Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 20, 1887, HOLIDAY NUMBER, Image 6

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"Santa Chun Mould l miwled to Roin3f
-tthlmr Into my tocklg V-muo why 1 haveui
.got nny."
CnniRTMAR IAY, 180'J. music; firycouj brigadiers In bluo nml
cold tall on ig nion in lino, shining In brum,
war mount to mo tuiiitilttioiu inpinorlwt of
lhm!.er Hill, Crew's Tenth lc-tfon, tho clint-jro
of lho Hlx Hundred anything hut thin,
lM'nxv' I wlx'i I wero homo. I)t mo mo.
Homof CotlViiinmtry. A tmrr yen, It Isn
tear. hit nro thoy doing ntliomol ThWli
Chrlstni'i Day, I . Home Well, idock
lug on tho ni.1l, candy, turkey, fun, merry
Christina, nnd tho fncu of tho girl I left 1k
hliul. Another twirl Yon, I couliln't help Itj
I win o llv l, nml then) vni such n contrast
Mwwn Olirlstmn-, 1W, on tho Hnpimliiin
liool:. nml cither Chi intinanvt. Yet, thoro was
n girl, ton Mich sweet eywj wieli hug ladies;
tuuli ii low, teniler olcol "Coini, movo
qulrkvrl Who goes therol" 5hlft tho rlllo
from uno nrhlng shoulder to tho other.
"Hollo, Joliiny, wlmt nro you up tol" Tho
river wits narrow, hut deep nml swift. It
vttw n wet eolil, not n freezing cold. Thero
m no loo ton b Ift for Hint,
"Hello, Johnny, what you coughing so
"Viiuk, with no overcoat, uliocs full of
liolea. tiothlnit to cnt hut lurched corn and
tobacco, nml with tho denied miow n
foot deep thrro Is liothln' luft notlilii hut to
get up a cough by ny of tirotcstlu' ngnlnst
t'-li Infernal treatment of tin) Ixnly. Wo mm,
Yi ik, nil linvon cough ourhinyiiidthero'H
tio Httylii which will tun us to holo first, tho
cough or your hulloK"
Tho mow lit ill fell! tlio keen wind, raw nml
llorco, cut to tho hone. It wnn Cltxl'ii vrtiret
weather lu (1h1'h forlonnwt, blonkwt spot of
ground, tlmt Christina ilny of '(1J on tho
tno town
j cento, let wrath I forgotten, lot ranic-cli be
1 IW illisl.
I Iot chnrlty tlltoii-o bounty. JUt tho rich
mr.ii loi tli poor, lift the Up of ihlldhood
, bu (Hint with plenty, Ut nil ltnpjwliuii-
, noulm i' wtrniiKcment, mmrnUoi, ll'l'i
, new, uueipml lots, opixitdtig liikiwt, ho
, brldgeil by tho Rilioof lkalitolimti o-i Ohrl-t'
I mau Day of 87 Ami "bo jo 1.1ml oi.o Sn nu-
other, tender honrtcd, forgiving mo n. ot; tr
oven n (lod for Christ's sake hnlh forl.on
j nil." Theiv, I mil preaching njuln, in u
ux'tilar Journal of vlviltaillon. Yet I niu't
; help It. Thin Christ born mo linn tin own olt
cud left lichlml tho other me, tho old too,
who followed ( met utid Itnw-ock to Uleh
moiid In tho Wild, mini days of tuilmti'iit
youth. I hnvo taken oIT thnt failed bluo
Jneket, nndcniiHtiutcli iiiynrnii; I lmvomi
bmldeil Hint worn belt, and can bri'iitho
fix'oly. Uome, Jnelsot', come, hwohI jirf
ngtilu on tho wnll, You nru my old mo; but
the prexout, ivnl mo In iv mnii of ponco mid
ucvpiiilntod with grief; not no hnppy ns n
taint ns ho wiw in n miIiIIit, but still trying
to ilo hU work, rIiico OihI didn't rend for hlin
nt (lottjuhuig. Ilnrjior'H Weekly.
... I ltriMltntiitr-olf n lull Itltlit l-f1f1V i
... it t.AH rwi..-t- rvmtMtiw n iiniii ii'iiii".'v.i .
