iwrw'' injwii m'U4g" rvr!r01grf- Tywi 'WVi." "ff-jrwF.'wntTfv-r"'iw,w''i ("TBimmrenir ry 7 ' " T , 7witt. y- ffPT - i i V b i 'i i. ! tt a Walnut Block, What Cheer Nut, Scranton Hard Coal and Pine Kind ling at II5 south Tenth st. DR. L. WENTE, DENTIST. Makes the preservation of the nnlurul eeth n specialty by nil k nawn approved methods. Gold and porcelain crown mounted on the nnturnl root. All operation performed without pain, satisfaction guaranteed. TO TI1H t'KOI'I.K Or LINCOLN, NKIIHARKA, Wo. the undersigned are tiercounlly ac quainted with Dr. L. Wonta, who 1 to lonvo s noon and engago in tho practice of dentis try in your city. wo can unhesitatingly roeoniniond hint as s thorough master of hi profession, mid wo ro mini thnt nil work entrusted to him will bo skillfully iwrformcd. J. Uniikiuiiu,, M. I). W, W. MoMann. M. 1). J. E. MoAiia.ih, M. H. M. D. J. M. Uau.kiiuoii, 1). 1). 8. OaIWNICII, Ilmnoih, Jnn. !, 1887. 116 South Eleventh St Lincoln, Neb, FINE : ART : STUDIO. 1214 O street. Examine samples of our work before ordering elsewhere. New Hampshire SPEXJCB Step, Single and Extension LADDERS AT 2307232-234 S. nth st. LINCOLN HARDWARE Co. LINCO N Philharmonic : Orchestra, A. IUoinow, a. II. Ascmux, Musical Director, Manager, Offlce Fluke's Opera House, 8d Floor, Front Will furnish Grand or Sacred nmilo for Concerts, Wkddinob, Paiitikh, Ballh and all other occasions requiring first-class music (jay-Special rutea will l nuule with club dean-fag U10 oclutra for the season, rate furnished on application. We also desire to state that we hais opened a Conservatory of Muslo In our apartments In the opera house building, for tho Instruction on orchestral instruments. Tuition hours: 9 a. ro 111 13 noon, and 1 till 1 p. m. every day except Buuday, For scholars uot able to attend atregu ar hours, special time w ill bo Riven. For further information as to i prices, time, eto address or coll on the manager. Nookan's Place, Having arranged my sample room for the convenience of the public and stocked It with the best brands of Wines, J Jpois & Cigars w uld ri ully solicit n share of pub- tro My goods arc all very fine r neocst makers, and I will take , ,n filling all orders for ! aMILY supplies. In connection with my sample room I conduct a first class LUNCH COUNTER. where at any time a short order lunch may be had at reasonable prices. Call and see pic. No. 10 1 5 O. Street. 1 .A.SHOEHAKER,M.D. 0 Hom(Bopatbist Physician, Telephone No 685. 163 South nth Street, Lincolm Nkb cgofyfo&st THE COURIER A Mimifur Mtjmrtif Jtodrn TYuim. PunusiiiiD Satuuday HtiiuumiOTiONl One Year lijr Mall or Carrier f ,ftt HI months, $1,0(1, Tlireo months M Cents, One 11 dibit (illfllMI ill It fuiie. litvKNTtsKMKirrni Halo furnished nil sppllcntlen at tlio office, Rpeclal rates on Time Contracts. CosTNincTioNat Hliort spicy sketches, tiocms, and stories solicited. Personal and fioclal notes nm rt t Intly lUrltnMe, I'iiintinoi Wo make n specialty of Kino Printing It! all Its branched. Hoelcty work a seclally Address all communications dlrectlo tlio office. vvicsaifit. A POI313INH, RiilTons anii mirniKToiui. Capital Holt.! 131 North Eleventh Direct. Telephones: tutorial Itooni BM, Printing, T0. TAKE NOTICE! Tho Couiiikii will not bo responsible for nny dqbts inmto by nny 0110 in It tinmo, tin loss n written onlcr nreonipnnles thu mum, proorly signed, of course. Wkhhxi. & DoiiniNH, I'rop'rs. Cot'i'KH is now enjoying n grent Ixxmi but tho prleo of brawi remains thu Mime, probably on account of tho over-production In Oiiinlin. Nkiiuahka City claims to Imvo discovered natural gas, Wo presume then that tho viqiorlng of tho Time editor liuretoforornmo under tlio heud of iirtlllclnl gas. Tub corn crop In Kansas Is almost a total fniluro H1I1 your, mid If n sulllclenl ipinutlty Is not shlpcd thero from Nebraska, Kansas whiskey next yenr will not Iw u