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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1887)
A A" Fremont Elkliorn & Mo. Valle Twins lenvo (1:M, in, mul Vt:V) p.m Thr Kt.suonM Link. To free home In Northwestern Nebraska 'n Southwestern Dakota. To (he Illnck Illlt-t nul tlio Hot ttprlngs. To Central Wyoming coal and on fields mi esttlo ranges. To Chicago mid tlio East. To Ht. l'ftiil, the North nnd Northwest. For further Information liiitilru of U .M. TYI.KIl, Agent. dtSBoulhlOlh street, IJncoln W. K. KlTCll, J. K. lU'CHAifAN, General M'gor, (len'l Tons. Ar'l Missouri Volley, Iowa. unmujfi- WIlWAUKEEh tto R-a,it. yA my 'Owns nnd operates iiOO miles of MiortMiRhl) quipped nmd In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iown, Ilssourl, Minnesota und Dakota. It In tho Host Direct Unlllo between nit tlio Principal Points In tlio Northwest, Southwest nd fur Went. for maps, tlma tables, rates of pnssaRO nnd freight, cto., apply to nearest Htntfun agent ol UlllUAOO, Mll.WAITKKK A HT. l'AUI. llAIL way, (irtonny lliillrond Agent nnywlicro I tlio world. It. MII.I.I.H, A. V. II. GAUPHNTKH.D aenernl M'u'r. (lon'l Pas. AT'kt ArI. J. K. TUCKER, GEO. II. IIKAFKOKI), Asst. (len'l Mgr. Asst. (J. P. A T. ArI. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. EtF'Vor Information In rotrronce to T.ntuli mid t'nwns owned by tlio Chicago, Milwau kee Ht. Paul Hallway Compnny.wrlto to II. Cl. IlAUOAN.I.nnd Commissioner, Mllwnukro Wisconsin. CAPITAL NATIONAL HANK CAriTAbHrtMi: $500,000. aW Mosh-r, Prcnldtfiit. W J' Wr.Uh,V-Pr-11. a OuiuAlt, Cusuler. I OSELEY ft BTEPHENBOM , IlEAliEaTAIKIUHl l.UAn unuRiaw, Farm MortKnge lioaiu specialty, nnom R. Mellaril Mock. Rlgg's Injection. GUARANTEED NOT TO CAUSE STRICTURE IN2T05JDAYS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY KEOAED & RI&&S Cliemlsta nnd pharmacists, Lincoln, Neb. PRICE $1. Mailorder promptly nttondwl to. "Western Resources, A Jou rnal Devoted to the IndustrJs and Resources of the West. Till Journal Is printed on toned liook paixr. the typo used I clear and new, tliu tltlo tmRe Is IlliistnilcHl each month with Koinethlnir HUltulile. nod in Rcnoral nppeuranco It Is as metropolitan find eU'Rantly Rotten up as IUiii'KU'h kmi.y, nnd It Is exactly the mime lze us that paiKT. The object nnd aim of Wkstkhn Ukcouiice Is to clie the best stock inrn, and runners and rcii erul business men a thoroiiRlily reiircsrntatlio inedluin for obtalnlui and exefiaiiRhiR valuable Infonimtlon on those topics if viral importance to their Industries. Live Stock Dairy, Agriculturo, Horticulture. Turf, Poultry, and Forest y, Are department under careful editorship, nnd nble articles from our own correiouilent8 on Cities, Counties, Ktates, Crojis. ltallroud ilulldliiR Commerce, etc., form a Kecltil deiiurtnieiit. Hon. HmiKiiT W. f cumah, the editor. Is nbly n. elsted by practical and clc utltTc writer. To Introduce this paper In every locality in the TVetwuwlll send It for the remainder of lSfsT, beginning with the May number, for One Extra Copy with Each 5 Subscribers. GET UP CLUBS. Agent send for terms nnd exclusive territory. RESOURCES PUBLISHES- CO. LINCOLN, NEB TAKE THE lissouri Pacific Railway The Shortest, Quickest and Best Route to Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston. RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAINS. t;r-Kor further Infoiiuatloii or or address Polders, etc., cull , , II. O. HANNA. City '1 IcUft Acout, Cor. O and nt. V. D. IIAIICOUK, I)eM)t Ticket Aneut. U. I' It.Jlll,I,.VH, (len'l Agent. - i .... URE SCIENCE AMD PROGRESS. PROCESS FOn