Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 31, 1887, Image 8

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A ' ( Ml Jtivr Shxlfrn Time
Saturday Evening, Dec 3ist, 1887.
Ilm Ouurlxr Cum Imi I'ouml At
Windmr Hotel News Miami,
Capital llotrl Ni'whHIiiihI,
OiIoII'n Dliiluir Hull N'W Miami.
ClriMiil A I'lolclirr'K, IIIU O HtK-ot.
A.T. I uinlnittVCn'H., IIHM) Hired.
The tint ham NcwitHtiitut, US Mouth Itth HI.
Keith llros., Ill North llth Hired.
1M. Ytninif, ltCO O Street.
MTioi: to Aivi:itTiNi:itN,
AiHctllM-rniiieteiiiieKtcil to mul Jn tlml
t uotns curly as possible, not later than four
o'oIckU rrliliiy iirteruooii, it tlio (,'oltlUKlt
goes to press tlmtocnlnn When onlerlnir
your mlvortUonunt out drop the business
uiuiuniiol nenrd. Tlioeollectnr Is apt to format
nudumler, nnd compliance with tills request
will save u trouble noil yourself imnoyiinco.
We are dully iiddlnii to our list of subscribers,
employing n nuin especially fur Hint solo pur-
yoiiiyuul claim Hint n an advertising medium
the CouiilKii I uijexcollod.
Hatter anil Furnisher,
t!37 O Strcrt.
Whltobronst Coal and I.lmo Comiwny,
I.lllt'll Sale ntOAKI.KYit Go's
K. Hntlett, Jeweler, 11250 street,
Delicious lunches nt Hi-own's CaM.
KM Olovrs nt II. It, Nlssloy ft Co's.
Silk imiOlcrB nt II. IL NIloy ft Co.
Don Cnincron for lunches of nil kinds.
'-Oysters, fresh, fnt nnil tlno at Hrown's.
Jllckey, Bit-vow & Co. 1M1 to 1MB 0 8t.
Trlckoj & Co, .wholesale and retail Jowelt-rs.
Butti-Tlck's iwttcrns nt II. It. Nksley ft Co.
811k umbrellas for presents nt II. It. Nlsslcy
afc Co.
25 nr cent, off on nil clonks nt 0. It. Oak
'ioy&Oo. Thousand mllo tickets for sale nt 115 South
Lincoln to Chicago without clinugo via tlio
Elkhorn Hue.
Many useful Christ mns presents nt II. IL
:NUsloy & Co'.
Trj'llutclilim & Hyatt's Mcndota lump for
r-dometlo mrOHe
Canon City Conl again nt tlio Whltebrcast
""Conlniul Lliuo Co.
Frir trimmings at II. IL NIssloy & Co., cor
I and Tenth nt recta.
ruroVcnnont Mnplo Syrup nt Delta &
:Sowell, 1 ISO 0 street.
Hlckey, Stevens ft Co., 1M1 to 1M5 0
ait root, Bell for cosh only.
After tho club nrtics, go to Hrown's now
cnfiS for n delicious lunch,
Ilot or cold lunches nt nil hours of tho day
-or night nt Don CuineronV.
Dr. Unlloy, residenco Thirteenth and O;
Mfflcc, 122.1 0 j tolephono 017.
Black mid colored silks for Christinas pres
ents at II. IL h'ixsloy ft Co'h.
Before- Insuring look up tho Mutual Llfo
Jnsumneo Comixiny of Now York.
Doctor 11. F. llnlley, ofllco mid residence
corncrof Thirteenth nml Q streets.
TbcMitsourl rnelllo railroad run f rvo reclin
ing chair cars on all through trains.
Give ut n cath oiUer for cash. Illckoy
imovens et kxk imi to ims u suvct.
Iliitchlns & Hyatt make u specialty of wn
-soned lianl ami soft wood, cut to order.
If youaro too busy to go homo for dinner,
-drop in to Don Cnmcrons, 103d O strecL
Secure somo of tho bnrgulns in tho rem
jiant snlo at O. IL Oaki.kv ft Co's
Illankots ono-halt price at
Oaklkv ft Co's
The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New
"York. W. B. Hastings, Dbtrlct Agent, ISO
tsouUi 10th street,
l'rof. V. M. Qlbeault's Instructions nro vid
uablo. Studio In t'-o Led with block, comer
11th and Pstruots.
