Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 17, 1887, Image 1
1MQ HtlWll"1jHii wwN'rwf1 V ' ' s. It s ': .OKAI.B- I - ': "' '- fHK CIS18S, I'jmK'jJ i FifflM .iU, - "-" j at mA H B H . H &. L H m k H r H L r M k v H w H H H ( H K I YJ I' I Y I I ' I NY I I I I IV I IV WTncoui,me " s W r Vol,. 3. No. 1 MEDITATIVE MUSINGS. "ITEMS IMAGINATIVE AND OTHERWISE. Intn mted to Tickle tlio Hlsllillttn or In duco Philosophical Discussion. ? ELL, tlio Nutlonnl oitern has como mid gone, uud t'10 nnxlety over whether t will como or nut has boon 1Isimso(1 of. It must generally Isa conceded that tlio iwrformnnco in ltncntircty was by many odds the flnest wo hnvo over hnd In Lincoln, notwithstanding that Furscli-Mndi nnd ono or two others wero not In tho opcrn. Tlio fact really is, thcro wero fow, If any, In tho nudlenco who know tlio difference, for bo It to libs Poole's credit, sho rendered tho iwirt in ii mannor that was thoroughly sntlsfnctory nnd seemed to plenso ovoryono. ..r I was pleased at tho Ixthcngrln jwrformanco Thursday night, that Lihcoln's social leaders turn out en muime in full evening droHS.Thoro must havo Ikcii over ft hundred ladles In tho fashlonnblo costume nnd tho seetio was in It self ft pretty ono to lehold and demonstrated clearly thnt tho capital city, llko Its moro metropolitan neighbors, is equal to alt fiish ionnblo occasions. Tho gontlemoii In largo numbers, woro seen in various jwrt of tlio largo nudlenco with costumes in keeping with tho event; tho snowy whito front, making tho contrast between this nudlenco nnd tho usual ono, pretty to behold. It was n matter of general comment nnd tho expressions heard by tlio observer on every hand wero favornblo In ovcry instance. It Is to bo I101.0 that on nil occasions of ft higher class of entertainment thnt tho custom will pi o vail and further do voloped. Tho Observor was standing in tho pollco court room ono morning this wook when ho was told by a friend, a very good joko on Councllmau Dean. It npiwnrs that n fow daysslnco n seedy looking individual np proached tho Lincoln councilman nnd struck him for a loan. Mr. Dean drew bae'e at hoar Jng his namo pronounced by such a hard looking customer nnd said, "Who aro you f I do not know you." Tho tramp replied, Oh, don't you? I mot you a couple of weoksugol" Mr. Dean's face woro n puzzled look as ho slzod up tho stranger, nnd'replled, "Is that so T Well I would llko to know whero I form- od your acquaintance." Tho fa of tho tramp woro a rnidlaut smilo as ho said, "Is it possible you havo forgotten mo bosooiW Why, I met you In tho Omaha Jail." Tho council' man's face Hushed slightly as his hand sought his pocket nnd brought forth n shining quart er which ho gavo tho tramp nt tho samo tlmo nfonning him that ho had no dostro to con tinue tho acqualntntico. Moral: Nover get in jail. The Holy City. Tho music loving ieoplo of Lincoln had been on tho tip-too of expectancy for several weeks regarding tho production of tho beauti ful cantata by Lincoln talent, assisted by Prof. Walter D'Enyer, of Duluth, Minn., at tho Congregational church, Monday and Tuesday evenings. As a cousoquunco, long buforo tho tones of tho monster plpo organ had pealed forth it was found nocossary to close tho doors against a multitude of pooplo who ongorly clamberod for admission. Every avullnblo seat and all tho standing room was occupied. Boon af tor tho doors woro closed tho plpo organ sounded forth in melodious strains which thrillod tho audience. This was followed by solos and choruses by Lincoln's bost musical talent. Mrs. 1'. V. M. Raymond nnd Prof. Will tor D'Enyer doservo great credit for tho success of tho