Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 20, 1887, HOLIDAY NUMBER, Image 3

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UNiitquiTKD Drains.
Tbo man who wants tho earth, my bod, ts
tho very man tho earth doesn't want,
doesn't qurra ukacii tub Bror.
A Hartford nmnluu Invented An apparatus
for timing homes to a quarter of n second by
- electricity. That Isn't oxoctly tho Invention
that (ho owners of fast roadster havo been
looking for. Whnt Is demanded bygcntlo
then who drlvo their own stopicrs Is nn ap
paratus that will given six mlnuto horso
record of Still 1-J on a. long trnck.
Tho wcar.v trnvclcr sat on tho lcdnnd
road tho legend on his door "Guests must
bolt this door beforo retiring." "I'm Mowed '
If I will," ho muttered hoarsely, as n man de
termined to.roMst imposition to tho death.
, "It was nil I could do to bolt what thoy sot
beforo mo In tho dining room." And slum
boring lightly, honroso at early dawn, and
juni)d his bill liko n truo American.
A "gontlenmn'g BonP Well, my boy,
when you find a man whoso only claim to
resjicctnblllty nnd tltlo to oxistoneo Is that
bo is tho son of a gcntlcmnn, you want to
loo't for his namo In tho "Newark Poorago"
beforo you can cash any checks for him.
"Piiikertoji's Pcerngo," pasto It in your nd-
-dress book.
A Boston writer, dlsci-jlng tho lost art of
early rising, nays "tho irojcr titno to rlso Is
when sleep ends." That's n good thing to know.
Do you know, If Wo hadn't Keen that In a
Boston pnjicr, wo should havo gono right on
bcllovlng that tho irocr tlmo to rlso was
when you wcro right In tho midst of your
soundest sleep. What a blcvcd thing It Is
:for this blind old world that thcro nro somo
mien In it who know nearly everything.
"My stars, man," oxclalmod tho traveler,
who had stepped into tho transfer ofllco to
'look for n trunk that bad been missing for
two months, "but you do wrlto fasti I novcr
taw n stoam englno got over ground so fasti"
"Urn," said tho clork, making tho jmiicII nnd
tho tickets fly. "Can anylody rend what
you wrltoP' "Nopo." "Cnu you read It
yoursolfP "Nopo." "What uro you writ
ing?" "Addressee for baggngo t'lio d'llverod.
Ilcro, Snml steon trunks 'n 'ty v'liscs 'tyfl'
hundn' four 'st t'ny f th stroot, right 'wayl"
'Traveler goos out without asking for his
'trunk, and when last seen was asking n man,
from whom ho had Just bought a navy re
volver, to show him how to load It.
Dollghtod friend In Colorado hotol "Why,
why, why I Georgo Jackson, if I nln't glad to
eo you I I heard that you woro do.idl What
you doing way out hero? When did you
lonvo Ohlor Stranger, with frigid polite
ness "You hnvo tho odvantngoof me, sir;
-my namo is Henry Mortimer nnd I novcr
was In Ohio In my Hfo." Then, suddenly
molting, whlspcra: "Cotno this way, Sato.
Don't Bay n word, old boy. I loft Ohio be
tween two days. I had thrco Invitations to
golden weddings, two babies named for mo,
two bids to silver weddings and four birthday
invitations all In ouo week. Bo I had to put
hat notice of my death by drowning in tho
papers nnd skip. I'll lay low for n month
And go back. Closo call for ruin, wasn't itf
Call mo Mortimer, plcaso."
Getting tho Worth or III Motiny.
"How much ycr chargo tcr go cr mtloP an
old negro asked of a street car conductor.
"I wanter go out tcr seo Drudder Lias Smlf.
Ain't cr flesh nn' blood brudder, yet, undor
stnn', jes cr brudder In do faith."
"Fivo cents."
"Jes fur cr mllof I tell ycr dat do man
ln' mor eho null brudder jes cr bruddor lv
do faith."
"Tho faro Is flvo conts."
