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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1887)
UNION SAYINGS Ml itx South 10th Street. CAPITAL,, $uoo,ooo Liability of Stockholders $400,000. nTOCKIIOLMCH. J J 1MHOKK JUIINKlTWIKIlAUf JOHN It CI.AHK A H HAYMONII K K 1IHOWN llAVIIl IW.MIOK JKMooii!-: KitKUHciiMinr I) MAOKAIU.ANI) JOSKl'll WHITMAN K K HAYDKN (Jit AS. HA IMONt) UDMUIIl 1IKINNKY OKYATKS KM IIAI.I. ItKNHY K I.KWI8 OW DKWKKHH O. M IiAM HKKTSON M I. H.M I Til J McCONKIKK (1 W IIOLDHKOK TKOAI.VKKT .1 W IIOW.MAN LMKYKIt OHIMIIOKK orricicn. 11. K. Moon, rresliieiit. Hr.siiY l.icwis, Vice I'roslilent. C. II. iMiiorr, Cnxlilrr tntcrcst paid on itejMjslt of nud upunril nt ilia rate of B percent iht nnniim,cniiipoiinilcl semi. luimiatly Your savliiK account solicited. MONEY TO LOAN Forn lone or short ilmo on real ostnto or ap proved collateral security Hank open from 0:3() . in, to '.':! p, in., and on Hntunlay evenings from 0 to 8 i). in. H. W. BROWN, Denier In Drugs and Medicines, PAINTSfOILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 127 S. Glcvcns t. J. II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, IhillilltiKs completed or In courso of erection from April 1, itwo: iIihIiimi blo-Ic. O K nnlifoiuery, lltli ntulN. do do L W lllllliursloy, lltli near N. Restaurant (Oilells) O K Montgomery, N near IJtli. Itrsldcncc, J .1 Iinhoff, .! nud 12th. do .1 I) .Mncfnrlnnd, g and I It It. do John Zclinnii.'. I) nnd lltli. do Allien WatkliM. I) liet Mil and 10th. do Win M Leonniil, K let Otli and 10th. do Kliniillirle.WthniiilN. do J K llrcit, M l, F lot lOtli nud Kill. do I. ( M llaldnin, (I liet 18th nnd Itttli. Sanitarium building at Mllfonl. Neb, Flint Unptist church, IUIi and K streets, ortuary o 1 1 lil mid reeelt Uf Jtoiuli nt Wyuka cemetery. Orrtco . - ltooms :k nnd ill Rlolinrcls Hloclc. GORSETS Worth up to $2.00. Mnnufncturcrs Samples choice this week 50 cents. ff 100 dozen Ladles Alexmulrc Kid Gloves five hook, embroidered backs at $1, Ucnl value $1.75. I. FRIEND & SON, 913 and 915 O Street Only Exclusive House in the City, A. 1. Davis &. Son., An Elegant Stocz. kk-8tv v 1 CARPETS 1112O Street. Call nnd wo us in our Now Quarters. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 T Street. Still In the front and nhsnlutcly lending nil viiiH!titon. Thoroughly ciUicd for th utiest work, giving to enon customer nn tin qualified guaiuntcu for nil work done. All ol our work doim with nentticbs mid dispntch Vt Lillnlt .it,li.r-a fni ciltiiil'lultl vlllllLr.S mill liflghliorliig towns, paying the expiess on nil uxleiv 0110 way. uebiiecuuiiy, C. J. PKATT FrtptnUlonofmor tian On If Iint1n4 I rm.. ........ J .nntllAni tnr nitnl In tlie United Mtf and Vonign eona. trie, toe puuiianer 01 iuc . American ooaMouo to net aoHcitora (or pateuta, OMtat. t rada-mark, copi .i.llt. .m tnrih. United Hlaia. ana to obtain patent In uanaaa. .ngino. i Garraanjr, and all other oonnjrlM llielreiiwri noe 1 unequal! and their faciUtiea are ubiu- Drawing! and upeelfleatlona jirepared and filed in the Patent Office on abort notice, 'lerint ery rtaaonable. No chame for eiamlnatlon o( modal or drawing. Adtlco bjr uiall free ratent.iilitalnfdillirouBhMiinnpo.arenotloM Ipthe HCIKNTiriO AMlOllICAiy.whlcli iku the large. t circulation and It the moil Inlluent at newipapet of It klnd.puhliahfd In the world. Ita adrnnlage of aiwh a notloe eenr liatent. Thla large and .nlendldlrltla.trated newipapet lipubliahed AVKISKI.Y at tlOOayear, and I admitted to be the heat paper def uted to aclenee. mechanic. Inrentiona, engineering work, ana other department of Induitrla) progrea. puo lla&ed in anr country. It contain the namea or all patentee nd title of eTrr Invention palenUJ each week, Trr It (our month (or ou dollar. Bold by all newadealera. .... It you hate an Intention to patent write la Vann A Co., puhli'her of Sel.ntltlo Aisericaa, HI llroadway, Nw York Handbook about patent mailed free. 15. 