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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1887)
W J r i i V J r r- - I M i Vi AN OLD POEM ON TIME. Wliy Klt'iit tlioti by that ruined nail, Thou ned onrle, so ti m and grnyf Dost thou It former pride recall, Or tmiiiler how It inT-il nuny f Know'f t tliou nut iitor the lcop voleo cried, Ko long enjn) ed, so uft lnliii.nU- Alti mate In thy Actio pride, IH-slrod, neglected ninl accused? lloforo my brcith. like Mating liar, Man mill lilt innrri'lx nsNnuny; Ainl cliauiimg empires ivnno and wax, Arc foiimlcil. Hourlsh nml decay ltcileein mini' hours tlio space Is brief While In my pliiM tlm ssnd Knilns slitvrr, Anil measureless tliy Jo1)- or grief, When time nml Inoti shall ji,irt forever Tim Antiiiiinry. THE DIVINING HOUSE. nv AUnr.t,iKj rciiom Tlio Count X lifts In hi stoblos six horses of nil styles of benuty, mid beside tlicm, In n Ktoll which touches tho wnll, stands nil old horse covered with soars mid with great cal louses upon his knees. This frightful sped men of tlio oquino rnco Is treated likn n son of tho family, and is caressed niul cherished. They mako lilni n soft bed; thoy servo him with liny from tho Mulsou Poroo nml oats from Illguou's. Thoy oxcrclso him every morning for n short time, nml when It is ever so slightly cold or foggy thoy cover him with n warm blanket. Ho lives like ouo who In enjoying his revenue, "Where tho dovll did you find Hint horror niked a friend ono morning wlillo they were harnessing tlio break. "It Is n very simple story," 'answered X . "In tho most dolorous rirciimstnnco of my llfo this nnlmnl was tho only lieing who could understand mo. In n voyngo to Italy 1 had encountered at Cnprl n woman for whom I conceived u grand (Mission, or, moro tru'y, tho only passion that over In vaded my heart. 8ho wns either l'ngllsli or American, and I wns destined never to seo her ngnln. Heiucnibraiico orturod mo. I paced tho streets of Purls, in all the senses of thn word, in order to forget her or distract my mind. I had but ono Imago in my heart, ono tin'mo upon my lips. My friends, whom my melancholy saddened, drew nwny ono by one, niul when ono day I wanted to confldo in ono, nnd I iinmed to him my mysterious passion, ho began to laugh, saying that thoso sent I incuts wefo not for our days. I quit hlni brusquely and recommenced my vaga bond existence." "Last Now Year's day, re-entering Tnrls, I hoard tho rolling of a drum. A saltim baniuo was gathering n crowd nnd n clown was ranging thorn In n circle, 1 pushed my way to tho llrst row of tho crowd. "By tho sldo of tho drum stood n horso 'curiously nccoutarcd. On his heud was a bunch of thrro colored feathers, faded and stringy, and on his buck n mantle, onco roil but now a dull brick color, nnd with frlngo which may hnvo been gilded tho first year of Duqucsncl's direction of tho Odoon. "Thin and rough of coat, trembling on his legs, tho ioor animal contemplated tho crowd with nil air of sad resignation. r ir-cr' jii TI1K DIVINING IIORSB "Evidently ho was hungry, and death alono could put nu end to his sufferings. "Tho clown blow n trumpet, wlillo tho other man continued to lient the drum. "Tho tmudc censed at last nnd tho clowa commenced his hnrnnguo. " 'This horse, Indies nnd gentlemen, is the ono which boro tho duko of Orleans tho day of tho execution of Louis XVI Later ho became tho intlmato friend of Holiesplorro's pad: mule This horso, pupil of Mile. Lenor msnd, can count up to a hundred, only wo stop him nt twelve, so ns not to tiro tho pub lic. Ho divines tho character, tho faults nnd tho good qualities of tho spectators. Tho prico of tlio consultation is fixed nt ten centimes. "Tlio old rnck-o'-bones