.W,-.l........ i, ,ml,riif.ii(ijtii,i.iiiti)itjtrtn)iiHiiiiiiiill ii iii.. f V A' :hristmas (ouri cr. TUESDAY, DECEMBER aoth, 1887. NOTION TO AIIYKHTIHI'.IIH, Advertisers nn requested lo send In lliol tfnvor? rntly ns possible, not Inter limn four -o'clock Frhlny artehiooli. lis U10 Col'lllKlt mws to press llmtevviilnir When ontnrlitK onr advertisement nut drop Iho IhisIihmm ninnnitfl acnrd. TIlO cntleotor Hnptln nirROt ucli orders, and compllancn with thin reitst Hill ssro us trouble nnd yourself annoyance V arottMly mtillitK to our 111 of subscribers, eiiiplo)lnK a mnn pspoe Inlly f'r lhnt snlopur IP tr.nndclnlm thnt n an advertising incillutn ihoCmtniKH I umellod. HJseful (Presents .SMOKING JACKUTH, TRAVKMNO HAGS, SILK UMI1RKLL.AS, SII.K MUFFLERS, NIGHT ROUES, KID GLOVES AND KITTENS, SILK IIANDKERCIIIHL'S, NECKTIES, SEAL CAPS, SEAL GLOVES, 'ty l!?5pe(;tio9 Solicited. 1 137 O Street. lkw do you llko this for n ChrUtmns Imtiof Mr. J. H. Imlt will sjwnd Christmas 'wlthhliirokthi in Atchison, Mini Funnlo Nonnmn Is visiting In Chicago, where sho aspects to m tliu holiday souson. Judging from'tho manner In vrhloh wtpou alvo christians filfUuro being bought, times aro not to hard after all. All sort of Candles, Mixed, Ktlok, Drojw Caramels, Jlonboiis ami n down other kliuU fresh and nlconttlmciindy kltdhcn 141) south Kleventli Bt. Hallet, the Jeweler, Saturday sold to a .prominent hulnwi man of Oil city a innR--.nlfleeut diamond brooch, cvittii( an. How surprised tho loving wlfo will twiioxt Sunday, llowoi canity kilchon Mim usual null suj plkil foriho chrlstmns trndo. Tho stock of pure whnlesouie candle contains everything ferikochrItinustreo or ndellclouv iniwnt Tor Hw holidays, Tho MIwm Faunlo and Lucy TrluiMo have returned to spend tho holiday atthoirhomM, tho former In Ottawa, III., and the othrtu .Vallsea, lewa. Wklb hero they Yiorv tho jWtaof Wr,unrlMr A. M. Trimble. Mkt Bert Molli kIp f at homo for th'o Jioll day, tttsl ezptrte rtow 0 remain luLweom iHnAw. Mm parental roof. Miss Ilerta luu been at TtatUft Crtk, Mich., for tho part season in qtwat nt health, which liaa tmieh Improved. Henry Newman is again at homo from, TfewYcrk. WImb arriving ho felt much i bettor tfcan for a loHgtiiiio past hut tho rc 1 turn homo Memedto hvo recalled illneM and Uw gwnUeman W now nick at tho resi lience of hi parent on L street. "Afteivrocun, tUuti Henrfrantemplatea tvturning to New York wlin ho will accept a very lucra tive imaltlon, at a Jaje compensation. "Wo .trust no will noon recover. ' Wittittw advent of New Year LemiKMold, "who has been connected with tho OIoIm cloth" lnx for B01110 time, will leave IJncobi, going to Barllngton, Iowa, wlwra ho Mill numo cliarjfff hkfsUiwstera Binco his rest- deace here Ioh liaa made hosta of fi lends who wW deeply regret to liear of his depart ure, bat who wish him all tho suoeetm powlblo in Ma new undertaking awl bojio he willuot forget to return and liven up tho many pleas- aatpkee to familiar to him. r' Talks Atnnt CkrUtaias. "Tho suliject relatlvo to the purelmso of Ckrlstmas-preaents Is J ust now the preilomln atlng topic of conversation In bocIhI clrclua. 