INSTANTANEOUS GEN ERATION OF STEAM. Tlio riieiioinrnn of Hninniiiiitiull-m nml Tliclr ('oiiiierllini with tlio Nervo Coll ier An Appiirulii for Itopoatlnii I'on cnuH's lViidiiliini i:xprliiipnt. A French scientist, SI. Ilolllot, has dovlsed nil npimrntus for rcicntlng l'oucnull's well known pendulum cxjierluient on n small scale, and showing Unit, when nil (xelllntlng pendulum is nttni lied ton revolving sphere, tho iil.iuo of Its oscillations present's tho sniiio Kwltlon independently of tho rotation of tho sphere tu which It is attached, Tho const met ion of this itltuplo mul inoxis'tislvo apparatus wns recently Illustrated nnd do scribed in Popular .Science News ns follows! " T TUB OAMOSCOrE. Two llcht rublier Imlls, H, H, nlxnit four Inches In diameter, nro muHnihsl by threads, D, V, eight or iilno Indies long, to n horizon tal rod, EC, nbout n foot In length. Two bullet, 1), II, nro nttnehed to tho Imll, ono nbovo nr. I tho other lielow, by threads thrco or four Inches long, forming two llttlo ion (lulum. Tho wholo system i tundo toruvolvo Iiorlzontnlly by tho clock work X, which can bo Improvised out of nny old clock. It (should Ih nrmnged so that ft completo rovo lution will bo mado in flvo or ton minutes. If now tho iMMidultuuH nro twt In motion, nnd tho wholnpixirntu inado to rovolvo around thonxls, TIC, It will lw soon, that, whatever tlio position or movement of tho larger ball, tho pendulums win ulways vibrato in tho sauio dln-ctlon, utinlTcctcd by tho motion of tho Bnheros to which thoy two nttnehed. It will readily bo understood, that, If ono of tho revolving sphere was in definitely large, nnd thu observer wns placed upon it, nnd partook of Ha motion, tho pendulum it'olf would Rcora to rovolvo, itibtoad of tho sphere. This Is exactly what hapiicns in tho enso of tho earth. A jioiidiiluiii swinging nt tho north or south 110I0 would bo moving In n piano ponondlcular to Hint of tho earth's rotation, and wouli apparently inovo entirely around n clrclo in tho cotirso of twenty-four hours, though really tho pendulum would remain swinging In tho samo direction, whilo tho earth and tho observer would luivo moved around it. Tlio Flivnnuicnn of Somnambulism. Tho phenomena of somnambulLsm and their connection with tho ncrvo centres havo not boon satisfactorily nccounted for. Thoy pndiably depend primarily, ny Tho Lancet, upon a directing impulse of sensory origin. Boino of ouructlonsoftcn becomo by prnctico so nearly nutonmtlo that jinrtlal sleep or tuior doc! not nrrost their unconscious por foruianco. In somnambulism tho Intellect nnd controlling will nro torpid, whilo tho sensori motor man whom they should govern is nwako nnd actlvo. A in dreams tho intelli gent scnsoriuin is alone drowsily active, with possibly n noticeable tendency to rcstloss inovemout, so thcro may bo other states of dreaming, In which tho centers of motion nro stimulated to n more jxiwcrful but uncon scious net Ion. Partial counteractives to somnambulism inny lie found in throwing off worries, nnd in tho proper regulation of evening meals. Death In Iturnlni; nullillnc. It has becomo a ipicstlon, it seems, whether death in burning buildings is as horriblo as is goncrally supjiosod. Tho Lancet, speaking particularly of tho nirnlr of tho Opora Comiipie, in Paris, observe that tho burning seldom occurs in theso cases until after death, or nt icast insensibility to pain, lias town pro duced. Except under very jiocullar condi tion, tho victim is mado faint nnd pulseless by tho cnrtomlc ncld, or tho enrbonio oxldo gns, lieforo the flro iviiche his body. It is