"Jos fur cr mllor
"How much Is it fur two mllest"
"Just tho same."
"Look yero, how fur ycr tako mo fur fl'
"Flvo miles."
"Whut's do namo o' lo placo!"
"City limits."
"Tnk mo nil do wny out dar fur fl' cental"
"An1 won't tako mo no mo'n cr mllo wa'r
Drudder Smlf libs fur no less?"
"1 nln't got no blznoss out dar at ycr limits,
'but ycr may take mo on out dar an' I'll walk
back tcr w'ar Drudder Smlf libs. Yore's yor
rmonoy, sail, Tso ono o' doso p'lltlcal 'cono
mists, and blebs In glttln1 do full wuth o' mor
nionoy. It would bo cr mighty fool nmti dat
would pay cr dollar fur cr pa'r o' britches
' w'en ho kin git cr wholo suit o' clozo fur do
.eamo price. Tako mo on out to ycr limits,
eali." Arknnsaw Traveler.
A Ctiolcn uf i:vlU.
Omaha Dnmo (looking up. from tho paper)
Dear mol Ilorrlblol
Husbnnd Uhl Another disaster?
"No. Tho iinpcr says that n colored barber
'In Philadelphia becamo so enraged becauso a
customer had not tho nionoy to pay for tho
barberlng he had dono that ho seized n razor
.and cut tho retreating man horribly about
tho faco and hands. Tho woundod man a
no5io was nearly sovcred from his faco."
"Well, wolll Tho jxwr man wouldn't have
i looked much worto if ho had shaved him
self. "Omaha World.
Seeing tlm Show nt Homo,
"John, I am afraid we can't go to tho
'thoatro any more," said a Chicago woman to
ixtr husband.
"No, I'm nfrnid wo can't; monoy Is gottlng
cry tight."
"I shall miss it dreadfully."
So shall I."
"What shall wo dor
"I havo it. We'll hang your big lint on the
'back of tally's chair and sit and look at It"
Merchant Traveler.
Ill Sorrow Explulno 1.
"Coorgo, thoro is n sadness nnd melan
choly in your oyes to-night, and your cheolcs
6ecm blanched as though with mortal
. "Yes, Naomi, I nm far from being happy."
"Confldo in mo, my dourest. Lot mo Fharo
your sorrow. Havo tho buITotings of this
cruel world cost a gloom over your souli"
"Well, not exactly, but you boo thoao shod
wo now nnd thoy pinch liko thumloi." i.
coin (Nob.) State Journal
A Numerous 1'nmlly.
Mrs. Btrdth to Mrs. Jones' Servant Qlrl
What do you wnntt
Servant lllrl Mrs. Jones sondj her re
gards, nod (.ays would you bo co 1:1ml as to
count your children and seo if you haven't
got ono too many, ns our Kitty hasn't come
homo and school has bcou out tw. hours.
Prom tho tlm mau.
Another Great I.UInc Ciirlonlly.
uWb .t U your sjieclnlty, my friend I" in
quired visitor of a dimo uiuwuin freuk.
" nl Intolllgouco."
"In v. ! at u. ruction does it Hoi"
"I'r.i Cjoiuuji who always Shuts the door."
Uar. or's lldzar
A Delightful .Story of ll)-(lotio Christum
Asl jHvr Into tho dim jmst tlntt haunts the '
old homo by Iho roodldo, n thous'ind mentor-
le I loop by liko tho scone of n pinorniim.