nectar lit for tho gods. This correspondent of tho Chicago, Ht. Louis nud New York dallies who mnko their heiulipinrteni hero on nccount of Lincoln be ing n kploiidid iiows center, talk of removing to Nebraska City which now furnbihcH nliout nil tho most snlucioiiM Hoiiih. LINCOLN Ims Hovonil gcxxl tlilnga "on ttiu string" nt present, mid If they nmtorlnlUe, iinothvr big boom will Iw iunugtirnted kooii, There is little doubt but that tlio yenr 1H&S will wltnem tho largest growth It has over ox perlenced Thousands of oasteruerx will como wrntMnrd next spring, nud If tho city is vtoll advertised much more tltnn our usual ipiota will bo diverted hither. Council IIlufkh now hns n nvil, live so ciety wper In tho Helleetor, Leeiw & AVnter man's now venture. If tho pcor loot that city don't glvo It good support, then they are not as enterprising iw wo have thought. Typo graphically handsome nnd intrinsically merit orious, it deserves good success. COURIER COMMENTS. A war of compliments (I) has broken out iiguln between Mnj. Calhoun nnd Walt Mason. Knch Is accusing tho other of being handsome, nt somo jieriod of their life, but it is Bnfo to nny that neither or them has lieen allowed to gnzo into n looklng-gla, for lol theso ninny ywirs, henco their Igtiornneo In such matters. Wo beg them to "como off." Tho easteni pmwniul drnuintioHipershnvo begun n war on tho "cartwheel hat" nt tho thottro. TU well, let thu western prew Join hands with ita eastern brothera nud fight to tho bitter end, oven It tho "cartwheel" downs tho whole outtlt, lis it prolmbly will. Tho CouiUKli is glad to know that tho ladies of Lincoln Imvo decided to nmugunito n now style, that of sitting in tho theatre with tholr lintn off, Tno K. E. & M. V. railroad opened ita now line into Omaha last Bundny and as a conso mience Omaha pajierfl nro crowing over that place liolng a great rail road centre. Thu now lino gives thnt city n more direct route to tho northwest, but ho is still far behind tho metropolis of Nebraska and tho capital of tho state. Omaha will havo to hustlo it she gains any an Lincoln as tho latter has more lines and miles of road Mian any other city In tho entire west. Tho CouniKH Is pleased to note that J. A. Vandenburg has purchased tho railway News of Omaha and will hereafter conduct tho en terprise personally. Mr. Vandenburg is nu experienced npgjvipor man, n pithy writer nnd n hutler, and tho Count En predicts pros, writy in abundance for tho bright andnowsy railway sheet. Mcosrs. Kinlaybon it Douglas deservo gnat crelit for tho able manner in which they have conducted tho Nows In tho post, ami judgln ; from npiiearancoa ic was n huccvbs In ovory form. Tho Couiiikii cordially welcomes tho 110' t proprietor nnd wishes pros perity. Tho St. Paul Enterprise contains tho start ling information that "Christmas is coming." As tho Couiiikii has been busy moving for homo days past it had overlooked this Im portant event and it promises tho Entorprlso that In event of its hanging up its stocking or rubber boots wo will give n slight token of friendship for its kind promptings. I'. H. Wo have discovered that about sixteen other of our exchanges have learned of tho advent of Christmas and are heralding tho good tid ings abroad and wo withdraw our olfcr of a present to tho Enttrprlso as wo would not liko to slight our other brothers and finances will not permit list colcbmto Christ mas on a grnud M-alo nud glvo anything awny. At a meeting of Lincoln Post A., T. P. A., held recently, tho hccrctary was instructed to sell tho fiinilturo and turn tho proceeds over to Elder Howo for distribution among tho poor of our city. It Is with regret that tho Couiiieh makes tho above announcement us It certainly seemed tlmt Lincoln with three hundred ti nvoltng nen and their families in her midst ought to Ihi able to tilstaln such an association. Tlio