1 "Wkatsfeall I buy for LubbyT" saya tho lov ing wife, "what shall I buy for my own dear OeerceT" chimes tho fair sweet heart. Tho inetker wonders what to net for her sous, her brothers and others, and thus are all hands anxious to know what would bo suitable, and it was far the purpose or ascertaining hew and where the meat deslrabla presents ouM be obtajned, that we ealled on Mr. W. M. Dennis, In the opera house block, for Infor. TnRvvtffle MeraweMw an army of holiday goods from whlek any lady In tho land could easily make .- a selection. We "noticed silk aadeashmcre jttuMers in as many colors aasl iiuulltles a were shown In Joseph's coat, and In allknnd linen handkerchief, he shows a line that fair ly tjHed the hands of tho serlbe. Then, In another! showcase was arranged n elegant tne of geBta neeawear, put up In -fancy boxes Ht for the oeeaston. This line, embracing the nicest of scarf, era vats, ites,four-ln-hand, ami oth; popalar styles far adornment, has ' teeea' selected with partloular earo for tho iTwl Way season. ' While feasting our opHes on this gay dis play Mr. Dennis said, "Here Is something." pointing to a silk umbrtillu, t'tliat makes n tuotit elegant presont for either lady or gen tlemMi, and wo havo them at all prices, and with gold stiver handles. In buying an umbre la you do not need to worry altout the weather, It will fit, suit tha complexion, ite,M and In looklnic at a Ano case on tho -weetshle of the store we were shown tho Imt eaec3ntatnlng those nobby Dunlsp hats. NWlf our married lady" friends want some- gibing that would surely pleaso their I lego .lords, there van certainly bo nothing that ' -WCH.M be more pleasantly received than a Ok Dunlap, or a gold headed silk umbrella. " Tkw If this does not suit your taste as being taiiKaale, look at tliose ttaudsomo smoking faefeet,aataof Japanese silk, or cathuiere, . jia'i-sojinsty aaibfoWcred. If yi aaaaot select Baythlag from thl va- fii afaj Majt at tiaaW rou might please nnv gen. r Jw- ........... .. Ajyraaa wtsa aa auigaior iraveung uag, a seal i,aMa , a aattar and eaff outfit, silk uader- wsar, ar aoate oae of tha dozen at other aa- jraartnto artttdea that Dennis ean show,1 yoH, Mn la aM Mtlaa eertain ana that Is buy-.- tasiwssOilifalags far presonU is rapidly tak- tfhg Mm yWaa at tbe.arl tales that do the reelp- ' IsMit bt HMU gattst and eost much, rayk4t fna Mr. Dennis realplent iseefiit aa well as ertumental. positively ism a MMPmnr'rr , ,',1 i'mmmmt UMe j41 MKDlTATmUUJSINGS. ITEMS IMAGINATIVE AND OTHERWISE. lMlelitlr.1 to Tlektn tho ltllllltlr or dnrii rhllonoplilrul IIoiidIoii, In Kt.Ii, tho NntlonnI tera has conn and goiK', and tho anxiety ovor whether it wlllcomoor net Ims been lIalottxl of, It muil genernlly lx) conoodI that tho Hrfonnnnco In it on Iroty was by ninny wlijs tho flnoAt wo havo over had In LliK-oln,iiotwlthMndlnK that Fursch-Madl and ojio or two otlmrs wero not in tho opera, Tfio fact really l, thero wero fow, If any, in tht nudlein-o who knew tho differenco. for l It to Mi-a t'oolo's credit, sho rendered tho jrt In a manner that was thoroughly satisfactory and seemed to pleaw iiveryouo. 1 was pleased at tho I)hengrin erformanco Thurwlny night, that Lincoln's social leaders mm out en tiiii- in full evening ilrcM.Thero must havo lieen over a liimdml ladles in tho fasliloimhlnrostuiuo nnd tho s.wno was in it self a pretty one to behold and ileinonstrnUit clearly thnt tho capital city, llko lt more inntroH)lltnu nelghlHirs, is equal to all fash ioimhlo occasions. Tho gcntlemnn In largo munWr, wore aeon In various parts of tho largo audionw with costumes In keeping with tho event 1 tho snowy whlto front, making