with tho footlliiht turned low. nnd when I '
western frontier, HOinetlmis o crnwdeil nu
illoncH nt tho oNrn, and again In thestlllnes
of tho evening by tlm imilolivr ns lm rattled
along in his prnlrio schooner over tlm plain
A song which never grows old and never will
so long as peoplo lento tho liomoof their child
hood, around whoso hcurth-Mnncs still play,
ghostdikc, tho recollections of by-gono yenm,
tenderly touching theli symnithies a tlmy
imiuso for u moment in their molded piiouils
In other land. Thl fooling, too, I fivo from
thomaiulllufioutimont, which I liellevo most
moil despise, nnd nwnken tho keener wiiilbll
lle,r,andl liko not tho man who has nono to
Tho old brick house by tlm rondildo lin
IxiKsed Into tho hand of other owners, nnd tlm
great llro place, which uwl to warm nnd
brighten tho west room with it cracklo of
hlckorv tlek nnd backlog, has lieeu walled
I'oniempuuoiiioin someuini in n meiiil'llivo many niniiHTiiieuuiiiy voiniKimi iiiw"i , ,-, .i.-..i.rn. i u mhSv, mmi i .....,... r , ,.,, ...... . UI11( (,r,M, niirdifj, (lr im ,,.,... lin.i ithivii
hour, it leaves mo with n loiu-somo feeling, ns If to hell uulevi Ihoymiuediiilemptlou throiigh ' Hundiiy nfteiniH.ii. rlts giny lmlteil (liannv, It !om thou sixty dere.-N. Nnnoof tho plant j ,( .,.,,,,, , , , '"'
I had nlwnys llMoned to tho old tlmo wing, . ' a inn row channels im ho. with MHeliieIeH, lending words of eomfoil. t tho elty park snllVuil frnm Iho rold Tho Keely .Nlntor'ltini nut on nun lniinlre.1
"Wny down upon Iho H.iwnneerUer," i Tho fmiiwnl looking ntlnlMrm .IixvmhI In f"'!" Ihool. I Iblo wIiom. iog,v. 010 gniwlng within ?m feel of tho riidliilom llm ll.l-n.iom. ,,,, ,,,, , nil.luluht he wVnn li-r
......'.......... ..i i i.i. i- i.i i .1..V..1. i.. .,ri.... ....1.1.1 dimmer with t inn. nnd wumo luOilnm. ...... ilerHlooil from 7ft toft i euivi. A few inoru '..'.' '"J""" '"uiui iieiwuon iinro
. . . II ... . 1 I a . F..II. ..I . ....I..I..H... Ilil-anMtl.l K.1II ' I 1 1 1 ! 111111 Ulllllllll lllllll lit .. a. i II.I . . I I III lUtrill II lfl 111! I II II I 111 111! Willi! Ill II nilllWUIII
names, u conventional looking stovo throws I lloitl with llttlo trill of muslo on his Jini
out fnmi ltsiMinesof isinglass n jmlo glimmer. I ney to the sea.
lielltting well tho chango from tho old to the
now. liven the oaken bucket that hung in tho
fern fringed well is usurixxl by a creaking
Hut tho meadows nro tho same stretching
uwny to the dark fringe of wixxls, from where
tho t luklo of shep bells como floating, music
liko; tho green sward dottod hero nod thero
with tho bright dandelions; whllo tlio mm
licuiiis danced and played upon tho gurgling
brook; nil formed to mo then lirlgliter scenes
and higher admiration of nnturo'h handiwork
than In nfter years I over felt Inspired by
Siena's towering ponta or orange groves and
vino-clad countries of tho south.
Tl... ,... I..,nl. .,l. vl l,,.M iin nmrli nf
my piwmeo, carved In ono of tho columns;
'1 hat xvas us far ns I got trying tho metal of
my now jien-knlfo, for a ciilf on tho ear from
grand-mother put an end to any further at-
tempts to develop' ny genius at carv- tlmwar cry fiom tlm granite hills of Mnlno ta right nml projier tliat wo make tho prellmln j,.,i, nta.v.aud thodlmonsion will ho3(OxK0 I
Ing.and then her Mibscipieutglftof doughuuts tlm flowery Uinler of California, Invading "y "k'l"1 ' colebnito inu becoming loot, too height of the main clmK-l nKiflH-log i
slopped tho flood of tears and noisy liawl her tho ohi homo by tho roadside, as It did tlmus-' mannur this, tho most oveutfiil holiday in the o.i foot. The rust when completed will I)
blnphad brought forth. ! und of others and with tearful oyes tho old ' christian year. It is the time when pronouU nearly faH, and tlio people of Lincoln may ,
My aunts and uncles wero numerous nnd ' couple clasped their eldest to their bosoms and aro excluingod, tokens of lovo and friend- jut, prldu themsoe that It ha no super
dublHMlinu "Hub," for short. I often won- sonthhnon. After that tho hulls weiv silent slp aro Klven and received, nnd It Is jht- nir to tlio world.
