Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 20, 1887, HOLIDAY NUMBER, Image 4

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A Vpiitor Mijwrnf.UixU'ril 'Yinim,
'priwcniPTWM! One War by Mnll or Orrlcr Jtf.iM
Hx months fl.W, Throt months W Cent, Ow
mil) U (iiiMiM ' i " nriie.
MivunTinKMRMn- Itotes fimiUlied on iiplloitlii
Mt tlit office. 8eclil rnte on Tlmo iVntnwt.
CosmuiurnoNm Hliort ploy nkctehws im. iml
M.rlioltcltod. IVrwmnl nml Koolnl nolo nro
Pmxtiniii Wo mnko a specialty of line rrliilln
In all II bmnclio ttH-lety work n ninflnlly
AoMivtw nil eoiiiiiuinlontloiii direct lo Hip ofileo.
;pllM Hotel til North llliwi'iilh Htreet,
Telephones! IVlllorlM Itoonm I'M, lrliillnjt, ICT.
Tlio CnuniKii "111 not 1h) tcspoindblo fur
nny debt miulo by nny ",, I" H '",ui ""
1cm n vltten order hccoiiiimiiiIi'h tlio nuiio,
properly finned, of counto.
Wkhmki. St poiimsM, l'rop'r.
Tiik CouniKii prwentH for tlio niirnrnl of
Ita reader today It" ClirMiim numlior.
Without In tlio Wit vwiturliiK to liount wo
wish to nny that In euvllonro of content,
makeup, liliwtmtlciHi nnd Rinornl nttrucU
IvetieM It U tho fiiiit paper over printed in
the city of Lincoln. Hueh well known local
writer n ltoUit Mclloynoltltt, Wnltor Horo,
11. M. Uuhiull, Wnlt MdMin, J. 1). Calhoun
nml othiTii nro reprc-ontcd 'iy contribution
from their able jien.
MIsh Knto Vnn Norma Gibson rIvw ii
grnphlo pen picture of n ChrirtinnH in Cnll
fornlii in tlm rurly tlnjH of tlio Koldexclto
mint l vn even nn onloiv wn worth ItH own
weight In gold. Tlio well known writer, Ollvo
Hnqicr, contribute ono of her excellent
Chrlrtnms talon, "Mother1 Menagerie," n
rtory of how nn nlmotttMnrvIng woman nindo
fiom the Muiplo moan nt her commnt.d u
fow ChruMiiM toy for her expectant littlo
one. Mr. John 11. l'axton, fnmoii n a
writer of war !orlo, mmuIs "On the ltuppv
bannock," n graphic nketch of how tho ol
tiler of tho two urmlo Hnt Christum day,
1W2J. lUiilen thowi tlio usual excellent ml
rollnny, Dr. TnlninKo' normon, Fiuhlon de
partment, Hill Nyo' weekly lotlor, oto. , etc. ,
,nro given. Of tho llhwtnUloiw,lti not nee
ewary to upcnlc. Our jvntlow nro competent
to Jiulgo for thomsolvw of their merit or nt
Thin number Is not published a nil adver
tising or monoy-nmklng ncliomo, hut n ii hou
vcnlr to our rendeni particularly mid tho puli
llo genernlly, inasmuch an with till Issue tho
CouniKii enter uin Its third year. Only a
limited uumbcr of advertisement havo been
admitted, Just niftlclentto defray tho cost.
With Uimo fow words, iw our old miuUtor
wn wont to nay In cloning n trinon of nn
hour nml a halt In duration., wo glvo it to the
public Wishing you ono and all A Mnwr
CiimaTMAH, wo remain,
The PuiiLiHiiRiiH.
Vou III. No. 1.
Mkhhy CiiniHTMAH to nil.
Tiik old saw of tho green Christmas
fat cmvoyanl ha tho cnll nt present.
Coitkh Is now enjoying u great liooui but
tho price of bras romnlus tho mine, probably
on nc-ount of tho over-production in Onmluu
Nkuhahka Citv claims to havo dLscovcreil
natural gas. Wo prvtmmo then that tlio
vnporlngs of tho Times wlltor heretofore cmno
under tho luvul of artificial giui.
Tub com crop In Kansas U almost a total
failuro this year, nud If a sufllcleul ipinutlty
is not sh(ppxl thero from Nebraska, Kniuum
whiskey noxt year will not bo n noctar fit for
tho gods.