tho contrast between this nudlonco nnd tho usual ono, pretty to Iwhold. It was a matter of general comment and tho expressions heard by tho olwerver on every hand wero fnvornblo In overy lntance. It is to 1m hope that on all occasions of a higher clasn of entvrtalnmout thnt tho custom will prevail and further do voloped. Tho Oliwen'er was standing In tho jiollco court room ono morning this week when ho wns told by n friend, 0. very gooil Joko on Councilman Dean. It appears that a fow dUysAlnco n stwly looking individual me proaclKHl tho Lincoln councilman nun strucx him for a loan. Mn Dean drew bank at hear ing his iiamo pronounced by such a hard looking customer and said, "Who aro you I I do not know you," Tho tramp replied, Uli, don't youf I met you a couplo of weeks agol" air, Dean's faco wora a puxxiei iook as no sired up ho stranger, nnd replied, "Is that sol Well I would llko to know whero I form cdyour aotpialntanco," Tho faco of tho tramp wnro a raldiant smlto as ho said, "Is it possible you havo forgotten mo so sooni w ny I mot you in tbo Omalin Jail." Tho council man's faco Hushed slightly as his hand sought his pocket and brought forth a shining quart er which ho gave tho tramp at tho salno tlmo nformlng him that ho had no desiro to con tlnuo 'tho nopialntanco. Moral) Novor got In Jail. Tho Metropolian Hull. Tho first orthowlntcrscflosofdunclngpar ties to bo given by tho now Metropolitan club whs given nt Masonic Tomplo Tucvday even ing, there being n largo party presuntto en Joy the occattou. Tho hall had been nicely arranged nnd every preliminary prepared comluclvoto the comfort nnd pleasure of tho guests. It was not until after nine that daurlngwas commenced, and when tho party had fairly ontorod. Into tho oxorcUos of tho ovonlng, there was nntlrcabte, among tbo fifty couples prosout, about a dozen oouploa from abroad, l.nmoly Chicago, Omiilm, Nebraska City, Kansas City nnd other cities. At eleven o'clock a mnroh' was formed and after moving In a nuipber of graceful figure, tho folding doors were thrown upon, disclos ing an elegant sprcadand tho couples filed In, occupying two tables, tho entire length of tho room. Of this portion of tho entertainment much may bo said, Tho tables wero handsomely decorated and nicely 'arranged. Flowers and plants here and thuro added to tno nppearaneo of tho array of delicious edibles, while tho ser vice was romplcto In overy dotall. Cntcier I.lndtey In, full Ovealuk dress, with a corps of waiters In snowy whlto, served tho spread. Tho airulr was a very fashionable one, tho gentlomen all being attired lu tottume d rftfii'urwhllo the ladles' dresses wore KOnernl tyataiteottdte, Tho muslo by tho Philhar monic orchestra was up toll,,.., land ard of excellence, nnd tho lloor wns lu per- feet condition for the glldo of tho heel and too movbmont. The opening ball of tho Metropolitan club muy well bo termed a brilliant success and If all future efforts iiro equtlly as pleasant, tho club may be well satisfied that tho object of tho club Is fully waltzed. CrelghtoH College Husleate, The muaicale at Crelghton college hall, Omaha, last Friday 0 veiling, was a very bril liant affair. The selections wero from tho works of tho great masters, LUzt.Uublnntcln, Handel and Roxsinl, and rapturously ap plauded. From the Herald wo glean tho fol io wiagt The fourth and seventh numbers wero piano solos front Lkat and Rubonstein. Theao wero played by Mkw May K l'otvin, a young lady well known in Lincoln musical and social cir cles. From the moment the aounded tho first note sho held eurapt tbo attention of her hear ers, and won from them at tho closo of her performance an npplauao that wns not an empty cowplhnent,buttho gamlno testimony of delighted hearts. Sho was mado tho ro- olplent of a largo basket of choico (lowers. 