tho cxjioricnai of persons who havo toen in ft burning lioiivo that tho lieatcd and smoky at mosphere sixtollly Inducosa feeling of jiowcr lcs!,iHss nnd of indifference to whut 1 going on nround; and it Is generally this stupofne tion, with subsmpiont paralysis of feeling, that prevents judicious means being taken for C6cni)0. I'rcscrvliiR Flour I'nsto. In mounting photographs it is dosirablo that tho (lour paste lie used fresh or xs pro vented f nun turning hour and moldy. Mr, William Thompson hns found nftcr careful experiments that hydrofluoric ncld possesses this proK)rty to n remarkable dogroo. Ho advises tho mixture with tho posto of n small quantity of lluoslllcnto of sodium. It Is said to Iw ft powerful nntlsoptlc, non-poisonous, odorless, nnd dissolves very sparingly in cold water. To Get Ono' Hearing with n Watch. A correspondent of La Nnturo points out tho following slmplo method of obtaining oneslienrings with ft watch. Turn your back to tho sun, then tako out your watch and plnco tho small hand in tho direction of tho shadow mndo by your Imdy. Then imaglno ft lino starting from tho center of tho dial of tho watch nnd paislug through midday. Tho bisectrix of tho uuglo formed by this lino nnd tho small hand gives tho north. Instantaneuus Steniti. A process for tho Instantaneous generation of steniii has lately been pntcntisl in England by John Ilium, llemai kablo claims nro inado for its economy. It will save K per cent, in fuel, IKlper cent, in boiler spneo and M jicr cent, in tlio cost of plant. Moreover, liy its use a holier explosion liocoiucs an Impossi bility. AVhlrl of KtiiBii I'asslnii, In order to try tho extent to which n tragio nctrcss Is moved by tho whirl of Mago pas sion, Sarah llcrnhnrdt's pulso wns onco ti .c.t nt tho wings immediately after a sceno of great Intensity. It ticked us reguku ly nun normally as an eight day clock. Chicago Times. Salt for Sick Itrudnihe. Dr. IXal tow, of llcrlln, finds that half n ton vixxmful orinoroof common salt, taken ns soon ns premonitory symptoms of nn attack of slikhcudacho togln to show themselves, will frequently cut it short In about half uu Jiour. n THE CURIOSITY 8HOP. Tho VUlic-Irs Uncut Inn 111" Three Main Poliil nt I Mile. The contested jnilntn in tho llslnrles nucs tlon nmy Undated Ihusi I. Whether tho United States liavo ft right In tho llrltlsh fisheries Independent nf Irvnly irovlilon. 15. What nro tho right nf Amcrlcnii llshtT men under tho eon vent ion of IH1S nnd under tho law of navigation and trade. SI Tho "Headland yueitlon," whleli I Incl ilenLil to tho other two nue-dloin. Tho ltritlxh hold that tho lino must ho drnMi from hoadland to hendlniid, llin iiiIIih from nhoro. Thl lliterpretallon would oxcludo American llnlivrmau from tho lmyn which Indent tho coast deeply mid nro the ivtort of tho flh. Tho Anierlenni my that thivo lulled from horo menui iiiou n lino winilld with tho idmro and llni'o lullo distant nt very jKihit, t'onxwiuenlly nil hay inoro than xlx mile w Ida nt tho mouth would Iki oou to American lUhermnn. A Uiie-llnii In Literature. Tho following iiuestlon nnd nnswer hnvo npnail In Tho Brooklyn KiikIoi Wliiit event It referred to tu tlio following extract from tho "Mat hlo Khun," In volumo 'J, chapter !ii: "And kIio roxcahtl u iinmc, nt which her auditor Marled nod wvw jxile, for It was ono that only n few year lieforo had 1..u... ..... Ill.. ... .1... .. ....t.l I.. II I.I. Urn familiar to tho world in connection with n mysterious nnd terrible event." The reader If ho think it woith whilo to recall some of thostrnngo Incidents which luivo