Lincoln ha Hovernl good thing "on tlio
string' nt present, a d if.thoy materialise,
anoUier big boom will bo inaugurated toon.
ThoroU littlo dpubt but that tho year 1888
will witness tho largest growth (t ha over ex
perienced Thousands of easterner will como
westward next spring, and If tho city U well
advertised much moro tlian our usuul quota
will lio diverted hither.
Council Bi.UKra now has a real, llvo so
doty paper In tho Reflector, Leon St Water
man's now venture. If tho people of tlmt city
don't glvo it good 6upirt, then Uiey nro not
ns enterprising as wo lmvo thought. Typo
graphically handsomoand intrinsically merit
orious, it deserves good success.
A LOOK over tho advertising coluinns'.of tho
Christmas Couhikh will servo to guide our
readors to tho proier place to procure Christ
mas presents. Tlio business houses represent
ed nro tho most reliable in tho city, and wo
commend a peruwl of their bulletins to tho
consideration of all, ,
The holiday season in Llndoln promises
much gaycty and social ImpphiesM. A num
ber of dancing parties havo been arranged
for the soveral evenings and other events not
fully arranged as yet, will mako tlio holiday
week, ono of unusual enjoyment for Lincoln
ites anil their numerous guests. Now it thu
fleecy whiteness would only fall in abundnnco
for sleighing, what a tlmo the young folks
would have of It. With this object la vlow
teCouniKH has detailed a special reporter
p. f p Interview the weather clork and wo upiw
fill havo succeeded Ju his effort, and Ut by
time or shortly afser our mtdifiThavo
0 their number of the unni8TUA)jCtM(JEU in
Mild that tho (.now will cover Uieearth and
. the merry sleigh bells willjinglo to add joy
J,te the hsppy seasun, for what Is Christmas
without snow nnd but door sportf
Tiik glorious (MirNtinn tlmo I cliwn nt
hiiud. For nmny It will U n ilny of festivity
nud rejoicing, mid lo other It will Iki only ns
mint her dny In thopnn of inlslenco. Yenr
after your glldw imut, freighted alike
with Joy and wrrnw, but nt ench reciir
ring Christum season our heart and
hands nro brought Into willing tiihuto to
minister to tho ileslren of lovwl one.' Tlia
busy brain of tho dwlgner nnd tho tlrelcM
hands of tho workmen nnd workwomen nro
brought moro nnd morn Into play to cater to
tho demand of an art nnd tronsurodovlug
world. The old tradition of a Hniitn (.'Inns
ha licen well nigh dl'is'lled, nud every ono
who innNiiticratlcN In hi costume now lins
tho world to select from to mako glad tlio
heart of his good children.
Tho hallowed niemorle that cling round
tho natal day of our Haviour are with us onco
mrnlii. Tlio n'tiieiiibrnnceH of long-tint
friends, nud lovnl one nro brought back to
mind us onco moro wo gat'ier nround tho
festival board where all Is gliuliieM and re
joicing, avo but for this lingo of sorrow for
but n Hugo it I. Tlio Iwiiollclenco of Christ
inn lesignatlon rest upon and over us, for
well wo know, "llo give His Moved sleep.'
Tho Ht. l'aul KntcrprU) tHiuUiln tho start
ling Information that "Christina I coming."
A tho CouniKii 1m Ihvii busy moving for
some days past it hnd overfookeil thi Im
portant event nnd It promise tho ICuterprlso
that In event of It hnnglng up It Mocking
or rubber boot wo will glvo n Might token of
friendship for It kind promptings. 1. H.
Wo Imvo discovered that about sixteen other
of our exchniige havo learned of tho advent
of Christum and nro hernlding tho good tid
ing nhroiid nnd wo withdraw our ollVr of u
present to tho Kiitrrprlro n wo would not
llko to Might our other brother nud
ItiuiticcM will not permit ut colobrato Christ
mas on a grand scale and glvo anything
nwny. mm-
Tho CouniKii is ilcn.Jtsl to note that J. A.