800 In Cash l'rlzes. This 1m the tempting offer made by a cloth dig house as a special inducement to their patron to lay lu their needs for M10 winter atone. Messrs. Mayer Brother, 190 North Tenth street, give to cash purchasers of flvo dollars worth of goods, a ticket which entitles Mie holder to a chance for drawing tho cash, not something you havo no use for, but the real hard, sound legal teuder coin of national value. . It U readily to Lo bo 11 that by purchasing your clothing, genta furnishing goods or any thing iu.their line of them, you have- the, op portunity of adding to your riches without laying for tlio chance or any oxtra outlay. This Ann fat known for Its excellent values gi entlie trade, being low cLvw goods for living prices. If in need of a suit or any thing else, call on them und they will demon strate to you tho saving problem and at tho same tlmo get a chance at tho v'JUU, A Hurjrl'o l'artj. Thursday evening about Milrty friends of Mrs. C. F, Murray assembled at her residenco, 1483 R street and took possession of every thing. They had Intended to surprise her, and they did so. They soon made themselves comfortable, and as they had provided music for the occasion dancing was soon the order, During the evening card playing was indulge ed in and developed a number of excellent players. Kefreahatents wer served ami danping resumed until about 2 a. 111. whan the guest prepared to takoMtelr departure, bat not before gently intimating that aa they had enjoyed tha evening so thoroughly a rep etition of tho affair might bo ex)eeted at any See to appreoUfj Uie Hae xma goods at McArtmtr and Sons, Cor. Uth sad N Hi. - w A 8PLENDID MECORD Hoinethlng of Ilia past and 11 for Ijio fiiluri'. few word Aa tho city of Lincoln growsnml enlarge, soiloeallscominen-lal ruliirprlsea Incrensa in scoioaivl strength, n stnt-iucii tlit N Into In Its direct, application to tliu Lincoln Hml waro Uo. Tho founder of ths Iioiisq, Mr F. K. Nnwton, Is an old resident of tho city, and by sagacious management built up n largo trade, retiring somo eight months ago nnd transferring his stock nnd fixture to Mews. J, II. lltirk, J, L Mnckay and II. II. Ware. Theso genllomoii twtod tho Lincoln innl ware Co. as a firm nnmo, nnd fi-om tho time thoy took hold, by excellent Imsiues man agement a through knnwlcdgo of tha needs of tlio trade, their lundncM lias utemllly liicrcnxed until today tho volumn of 1mimIiki transactl places them lu tho front rank of tho Iiouhc dealing In hardware nnd general houso fur nishing goods. A short timo since Mr.ll.lt, Wnro sold his Interest to Mr. M. W. Uhl. a young gentleman who brings to tho business much ability acquired by a course of exper once admirably fitting hint for tho ioltiou, Tho Lincoln Hard ware Co. do an Immenso retail buslneas and havo lately mldcd n job bing deinttiuent enabling them to furnish to thotradon NUorIor lino of goods Ui select from and nt prliwa entliely witiifactory, An lmmoiiM) lino of stoves, range nnd kit chen nnd houso furuisning goods is carried, and overy thing noedf ul to nrds making tho homo cheerful and rtttra 'tl o can tw provurod at any timo. 