Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 31, 1887, Image 2

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MfiVoi tlio IIyoi of many pcoplo mUcrnblo,
anil often lend to aclf-dcMttictlou. I)ltrcss
after catlnjt, sour atomnch, alrk headache
heartburn, low of appetite, n f nlnt, " nil roiio"
tcolliiB, bad taslo, coated tonRiio, mul Irregu
larity or tno iHiweu, nru
omo of tlio inoro common
symptoms. Dyspepsia iloei
not get well of Itself. It
requires careful, persistent
attention, nml n like lunar nana
parllla, which ncli gently, yet surely runt
efTlclently. It tone tho Momach nml other
organs, regulates tho dlgo'tlon, creates a
food appetite, nml hy thin ok
overcoming tho local aynq u. .
tom removes tho aympa-nO"""0"0
thcllc effect of tho disease, banishes tlio
headache, nml refreshes tho llreil mind.
" 1 Into been troubled with dyspepsia. 1
bad but lltllo nppctllp, nn.l what I did oat
REV. on.
.11. &..... I tti.i tit al lil
mm lllllll'll IIIV1 ""
noart ,Uj0 R00(. n m iiour
burn nfler eating I would expo
rlcnco n raininess, or tired, nll-pnio feeling,
although I had notratennnylhlng. My trim
We, 1 think, wns nggravntcd by my business,
which Is that of n painter, nml from being
moro or less ahut up In n
room with f rcih paint. I.nst
spring I took Hood's Bara
rllla-took thrco bottles.
In.niA.ian ntnntlllt l)f COOd.
apictlle, nml my food relished mid satisfied
tho craving I had previously experienced."
aicoiuiu A. rAUK, Wntcrtnwn, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bol.U.y allilrugglil.. Ml ht for f J. IT pnr'd only
j 0. 1. HOOD CO., Apolliecnrlos, I-owoll, Ms".
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
U did mo mi
It gavo mo mi
AH llio PATTKIIN8 yim with to uo ilurliiff llio
your, for mulling, ( saving of froui 3.00 to $ I.OOJ, oy
eutitctlulutf for
Iemorest's i.-1-'1
WUhTvusWe Ordr far Cut Pspsr Psttsrnsof
your own icltetlon and of say ilie.
Demorest's m
ft Ol nil tlio AtnansBlnwH.
Tirir, and Uousauni.n hattkiu.
JfiUfriilof tell', Orfflniil nirrt i'lifme
tnif, rhotooravurei, Oil J'lrlttrt unit
fliir H'lioifciin, fiiaMiii; it tht MoilrtMiigu
In of .ImcWcu. i .
I.seh Majazluo contains n coupon onlcr cntltllnir
Jho holder In Ilia selection or any pntti'rn Itlustratrd
Vi the fiitlilon department In llmt number, nml In
!) of thi she inanufscturcd, making pattern
(iirlna thn year of tlio valuo of over thrco ilollsr.
iiKMiiiiiisrn muritiiia is juwy rniuicuino
vorM's Model Msesxlnc. Tho Largest In Form, tlio
.anion in Clrcillntlon. and mo ik-i tivu ifousr
aniilv Mslinn liiucil. 1 RSS will 1)0 IhoTATCnlT
fuurth vitar nf lis mihltcstlou. and It lands at too
hoad of Family lVrloaicals. It contslns ?J pages,
laivo nnnrln. 8VxDJ' tnchf, clrenntlyi;nntinl and
fully illimtralvd. IiiWIlicd by W, Jonnlug
Anl bjr Special Are5Sent Com-,
A blhed with the "
CapUol City Conrier at $3.25 Per Tear.
Working Classes
tuniluli at clasnca with rinplnjrmcnt at liome, the
tthohi ot the time, or for tlivlr aixiro momcuU
lliulneu! now. light ami prudlable. l'rraona of
cither tvx tiully cam from Ml cvnta to JA.OU it
venliiff, anil a promrtloual anm liy iloTotlng al!
Uiclr tUiui to llio biislmta. llo) and girla cart
Marly ua much aa mcu, That all who aco tlili
may aend tliclr addrroa, and ttt the bunlmwa, di
maia thla ofTor. To audi aa aro not vellautlsflrt
wo will acml one dollar to mv for tho trouble ol
writing. Full particular and out tit free, Addrew
atuHQK STINtON . Co., Portland, Maine.
It n Not Arrhlrnt Hint Olirlut Will
Horn In i Ktililtlio Allovlntor of
llruliil Hnnvrlnu; ns Well a llm lt
dciiK-r of Sinn.
HiuioKt.v.v, Di-o, ttV flcrvlcw today nt tho
Brooklyn TnlxTimclo worn Jiililliint, I'roftw
aow llniwiHiiiiul All, with orgnu nml comot,
worn iiiuiMinlly powerful, nml Mr. Kloronco
Illcivlviinx mini: thn-o wiIoh, Tho tlintiMinilfl
of pooplo who wiokiil tho clturi'li nml nil tho
npprodchoamiiuxl tojuln in ihoKrwitclioruiii
llu nlmll rcltin from jmOo to olo,
With lUliiillnblo annyt
Ho ahnll ndgn vrlirn, llko n acrutl,
Yonder lioavcna havo iiaamil iwny.
Ilov. T. DoWltt Tnlmiigo, 1). 1)., took na
tlio Kiibjwt of lila WTition, "Tho Hani nml IU
HiirroiimllnK." Hla toxt wiw tnken from
I.ukoll, 15t "Tho Mhepherih anltl ono to mi
other, Ut iih now go ovou unto llotliluhoin,
nml wo tlila tlilnn which Is como to pnaa."
Dr. TnlningoiMilili
Ono thounml yenra of tho world' oxIsU
enew rolled imliifiilly nml wcnrlly nlong, nml
no Clirlxt. Two IhoiiKiuiil ymiii, nml no
CI i r lot, Thrco thounnml your, nml no (.'
