Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 20, 1887, HOLIDAY NUMBER, Image 7

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Walnut Block, What
Cheer Nut, Scranton
Hard Coal and Pine Kind
ling at II5 south Tenth st.
French Dry Cleaning
Tlio undersigned would rosHctfully nn
noutiru to his friends nnd tlio public goner
idly lils very
For tho prompt nnil erfeet exemplification
of Ills art. No oxoiiso Is spared to olitnlu
tlio best ossllilo tulent.niid to stand foremost
In this useful branch of
Trade and Economic Art.
Lincoln, Nebraska
onicoiia-.ost. Tei.r2S.
You wnnt something rich, rare and rncy
for 11 Christmas or New Year please
boar In mind that nt no other place In Lin
coln can you find n letter lino of
Fancy Groceries
than nt tho now store of
N. Carstensen,
20fl South Kloventh street.
Everything is fresh nnd new, and consists of
a fine lino of
Dried Tropical Fruits, French
and American Confection
ery, Oranges, Malaga
Grapes, French
and German Preserves, All
kinds of Canned Goods, Im
ported Chocolate, Figs,
Fancy Cakes.
And delicacies, trodden tho usual tine stock ol
nnd Groceries In gonernl.
All orders telephoned will receive prompt
ntteiitiou, and all goods delivered. Don't full
to call and hue what we have for holiday fes
Tol. 645. No. 206 S. 1 1th St
Novelty Man'fact'g Co.
.Light Machine Work,
Special Tools and every vnrlety of mech
anisms on contract.
Notarial, Society and Corporation Seals
Rubber nnd Steel Stamps, Hndgen.ChecU,
Stencils, etc. Tools sharpened
nnd repaired. Special atten
tion given to
And Fine Metnl Work In General.
Now is the time to order your
(Office In Odd Fellows Illk.)
36S, nth st. - - LINCOLN, NIJU.
Thcro's ft story oKtcti, golden, 1 '
IjnUn H!i tlut swetet Kiot
Of n stranger In ft manger,
Couched on autumn's 1I0I1 lncrrA
Ttoucd tint In snide, for ftslatitc,
Willi Hit nula ami dint clad units
Formed n shelter, whero did swelter
Cattle In their stilled stalls.
Then from heaven's nr.uro riven,
lllarcd n star of radlanco bright J
fllorloua, victorious.
It paled the other stars of night,
0 cu It Kllmmcml, gleamed nnd shimmered,
'rr tho town of llcthlohemt
i brighter, iionriT, richer, clearer,
umcxl tlio Mar of glory then.
Abovo tho stablo'a pointed Rabies
Did Hint Mar of hearen stand:
Wlillu ndarlng, wealth outpouring,
Knelt tlio men from Judah's land. t
Softly saying, 'mid their praying,
Whllit their eyes with tears wero dim,
From afar wo'vo seen his star,
And havo come to worship him I
Then camo winging, sweetly singing,
Hosts on hosts of cherubim,
."Glory, glory, heir tho story I
Peaco on earth, goodwill to menl"
-o. n.
DY OLtVK itAitran.
Somo sixty years ago Madison street in
Now York was ono of tho most nrlstocratlo
streets in tho city, and on both sides it was
built with stately stono mansions, with wido
halls, immense parlors and largo handsomo
rooms, and each had a garden in tho rear.
Now tho wealthy old (Junker families who
onco Inhabited thorn nro gono and tho wholo
street has degenerated until it is known as n
"tenement houso district," nnd thoso old
houses nro full of ragged, half starved chil
dren; lido, wretched women, and a gener
ally honest but rough class of men. Every
houso has a family in every room, whero
they cat, work ami sleep, and oven whoro
Micro is tho most sobriety there is still enough
of uolsc, unheulthiucss and misery. In most
of them men's drunken curses and women
and children's shrill screams nro heard al
most hourly.
In tho attlo room of ono of tho handsomest
of these old houses thero lived n widow with
her two children, Ruth and Robert. No
words can picture tho Lsro desolation of that
room, but iu rpitn of tho bitter poverty so
upparcnt it wo-i neat and clean. Tlio young
mother wn.1 bom In this house, its had been
her father, and though tbo now owned
nothing ou earth but tho wretched fumlturo
about her, and sho could barely iy tho rent
of thin cheerless attic, her heart clung to tho
old houso and hero sho staid. Her father had
died suddenly, as had his father before him,
and Abby, his only child, had married n man
who was unworthy his trust and in n short
tinio ho had dlssiiiutcd every dollar thoy
possessed and then had died, mercifully for
his wlfo and llttlo children.
