Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 20, 1887, HOLIDAY NUMBER, Image 2

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Betts & Ml,
Wlierc will nlury he found n full stock of
Slnplc niul Fancy, Domestic
mul Imported
Including uch nrtlclcs nt the illicit Olltc,
Shrimp, Cntitip, Mutnnl, Jmn,l'rcerf.
Edmn, Uochcfort, Sl, Llmhcrgcr mid
American Cheese, Hell & Huijlo iclocl
Craiihcrrlen, Mnplc Syrup nml SiiRnr,
Buckwheat Flour, Imported niul Dome
tic Snrdliicn, Salmon, Haddock,
Oysters and Clams.
Our nMortmciit Include Almond, Urn
xll NuU, 1JiikII1 Walnut, Pecan, large
nml unall Hlckjry Nut. The flncit line of
Fine Imported Candies
Ecr brought to Lincoln, put up In pack.
obc pretty enough to end to the mo
fnttldloui nml nt prices to milt the times.
Wc have to deal out to our trade nil of
which won commend n toothsome mul
ilcllclouq for holiday (call. The Old Re
liable Creamery butter nnd strictly fresh
egg always on hand.
of your kind favors and extending to one
and nil a Merry Christmas nnd a Happy
New Year, we are
Yours very truly,
Santa Claus Hcadq'rs
Wc oiler for the holiday trade a superior
line of Pure, Fresh nnd Wholesome CAN
DIES, cither by box, pound or package
for the Christmas tree or as a delicious
For a present for a gentlemen wc have
some elegant CIGARS IN IIOXES, Cig
arettes, etc. Everything fresh and sold ut,
bargain prices. Oysters by can, quart or
supplied with everything usually found In
a first class restaurant nnd served in quick
order at popular prices. Remember the
Place. U19 O STREET, (Dedson's Old
OurNewBtort, which ve now occupy,
about 3 acres at Floor Hpitrc
Issued Sept. nnd March,
each jrrar. Sf .101 POR",
3JSOO Illustrations a
Whole Picture Galltrjr.
GIVES WholcMle Prices
direct to tontumrrt on nil Rood for
personal or family hsc. Tells how to
order, and gives exact tout of every
thing yon use, eat, drink, wear, or
'hTe fun with, These. INVALUABLE
.BOOKS contain Information gleaned
tflraaa the markets of the world. A
copy sent KRKK upon receipt of
llOAfeta. to defray ipcnsc of mailing.
111114 MkWIflnn Aveimr, CMrnen. tfu
mr' todioi,
oiscounsc DY DR. TALMAOE in the
Ttm 0)tiiniii!ltmi n n Mount of Ilrruper
ntliiR 31 nit lit iili.l i:iifi ijlrn.
Miulc n Source nf llllinltitln llcrrrn
lion nml AtiittM'inrut.
Dnooui.YN, Deo. 18. At the mbemaclo
(Ids morning tho wholo congregation sang
tho hymn beginning!