VJ ",m- w ' I of FrcIerlckMiurg. Uut come, pick up your
Tliero wm my old comrade, Bcrgt, Nelson,
who Imil gnthered nomowhnt of ovll In tho
-inny, wiiow ClirlMlan vlrtuw weni not
.highly jxilUhed, nnd who, on occmIoii,
UropjxHl Into profnnlty m Wegg dll Into
poetry. Now I wonder which Nelson (lod.
-will Veep, nnd which Nelson ho will throw
ny tho rough Roldler, or tho man nt Cold
llnrbor who wild, "Uoy, do jou hear llebout
ind Btono culling our tinmen nnd liegijlng for
ntcr!" Wo left thoni nt tho foot, of tho hill
wounded tlmt nftenioon when wo chnrgoil
nnd wtto nnilseil. "Iloy, Iti mighty
rlnky. Thero In no tmeo to-night, nnd them
ivlmlioot nbout ai lino by ntnrllhtiwhy
day. Hut I'm going out to Uicin. You wo,
If you nnd I wero lying overthcro w 1th n holo
tliroilgh iw nnd wo calleil for water nnd no
ono come, though jou hennl u, wo would
-curoo you nil, Who will go with moP "I,
ergennt,'1 "Audi." Thy went, nnd two
-of them wcn l.lllel I wonder which Nc!on
kxl will keep, which throw nwny tlwNol
on who w-iui tin nil nt, or tho Nelson who
,-dleil for man, llko Jeius ChrUtl
I wonder which mau Is mo nnd which w 111
como to tho front nnd bo on top nt Judgment)
this tno in tho iitudy hero, w Ith nn open lliblo
before him. who llntly coutnidlitH tho other
3ie, who shivered with cold on thoHnpptv-.
Bannock tweniy-nvo years ago.
It U Mich n funny worta I on nnu 1 loan
xir frlcnila down with our nelics nn.l tnUfor--tanoa
and troubled, but when n rich old undo
dies nnd leaei ut halt n million, wo do not
load that on tlionu Oh, no. Hut hero nin I
preaching, no strong U hnhlt Yet which Is
te thli gentle, meek, npologotla clergyman,
-or that other mo qf n cpaartcr of a century
-col that other mo who woro that faded bluo
xoumlAbout hanging on, my study wnll, with
.NeuteaanVii moulder itrnpa on it, who woro
(wword and bolt thero before my eyes!
'WkUti -U mo thla man ncplntcl with
twlrwWi 'and piety and nlmi nnd grief, or
at Wo ot the itronl nnd brn.-w buttoned
.Jacket on tho wall, who was acquainted with
w ar, doviltricft, death, rccklcbs daring, lovo't
ungdroainl Uore a happy thought ntrikos
rw: to try on that soldier' jacket nnd bucklo
b again tliat twoiiL I am going to got Into
ttfaat jacket, to faded, so naall tor mo now; I
4U going to bucklo on that iword, if it
4en compol crowding, bad languago, rebel
tltoa, ivilus, und being carried off tho field
.mroonlng, as sorao hulled aro betimes, bocauso
oltho uproar nnd rago ot tho Incommoded
, gueaU within. Well, it happened on this wlso
that I found myself shivering on tho banks
.of tho Itnpvihannock on Christinas Day,
1803, cnlUted for three years or during tho
mar, food for villainous taltpctcr.
prostrnto pluck, you shivering private
Surely thero is enough dampness around
without adding to it your tenrs.
"Lot's laugh, boys."
"Hollo, Johnny I"
"Hello yourself, Yank I" . .
"Merry Clirhtmn, Johnny!"
"Hniuoto jou, Ynnkl"
"Say, Johnny, got nuythlng to tradoP
'Tnti'lied corn and tobacco tho slto of our
Christmas, Ynnk."
- i'"
'ffy yftijZX
; 31-
"VANK, no ovrncoAT."
I started foi Richmond In July, 1S(U, a lad
18 years old, a junior in college, and chafing
to bo nt it to doublo quick it after John
Brown's soul, which, since It did not require
knapsack, or thrco day's rations, or a can
ecu, or n halt during tho night for sleep,
"was always marching on. On tho night bo
iforo ChrUtnuis, 1803, 1 was n doJocUxl young
patriot, wishing I hadn't ddno It, shivering
In tho open wcothcr a mllo buck ot tho Ran
-pahaunock, on tho reservo picket, nud ox--posed
to n wet snowstorm. Thero was not ft
stick ot wood within flvo miles of us; all cat
down, oven tno roots oi trees dug up ana
turned. Wo Iny down ou our rubber blankets,
f lulled our woolen blankets over us, spooned
t as closo as wo could got, to steal warmth
rom our comrades, and tried not to cry.