Four thoiiKiiml yenm, nml no Clirlnt. "(Hvo
n Chrlut," hml -lol Aiwyrlnn nml I'oralnn
nml tfluihtcnii nml Hgyptlnn rlvillmtlon, but
tliolliot thtC4,rth nml thn lips (if thoaky
niftdo no niMcr, Tho world hn.l nlrcndy
liccn nllluent ot Renin". Among jkx-U hnd
npponroii Homer nml TlicapU nml ArlaUiph
nnoM nml Kopluxde nml Huriplilc nml Alnxli
ilchyliiM, yet no Clirlnl to Ihi tho moat poetlo
flgui-o of tho foiittirlcH. Among lilitorlnns
hnd npiK'nrtsl lleroilolti nml Xcuoplioii nml
nml ThucyillilcH, but no ChrlHt from whom
nil history wiih Ui tlnto Imi'kwnnl nml for
wnnl 11. 0. nml A. I). Among tho con
queror CnmllliiN nml Mnnllim nml Jtegulu
mul XnutlpptiK nml Hmiulbnl nml Hclplo nml
l'ouipoy nml C'ntuir, yot no ClirUt who wns
to bo compieror of enitli nml lionvou.
Hut tho alow ivntury nml tho alow yonr
nml tho alow mouth nml tlio alow hour nt
Inst nrrlveil. Tlio world hnd hnd nmtlnnor
concert In tlio morning nml vccrHuud con
cert In tho evening, but now it I to liuvo n
c)mxrt nt tiildiilght, Tho blnek window
ahuttora of n Dcwnilior nlglt wcro thrown
open, nml hoi no of tho bent Nlugcr of u world
whero they nil alug xtixxl then, nml putting
ImicIi tho ilrn)Hjry of cloud chnuted n hmico
nnthem, until nil tho echoes of hill nml vol
ley ttpplmidod mid encored tho Ilnllelujnh
tothoifl bliiU cmthttoo fnr north In tho
wilder' Inclemency, Arrest tlmtiunn who
ii innklng Hint onn homo drnw n lorn I henvy
rnougli for threo. Hush In UKm thnt aceuo
whero loy nro torturing n cnt or trnmdlxlng
laittcrlly nml grnwdmppcr. Drlvo not olT
that old rolililn, for her neat la n niother'a
crndlo nml under her wing theio mny lw
tbroo or four prlmii donnna ot tho aky In
trnlnlng. Ami bi your fmulllca nml in your
achool tench tho coining generation moro
mercy tlimi tho present generation hnaovcr
ahow n In thla nmrvclnili lllblo pleturoof tho
tfntlvlty, wbllo you Kilnt out to thoin tho
nngcl, ahow thoui nlxo tho enmul, nml wlillo
tboy luvir tho colewtlul clmnt let them ill)
arled ofllccni nf govoriiti.cnt who, hcr
log of It afterward, limy hnvo thought
thnt thy ought to havo hnd tho flrxt now of
i mcli n grcntovcut, aoino uuo dlnmoiinUng
from nawlftcnniulnttlwlr door nml knock-
i lug till nt aoino aontlnolVi question, "Who
come tlicrur tho grcnt ones of tho pnlnco
might hnvo Im-4'II told of tho celestial nrrhal.
No; IhoKhepherd liwnl tlio fl'rat two lrt of
tho iiiukIo, tho Hot in tho major key nml tho
last in tho Kulaliuil minors "(llury to God
In tho highest, nml on wirth ixvieo, good will
to men." Ah, jej tho fluid wcro honored.
Tlio old ahepherd with plaid mid cniok hnvo
for tho imwt mrt vnnUheil, but wo hnvo grnz-
lug on our UiiKtil Wtnle paaturo iiem nnu
hear tho i)w' moan. No moro did ChrUt ' urnlrlo nlxmt fort v-llvo million Mieei nml nil
ahow Intcnwt In tho iKitnnlcnl world when ho tholr kceiier ought to follow tlio ahephonla
anld, "Coualdcr tho lllli," than ho allowed of my text, nml nil I bono who toll in HeliU,
ayinpnthy for tho ornithological when nil wlno ilrwwcm, nil orcliniilikta, nil hua-
lio mild, "Heboid tho fowl of tho nlr," IniiiiIiiivii. Not only thnt Uhrltmai night,
nml tho quadrupedal world when ho Allowed liut nil up nml down tho world's liUtory 01
himself to Ihi called In ono plnco a lion ha liecn honoring tho Meld. Nearly nil tho
moiwlnh of reform, nml llicrnturo, nml elo
quence, mul law, mid lienovolenco, havo
como from tho Held. Washington from tho
field, JuiTcikoii fnnu tho llohl. Thoprcai
dentlnl mnrtym, Onrilold nml Lincoln, from
tho Hold. Henry Clay from tho Held.
Daniel Wolmtcr from ,tho HoliK Mnrtln
Luther from tho Held. And lioforo this
world I right tho overflowing: jxipulatlon of
our crowded cities will hnvo to tuko to tho
Hold. Inatcnil of ton merclinnta in
rlvnlry n to who ahnll hell thnt
ono npplo, wo wunt nt lenat eight
of them to go out mid rnlno npplcs.
Instead of ten merchants desiring to noil thnt
ono IiiibIioI of wheat, wo want nt. least eight
of them to go out mid rnlso wheat, Tho
world wntibi moro bnrd linmU, moro broiirod
check, moro muscular nrms. To tlio llohlsl
Ood honored them when ho woko up tho
ahepherd by tho midnight mithem, nml ho
will, wlillo tho world lastii, contlnuo to honor
tho Held. When tho ahephenl'u crook wns
that fnnious night atood ngalnst tho wnll of
tho llcthluhcm knlm, It wnsnpmphccy of tho
tlmo when the thrimher's Unit, nml fnnncr'a
Mighty i jdow, mid wiHslmnn' nx, nml ox' yoko,
3 chlld'H nn,i 8i,Mf Mmler'a rnkoalmll aurrondcr to tho
Ono ot tlio Stent Oneroii Iltltle of lll
I'tmlt Ion -Scrnp Hook.
nml In another plnco n mini). Mcnuwhllu,
may tho Christ ot tho llcthluhcm cnttlo jam
linvo mercy on tluf sulTering atock ynrd that
nro pnpnrlng illaenmsl fovcrcd mont for
our AmPl Icnu houHoholds.