beiiellts of tho T, P. A. were apparent to all during its existence and many were thu bright anticipations of its use fulness nnd prosperity, Tlio membership of ot tho Lincoln pout was imtte largo and com posed of the brightest, sturdiest nnd wealth lent traveling men in the state, hence, tho nbovu uctlon appears somuwhut ditllcult to understand. NEWSPAPER NOTORIETY. Whnt tlio l'rrn. Hity. ut I'miulnml IVnpts In Vnrlou Paris of thn llnbltiibln (itotie. Mrs. Colin Thaxter, tho artist and xjot, has beeoinu n convert to esoteric lluddhlsm. Mm. N. P. Willis, widow of tin jniet and essayist, will tnko n house In Wnshlngtoti for tho winter, rVmntor Htanford Is to bring 100 vlnoynrd I its from llonlniux to work among his Cali fornia Villi"!. Mrs. Hiisim H, Anthony and other ladle Iniermted In tho work nro organizing woman stifTriiKO clubs In Indiana. Ellas Wnytnaii, of York stato, Is 101 years old and has lined tobacco for ninety-four years. He fears It will Iw tho death of him yet if ho cannot hrenk off tho habit. Thomas 0. I lance, of Maeedon, N. Y,, Is 10(1 yixirs old. Ho Is bent nnd wrinkled, nnd whlto haired and weak eyed and deaf, n bo fits his ngo, but "otherwise ho is in sound con dition." Tho ouiirc of Japan nnd her ladies abhor tailor mudo stills, but lovo Mowers hud bright fancies nnd dota upon mirthful conversation. They always endeavor to remain llttlo molds from school. Ono of tho most successful surgeons of Philadelphia Is Dr. Carolina V. Anderson, tho daughter of'n wealthy negro coal mer chant. Hho was graduated from tho medical dcimrttnont of the University of Pennsyl vania. Tlio nrchhlshon of Munich. Itnvnrln lm. protestel against tho jwrfonr neo of Zoelln. er's "Knust" at tho theatre there, Tho reason of his objection Is thnt three archangels are introduced In tho prologuo as acting nud talking in the presence of Uod. Vcrestchagln, tho Itiuwlan artist, will jialnt somo realistic scenes of jioverty nnd eviction among tho Irish wannt. Ho has also nindo omo sketches of the tramps' rendezvous In Trnfolgar square, Iindon, which ho will ro produco with nccumtilatcd horrors on ennvaa. Popo Leo XI U Is very fond of iigrlculturo, and has 11 uslon for planting tn. Ono of his first works nfter his election was to plant tho garden of tho Vntlcan with fruit trees nnd vines, nnd this year for tho first tlmo tho grnix of tho Vatican garden nro turned into wine. Ills holiness superintends tho opera tlon and gives tho necessary orders. Mrs. Charles Dickens, who is visiting this country with her husbnnd, is described as a motherly, sweet faced llttlo English matron of tho tmo British tyjw, ovon to tlio bit of lnco that nnswers for a cap and rests on tho bauds of smooth hair that is brushed so caro fully off her pleasant face a typo of woman o distinctly different from tlio American matron. Archibald Forbes has become a familiar flgtiro on tho streets of Washington. Mr. Forbes is still extremely weak, but his phy slelans do not consider his case hojwless. Ho has a magnificent physhiuo nnd a strong con stitution, nnd Ids improvement in health since ho reached tho capital is considered a most favorable sign. Ho and his wlfo re ccivo a great many invitations to dinners and receptions, but owing to his feebleness nro obliged to forego social pleasures. Itobcrt Imis Stevenson Is living in n neat llttlo cottage on tho Haranao river at a thinly Bottled jwint. With him nro his wife, mothur and Btepson, Lloyd Oslwrn. Mr, 8fovonson Is constantly growing stronger. Ho walks about half a nillo ovory day over tho snqw, maWng uso of Indian moccasins in his Bhort tramps. His spirits hove improved'wonderfully slnoo ho enteral tho woods, nnd ho smokes fewer cigarettes than formerly. The cold, windless, piny air which ho breathes has strengthened lila lungs nml put now Hfo into his frame. When Mrs. Langtry was called before tho curtain