertain
ment of "our boys" that will from tho start
prove successful both flnaiiclally and othor--wiso,
Tho location is in the Copltnl hotel
building, in the two largo store rooms on
Eleventh street, that which has heretofore
been tho parlor, and tho room lately vacated
by tho Couiukii, ns a business olllco. No liet
ter location could lie found in tho city, nnd
that tho place will bo conducted in first-class
style, wo can assure nil. Mr. W. II. Adams
tho proprietor, is a gentlomau well and favor
ably known, not only in Lincoln but through
out tho state,
Tho Fixtures and general furnishings will
lie of tho celebrated Brunswick, Balko, Col
leniler Co's make. Every lover of this tlmo
honored sport fully appreciates tho fact that
the Brunswick tables nro tho very liost, mid
prefer them to nil others. Tho general furn
ishings will lw of an elegant order, nnd every
convenience will bo offered to patrons for tho
enjoyment of tho game.
No liquors will lw dlsjiensed, or linproiwr
characters allowed nbout tho place , but every
thing run in strictly first-class stylo.
Tho opoulng hns not ns yet lieon decided
uX)ii, hut will lw shortly nnnounced in tho
iidvcrttsolug columns of tho CouitiKH.
Tho latest and lwst thing out Is tho Elkliorn
Valley and Chicago mid Northwestern pnlneo
sleeping car lino running dally lietwoen Lin
coln mid Chicago. Berths assigned in ad
vnnco of a trip, if desired, at olllco, 115 South
enth street and depot, cornor S mil Eighth
FiiriiUliril ItomiiN to Kent.
Three rooms, nicely furnished, close to
business centre, lli'Jil P street.
Thoy know just how to ploaso you with
oysters in every stylo at Brown's Now Vlunna
Ht, I'iiiiI mill tlio Northwest,
Points in tho nhovo directions are reached
1 est by tho Elkliorn valley lino. Connections
nro sum and tho lino most direct. Get tickets
ntUJi South Tenth street or ilejiot, comer 8
nnd Eighth sreutts.
Tlio I.biIIm of Lincoln KnterUlii tho (Ion
Mctiion In IClFBnnt Stylo,
On Montlay evening last, n number of
tho lending society ladles of Lincoln gnvo a
grand bill nnd pnrty to the gentlemen nt
Masonic Temple, It wns, Indeed, n most novel
as well ns I'lijoynblo entcrtnlmuont, nnd was
ono of t!; most numerously attended balls
evorglven In theclty. Tho nlTnlr wns entirely
lu the hnuds of tlio ladles, who railed for the
gentlemen with cnrrlnges, escorted them to
tho ball, nnd, in fact twild for everything.
The novelty of tho wholo proceeding lent
piquant Interest to everything, ns now sur
prises were in store nt overy turn. Tlio pro
grams wero very neat, printed in lovely tinted
Ink, nnd nil having wliitotftsselsnttachisl,with
tassel nuil bull K'iicll for tho ladles. Nearly
one hundred and llfty iwrsons vero present,
tho larger iwrtlmi of whom pnrtlciNited In
tiio merry dance. Kaeh program contained
fourteen numbers, mid two extras were nlso
danced. Mesdntues Mutr, Huckstnlf and Shel
don nnd Misses Lnttu nnd Onkloy olllclntod ns
mistresses of coromonlos, nnd nlthongh thoy
iiad n niostil (Uculttask, thoy acquitted thorn
selves most creditably, nnd wero tho recipients
of many compllnients, ns Indeed wns the entire
committee of nrraugemeuts.
Just prorlous to commencing tho dancing,
tho programs wore distributed by six ex
quisitely dressed little girls, from silver trays.
It was nearly ten o'clock when places for tho
grand march wore taken, and tho hands of the
clock pointed to two when tho last number
was llulshod.
Tho dancers were nil attired in full dross,
and tho many handsome toilets of tho ladles,
lu nil tho varied hues of tho rainbow, rendered
tho scene n most beautiful ono. The ball was
successful beyond tho expectations of the
ladles, and was enjoyed by overy ono.