All slrtu of liest grade hard conl, nlcoly
aicruencd and alwnys on hand at Hutching &
Hyatt, 1010 O streoL
Brown's Vienna Coffco and Oyster houso in
4 ho opern houso block is tho neatest and 'nob
TjIo kt retort in tho city.
All goods bought of L. Mojer & Co. nro
3n t iy nnd carefully delivered to nny part
of tho city free of charge.
A No. 1 goods, low prices nnd fair dealing
iU what sends the crowds toL. Meyer & CaV,
ujn the cast bide of tlio Square,
Dm. Kent & Roberta are now located mid
ready for business nt room S3, Aloxnuder
block corner, Twelfth and O Sts.
French Tricots, M inches wide, 60 cents per
jrard usual prico f 1,
O- IL Oakucy & Co.
With prompt and courteous treatment,
JIutchlns & Hyatt solicit your orders forany
' thing M tho lino of hard or wf t coal Tele
pboao935 Rette gc SowellV specialty for this week and
aioxt k Salt Lako potatoes, Tliey aro a was
-ahead of anything over beforo offered for
ale iu Lincoln.
Oo east by tho SL Louis mid tlio Missouri
Taciflo railroad and avoid all omnibus trans.
fers; all clianf) made in Union depots via
tkte route. Chair cars f reo.
WeudiBg MatJonery, invitations, programs
and all few Willing our specialty. Call and
.see soeciiiMtM of our work. Wcssol St Dob-
SMw, 181 North Eleventh street.
rt KemuHHt Bale at
Mr. Win. MoIjiuhIiIIii left for Cnllfornla
M. N M. Iluker nnd fnndly linvn gonolo
Tnli( tlif Hlklmru Valtly lino Iher,
I'hliwict fxpnr.
lluw Mciiililr, grtinil ntieHoiieei', Itmrni it,
SKI Ho. lltll Ml till,
II. M. IVnttyof Urn Wnhoo H'm;i, ni In
tho city IhUwwk.
Mrs A. (I ItniiMM an.l win have rcturiiiil
fi'iiin nil (!. tent tilp.
WhitdiletiKt Conl nml Muni Co. ngnlu hnvo
Iho t'mioii City dud.
Mm l'lfii'o nfOiniihn N vMlIng Miijor
N (I. Kiauktin' family,
TIiih. H'well IihiU it trip to Sioux City yew
tenia), vi.i Klklioiu l-'J j or.
Mitt. N t". Ilnh'klHvMtliiKher friend, Mrs.
IJ. H llnwhy, In Nehnisku City.
Harry Ilm trulfctiiuo In from Oinalm, nml
Kvinl t'hiHtimis with "the folkt."
MIh Oiii't tliie'liiitt loft Thursday on a
vllt to f i leiiN at (.'iimiiiiliit, Kn.
with her iliter, Mis. Saxby, In Uinnliii.
Mitx I'iiiiiiIo Wilcox win n gtiettt In tho
eily IIiIh week of MNs I.lllln Ilatlmway.
Mini 1'lorn Uivlof Ni'liiasknCltyKvUllliig
In Lincoln, thogtio-t of Mlw 1'iinllmi Krleud.
Mr. mill Min. Ceo. II. Clarke reluuietl
WelueHiliiy from a vlult to Ilontrleo friends.
II. T. KliliiJ will Hiid tlio tialniui! of tho
holiday Hiixon nt hl old homo In Millllutown,
Mrs. Charles S. Mppeucott iutertnlued her
brother, Mr. Clms. Wells of Omaha, this
MIm J'!illo Ixeso has is giuwis this week
Mlsi .Velllo Davis nnd MIks Myrtlo llrooks of
Mr. Louis ICseiwky, nftermi Illness of nearly
two wivks, lsiignlu iibloto lie about mid atten
tive to biiKlneiM.
Mr. O. J. Ornlnger nnd wlfo hnvo gone to
Wyandotte, Kansas, where they will mako
their homo hereafter.