Next mornliv tho snow lay heavy and
-deep, nnd tho men, when I waked and looked
about mo, reminded mo ot a church gravo
jard in winter. Tho snow covered us nil,
nd my comrados seemed as it a small como
ery just lilo a gravoyanl and Its mounds,
"Fall In for picket duty I Thero, como,
Moore, McMoiius, Paxton, Ferrino, I'ollock;
lall inl" Wo fell In, of course. No brook
Xast; chilled to the marrow; mow n foot
deep. Wo tlgutcuod our belts on our empty .
stomachs, solax! our rifles, and marched to !
the river to tuko our six hours on duty. I
It was Christinas Day, 1803. "And bo this
is war," my old mo cold to hlmsolf, whilo ho ,
-paced in tho wet snow his two hours on the
river's brink. "And I am out hero to shoot j
that, loan, lank, coughing, cnda erous look I
ing butternut fellow over tho river, So this
is war; UiU in being a soldier; this is tho genu- ,
-Itn.-Hr.ln. Oils In IT flr...lnv'a HI., in llloh. I
'aead.' Well, I wish ho wero only hero in my
ylaw, runnljig to koop warm; pounding his
ms and breiyst to mako tho chilled blood
circulate, Bo .this, is war, tramping up and
Auma this river my fifty yards w 1th wot foot,
4Fty stomach, swollen nose."
Ahwl wlieu lying under the trees in tho col
vlsge oauipus lait Juno, war -meant to mo tuar-
"All right; you shall linvo some of our
ooffoo and sugar And pork. Boys, find the
Such boats) Ico tho children sailing thorn
on tho small lakes in our Central Park. Somo
Ynnkeo, desperately hungry for tobacco, In
vented them for trading with tho Johnnlen.
They wero hid nwny undor tho banks of tho
river for succewlvo relays of picket.
Wo got out tho boats. An old handkerchief
answered for a salt Wo loaded them with
coffee, sugar, pork, and sot tho sail, and
wotchod them slowly creep to tho other shore.
And tho Johnnies F To boo thorn crowd the'
bonk, and push and scramblo to lw first to
Bclzo tho iKxaU, going Into tho water, and
stretching out their long arms! Then when
thoy pulled" tho IkniU ashore, nnd stood in a
group over tho cargo, and to hear tholr ex
clamations: "Hurrah for hogl" "Say, that's
not roasted ryo, but gouulno coffee Smell
It, you uns." "And sugar, too." Then Uioy
divided tho consignment. Thoy laughed and
shouted, "Reckon you uns liecn goal to wo
uns this Christmas Day, Yanks." Then thoy
put parched corn, tobacco, rlpo porshnmons,
into tho boats, and sent them back to us.
And wo chewed tho parched corn, smoked,
real Virginia leaf, ato jwrslmmojui, which, It
thoy weren't very filling, at least eontmctod
our stomachs to tho slro of our Christmas
dinner. And so tho day passed. Wo shouted,
"Morry Christinas, Jolinny." Thoy shouted,
"Somo to you, Yauli." And wo forgot tho
biting wlud, tho chilling cold; wo forgot
those men over thero wero our enemies,
whom it might bo our duty to shoot bcfoni
Wo had bridged tho river spanned tho
bloody chasm. Wo wero brothers, not foes,
waving salutations ot good will in tho noma
of tho liaiM of Ucthlohcnt, on Christmas Uay,
into. At tho very front of tho opjioslng
armies tho Christ Child struck n truco for us
broko down tho wall ot partition, liccamo
our peace. Wo exchanged gifts. Wo shouted
greetings buck and forth. Wo kept Christ
Baas, and our hearts wero lighter for it and
our shlvorins bodies wero not quito so cold,
do thou and do likewise; push no poor dobtor,
prosecute no quarrel, bear no grudgo, at
Christmas time; forglvo your enemies, ro
membcr your morcles and do not brood over
your misfortunes, at Christmas t i mo. It tho
times tiro hard do not let tho children know
it, or Lazarus on your doorstep become
aworo of it, at Christmas time, to his deeper
despair. Cannot you bo cheerful nnd bravo
by your firesides, ns wo soldiers wero on tho
Rappahannock on Christmas Day in 10,
shouting good wills to rebels on tho opposite
shore? Lot us nil shako hands on Christmas
How CtiiMmiin Dny U Olebriitcil
'lliimn hlliliK.