Heboid also hi this lllblo rcciio how oil
thnt Christinas night Ood honored child
hood. ChrlHt might hnvo inndo his flrat
visit to our world in n cloud. In whntn
chariot of illumined vnimr ho might hnvo
rolled down tho aky escorted by mounted
envnlry with lightning of drnwn awonl.
Klljiih hnd n cnrrlago of flro to tako him up,
wliy not Josus n cnrrlngo of flro to fetch lilm
dowuf Or, ovor tho archod brldgu of n rnln
Ikiw tho Ix)nl might hnvo leccndod. Or
Christ might hnvo hud hi mortality built
up on earth out of tho dust of n garden, ns
wns Adam, in full innnhood nt tho atnrt
without tho Intnalnctory feoblenoas of in
fiuicy. No, nol Childhood wns to bo hon
ored by Unit ndvent. Ho must havo a
child' light llmlix, nml u child' dimpled
hnnd. nml n child' beaming oyo, nml U
child' Maxell hnlr, nnd babyhood wns to lw
hononsl for nil tlmo to como, nun n crunio
wiw to menu moro than n grnve.
(lodl Mnv tho rcl lection of that ono
fnco Ito wvii In nil Infantile fucea. huoiigli
hnvo nil those father nml mothers on hand
If thoy hnvo n child In thn hoiixo. A throno,
n crown, n aceptcr, n kingdom under charge.
Ho direful how you strike him ncrosa tho
heuil, Jnrrlug tho brulu. What you any to
him will Ixj ccutouuiul nml mlllcnlnl, nml a
hundred venr mid n thousniul years will not
atop tho echo nml ro-cclio. Do not any "It is t rniiKement mid In Mimo unnxplnlued wny,
only u child." Hnthor any "It Is only mum- tho child Jesus might havo liecn found In
iiiortnl." It 1 only u innatendeco of Jchovnli. j gomo comforUiblo crndlo of tho village. Hut
It U only n being that ahull outllvo n0 nol Motherhooil for nil tlmo wns to bo
Kim nml moon nnd alnr nud nge quadrll- , consecmUsI, nnd ono of tho toudcrcst rela
lennlal 0ol has Inllnlto resource nml Ho tions wns to lio tho maternal relation, nn.l
can give proent-s of gwit value, but when ho ono of tho sweetest wonls "mother." In nil
wnnt to give tho richest ixwsiiiio gltt to i asva utHi hius houoreil good niotnurlUKXi.
motlier, tit. Ucrnnrn
Smnucl Hudgott n good
Oixl who made tho country na ninn uudo tho
Heboid nlso that on that Christmas night
Ood honored motherhood. Two angels on
their wings might havo brought nil lufnnt
Hiivlour to Uotlilelictn without Mary's lielng
there nt nil. When tho villagers, on tho
morning ot Dec. iM, nwoku, by n divlno nr-
A liiel tlua ta-rtfljl lina n flit to f nml 4iiuf flut
Christ It newls. Come, let us go into that ' liouaehold ho hxiks nrouiid nil tho worlds nnd , John Wesloy hnd n gixxl
Christmas sceno ns though wo bad never lx ' '" uulvcrao, nnd then gives n child. Tho im,l a good mother, Sum
grcauwi prcseni iiiat ui,n Kiivuuiu nunu uu
gave nlxjut IbS yenr ngo, una no gavo it on
I to be liiftJo, Cut IhU ont and rr
' nun loiw, anu wo win aruu joi
, free, something of great value ani
you In l)inlnta whlcu will lirlns you in mor.
turn to tin, and wo will aencl yoi
linnorlanci) to you, Uiat will atai
aaonrr right away thou anything elm In ltd worh'
Any onrcan do the work and live ot home. Either
aex; all age, bonierhlng new, tliat just colnt
Money for all orkera We will atart you; capital
not needed. This la oue of tco genuine, Importaul
ehaacva of a lifetime. Thnao who are amblllou
and cnterjirUliiR will not delay. Urand outfit tra
Address Tate & Co., Augutu Maluo.
can live at home, and make more monej
at work for us, Uum at anything elae lu
this world. Capital not urcded) you an
started free. Lanre earnlnea sura from
first start. Cuatly outfit and terms free, BeUel
not delay. Coau you nothing to send ua vout
address and nnd out; It you are wlaa yoc will do
oatonce. II. HALLrrriCa.l'orUaid, JaJua.
foro worslilppcsl nltlio mntiger, Jicro is u
Mailonnn worth Iix)klng nt. I wonder not
that the most frequent immu In nil lands mul
In nil ChrUtimi centuries is Mary. And there
nro Marys in palaces nml Mary in cabins,
mid though dcrmaii nml French mid Italian
nml Bimnlsh mul Kugllsh prououueo it dlt-
foreiitly, they ui u nil immcKiikcH of tho ono
Mhomwo llnd on a tail ot straw with her
palo fnco ngnlnst tho witt check of Christ In
tho night of tho Nativity. All tho grcnt
painter hnvo trltsl on canvas to pro
acnt Mury nml her child nud tho inci
dents ot thnt moht famous night of tho
world's history,, Ilnphael in thrni diiTcrent
masterpieces cclcbrnlcd them. Tintorct
mul Qiiirlniijo Biirpasstsl thcmselvM in tho
"Adoration of the Magi." Correglo neodeil
to do nothing moro than his "Madonna" to
become immortal. The "Madonna nt tho
Lily.'1 by Leonardo dn VlucI, will klndlo tho
nilmirntion of nil nges. Murlllu novcr won
grontor triumph by his pencil than in his
presentation of tho "Holy family." Hut nil
tho galleries of Dresden nro forgotten whon I
think of tho snmll room of that gallery con
taining tho "Slstlno Madonna." Yet nil of
them were copies of Ht, Mntthow's "Ma
donna1' mid Luke's "Mndonnn," tho Inspired
Minimum of the Old Hook, which wo had put
into our hands when wo wcro Infants ant'
thnt wo bono to havo under our bends who-
wo die.