Iximi talked of and forgotten within no long tlmo past, will reiiicinlier Miriam' name. IvKNYO.V. Answer Wo nskml Mr Julian Hnuthorno what lie knew, if anything, titon tho subject of his father' design in ivgnrd to ".Miriam," nnd ho replies tlintthocliaructerof ".Miriam" nnd tho "mysterious nnd terrible, ovent" nro entirely Imaginary. Tho ipicitlou has often torn nsked lieforo; but, liko tho original of "Zonobln" nnd tho "llouso of tho Bovcn Gnble," they nro purely imaginary. The I'lrst Ilujiinet. Thnt very formldablo weapon, tho Iwiyo nct, is wild to have derived it niuuo from tho fact that it w a first mndo nt llayouue, nnd it origin illustrates tho proverb: "Ne cessity Is tho mother of Invention." A Masque regiment wns hard pressed by tho enemy on 11 mountain rldgo near llayonnc. Ono of tho soldier suggested that, ns their ammunition was exhaustcil, thuy should fix their long knives into tlio Iinrrel of their muskets. Tho suggestion wns acted UH)n. Tho ilrst bayonet charge wns mad", and tho victory of tlio llusquos led to tho manufnet tiro of tho weniMiu at Hayonno nnd It adop tion into tho nrmles of Euroie. A Thronn Chair of II. C. 1000. Thnt most ancient mid Interesting histori cal relic, the throne chair of Queen Ilntusti (XVIII Egyptian dynasty, 1). O. KXX),) de scribed in tho jublleo number of Tho Time, on tho --M of June, has torn presented to tho llrltish museum by tho owner, Mr. Jcsso Hn worth, of llowdcn, Cheshire, This throno clmlri tho only extant sjioclmen of undent royal Egyptinu furniture, and is tho mo-it vencrnblo pieco of ihitisl cabinetmakers' work in tho world. Tlio national collection is much enriched by Uiis addition to it treas ures, and tho nation has rcasou to Is) grutoful to tho muiilllccnt donor. Velocity of Light mid Klectrlcdty. Tho Trench physicist Tizeau calculated tho velocity of light at lW,ir7 miles n second; Corntt, mother Frcnchmnn, ailculatcil it nt IW.I'iO, nnd Michclsou obtained lb(l,US0 as tho Tesult of Ids calculation. WhonUtono, tho English electrician, found that free electricity traveled l!88,0(X) miles ft second; ICIrcholT con cluded, from theoretical considerations, thnt nn electrical current sent through a wlro in which it moots no resistance has tho velocity of liy,WI miles a second. Tho velocity of an electric current sent through iron wiro is W, 100 miles it bocoud; through copper wire, 111, 780 miles. making u Cnnntltiitlon. Tlio constitution of tho United States wns tho result nf thrtva months' work by a conven tion of thlrty-nlno delegates from tho states, of which Washington was president. Among tho delegntcs were ltoger Sherman, of Cod necticHt; Alexander Hamilton, of New York; Ilenjnmln Franklin, of Pennsylvania; James Madison, of Virginia, nnd Charles Cotosworth Pincknoy, of South Cnrollnn. Concessions were mndo by all hands, de mands woro relaxed or insisted upon, nnd I tlio present constitution Is tho result. Tho Kxrcutlve lieforo WnihliiKton. Tho presidents of tho Second continental congress, which expired on Mnrch 4, 17SU, uf ter nn existence of nearly fourteen years, woro regarded as tho isirsonal representatives of tho sovereignty of tho union. Arthur St. Clair of Pennsylvania, was president of con gress when tho conititutlnnu! convention nd- jouniou on rsept. 17, i7. 