'The firm is agents fur tho well known "Acorn" stoves manufactured by, Hathbono, Hard A Co,, a store that has stood thu test of tlmo nnd tisuage, nnd of which mora nro In uai today than any other mnko. Only tha best gnvlos of stock an; rnrrlod and plenty of onch, Tho Lincoln Hardware Co. occupy aovcrnl largo rooms In tho Webster block Nos. UIW, 2XJ anil Sill south ElovouttJStreet, and a look over their Inunenso stock will satisfy any ono that they carry tho largest and last nssort ment of hardwaro In tho city. The firm will outer on tho now year with tho brightest prospect for u long and pros ierous business career, with amplo rusotia'os reinforced by tho recent nddltion to tho (Inn, tho finest ttado lu Mm city nnd managed by oxicrloncod businew talent, Thero Is overy reason to Iwlievo thnt as tho city grows in wealth nnd population so will this buslnms house keep in tho front ranks nnd correspond ingly Increav. Tho gentlemen comprising tho (Inn nro young In year but rlpo in oxperienco, nnd tho CountKH wishes nnd liespenks for them tho success they richly deserve. Any ono In search of presents, useful as well as ornamental, for Clirlitmas tlmo, can llnda splendid assortment to select from, from n coffou pot to n U-.nl coal burner. A lllg Surprise. Tlio following will bo n big surprise to tho friends of tho gentleman, if dnmo rumor has furnished tho Couuiku with correct Informa tion. 8bo says, "Ed Cerf, tho big-hearted bachelor clothier of this city left Thursday morning for St. Joe, wli.)ro ho will take unto himself a wlfo lu the penon of Miss Carrie Well, daughter of a prominent nnd wealthy citizen of that place. If tho report is correct tho Cotnucn extends hearty congratulations, and If It bo an error, wo would say It is tlmo Ed shoilld Ik nttending to such unit tern, as ho can never do so any younger. In Our New Office, Tlio CountKH is now nicely located In Its new quartern In tho basement of tho now Ilurr block, ronior 0 and Twelfth streets, nnd a cordial Invitation is oxtendul to all our xit rona to call aud x us. Wo nro now prepared to do better work Minn over before, and 1111 all oixlera promptly. Our now oillco Is heated by htotim and lighted by tlectriclty, which makoa it ono of Mm most pleasant in tho statu. Calls by tolophoho No. U.V1 will lie prompMy attended to. Afternoon Mnnlcule. Tliurwlay afternoon a vory pleasant musl colo wo given at Mm residenco of Mr. and Mrs. John Zohrung by Prof. Walter D'Enyor nnd eovernl others. Tho ojieniug number on tho program was given nt 4.it0 p. in. nnd tho, closing ono was -finished nip o'clock. About 100 Invitations had lceu ixMictl, and but fow regreia wero received. Tho selections wero exceptionally lino, nnd all wero thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Editli Doolletle, ono of our most nccompllbhed plauistcti, rendered Holeo tionsfrom Liszt, lkwtlioveu, nnd Chopin; Mrs. J. P. Doit snug in her usual excellent stylo UulK-nstcin's "Hlnee First 1 Met Thco"; Madumo Wcbor sang "I-et Mo Dream Again" by HulUvnn; Horr Adolf Webur pluyetl a bolo on Mm violin, while Prof. D'Enyor wuig sev eral selections faultlessly, Mrs. P. V. M. Ray mond accompanying on tho piano. A DellEbtrul A flair. On Tuesday ovenlng last, thu elegant rest dnuco