Ttio hill nt Ion )
A lliulisnnil snored snccls
Before wo rcncli llio lieai tily flotils,
Or Mrnllc tlio K'olilcn ittveU
Tho Ilov. T. Do Witt Tnhnngo, D. D.,
prmcheil on "Recreation, Good nnd Had,"
taking two toxtai I Corinthian, vll, 111 t
"Thoy that uso this world, an not illuming
it," nml Judges xvl, 8.1 i "And It rnmo to
pas, when their heart wont morry, that
tlioysaldi Call for Salmon, (lint ho may
mako tit njiort. And thoy culled for Samson
out of tlio prlwm homos nnd ho innilo thorn
r.Hirt," -Di, Tnhnngo Midi
V nro entering tho gayest Fouum of tho
jrwii. Tho winter open Itoforo us tho gntos
of n thoiiaand nmtiHomciitu, totito of thorn
pood nnd soino bad. Ouoot my texts will
how you that niiiutci'ienU may Iw dettract
ho, my other text will Miow you that iitnuso-IU-miw
tuny Ita under tho Dlvlnn blessing and
There were thrco thousand jtcoplo assent
bird In tho temple of Dngon. Thoy had como
to mnko sjwrt of eyeless Bauisou, Thoy wero
nil ready for tho entertainment. Thoy Itegun
to elap niul tioiiua, Itnjvttiout for tho ntnuto
tucnt to begin, nnd thoy crlotl; "Fetch hltn
out' Fetch him outl" Yonder I bco tho blind
gl.tut coming, led by tho hand of a child Into
th' very i..ldtot tho tomple. At his first np- ,
jHvtranco thero goes up a shout of laughter
an I det i'llon. Tho blind old giant pretends
ho Is tired nnd wants to rest himself ngninst ,
th" pillars of thohouso; sohosajBto tho lad r
who lead hlint "Show mo whero tho main
pillars arc," llio lad does fco. Then tho
strung tnau puts his right Hand on ouo pillar
and his loft hand on itudther pillar, und, with
inu migiiiiesi pusti Hint mortal ever mndo,
throns lilmsolf forward until tho wholo
houso comes down in thunderous crash,
grinding tho nudlouco llko gniKs In a wlno
press. "And so it canto to pass, whon their
hearts wero merry, thnt thoy sald( Call for
Bnmou, thnt ho mny mnko us uport. And
they called for Bamsoii out of tho prison
houio; and ho made them s(ort."
In other words, there nro ntnusoment that
arc destructive, and bring down disaster nnd
death UKu tho heads of those who prnctico
thi'iu Whllo they laugh mid cheer, they die,
Th thrco thousand who jierls cd that day iu
Glut nro m nothing coiiijuired with tlio tens
of thousnnds who havo lieen destroyed by
sinful amusements.
Hut the other text I ltavo road implies that
thotu (su lawful use of tho world, as well ns
an unlawful abuse of it: nnd tho difference
lietween the man Christian nml tho lnnu un
flu lot Ian is that in tho formor com) tlio mnn
maxtors tho world, whllo In the latter casotha
woiM masters hint. Tor whom did God
inuko this grand and lienutlful worldl For
whom tills wonderful expenditure of color,
this gracefulness of lino, this mosaic of tho
ground, this fresco of tho sky, this glowing
fruitage of orchard and vineyard, tills full
orchestra of tho tempest, in which tho trco
br-mchos Hutu and tho winds trumpet and tho
tint Uiundcra drum and all tho splendors of
earth and sky como clashing tholr oyiubalsl
For whom did God spring tho nrched brldgo
of colors resting upon buttroaiea of broken
tornt cloud I For whom did ho gather tho
upholstery of llro around tho window of tho
ottlng sunt Forall men, but moro especially
for his own dear children.
If you build a largo mansion and spread a
great feast after it to colobrato tho comple
tion of tho structure, do .you allow stiangors
to como in und ttccupy tho place, whllo you
thrust your own children in tho kitchen or
tho tiarn or tho floldsl Oh, no. You say, "I
am very glad to soo strangers in my man
sion, but my own sons and daughters shall
navo tbo unit right tlicro," Now, God has
built this grand mansion of a world, and ho
has preadngloilous foast in it; and whllo i
thosowho are strangers to hhrgrnco may
como in, J thluk thnt God sccially intends to
give tit- aiivantago to ills owu children,
thoso who nro tho sons nnd tho duu&htors of
tho Lord Almighty, thoso who through
gnuv can look tip nnd ay, "Abba, Father."