110 was sue cocslwl on Jnn. SS, 178S, by Cyrus Oriflln, of irglnliu Ho tvns president of congress until AVnshlngton wns lnnugurntisL Kcott-Slddon. Mrs. Mary Francos Scott-SIddons is tho grcat-granddoughtcr of tho celebrated Mrs. Ulddons, her father having lieon a sou of tho Mr. Slddons who settled in India very early in this century. When very young slio mar ried Paymaster Thomas Chanter, royal navy, and shortly nftcr boenmo an actress, when for professional purixises thoy Imth legally look tlio nnmo of Scott-SIddons, his mother's nnd her own maiden surnames. I had these details from tho lady herself. D. ( A runner Mniket. From tho middle of tho Sixteenth to tho ' middle of tho Eighteenth century, Ain-sUr-dam enjoyed the distinction of being tho chief commercial city in Europe. A llam "I saw n curiosity tho other ilay of a kind that is rare, I think," said an old gent leiimu in the courseof conversation. "It lay pressed to'tweeu two leaves of her prayer Umk, nnd as sho touilcrod tlio sacnsl volume to me, that I might join in the iliotiois of her church, it fluttered slowly mid noWey to the lloor. I stooKsl nnd plckisi tr up, and there, written liy iiaturo's own land across tho face of a preserved livif, wo. tho uaiiies Paul nnil toiurn. Curious to know h,m such n thing could hnpHMi, mid trikiin;; in my -ray hair to excuse tlio rurloaUy, I nsked how it had toen done, when slio Llushluly s-.ids 'Wo cut the letter from pnp vnudiustisi them llrmly iinni tho hsif, thus excluding tho light and pitKlucing a traclag of tho names. Ho is in tho uavy, a lieutenant, and wo aro shot My to bo married. I am stivrstltious, would lie cry loath to loso this Icif out of ny hie.' "-Sau Francisco Call. Onions 11 (Jooil Nervine. 'ilvo who nro in tho it iblt of Indulging in raw onions, say n mwlical man, may lie consoled for tho hocinl diwid vantages which eusu) bytlrt fact Mint oiiIouh nru nlxiut thu Itcst nervine known. No luodlclno is ivally so elllcnelous in caso of nervous prostrutioii n they tone up n worn out system iu a very short time, ' ALL AROUND THE HOU3E. Cflllnlold Work or Vnrloit Khnt Tnull tlonitl (IiiiiiI IHhIkmi for the Neimoii. Ci'lluKild, whlrh cm Ixi Ixuisht In mimll fthcvtN, N one of tho newer material u-hiI In fnncy nrtleles, ntidiihould not Ik ovcrloohetl liy tliosu who nro inaklui up holiday n If t . It can Ik) lnviutlfully ili'itinttiil with gold nnd ullver mlut and oil cover, and, liolut tlir, I Miltnhln for covcm to little, necdlo liok and cases of nrlou kltuU Then thcro Is inncli to Iki ilono with clm moN skin Them H hanlly iinylhliiK nlwr for nmklti)' sin hels, linn t plaster ense, jicn wiper, wls't for speclncltn, iiccillo hook nnd tho liKo. A ptvtly ien wier I cut out In tholmxnf uhnlleilly, tho Insly of which I inado of limwu civet, litvivtvt for sHvtn cle nro haicd HKo n real finest leaf with tlio nlgoi iiotcluol. Tho top leaf U vnlurtl with nllt or with embroidery ullk, nnd tho wholo tlcil together with ribbon. i:tn Mini e Pic. Kvcry hntiMkccior wnnl her holiday mlnco pli to Ini tMHIii1ly nlco. Tho follow Iiik iwls' illll,orcou'ddcmh1y from otillnary oiu-s nnd makes one's mouth water, but to rend Iti Kivp a Ixsif's tuiimi In salt for four or llvoilns, then Iwil till lender and, when cold, chop it Moo; to this add two pounds of llnoly cliViM suet, two ikiuiiiI of inlsltis. i two mnds ol currant (well wnslnsl '.I I It ....!... 