on four legs desig nated successively tho most lazy jicrson, tho most gluttonous nnd tho most olistluntc. "'Now, gcntlomou,' ndded tho clown, 'this surprising nnlmnl will designate tlio person of you all who is most in love. IIu (lxos no price for that oxcrclso and relies upon tho generosity of tho public.' "A fow pennies fell upon tho cntrot nnd tho horso mndo tlio circuit of tlio crowd twice, looking each ono in tho oyes nnd hav ing n rcilectivo ulr Then ho seemed to tako bis resolution and enmo straight to mo and took his stnud licforo ma. " 'Is It this young lady)' asked tho clown, pointing to n pretty llttlo washerwoman, who bluibed us rod as a cherry "Tlio horso shook his head for n negatlvo sign. . '.-iA-. TOff p i l I J ' -f- : - b n 9 j .1 in i L . i ,l iffi'.BUJiSi&r VZZ rn .III U i ni . .,i' rj-.' ' wv. I I I i.. y i. z -ws ji.rn .c-ioirK .rrx. ..-. Jir Yt' imrd rotiitili. t'intn 'r-" ret.i',,o on'l l.y lienrt. Oiw 1 ; Im I ifnli'.-utn.. 1 til"! one iilnne: r.nd 1 lmd pt thnt friend t. mrt forever. ln.' nu.'tml! An't of t o HiikI With wh-t syiiinthetle nttentlou ho hud lookisl nt mol "And I dnwiuxl that I wwit Iwck t Capri, Ritlded by that old horn'. Pow holmiltm versed tho gulf of Nnplorf Is not explnlinsl, but ho wns them with me, Hiurhiii; for tho uiikninvu. "And tho next day I hastened to tho l'lnee of tho Throne, I found the snlllmlHiuquo nnd promised that ho should sell mollis horse. At Unit ho rejected my proKwltloii. Thnt horso supiiortcd three irsous; thoy would hnvo to tench another, and It would tako too long, etc. "At last, howovcr, tho kUUiiiImuhhio con sented to code him In exchango for n second hand merry-go-round, which happened to be for snlo on account of death. "I brought my friend proudly homo; proud' CHRISTMAS PAST. HV W.U.TKII HOUR. Written for tlm airUt inns iVil'ni Hit. '.Mnnin, did Hnntii Tuns nver In Inn you such nleo tings, when you wnsn HtliMllrlP It wns the eliwlng of Chrltmas ilny nnd ns the shadows begun lo mergii Into gliHint In n tiy tiittngiMiol far from tlio UnlVentlly, blue eyed .IijIo crept Into her mother's arms ns sliosat by the cheerful lire. That had Wsn nn eventful day to tho lllllo maiden. The tlmoileiirlo the heart of childhood tlirouh nil tho wide realm wheiii I he Christ child's blefsoil sway N aekuow legist, had hi ought her 1 many pleiiMiies. Candles and nuts nnd toys innunieratile, Including n previous dolly half ns large as hei sell had her kiiiiiII iiiisiituro of happiness nnd then plenwinl wmipnnloiw during tlio day to help her enjoy these, had I mndo that cup of happiness to oei How. Now nt tho close, of the day, weary but ly, though nt n walk nnd behind n cab. IIo t witlui luippy henrt she nesllisl In thoso loving , n Itli n k.-ii-. bos seen iiant tiinos, no uount, during ms ( uniis liml nskisl, long enroer, but I glvo hlmn lmppy old ago, , Mm,m, did Hnnlu Tiiim ew-r Inlng jou and ho shall sleep In his luxury nirectlonntely ' Mlc, rt, (mKH when you wnsn IttlodlrU" wntchcil.liy lilm whom ho alono could under, j rll,,n(u,r,,v,v ,, ,.j,Hd ehwr but did not stand. but In urn' the few watti'ivd settlers from the MiiTimudliiK i-oiiiitrv had nu opisiitunlty to (pithiTiuid tell stm It's nnd wtif their erav liiK fur sliim di Ink. lllthei had the owner of Him little i nlilll Hl'ln the knoll leai'llisl lo einnii lixioflcn. tie came nnd led lilseiop half tended He eiiP'c, nnd the few seattehsl nubbins of i urn lilt iix "n the xtiiiiliil stalks In the Held. He enmo nst he winter wind begun to whMte, nml linn, was no wood by his cabin door lli'i-iuueoii ChiMmus I'.ve, and with a few Ihkhi iiiiiiauloiis they saw through bli'iirv . is the lmppy Christ iniiHilny coino in Ihii'uh to Hi, 'in there