Abby Hicks had tried to earn a, living sinco
then, but with delicate health and two help
less babies sho could not do much. Liko tho
great majority of women, she had no rcuourco
but her needle, and sho found employ iu a
shirt factory, and by slaving night and day
oa long as her oor llttlo hands could hold tho
work, sho managed to keep her children and
hcrbolf alive Their clothes wore tho Inst of
tliobo of better days, ana wero almost falling
off them from sheer age, though tho jmtlcnt
llttlo Angers had patched and darned thorn
over and over, and her hoart sank us sho
wondered whero sho could ge.. more.
Her grand fathei nad been a thrifty old mac,
and cvcrjliody hail supposod him rich; but
when he died It was found Hint this houso
and a fow thousand dollars, which was at in
terest, was all ho had, and it was novcr quite
understood; but no amount of hcarching In
papers or banks brought to light anything
more and tho search was finally dropiKsl,
though tho question was often discussed,
It grow too dark to cow nnd not quito dark
enough to light tho latqp, and this hour tho
llttlo mother usually took to run out and do
her marketing for tho next day; and so tell
ing tho children to Ho still in lied, for It was
bitterly cold up thero so near tho roof, sho
took her threadbaro thaw, and throwing It
around her started out.
Tho snow was falling in great coft Hikes
nnd lay thick upon tho jwvement, and sho
bent lieloro tho wind ns sho mailo what hosto
sho could. Ah sho walked along ho wondered
for a moment at tho holiday aspect of tho
street, nnd then sho suddenly remembered,
with a groat jmng, that It was Christmas
Eve, nnd two Hidden tears rolled from her
eyes and trickled slowly down hen-old checks.
Hvcryfiody sho met, oven in that poor loca
tion, bcenicd to liavo MinctldiiK in their hands
toys, cheap nnd tawdry, it U true, but still
omothing to bring Joy to a child's heart bat
this poor llttlo woman could Imy nothtiij, not
ovn so much m n lilt of candy, for stern
necessity lind laid too strong n lintul iuhjii this
desolate llttlo family for tho Biondlng oven
of 0110 penny oil anything lmt food, fuel nnd
rent. Choking Iwck tho unruly wIki tlmt
would mount up tho llttlo woman nt Icrt
reached tho butcher's shop wlioro sho donUt
when bIio hud anything to Imy with, nnd hers
sho bought n soup lono for ten cents, n car
rot, n turnip nnd two potatoes for flvo cents,
nnd then ns tho fftt btitcliorV fnttcr wlfo put
thcni In n pier Img sho slyly ndded two rosy
apples from n Iwirrel and two big red onions,
nnd tho butcher being busy Just then selling
n lino turkey to tho proprlotor of n lionrdlng
houso did not sco It.
"l'or tho Iwbbles, ma'am, with my love,"
said tho Jolly woman, "and I wish It wns
Abby Hicks stood n, moment Irresolute,
with tho red spots of shnmo burning In her
checks, for novcr beforo hud sho accepted n
gift, nnd yet her heart was glnd for her
I children nnd lighter for tho womanly sympa
thy which sho folt had nctimtod this monger
1 gift.
, "Thnnk you," was nil sho could trust lior
self to say, and sho hurried nwny, and from
thero sho wont to tho llttlo corner grocery
whero her wants wero supplied when necoin
1 panted by cash. Hero sho liought n llvo cent
loaf nnd a jmll of conl.
I "Nothing clsel" nskcsl tho grocer's clerk.
"Wo havo somo flno turkeys ami crnnlicrrlcti
chickens, too, first rnto Philadelphia dry
picked; raisins, apples. Jollies, colory nothing
"No, thank you," said Abby, hurrying
' nwny.
Tho coal had tnken her last cent, Sho got
'outngnin Into tho street on her wnylmck
and hurried onwnrd, only anxious to get
; back to whero sho could weep her heart out
In her ww, for whero Is nn ngony keener for
n mother thnu to deprive her children of tho
I Joy that is rightfully theirs on Christmas
' day! Dear llttlo llobblol Ho would hoar
I tho other children blowing tholr tin tram
I pets nnd Ixxitlng tholr drums, nnd Ids sturdy
' llttlo heart had nlwnys desired 0110 nnd tho
I other by turns. And good, gentlo Rulhlol
How Iter mothorly soul had longed for n real
J doll I Not tho old rug doll, but a real ono,
I with fair hair and bluo eyes. And this
! mother hnd promised long ago that sho
j would write n long letter to Bantu Onus and
' toll him what good llttlo children they woro,
and now they would grlovo over Ills neglect.