0. KOSTKA, North Side Pharmacy, I230 O ST. Albums 25 per cent off. S. I-I. BUKNHAM, BROKER. Mon,,y hwined on loni; or short time at luwrt Ues. Onice in HIclwiiU' lllnck, tuoni ! Take elevator ou Eletntli strrel entrsiion. LJ3 Ml VwtwWM Af tr rortr ruW W H H SCIENCE AND 1'ROflM'SS. THE PnACTICAL USE OF EXHAUST STEAM. An r.Irctrtenl Method of I'repnrlnu: Pa per Nlenrll for Letter umt Clreulnr, rhcnoiiieiui of Hoiiml Ulna trilled by Toy Mualcul Iiiatriiiiient. Tho student of ncouitics neoit not go be yond tho rwilm of toys for much of his ex perimental npiNirntus, Tho Belcutlllo Alitor icntt calN nttvntlou to various toy mutlcnl In liniment cnKitiloof llhiHtrntlng many of tho phenomena of sound very satisfactorily, if not ipilto as well 11s soino of tho moru protou tious apparatus. A KIO. 1 A XYIJPIIONB. Numlicrcd with theso liistruiiicnts nro tha xylophouo and tuctnlophone, which employ free vlhrntiug rods Mipjiortcd at their nodes. Tho xylophouo consists of n series of wooden rods of dllTcrent lengths, bored trnnsvcrKol nt their iKiiuts of least vibration nud strung together 011 cords. Tho Instrument may cither bo suspended by tho cords or laid upon loosely twisted cords situated nt tho nodes. By passing tho small spherical wooden mal let accompanying tho Instrument over tho wooden rods, very ngrecnblo llipild musical tones nro produced by tho vibration of tho rods, and when tho rods nro struck by tho mallet they yield tones which nro very puro, but not prolonged. Tho cheapest forms of xylophouo nro tuned by slitting tho rods transversely nt their content on tho under sido by menus of n saw to a depth required to glvo them tho flexibility necessary to tho production of tho desired tones. Tho rods nro divided by tho nodes into three vibrating parts, tho parts between tho nodal iwlntsatul tho cuds being nbout one-fourth of tho dis tance between tho two nodes. The niotalo phono is similar in form to tho xylophone, but, as its namo suggests, tho vibrating bars are made of nietol hardened steel. FIO. 3 MUSIC BOX. Tho toy mutlo box furnishes an oxntnploof tho clntt of Instruments in which musical sounds nro produced by tho vibration of bars or tongues which aro rigidly held nt 0110 end and freo to vibrato nt tho other end. Tho tongues of tho inuslo box aro madoby slitting tho edgo of n stocl plate, forming a comb, which is nrrnngod with its teeth projecting into tho paths of tho pins of tho cylinder, which nro distributed around and along tho cylinder in tho order necessary to rccuro tho required succession of tones. Tho engagement of one of tho plus of tho cylinder with 0110 of tho tongues raises tho tongue, which, when liberated, yields tho noto duo to Its position in tho comb. Tho tongues nro tuned by Illing or Bcrnplng them nt their f reo or fixed ends, or by loading them at their froo ends. In this instrument tho sonorous vibrations nro pro duced by tho tongue, which itself has tho do dlred pitch. Vnluo of Kxlinuat Steam. Exhaust steam Is of practically tho satuo value, claims xTho Sawmill Gazette, ns an eipml (junntity of direct ttcnm of high pres