Behold, In llio first place, thnt on tho first
night of Christ's llfo Ood honored tho bruto
bem lwrn
mules, tho dogs, tho oxen. Tho brute of
thnt ktnblo hoard tho first cry of tho infant
Lord. Somo of tho old iwintcrs represent
tho oxen nnd camels kneeling Hint night bo-
m.. lm .....v Iw.ifi IuiImv AihI welt ltiltrlit
they kneel. Have you ever thought that j '" n1' benveu, I
n.rUf mnm. niimiiL other thlncrs. to nllovlato nuy Velvet bo bolt
tbo sufferings of tho bruto crcntioul Wns It
not appropriate that ho ahould during tho
first fow days nnd nights of His llfo on enrth
bo surrounded by tho dumb ixsurts whoso
moan nnd ldnlnt nnd iwllowlng hnvo
for nces Ikxsii n liruycr to Ood
tho nrrcatlng of their torture nnd tho
righting of their wrongs I It did
not merely "linpiwu so" that tho unintelli
gent creatures of Ood should havo Wn thnt
night In closo uelghliorhood. Notnkeunol
In nil tho centurlw, not n bird's nud, not a
wornout borso on towwtli, not a herd f risk
ing in tho poorly built cow ien, not n freight
car In summer time bringing tho lasivw to
market without water through a thousand
miles of agony, not n surgeon's room witness
Ini tbo btriiEglcs of fox or rabbit or pigeon
or dog In tho horrors of vivisection but hns
nn Interest In tho fact that Christ was born
I ii Plii-Mmim nil. lit mill It WIIH of Slleb VnlllO
that heaven adjourned for n recess, nnd enmo
down mul broku through the clouds to look
' nt it. Yen, in nil ngus Oml hn honored
! childhood. Ho make nlma.t every plcturo n
failure unless tliuroboii child either playing
on tho floor, or looking through tho window,
or hetitod on tho lap gazing Into tho fnco of
It mother. It wns u child In Niuunnii1
kitchen that told tho great Syrian war
rior where ho might go mid get cured
of Uie leprosy, which nt his seventh
piimgo lu tho .Ionian, wns left nt
tho iKittom of tho river. It wns to tho
crndlo of leaves lu which n child wns laid,
rocked by tlio Nile, that Ood called tho at
tention of history. It was n Bick child thnt
evoked Christ's curat Ivu sympathies. It wns
a child that Christ sat in tho midst of tho
squabbling disciples to teach tho lesson ot
humility. Wo uro informed that wolf nnd
leopard nnd Hon hhnll yet bo so domesticated
that u little child shall lend them. A child
decided Waterloo, showing tho uriny of
Hlucher how thoy could tnko a abort cut
through tho fields, when, If tho old road
I had Ixvn followed, tho rrusMnn gen
eral would linvo como up too Into
to sixvo tho destinies of Kuropo. It
was a child that decided Octtybburg,
bo hnvlm overheard two Confcdcrato gen
erals In a conversation, in which they de
cided to march for Oottysburg Instead of
VmmBeUMolitoMMhfa ' Uarrlshurj; nnd this, reported to Oovernor
vj tta, rt Sftnit to SLm , C-rtln, tho Rslernl t o meet
. .,.. V,... !!.. ti... i L tholr oinxnieiiU nt Octtysburg. And tlio
child of today Is to decldo all tho great Imt-
tles, miiko nil tho laws, settle nil mo iicu
nles nnd usher lu tho world's salvation or
destruction. Men, women, iintlons, nil enrth
Ix-hold tho chllil! is tlicro
any velvet bOboiinsucuiuisuueeKi is me
nny sky ao bluo us u child's oyol Is thero uny
nnislo so sweet as n chi'.d's voice I Is tlicro
nnv plumo m wnvy ns a child's lialrj
Notice nlso that In this Ulblo night sceno
nl honortsl bcleuco. Who nro tho thrco
,, wlso men knecUug boforo tho divine Infnntl
for ' ... , " .. ,,,, ru..,.i. ni.
thasar and Molchlor, men w ho knew nil that
was to lw known. They were tho Isuno New
tons mul Herbcboli nnd Karadnys of their
time. Tholr nlchomy wns the forerunner of
our sublimit chemistry, their nstrology tho
mother of our magnificent astronomy. Thoy
had studied stars, Minllcd metals, btudled
physiology, btudled ova j urtng. And when I
sco the bcIentlsU bo wing before t ho bonutlful
babe, I aco tho prophocy of the time when nil
tho telescopes nud microscopes, nnd nil tho
Lnvden law. and nil tho electric batteries,
nnd nH tho olisorvutorlos, and nil tlio
universities shall bow to Jesus. It is much
motlier, Doddridge u good mother, Walter
Kcott n good mother, Heiijnmln West n good
mother. In a great uitilleuce, most or
whom wore Christians, I naked thnt nil those
who hnd lieen blessed of Christian mothers
arise, and almost tho cntlro assembly stood
up. Don't you boo how important it Ls that
all motherhood Ikj consecrated? Why did
Titian, tho Itullun artist, when ho sketched
tlio Mndonnn, mnko It tin Italian fneol Why
did Kubciis, tho Oermmi artist, in his Madon
na, mnko it u Ocrinuii fnco? Why did Joshua
Reynolds, tho English urtist, lu his Mudouna,
mnko it on Kngllsl fnco? Why did Murillo,
tho HjumUli artist, in hi Madonuu, malco it a
8iiish fucel I novcr heard, but I think
thoy took their own mothers as tlio typo of
JInry tlio mother of Christ, wiicn you near
somo ono in sermon or oration Kx.-nk in
tho nbstract of n goixl, faithful, bou
est mother, your eyes fill up with
tears while you 6ay to yourself, that was my
motlier. Tho first word u child utters is npt
to bo "Motlier," and tho old man in hi dying
dreniii calls, "Mother: mother!" It matters
not whether bho was brought up in tho sur
roundings of n city ami in nllluent homo,
ami wns dressed appropriately with refer
enco to tho demands of modern lifo, or
whether sho wore tho old-tlmo cap and
grcnt round Ficctncles and apron of lior
own make and knit your socks with her own
noedlos boated by tho broad flroplaco, with
crcnt buck log nblnro on n winter
night, Itmnttcrs not bow many wrinkles
crowsl nnd recrossed her fnco, or how much
her hhouldcr btooiicd wjth tho burdens of a
long life, if you iialntod n Mndonnn hers
would bo tho fnc, Whntn ccntlo hand she
lind wlieu wo wcro sick, nnd whntn voico to
Bootho mill, nnd was thero nny ono who
could so fill up a room with ienco, nud
purity, nnd light? And what a sad day that
was when wo enmo homo and bho could greet
us not, for her lljis wcro forever btlll.