rocontly in a Toronto thcatro a con sldcrablo number in tho nudlonco called for a speech. After hesitating for a .moment slio sold: "I thnnk you for your kind and cordial reception of me, and I assure you that what over corner of tho earth I may bo in I shall always retain a warm spot in my heart for Toronto.' Thero is another reason why I nm interested in your city. I havo n dear brother burled in St. James' cemetery, and I don't llko to think of him as lwlng among stran gers. I want you all ns you jiass to put a flower on his gravo for my snko." Madololno Gamier, a nloco of Joaquin Mil ler, is a clerk in tho llrst nsslstant iwstmnstor general's ollleo. 8ho lives entirely nlono in tho log Cabin erected by Miller on Meridian hill, Just outsido of Washington. Sho seems to havo no fear of danger In her out of tho wny retreat, and attribute lmr Into nf .r. ousnessto n clear conscience and tho os- M&siuii 01 n irusiy rovoiver. Bne is n crack shot with this weapon, and devotes somo of her sparo moments overy day to pistol prac tice, Sho is nrtlstlo in her tastes, nnd lior sketches are oxtromoly clover. At her de partment desk sho is retiring, industrious and able, Gray's Ittrit Invention. A wonderful nccount of tho telautograph of Ellshn Gray, tho electrician, is brought from Paris. Tlio principlo of tho dovlco is analogous to that of tho telephone, and con sists, briefly, of a plnquo on which is laid tho paper for writing tho message. As tho writing isdouo, tho plnquo vibrates under tho pressure of tho instrument used, which may bo a pen, a pencil, or any other pointed article, nnd a similar instrument at tho other end of tho line, acting syuchronously, re produces exactly what is written nt tho station of transmission, so that not only tlio words of tho telegram but tho reproduced writing of tho sender will bo put Into tho hands of tho receiver. Tho advantages aro so apparent tliat it is liardly necessary U namo them. Tho telautograph is nenrl finished, and It remains to bo been whethci it will, in actual uso, provo equal to tho claims its Inventor nuikes for it. Detroit Frco Press. Talis of tho Ithlni) Throiitrm'il. Visitors to tlio Hhlno nro well ncqunlnted with tho Hhlno falls, situated at Schaffltau son, theso forming tho largest cataract in Europe, In this practical ago of inventions and progress very fow will bo surprised to hoar thnt an application has been mndo for a concession to utilize theso magnificent falls for tho manufacture of aluminium, tho story of which, with numerous illustrations and maps, has been recently told by ono of the American consuls. London Times. ( A Modern Nouh's Ark. A cdvercd wagon, eastward bound, jwisscd through u Nebraska town a fow days ago containing tho owner of tho outfit, his wifo nud flvo children, a living buffalo, nu nn lelope, of pair of wolves, a pair of Bwift or prairie foxes and a box of white rats, besides a considerable storo of provisions, Chtcugo Tribune, Divorces In l'raur. Tho latest statistics in regard to d'vorco In Franco show that Kcnratioiig 1) vv been most frequent in tlio wealthy distiicU Ono half havo lieen among tho liberal professions and instituted by women, being generally on account of cruelty. In Ohio 100 farmers' Institutes will be held as urtof thu commemoration of tlio lOOtti anniversary of the founding of tho btata. "DOOisS THAT HAVE HELPED US.' Among tho books that help us all Along life's dreary track, In summer, winter, spring and fall, None beats the Al.nanao. Of past evrnts II serves us with A record, full, complete, In sentences as full of pith As eggs are full ot meat. Its weather prophecies ara true, (.v ur nenrir, ir not cpillo, ' And knock tho Signal Bcrvleo Du- lleau's higher tlian a kite. " From day to day with confidence Wo to Its pages go, To find, fogs-clear mild cold Intense High wind "I)ok out for-snow," Out better far than