You cannot mako mo beliovo that God glvec
more advantages to tho world ttiuu ho
gtu to the church bought by his own
blood. If, thoreforo, peoplo of tho
world have looked with dolorous sympa
thy upon thoso who mako profession of
religion, and have said, "Thoso new converts
jy going dowu into privation nnd into hard
kill. Why did uot thoy tarry a Httlo longer
In th world, and havo somo ot its enjoy
ments nnd amusements and recrcutiousl" I
ay to such men of tho world, "You are
grc Jy mlstakon," and boforo I get through I
will vhow that thoso peoplo who stay out of
the kingdom ot God havo tho hardships and
elf denials, whllo thono who como in have
the Joys ami tho satisfactions.
This morning, inthonomoof tho King o!
to pawn and earth, I servo a writ ot eject
ment upon all tho sinful and polluted who
hav squatted on tho domain ot earthly
pleasure as though it belonged to them, while ,
I claim, in behalf ot tho good and tho pure
and tho truo, tho eternal inheritance which j
God has given them. !
Il'thorto, Christian philanthropists, cleri
cal and lay, havo busied themselves chiefly hi
denouncing sinful recreations; but I fed wo
ha v no right to stand boforo men and women
in whoso hearts there is a destro for rocroa
tlon amounting to positivo lioxaslty. de
nouncing this and that and tho cllior thing,
when wo do not protioho to givo them some
thing better. .God helping mo this morning,
and with referetico to my lost account, I shall
enter upon a sphere not usual iu sermoniz
ing, but a subject which I think ought to be
presented at this Unto. I proposo now to lay
before you somo of tbo recreations which aro-
not only innocent, Imt positively helpful ana
ad atitacroous.
In tho llrst place, I commend, among In
door recreations, music, vocal and Instru
mental. Among tlio first things created was
tlio bird, so that the earth might havo muslo
at the start. This world, which began with
twi'Buim "u'i """. 6u mm
so sweet a Boronado, is finally to bo demol-
.l 111 11. ul.. t 1 A. it.. .1.
ished amidst, tho ringing blast ot tho arch'
angel's trumpet, so that as thcro was muslo
at tho start, thcro shall bo muslo at tho close,
Whllo this heavenly art has often boon
dragged Into tho usesot superstition and dis
sipation, wo nil know it may bo ths moans ot
high moral culture. Oh, it is a grand thing
to l avo our children brought up amidst tho
sound of cultured volcue and amidst tbo
ranjody of musical instruments, Thcro is iu
thU art an indoscrlbablo fascination for tho
bouM'hold. Lot all thoso fautiles who have
tlio means to afford It, havo fluto or harp, or
piano or organ. Assoons tho hand is largo
enough to compass tlio koys, teach It how to
pick out tho melody. Lot all our young men
try this heavonly art upou their nature.
Thosowho have gono into it fully havo found
in it Ullmltablo recreation and amusement.
I)urk days. Moraty nlchts. seasons ot sick-
ties, business riixAktors, will do littlo toward
deprwalng tho tnul which can nlIop off over
musical koyMornoar In Jubilant lay It will
euro aln. It will rest fatigue. It will quell
jwuilon. It will rovivo henlth It will n
claim lUwitMitlon. It will strengthen tho Itn
mortal soul. In tho battlo of Waterloo, Wel
lington wtw tl nt tho Highlander wero fall
Ingbark. Ho wilds "What Is tho mutter
thorol" tlo was told that tho band of nuulo
had censed playing, nnd ho culled up tho
piper and ordered them to strike up an In
spiriting nlr j nnd no sooner did thoy striko
tho nlr than tho Highlander were rallied and
1ic1kmI to win tho day. Oh.yo who havo
boon routed In tho i mullet, of llfo, try by tho
force of muslo to roily your scattered bat
talion. I nm glad to know thut In our great cities
tlicro Is hardly n night in which there nro not
concert win ro, with tho best musical Intru
inont nnd tho sweetest voices, )uoplo may
II ml entertainment. Patronize such outer
talnmonU when thoy nro afforded you Buy
season tlckotn if you enn for the "Phlllmr
motile'1 nnd the "llnmlcl and Haydn" socio
lien. Peel that tho dollar nnd a half or two
dollars that ou spend for tho purpose of
honrlng nn artist piny orslug is a profitable
investment. Ict your Stolnwny halls und
your ncndcmleH of nuulo roar with tho ac
clamation of appreciative audience assent'
bled nt tho concert or tho oratorio.