Tho ladles liavo elfected nn organization,
electing Miss Minnie Latta, president; Miss
Lilllo Hathoway, vico president; Mrs. F. M.
Ferryman, secretary, and Miss Ciorn Funko,
Owing to tho largo number present nnd the
constantly moving throng, it wus almost im
possible to get a complete list of nomes, but
following is ns nearly correct ns jiossihlo:
Messrs. mid Mesdntues Mulr, Sheldon, Duck
staff, Dennis, C. C. Burr, L. C. Uurr, A. 1).
Burr, Zoiinor, Gregg, J. II. W. Hawkins,
W. G. Hawkins, A mints, Mncfarland, Hay
den, Ewlng, Lnttn, Ferryman, Townsloy, Fos
ter, Wheeler, Huirmau, Dccson, Muir.
Mesdamos Drown, Zelu-uug, Hntliawny,
Hatumotiil, 0. H. nnd H. 11. Oakley, So well,
Funko, Hooper, Marshall, Fred Funke,
Drown, Dudley.
Misses MImilo Lntta, Hums, Hnthnivny,
Clara Funko, Elliot of Kansas City, MuUiowb,
Hawkins, Walsh, Maggie and Nellie Million,
Belle mid Ailecu Oakley, Nellio nnd Drownio
Bnuiu, Bertio and Maud Burr, Miss Qeorgio
Hawkoof Nebraska City, Lllllbridg-i, Ollio
Latta, Dickey, Ferry, Chio Brown, Atiulo
Funko; Barnard, LUIlo and May I'otvln,
McKinny, Qniulngor, Andrus, Stout, Zelmer,
Ljiwh, Uarnanl, Hardy, Wells, Marquette.
Messrs Zohrungi V?7 It." Brown, Holskell,
Hurdy, McArthur, Louis and Will Stull,
Foresmnn, Vnn Duyn. E. It. nnd A. B.
Smith, Law, Lemist, Mugoon, Duckstnff,
West, Maxwell, Itichtcr, Bnum, Edwnrds,
I'holps, Funko, Gundy, Wiley, Folk, Hntliu
wny, Holmes, Houtz, Hiiuimond, Hlggon
botham, Cluirlio nnd Frank Burr, Tumpleton,
Young, Storrs, and Andrus.
Doctor (feeling patlont's pulse) You nro
suffering, sir, from nervous prostration In a
very aggravated form. Havo you booa
drinking deeply of Into!
Patient (feebly) No, sir; I'vo been Christ
mas shopping with my wlfo. Tho Ejioch,
IJrcnltfnit Preparations.
Old Man (calling down tho stairs to daugh
ter Clara!
Daughter Yes, papal
Old Man Ask that young man in th
parlor which ho prefers for breakfast, milk
rolls or Vienna broad. Now York Sun.
Cutting It Short.
Stranger Is Mr. Blinks In)
Hotel Clerk Yes, he's in his room.
"Tell him Mr. SchwilTcrwltzonoutor
helm" "Front, tell 120 a gcntloman from Cincin
nati wishes to see him." Omaha World.
rarcottou NonmtlilnK.
Walter (holding out his hand in a moaning
sort of way) Haven't you forgotten some
thing, sir?
Dejinrting Guost (grasping hand nnd shak
ing It heartily) Good-by, good-by. Now
York Sun.
Keeping Within tho Tjiw.
First Thief-Hollo, Bill, still burglarin'?
Second Thief No, I'vo found something
safer than that.
"Eh? What ycr doin' now?"
"Ituiiulii' a railroad reutaurant." Omahji
Not Particular.
Mother (to llttlo Etntnn) What nro yon
going to do with that egg?
Llttlo Eninin Tho teacher is going to tell
us tho history of Columbus, mid asked every
ono of us to bring an egg.
Mother But, my dear, I can't iaro on
Llttlo Emma Oh that doesn't nmkonny
difference. Teacher told us to bring como
butter if wo hail no eggs, Now York Sun.
Canon City Coal at
and Limo Co.
tho Whllehreast Coal
Attend tho groat sale of dry goods ovory
thing goes. OAKi.KYoi Co'h.