Como buck, mother, this Christmas day,
mul tako your old place, nud ns toil,
or twenty, or fifty yoais ngo, como
nnd ojicn tho old lllblo you used to
read nnd kneel In tho wimo place whero you
used to pray, nnd look iqwn us as of old
when you wished us a Merry Christmas or a
Happy Now Year. But not Thnt would
not bofuirtocnll you back. You had troubles
enough, nud nches onough, nnd bereavements
enough while you wcro hero. Tarry by tho
throno, mother, till wo Join you there, your
prayers nil nnsworcd, and In tho eternal
homestead of our God wo shall ngnlu keep
Christinas jublloo together. Hut bpcnk from
, your thrones, nil you glorified mothers, nnd
bay to nil these, your bons nnd daughters,
words of lovo, words ot warning, words ot
cheer. Thoy need your voice, for thoy havo
traveled fnr unit witn many n uciirtureaK
Ono of tho most onerous duties of Mrs.
Cleveland' xnltlon is hor letter writing.
Bho answers n grcnt ninny of tho luimoi)'
number received every day from totnj
stranger, nnd nnswers them arsonnlly In 'i
fow pleasant, genial wonls. Hhoglves ns li-r
renMiii for this that It I u pleasure that chi
give to tho aron who write nud on she
feels alio owes to many of her corrcsiioiidciita
for their kindly words. For thevj letter
alio always uses the bluo tinted mpcr with
tlio shield mid tho word "White Hntian'
atnuiHsl iixm It, such ns tho alicel upov
which lier nxiiH) for brown bread w
written, of which n fnc-slmllo wns latvlj
given. It I aaid this Ii tho first time nuy id
tlio occupant of tho presidential iiwuul'i
hnvo given antictloii to tho popular titie o'
tho olllcial roslilenoo. In tho unto hclluit.
days It wns frequently referred to as "'I b
For llttlo Informal notes alio has only ner
Initials Btanipt"! on tho iax;r, but for note
to olllclnls nnd tholr wives sho has "Executive
Mansion," in small letters, either red or blue,
btmniKsl nt tho head of tho sheet Hlio u&os
only white hcnllug wnx, nml has no crcsv or
device, simply F. F. C. Bho nlways signs nil
letters with her full luiino, Francos Folsoui
Cleveland. Bho has tho greatest quantity ot
tagging letters of nil sort nml descriptions.
Bho turns them over to her secretary, who
nnswers them with n lithographed formula,
but many of the cxldost sixjclmcns she bus r.
turucd to her nud imsteH lu a big scrap book.
This book holds nil tho curiosities of corro
fondciico that hnvo como in her way slnco bho
Wiimo Mr. Cleveland's wife, ami thoy aro
many nud ill versa Bho hns u number of
scrap Ixxiks for various puriioscs, nml will
linvo n very complete record of her career lu
tlio White House when they nro nil filled.
Husldes tho letter Ixwk is ono containing
specimens of nil her photographs nnd those
of Mr. Clovelnud, views of Oak VIow nnd
dlircrcut points in Washington, Including tho
Capitol nml tlio Hxccutlvo .Mansion.
Another very lurgo one contains nowspaiwr
clippings giving tho entire record of their
recent tour in tho south nud west, interspersed
with a great many photographs Illustrative
of their travels. A large, red inonxxo book,
with lloxlblo covers and, her Initials in gold
on tho outside, has (Misted among tho leaves
tlio printed reports ot her husband's great
HIKwchcti and letters, and much that was writ
ten concerning him during his canvass nnd
slnco his elwctlon. It is entirely devoted to
his public career. A smaller one coutnlns
much that tlio uowgpapers havo sold about
her, nml lias on tho margin some amusing
comments in ikmicU. Tho last ono is strictly
domestic, full of reel j xw nml nil sorts of sug
gestions concerning the prajwr conduct of
housekeeping. New York World.
A Cnllfornln Ilnbblt Ttnundup.
On tlio plain of Tulnro county, nenr tht
town of I'ixley, nVahnied foiico had IxHsn
built with a corral nt tho npox. Tho other
nioralug several hundred ixxiplo, mostly
farmers n d their families, assombleil to en
gngo In tbo rabbit drive. No ilrenrms nor
dogs wcro jiernilttcd In this luuit, but men,
women nnd children, In vehicles nud on
horseback, formed u semi circular procession
three mile long nnd la-gnn closing lu toward
tho opening of tho V.
As tho lino of drivers nenrcd tho outer ciuls
of tho fence It liccmno apparent Hint thoy
were hcnllug llio hnn-s not by hundreds but
oy thousands, nml those who anw tho bound
ing drovo of lepores, ns It swept over tho
atubblo mul short nlfnlfa whero thero was no
dust, say it wns indeed n ntcinornblo alght.
Omit excitement provnllrd, nnd as a rabbit
would now mid then turnnlxjut, Iwlt through
tho ranks of yelling enemies nnd gnllop oir
Uxju tho plain, the wisdom of having burred
out guns nnd pistols liegmi to lw evident. As
tho terrified uiilmnls ran down the liisido of
tho fenco on tho south sldo thoy encoiinterod
n llttlo inclosuro mndo forn garden. This
olistnclo occasioned a Rtampeile. Away
went btiiHlnsIs ot them lmck through tho
cordon of drivers, nnd though many wero
kllleil, It is estimated that X) or COO cscniied.
Tho main Is sly, however, rati around tlio
projecting fence nnd kept on down tho sido
of tho V to tlio corral at tho npex.
When tho doomed creatures had boon
forced Into the corral mid the gnto closed,
the hunters entered with clubs mul about
2,000 ot tho xst wero knocked In tho head.
Enough rabbits wcro taken ullvo for ship
ment, however, to pny nil oxiienses Incurred.
Tho drlvo wns so successful thnt tho
managers are already planning another, and
such organized cnmimlgus may bocomo
qulto popular lu the most ullllcted sections.