Still further, I commend ns worthy of sup
port tho gymnasium. This institution is
gaining In favor ovory year, nnd I know of
nothing inoro freo from dissolution or mora
calculated to rccuixTuto tho physical nnd
mental cnorglca. Whllo tlicro ato a good
many ooplo w ho havo employed this Insti
tution thero is n vast number who nro ig
norant uf Its exccllcncca. Thero aro men
with cramiied chests and weak sides nnd dc
tondcnt NplriU who through tho gymnasium
might bo roused up to oxubcrauco nnd ox
hllnratlon of llfo. Thero nro ninny Christian
iiconlo ilei)Ouilunt from Year to venr who
might through such nu Institution bo bono- ,
filed in tholr splrltunl relation. Thero aro
Christian tieoplo who seem to think thnt it is ,
a good sign to bo poorly, and bocniifo Richard .
Baxter and Kobert Hull wero invalids thoy
think thnt by tho earno sickliness thoy may J
como to tho snmo grandeur of character. I
wnnt to toll tho Clirlstlan iiooplo of my con
nrccntlon that Qod will hold you rcsnonslblo
for your invalidism if it Is your fnultnndj
wlien turougli rlgut oxcrtiso ami pnulcnco
you might bo nthlctlo nnd well. Tho elTcct
of tho lody upon tho soul you acknowledge.
rut a man ot mild illspooition Uon tlio ani
mal diot of which tho Indian partaken and In
a llttlu whllo his blood will change its chemi
cal proportion. It will bccouio llko unto
tho blood of tho Hon or tho tiger or tho bear,
whllo his disunion will chnngo and liccomo
florco, cruel nnd unrelenting. Tho body has
a powerful effect upon tho souL
There nro good peoplo whoso idoas of
hoavon nro all shut out w ith clouds of tobac
co smoko. Thero aro icoplo who daro to
shatter tho physical vnso in which God has
put tho Jewel of eternity. Thero nro tnon
with great hearts and intellects in Ixxlles worn
out by their own neglocts magnificent ma'
I chincry, capable of nroixilllng n Great East-
crn ncross tho Atlantic, yet fastened In a
rlckoty fcorth river propeller. Martin
' r.,,( lii- i nu Brt lT,!rlf V frn Orvl flt-af 1u-ftllcl
Luther was so mighty for God, first, because
ho hnd a noblo soul, nnd secondly, becauso ho
had a muscular development which would
havo cunblod him to thrash any flvo of his
persecutors, it it had boon Christiun so to do.
1'hysical doolopmout which merely shows
itself in fabulous lifting, or in perilous ropo '
iiitiitiii, vi i.ubi..onU uuwuih tira
only our contempt; but wo confosj to grout
admiration for tho man who has a groat
soul in an nthlctlo body, ovory nervo, musclo
and bono of which is consecrated to right
uses. Oh, it scorns to mo outrageous that
mon, through neglect, should nllow their
physical health to go dowu beyond repair. A
ship which ought, with all Ball Bet on-lovcry
man ut mi puat, w uo uirryuig h i ten caru
forcteritity.emnloylngull its men In ttontilii'
up leakngesl When you mny, through tho
gymnasium, work off your spleen nnd your
nucrulousnoa nnd ono-hnlf of your physical
and inontnl allmeuts, do not turn your back '
uon such n grand medicament.
Still further; I commend to you a largo
class of iarlor games' and recreations. There
is a wny of maklug our homes a hundred
fold more nttrnctivo than thoy aro now.
Thoeo parents cannot expect to keep tholr
children away from outsido dissipations un-
lUKf uvy iiuiKu uiu iiuiiiunuu vm'iu uuguivr
than anything thoy can find outsido of It Do
not, then, sit in your homo surly nnd unsym
pathetic, and with a half condemnatory look,
bcoauso of tho sportf ulncss of your children.