Vnndeiiburg has pnrchnM.d tho rnlhvny Now
of Omaha mid will hereafter conduct tho on
terprlw tsTMinnlly. Mr. Vnndenhuri; i an
exerleiHl nowspajmr man, a pithy writer
and n huatlur, nud tho CoiUiKU prtHllct pros
sirlty In nhundauco for tho bright nnd newsy
rallw ay sheet, Messru. Flnlaynon St Dougliu
deserve great credit for tho ablo manner In
which thoy havo conducted the Now In tho
past, and judgini; from npenrnncea it was a
success In every form. Tho CouniKii cordially
welcomes tho now proprietor nnd w i.Ocw pro-
iwrlty. - ,
Tiik correxndont of tho Chicago, Bt,
Iul nnd New York dallle who mnku their
heailipinrter hero on account of Lincoln 1k
tug a splendid now center, bill, of removing
to Nebraska City which now furnlsho about
all tho most salacious Hems,
Ah will 1h) seen by a closo rtvidlng of thu
CouiiiKiia portion of thomnttcr In tho last
issuoha been inserted in this. Our last edi
tion run short nud none at nil wore mmi tout of
tho city. A tho matter duplicated 1 all ap
propriate, no harm isdouo.
llo Wauled a rio Ktor.
Ilo wn courting a mission girl and had
been invited to dino with tho fnmlly on Sun
day. Ho noticed that his adored ono did not
eat much, and remarked to her that her ap
petito wn light.
"0, yen, Mr. Ynrdcash," replied tho fair
one, "I nm not a largo cater. Ma say I cost
less to keep than auy of bar children."
"You'd ortor soon her stuflln' down pie
and cheeso aforo dinner," said hor young
brother. "8ho giving you guiT."
Tho lady of tho houso aroso In hor place,
and, looking tho young man full in tho oyes,
aid flrmlyi "Mr. Ynrdcash, my daughter
told you tho truth. Sho is not a largo enter.
Her brother, John Henry, ha been reading
tho funny imjicrs nnd thought ho would try n
Joko on us. Hi fathor will havo tho kindness
to attend to him upstairs. My son must not
grow up to bo a liar."
"Why, ma," ejaculated John Henry,
"didn't I hear you toll Tilllo to cat a good
lunch nnd not glvo hor uppotita awuy before
hor young man I"
"No, my son, you did not"
Flvo secouds later boyish screams were
heard from an upper room.
"Ma," said Tilllo suddenly, "It's a shamoto
whip that boy. Ho told tho truth, and I
won't sco him whipped for all tho dry goods
clcrka on Kearney street that I won't," and
sho flounced from tho room, while Mr. Yard
cash remarked to her mother: "If a bad
policy for n mother to meddlo with hor
daughtcr'snlTalru If you think I wnut n slim
walsted, consumptive faced wifo you are
awayoIT. Let hor cat." San Francisco Post.
Ilo Started.
A rag peddler who was driving up Gratiot
aveuuo yesterday had reached Hustings street
when his horso lialkod. Tho usual number of
smart Alecks were soon on hand "with their
advice, and ono suggestion after another wns
moil In vain. Tuo horso could neither Ik
pulled nor pushed, and as ho was blockading
trafllo tho crowd began to grow very rapidly.
"What is itr inquired n boy -of 13 who
pushed tils way into tlio circle
"Balky horso," answered somo one.
"Whore's tho owner! Hero, you man, can't
you start this horsol"
"No, ho don't start oop,"
"Walt a minute."
Tho lad ran up tho stroot half a block and
pulled a handful of hay out of a balo at a
feed store, and when ho returned ho cleared
a space in front of tho horso, stood on? about
flvo feet and extended his hand. Tho horso
Erickod up his ears, his eyed glistened, and
eat once advanced and followed the boy
around tho corner.
"It's according to tho hoss," explained tho
boy as tho crowd cheered. "When a hay
fod boss balks ho wants flrecrackors undor
him; when a boss who is fod on scrap iron
aid gravel roof balks, a pluch of hay will
lead him all ovor town," Detroit Froo Press.
Superstitious Itoixiirillitfc New War's liny.
In England thero Is a popular idon that if
an unmarried person trips accidentally
whlls Going upstairs on Now Year's day,
that pcnon will lo married tforo tho year
Is out.