of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mason Oregg, 1121 II street, was the nceno of onq of tho most bril liant and enjovnblo nlTalra of tho fccaftou, liv ing tho occasion of an entortainmeiit given by Mr. and Mr. Mason Oregg and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Oregg, to a fow of their many friend in tho way of six handed prognnsivo cucliro party. Tables covered with daintily arrang ed Jawmuo lunch cloths wero placed in order about tho spacious aud brilliantly lighted par lors, stately palms and lovely tloweiH wore overy where, lending beauty to tho scene. At 7;!X) the guest had nil arrived, and were Heated, six ut n table, whero delicious re roshuionta wero served in a liountlful mnn ncr,nf tor which tho covers woro removed and cards camo next in order. Tho rule for Mia gamo closed at 11.30. Meiwra. nnd MeadnuiM W. S. Lattn, 11. II. Wheeler, E. B. Appelgot, 0. W. Lyman, E. a Ilomick, Oco. II. Clarke, F, A. Brown, C. D. Pitcher, C. T. Brown, 0. II. Imhoff, W. W. Holiuee, John Zehrung, 8. M. Anhby, J. M. Mlllspaugh, . B. Patrick, R. C. Out calt, D. J, Ilamlltou, II. P. Foster, J,C. Kler, O. W, Wclistor, D. D. Mulr, J. W. Hamp ton, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, II. E. Noble, O. 11. Uakley, j;. It, liuthrlo, u. a, Uppiucott, F, B. RlghUr, H. J. Perryman, Barr Park- er, U, W. iiiompbou, v. it. irvme, a. if Talbot, A. C. Zlemor, J. A. ivolth, 8. M. BarUett, nnd O. D.atrootor. MUxo Milton of Michigan, Mlnnlo Lntta, Olllo Latta, Outcalt, Pickett, Pitcher. Hurl- but, Walsh, Addle nnd Mary Alger, and Ada u tispy, Menar. Will Pickett, Oeorgo K. Brown, Hanson Oregg, Perry, Zehrung Law, BlUvh, Snell, BanW, Uundry, Algr, Bart- ktt, and Char lb Rlatcr, iovely are they, thoeo Manlcuro Rots, Mo Arthur and Bon, Cor. 1 1th and N Bts. Deautlful, llouutlful, Beau- J. inaaii tho Plush dmUg canes at MoArthur and Sons, Cor. 11 Ui and M 8U. My wind U wadeiliir. Itee-Isco- Oh I thoso eh'gnnt canl cases und pocket books at McArthur and nons, uor utii hu. It cure Croup, Whooping cough, Cougtis, Cokls and ItwipWiit consumption, Ilonr- huumlTaruoestlmtat MoArthur and Bon Cor. Uth and N Bte. V1SI ? VftWil. r.BTsT . , s ? w3 SHOULD BE USEFUL AS WELL AS BEAUTIFUL HENCE BUY SOME OF THE FOLLOWING. Black Silk or Satin, ( Black Faille Francaise, Colored Silk or Satin, Colored Faille Francaise. . Wool Combination Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices. Handkerchiefs and Mufflers, Ladies Fine Silk Hosiery, Ladies' Embroidered Aprons, Fur Sets, also Odd Muffs, And hundreds ofothcr equally useful articles. We arc making special prices on our entire Cloak Stock. Store opnn evenings until after Christmas. Double Store Under Opera House. - " HOLIDAY I GREETING. R. O'HBIIvIv, 117 North Tentti Street. Appropriate Ctiristmas Gifts. 1- z Ul z I- o (0 (0 h (0 111 o cc WATCHES, : JEWELRY, : CLOCKS. , WE HAVE UNQUESTIONABLY THE FINEST STOCK OF . JEWBLRY, , :rp SELECT FROM IN THE CITY, AND CAN SHOW EXTRAOR-T " fi- DINARY BARGAINS AND UNIQUE DESIGNS IN Opeia Glasses; Gold Headed Canes, Gold Pencils, . ' Pens, Charms, Etc., Etc. ' , -TCArjTT-j-sjv tr-rri-t Vi I1! ' HI i U S ' J u Of . . 3 ' 188T ' New Burr BJocv after Feb. 1 st ?"- 7jr7rrjr7-x -7fr7v7-7;v tinvrtirTirynfrtyc ,.4 7jv,.vXjL--... mm mwm LARGEST STOCK. wmonm GREATEST BARGAINS. i. ComplimentsVofVtheVSeaon. r 5- m CO H TJ O m CO ' iJW . I OT -v ' 1 -t- fc ,'A. ssMMSHifjM