II. II. KluKibury nnd K. K. Hcnklo left
yesterday for ('reston, lown, whero they
wlllsin'tiil ew eam.
Mrs. .1. K. Calloway took tho Flyer yester
day for tho laud of Nrwtunl slimmer. Shu
will stop nt Han Diego.
I'Yiiuk Kelts, mi illicit) to tho Kelts boys,
Clorhain, John, nml Dei t, is spending the holi
days with his relatives.
MlkMUeorgliiHnuke, mid tho Mlxhes 'Wilcox,
of Nebraska City, weio visitors for sovonil
days In tho city this week.
Mrs. Frank Hall, nccomiwinlcd by Miss
Florenco llrlscoa nnd Miss Ha'rnli W, Mixiro,
left yesterday for Ht. Inik
Mr. John Kehrtmg was slightly injund
nboiit the head and neck In n railroad collision
nt Tule, Nov,, Friday n week ngo.
A leap year party nnd hall will bo given nt
Timplo Hull Monday evening. It prom
ises to bo n very Interesting event.
All-wool Miltlugs, M Inches wide, usual
pricw Wi cents, selling for W) cents.
O. IL Oaklky ft Co.
Mr. nml Mrs. John II. Ames left Tuesday
for Florida, whero Mrs. Ames will stay tho
whiter, lur husband returning after n short
Kd WesK'l, for Mivcral weeks n visitor in
Omnlm, returned Tuesday and let t Thiirsdoy
on n visit to friends iu Kansas City and St,
Mr. John B McClmr, tho priulnr repr -sontntlvo
of the C. M A- Ht. l itwd, w-w '
tho city thLi wfi-k, d'litill.iitlug rallrotrl
TnLo tho i:ikhorr. nnd V. N. W; Jljer, U:-
Colli to ChlcilKi'i Ho lllKillRll p.l'fU h'lvpt.iv
and dlnlnjr cm loulo. Ticket ofilce '1ft
south tOih btroet.
Mr. Jnuius MInlcu mid Mlw
Olive '
Highlands wrn married Tliurwlny, nt thi
resldenco of Mr. Nuvllls. Tha Coititi ivi , jr.
tends congratulations.
Miss (leorglo Hnwko of Nounuka City
cnmoupWodiieNliiv to uttond tho l'lensnnt
Hour .junior hop. Hho wns tho guest while
hereof Miss Hnttlo Hooer.
MLss Flom Klllot of Kansas City, Is visiting
her relatives, Mr. H. W, Ilnrdy nnd family,
and iarticiiating iu soma of tho festivities of
tho Nebraska's capital city.
Mrs. L. Noblo of Francisco, Califor
nia, who has Ihhjii visiting the family of C.
W. Hyuiaii for souio time, took tho Flyer this
morning for her sunny home,
Mr. H. M. IamivIU returned Wednesday
from his old homo iu Knukukee, 111., where
ho spent Christmas, and is again on hand
to push tho favorite coal "Domestic."
Air. l'atrick Kgan was mado happy this
week by tho receipt of ft cablegram from Dub
lin, announcing tlin birth of n child to his
daughter who was married In this city some
two years ngo.
Mr. 11. II. Sawyer hns purchased tho Inter
est of Mr, W. H. Colflii iu tlio grocery storo
of l'urks nnd Collin, nnd Hint house will
go forward on tho iwth of prosperity, here
after ns l'arks ft Sawyer.
Miss Nelllo Durus, ono of Omaha's charming
young ladles arrived In the city Monday to
pass tho holiday season with her numerous
friends In Lincoln. Miss Durus Is tho guet
of MLss Miutilo L'ltta, on L street,
Don Quucroii enteitalnod tho leading nuws-pajK-r
men of tho city at dinner this week nt
his excellent restaurant, No. 10SO O street.
Don's has becomo tho most iiopular place in
tho city, ns it has always been ono of tho
Secretary Duimnltt lias issued n largo num
berof invitations to tho New Year's recep
tion, January Sd, of the Y. M. C. A. All ar
rangements hnvo been completed for the
ovenL Itofreshmcnts will bo served from
S to tip. m.