dertxl then why I was not given n longer for many years. The niorry laugh seemed to pmxuig to tho average person tisliy to know Tticdlsplay of llro worklu llorlln last night
namo liko my cousin, James Herrymnn Onvu havo an who in hollow sounds, whllo Oranny u''at may lw most appropriate for u pioseul. ,Vas i'lalul seen liy tho attendant at Lady
Smiley. They wero nil young und thou In lug I would sit by tho window wlthn fur away look I" a fow wonls, let n add, that Mr. It. .Maitravo's aerial soirees. It was very enjoya
ut homo, nnd;i never saw a family with whom across the Holds and meadows, waiting, nl- O'Neill, tho jeweler on Tenth street, bus tho ,,. i,ut for u mistake iiuule by theoporutors In .
U'tter iiaturo was preserved; and In those ways waiting u wnuderor's return; and then , "l,K',t '""Uipleto lino of Him holiday good , niiugiinKbtue and yellow light In one piece . '
yoara tho routine of country Hfo was only in- sho would turn with tear dimmed eyes to her li"wn hi Lincoln this season, and It would ( sMidlcale Is iR-Ing foiiueil to undertake I
terrupt.xl liy neighborly visits from old luillos
...l... i .1... i 1...1..1 m
nun i.'iioiti iaj niiuoii mo uay, KOiuniu ur mini-
i 1 ..1.....I i L .. . . ... .i i
nig ami uiiaiuiiH aooiit ine UUUIinsi ami ""
things of tho nelghltorluHxl. On Suuilays wo
gatheiedlntho white church that stood in
tlio woods and listened to tho preacher with
long funereal faco loll of collln, tho grave, nnd '
Iho never dying worm of future punMimont,
nnd n solvation that was fn, but mint l
coined by most vigorous oliedioiuv by tho Tow
who could hope to attain It jntd then In the
afternoon tho women would irathor nt Iholr
t'lns uieolliigsniul tell in tnmiulou voleoof
'iws tltnt was so litu-il to boar,
Tho crudest pa-wages of Hcilpturu nnd
sternest savings woto held up to them, nnd ,
ui.n iimi niiriiui omuvij iivi ' ....-
to our country homo and nhvays niado mo
ftnl as If there was n co.iho In tho homo, thoy
were mi te. Ion In their coiniiwnti on hi life,
nn.l If they Hmke tons HilMrcn It wn will.
dim forlxNllnuH n to our future, tolllni! tl.
poihiHwof thollttl'''.io4ithonfitritwnyliiothirl
climes, playing In tho shadow of I lioooconnut
all day Htiiidny. with uoM'imon to llxlen to, !
no enlochUm to Irani, until wo all wUluil wo
too, wero little heatheti playing among tho
mangos nnd ImunuiiK.
'I hoso pivaeheiN did moro to plant In my
mind tho genu of Inlltlollty than nil tho rind
lugs of VolMlro in tho yeam that followi!,
They talked Holemulty ami woo; whllo na
turo proclaims! nuother thing.