Wlillo thoy would not wholly exterminate
tho mischievous gnawers, they might bo
mailo thomoaiisof thlmiliigthem prodigious
ly; nml, ns ono of the Visalla paM.rH re
marks: "Two m llin of portable fenco for
wings nnd u fow rods for corrals would bo
all that is required; tho cost would bo slight
when divided umoiig those who would bo
directly benefited, mul it could bo sold
when no longer needed for nt least half what
it cost" l'acille lturnl Press.
TriiKlo Seiiiel ut a lloj's I'runk.
Ono of tho brightest men thnt over attend
ed Harvnnl college wns Sumner l'nlno,
bon of Henry W. I'nine, n lending
lawyer of Boston, l'nlno ulwnys led his
class nt the college, us ho hnd dono Ixjforo
nt tho Boston Litiu school, without much
study or elTort. It was during the war, and
Just iKiforo the Iwittlo of Oettys urg, thnt ono
of tho professors of tho college, who was
much disliked by tho student by reason ot
his arrogant manner, was about to Ikj mar
ried. The evening ot the wedding l'altio
bended u bund of students who, Just ns tho
professor was about to go to tho house of thu
bride, nt which tho wedding wus to take
place, locked him in his room nnd prevented
lilm from being on bund ut tho apiwln'od
time, lu cotibequoiico of which tho niarringo
ceremony wns Mtponcd,
Through n window tho professor recog
nized l'nlno nmoug his tormentors nnd tho
next day preferred charges ngalnst him.
Tho faculty was loth to discipline l'nlno, (is
they admired tho young man nml his ability,
nud jxirtook to n great extent of tho student's
dislike for tho professor. It wus necessary for
tho preservation of discipline thnt somo no
tlco should 1m) tnken of tho matter, and much
ngnlnst their wishes they expelled l'nlno,
with tho understanding that when ho apolo
gized ho could bo reinstated. Paine was over
bcnsltivo nml keenly felt his disgraco. Ho at
onco went to Oovernor Andrew, who was nn
oldfunilly fiiend, whognvo lilm n conunls
blou in a regiment ut tlm front of Octtysburg.
rnlno left for his post or duty at once, ar
rived nt Octtysburg tho day tho lighting be
gan, and fell mortally wounded within u fow
hours of his arrival. Chicago Mall,
akd uritutc or raxMAXsuir,
Rhorthann and Typewriting, ne-t and laneat eollen
In llio weit, 81 uilenli prepared for butlm In from
Bioatnonins. juuitkiui iniirw-iiuu.
perlenced faculty.
DccUneiuof nenianblptp
' Ul l.lllllllXlK
Bend for ooileo JournaU and
noosK. Llntoln. Keb.
j. O. MoBRIDE,
Real Estate Broker,
Room 4, Richard Block.
rarm Loans a specialty. CorreapoBdanM m
" "-- , . .,,, ,. universities sunn uow-iooesus. ib ium traveksi inr nnu wuh iij n unuim.
in n atnblo surrounded by bnitcs. Ho re- j already. Where Is tho college that ; Blnco you left them, and you do well to call
members ri&t,1towtt dM 110tJllnV0 monii,)g ,)ryCrs, thus bowing trom ( heights of heaven to the vulloys of
m tiicir liivuu, ... - " - i t ,, nmnKor -who linvo been tlio grcaiost
punishment of those who maltreiit tho dunib , n" 0lnlttlng tho names. of thollv
brutes. Thoy surely havo as much right in lf m" , h,VouK, lM invidious, lixvo wo not
bail among mem uiiruiNin men nao our ut
this world ns wo have.
Our New Blare, which wc now anupy,
has about 3 noes of floor Space.
tuuel 8ept. mid Plarcli,
cnclt yenr, ) 301 liagea,
SJixll lmliea,.vttliovcr
3,000 llluitrntloiw m
whole Picture Gallery.
G1VK8 -1ioleaale Prlcea
dlrfft to roiiaiiiuera na nil Roods for
personal ot family use. Telia how to
order, and Klvea exact cost of every
thing you use, eat, drink, wenr, or
have fun with. These INVALUAHLE
BOOKS contain liifonunllon (.leaned
from the markets of the world, A
copy sent FRKK upon receipt of
10 eta. to defray expense of nailing'.
1. M ailcblmill Atruiip. ridewao. Ill-
In tho first chapter ot uencsis you may see , o. Huchlnson, nnd Rush, and Vnlon-
that they wero placed o tho cart. ; boforo , i , Alxjrcroml)i0l mi,i Aliernetbyl
man wns, tho fish and fowl crcnUsl tho fifth . " ,, ' iKV11 our crcatestscientihUil Jo-
I il lnv.l ln ttl,ll ttSt tT IllA "w "" . ----- . .....
any. ami tno quaui ujjvu miu wi ..,..h
alxtji day, nnd man not until tho uftcrnoon
ot that dny. Tho whnlo, tho eagle, tho lion,
nnu nil tho lesser creatures of their Llnd wcro
prcileccssors of tho human family. Thoy
hkvo tho world by right of possession. Thoy
inn. nro tho faithful wntcli nogs. Anu
wbo can toll wlw. tho world owes to
horso, nnd cnmol, nnd ox for transporta
tion! And robin nud lark havo by tho
cantatas with which thoy liavo filled orcluird
nnd forest, moro thunpald for tho fow grains
they linvo picked up for their sustenance
"When you nbuso any creature of Ood you
BtrikolU creator, nnd you insult tbo Christ
who, though bo might havo lawn welcomed
Into llfo by princes, and -taken his firvt in
rnnriln slomiier nmld Tyrliin plush and
N. R. HOOK, M.D..
Uterine, Urinary and Rectal Diseases,
TrtnU diseases by tbo WtlNlCKHHOKK
1'AISLKSS 8Y8TEJI. Ofllco, rooms 87 and W,
Klclmrdilllock. Eleventh nnd' O sjrvela. Offtw
tpholfoBa Itwddeuco W';-;'".6;"
Oftlce houra.0 to Warn. 3 to B andTto 8p in
Sundays, a to 5 p. ran
Bcph Henry, who lived nnd dlel in tbo fnlth
of tho Oosjiol, nnd Agassis, who, btniullng
vith his htudenU among tho hills, took oir
his bat and anld, "Young gontleihou, lieforo
wo study Huso rocks let us pray for wisiloin
t.- .,... n.1 ...l.n vnml.i till, riW-kri'' To-
Uave also ild rent for tho jilnctsi they occu"1 ,w tost ,loctoni mi lawyers
pled. ' "" "i ' Tr, ,1" i ' of Dnxikl ii and Now York, hnd of all ,
this land, nnd of nil lnmis, rover? tlio Liiris
tlnn religion, nnd nro not uslinmed to bay so
before juries and legUlaturcs and bonutcs.