heat or cold, Bnow, hull, rain, thunder showers, It gives us Jokes that Adam told '" To Evo In Ellen's bowers. .jl The Ju d'esprlt that mirth provokes For which the babies cry, "" Tho old, tho dear familiar Jokes, Tho Jokes tlmt never dlo. Among the books that help us all Along llfo's dreary track, In summer. Inter, spring nnd fall, None boats tho Almnimo. Iloston Courier. Tim Minn Kiln Club. "My nttenshun," said Brother Gardner, as ho carefully pulled down his vost, "has bin directed to do fo!srln' artlclo inn Chicago paier: '"Skipped. Tho treasurer of tho cele brated Llmo ICIIncltibnt Detroit has changed his postal address to Canada. Ho took over 17,000 with him and it is said tho club Is badly broken up. Lot us havo somo phil osophy from Brother Gardner on tho subjoct of ofllclal honesty.' "Howdnt rex)rt got abroad I doan'know," continued tho old man, "but it was mado outer hull cloth, as wo all know. Dar sots our respected treasurer in his usual seat an' do funds of do club or' safo in Ixink. Human foresight an' human hindsight hov dcir weak pints, an' do day may possibly como whon somo stcn item may uo truo in port. I may tako do liberty of briefly explainln' to do tnectin' fur do benefit of any susplshus mora ber do modus oporandl on which dofinanshul system of ills club am conducted. "Fustly All do moneys received fur dues, payment of flnov etc, ar' coiuited thrco times ober by do throo mombcrs of tho llnanco committee. By dot timo do figures aro k'roct, an all do bogus pieces sorted out to send to do furroln heathen. Do sum ar' on-toi-ed on throo separata cash books, an1 each member must chock up do entry mado by do odder. "Secondly Do cash or' den passed ober to Sir Isooo Walpolo, Waydown Bobco, Elder 8poonor an' mysolf. Wo recount it an' enter it on four mo' cash books. "Thirdly It don goes to do treasurer, who counts it agaiu, makes anoddor entry an' do flvo of us purcccd to do bank an' deposit it. On do way down wo koop a clus watch on each odder. "Fourthly Not a cent kin bo drawed frura do bank widout I issuo do chock an' fo' odder pussons Bigu it. "Fifthly Whon do treasurer of dls club so fur forglts hlssolf as to absorb $7,000 of our monoy an' cross do rlbber it will bo a cold day cold 'nuff for two undershirts. Itcan't bo dim, oben If ho wanted to git his namo up an' run fur some fat oflls. "Sixthly As to any remarks on do subjlck of ofllshus dishonesty, our foellu's or' purty gonerally known. It ar' mighty few honest men who run fur any oflls whar' dar' am a cbonco to steal It ar' mighty fow who could git oflls if dey wanted it. Candydates fur fat ofllses, In'deso days, ar' selected by various rings. Each ring wants a man it kin handle. Each ring gits dar. Do fitness of a candydnto as to honesty has no bcarln' on do caso. If ho doan' turn out a thief or an embezzler befo' his term ar' up all peoplo ar' surprised. If ho does turn out, do public holds Its href to find out how many others nr' guilty as well, fur it understands dot ho has not profited alone. When do honest mon of dls lieutry rlz up an' Insist wid delr bal lots dat only respectablo men shall hold oflls, do great highway to Canada will bo grass grown.'" Detroit Freo Press. Jut tlio Sniue. It was on ono of tho ferryboats tho other day. An old man, who seemed to havo somo troublo with his foot, pulled off his shoo In tho presenco of two scores of passengers, rubbed his heel for ft moment ns ho looked around, and then hobbling over to a mother ly looking woman ho asked : "Ma'am, will you obllgo mo with tho loan of a inir of pincers for a fow seconds!" "Pincersf' sho gasped. "Yes'm want 'em to pull a peg out of my shoo. If you havo a tack hammer, perhaps I can drlvo tho infernal thing in." "Why, my soul I but I haven't anything of tho sort!" "Haven't youl Well, it's all right, and you needn't feel bad about it. Wo aro all careless