,t KM XkssT
Tlio I'll nko Opera Ultimo Leased to Craw
ford AS Mclteyuold.
A complete surprise was sprung on tho ho
plo of Lincoln by tho announcement Wednes
day of tho leasing of Funko's oora house to
Messrs Crawford nnd Mclleynolds, two gen
tlemen well known lu the theatrical world.
While tho Couiukii regrets to hear of Mr.
Funko's retirement, It Is with pleasuro that It
learns of Mr. Mclteynolds' advancement. For
over half n dozen years Mr. MuKoynoIds hns
acted ns treasurer anil nsslstnut manager of
tho ojiern houses, and the knowledge and ex
perloitco ho has gained In thnt time well
equip him for tho successful management of
a house under his direct control. Personally,
few men hnvo moro friends in Lincoln than
"Bob" Mclleynolds, mid Justly so. A favor
ite nllko with both press nnd public, genial,
talented nnd companionable, success awaits
him on his career. Of Mr. Crawford it
might 1m said ho needs no introduction to the
Lincoln theatre-going public. For yenrs ho
has been the most prominent nnd energetic
mnnnger In tho west. From n printer work
ing lu a noVHvi.'i' olllco ho heenmo succes
sively tho manager and owner of tho then
only oHrn houso lu Topckn, mid nit hough
oi ico burned out nnd opioed by a strong
rival, ho quickly rose to tho top, and today
owns theatres in Toiiokn, Wichita nnd I.env
enworth, besides lielng tho lessee of houses In
Omaha nnd Wichita. Ho also controls tho
Kansas circuit, which Includes nearly overy
city of prominence lu that state. Tho nil
vantages which Mr. Crawford's connection
with tho Funko will bring nro mnny. The
standard of dramntlc talent npiienring hero
will lie raised and kept up, a lietter variety
given nnd every show will lw a good one.
Tho now firm takes possession of tho bouse
February 1st. Mr. Crawford's headquarters
will still Ik) at Topoka, while Mr. MeltoynoMs
will bo local mnnnger and nttenil to matters
lmrtlcularly concerning tho house. Tho com
bination is n good one, anil Mr, Mclloynold's
tunny friends rejoice to hear of his good luck
deserved luck, ns It were, and hopo for tho
success sure to conio
Well Utmlliloil
Plumber (to applicant for work) Whore
wore you cmployod last?
Applicant I was making out bills for an
Iceman all summer, nnd
Plumber That's enough I You mayoon
ddor yourself eugnged for tho winter " 'T
Heel MB tho Oh! Year Out.
A jmrty of young folks, nine couples in nil,
wero pleasantly entertained Sntunlny evening
by Mr. F. C Zohrting nt his elegant homo,
No. 1015 D street. Tlio comimny had gath
ered for tho purposo of seeing tho old year
out, nnd welcoming in tho now. While nwnlt
lug tho coming of twelve o'clock, the time
was enjoynbly sixmt in dancing, Miss
Wllloughby furnishing tho music. An elegant
Now England lunch was spread at which all
regaled themselves, mid ns the hour of mid
night npproached gathered around tho table,
and at tho striking of tho clock, all stood up
nnd drank tho health of tho now year, mid
sung a verso of "Attld LangSyno." After tho
exchange of Happy Now Years, thocomiwiny
disjoined, having passed a vory pleasant
The Y, M. C. A. Itoceptlon.
Tho nununl Now Years reception of tho
Young Mens Christian association Monday
wnsn most successful ono. Four hundred in
vitations had Iwen sent out to twrsons not
memliers of tho association, nnd, Judging
from tho number present, not ono fulled to
rosiwnd. At threo o'clock, tho tlmo for com
mencing tho reception, the ladles had every
thing in rendiuoss. Upon six tastefully deco
rated tables wero piled in Inviting heaps,
cold meats, cakes, fruits and edibles of all
kinds each presided over by a charming
lady, with a iwvy of assistants
Tlio scholars of tho public school, gnvo a
holiday entertainment nt the 0era house
Monday evening. Tho attendance was vory
light, much less than it should hnvo Iks'ii.