iVll geology will yot liow lieforo tho Ilock of ,
Ages. All iKitauy will yot worship tho Uoso
of Sharon. All astronomy will yet recognize
tho Star of Mcthlehein. And phyalology and
anatomy will join hands nnd say, Wo must
by tho help of Ood get tho human race up to ,
tho la-rfect nerve, nnd icrfect mu-rf-ie, nud
perfect brain, nnd ierfeot form of that ior-
t . -,.n., ,.nr... ,il(.li fu-,.iif lnmilroa
canoplcil couches and rippling waters from j "' easier, and Uolthnsar, nml Mel- ,
royal aqueducts 'tripping into nasins oi ,- or lw t tlielr tlrcl knees in worship.
ivory nun -awi, - - i,. .
lovol with n cow's honi, or n cnmel's hoof, or
a dog's nostril, that bo might lo tho nllovln
Hon of brutal suffering as well as tho re
deemer of man. . .
Standing then as I Imnglno now l no, in
that Bethlehem night with un lufnnt Christ
on tho ouo sldo nnd tho speechless cronturoa
ot Ood on tho other, I cry, Look out how you
atriko tho rowxl into that horwi's Bide, Tnko
off thntcurlx-xl bit from that bleeding mouth,
rto.nnvn thnt aaddlo from .tbut raw ImicU.
Bhoot not for fun that bird that Is too small
earth, Hull, cntliroued ancestry I wo nro
coming. Keep ft piaco lor us ngui oesmo
you nt the banquet.
Blow footed years! Moro snlftly run
Into the Kolil of that unletting sun.
Homesick we aro for tliee,
Cnlm Wind beyond tlio sea.
Iteiimlii" oT a Monster.
S. It. Daw son, of Torcy, Iowa, claims to
havo discovered tho potiifled remains of n
hugo monster on the lmnk of tho Des Moines
river there. Tho laxly, without tlio head, is
forty feet long, nud nine feet from tlio tail it
is four feet live inches wide. Tho heuil is
broken off, nud was found lying beparnto
from tho body. Tho general npiienrnncu'of
tho deposit Is thnt of n darklkh blue btouo
turning grayish on tho oubdde, but thero is n
quartz formation wheru tho blood vossels nml
Intestinal cunal would havo been. Now York
Mnund Uullilers' SkeletiuiH.
A largo vnult with walls of btono nnd
filled with skeletons of humnii beings has
been discovered in nil Indian mound which
ovci looks the Missouri river from u hill near
Jefferson City, Mo. Tlio skeletons uro
thought to bo tho remains of tho uucicut
mound builders, nlthough tho rcmnrkablo
stato of preservation in which they nro found
would indicate that thoy oro of moro recent
date, New York Evening world.
Tlio Trump nml the Hot ltnx.
Llko n new man ho went to work. First
taking nn iron hook ho pulled every bit of
tho packing from out tho box nml then
poured bucketful nfler bucketful of cold
water, curried from the wuter Inn ., into tho
box. It wns soon npiKircutly cold, but tho
experience of tho trainmen taught thorn that
when tlio train started up Unit coolness would
vanish llko an Icicle, on n town pump in tho
rays ot tho wnrm suu.
liut the tramp soon astonished tlicm by
completely filling tho iron box with anml
brought from tho sand dome on the engine.
"Now, air," ho quietly but firmly bald to
tho conductor, "start your train, run for flvo
miles nt regular simxhI, then stop."
Tho conductor looked puzzled nud half in
clined to refuse, but tho saying "you can't
mnko worse worscr" bottled the question.
At tho llvo mile, stop thu trainmen nnd
tramp rnu forward, found the nxlound tho
brass journals around the aamo literally
"white hot." Tho trump throw in pnllsful of
water, washed out thu baud ckvui, mid cooled
tho box again in n jiffy. Then ho put in
fresh wnstu for packing, good oil, n llttlo bait
nnd ordered tho conductor to start. IVolI,
tho train went to 1 on time, nud that
box wns us cold ns an icoljcrg.
I was interested in tho matter and asked
tho conductor how It was dono.
"Well," lio slowly nnd rather cmbnr
rasscdly said, "it was as simple as thorulo of
thrco after you understand it. Ho ls somo
practical machinist broken down by rum.
Ho knew that tho revolving of tho uxlo bo
tween tho two brass journnls In that box
would never heat nnd bet firo to tho wasto if
thero was plenty of oil thero and no rough
Rubstuuco between tho journnls nud revolv
ing nxlo to create a friction. Very fre
quently tlicro is n tiny point or ror h projec
tion on cither tho brass journals or steel axlo
and this produces tho boat. Now, then, ho
simply took out tho packing, mndo it n dry
box, put in tho sand, which smoothed down
tho rough place, nml then lio cooled It off nnd
repacked It."
Yes, it was so simple I was surprised tho
conductor hnd not thought of It before tho
trump enmo. Philadelphia News.
Ileeoril Your Dreniii.
Tho "commlttco on apparitions, etc.," of
tho American Society for Physical Research
urgently requests that nny iierbou having
some unusual experience, such us mi excep
tionally vivid und disturbing dream, or a
strong wiikiug Impression, amounting to a
distinct hallucination, concerning another
person nt n distance, shall Immediately, nud
, without waiting for further Investigation,
stato that fact on u jtostnl card or In u I otter,
and mull it to tlio secretary, uiclmril Hodg
son, ft Iloylston pluce, Ilostou, Mass.; also,
that liny reitrirknblo connection lietwecu this
e.K'iienco nnd uny other circuuistmiuu sub
sequently discovered shall Ikj stated in a
Eccond communlcntiou. Tho first communi
cation bhould bo mulled lieforo the kuowledgo
contained in tlio second Is acquired.