Tho birds flitting from lnito treo making
mitile to nil earth; tlm golden hue of sunlight
falling liK)ii tho tree nnd flowers, klsslngwitli
voimlllloii tints tho inendowH nnd Holds of
' rIKnlng grain; whllo tho swi'ilng river
Tho men would gather around the church
whllo tho hand shaking among tho good dames
went on. Some loftteriil on tho outside, or hat
lieueath tho tncs during tho services und
talked In low tones, through rcsjioct to tho
occasion, whllo from'w ithlu went up in sweet
cadence on waves and billows of found,
"llnokoraife cloft for mo,"
And so tho delightful years of my childhood
pass liko ono long summer's day. Thoautumn
witu iw siiarp frosts drive graiidratiior from
' his favorite plnco of evenings, by tho well,
' wheroho was wont to sit nnd smoko hi plpo
whllo tho stars gleaming down liko laughing
oyes at tho boys cracking their brisk jokes,
nr nilllltitl wit until liiimi rrmi li..r
birth laughingly drive them to lied with her
stick, roor gill! thOHObtai h looked down liko
pitying oyes of tears from heaven upon her
sorrow afterwards.
Then eamo tho clash of nrni, roverlieniting
iitnioiiuii nun n consolation in its wonls of
......!... .. 1.11.. 41... ..1.1 i. . 1....1 ..r..
iuiuiuih', imu inu tun umii, suun on iiuii iiui-
' l i t. ........ l r . t.. ii i ...
i"Vi"l in" miimuiii iiiii'.mmih iiiiiiauii, anil to
whasollko 1 would rnther trace my lineage
than if it ciiiuo fiom loids or kings, boio his
, borrows with a stoical stleneo w hoso depths
mmimmxm&A . rs,mmv.; n ! mkM$mMjjm
:,-.i.'f',iii:yJi 7".V'r,ilHHHBiiiiMBK?t: ,F'l?;'mli&itoMK'KM&$-t
A Dream of faivrn.
noun but Mm pitying nngoN knew.
Ono by ono the guy throng of children
left tho old form homo nnd went Into other
wiilksoMifo, nud tho hnllliccatno mm o silent i
tlinu oor, until il lout tho shadow foil ovor
the uuct of Iho did man's life, and ho went.
ilown to thodiuk river with unshrinking fol
nnd It I nrin outstretched to meet tho touch i
f angel hnmMio know to lio waiting to mi'lvc
1dm otithoolhei shore. After (lint the faun
- - o -
i K'1' iwllly. and wluw faith in tho Miliilng
' " "' "' ',"'"" " "nwavemi i in, iier ii
i ' ' eonni of hope, for whleh In
I ni'll Hiti.itto iiilKhl lay down Iho
M I"'1
Aiinisthev tigiH fall tho hlmdowsof tho
ovorlimting ISm-klm, mid nenw tlioHuiu of
J eannHimo Uiek tho faint echoe from tho
ImlNoftno old fm m hono. usumr bv tlm
gll IIhIi voIi-oh of long ago.
"UiH'k of Aki'k,"
Many of im Aiuei leans aro like tlm kiiiiiI of
tlmhoaslioiv shifting whither the strongi'st
tlilowao Uiiiti: but none I Mlevo nro so
callous but luxe to dwell in memory nt times '
uM)ii iimsiioiieroftliolrtonileryenrs I hnvo
watehil Hie ll imiuo of eiulgrnuls w hero all
woiii ehattlng merrily, when n wouiauV voliv
in tender iiotiii, mug up nnd down thomouu
lulu delllo ii lining from took to rook,
"Home, sweet llonie."
grutr voice woro still, and woro a thought
ful look I mg afterward.
I I shall novcr forget when I moved Into tho
west, how with stout heart and willing hand
I hill lied uwny tho tall grass from tho plain
and built a llttlo home. I was ever so light
heat til until tho wagon brought my Ihixos,
and I had my handful of thing scattered over
theyard. It was all that was loftof myold
home; and as my oyes fell uikiii the mtito
companions of a liannv mist I weakened for
tho Unit tlmo. IsmllonsIreoonltholneidi'Ut,
it was so llttlo and aprently trilling. Yet,
our lives nro made up of llttlo things, and who
should feel iislmiued of oven a tear drawn
fiom Its fountains by tho chain of love,
A tllO JOVflll WlMlSOtl of ClllistllHU .IDIirOrtCIl
cs.tlioyoung.folk M.ieculathig a to whnt old
"' ni iiriug loom, inu cnuuivu naiiy
wisning ror tho arrival or tlm time honored
guct, and all tho world kviiis to shout a wool
of Wl lmw to tho coining fostivitliw, It Is but
V '" ". " ""' J V .;,''' V."' i.i.