Misses Fnnnie Woods, Grace Thompson, Josio
Loughridgo, Clara Donnls, Maud Gustin, mid
Molllo Helwig, Ench gavo n recitation, the
ovcnlng lielng given to tho presentation of the
cantata, "Banta Clans'' in which solo juirts
wero taken by Misses Pace, Matintl, Smith,
Becker, Hlghter, Llpo, Weaver and Harjier,
and Master Carl Tucker.
Low Kates to California.
Tho California excursions via tlio Burling
ton route (tho scenic lino of America) havo
Iwcomo so populnr as to necessitate a train of
this kind every week. Denver, Colorado
Springs, Manltou, Hoyal Gorge, Marshall
Pass, Black Canon of tho Gunnison nnd Sal
Lake city nro all on this route. Full artlcu
ars may lw obtained at city olllco, corner O
and Tenth streets, or at tho depot
i:ikliorn Vully I.liic I'uatoiiKor Train Ser
vice. Tho Chicago flyer is train No. 41, leaving
at 19:31) noon. It carries a through jwilaco
sleoor Lincoln to Chicago, and a dining car
from Missouri Vallo yaud reaches its destina
tlonnt 8 o'clock tho following morning. This
train makes connection nt Fremont for Nor
folk and Omaha; at Missouri Vnlly for Sioux
City mid St, Pnul.
Train No. 4'J leaves Lincoln nt 0;.Vi a, m.
for Wiihoo, Fremont, Norfolk, Chndron, tho
Black Hills country, York, Howard, Hustings,
Omaha, Missouri Valely. Sioux Clfv ami
This service gives Lincoln xoplo two trains
.1iitlvl l.'.-.itii' .....I 7.m.1I. .. ft. ....I...
Missouri Vulloy, Sioux City nnd Chicago.
Patronize them.
Tim Courier Mini describes Ills lleernl
VUlt to Nt. I.iiuls.
Ht. Louih, Mo., Jan. !3, 1888.
Kdltorlnl t'onvspoiuh'tioti.
Having for tho )mt innnlli nntlelpatisl n
trip to Ht, 1iuls during tho holiday season, I
now lliul myself here in tho gay mid busy
commercial center of Ht. IaiiiIs, mid as I
gained my wnv through tho crowds down
town Saturday, tho last day of good old '87, I
could not help making comimrlsous between
this city and Its most dangerous rlvnl Chi
cago. Of course St, Iouls is n great city.
Its business lu magnitude Is enormous, its
wenllh grant, and society charming. But,
when eoinpnrod with tho great lake city, it
must take a rear sent and admit thnt Its rlvnl
wns Isirn nfter St, IaiuIs wns of ripe nge, nnd
within a score of years hns mnrehod over It
like Nnpolontt did over tho Germans and
llitsslaiis. But yet St, Louis hns another
rlvnl that threatens to do much harm, ni'd In
fact has donn much already, I sssik of
Ivausas City, vhleh has, like the mushroom,
sprung into a mp(roNilltnu trade center, cap.
hiring numerous favors formerly shown St.
Louis, but now extended to the former. Be
tween these tno giant eomotltors tho lead
ing city of Missouri Is nnd has liecu having
lis hands full, hutiiovertholess has nppareutly
held Its own. For enterprise I cannot say Ht,
Louis cqiinls Chlcngo or lCnnsns City, for In
its very lirst publlo accommodations, tho do
K)t, shows lack of this modern ncqulrod
spirit. Both of Its rivals hnvo magnlll
cent passenger stntlons, while Ht. Iiuls has
nothing but u shell for n station. In this
respect tho town con i m res favorably with
tho city of Omaha our ui'lghlior on the
north, Vou will find hut fow elegant busi
ness houses here, most of them npHnrsng
old mid of tho micieut stylo of architis'ture.
However there nro several very hnndsomo
storcn, namely, Browning, King oi Co.'s,
Burr's, lluuiplireyV, and two or throe others.