Christmas tiny In not only tho most widely
and universally olwmed holiday In tho
Christian calendar, but It U iiNo siiKvpllblo
of n gi outer Mirloty of observiuico thnn per
Imp iiuy other holiday. Snutn Claim nud
tho ChrUtmns tm nro known nud loved ot
nil children. In Kentucky nud other south
ern states tho day Is ushered In w Ith a gun
powder necompnlilmeiit. lu the not th the
Fourth of July Is mndo horrible by tho boom
ing ot cannon nud thoVnttle of firecrackers.
In tho south theso nro renom-d for Christ
mas morning. Among the country nud vil
lago population Christmas is tho ocean I on of
n general turnout lu fields nnd wood with
guns nud dogs. On that dny ot nil days do
tho rabbits, squirrels nud quail find them
selves pursued by nliout every innn nnd boy,
botji white und coloied, who owns or can
borrow nn old sht tguu. blundcrbuxi or shoot
ing iron of any kind, nnd the Held nnd
woods mound from morn till night with tho
echoes of exploding gunpowder iih the hunt
cm stnlk up the hnplexs gnme. Tho dogs
lend their quota to tho day's nolso and ex
citement, baying on the trull ot frightened
foxes nnd rnbblts.
In Tcnnumeo tho w lso men who nmdo tho
laws lu tho early days ot tho state's existence
recognized tho merit ot mnrkiimuship, and
to encourage this uccomplUhmeut enacted n
law exempting wngcrs ou marksmanship
from tho general pennltlen agulnst other
tpecics of gambling. So that the men tof n
Vlllngo or fiu-m community nyiy congregnto
and juit up money, n quarter of liecf or a
turkey, as tho priro to lio carried off by tho
best shot Tho target is often tho top of n
paper caf. box nbout as largo in diameter ns
n silver quarter, nnu mo instance ranges aeo
from twenty-flvo to 100 steps. Tho guns ' V3.S6S,
used nro long slnglo barrel muzzlo loading
rirtcs. If tho.iniitch is to bo shot off hnnd
(n-stlug the gun against tho shoulder with
out a rest) tho distance is seldom greater
than twenty-live paces, and oven nt .that dls
tnncotho bullets are often bunched from n
dozen rlllcs Into n spaco which etui bo covered
with t silver dollar.
These rlllo shooting mutches aro now
largely reserved for tho Christmas day, and
aro looked fonvanl'to all tho year round. On
these occasions nil tho oung men who lionst
of tholr ability to "cut tho bull's oyo thrco
times out of live" gather to banter nud tako
tho conceit out ot such ns think themselves
crack shots.
Christmas night is largely glvctt up to
"flddlln' nnd dancin' " in tho homes ot tho
hospitublo backwoods southrons, nnd oven in
tho towns and villages it is a very common
custom to have a danco on Christmas night.
Friday and Saturday Evenings, Dkckmhkr 2 3D and 24TH.
Eriday Evening, THEODORA, Saturday
Evening, INGOMAR.
With all the wealth of Scenery and Appointments that Character
' izcel their Production in London and Paris
Established 1S60.
" Not for a Day but for All Tlmo."
Bhc Rioka Not for Hsnelf.
8 Mm
Large selection of
Sheet Music, Auto Harps,
Fine Music Books, Accordions,
Violins, Band Instruments,
Guitars, Music Boxes
Piano Scarfs
Spreads & Stools,
Music Rolls, self binders.
Everything in the Music Line.
vDBMHDrEIv ci lkMfW
?fr BiMiffflM-- )JfBi Wv
"la you 'fuid ot Santa Claus, mammal
jrou is I will como in your bed."
Instruments - Sold - on - Installments.