You wero young onco yourself; lot your chil
dren bo young. Boca uso your eyes aro dim
and your ankles aro stiff do uotdenounco
portfulnoss in thoso upon whoso cyo there
is tho first luster, and iu whoso foot thero is
tho bounding Joy of robust health. I thank
God that in our drawing rooms and in our
parlors tlicro aro innumerable games-and
ports which havo not upon them tho least
taint of iniquity. Light up all your homes
with innocent hilarities. Do not sit down
with tho rhoumatlsm, wondering how
children can go on so. Rather thank God
that their hearts aro bo light and tholr
laughter is so free, and that their checks aro
so ruddy andthnttholr oxpectntlonsnro so ra
. xusv ..w ,..D.. ..... w - . v.Vw0 1
and tho henrtbreak, and tho pang, and tho
diant. Tito jilgtit win como soon cnougn,
desolation It will como soon enough for the
door children. But whon tho storm actually
clouds tho sky it will bo tlmo enough for
you to haul out your reef tackles. Carry,
tliM. I..,.-. r.), ImmM nnf. nnltf ili.t ImiiUvmf
ports and games which aro tho ln cntlons ot
our own day. but tlio games which como
! down with tho sportfulness ot all tho past'
ages chess and charades, ami tableaux and
1 battledore, and calisthenics ami lawn tennis
anu an inoso amusements wmcu 1110 young
. .. .. i ,-!.,
poop'o 01 our names Know so win uow ui .
contrivo. Then thero will bo tlio parlor soci
alities groups of pooplo assembled In your I
homes, with wit and mimicry and joviality, '
filling tho room with Joy from tho door to
tho mantel nnd from tho cnriict to tho cell-'
log. Oh! Is thero any oxhllnratiou llko a
score of gonial souls in ono room, each ono
adding n contribution of his own individual
.merriment to tho aggregation of general
Bunnoso you wont to go abroad in tho city,
then you will find tho panorama und tho art
gallery and oximlslto collections ot pictures.
You will find tho Motrojwlltan musoum and
tho Historical socioty rooms f ul of raro curl -
, TvvT , TT V IT 7 . , .
plainly tho tcstof what Is right ami wrong in
flniimAninnid VAII tlMll fl tWl i tt lAf 1 1 rlnff
osiues, aim scores or ptacos wmcu can swna
muu.uyu". u ..... "-"-'" ix) hero, and rrom that uour wo win roviow
hall, which has been honored by tho nanus tbls Uuy-S proceeding, It will bo n solemn
of Agassi lit natural history, Doremus In bour If from our U(snth pnuwohavoto
chomlstrj', Boynton in geology, Mltchol in i loot back and fee a llfo spent in sinful amuso
astrouomy, JohnD. (Sough in moral rofonn, i mont thcro wU a thnt m Btrlko
and scores and hundnxls of monwlio hayoi tUrou u ovjr gimrpcr tlian tho duggor
poured their wt nnd gonlus and Ingenuity i
through that particular channel upon mo
hearts and consciences and imaginations of
mon, sotting this country fifty years farther
in advanco than it would havo been without
tho lecture platform.
I rojolco in tho popularization ot outdoor
porta. I hall tho croquet ground and tho
fisherman's rod and tlio siwrtsman's gun. In
ourcltios life Is so unhealthy mid uuuntural
that when tho census taker represents a city
at having 400,000 inhabitants, thoro aro only
1300,000, since it takes nt least two men .o
amount to ono man, so depleting andunnort
lag and exhausting is this metropolitan lUo.