W. II. Axtater, tho worthy representative
of tho grain interesta of Hodman, Clenry ft
Co., deiartcd forSL Louis yestenlay. If ho
receives tho kind treatiueut ho deserves he
will probably hang around tho end of tho
bridge till next Tuesday.
Lou WckscI of Thk Couhieii, leftThurmlay
night for St. Iuls, whoro ho will spend the
Initial day of 16S8,ns thogueot of Mr. and Mrs.
Mahler, and attend the annual Now Year's
Hall of tho Harmonlo Club In SL Louis this
evening, oxpoctlug to return about Tuosdny
The Qeniianla Maenncrchor celebrated
CiirUtmas Sunday. A largo numlier wcro
present, and tho inuslcnl part of the program
greatly enjoyed. Tho exercises consisted of
solos by Madame Welter, songs by tho Mnon
nerchor and instrumental pieces by Prof,
Weber nud Murzi.
Mr, and Mrs. Clem Chaso of Omnlm, wero
guests at tho family resilience f Mr. D. Damn
several days during tho week. Airs. Chaso
arrived In tho city Tuesday, followul by Mr,
Chaso Wednesday, They ciijoytsl the hospi
talities of tho Pleasant Hour juniors nt tho
party Wednesday evening.
Air. IL E. Mooro and wife, Mr. W. II.
Mooro nnd wlfo, Mr. W. B. Howard, Mr.
0. E. Montgomery, Mr. L, S. Mills, Mrs. J.
C. Kier and bon, Mr. Sam McClay and
family, Dr. Hainor and family, Mr. A. D.
Kitchen and wlfo and Mrs. E. T. lloberts
comiKKodu party of Llncolnitebound for
California, over tho Missouri Paoillc.
Hiii-ltioliMiinit's l!iiitiio rniiKtoxnlt Weeh
(,'o'iiiIiik Allincllims,
plnyisl 10 light Im-tllie! the t week, dun to
111 Isilug holldny week. Tlwentertalnniciiis
git en, however, urn very IIiid ntul well
worthy of lMttr patronage, l'rof. Jlntthnlo
inew has iiudouliti.'dly thn lsst show Of the
kind on tho road, and Dm oxrellent training
of his twenty iiluraUsI hoiTesnrninouuiuonts
to his (Hit iniico mid nud skill. Tho nets mo
nearly nil new Mid ot Iglnnl with tho profimor,
and mo nlwnys iipiilnudisl. Nelllo nml
Beauty i-ssM'lally inleifst tlio ohlldren, nud
they ilplay almost huiunn InU'lllgeiiiti. Tho
eilgngelnelil will eloso this uvelilng, with n
miitlueu this uftermmii, Take your chlldieu
to tho iiintliiee, they will enjoy it,
Tho well known nctorOoo. lion I face, sup
porlisl by n strong eompmiy, will npKar nt
l''uuku's on Tuesday evening next, present
ing "Tho Sticots of Now York."
Tho melodrama, "Tho Streets of New
Voik" Is too Mell known Iu this city to
another I1.I1....11 Hon to tho puhllu,
Thu leu inr in.u In unidi..u... i-i"'r Kail
ger,"ngooii heal twl rough nud ready Call
forniit miner, wlioulivn)snpssirs Justin tho
nick of tlmo to help virtue out of tiouhlo.
This rolo Is played by Mr. (leorgo 0. Boni
face who ut 01 ico enlists tho Interest and sym
pathy of the audience nml holds them to thu
end, Mr. Iloulfncu is mi old time favorite,
nnd has Ix-en ut dlirereut times Ideulilled
with Nomoof tho iKsldinumtlo companies iu
the. country. Union Hipiaro by inooiillght Is
nil exipil.sllo setting, nnd tho.great lire sceno
Iu the lltth net Is u siilendid triumph of speo
(nctilar realism.
Tho Andrew's Ojierii comwny is liooked to
npKnrntFunko's on Friday nnd Hatuiday
evenings of next week, presenting "Tlio Mi
kado," nnd "Mnscotto." This company Is
uompoMsl of llrst-rato iirtlsla nud nn excellent
chorus. The old favorite, "Mikado," Is lieliig
revived In many cities, nud will ilr.iw its
usual audlenco hero. "Mascolto," ns many
who hnvo hsjii It are aware, Is a very catch
ing ohi 11, nlso abounding In striking kcviiiH
mid dramiitlu climaxes.