In tho first communication, us well as in
tho second, tho linmu nud address ot tho
sender should bo btntcd; nud, nlso, tho iiamo
and uddivss (if known) of thu person con
cerned In tho ox'x-rlcuco. Tlioso names und will Ikj kept private by tho commit-
too unless express iiormlssiou Is givon lor
tholr publication, Now York Hun.
Helmld nlso in that first Cliiistuuw nlgiit
timt. (Inil hononsl the Held. Como in. shep
herd bo-s, to Hot hlehem and sco the chllil. ; 'J
"No " tiioy say; "wo uro not drosswl goixl j
enough to como in." "Yes, you uro, como i
A hlu-cp Owner's riimiiclerlug.
Not long ngo n Crnwfonl county man ha1
his dog assessed nnd afterward paid u tax on
him. Tho dog got among Ids owner's bhocp
ono night recently nnd killed boiuo of thoin.
Tho ninn reasoned to himself thus; "I -mid
tnx on that dog and I hnd u right to keep lilm.
If ho had killed miiiiu other mini's sheep tho
county would havu iIil for them, no killed
rnlno, why shouldn't tho county jmy mol" So
reasoning, tho farmer went out nud shot tho
dog und then prcbentod tho bill to tho com
missioners. A compromise wns effected.
Mondvlllo ll'u.) Tribune.
A .luduo'a Declsl
Judgo Porter 1ms doclileil that u btockmnn
occupying the public domain nsn cnttlo range
nequlres no right to tho hiuno that will onablo
him to prevent other btockiueu from turning
Ioom) cuttlo on tho range, oven though tho Hint
occupant has developed tho wuter on tlio
ratu'o nnd has it fully blocked. Chicago
An J.tiRllsh Deer I'orest.
Tlio farms ot Corriemulllu lu lloss-shlro,
England, which extend to upward of fifteen
thousand neros, nro to la) converted inton
deer forest, A short tlmo ngo twenty fami
lies wero living on tho laud which is now to
bo cleared for tho uxcluslvo occuimiUou of
red deer. Corrlomulllo belongs to tho trus
tees ot thu lute Mr. Ito&a, of Pitcalnlo.
Chicago Times.
in." Sure ouougli, tno norms 11111111101114,""
dew und tho brambles havo mndo rough work
with their apparel, but nono havo a better
right to como lit. They wero tho first to bear
tbo iiiuslo of tliat Christmas night. Tho lint
announcement of u Saviour's Uirtli wus mono
wcro wiso-
A Now lloiiittnlfiut Kocloly.
PnivrM of Incorporation havo lieen llloil by
n Washington benevolent society which will
lw known us "Tho Hlglit Wortiiy Hupremo
llmv tlio Nihh Cuine.
Notvs of the recent Uench-Hnnlnn Iwnt raco
ut Sydney, Now South Wules, renched this
country by overltud telegraph to Nortli
Australia, by cnblo to Jjrnaiid Kimiutrannil
to Madras, India, theuco to Aden, Africa,
and up tho lied sen to Suez, ucions tho Modi
tcrrauean to Tiiesio, across I'liroiiu to Lon
don and thence by Atlantic cable Now
York Sun.
Alexander Hamilton I'litce,
Alexander Hamilton's place, whence tho
famous Federalist went forth tollght hisfntul
duel, lias just la-en cut up Into lots, nml will
toon contain ninety housus built for busy
New Yorker, Chicago Herald,
Moving lulu Mexico.
Schemes for colonization lu Mexico aro
coming to thu front. A French company has
acquired n grant ot land In Chihuahua sixty
miles long by six miles wide, on which a
colony of French and Belgian emigrants nro
to bo bottled. A forgo body of laud In tho
snmo state, adjoining Now Mexico, hns boon
secured by a syndicuto in which Amorlcnn
capitalists nro mostly concerned, nnd It is to
bo colonized. A town is being laid out on
this laud adjoining tho Now Moxicuu town of
Denting, llio international boundary thero
Isnn Imnglnary lino, nnd bothouow town
will ho pructklilly mi extension lyto Mexico
of tho American town of Dinning. Tlieso nro
only the beginnings, of what is to bo a great
movement of American population, Industry
nail capital into Mexico. Now Orleans
Wauls "Main rooted" Swine.
A subserilier for Tho Tupelo fMIss.) Jour
nal writes to thnt papor to inquire whether
thero uro nny "mulo footed" hogs lu Loo
county. Ho sujs thero was formerly n brood
In tho county that boro that name, becuuso
tuey mul tiusput noors like mud's.
li 1 und Council, No.
und H. -if Moses."
1, of tho O. A. 0.,of D.
tntlirKotncn 111 tho fields. Tlicro
,,..., ..(,. I.. 1l..tMnlirt,ii mt,l .lnrtlttnlpm
forfoo.1. Forgot not to put watur Into tho l. , , ,., 8loc., m,a thero. woro sal
cago of that canary. Throw out some crural uor,u
Ilnstliigs lull, the now dormitory ivt Cam
hrldgo, wld ft $200,000 wheu compleUJ.
t'hero will lw rooms of thno gradoi.
An Oil I'ity piqicr suggests tliat natural
gaslio called -troguu. Professor Orton, of
Ohio, ndmiU Unit u now uniue bdeslrublo,
but thinks petrema would bou moro scientific
Moro promtui'iit Now Yorkcm tliau over
bnforo will .s tho winter month-s in Kuroo.
Ix) Petit Jo'w, of Purls, ono day during
llio recent c .1 ement printed UOD.OOO.
Clieiw Wrltlnj; Paper.
Tho Applutou (Wis.) Post alleges that by n
process ns-ently patented pulp can lw uado
from plno nml spruce wood by which writing
paper can lw produced us good ns pan bo
mndo from v.iuto linen rags, wlillo It will
cost only ouo half us much.
A physician of Quluey, Ills., lias bocurod a
plcco of Anarchist Lliigj's jawbone, and
placed it on exhibition for tho benefit of tho