........ .-.k..,a. ..w... im-. h'""rt ... .-w ....-
Head his adv. elsewhere it" this issuo.
TlmlT (nnii- lnt l.iii.i .i . il. ....... !
oysters In every style nt llrown's Now Yienua
IIV I. II. (J.
fiom the Christum lnuo of the Count Kit for
liecill. IMi
" new Ninllhor- healer wih liirui d on Itinl
nlKhl. While It did not wnruupillon wolln
ptniulsod by II Inveiilnr, llll II mined the
riiillatem hero unit
Itiiymond linis'.(lrauiloiiSitil'o.,)eiiterilMy
liroiiKlit Milt uunliml Iho limlou ulrlluu pueti
luallo In rocover ovorchiirKc nnd iletnV III Iho
trnusiiilKHtoiiofuooilii. aIIIioiikIi thnllrm hud
tii'oiitrnot for tlm ilellMry In four hour nl u
rntonf twiMiuil throoiililionlhNccnlHirtoiii
tlm merehnnillii wn four onilnnn-holf holirs
In triuiHlt mid Iho eluirKeswero tlo ami iiihi
half eiiiitM.
Tlm('oiiileneilHuinililiio(.,(i lielilu mi'ctliin
noil declared u dividend of V, of nun per cent.
per iiiiuiim. As this Is tho limit of the profit
allowed tiyhiWf Iho prlee of llidit will bo ro-
diioiil as follows) Emporium "J'i emit per
month, resilience no room ecnl.
Tho miireiuo court I to decide tho elty
council cine to-morrow.
HnMliiK wn read Intnllm Incorporation tit
lo'eloek thl inornlmt nnd will hereafter lie
known n want No II7 1. At tho samo mooting
tl'.ieiuinell remitted tlmtnxeson wards Ml to
Z Inclusive, formerly the county of Iimiula.
I Some uucaliiess I niortod aueiiik our
1 Chinese subject and along riuigfa hattory ha
! heou ordored mounUdon tho I'i'iilo coast
The linttery at Han Diego fired tlireo prautlco
shots at Island No. 1G Kamoan if roll p. The
tlrstti.o wuutwlld,buttht third extinguished
the taruet.
Thero I some talk of reviving ho Dallv
Slate Journal. It I to Ih hopet tho move will
ho succcsMfiil. A circulation of scvun million
eople ha heou Kiiiiraiit(l,hul thU Uhanlly
d.-ciiicd hiiitlciont liy tho Kuutloiiion having
the matter In cliartto.
The now Mlllccontiiiuerilii waiut Inclrou
'" '" Wadilnstoii yeter.lay. and to a
In a week a still smaller suhddl.iry coin wllj
, '' nxiiTuiieiiioii.
The t'nlversal Hrotliurlinod will
,u dedicated on Now Years. Tho foundation
I'isk of i.takliigsoutheruCallfor'ila
I ",'1"' u ,K ,l mm '""l"''1 ' lnlu money
, on raise pn'leuse.
Hank lloarouud wa aiinlhllated In Ark,
yesterday on suspicion of being engaged In
In tlio muiiiifiiitun of lldiinr. TIia now inn.
... , . .1 .... .... ii inuiiBii, nun siiiiilioilHiilliliiiir
riniiiiiiTr" iiitu nun inerii ivui iviiiimiy mo
chine worked liko uolinrm, tho slntrltrslmply
presseu a imiKiu noil llm iimlefnelor disap
peared HUo ii whllt'nf smoke,
Tho remain I'nr'.y will hold lis mmvi'iitlou
nt noon toMliiy-slxl;.lvo thousand Oot't
Bnles will ho In nllenilaiiee. Tho f tori til men
will, wo nipioi, go through Iho form of put
ting up it ticket u tiviul .