Now Year's day was pretty generally ob
served liuio, most of tho calling Is'lug done
thlsufti'i'lKwi), In fact there has Ihs'H quite
n revival of tho time honored manner of call
ing. "Ye bloods of yo town" wero out lu
largo numbers, mostly lu groups of four,
with elegant carriages, footmen nnd drivers
In proiK-r costume. Tlio calls wero generally
"short and sweet," especially as much of tho
lather, i, c, sweetmeats, wero Ills-rally dis
pensed nt the various open houses. It was n
noticeable fact thnt tho former custom of
offering wine mid rnko to visitors wns re
vived nt u great mnny places. Most ladies
wero assisted in receiving by from two to a
dozen lady friends, nnd tho occasion seemed
to 1)0 thoroughly enjoyed by nil, mid the now
year ushered in with Joy nnd merriment
throughout tho city.
My most pleasant occasion during tlio stay
of several dnys, wns the annual hallnud ban
quet of the Harmonic chili, which occurred
inttinlny night, Contrary to what many
might oxjiect from tho iinme of tho club, It is
notnmusicnl organization, but simply ono
for general social entertainment of its mem
bers. Tlio Hnniionlo club is tho oldest lu St,
Louis, hnving orgnnlzed somo thirty years
ngo, mid now nmnliers two hundred mem
bers. This being tho limit, none others nro
ndmltted unless somo one should resign or a
memlier die, mid oven In this case It would
take a mnn a long while to gain ndmlsslon, as
quite a numlier are awaiting tholr turn to go
in. Tlio tnemh''rs comprise wmio of tho
wealthiest jieoplo of this city, ninny of them
counting their earthly gains In tlio ncighlior-
hood of half and quarter millions. Four
yenrs ago thoy erecUsl ono of tho most olo
guilt club houses in tho entire west, and tho
finest in St. Louis. Tho structure, which is
an imposing one, lsloonUsl at tho corner of
Eighteenth and IK'ust streets, covers n
frontago of 75 feet by 1.10 feet In length, and
is three stories in height mid a basement.
Tho first floor is used ns a liowliug alloy,
billiard room, nnd kitchen; second floor for
card rooms, diets rooms, ladles' mid gents'
parlors, coat rooms, nnd toilet njnrtuionts
on ono side, mid a largo banquet hall which
comfortably seats two hundred people, mid
n directors' room on tho opposite side, with
n brand, handsomely furnished hall down the
center. Tho third floor comprises ono spa
cious nnd lienutlful dancing room, seventy by
one hundred and twenty feet, with a twenty-
eight foot celling. At tho head of a grand
stnlrwnv on this floor is tlio Irte a tete room,
n cosy llttlo npartment Just off from tho
dancing hall, where tho merry wnltzers seek
a fow moments quiet dint while being served
with a cooling Iwverago. Kverythlng in tlio
lino of furniture Is of heavy plush, not a
wooden or other ordinary piece lielnc ustsl.
except In the lianquet hall below.
On tho evening nhovo mentioned wns tho
tlmo of tho club's annual Now Year's ball.
and as elaborate nrrancements hnd been
mndo nnd creditably carried out, tho affair
proved to bo ono of tho most fashionable mid
tho finest given in St. Louis this season. Tho
entranco nnd halls wero all tastefully decor-
ntod with plant mid Uowers, nnd the scono
thntpresenuxl iteir to tho swctntor when
the merry nssembly was indulclni: in tho art
of dancing wns n pleasant feast to the oye.
i ne costuming wns artlcularly Iwuutlful,
lsith ladles and gentlemen all Iwlnu in full
evening dress, mid I noticed thnt tho gentle
men nearly all wore tho embroidered whlto
vest cut U shaod, Instead of tho black.
It is more drossy mid Improves tho npienr
iineooftho gontleinon In full dress. Tho
ceremonies wero conducted by Lincoln's very
jxipular visitor, Mr. Jacob Mahler, nnd that
tho festivities wero in keeping with tho ovent
nono of his numerous friends will doubt. Ho
performed tho required duties in his nccus
tomed gonial nnd graceful manner, and al
though there wero over threo hundred couples
on tho floor ho handles! tho jmrty with
equally ns much ease ns though there were
but thirty. To tho gallant professor I am un
der lasting obligations for many kindnesses
shown mo, not only nt the Iwll but during
my several days stay. Mr Mnhler Is a royal
entertainer, a fact that is well known not
iilouu in Ht. Louis, but nlso in our own city
mid nt Saratoga each summer.