critters, and I often come nway from tho houso nnd forget my whetstono, wagon jock or gimlet. No excuses, ma'am it's all right all right." Detroit Freo Press. Erroneous. "Is that you, Charloyr1 It was a beautiful night and tho soft rays ot tho moon fell nbout tho fair form of tho speaker liko n benediction. Tho young man had como quietly from tho goto and tho slight noiso ho mails) in ascend tag tho steps attracted tho glrl'j attention. "Groat heavens I" ho muttered to himself, "how I lovo that maiden." "Is that you, Charloyr' sho related, In a low, sweet tone: "I'm so glad you camo. Draw ft chair from tho parlor; It is lovely hero In tho moonlight." But, alasl it wasn't Charley, itwnsGeorgo; and tho cold wind whistled through his whiskers. Life. Iteturniiij: Letters Was All Nunieuso. A Somerset business man not long slnco had occasion to wrlto to a gentleman who evidently had fow correspondents, Tho en velope had tho usual "Return in ten days to , Somerset, Ky.," on it. In nbout ten days tho letter camo back to him, accom panied by n scrawling note, tho writer say ing thnt ho had rcturnod tho letter according to tho request on tho envelope, though ho "didn't boo why ho was bo nil fired particular about having it sent back." Somerset (Ky.) Republican. A Soft finnp. - Proprietor (Great Eastern Dally) Have you boon to tho magistrate to swoar to our circulation today? Business Manager No, there is plenty of time. "Well, If you're not busy go down to tho pressroom and as Boon as tho edition Is run off bring tho papers upstairs and I'll holp you fold them." Omaha World. Tliniikfiil for Anything. Bobby was ut 11 neighbor's, and in response tonpiocoot bread and butter politely soldi "Thank you." "That's right, isobby,'' said tho lady, "I llko to hoar llttlo boys say 'Tlmnk you.' " "Yes, ma told mo I must say that If you guvo mo anything to oat, oven if it wasn't nothing but broad and butter. '' Christiau Advocate. A IIOMR On tho easiest iiosslblo terms. I will sell ot nny resjiectablo jxirty a lot in NEARBY AD I)ITION,wlth tlireo-room cottago for f 500,up 011 cash itayment of (50 nnd 10 monthly Lot with four-room cottago nt tC00,tiioiicnsh payment of tCO and $10 monthly. Lot with live-room houso (700, cash jwymeiit of (75 nnd (15 monthly. Interest on nbovo nt eight jw cent, wr nnniitn. In this wny you enn maker tho rent pny for tho house and lot. For In stance, take lot and three-room cottage, with ordinary rents for (10 per month ordUOpor yenr. Interest on (500 amount to (10 jwr year. You thereby gain (80 every yenr or enough to pay off thoentlrodebtln five years. Von will lu this wnygct to own a homo by simply Miying rent. I will also sell n lot hi Nearby Addition for (150, on monthly ixiy ineiits of (5 each until paid, at eight wr cent, interest. Apply nt Ed. Cerf's clothing store, IKISOsrecLt . Ihaao Caiin. Low It nt en to California. Tho California excursions via tho Burling ton route (tho weiilo lino of America) hnvo becomo so wpulnr ns to necessitate n train of this kind overy week. Denver, Colorado Springs, Mnnltou, Royal Gorgo, Marshall Pors, Black Canon of tho Gunnison and Salt Lake city aro nil on this route. Full jwrtlcu lor mny bo obtained nt city ollleo, comer O nnd Tenth streets, or at depot, Hliort Line to Cullfiirnin. Tlio Missouri Paclilo Railway will run ox cursions to California leaving Lincoln ove'ry Tuesday at a faro of (00.00 for round trip w ith prlvllegoof returning via any other route. This lino runs through Indian Territory nnd El Pnso, Texns, where n stopover will bo jwr mltted to enable those who so desiro to visit tho ancient nnd interesting city of Pnso Del none m 01a Mexico. I'nrtles taking tills lino will escnjw the cold climate of tlio North nnd avoid nil ixjsslblo delay by snow storms, with tlio privilege of returning via tho Mountain routes lu the spring without extra cost. Mi llion