.MnjorHiru HnruhiinU (Vlllupo eelelimted
her Kith birthday yesterday, Tho follvlllo
had lownlt leti or llfton inliiiilc pcforo being
Able In hoard train.
1'rof. .leinlina I'IiiImIiio will IoiiImIiI deliver
n H second loeturoon "Tho in.vlli of llm uorlli
I'ole," nl Iho Twiinly ceond elmmliiir of
Helniicollall, Tlm proceed will ho doMiloil
Now Your. Curil.
Tho CmililMli will a imiiiI 1st hendipiiirlers
for Now Year card, mid Ihonmorliiiuiil this
year I w Itliout douht tlm llml over shown.
I'laco your oiilei seal ly nnd N'cui-o llm choleo
ones, Our reputation for lino him k will a.
Mini our patron a regard Him printing.
Call mid koo u. No. liMl U Ht,, now llurr
A lilt oMIIMory.
Homo four moiiili iihw, thero oameluoiu
niltlNt ii Hi in wiio upend In u Held that wn
niiIiI lohao heou alreaily ton full, ami Iho
eunlomary urumlilur alil "It will nnver pay,"
oiu inu oiiicrpriMiiK iiinreliaiiu wero not to
iHiillm-iMiriiitfii by hiiuIi talk and eoiiiiipinntly
nn n lululil Heptomherdiiy, it now liiurohant
tailoring cHtiilillHhuumt win opuin-d In our
ully. Tlio liK'atlou was not tho uiiMtcuiitrnl,
nor woro tho parties lutorested any too well
known In tho capital elty. llowevi)r,thuy eamo
lilulily roeommunded, opened n very noliby
IuhiIhIiciI Mnro and lllhd It with thu lluest
Hun of fulirlc that ha over him shown 111
thUelly, Tho llrm'ii immo w:i to ho seen
In every paper of merit In tho ully, whluh
wa In form of a very attractive ongmvud
caul ami iroiii their opining day their ImihI
ncrs Im heuii pliuiioiniiiial far lieyond
Iholr iuot Miimuliie oxpeotatloiiM, .
Need tho Count nil link who tho firm Is?
No. Kvory reader kniw who wo mean,
Me. 1 1 ii tl'm it it iniil IliiihWr hnvo In tholr
nhort IiimIiiok career it idllsheil u trndo miiuIi
a any llrni or loiu stiilidliiK eolilit well foul
proiiil of. Tholr trniisaotlou hnvo heou with
tho Illicit clement in tin) city and tho works
thoy havo dono, hoV Omni to bo urtlstlo
iliiM-loporH of fashion.
In tholr inikavor to win tho trade of tho
host cIiin of meroiianl lallorliig they have
certainly Huocoedcd mid Hint tl.-lr het ou
tomor hid IIiimo mIkimi they havo already
ncrvoil, iMilemousttnleil hy the faol that dup
licate order hnvo nlwnys followed a trial.
Thelreultor, Mr, II. I'. Wlloylu Keiitlemau
wen Vernon m tun art iiihi tlio uoiiliy fit Hint
aro seen nn our stock unit in tho hall room
are sample of Id work.
Hucli nn CHtiildlshmi'iit Im long been need
oil In Lincoln and III n matter of congra
tulation on hoth shies Iho elty anil tho new
llrm-lhattho .Mer. Ilutlman and Itiehter
aro among all leailliiKiuerehanlN today,
Ttlckey, tho leading Jeweler, I as untnl In
tho lead with an Immenwi lino of good for
tho holidays. Kverythlng npproirlato and
timiful In thl lino can ho found hero In artistic
doMlgim, at prices that nssuro tholr rapid
sale. Ulegant dUplay of American watolios
nnd clock. HiiiIIcm variety of liraceleUi,
chain, charm, plus, ojmra glasses. Hlngs by
tho hundred, and all other lienutlful artlclo.