sure for heating in tho winter reason, for uso lit dyo liotiM's, and with projier arrangements for many of tho numberless dyeing ojiera tieus carried on In textile nnd other manu factories. For nil these puriKM tho pipes must necessarily Ihj somewhat larger thou luey nood lie whero direct Menm of high I r- istiro Is usjil. In many oases whero fall up' lias resulted from nn attempt to use ox for tho nlsivo purKiso, the result has '. M di:o Id tho uso of a too co'itractcil sys- I I 1 of piping, nud ill other cases to a t n ' , dts.1 ;nod bystcm. Whero a largo .i. .r:io;it is henUsl by tho exhaust, tho h !!! hhntild bo designed osjiceially to pro 1.1 1. ' a fnv elivulation, otherwlso dead fall ui 1 1 certain to result. mill r Wood mid llmnot Inj; Old INilnt. Tho Carriage Monthly tolU Its readers how to remove varnish from a lKinel after it has pitted and lias stood so long that it is too Imrdnud dry for turpentine to bofteu it, but too dry for tho htono to rub It. A good way Is to run over It lightly with spirits of nm inoul.i. Do not let tho ammonia remain too long on tho varnUh before you use tho scraper on it, ns it will lie likely to oat through and airect the under, coats. Tho object to bo gained Is only to tako oil tho pitted coat After removal, wash off with Castile soap and w er. It bland an hour or two to onablo tho under coat to got hardened. Again rub down with rag and pumico htono lightly, and thou rovnriilsh. It would Ihj letter, if tho tlino will warrant It, to coat over again with n light wash of rubbing vnrulsh, to guard agaiiibl u possible rcjictltlou of tho pitting. l'lnctrlo StvticlU. M. Onrci"has fnvontod un electrical method of proiuring pajwr stencils for letters, circu lars, oU In tills apparatus a piece of very thin pa(ier rest, 011 a carbon block cornocted with 0110 polo of a small induct ion coil, whllo tho stylo with which tho writing Is done is couuoctod with tho other polo. Ou using tho apparatus, a sorles of sparks ptas liotweon 111 stylo and tho carbon bloc!:, iierforatliig tho piper, which cm then bo used as a sUmcil tu the ordliuiry way. .Mitral lull of Itlrtl". 1 Mr. W. Mattluu William thinks that tho Instinct which guides tho swullow bouthwnivl I In a.ttumu U proUibly of a very piMetioul and uiipncticul kind. Its food is chiefly Hy ing iie."' , who) development reasos Willi tliiHi.U 1 !' i'f ('"Id from ( to north, and in 1 mltrauiiKt'i''1 -'l h simply followiug it- 10 truitiu; tuu I sit,., ly. iAi f,:r Xij2&J -rB. ib PERSONAL MENTION. Tho llnronoKS DuriletUCoutbi liruijust ro cclvcd a Uspiedt of ft),OO0,0(XI from n ivlatlve, Janic-i It, Iltmhll, who wroto "My Jlnry land," Is nbuiiJi to return to Maryland to live, Ijonl Ihrtlnglo-.i, tho UngllshTory lender, hits ordered n lUisoii utriwt hwivikth from (Iraud lliild, Mleli, Queen Victoria keeps nlwnys In her private niNirtuifiit 11 statuette of the lameiihsl John Hi-own, which gtH wherever the Queen her self travels. Its usunl place Is on her prlvnto writing desk. Mrs. Mary MeMahon,of Vlnelnnd, N. J., Is bullillug it house, nud the iecullarity Is that she Is doing nil Hie work herself, net lug ns nrchlteot, cnrsnter, plasterer nnd ilnj lnUirer. Hho is TO years old. KMer Kvuiis, the well known Blinker leader, Is a man of extremely simple taMos. When visiting an arllsfHstiidloin Now York city ho was Invited to remain to tea. Hengnssl to do so if his hostess could furnish him with brown broad nnd hot water, This was nil ho wnnted for nupnr. Charles Dickens, tho younger, was over come by the grandeur