accomodations secured nnd nil informa tion cheerfully funilshd by nddresslni; or calling on II. G. Hanna, City Tkt Agt., Uor. Unml I'JtliHts. R. P. R. Millaii, Gci'l Agt. Lincoln Hack mid Ilnggngo Line. Tolephono No. 201, meat market, 037 O street, or No. !W1 livery born. Order slates at some places and U. P. ticket office, corner Elovonth and O street. Hack stands, Capi tal hotel and meat market, BOIIANON Bhos, I'osltton Wanted. A young man of 31, good penman, would llko a position either as ollleo clerk or sales man. Good references given. Address B, P. O. box 603. Ladles before going to mako thoso calls, you should mako us a call and boo thoso elo gautnow stylo calling cards nt tho Couiiikii offlce. In tho selection of pcrfutno for tho toilet thero nro few who enn detect the trucly mer itorious artlclo from the artificial and Impure Howover, now that Messrs. McArthur & Son hvvo decided to mnko a specialty ot toilet articles nnd perfumery, ladles desiring to use ho best in this swoet scented artlclo may rest assured that at this popular pharmacy, nono but first class goods will bo dslpeusod. New Sewing Machine for Sale. I havo a flwt class new sowing mnchlno nover been used, of tho latest invention and with all tho modern appliances that will bo sold at a big bargain. Address Jo-Jo, caro this offlce. II00111 the Town. Leaven paper wrapper with n thrco cent stamp on with II. G. Hannn, city ticket agent of tho Missouri Pacific railway, and hnvo a "Lincoln Illustrated" mailed to your friend east, frco of charge. Through sleeixirs to Chicago aro run nnd nil easteni connections mado by tho Elkhorn Valley and Chicago and Northwestern rail road. Try this elegant route. Offices, 115 South Tenth streets and depot, comer S nnd Eighth streets. Chicago & Northwestern mllengo tickets sold to anyono at Elkhorn ofllco, 115 South Tenth street nnd depot conier S and Eighth streets. McMurtry's addition on K. street, Im)1ow Nineteenth, is one of the slghliest hi tho city, ns well as being rignt in tho centra of tlio fastest growing portion. Call at Ids ofllec bo low tho Capital National Bank and secure ono of thes lots. Only via tho MUiouri Paclilo railroad can you get frco reclining chair cars through to Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, Terro Hauto and Indianapolis. Tho Chicago-Lincoln sleeping cars on tho Burlington nro all started from tho dopot In Ids city. Orders for bortlis can always bo left several days In advance of a trip to Zol mor'8 ticket ofllco. Odlco l'lirnltiiro l'or 811I0. An improved double ofllco desk, two finer o cllnlng desk cluilrs, two other cane seat ofllco choirs, etc., for sale at a Iwrgaln. Only been in uso four months. Good ns now. In quire nt this ofllco, 131 North Eleventh St. As tho cold blasts of winter npproach It bo hooves mortal man to prepare himself for tho bitter bites of Jnck Frost. Mayer Bros, rec ognizing tho fact that an extra lino lino of goods'wlll be hi demand in Lincoln this sen son, have laid in a largo stock. Call and seo them. Prices aro always rock Iwttom and goods warranted as represented. Tho Holidays And tho colder weather ore now rapidly ap proaching. Tlio Joyful season Is eagerly an tieipated by tho young folks In thousands of homes; but In nearly nil there nro ono or more older ones to whom tho cold wnves nud tho storms iiienn renewed suffering from rhemat lo backs or limbs. It Is not claimed that Hood's SarNiparllla is n iKwitivo six?clIlo for rheumatism: wo doubt it there was or can lx such a remedy. But thu remnrkablo succf Hood's Sarsnparlllu has had In curing this affection is sulllclent reason for thoso who aro suffering to try this peculiar medicine. Try tlio Now Lino. Tho Union Pnciflo has inaugurated a now service lietweeu Lincoln, Toieka and Kansas City and has placed freo chair card on the now train, leaving Lincoln at 8:25 p. m. uiidurrlv