1 1. ...1..... and draiuisl), tweho largo apples (chopped), four K)tiuiI of sugar, tho julco nnd pulp of to largo oranges and tho grudsl rind of one, n cupful of strnwtoirry or niRji torry Jam, thns-foutths of n smnd of citron shuvisl (hie, 11 cupful of qultico preserve, two talilesiHMinfnU of ground cinnamon nnd ono nutmeg, Wet tho mlnco incut with tho rich liquor from tho sweet jionch plcklo Jar, with a llttlo brandy if desired, nnd add the Julco and grated rind of four lemons. Clirlnliiins Plum Pudding. Whnt'wcr elso iiinylw omitted from tho Christmas bill of faro, plum pudding should hnvon place. A small pudding, very light nnd rich, may Iki inado as follow) To thrco ounces of Hour nnd tho same weight of flno, lightly grated bread crumlis, add six ounces tos'f suet chopiHsl small, six ouuctvs of rais ins weighed after stoning, six of well cleaned currants, four ounces of minced apples, llvo of sugar, two of candled ornngo jieel, half ft tcniqioonftil of nutmeg nnd pounded innco mixed, n very llttlo salt, n small glass of brandy and three wholo eggs. Mix nnd licnt these ingredients well together, tlo them tightly In a thickly llnured cloth nnd toill thrco nnd a hnlf hour. Bervo w ith w luo sauce. A llellrnle, Wlmlrftiiinn llcssrrt. As overj Ixnly dos not cat mlnco pic, plum pudding and other very rich dishes, some thing lighter should also tot Included in tho dessert of Christmas and New Year's din ners. An almond custard is very nlco nnd perfectly harmless to an Irritable stonmch. The IngrcdlcuU nro ono pint of milk; ono toncupful of sugnr, ono-foitrth of a jioutid of lilnuchcd nlmouds jioundeil line, two spoon fuls of rose water and tho yolks of four eggs. Btlr over 11 slow lire till thick ns cream. Pour into n dish; tovit tho whites of tho eggs with n llttlo sugnr nnd lay on top. A Nice Clirt to 1111 Old I-nily. If nny of tho young jicoplo wnut 11 nlco gift for grnndmnnimn or somo other dear old lady. let them mnko i tiiplo workbni; of I chnmols or of gray linen, sati-cn silk or sntln. 1 This Is simply thrcsj bags of say i byfi'J Indies In slzo, with 11 casing it". ' 1 0:1 nc.;r tho top of each to ndtnit a d jii'. U cord, en strcn,.:. Tho l.olw jthrouKti which tho cord la slii;vd into tho casing nro buttonholed. 1 1 ti'e r.iiTcmiit bii-ji nro kept thread, buttons, th.M'il", war, ucmllo book, etc. When not In usou.l can bo drawn I cohoW Un touothcr A Charming Wnrlc Chntclnlii. A very dainty clmtclnlno for a young lady fond of fancy work consists of n rosotto or round toiw of dellcato bum, pink or nny col ored satin ribliou thnt Is most tocomlng to her, from which hang four rlblions of vnr I lous length; to one Is attached n pair of ' scissors, to nnother a pretty neodlo case, to I tho third 11 tiny ling for thimbles, etc., and to ' tho fourth nn emery ball. Winn Hiiure for lllrh I'liddlngs. Cream together ispial quantities of butter nnd sugar until very light. Add then tho beaten yolk of nn egg nnd a littlo grated nutmeg. Tako a largo wlneglnnsful each of sherry wino nnd water; heat It and Just ns it begins to boll stir it Into tlio butter nnd sugar. Ornamental Hack for tho Kitchen. Decoratlvo nrt has invaded oven tho kitchen, but In doing so It has porlmps 0 ' returned to its starting point. Our illustration shows n carved wooden rack for kitchen siKxms, such as used to lo common 1,1 fllfl HtllfiM 111 till! Ilfllltj"! nf t'lcli Dlltf'll ttfVOk ' ants. Not only is tho Imckof the rack elnbo. ! mi.dv rnrved. but tho tins of tlio snoon handles are furnished u tho snmo way. CAUi:U WOOD HACK KOll KITCIIIIM HI-OOXH. Tlio nliovo alVords a useful suggi-stiou. Any hnndy man or toiy can mnko a wixslen rack of similar fashion thnt will to) n tasteful decoration for a coy homo kitchen. Tho cook, especially if slio lie tho iiilitross also, will Io delighted with this article, at onco pretty nnd useful, for it w ill toi found a great convenience in keeping sihkiiis, toasting forks and various small things in place. Tho ornamental Imck need not lio hand carvcil HUo tlio old Ihitcli model, but can Is) cut out in a pretty design with a scroll