of Niagara falls. Ho mild, iih ho gnred uK)it tho cmnmeti "Why, this is Miinethlng awful. My futher, In his 'American Notes,' hkviWs of Niagara as a place of Hvieo nud rest, I don't ncuwhiitlin could have been thinking about, fence nud restl Why, to 1110 It is ono of nbjivt terror. Mrs. (lertrudo (ladden, of riilliidolphln, Is n liliMiiiilug llttlo wouiiiu of .11, nud yet sho has lieeu twleoit w ldownnd Is a grnnilmother. Hho wns married when she was 15, nud when 10 was the mother of n nice llttlo irlrl Isibv. At'JOsho wns a widow,. At!W Miu innrrlod ngnln, nnd on the same day her daughter, then 1(1 yeni-H old, married. Six months later tho mother beenmu tho hccoiuI tlir.oa widow, nnd a few wvuks ngo liccaiiioa grund mother. Mrs. Ilalley, wife of the editor of Tho Utlcu Observer, Is ono of tho fow women who have Invented anything of a mechanical nature. She has recently devised and patented 1111 ar rangement to Ihj attached to hospital tiods, by means of which 11 patient Is ouiibled tornlso nnd lower himself ''tliout tho nsslstanco of n nit 1x1. The ipinlnt llroiklyn humorist in proso 1 and poetry, HI Hlocutn, is nil old sea dog who knows the llfo of .lack tar from tho fore castle to tho topmast, and often takes occasion to breast tho stormy waved In n pilot boat. Ilo has no other namo tlinn 81 Slociim. in looks ho Is not uullko Abraham Lincoln's favorite humorist, Petroleum V. Nusby, though ho is n younger man. John I), ami William Rockefeller, tho old millionaires, favor short woi king hours, lwth for themselves and their clerks. William is the more regular in his uttendaneo nt his ollleo. Ho arrives thero nbout II o'clock every morning, except Saturday, andM'Idom leaves Ik-Ioi oil o'clock in tho afternoon. With him Batiinlny Is always a holiday. John D. hcldom npixxin lroro 10:.'!0, unil is rarely to bo found hi his ollleo nfter.'l. Neither cares tho simp of his linger for society. Kiigeno I'otticr, tho notnblo Kreneh Com munist who nrently died In Paris and whoso funeral was thu occasion of a red Hag demon stration nt Peru la Chnlse, wns lor soma years it resident of Now York city, to which he Hod nfter tho fall of the communo in 18J1. His domicile was in tho ron-of thou'coutl rtory of a tenement in tipiicr Ilrondwuy. Ilo was tho author of sovenil works on educa tion, and while hero ho established n kinder garU'ii Kchool, which did not turn out to bo Micccssful. Ho nlso tried to get 11 living by his pen, but ho found It hard, nud after some years of pinched circumstances ho returned to Paris under the amnesty law. When hero ho was a gaunt and grizzled man, verging upon 00, but his wifo was a pretty and piquant Piirislenne, who, amid all hardships, kept his quarters full of sunshine, Ho had been known In Paris as the "Ango Pitou of tho Commune." Cleptiauts storm u I'rlsiin, An attempt to storm a prison, undertaken by elephants, Is bomethlng now, and It is Russia that has supplied this uow sensation. A menagerio arrived at tho tk'ixit of ClarkotT toward 10 at night on the last dnv of fietis. lier, and tlireo strong elephants taking fright, ran oir In tho direction of tho prison. Tho eleph.mts, running up tho narrow road shut oir from tho surroundings by rails, found themselves In front of tho heavy iron gates lending to tho outer yard of tho prison. Their three hauls were biilllelently hard enough to unbolt tho locks, and tho gntcs swung open. Thero was another short road- WaV With rilllillir Oil either side, nml Hi., nnn. dermis trio walked on until they sUsxl