lug hi Kansas City nt 0 n. 111., muklng close con nections in tho union deiot with nil lines for tho cost nnd south. Ht, I'liul mid tho Northwest. Points In thu ubovu direction nro rcnehod best by tho Elkhorn volley lino. Connections are sure nud the line mostdircct. Get tickets' nt 115 South Tenth street or ilqwt, corner J3 nud Eighth sreetts. The lntest and lest thing out Is tho Elkhorn Vnlloy and Chlcngo and Northwestern pnliico sleeping car Hue running dally lietuivu Lin coln and Chicago. Berths assigned hi ad vance of n trip, if doshed, nt ofllco, 115 South Tenth street and dejxit, corner S unci Eighth streets. UNION SAYINGS BAHt m South 10th Street. CAPITAL., - - $300,000- Liability of Stockholders $400,000. J. 1 ntttnvi,' nmriitnt.ht.a JOHNKlTZtlEUALD AHHAYMONl) OAVIDKKMIUK FKEIJ HCIIMIDT JOHEl'H WHITMAN OIIAH.HA 1MOND V. KINNEY KM HAI.I. OW IlEWEKHE M LBMITH O W HOLIinEOB J W BOWMAN JOHN It CLANK K K IlltOWN IlKMOOIti: J DMAUKAIIIjAND K K IIAYDEN 1) I) MUIH C K YATEH HKNltY K LEWIS CM LAMIIEKT80N J McCONFIFK TEOALVEKT LMEYEIt U II IMIIUFK It. K. Moons, President. IlKNtir Lewis, Vice President, t. ... . . 11. imiorr. Cashier Interest paid on deposits of 15 a-d upwards at tho (n. 1 vms-l-VI M.l.iUllI,l-UIllIPUU!IULniHHH ly 1 our BAYlnjffi Account noUclU-d. MON ElY TO LOAN For a loiur or short tlmo on real cstato or ap proved collateral security. Ilank open from 0:80 a. m, to S:30 p. m,, and on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 n. m. h Crystal Steam Laundry Will call for, nnd promptly deliver nil w or entrusted to them, nnd finish samo in lntest and Ix-st i.nnner. NEW MCHINERY, and best facilities In tho city, for doing strict ly first-class work. Our now locations aro LAUNDRY, Corner 24th and OSts. CITY OFFICE; 119 N. 12th Street. TELEPHONE No. 478. I3fA trial will convince you thnt tho Crystal does tho best laundry work In the scato ATITAL NATIONAL DANK iM .. - triTAL Stuck fWO.OOO. O.W Mosher, Pmldnt. W. J' Walsh. V-Pr. It. a Outc-Ut, Cashlsr. ' H OBEIJCY 8TEPHENBON. REAL ESTATE and LOAN BROKERS, Farm MortgnKe Ixuuis a specialty. Boom R. Hlchards block. ARTISTIC . PORTRAITS. H. W. BROWN, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines. PAINTS.OILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc- 127 S. Eleven st. J. II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, . Dutldlngs completed for incourse of erection, from April 1, 1B80: duslness blofllt. O E ontitomery, lull ami N. do do L V lillllngsley, 11th near N. Restaurant (Odells) O E Montgomery, N near llth. Residence, J J Inihon, J and l'-th. do J D Mncfarland, Q and 1 1th. do John Zehning, I) nnd llth. do Altiert Watklns. 1) bet (Hh and 10th. do Win 31 leonan!, E bet 0th and 10th. do E It (luthrie, !!7th nnd N. do J E Heed, M I), V U-t lCth and Kth. do L (i M llnldwln. O bet 18th and 18tli. Banltnriuni building at Milford, Neb, First Ilaptlst church, 14th and K stn-ets. ortuary cliidel and recelvlngtoinb nt Yyuka cemetery, Ofllco . Booms L) nnd 34 Riohards Bloolc. S. H. BURNHAM, BROKER. MoikY loaned on long or short time at lowest ilea. Office In Hlchards' Iilock, room SC Take elevator ou Eleventh street entraaes. Rigg's Injection. GUARANTEED IN2T05JAYS MANUFACTUIIED ONLY BY EEHIABD & EI6&S, Cliemlbts nud phnnnacists, Lincoln, Neb. PRICE SI. Mall orders prom ptly attended to. PEERLESS Steam Laundry 1117 P Street. Still In the front nnd nbsolutely leading all nilK)titors. Thoroughly equipped for tlio mest work, giving to each customer ail un qualified guarantee for nil work done. All of. our work done with neatness and dispatch. Wo solicit orders for suburban villages and 1 elghtioi ing towns, paying the express on nil inters one way, lleapectfully, C. J. PRATT. oos- miNOTTOCAUSESTRICTURE SURE 9 ;'?'-- vl.U . mi . .'L. niJUSLkMb, xklLzklt H J'.',, '-. ...; 9 OJi3'y.Jtti'-, ?. A.- t JlutlL.A- S. 1- JL .. ..