saw. If not inado of hurt! wood, tho rock can lm stained to a daik color. Tho wood should Iki rather thick and the shelves firmly put on, so fiut tho rack may bo substantial and ou-during. SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE Prospectus for i 888 Beautiful Christmas Number, The holiday issue now reiuly, is complete in itself, con taining no serinf matter. The cover is enriched by an orna mental border printed in gold. The price is, as usual, 25 cents. It contains the most delightful stories, poems, and essays by distinguished writers, and superb illustrations. Among the important articles to appear during the year 1888 are the following Send for prospectus; ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON will ronUllnilo regularly lii each number during (he year, lie will write of many topics, old mid new, and In n fniulllnr nnd personal ,iy, which will form new bonds of filciulililp between the mi thor nnd his lliousnuds of render. In his Ilrst paper entitled "A Chapter ot) Drcnius," appealing In the January number, he rcl.i'c Incidentally, In connection with (lie gen eral subject, some InlcnVliis facts I'nucvrnlii) the origin of the now famous story, "Strange Cnse of l)r JcK.ill nml Mr ly- RAILWAY ACCIDENTS, ty w.s.cirAi'LAiN, win i.cti.c first of an csK'clnllv Important mul Interesting series of (Miners on railways, their ndmlnls 1 rations nml cousiruciinu, lm'iuiuug grcm engineering lent, ininotis tunnels mul passes nnd, Indeed, lliouc branches of the subject which In tliU day cngngc the attention of tho whole country. The lllustinlions which will nccoinpany this scries will ho very clnb omtc.oilglmil, and beautiful. The author and the titles of the future articles will be announced Inter. DR. D. A. SARENT'S pper. Traliilng will be continued by several of Inci lllnslratlon ns those which have already appealed, ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of spcclnl Interest will ho those on llic Campaign of Wnterloo, by JOHN C. KOPESjon "The Mini nt Arms," hy E. II. HLASllFIELl);twopapers'liy EDWARD L. WILSON, Illustrating result of re cent Egyptian research; a further nrtlcle hv WILLIAM V. aPTAOUP, on u subject connected with hi recent contilbullon on Vngncr, nnd ninny other of cqunl Interest, PUOFESSOK SIIALICR'S nrtlcle on the Surfaccof the Enrtli will be continued yind articles upon two of the most Interesting groups of contemporary European writers will be nccoirpiinlcd hy rich and novel portrait Illustrations, ELECTRICITY In Its various application as n motive power EXPLO SIVES, etc., will he the subjects of another group of Illustrated nrtlcle of cqurl prnc tlcnl Interest, hy lending authorities tipnn three topics. MENDELS OHN' LETTERS written to hi. friend, Mo.. elides, nt n peculiarly Interesting time of Ills career, will furnUli the stihstnuce of sever nl articles of great Interest to musical renders, which will bo Illustrated with portraits and drawings from Mendelssohn's own hnud. THE r IC I ION will be strong, not only In the work of well-knowh writers but hi that of new authors, In securing whose co-operation the Mngazlnc has been so foitunnte during Its Ilrst year of publication. A serial novel, entitled "First Harvests," by FREDERIC J. STlflSON, will he begun In the Jnntmry number, nnd early In the year no. eltlc will be published hy HENRY JAMES nml II. C. HUNNER. Tho short stories nrc of noticeable strength nnd jrcstpicss, ILLUSTRATIONS. The Mngulnc will show lucrensad excellence In its illustrations. They will bo more abundant nnd chitoirute than ever. It Is tho In tention