In Bulgaria It is believed that tho child
bom rin Now Year's. will nover have to work
for a living Also, if any ono, whllo eating
a, New Year dinner, lets fall a pleco of
bread upon the floor, that jierson will come
to want beforo tho end of tho year
Among tho Oriental races in general all
tho grown peoplo end'jovor to have in tholr
pocket silver, gold and copper at tlio dawn
lug of that day to insiiro abundance of money
during tho year.
Bomo of tbo eminent peoplo who wero born
Jan. 1 were Daron Von Trenck, 1710; Ed
mund Durko, ITM, and Maria Edgewortb,
Nouli Welxtnr's Triiuslatlnn of tlio Now
Ti'Atiiineot Koiiiii of llif CIiiiiikp.
Many of tho younger inemlier of tlio lion
ornblo guild of liooktnoii both render nnd
writer will doubtloM regard It umpilton
tnrtllng pli'co of lltornry Intclllgenco to 1h
told that Dr. No'ih WcImUt, whoso sK'lllng
(KH)ks, half n century ago, cnrrliil m much
light nud Innjftinfo Into our public scIkkiIs,
nnd whoso tuinbriilgisl illctlonnry nt u Inter
'rlod rtMideitil him so famous that tho
world often Insisted tiiiou bytug tho mantlo
of tho "golIlko I)ntilcl"iiMiii liN Mioulders,
win thonuthorof a correeUd, amended nnd
pxpinvnUil nlltlou of tlio Hcrlplurrn, tho
Now 'I eftnmcut of which wn lettered on tlio
back, "Wibster' Testament," When ono
cnll to mind tho Rtrong and widespread
opjKjsltlon to tho rcvNIou of our
tiny, although tho work of u congrcs
of tho world' most pious nud learned
men, It iIoch hcrm nlniost Incredlblo tlmt Dr.
Welmlcr wim not ft tho very outset carried
backward from hi puroso by a deep and
violent current of public opinion, Thcro
wn ftoinu opiiosltlon, but apparently not
enough to defer Wolrdcr from entering upon
tho task which ho In after llfo pronounced
tho grandest result of hi scholarship.
HUu'tliij; out with tho pcwliilulo tlmt tho
In-nitty of many passage and tho sonso of
other had sutrcred Injury from tho fact that
tho lajieo of two or thrco centuries had
wrought mnny change in tho mennlngof
mnny wonU, whllo It had iiermlttcd other to
fall into disuse, ho mnrked out for himself
tho following n tho only loglcnl courso to
pursuoi (1) Tosubstltuto words nnd phrnscs
now In ceneriil uso for those now wholly ob
Boleto or benenth tho dignity of tho subject.
(2) To correct nil errors of grnmmar. (3)
To Inwt euphemism in tho plncoof word
thnt cannot with propriety Iw uttcnil beforo
a promiscuous nudlenco. Ho bravely fnced
tho chargo of nrrpgnnco which wn mndo
ngalust him, and proclaimed that tho ro
vIsIim wn midertukcu u)on hi own ro
spjiwlblllty. In a ten page, introduction Dr. Wclister
Btntcfl nnd explain tho alteration mado by
him, A fow of tho changes nro noted, ns
follow! "Tnko no thought" becomes "Ilo
not nuxlou." "Ship" of tho Now Testament
I replaced by "boat." Fostui lolls l'nul that
ho i 'insano" iustaid of "mnd." Light un
der a "bushel" la made to read "uurturn closo
vessel" Tho "Iwtst" of tho Ajiocnlypao
given placo to "living being." "Strain nt a
gnnt," etc., I corrected to road "Strain out
n glint, etc. Itrcognlzlng tho fnct that tho
term "licll" stood for tho Hades of antiquity,
Dr. Wolwtcr would havo most willingly
drawn hla jicn through It, n did tho rovlw.irs
in our dny; but ho durst not, Tho tlmo had
n'.tyct como for no radical an emendation,
und therefore ho contented himself with n
foot nolo calling attention to tho mlBtrnnsla
tion of tho term. Tho groat lexicographer
did his work thoroughly, carefully refrain
ing, turnover, from altering thogcuornl fctylo
of tho version.