cantata, as they labored hard and fulthf ully. Tuesilay evening wits n repetition of Moudny,boUi in point of attendance nnd It artistic success, in fact it Is clalmod that tho cautatu was tendered fur better on tho latter ovonlng than on Monday. The financial sue cess of tho undertaking is certainly vary gratifying to tho projectors. Turn About Not Alwujs I'nir Play. No. l-"Joy." No. a-"Iipiilr." Oblden Argosy Unco of tlio AVestrrn Hash IIoiihi. English nnd asUiurnntcso: Guest (In Wood wnnl nvenuo restaurant) Bring me u cup of cofTco nnd n coireo cake, Walter (vociferously) Ono in tho dark uud door mat! Detroit l'rco Vrotsx. Gentlemen dialling nobby uud elegantjllt ling full suits should call on Mayer Bros., 1-J North Tenth street ami sou their lino lino of goods tnndo up from tho choicest nnd latest pntU'rn fabrics, fully epial to tailor made J ganneuu. L. Meyer & Co. kiwp a full lino of silks adloV slllc drjn oorl, oilloin, om imores muslins, plain nnd fancy dress goods, nnd in fact, everything tlint can lie found in a first class house, as well as tho loading brands of choico 'nmlly flour, tens, colTeo, etc., etc. Gentlemen who havo Ihi.hiiuo members of tho several nuw social clubi, or thoso who ex poet to mlnglo in social circles of Lincoln this winter, should not fall to call nt Mayer Hros., 1I?J North Tenth street and beo their wiperb no of goutlouijii's full dross snlU Wisldlng stntionory, Inviwtlons, programs nnd nil line printing our sjtecialty. C-ll and boo specimens of our work. WmmoI & Dob bins, l!ll North Eleventh stivet. Lincoln Illiiktrutud. Wo havo about 100 copiai of this work for nalo nt tho regular price at this olllco. 'fi is W THE GREAT MUSICAL EVENT. Tlio National Open Company In "J.olten grin" nt Fuukn's Wednesday I'.vo. "" Among tho great couiM)Hcrs of modern times, Itlchnrd Wagner stands pro-cmlncnt us tho originator of a new school or class of music, and whllo "rnnnhnuscr" Is generally acknowledged to bo his masterpiece, "Luhou Krlu" Is by ninny estceuiod but little Irss In (lmuiatla vor nnd Interest. The muslo lov ing peoplo of Iilurotn had tho rnro opportuni ty Wednesday ovenltiKof seeing this latter opera presented In a style boflltliiK the theme mid tho author by n world-famous company. Tho principal artists displayed both mimic al and drnmntlo power, whllo tho choruses showed elllclent training. Miss HertlmjPlor son possosscs nn exqusltcly iwoet soprano voice, a llttlo marred by nn othorwlso charm- lugllsp, as well ns ndtllglitful stage presence Frank Vettnns "King Htnry," nnd William Mcrtonnstlio"IIcrnld,"cnunclatcd with bet tor etreot than nny ol tho others. Miss Clara I'oolo took tho part of "Ortrud, wife of Telra urn lid," Instead of Mine. Kursch-Macll, ax an nounced. Iter volco Is nn oxqulslto contrnlto, pure and sweet, and, though she bad but llttlo opportunity to show Its power, with tho pos sible exception of tlio second net, she won many frlonds. Klol Hylva ns "Lohengrin. Knight of tlio Holy arnll," carried his part most nccoptubly, though his tenor Is not so powerful ns It onct was William Ludwlg, ns "Count Tclraiuuud," was, In tho opinion or tunny, tho best vocalist as well as tlio best actor In tho company. Ho carried himself with much graceful ease, and snug with such feclliignud expression thalthogcnoral verdict was that n moro charming vllllun (hero never was. Tho hnuso, ntthnugh not outlroly filled, was u very good ono. and bcsldos being a fashionable audlonce, wiu a representative one. Many Germans, not theatre-goers In the accepted sonso of tho word, were present and drank In tho beauties of their groatcst operatic cotn,i..ui, I'.lchard Wagner. Tho