The niuslo was exquisite tho llnct I have
ever hoard nt n Imll. There wero two or
chestras, ono plnced on a gorgeously decora
ted stngo at tho west end of tho room that
played dance music, and another in annlcovo
at tho south end that rendered charming
ovcruires Dciweon nances for promenades.
Each orchestra has sixteen pieces mid each
with different kinds of instruments. Tho ef
fit't produced may lw Imagined. It wns per
fectly grand mid even now. ns t wi lie this. I
Imagine t can yet hear tho strains floating lu
tho atmosphere.
Tho programs Were ns unique ns they wero
lieautlful nnd wero mndo of silk plush Indeli
cate shade lu sluqw of n fan, with swaumlown
edges. Thoy worn quite expensive nnd highly
prlfisl by everyone.
At quarter to twelve tho innrch for tho
banquet wns forimsl mid nil rcmlrcd to the
hall Mow to enjoy tho festive occnslon, Tho
menu include.! everything delicious In eata
bles, Ixwlde tho lluest lu wines, etc. After
tho hniiquet tho merry dnnco wns iiiinlu re
During my visit I made mnny ticqunu
lauceN mid friends whom I trust I may see
ngnlunt some future ditto. To one mid nil
mid occlnlry to Mr. Mahler, I iloslni to re
turn sincere thanks. L. W.
Main Halt Notes.
Billy Howders, of Ht. Pnul, has lieon pur
chased by Boston,
Nichols, of last year's Kansas City, will
likely sign with Birmingham.
Curtis, the heavy hitler of Ivivouworth
last year, has signed with Birmingham.
Ilelslng, of last year's Hastings team, will
play with tho Chicago western league club
this season.
Jack llrenunu, ono of tho Iwst known enMi
era lu tho west, has slguisl with Golilhy'M
Birmingham team.
Ducky Hemp, Tub Welch, Dan O'Lenry mut
Cluirlio l-ovls; all western league players of
last year, nro still unsigned.
All tho players wliniiroswudlhgt lie winter
on tho coast urn much infatuated with tho
Kvjplo mid climate, and tunny ulllrm their In
tention of staying theie.
Dooms, tho western league pitcher, Is In a
pickle, Birmingham had mvepbsl Ins terms,
but Henry received lietter terms from Newark
mid signed there,
Joe Anlner has recovered from his sovero
attack of scarlet fever. Tho Joes nil seem to
Iw good Hccoud-lwisenicn. Wit hens Quest,
Quliin mid Anlner.
Hnfuer, Lincoln's old pitcher, is nt home lu
Hannibal, Mo., nnd has notyetslgmsl. Frank
gave promise or Iwlug a way-tip pitcher, but
Issue, got away with him, us it has many
Iwlter men.
fk'ttln' rninnl the r-toTo last nlk'lit,
Ilown nt Wrss' store, was mo
And Mart Ktrlmpl.s, Tunk nnil White
And Ilea Hills mid two or three
Kellers of Hie Mmlsiick Irllw
No use tryln' to ilfncrilie.
And wiys Iks', he says, mi) s lie,
"Tallin' 'hotitgissl tliliiKS to cat,
Kl' niiislitnlllloii'H hard to hentl"
I chawed nn. And Mart ho 'lowed
Worteriiillllon bent tlio nilisli.
"Itisl," hosnys, "nnd Juicy liiuhl
I'll Jcs leave It to tlio crowd!"
Then a .Mmlwick clinp, snys he,
"Piltiklli's gissl eunuch fer mo
I'linkln pies, I menu," he says.
"Tliuiii bents 'inllllonl Wluit sny, Wcm?"
I chawcsl on. And Wens says, "Well,
Y6u in' fetch that wlfo of mine
All yer wortemillllnn Hue,
And she'll boll It down n soell
In with sorRiiin, I siipMse
And what else, Lord only knows I
Hut I'm hero to tell all hands,
Them p'serves meets my deinnnds."