Celebrated Mason & Hamlin Organs,
Stella and Earhuff Organs,
Kranich & Bach Celebrated Pianos,
Arion, Qhase Bros, and Mason Si Hamlin
Improved New System.
Old Instruments taken in Exchange.
Consult us before Purchasing and Save Your Cash.
Day. IiPt 11.1 nil touch clbou a and shnro with
our neighbor .-!ki tiuxU us most. Then mako
a truco with curmlud, with care, w ltb fenra,
with tears and borrow, and lot Joy bo uncon
flccil oh Christinas Day. IC't jnstlco tofUin
b :u mercy Let not hate harden Into wrong,
but bo traustorud (uto love. Lot ausvt
can on n
But let It wlitstlo as It will;
W keep our Christmas merry tM.
And tt our Clirlstlan birrs of old
Loved, when tlio year Its course liOv. rolled.
And brought blltlio Clirtstmaa back okoId,
With all Its hosjiltnblti train.
Domextio ami rellKlous rlto
Qavo hdnor to the holy ulcht.
On Christmas Eve tho bells m ro ning;
On Christmas lo tho mass was biiiir;
Thnt only nlsht In all tho year
Baw tho Rtoled prk-ht tho challco rear.
Tlio ilamsel ilonuctt lier Mrtlo sliecu;
Tho hall was dressed with holly erven;
Forth to tho wood did merry inon go
To gather In tho mistletoe.
Then opened w Ido tho baron's hall
To vassal, tenant, serf and all:
Tower laid his rod of rule aside,
Aud Ceremony dolTrd his prido;
Tho heir, with roses In his shoes,
That night might village partner choose;
Tho lord uiuli rogatliif share
Tlio vulgar gonio ot "iwst and pair."
All hall ith uncontrolleil delight
And general volco tho hnppy night
That to tho cottage, as tho crown,
Brought tidings ot salvation down.
-Sir Walter BcotU
Among nil our holidays CLi Istmas Is tlio
nappies. Other dajs, llko tho romth ot
July and Dot oration Dny, hnvo n jmtrloti?
ns.oglntlon hleh Is Inuplrhiir, nnd Now
Year's Day has nn ndmoiwoiynlgulflciiiico
which is imtlietlc. Dut the tmilltlou ot
Christmas is moro unlvcrail nnd hlcnl than
that ot other holidays, U?cuno it It thu feast
ot tratcruity, of human symiMilhy nml IipIjh
tulnciss. Kot only is its wntlmeut glory to
God, but Its ills'. Inctho gospel i jivico on
earth and good will to man. It is tho ono
day in tho jenr on which rcll!slme li tho
most odious il 1, Its peculiar olwirvnnco Is
obvious, pultttMe, uctlvo thouuht nf oiiw-r.
Wo all llvo uuiKr tho gcncnil lawiif dorlty
and of doliij;i-ool. Hut this I tho dny on
which wo must mako mm that oir Ifht
thine bo th t men shall see our gi"d wnrkt.-
I UariWn Y r lly
1 138 O Street, Opp. Opera House.
Corres Riqg:mg: cloq the Agb.
Fine display of Christmas goods brings joy within customers. Beautiful Goods. Excellent
quality. Reasonable price. Examine those beautiful Plush Dressing Cases, lovely Cuff and
Collar Boxes, elegant Manicure Sets, fine cut glass Bottles all descriptions, Ink Stands, finest
Toilet Articles, most fragrant and delicate extracts for handkerchiefs in city. A magnificent
stock of Ladies Hand Bags and fine seal skin Card Cases and Pocket Books,very latest styles.
Grand Display of Xmas Cards.
Our stock is fresh, goods fine, prices to suit the times. Please give us a share of your valued
.patronage and we will insure satisfaction. Favor us with a call.
Look over our goods and before leaving call for a Free Sample Bottle of IIoarhound-Tar, '
the great renowned cough medicine, best on earth. Thousands testify to its wonderful merits
as a cough remedy. No well regulated family can afford to be without it. Come and see
Wishing one and all
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year we remain your
woetuenc servants, i
Druggists, ?
Montgomery Block, Corner nth and N streets.
Don't forget the Cough Medicine, Hoarhoimd-Tar. .Yes., The Crout
"MIMIiMiii iM-M iiari"! i"i i-i"T Hi-fc-ni 1 l n I !