Tho emonded BIblo an octavo of 000 pages,
printed by Hezeklah Howo & Co. und pub
lished by Durrlo & I'ock, Now Haven np
jxvircd In 18JKJ. Wclwtor Ixxllly wt hi nnmo
upon tho tltlo jingo as follow: "With amend
ments of tho languago by Noah Webster,
In 1830 an octavo edition of tho Now Testa
ment was published by B. Ualicock, Now
Haven, intended for tho uw of schools and
academies, tho wolfaro of which always lay
closo to Webster' heart. In 1B-1 1 n iockot
edition of hi IJIblo, in pearl type, was pub
lished by Webster himself. How rnro Web
stcr Dlblc may bo tho writer isuunblo to
say, but certainly it would bo hard to con
oclvoof n moro Intervstlng addition to tie
Dookshelvcs of doalor or anmUur than ouo of
tbeso proof of Noah Webster' piety, cour
ago and erudition. Ilook Iora
A Learned Colored Mnn.
Edward Wilmot Illydon is jicrhaps tlio
ablest negro in tho world. Ho enn road tlio
Koran In Arabic, tho Dlblo in Hebrew, Homer
in Greek, Virgil In Latin, Slmkospcnro in
English audDnnto in Italian. Though a
natlvo of tho island of St. Thqmas, ho
was brought up In Monrovia, Liberia,
and thcro, by his unusual literary
ability, ho has attracted attention to
himself as tho champion of a negro
civilization that shall 1st coterminous with
tho limits of tlio dark continent. Dlydcn
controverts tho Idea of Winwood Read tlmt
tho natives In Africa will disappear lieforo
tho whites, ns tho Indians did In America.
Tho climato will mvo them, nud Instead f
being destroyed by tho Europeans, thoy will
lio civilized by tho eirorts now being mado to
open Africa to commoiv und Kcttlomeiit. To
Blydcn tho Anglo-Suxcu ii hard of heart and
strong of will, whllo tho negro i tho child of
lovo and MilTcrlng. Illydon is n complete
know-nothing, and his cry Is:. "Africa fortbo
Africans." Ho U llkolyto havo few to op
poso him in this matter, for not even th
children of Africans raUod In America can
bo Induced to remain thero If they lmvo tho
moan to gctnway. Globo-Domocrut.
Cincinnati' New Anilctton.
Thoro Is prevailing in Cincinnati u light
type of what in tho good old days lieforo the
physicians went crazy over Imctcrlology
was known as "dumb ague." You oro not tIck
enough to go to IkhI nnd yet feel about a
mean ns a man In actlvo lifo can feel. ,You
drag slowly to your placo of business, worry
through with it, go homo hoping lo feel bet
ter tho next day nnd como back In exactly
tho romo condition. Tho remedies, or what
tho physlcinusx call tho "Indications," nro
these: Careful habits, careful diet, plenty of
sleep, plenty of open air oxerclso and plenty
of qulnlno. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Tim l'resldont Sottllnj; Down.
Thoso who watch President Cleveland
closely say that ho no longer seems to fool
that ho is a bridegroom, but considers him
self an old married man. Says an observer:
"Ilo docs not bccm to tako tbo kudo Interest
in pretty girls nud fair young maidens lie did
Just after his marrlsco, Thow) who havo
watched him lately r.t tho receptions, say
that, whllo ho still ha a cordial greeting for
all, jet there lacks that 'something' ho used
to thrut into tho hand blinking of a uowly
married couplw." Cleveland Loader.
A Thlor IU-.tltutlon.
When Mr. AV. II. Heuton, of Glasboro',
N. J,, was a guest at u Philadelphia hotel
more than twenty years ngo, n thief stolo his
wufch. Last week ho received by express a
small parcel containing a handsome gold
watch nnd u note which read: "In this box
you will And a gold watch to lx recognized
as a substitute for tho ouo taken from your
room in a Philadelphia hotel in 1n,
Now York Evening World.
Tliu NcKrntH III Wintliliigtoi).
M. Illouet "jrux O'lU'll) was much Inter
ested in thu uci.i'uu In Wachlugtou. Thoy
wero n new race to hiiuutid ho admired them
grcutly, Whllo tluro ho attended a church
frequented by colored people, "I was told,"
ho said, "that I should bo amused. Hut I
was Impressed. Tho eloquence of tho
preacher aud tho caracstnes) of his hearers
wero both striking aud pleasing." Now
York World
TrlrK of (Irnixl Army Slen.