; What should sho dot HI10 had nothing to
Bell that they could by nny possibility spnro.
' Everything lmd been sold long ago that
could bring anything at nil; and now, to add
t to her dcsjvilr, n huckster's wngon, loaded
' with cheap toys, stopped Just in front of her,
and tho strong ltiugtd hucksters began cry
ing out their wares. Again sho rpilckonod
. her pace, nnd went on blindly up tho stairs to
her mlsernblo homo, all the whllo hor heart
nearly bursting with its agony as memory
pictured this homo as it had boon only ten
short years ngo. Yes, on this very anniver
sary, ami sho dressod in whlto sntlu, with
pearls and lieautiful laces, was tho envlod
beauty of tho groat ball, Whero now wero
all thoso brilliant lights, tho flowers, tho ser
vants, her sweet faced mother and noblo
Tnn UE.VAOEnrn.
All wero gono, and sho left alono to battlo
with such n hard world. Had it not lieen for
thoso two llttlo children up stairs tho icy
river would havo soon closed her book of sor
row. Sho reached her room. Tlio children wero
fast asleep, and sho lighted tho lamp and sat
down by tho llttlo stovo.
"If wo starvo," sho said, "I cannot work
By and by mechanically sho went about
and put tho llttlo room to rights, and hung
tho children's worn clothing over tho chair
back, and took tho meat for tho next day's
dinner nnd supjicr from Its ling. Tho vege
tables lay upon tho table, with the apples.
Tlieso sho wiped boftly and then snt down
again, looking at them In a dream. Sud
denly she gavo a nervous llttlo laugh, saying:
"1 will. It will amuso them at any rata"
I Then sho tool: aknifo and plccoof kind
' ling and iu a llttlo whllo cut it In small
I sticks, and tlieso sho 'counted uutl sho had
tho iiumlier M10 needed, nnd bet to work.
Sho found tho two potn toes adapted to her
1 plan, which was to make horses of them by
j sticking four legs, a tall nnd two ears into
I them. Treated tho samo way tho two red
onious mndo rnther awkward but pretty
colored cows, and tho turnips becamo a tiger
' and tho carrot mi alligator.
I Thoso mado quito a llttlo nicnngcrio when
set uixm tho tablo in a position to attract tho
' 1it1ilt..ti'u nllniitlmt 4ln 1..o .l.f.. I.. .l.
morning, ami a red npplo as thrust iuto
each well darned stocking nnd thoy were hung
upon tho board which served for a mantel
piece Thus out of nothing mother lovo dovised a
bit of Christmas for her llttlo ones, nnd when
this was done, somohow her heart was
lighter nnd sho blessed God for tho inspira
tion nnd that sho had her children and
health, and thanked him whllo sho lay down
besido tho two pretty if palo children.
Tho nolso of drums. trumncU nnd chil
dren's shouts in streets nnd linll waked tho
children almost beforo daylight, and they
began to ask each other and their mother
what it was all aliout, and sho told them that
it was Christmas, and lying then for onco
ldlo during tho daylight hours sho tuld thora
( all tho sweet story and then they liegnn to
wonder if Snuta Claus had been to thorn, nnd
tuoy ijounccu out ot uoti to 6co.
Tho apples woro very nyo nnd lieautiful to
them, but tho mcungerio of wonderful ani
mals surpassed anything thoy over dreamed
of, and o3 tho mother told thorn:
"You sec, dears, thoy are nicer tlinn nny
wooden toy animals could lo, for wo can
play that thoy nro real, truly animals and
wo can kill them and dress them and cut
them nil up Into llttlo bits and cook them by
and by Just as tho butchers do."
"Oh, yesl" iald Ruthlo in ecstasy.
"I don't wnnt my ollmugatcr cut up," de
clared Robblo, stoutly. Ho was jwcifled, nnd
tho children played contentedly all tho morn
ing with their nnlmnls, though it required tho
constant service of mamma to replaco broken
legs, horns and tails, nnd tho children did
smell rnther strong of onions; htill thev wert
happy and her heart lightened. Hut when
tho tinio camo foi tho flnnl part of tholr piny
Robblo would not nllow n slnglo ono of his
preelmu "ainuiuV to tm saerlllivd, mid at
last ho Uviuno so obstreperous tlmt his
mother was obliged topuulsh him by shutting
him Into a good Hired closet which hud
nlunys si.vxl liolwivu tho chimney nnd tho
gnblo w liidnw. Robblo did not inJoy his Im
prisonment and kicked nnd cried until ho
ininlo tho ury rnfU'i ling, bill suddenly
after 11 rnther mom violent outbreak (tmn
usual thero was 11 silence, nnd his mother
waited 11 while, surprUisl nt thin now fnsik,
nnd then sho oicihs1 tho door nnd looked in.