W want more fresh nlr, mere sunlight, mow
of tit nbiii 'ton of Hold sport. I cry out for
it In bonnlf of tlio chunh of Uul as voll as in
bohalf of secular Interests. I wish that this
wintor our kiiIs nnd our rivers and our
Cnpltollno ground might tio all awnko with
tho honl nnd tho shout of tho swift skater. I
wish that when tho warm weather cornea tho
graceful oar might dip tho stream and
tho evening tldo bo resonant with
boatman's song, tho bright prow
splitting tho crystalline billow. Wo
thnll havo tho smooth nnd grassy lawn, nnd
wo will cnll out peoplo of alt occiiatlons nnd
profession, nml nsk them to Join in the ball
plnycr' ort. You will como back from
these outdoor exercises nnd recreations with
strength In your arm, nnd color In your
cheek, and n llnsh in yonr eye, nnd courngo
in your heart. In this great buttle thut is
opening ngninst tho kingdom of darkness wo
want not only a consecrated pound, but a
strong .inn nnd stout lungs and a mighty
musclo. I bless Clod that thero nro to many
recreation that havo not on them nuy taint
of Iniquity; recreation In which wo may
engage for tho strengthening of tho body,
for tho clearing of tho Intellect, for tho Illu
mination of the soul.
Tlicro is ntlll nnothcr form of recrcnthn
which I commend to you, nnd that is tbo
pleasure of doing good. I havo seen young
niou weak nnd cro-ts nnd sour mid repelling
in their disposition, who, by wo heavenly
touch, have wakened up nnd liccomo bless.!
and buoyant, tlio g.-ound under their feet und
tho Bky over their bonds breaking forth into
music. "Oh," says soino young man fit tho
liouso today, "I should llko that recreation
nbovo all others, but I havo not tho moans."
My dear brother, lot us tnko an account of
stock.this morning. You havo n largo citato,
If you only ronllzo it. Two hand. Two foot.
You will havo, jicrlinps, during tho next year,
at least ?10 for charltablo contribution. You
will havo twonty-flvo hundred cheerful looks,
If you want to employ them. You v, ill havo
flvo thousand pleasant words, if you wnnt to
speak them. Now, what an amount that Is
to start with.
You go out to-morrow morning ana you
sco a cam of real destitution by tho way.
slda. You give him two cents. Tho blind
man hears tho pennies rattlo In his lint, and
ho Rays, "Thnnk you, Blr; God bless you."
You pass down tho street, trying to look In
different; but you feel from tho very depth
of your soul n profound satisfaction that you
mndo that man happy. You go on still
farther, and find n poor boy w 1th a wheel
barrow, trying to get it up on tho curbstone
Ho falls in tho attempt. You say, "Stand
back, niylad; lot mo try." You push it up
on tbo curbstono for him, and pass on. Il
wor.dors who that well dressed man was that
helped htm. You did n kindness to tho boy,
but youdldagrent Joy to your owu souL'
You will not get over it all tho week.
On tho street to-morrow morning you will
soo a sick man passing along. "Ah," you say,
"what can I do to mnko this man hnppy f Ho
ccrtaluly does not. want monoy ; ho is not poor:
but ho is sick." 0 lvo him ono of thoso twenty
flvojiundrcd cheerful looks thnt you havo gar-
norod un for tho wholo vcar. Look lov nnd
hopefulness into his soul. It will thrill him
tfjrough.'aud thero will bo a reaction upon
n..M ... ..1 nnl..H ..,!. .... ... ....
your own soul. Going a Httlo farther on you
will como to tho store of n friend who is em
barrassed in business matters. You will go in
nnd say, "What n flno store you, havol I
tulnk uusincM will brighten up, nnd you will
ltavo moro custom after nwhllo. I think
tlicro is coming n grcnt prosperity' to nil tho
.country, uoou morning, xou-iiassout. xou
havo helped that young mnu, nnd you havo
helped yourself. And that night you go
homo; you sit by tho talk a little,
you sing n Httlo, you laugh allttlo; yousayj
i "I really don't know wha'.is tho matter with
' nto. I never felt so splendidly in my Ufa"
' I will tell what is tho matter with you.