Of till tin- Yankee tricks t ever heard of
during my twenty years' cxjierlenco behind a
hotel desk, where ono is likely to learn till
nlxiut luimati Invention, thero Is none that
will couiHiru with ono devised and success
fully played by several members of an cost
cm delegation to thn lato Uraud Army en
campment In this city. Tho hotel was
crowded and flvo or six of tho Now Hamp
shire boy wero compelled to occupy ono
room. Tlio dcpni tmeiit commander was ono
of tho party, und u gay fellow ho wns. Ho
and ono other of tho iKirty used to go out nnd
sjieiid their evenings, leaving tho others tc 0
to bed early.
Tlio first night or two tho lioys hnd a
picket out to hco what tlmo thu commander
got homo. Then they dropied on a now
plan of timing him. Thoy got a candlo and
burning It nn hour found out exnetly how
far It burned down. Then they markod it
by hours and went to sleep, leaving tho can
dle burning. When tl.o commander got
home hu extinguished tho light nnd retired.
Tho noxt morning ho wns surprised to (hid
that every miiu about thohendqunrtcrskuow
when ho arrived homo tho night before.
Tho cniullu trick was explained, nnd tlio com
mnnder enjoyed it hugely. Thomas Parker
In (Jlobo-l)einocrnt.
Mory of rv Nwntlow.
People havo swallowed unpleasant crea
tures whllo Incautiously drinking from
brooks and spring, and it I said a mouso
onco ran downndogVliroat; but wo nover
heard of a boy swallowing n bird. Tho Bos
ton ltecord tells of ouo who narrowly escaped
doing so. "I've heard of ttrungo nccldcnts
licfalllug icople," remarked a surgeon tho
other o veiling, "but tho ono I wncnlledutx)n
to ntteud the other afternoon lieats anything
fov novelty thnt over camo under my notlco.
"A littlo lioy wns flying a kitoon thohouso
lop. Another Ind two or thrco houses nwny
wns engaged in tho sumo diversion. Ono
ooned his mouth to cnll to tho other, and
Just then a flock of swallows camo flying by.
Ono of thoBwnllows, evidently confused, flow
ngalnst tho boy's face, driving his bill clean
Hirough his cheek. In his agony tho lad
closed hi teeth hard and held tho bird fast.
Tho swallow was partly stunned by tho
shock, nnd with tho from
his cheek, tho lad ran down stair to his
mother. Sho removed tho bird and sum
moned nui to attend tho lad. That bird now
occupied a hnudsomo cago in tho houso, nnd
tho owner wouldn't part with it under any
consideration, Exchange,
Tlio Ilinitntim of nn llxplorer.
Gustnv Nnchtigal was ono of tho most
famous German explorer of tho Interior of
Africa, Ho died at his (lost of duty, in
Africa, and his remains wero deposited on
Cnpo Pnlmns in Liberia. Hcrr von Sodon,
tho governor of tho German colony of Cam
croon, has now received ordcra to go to
Liberia and negotiate for tho disinterment of
tho remains nud their transportation to, and
burial at, tho German colony. Tho gravo
ho been rcjioatedly desecrated in its present
location, nnd tho government of Liberia
soctns unable- to prevent such outrages. Tlio
governor Is to go thcro upon a commercial
vessel flrstj and, if tlio Llberiaus uro stub
born and refuse, giving up tho dead mnn's
ashes, ho is to return thoro in a government
vessel and renew his demand. Such demand
being oonplcd with a display of guns and
bayonet, ns usual, thero is no doubt tho
darkle composing tho I.lbcrian government
will bo quick enough to boo tho wisdom of
allowing Enmo dry Iwne to lx dug ul rathor
than niu tho risk of ha ing somo morn boric
mado dry in an attempt to prevent tho
German grava diggers doing their work.
Chicago Nowa,
Tlio Dnlillu In Trniice.
According to a communication mado by
M. do Cazcnovo to tho National Accllmata
Hon society at TnrLs, Franco, tlio beautiful
flower dahlia was introduced into Franco in
1712. Tho father of tho famous aeronauts,
Montgolflcr. in tliat year received from a
friend residing on Ilo-do-Frnnco (Mauritius),
In tho Indian ocoau, somo catablo bulbs. Ho
planted tlrcm, nmV&elijg tho blossoms, won
o charmed with tholr beauty that ho forgot
everything nbout tholr boing catablo, and
took to cultivating them for tho flowers.