of the publishers to represent the best work of the lending artists, nnd to pro mote nnd foster the most skillful methods of wood engraving. SPECIAL NOTICE. To cnnble renders lo possess the Mngnzlnc from tho first number (Jnuitnry, 1887) thu following Inducements arc ordered. A yenr's subscription nnd the numbers for A year's siib-crlpllon and the numbers for lillttoj), $3.00 a Year, 25 Cents a Number. Remit hy llnnk cheek or money order to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, New York. ! lH!s 3&nbMHm UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOOnAPHY or TIIE COUNTrtY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUADLE WrOHMATION TltOM A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THE I o-.w'K. 4t-VV3ifRlS, i JOTViW''- "iv w 1 h VoW mil Hi "i li-3-WrAirb :s"rt wltt n CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Ita control jv Hinon and closo counoctlon with Bnatorn llnoa at Cliicnijo and contlmioiiH liiv 4 nt tormimil points, Wout, Nortliwout, und Soutli wout, mnko it tho truo mid-link In Mint traiiHcoiitlnontal clmln of Btool which unltoHtho Atlantic and Pacific Ita main llnoa mul uratichos lncludo Chi cntfo, Jollot, Ottawa. iJiSullo, Pooriu, aonosoo, Mollno anil Rock lalnnd, hi Ulinola: Davonport, Miwcntlnu, WnahliiBton, Fnlrtlold, Ottumwn, Oaknlooea. Wost Liberty, Iown City, V- Molnoa, Indinnoln, Wlntoraot, Atlnntlc, Knox villo, Audubon, Iliirlun. duihi1 Contround Council Illutia, in Iowa; Oallntin, Trotitou, Ciinmron, S Joropl. and Kuiisaa Cltv, In Mleaourl; Lonvonworth nnii AicniHon, in '-.ur town mul Bloux Fnllrt in Dakota, mul it niao oiiora a uuuiuis ok ituuiiss to unci irom tno l'ucuic uonat ana lntor modlnto plnooB. mnklntr nil tranafors In Union dopota. FaBt TraliiB of lino DAY OOAOHnS, oloirnnt BININQ OAU3, liinjniltlcont PULLMAN PALAOB HLI5RPINU CARS, und 'Uotwoon Chicago, St. Joaoph. Atchlaon and lCanaas Cltvi roatlul pUul.lNINQ CHAIR OARS, aoata FREE to lioldora of through Urat-olaya tlci:otu THE CHICAGO- KANSAS He NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE) Extonda woat mid aouthwoHt from Kiinann City and St. Joaoph to Fairs, bury. NolBon, Horton, Topoka, Horlnrjton, nutcliinaon, WlchlU., Caldwoll. mul all pointa in Southorn Nobraakn Intorlor Kansas and beyond, EutlrJ juiBBoiigor oqulptnont of tho colobratod Pullman nianufacturo. Solidly bal Iuatod track of lionvy stool rail. Iron and Btono brldcrca. All aafoty appllancos mul modorn improvomonta. Commodloua. woll-butlt atatlona. Colurlty, cor talnty, comfort mul luxury uuaurod. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE la tho favorlto bntwoon Chlcairo, Rook Irtltuul, Atchison, KanaftB City, and MlnnoupollBand St Paul Tho tourist 'onto to all Northern Sunuunr Roaorta, Ita Watortown Branch travoraoa tho most nroductlvo landa of tho groac " whoat and dairy bolt" of Northorn Iowa, Southwoatorn Minnoaota, anil East Contral Dakota. Tho Short Lino via 8onoca and KankalcnoottorHiiuporlor fucllttloa to travol botwoon Cincinnati, IndlanttpollB, Latayotto, und Council UUUIb, 8t. Joaoph. Atchison, Lonvonworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, ami St. Paul. For Tiokots, Maps, Polders, or any dosirod Information, apply to any Cou pon TloliotOiUoo in tho United Stutos or Canada, or address I E. ST. JOHN, General Manager. ciiKntit), ii.i. Physical Proportions nnd Physical casing interest, with us rich mul unique 18S7, 1887, hound In two volumes, cloth $6 00 on Mliuioupolla nnd St Paul, in Minnoaota ; Wntor- many other jirosporouo to wuh mul cltloa. E. A. HOLBROOK, Oen'l Ticket ft Fsss'r Agent