I chaw I'd on. And White, ho snys,
"Well, I'll Jcs' stand In with Witts
I'm no liogr And Tunic says, "I
Guess I'll pnstur' out on plo
With the Miulsock boysl" snys ho;
"Now what's yournf" ho snys to mo.
I chawed on- fer quite n sh-1I.
Then I speaks up slow and dry,
"Jes' tolmckert" I says, I.
And you'd orto' hvcnl 'em yell J
James Whltcomb lUIey.
An Old Artjualntniiee,
Collector I liavo a llttlo bill hero, sir, that
I would liko to havo.
Mau of tho World Yes; ploaso lay it down
In thnt cosy chair, sir.
''Easy chair!"
"Yes. JV ' ij running so long it must bo
tired." v- .-r'r
One I'ni't
Is worth n column of rhetoric, said an Amerl
can statesman. It is a fact, established by
the testimony of thousands of (ssipie, that
Hoists Harsavirilla dints euro scrofula, salt
rheum, and other diseases or affections aris
ing from Impure state or low condition of the
blond, It nlso overcomes that tins) feeling,
creates a good npwtlto, nnd gives strength
to every jmrt of tho system Try It.
A. O. r.
A very pleasant and enjoyable time was
had last Wednosdiiy evening nt Forest Islgo
by tlio nionilwrs of Ancient Onler of Forest
ers, It Is'lng tholr Installation night. Tim
olllcers Installed wero as follows: Win
Robertson, W. C. It., G. H. Knowlos, H.C. It.'
II. if; Stephens, Treasurer, E. A. Stephens
T. H. Si It. aJaines Nowniau, H. W., I) . N.
Stephens, J. W. Geo. Huff, H. B, Morton
Klevers, J. B.
The memlwrs of tho Lodge w ill give an
oyster stipier Batunlny evening at the resi
lience or llrother 11. A. Stephens, O mid 37th
(lentli'iuou's lull Dress.
Mr, J. C, Kier. tho gents furnisher, has on
salon complete lino of articles used for full
evening dross, such as tho Intent styles In kid
gloves, ties, shirts, hoe etc, Kler always
hns nn elegant lino of goods. Call and see
Try the New Line,
The Union Pacllle has innumirntcd a new
sen lee between Lincoln, ToHka and Kansas
city aim luts pineisi Tree chair caw on tho now
train, leaving Lincoln nt 8:23 p. m.nndarriv
lug in Kansas City nttl n. nt., making closocon
tuvtions In tlio union depot with all Hues for
the cast and south.
nf ? 3
How the I'nlr llitmsids Oiiniliieted the
llimliieKS or a I'rntliiiliinry Meetliiu.
Wo are lu receipt of a contribution reganl
Ing the leap year parly from somo ono who
fallisl tontlaeh his or her slguattira thereto.
Ah a rule such contributions nro Ignonsl nnd
mid Ilud n resting plueo lu tho waste basket,
but lu this case, us tho subject Is ono thnt w
think will Interest our renders, wo make nil
exception In this case, hut trust hereafter the
writer will append a signature not for pub
lication but ns n mutter of good faith, nnd wo
shall cliis'ifully honor nil future contribu
tions, Following Is tlio smuo, which we
print precisely ns it wns written, but as for
tho statements mndo therein, not having boon
n memlsirof thn guihurlng, we cannot giro
them ns being entirely corrocli
Tho business uiootlugof tho leap yenr pnrty
was held nt tho residence of Mis Mlunlo
Latta. Tho members of Isith P. II, clubs
wero well represented, there Isilng somewhere
near twcnty-llo present. Tho writer not
knowing the exact location of I ho littn resi
lience ivasuiislllallvely going down L stnsit,
glancing lu each window, but uh)ii arriving
nt Twelfth street I had no dllllculty lu Uniting
the right house by the wiiikI'kiih coming
fiom ho further end of tho block, Upon ar
riving at tho house tho door was Immisllatnly
os'insl and somo one snys, "Oh, I am so
glad you cauiol Wo havo decided to havo
lemon Icol Oh, won't that Imi lovely I Tsko
off your things. Oh, you must 1st so cold I
Oh, dear, ileurl Homo want to havo coffee
nnd sandwiches; do your By this tlmo I
was near tho middle of tho room surrounded
on nil sides, somo asking what do you think
of this Idea, and others suggesting something
else. Then u picdomlimut voice uxclnlmisl,
"Lot moread n lltof those who can attend
tho party," "Oh yes," broke lu half a dozen
voices, "Do read tho list."