From Annonay, whero ho lived, thoy rapidly
spread over Franco and other countries.
Chicago News.
A Mutiny In Vent.
A mutiny broko out in tho barracks of tho
Zcpita battalion at TruJIllo, In Peru, and
two companies succeeded in escaping after
mortally wounding tho captain of tho guard
and killing tho sentry. Tho mutiny was led
by tho sergeant, who directed his forces to
tho prefecture, shouting: "Long llvo llbertyl
Death to tho squlu ,ug suli-prcfcctl" This
attack was easily ropulscd and tho mutiny
crushed. Fourteeu men nnd their leader
havo been shot. It is said that tho soldiers
mutinied owing to only receiving thrco paper
soles per day as ratiou niouoy,
Tli Shah's Visit. r
Tho uews that tho shah of Persia will visit
England ngnln is not welcomed by tho court'
'ofllcials, but it will not do to ollcud him, and
he must again bo lodged in n palnco aud
foted. However, it will pleaso tho managers
of public entertainments, for tho nllablo po
tentate Is certain by his presence to draw a
big crowd to any thcatroor hall. Tho crowd
which got uch fun out of Nasml-Din hi 187:1
will bo eager to repeat Its old experiences of
. monarch who rather liked to bo surrounded
by a crowd. ItoUou Transcript.
AVnsbliiKton C.lrl lluvu Now Classes.
Tho latest fud In social circle at Washing
ton is nows classes among young ladle. A
largo party meets twice a week in tho nftor-
hnoon, and tho teacher, a lady of great cult
ure, discusses with tlicm tlio nows of tho day,
Sho takes u nowspopcr, and, selecting mutters
of foreign and domostlo interest, discusses
and explains them in a most cntci tabling
manner, tho inemlicrs of thu class asking
questions and making comments nud sugges
tions. Cornier-Journal. ,
l'roR In Caiiiniortt.
Almost all tho frogs used for oxperimeuis in
vivisection in tho Europpnn universities aro
supplied by an old tlshcrmnn of Kopenlch,
who, for forty-flvo years post, has dovotcd
lilmcolr in thin Viiirmilt. Kamotlino lin has
j succeeded In catching as many ns 1,000 in ono
1 night. Tho trafllo must bo quite prolltuhlo,
as tho frogs sell for an uverago of two to four
. cents apiece, Period. Lspan.
Auut-y Old Ijullen.
There wero two very angry country ladles
In New York tho other night. Thoy had
como to vislt-n rather jiemirlous relative, who
tho noxt morning presented them with a littlo
rod covered guide book, with tho legend,
"Tho wuy to ks) Now York in half ydur In
tended tlmo." inscribed in gold letters across
tho froiitUpieco. Now York Letter,
Tho lira Ktcnpu,
Guest Havo you a flro escape In this house!
Landlord Two of om, sir Oucit I thought
so. The flro all escaped In my room latt
night, and I camo near freezing. Lawrnio
t$ ip. $v ;' $ v ' $-$-$-$ ty. $ $ wwwwm it$iyin
JH.W. Brown's Space-
Is at 127 South 1 1 tli street, and if you will call there
he will show you
5l?ree - Styousapd -lblurs
Of Books and how cheap he is selling them.
In a hundred designs and at prices that will induce you to buy
whether you want or not. The Reduced Prices
good until January ist.
1ST S.
. -g)iKew- ,
A. G. Zlemor,
City Pass. Agt.
6 the Readers of the (Capital ity Courier
You are requested to call at our store for useful
, and ornamental
In way of choice line of Dress Silks, Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves
Dressing and Toilet Cases, Dolls, Tpys, etc., at exceedingly
low prices. Our 95c. Warranted Black Silk,orone of our Seal
Plush Cloaks would make an appropriate and useful present.
J. and D, NEWMAN,
1027 O Stroot.
ip&n, Da t$,
Fruits of All Kinds.
Fresh Canned Goods and Preserves, .
Cakes, Plain and Fancy, of all Kind, s
Pies, Wholesome Bread and a temptiny array of del ici
ous nnd toothsome articles for the Christmas dinner. Your
spread will not be complete unless you call and sec
907 P street.
All goods delivered. Telephone (198) orders promptly filled
1 ULiSt.
P. S. Eustis,
Qeu, Pass. Agt.
fcayei 1 aii n$,