wus no saensl Joy to hallow it riles Niuk in diuuUeii stu)K)r on tho Hour mid not till tlm day was far advniuisl did thev mil- nnd then only lojoln anew with some ehniiiv eonier In ill inking a pUslgo to ChrMinas M hilohour in tboafterniHinn man Willi stuKiierliiK gal' nnd frvurlcil Inaln had left the saloon nml slowly made his way ioiuiix(i.iiiieeoltuge. The hollow nyisl child looking fiimi lhwniilowsnw hlmeomlugaiid f fivirslirauk Inlou dark corner. THE GHEAT MUSICAL EVENT. The NmIIiiiiuI lM-rn ('oiiiiiiuy In "l.nlieil Krlu"iil rnnliii's Weiliiesdiiy l!e, A iiintiR the itreal eomHisers of ti'Mderii limes, ltlelinrd Wuitner stands pre.eiiilueut us tlm iirlultiutiir if it new school or class of iiiusle, ami while 'M'linnhiuiser" Is Keuoriilly ueldinwleihted to bo Ills masterpiece, "l.olien itrln" Is by mtiliy esteeuiO't but llttlo less In dramatic powei-and Interest. Tho niusle u liiu in'oploof l.lueolii bud tlm rareopportuul ly Wednesday eveuluitof seelmt lids Intter opera tiresented In a stylo bellllliiK Iho Ihemn and tho author by u world-fainoiis company. Tho principal nrllsls displayed both inimic al nml dramatic power, wlillo theehoruses showed elllolcut tratuliiK. Miss llerllm I'lcr sou pnssiiHNc an eiUsllely sweet soprano voice, n Mttlc limned by mi otherwise charm luittlsp, us well as nilellKhtfill slaite presence. I'rnnk Veitaus"KliiK lloiiry." nml William lleeiiteml Mi. i-inuii. The mother lav iiimiii ' Merlon nsllio"lleruld,"euuiieliited with bcl the Nil, hull covens! with the inggisl quilt ler elt'nit tbuli liny ol Iheolheis. Miss I'lnru lleslixsl ami guisl mound u liiomeut mid l'oolo look tlio part r. 'Ortruil, wife of Telia then wild with nu omIIi, "Why Isn't dinner, iiiund," Instead of Mine. I'urseh-Maitl.asan-nidj ." The woman on tlio lied shivered, ' iiimneed. Her voice Is nu exquisite contralto, ALL AnOUND THE H0U8E. Iiiimtinr 11ii tlmiiitlifd Unlit lilinv Willi HlO k t s - J siHWiikfliiiiHiliiiiHHIl09IHHwHlH "fow dear to my heart arc ! scenes of my cMldhml." u How to .Mnkii the llollilny Onke A lltnfnl. t'lirlsllinis (llll I'riielbnl Hints. ' Thn Christmas fruit enkn should Ikj mndo In gissl season, for every ono knows thnt III not at Its lxt when fresh. Following Is n. reelKiby which an old hoiisowlfo hascon ctKbsl hor holiday calm for many years past: Ono 'iutd each of Hour, stignr nnd butter, two jibunils of raisins, two kiiiiiM t, cur rnnls, ono pound of ellron, twelvneggs, four nutmegs, two tnhtcsHKufuli each of eliilia moti, iiincu and allsplco and onivhnlf trtblo MHinfill of elovesj ono half teacupfnl of 1110 lassiM, two glass's of brandy, ouo of wluo nnd ono of ron water. Tick tho cnmiiiU t'lenn, wash (hem nnd drain through u colnuder; then wlto them In n towel, spii-nd Ihem out and set them to ilry In tho sun or bv 11 lliv. Htono tho rnlslns nnd cut Ihem in halves; sprlnkloboth etirriinU nnd rnlslns with tho Hour to pi event their sinking to Iho bottom of thn enko. Cut tho ellron In slices nnd put It In tho liquor. Cut tho butter into tho sugnr, wiirm It and stir to 11 nt'ii in. llent thn eggs ns light imHs slblo mid mid them lo tho butter mid sugar nlleinnlely with tho Hour. Add tho remiilu- Ing liigmlleuts gradually and stir all ns haul lis ihwnIIiIh for ten minutes. Cover tho bilk ing KUi .villi white piqier well butteiisl, nnd bnkobetwis'ii Hiiisinuil four hours. Ilouin .1liule Chilli llnttoms. Alt oxis'i'lcnceil hou'iowlfo tells how to ro plnco tho worn out Imtloms of chairs with r substitute which shn says Is nlco nnd ilurnblot Tnko strong, heiivy wrnpplng jmiiht, cutout Just tho form that you desire, nml with a linn jmsto stick six thlckncssm of tlio pnpor together, milking 11 thick pasteboard. Trim tho