Orent Itciiiiinut Niilnnt
ICIItliorn Vully l.tiie I'ussi'iiKiir Train
Tho Chicago llyer Is train No. II, leaving
ut 1S:!1() 110011, It carries 11 through imlaeo
sleeper Lincoln to Chicago, and n dining car
from Missouri Vnllo yaud reaehes Its destliin
tlon ut 8 o'clock tho following morning This
train makes connection nt Fi-umout for Nor
folk nud Omaha; ut .Missouri Vally for Sioux
City nud UL I'iMi!.
Train No, -IS leaves Lincoln nt 0;V 11. m.
fur Wnhoo, Fremont, Norfolk, Cliiuliou, tho
Kliicullillsctiuntry, York, Howard, Hastings,
Oinahii, Missouri Vnlely, Hloiix City nnd
This servlco gives Lincoln eoplo two trains
dally to FreniDiit and Norrolk, to Omnlm,
Missouri Vnlloy, Hloux City nud Chicago.
Patronize them.
St, Paul nml the Northwest,
Points in tho nltovo directions nro renchisl
best by tho Klkhoru valley lino. Comiectloim
nro suru nnd the lino most direct. Get tickets
ut UB South Tenth street or dt'iot, corner 8
nud Eighth sixstts.
(I rent Ilemiuiut Nulu
"lyiymo-," snld Maulstick, "do you recall
11m Hull )ooin j ou rend iu my studio Inst
Christmas ovo. beforo Bondinz It to Harncr'sr
"No," said Ilhyincr, shaking his hendliko
ono awaking from n dream, "I didn't recall
It; thoy bent It back.". And ho lifted his oyca
from the flro nud gazed long and steadfastly
at Maulstick's greatest effort, "Lost in tho
Tho western nowsvipora nro telling how
twelve years ago David Bokcr lauded la
Doiivor with $1,50 lu his jiockot, nnd now ho
has gono back oast visiting friends worth
esOO.OOa Wo Bhould say so. "Visiting"
them! If wo had any friends worth tSOO.OU)
wu would Just regularly llvo on 'em.
Tho wise men havo discovered that Hudson
river Ico contains bacteria SOO.QOO living
lincterla of different kinds ton pint of molted
Ico. H'm. Tho jester's apologies to tho hon
est Iceman. Now wo can understand why a
cubo of ico four Inches square weighs twonty
pounds. No wonder.
oun coujrrnY'a msTonY,
In tho high school of 1000: Principal
Who was first in war, Unit in poaco, and first
In tho hearts of his countrymen! Chorus
(by tho entire school, standing and with un
covered heads) John Lnwronco Sullivan!
Quest (suspiciously oylng tho flattened pil
lows and tho crumpled sheets) Look hero,
landlord, this bed has boon' slept In. Land
lord (triumphantly) That's what' it's fur.
Brooklyn Eagle.
A Great Heart For Illiniums.
Master Willlo Barry Is ono of tho brightest
youngsters iu Harlem. Decently his mother
allowed him to accompany her on 11 visiting
exixxlltiou, and the boy was delighted with
tho trip. At the liouw ot a friend n gentle
man offered him some money to buy candy,
but his mother objected to his accepting it
until tho gentleman threatened to bo orTcudcd
unless tho boy did accept it. It proved to bo
a now $1 bill. "Oh, mamma, can't I put it
in my Kink Instead of vending it for candy V
asked the boy,
"Certainly, my child, If you want to," said
his mother.
At tho noxt houso thoy called on n relative.
Hero tho boy wns always nwclcomo visitor.
Beforo thoy jwrted Willie was obliged to ac
cept twcnty-llvo cents f roil tho lady. When
Willlo and his mother returned homo ho said
to her:
"Mother, whnt is tho uso of jieoplo working
for ft living when thoy can just go a visiting
aud got all thoy want without working hard
for iL" Now York Evening San.
Tho Letters (junta Claus Ilecelves.