U'foro tho bccond gate closed ngnliist them. Again I they liegnn pushing, and sonio guards lircd their guns at them. Although not wounded, tho elephants were moro frightened, mid in their endeavors to get through the gate ndded their loud trtimpetlngs of excitement. At I last their keeiiers cumo up and tho animals I turned against them. It was after midnight when tho elephants were jiiicillod and led nwny to their proier quarters. Chicago Nows. Anient"" ns lloineliiilil I'.iIk, j Tho latest cruzo In household jiete this whiter is keeping young alligators. Thoy exhibit considerable Intelligence nud can bo I trained to do many tricks, Dr. Fdlrchlld Richards of Hast Newllruuswiek has brought a iitimlicr of them from Florida to supply tho curious demand for tho reptiles. Fivo hun dred llttlo fellows have A lived from Florida and boar thu journey well. Tho llttlo lieaMs ore none of tlioin moro than a foot over all, and most of them nro considerably undor that measure, varying from four to six Inches in length. Tho counteuniico of n young alligator is most guileless and Inno cent. The reptiles nro docllo when young and easily cared for bit they nro hensltlvo to cold, and hi this climate can lxi kept only in n warm room. Cold kills them quickly. Now York Evening Hun. lexli'iin I.MIiuiV C'ninpliiliit. Mexican tslitors complain of tho arret In Texas of soino of their countrymen for vio lating tho congressional enactment ngulust tho importation of lalnirers under contract, claiming Umt tho Mexicans massed tho Rio Gnmdont tliu nspiest of Aiueilean farmers nnd planter to usskt them in their harvest, ns has ltocu customary for years, nnd tlmt, ulthough imiil lor their services, they were not in conipeiltitiii with nny American work men. Chicago Nows. Culnrs of Ktnet I.aiupi. It may lie necessary for otir.polieenien to undergo tests for color bliuihiess If tho colors of the btreet lamps nro multiplied. Uu Fifth avenue, for instance, hlno the golden gas lights, the iliamoud glittering are lights, tho red lights Indicating tho lire alarm lsuesaud tho green lighu of tho k1Ico pati-ol signal boxes. New York Tribune. A Twin Oriiiice, Quito a curiosity in tho bliajio of a twin ornngo is on exhibition nt Anthony, Fin. It was found In Mr. Ktiiplaud's grove, Muny old inhabitant . -iy they iiover saw nnythli'i of tho kind Uiore, Ranson A WOIDEKFTJL IIYEITIOI. This will Furnish the Consumer Twice the Light that is given by any other process and Saves Gas. This light can be seen at our office 125 H. 11th St Where Full Particulars will be given regarding its operation etc., L. WESSEL, JR. General Agent. KNOB HILL. 8MITH 3 S5 3 na 3 i 3 ao 3 3 m 8 I" 3 8 IB 3 U 15 Ul IX 9 x r Z IU u h a. 3 O b. VAN DORN j Tlie foregoing pint shows the location of "Knob's Hill," the highest clrycst nnd most benutiful building sites yet presented to the public. These lots are not high priced when their sightliness is considered; they are sure to be tiie homes of our best people, nnd will always be vnluablc property. Street cars, already handy, will soon run by the property. The terms are thus: One-forth Cash; balance 3 Equal Annual Payments WITH INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. The lots will be advanced twenty-five per cent, when twenty-five are sold. Buy now. MCBRIDE & MELONE ROOM 4, RICHARDS BLOCK "I '- ' ! I . . i.'JL'l Carbon Light Scale, 100 Ft.l Inch. o 4 a ai l w 0 10 18 17 z nt Ml X CO It ! IS 11 14 19 IS 1J 60 IS (. t. V. "V ': STRICT. t a s 8 4 8 a 8 T 8 a a a a ia a m ai 3 o STRKCT.