Thoro 011 tho lloor sat Robblo, with a pleco
of tl.o bnsebonrd lying Hat, nnd disclosing n
holo within which was a tin Ikx. This ho
was trying to pull out, but It seemed too
heavy for him to move, nnd soon Mrs. Hicks
had It out and was examining it. When sha
hnd wiped oir tho dust ho found imlnled
njiou It In white letters "Owen HanleiuHk"
It misled no more to tnko every bit of
strength sho had and mnko her sink whlto
nnd suffocating on tho chnlr. This wns hor
grniulfiither's lmtnol What if this Imx cou
tnlnisl tho money ho was Mipposcd to havo
hidden souiawhcrol It was heavy enougli.
A tnoinenl's ivlleutlnn convinced her that, ns
sho wns tho only living inoinlior of nil tho
family, this box nnd ItscontontH wero hors,
nnd to with 11 knifo nnd pleco of wood sho
prloil It open nnd found oven as M10 had
liojied. Tho Ikix was full of gold, nnd nlso
contained several vnhmblo diamonds, so that
this woman, who hnd tho night hofqro been
on tho vcrgo of desiwlr from poverty, nnd
who hnd hnd to mnko n trnvesty of her
meager dinner to gtvo her fatherless Imhlw n
llttlo of tho Joy that Christmas brings, was
lifted nbovo wnnt again.
Hut, though sho had found this treasure,
nnd she know It was hor own In all right, sho
was too scnslblo n llttlo woman to b.nlt tho
nows nlmut, nnd so thoy snt down to tholr
Christmas dinner ot soup mndo out of ft
wholo nicnngcrio, nnd up to this day, though
sho lives iu n different wny now, tho lawyers
novcr got wind of her Inhcrltunconorsharo
in IU ltobbio nnd Ruthlo havo pretty toys,
but probably nono of thorn havo over boon
quito ns dear to their llttlo hearts as tho
itmngK nulmnls thulr mother's breaking
hem t w roiight out for tholr ploasuro.
Wo ronchod California lato In tho fall of
IMS, nnd lioforo wo knew it could lie winter
Iu a country whero tho grass was freshly
Kproiitmg iiitd tho trees bright nnd green,
Christmas wns iqiou us, nnd no turkey In tho
stale. Tho children hold a solemn coiiclnvo
nnil concluded that Santa Claus could tiovor
get bo far, Untiles thero was no snow for his
hlelgh to travel on.
As I said, thero wns probably not ono
turkev Iu tho wholo state, and though thoro
wen' u fow chickens, no 0110 would havo con
he 'i i for a moment to kill them when eggs
ht. worth $1 uplcco. So our hopes forun
old fashioned ChrUtmaa foil far lielow rro,
mid in spite of our liest endeavors wo felt n
little bluo and homesick.
Tliero was plenty of tho jioor Spanish lioof
to Ik) obtuined, nnd also veal, but n sucking
pig would have becu nn Impossibility, nnd
thero was absolutely no fruit In tlio country
except fetich as grow wild, and, of courso,
thero was nono nt this sensou, but tho genius
of women for making something out of noth
ing is proverbial, and tho moil of tlio family
thought tho women would pull through somo
how, though how was that to bo without fruit,
eggs, milk or cream, or, indeed, anything ox
cept bayou licnus, Spanish Ixnf and a very
fow potatoes, and no onions to heason any
thing with, nor knivesf This was in what is
Oakland now, but nttlinttlmotheio wero but
threo wooden houses and a fow tents thero.
Tho two women put their bends together
mid finally decided that thoy could at least
mnko n plum pudding, but iu tho llttlo
"storo" thero wero no rnlslns, nothing but
dried apples. Thoy bought six eggs, paying
$8 for them, considering tho Mason, nnd took
somo dried apples. Thoso were put to soak
over night uud tut Christmas morning thoy
were chopped Into small bits, and with tho
eggs nnd a plentiful supply of molasses, Hour
ami suet, 11 big pudding was put into a Img
and over tho tiro to Ixill. This succors stimu
lated tho women to try nn npplo pio or so.