The predominant voice snys, "Well, thorn
is Mr. nnil Mrs, Dccsou, Maylw thoy can't
como for Mr. 11, is sick. ( ''Oh, pshaw," ox
clalmisl a iiuiiiIht of voices, "Ain't thnt too
bad.") Mr. and Mrs. A., Mr. nnd Mrs. 1).
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. can como." At this Juno
turn some onn asks, "Are wo oxKctcd to
hnvo hacks? How much are thoy going to,
costl" Sou'u one nt the telephone shouts,
"I enn't hear whnt you say; talk louder."
Then ono heartless young lady of thn P. II.
remarks, "Homo of tho young men don't tako
refreshments. I wonder who will tako them?"
A kind hearted girl, maybe A. II., suggests
Then some ono with nn Idea screams," Iot's
havo ii president, a secretary and a treasurer."
"Why of course," every ono assents. Tho
ehs.'tlou of olllccrs went qulto Iwautifitlly,
Miss Ijitta was elisclcd president, Miss Lilllo
Hatlmway, vice president, Mrs. Ferryman,
secretary, nnd .Miss Funko treasurer. Mis
tresses of ceremonlns, Mcsdamcs Muir mid
Sheldon and Misses Litta and Onkloy. After
tho election everybody looked as important
nnil bttslness-llku as possible.
Then tho president and four or flvo ttietn
bent dlscusvvl how t) collect tho money,
whether lwfore, nt or nfter tho dnnco. Two
young Indies wero discussing a young man,
while nt loust seven Indies who wero sitting
on tho sofa were having a difference of
opinion ns to tho iiiinilwr of I'smernldns to lw
UHn the program. Homo ono remarks,
"lull's go tobuslness," whereuiKiu all ladlou
iirrango their collars and pull lu their feet,
I will refrain from mentioning tho many
schemes projiostsl for collecting the nssess
incut. It was docodld nfter protracted nrgu
incuts to npimlut n committee who nro to
wild notices. As to rcorosluiiouts the numer
ous pnqiosltlohs mid Ideas llKn this toplo
only go to provo tho originality, lugenlous
ness nnd greatness of woman's mind. After
an enthusiastic, long nnd brilliant discussion
tho subject of refreshments was finally put to
vote. There wero several amendments to tho
original motion mid tho question was finally
docldisl. Tho gentlemen wero to regalo
themselves on lemon Ice nnd water, whilo
thnso desiring something more substantial
could repair to Brown's cafo.
Various committees wero then npjwlnksl In
a very buslness-llko manner. Tho secretary's
rejsirt wns rend mid tho meeting adjourned
ns tho sky was liecouilng considerably dark
The committee on program decided to
mako it out then nnd there, nnd then in order
to be accommodating to all parties tho
diversity of of opinion regarding tho Sara
toga Landers and plain quadrille, tho New
port mid Esmerelda was even moro startling
than any previous dllllculty. Ono young
lady wns Isolde herself with regret and ro-
l morse iwcnuso ii was iuqos.sitio to uuvo
foiirUsiu waltzes as she had tho previous
evening counted fourteen whom she desired
to honor.
Homo ono (or rather somo ones) rushes
liaek exclaiming, "Como on, como on? Put
on your tilings uus uumiio aiui.go uowu to
Brown's. Tho Pleasant Hour Jr s have gono
down now to order refreshments." "Oh, Is
that so!" "Yes, and If any if you girls want
niching, riblsiu, gloves or any thing liko thnt
you had better get It tonight as Monday tho
stores will lw clo-ssl.
Oh my. Oh my, I haven't any money.
What shall I do! Como on, como on!" were
some of tho echoes I heard whllotroddlng my
homeward way.
The Masher nt Home.
Cliolly (on tho tied) Say, Mob, hurry pp
ami cot out, I ousht to bo dressing. C