edge smooth llko thotuttern you cut nml with round headisl tacks nail It to tho framo. After It Is wull dried varnish It nnd you hnvo a neat, strong neat to tho chair with llttlo. trouhloor oxiaiiiso, A Troublesome I.uiiip Wlrh. Sometimes tho lamp wick will obstinately refuse to Is turned up In nu orderly manlier. It will seem llrmly wedged nt ono sldo, whll tho other will run up In 11 jsilnt, causing weariness and voxntlon of npltit. To ovcr como this depravity tako n new wick, draw out 11 single thread near tho selvago, nnd tho wlcli will U) found qulto trncbihlo when In tnslmssl Into tho burner. Thocogs will tako Hup proisuly, nud It will npsstr In good, form mid givo nn even llninii when UghtcsL A ITrin Oliicnt for Lump Tups. Lnmp tojis nro coiiiiuonly fastened on with plaster of Paris Ivcrosono oil will snietriiU this, nml It frequently happens that tho lamp top lioeomos looso nnd finally comes ofT. A. cement which Is said not to 1 alfectod by kerosene or water has lieon rocnuimoinloil ror this puno'. ! conslsU of thriH) parts nwlii, ono part cnustlo wslii and live jmrts wnUr; this voiiiimmIUihi tolsi mixed with half Its weight of plaster of Paris. It will sot In nlvout threo-fourths of nu hour. I'lilli'd llrriid. rulhsl bmul Is not a common (sllblo oru American tables, but Is pronounced delicious, by iKsiilo who hnvo tried it. His lolm oaten Willi chocso. Tako a loat of freshly niado bnvul, nnd wlillo It Is yet warm pull tho in ildooutof Itluploces thoslwof your hand and smnller. Put these Into tho oven nml bnko them ndcllcnto brown. When cool thoy. nro crisp nnd ns full of.iluvor ns n nut. The (.'lilnese I'rlniroso. Fow houso jilants nro nn satisfactory ns tho Clilncso primrose. It must 1m kept cool, and. thrives liost in 11 north window. In wntcrlng it enro should lw Uikon to keep tho buds dry, othorwlso thoy will rot. Plants thnt hnvo boon started from mssl in Juno and properly cared for will como Into bloom lit Dooombor nnd contlnuo through tho wlnUir. Tho Vienna Ilrnuil r Tills Country. Tho tmllkencM of much socnllod Vlonmv broad mndo in this country to tho original article has lieen recently oxplnlned by tho assertion Hint tho Hungarian Hour, of which tho famous gonulno bread Is mndo, contnlna nliout 17 1st cent, moro of gluten than does a great deal of tho Hour of our country. Itcmotlug Host from Htrel. , Sweet oil will HomctlmoA rcmovo rust f rotni steel, nnd koroseno Is uvon liotter. When nn. article Is deeply nistcsl It may Iw necessary to rcmovo tho nut by mechanical means,, such ua rubbing with Alio emery iwdor and oil or with lino oinory jmper. A Tlaru for tile I'npe. Tho famous tiara from tho Parisian clergy and faithful laity is tho great uttructlon nt tho pojio's Jublleo. It is mndo of lirind cm broiderinl cloth of Bllvcr, on which rest tho eralds, sapphires, rubies nnd diamonds. Tho ' J"st JU) a? Ul T ''"' ""''""?' " ,,ml !,y ""'i f"U.,0r'K 1."""1: imiiitmits lire Imvelwt nnd,1,,.,.1 ivttt, ' im i:k im im hi iu-iuii pnw Till. MAN MOST IN I.OVK. '"It Ij thl gentleman, then I' nbked the clown, nnd I mm head to foot tho horto an swered Yes, . "The Idiotic crowd berran to .iu';h, whiln tho ("Iris lisil.ed ut nt- v..:u i.uwlilovous, glnncesof synithy. "I enrcswd the old horso. I offered him oven n fat glngcrhmid man. and slowly withdrew. The poorlsjiuit throw 1110 11 mel-J nncholy look nnd went on to another jwrt of J tho crowd to continue his business of saltlnw banqtiu. J --4 1, ns not ii'im uiiit, 111 it tho imjial arms, each termluatliu with threo golden tnshels. Tho tinrn Is contained in a. gorgeous wlilto leather casket, iidormsl with cunmel plnipies oruumcutisl with the arms nnd wills of tho givers, (lifts from tho Or