, You spent only two cents out of tho f 10; you
uavo COlliriblUCd ono Ollt 01 twenty HV0 ltUU-
drcd cheerful loolaj you ltavo given ten, fif
teen or twenty of tbo flvo thousand pleasant
words you aro going to speak during tho
year; you havo with your own hands helped
tho boy w 1th tho wheelbarrow, nnd you fool
in body, mind and soul tbo thrill of that
recreation. Which do you think was tho
happier Col. Gardiner, who sat with his
elbow on a tablo spread with all extravagant
viands, looking oft at a dog on tbo
rug, saying; "How I would llko to
change places with him; I bo the
dog nnd ho bo Col. Gardiner;" or
thoso tw o Moraviau missionaries who wanted
to go into the lazaretto for tho sako of attend
ing tho sick, and thoy were told: "If you go
in there, you will novcr como out. Wo nover
allow any ono to como out, for ho would
bring tho contagion." Then thoy nuulo their
wills and went in, first to help tho sick and
then to die. Which was tho happier, Col.
Gardiner or tho Moravian missionaries dying
for others! Was it all sacrifice when the
missionaries wanted to bring the Gospel to
the negroes at tho Barbadoes, nnd, being
tienloa tlio priviicgo, sold themselves into
slavery, standing sldo by side and lying
side by sido down in tho very ditch of
suffering, in order that thoy might bring
thoot mon up to llfo and God and
heaven 1 Ob, thero is a thrill in tho joy of
doing good. It is tbo most magnificent re
creation to which a man over puts bis band
or his head or his heart.
But, before closing, I want to impress upon
you tliatmcroFccular entertainments aro not
n fit foundation for your soul to build on.
I was reading of a woman who had cone
all tho rounds ot sinful amusement, and she
came to dio. Sbo said, "I will dio to-uigbt
at 0 o'clock." "Ob," thoy said, "I guosb
not, you don't seem to bo sick." "I shall dio
at 0 o'clock, and my boul will bo lost. I
know it will bo lost. I havo sinned away
my day of
I . ". .". ? .. . .
. ... f WMT U. ..I....U. AUV .IW. kUWU A UU V
trfnnji II Tli. ,i r.n.... n1!....
, ucsirau to scck religious counsel.
"Oh," sho said, "it is of no uso. My day is
gono. I havo been all tho rounds ot worldly
pleasure, nnd it is too lata I shall dio to
night nt 0 o'clock." Tho day woro away, and
it canto to -1 o'clock, and to 5 o'clock, and sho
cried out at 5 o'clock, "Destroyed spirits, yo
I Bhnllnot hnvoiuo vot: it is is not
qi" Tho moments went by, and tho shadows
hogan to gather, and tho clock struck 0; nnd
whllo it was striking her soul went What
hour God will call fonts I do not know
whether 0 o'clock tc-nlght, or 3 o'clock this
afternoon, or at 1 o'clock, or at this mo
ment. Sitting where you aro, falling for-
I WBn, or htandlg whore you ore, dropping
1 d ' ,vboro w ould you no to!
-"Ul our uour lor nujournuig nos uireauy
como nnd tUo last ll0ur of our lfo wJU eooa
I . . ' - - . ...
But; ou Lour for fta lournhiir has already
with which Virginias slow his child. Tbo
memory ot tho jwst win mauo us miauo ntto
Macbeth. Tho iniquities and rioting through
which wo havo jiascd will como upon us,
weird and skeleton as Meg Merrilics. Death,
tho old Shylock, will demand and tako tho ro
malnlng lKitind ot Ilcidi and tho remaining
drop of blood, and upon our last opportu
nity for repentance, mid our lost chance toi
heaven, tho curtain will forever drop.
Thoy aro preparing for war in the oil
regions. At least, thoy aro drilling con
tanUy. Texas Blftlnca.
Jatyta-Qlai' rostie.
ORACLE 111.4
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