In tho menntimo n big rib of beef was duly
salted and peppered nml surrounded with
potatoes, nnd was mndo ready to put in tho
oven when Undo Chnrllo, who was 11 mighty
hunter, suddenly mado his nppciiranco with
a big fat goose iu ono hand uud 11 flno big
turkey, as wo thought, in tho other, both
plucked and dressed, ready for tho oven.
Somo 0110 was sent to buy an onion, an tho
grandmother mid tho gooso really must havo
onion In tho ctuflhig, uud for that ono llttlo
onion, no larger than nn egg, wo paid (1
and wero glad to get it nt that price. Grand
mother brought out her wonderful Img of
herbs and a llttlo of very precious sago, and
summer savory was klftisl into tho dressing
and tho two flno birds wero put down to cook,
and wo nil begnu to rejoice that even lu far
off California Christmas was not quito lost,
Tho two birds now cooking had liecn shot
early that morning. Ono was a honker
goose and tho other was an enormous band
hill crane, or, as thoy wero then called, Cali
fornia turkey. Tlieso immense birds grow
very fut uud nro really delicious eating, oa
wo found nt dinner time. And when tho
tablo was laid out with tlio finest linen and
ehoico dishes that liad followed thy family
fortunes "uround tho Horn," that dinner
was voted u success, but tho pudding, covered
with blazing brandy, looked Just us Christ
mas llkons if ithadbcciin real plum ono.
though it had n sprig of "llvo oak" instead
of holly iu It, and although it did not toko
quito ns good.
After dinner wo had games, and though
tho children missed tlio linuglngupof tho
stooklugs, thoy went to Usl luippy in tho
hopo, ufterwnrd fulfilled, that Santa Clnus
might get there by Now Year's, seeing that
thoy lived too far nwny for him to reach
them on Christmas.
From the shelf I lump, ..upended
In tho firelight s rIow, distended
Till my sides nro almost split with every thing
that's good;
1' so full Hint It's n question
Z. I don't havo Indigestion
Never yet wns I so stuffed with such peculiar
In my too (oh. goodness gracious)
I declare It is vexatious)
Bomo ono' juit a li'e isitnto nnd It makes mo fee)
so strange;
I womhr, now, wlint mndo them do It,
Doj 011 know that right next to It
They havo put n lot of candy something sweeter
fur a change.
Then a bank to save up money,
And a tnnii that nets so funny
When you pull lilmslmrly hy liU strlujty hempen
A picture book, some small tin Cl.i-J
And a m t of llttlo dUhes;
Pair of mittens, ixipeorn uiul a lltt.u nonden pa!).
Then ou top ft pleco of paper,
Uu't tliU a funny cacr?
Pcrharuthuy v nut to Iniulen mo with somo new
fullled illi
Let nut try my l-t to con It.
Why, tliuls vtlml they've writ en on It:
"May you hno n merry Christinas U my lifnrty
ws'i ' Tom MaivMn.
fjoliday geadquarteis..
pallet, The (jeweler.
1125 0 Strt.
Christmas being at hand and the New Year about to be iish,
ered in 1 take.pleasnre in directing the attention of the public
in' friends and patrons,to the immense line of holiday goods iiu
Uatel?8, Diamonds, Ioek;5, $Q-,
That I have now on exhibition at my store. This line is a IS
new, nobby and unique and was purchased with particular
care for the Christmas trade, ."n it will be found the
Latest Novelties in Jewelry
Embracing a magnilicient' line of bracelets, Chains for Ladies:
or Gents, bracelets, Opera Glasses, Kings from Jpi to $500,
Shirt Studs, Scarf Pins, ISar Drops, and in short anything you
may desire in the Jewelry line, all of which will make most .
desirable presents, and can be bought at lowest possible prices..
It will pay you Doubly to Trade with Met
As for every Five Dollars worth bought you have a chance to
win $100.00 worth of Groceries, and select them yourself
Don't fail to ask for your tickets. This prize is given during-
"1M fEBOVal fpMf
Which is now in progress, to advertise our new location, No
113 North nth Fawell's old stand j, to which we will move
on or about January 1st. Take advantage of this sale. Buy
now while prices are low and inducements big.
1125 O Street.
Until January 1st..
Everythingjn our store at exact cost. We do this in order
to reduce our
Your - Winter - Supplies,
Parks & Coffin,
immense stock.