leans family nro especially hauiLomo, tho most interesting, howovcr, leing u silver statuette of .bun of Arc, tho work of Princess Mario of Orleans, now Princess U nld -urnr. Among ull these goivoou. iiftYrui; n timcli In i-outrnst 1 1 nirordisl by the luiinble con triiiutioiis from ior Catliolirs. Tluri one so)idn 11 supply of night llfhts, nnd a sor old woman nud her crippled daughter .. r 11 woolen jK'ttleout. Chicago News. .tlimey Cut Into ('Ireiilntlitii. The stntlhtlelaii has Irvii figuring upon th probable amount of money put into circuit: tiou by Mrs. .Limes ltrown Potter's debut In -furon New York uiidieuce, nnd lisits it u, a' illKHit f lO.ltW. Tho ivcvlpts of the house wcii a llttlo over 6lil,IXN). ,Of tlio 'J.Mkl ieoplo IOC cinno to thuthojitrulii hired cm ri.iges ut t each, making 6:i,.VK) 11 Mitioual. More tl 1 half of tliescwi'iit totliu Hruiiswli'l; or I) I uionieo's uftervMird, 11 1 mi c- idlttiiv 7,500. Fully t.i,us) iimro, lie t' iks. spout by men Ikmvcuii Pie le-u post. Thoy raugisl over thu small Joys of her ,lmlf iniscsl on her ulliow nud said, "Thorn I childhood, then seemed to concent into on ouo nothing liitlioliouvWoent." With 11 drunken bitter, fateful day. Imprecation 011 her as a lazy thing, tho hus- Tweuty years ngo tonight! b,i in 1 Ji irked her to the lloor. Tho llttlo girl All, how well slio rememlieitsl It. hln was ru.iksi forward nnd was herself smitten down Ah if usliaimsl, he then tiirmsl nml went out nnd giulng after him enee. It sliowtsl tho llttl- one room hut, on 11 thr"iuh tho little window tho child saw him wide almost desolate lirnil'iu. Sniiiv isiveiisl lrnlnir liiwunl flm vlllii(.i Willi iiiriiiv,nili.ur. .. s ..... . n ..,..-. .............. ........ '.iif.,tiii r tlm earth. A leaden sky bung nbnveund a ing woiilsuudcnrcsscstholitt'couocomfortisl netor In tlio Tlm Cure of .fiipiiniied floods. Ilolllug wnter should not bo oured on jn pnunisl goods, such as ton trays, arte, for it will crack tlio varnish. Wash with warm water, u soft spongo and n very llttlo soap. Swisjt oil will Mimetlmos tako out marks mndo by hot things. IVutlicr Cake. For feather cako nso two nnl ono-hnlf cups of flour, ono cup of milk, ono cup of sugar, butter the slzo of an egg, ono tea-spoonful cream of tartar nnd half n toaspooiiful of sodn. Hnko rather slowly. t'runliorry Sanrp. Ono quart of cranlierrles, ono pound of grouulntcd sugnr, ono-hnlf pint of cold wnter. Hull fifteen minutes. chilling wind blew tltfully. In 11 shed half covered with eonrso grass two bony horses wero shivering liy tlieir empty ui'iugors. Tlio house coutnimsl but tho scantiest furniture, 11 rude bed, u table, a chair or two nud nil old ' stove fed by 11 fow cobs nnd chl thnt had been dug out from under the su iw. The palo fueod mother went wearily nliout her few ' uouseuoiii unties nut iroqucnuy suiikiiowii 011 1 row tho IhsI us If uualilo to stand. Tho little girl w-u with intelligeuco prematurely sharH'iusl knew it wus moro than tenqiornry weakness that af fectod that fragile form, though the patient lips mndo 110 complaint. Kho herself wus w enk nnd hungry. A few crusts of bread w us nil shu liml euteu that day and she know that there was nothing moro lu the house. Her tattenst clothes did not protect her shivering form from tho biting blasts that came through cracks ami uuplastered walls, Tlm mother said that this was ChrlstiuiihVlay, but llttlo of brlglitueHSorliapplnessdldthat suggoxt to tlm child. Hlie simply thought, that sho wus hun gry nud cold nud that mnum wns sick. Half u mile nwny behind a swelling knoll if tin, muiw iiu'itnvl lirnlrl.. .viia it Kill,, .tliihfi.n of housoB. JIot of them wore rude nud small, hl11'' ,lt "'" vBlr price at