Tho custom of sending letters to Santa
Claus, asking him for certain coveted gifts,
is becoming more general every year, until
now, n few weeks preceding Christmas, in
houses whero there nro young children, a
chimney postofllco Is established, and letters
fly up and aro tumbled down to tho great do
light ot tho corresjKHidonts of tliat jolly old
boy Santa Claus. Spirits like himself aro
covered with soot, smell of flro crackers, and
are bo comical that tho Uttlo ones dance with
gloo when thoy receive un nnswer to their
petitions. Ono Uttlo boy writes:
"Deau Old Man: I want an ox whip to
slash tho stuflln out of our Billy goat, who
bucks mo over, u brass cannon, and a gun to
scare Jim with. Don't put my things iu
Jim's stockings. My stockings nro red, with
holes in tho knees. Ma and Pa aro always
f oolln about Christmas Evo, but come along
aru u"t mind them. Yours, Tou.
"P. 8. I don't liko poppermcat sticks."
Don't fail lo see Hhllllug Dim's, big nil on
snother Kigo In thUlmuu. It will iny you
to cull nml Inopoct their stoek.
(lo to Idl Youngs for elegant cigars nnd
ttilmcm Ho will give you tho lowest prices
nnd tho finest goods In tho ulty. No. I Oil J O
Make your luisbaud lmppy by presenting
him with 11 lho smoking sett or 11 box of Im
lotted cigars, lid Young, KW) O stn-ot,
kte the finest line In tho city. Sign of thu
Hod Dude.
Coal and Wood,
Good supply of
High Grade Soft,
anq Hard Coal al
ways on hand.
1201 O St.
J. K.
Dime Musuem !
Cor. Tenth and N Streets.
SANDERSON & KNEE, Props, and M'grs.
Mntlnsc every nftcmoon at 2 p. in.
2 Two Performances Each Evening. 2
First nt 7 o'clock, second nt 9 p.m. Change
of program IwIcd weekly.
The Royal Marionettes, the Chair Equl-
iiuiisi, me nvura ueaucu "wnnt is
It?" Hop Slnjj with Chinese Song
nnd Dance, the Wonderful
Skeleton, the I Undo Jug
gler, Old Snowball
with Plniitntlon
Song and
Uon't fall to see Zccln, the living half
lady. The London Times savs : Zitln is
coiuiiu'ruin. How this young lady cats,
drinks, moves about nnd In fact, exists
w Ith only arms nnd body, is tne wonder of
the present age. He who can sec through
the Illusion must be a pcrhon of marvelous
Tne New York llcrnld says : " A verit
able marvel of Ingenuity."
The Indian Dally News, Calcutta,:
"Zitla Is a beuutlful girl or ns seen In the
exhibition a beautiful half girl." Thou
sands will guess iu vain where the other
half is, must he to be believed.
Now on exhibition nt the Lincoln museum
The Wonderful educated mule Barney
Parlor Stngc, Specialties, etc., etc. The
Great Decapitation Act.
Admission to nil 10 Cents; Reserved
Chairs, 5 Cents extra.
Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Fancy Work Boxes, Odor Casesf Photograph
Albums, M and Fruit Sets, Christinas and Hew Years Cards.
They arc put together strong
er, and made of better material
than any other. They work
faster, better and easier. They
last longer which makes them
cheaper. They save soap. They
save wear and tear of clothing
because the rubbing is much
Lircolri I-IeircVweire Co..
Acorn Stoves aqcl I8irig;es
230-232 South nth Street. Telephone 273.
224 0
Qui flflJiK
Zfl Rvtsta mmmmmmmmHmmmmmmm c- s
Fine Driving and Riding Livery
always ready for service, day or night.
Scribners : Magazine
National Clothes Dryer.
Has 42 feet of Drying Rod.
Stands A feet high 2 feet
long, ami is only 2 inches in
thickness when closed. Light,
strong and adjusted in a mo
ment. The chcap'est and best.
Skinner's Stabiles
1 2th St., bet. Panel Q.
Calls for Balls, Parties, etc., Promptly
Made, with Stylish Rigs, Coupes
and Hacks.
South Eleventh Street