In thl lino. It is a well known fact that
thl house i hoaihpiartei-H for diamonds
and thl hnslioou demonstrated by tho fact
that inotit of tho diamond worn In Lincoln
today uro from thisiiular house.
No moro cultablo preHont than a diamond
ring or phi could Ihi made, and Trickoy is tlio
man who can soil Uiem to you; oomoand look
over hi stock lieforo purchasing.
To tlm Truvelliiff I'nlille.
PliMiHo nolo that n suirb lluy of KIIK12
C1IAIH CAHH Is now run betw(eii Lincoln
and Cldengo on trains No, ft and No. Oj also
that sleeping car berths or drawing rooms on
tho "flyers," No. 1 nod ' may Imj roserv(l In
uilwinco at City Ticket Ofllco, corner Tenth
mid O Streets. A. C.,
City Pojuongor Agent .
Low ItatoNto California.
Tho California excursion via tho Hurling
ton route (tho m-ciiIo lino of America) havo
Womo so pular a to nmwxltnto a train of
thl klmf every wivk, Denver, Colorado
Springs, Manitou, Itoynl Oorgo, Marshall
Pah, Illack Canon of tho Uumilwm and Halt
Luko city aro all on this loute. Full jiartlcu
lain may Ihi obtained nt city ofllco, corner O
and Tenth streets, or nt depot.
Among tho leading und representative bus-Ini-K
houses of tho city Is that of Hetts fie
Howell, No. HttO O stm-t. On tho Hrst of
Apillof this year those gentlemon succtsided
to tho business of Mr, Thoo, Howell, ono of
our oldest and imwt rcsjsxiUsl cltlzoiui, nod
the new llrni has more than kept up tlio ro
putntloii) ncipilrcd by Mr. S. In Ills long
years In buslnc, for keeping none Imt tho
Issit nnd freshest grocerleH. Hoth Mr. Hetts
Mr. Now nil mo well ipialllkd by exierlonco
to conduct such a trade us theirs has grown
to he, a statement amply sulistautlnted by
their Increasing business. Their stock is
complete in every detail and consists of
everything kept in n tlrst-class grocery storo.
In securing your supplies for tho holidays or
for the winter, it will tiay you to call on
them, iiis):t their good and get their priceo,
which uro as low as flrxt-clas staples can bo
Mis Nellie Ituyumud, uleco of A. H. and
I. M. Itayinond, loft Wetlnohdny for her liomo
In Charles City, Iowa. Miss Itaymnnd spent
tho ist two oi tlm) months very pleasantly
In tho capital city, and by her vivacious
and engaging manners won many friends, who
will lie plcawsl to have her return soon again.
Fancy und IteulUtu,
Llttlo Nell Mamma, I wUh you'd let tn
read it novel.
Omaha Mum ma Don't mention such a
"Hut novels tell things Just as thoy aro In
llfo, don't they i '
"Yes. Now ask no moro questions."
"Stiiio Mmks 13 got Mich n lovely novcL
"What I Did you road any of it P
"Only tlio hist lino. It wild: 'And so thoy
got iiiuriu-d nnd woro happy over nftcr."
"Oh, Hut Isn't n novel, dear; It's n fairy
story. "-Omaha World.
A Minnesota Compliment to Untuning.
Thoro is a very breezy young lady of liter
ary tabtos living on Summit avenuo, who
thought the nemo of hor desires had been at
tained whoa sho was Introduced tc C!uirl
Dudley Warner, who has been paying us n
visit, . After clasping his hand bio com
menced tha conversation with tho Inq jlry:
"Ob, Mr. Wnruor, don't you adorn frown
lngP Mr. Wnrnor murmured in reply that tho
section of country hocumo from thought
comothlng of tho mystlo jioct.
" e," sho continued, with tnucli emphasis.
'A""1 ''coops tho wholo lot."-St.
I uivjuuv.