this olllce. her uielher and nt length gut her back Into IhsI Tho siiudows of night were beginning to full but the loving eyes saw u stranger and iiioie terrible shadow gathering on Hint white and patient face. Tenderly envping in ls side h"i' mother nud putting her arms around thai slender neck the little one sank down and Usui found in sleep forget fulness forthosor fj"hildh(ssl. Ail !iotnr)rMi later sho was ny the rather w ho natl returned MUiensi by Ins former brutal act, but the form beside her mis cold nud still. The mot tier, sick and "tai mg niul with a brikeu heart, had died ela-plng her slisqilng child In her urnis. It wns tlm Christmas night of long ngo that the mother of little Jessie thought of us she sat bv tho flro clasping her darling to her hcai t, mid lifted u silent prayer to tlm Christ' child now enthroned beside tlio loving Father on Ingh, that her child might never hnvo to loul. buck to such on uuhnppy Christmas night Lincoln Illustrated. W.' luvo nliout liM copies of tills work for pure unit sweet, and, IIioiik'Ii lie bud but little opportunity to show lis mwer. with the pos sible exception of the second net, sho won many friends, sylva as 'Ixilieuitrln KnlRht of the Holy (Irall," carried his part most acceptably, rlmunh bis tenor Is not so IMiwerful as It once was William I.udwlg. as "Count Telrninuiid,"wns, In tho opinion nf man), the Is-st viK'allst ns well as the best company. Ho curried hlmelf with much Knieeful euse, and snug with micli fcelliiiruiul expression Hint the gene rat wrdlol was llmt a moroclinrinliig llllau there never was. Tlic house, ulthniiKli not entirely tilled, wns 11 'Ty good one. mid U'sliles bring a fasiilonatilo nuillouce, was a representative one. Many OermniiH, not tlicatre.goers In Iho accepted sense of tho word, were present nud drank In the lieautlcs of their greatest operatlo eonipiiser, Hlehard WiiKiier. The satisfaction expressed by all present iimpl) uttet the favor In which the performance Is 1 hold. Much Is duo to Mnunger Fun'ko for the en terprise displayed In securing sueli 11 eoinpa- it) for Lincoln nud the opportunity gleu foi hearing tho best music of the iircnt com- Klser. NUTS f NUTS I We carry tho biggest nnd Iluost Hue of Nuts In the city. Aluiouds.KugUsh Wiiluuts, Fillivrts, IVhuiis, Hickory Nuts, Walnuts. In tact, every kinds of Nuts for the holiday trade. Prices right. Como and see us. 11ktts & 8KWKI.1., 1120 O street. A Useful nml Ornamental filft. Among nrtlcleri tuitublo for. 11 Christmas gift to a gentleman is suggested n news paMr rack, misleUsl after ouo which Modern Priscilln illustniteri by tho following cut. Al most any man prefers u gift Hint contrib utes In somo way to his comfort nnd conve nience. This holder for pns)rs and maga zines will bo liked by many better than a. wall ixjekot, ns it holds n larger quantity, and in looking for back numls-TH tho pnpers can bo easily run over. It is nlson decomtivoob Jcct in a room. mm 7T Nii"'1- " s" ' A M'.Whl'ArCll llOLDEU, Tho frnmo is mado llko nti inverted saw horse, but should bo rather small and light In order thnt it may not look cumbersome. It is lluUhcd very smoothly and then re ceives, tv. o coats of black paint that can bo bought ready mtod. Insldo the frame are placed two t'll 1 Ixmrds or pieces of very thick imil 1 vrd covered with plush, felt cr creto li any dark shuda Theso mako n t. X b . k ior tlio pajwrs. An ornamental scurf, long enough to linnjj over thotop.nfur having been laid on inside, gives n very attractive tlnUli U tho whole. Janus sin Is oldest of rsilentatcs; Kurunrd I lonli unit 1, aut tsjlow I coiiiit ns pod .'f nvnin.'n aiM i"ate Tlio ) vars that throuiU my portulsisuiio nnd gt lju;felloiv.