satisfaction oxprosscd by all present umply nttost tho favor In which tho performance Is hold. Much ts duo to Manager l'unku for tho en terprise displayed In securing such a compa ny for Lincoln nnd the opportunity given for hearing tho best music of tho great com poser. siauhii:i. SNOW WOODWAUD-At tho Cnngrcgn tlonal church, Thursday ovcnlng. Decomber IS, 1887, Mr. i:. C. Huow nnd Miss Dolly A. Woodward, both or this city. Doth parties aro well and favorably known In this city having been rcsldonts of Lincoln for some years, and nro tho contro'pf.n laraw circle of frlonds Mr.'nniP'Mrs, &now wift'be' at homo hereafter at KM) II street.' WmOHT-OVKHMAN-At tho rosldcnco of th brldo's parents, at Western, Nob., Wed nesday, December 18, 1887. Mr. J. W. Wright, ofthlsclty,nnd Miss Norn Overman, of West ern, Neb., Hov. J.Luelllng, pastor of tho Bap tist church otllclattng. Tho abovo will no doubt bo quite a surprise to the many friends nnd acquaintances of Mr. Wrlght.botli in this city nnd Dorchostor.Neb. Ho was associated with J. 'A, llriscoe In tho boot and shoo business for some years past un til a fow months since, when Mr: llrlscoo was succeeded by Mr. llerger, tho firm now bolng Wright A llerger. Tlio groom has been n resi dent of Lincoln mr a number or years, and by Ids upright dealings uud pleasant manners has won scores or frlonds who nro Just now busily oiignged In congratulating him. Tho brldolstho daughter of a prominent, wealthy retired farmer who now resides In Western. Hho Is the center of n host of frlonds there, having been a resident of West ern and vicinity tho past fourteen years. Hho Is not only handsome, but pleasant, kind nnd courteous,! hereby winning for herself tho title of being tho most popular young lady In those parts. Tlio happy couple returned to this city at 'iX p. m. Wedncsda; and Immediately took up their rcsldenco at No. yl North Four teenth street whero they will bo at homo to their friends hereaftor Tho presents wero both numerous and beautiful, and In many Instances useful. Tlir. CouitlKU extends its congratulations. Tlio Metropolian Hull. Tho first of the winter scries ordanclngpnr ties to bo given by tho now Metropolitan club was given at Masonic Temple Tuesday ocn lug, there beluga largo party present to en Joy tho occasion. Tho hall had been nicely arranged and overy preliminary prepared comluclvoto tho comfort uud pleasure of the guests. It was not until after nine that dancing was commenced, and when tlio party hud fairly entered Into tho exorcises of tho evening, there was noticeable, among the fifty couples present, about n dozen couples from abroad, namely Chicago, Omaha, Nebraska City, Kansas City and other cities. At ele en o'clock a march was formed nnd after moving In a number of graceful figures, the folding doors woro thrown open, disclos ing an elegant spread.'and tho couples tiled In, occupying two tables, tho entire length or the room. or this portion of tho entertainment much may bo said. Tho tables woro handsomely decorated ani nicely arranged. Flowers iind plants hero uudthero added to tho appearance of tho nrray of delicious edibles, whllo the ser vlco was comploto In overy dotnll. Caterer I.ludsey In mil evening dress, with a corps or waiters In snowy white, sorved tho spread . Thoutriilrwusn vory fashionable ono, tho gentlemen all being attired In cmtume il rtjurur while tho ladles' dressosworo gcucrab lyatadrenlWe. Tho music by tho l'hllliur inonlo orchestra was up tolt un tiind nrd of oxcollencc, and the floor was In per rect condition for the glide of tho heol mid toe movement. Tho opening ball of tho Motropolttau club may well bo termed a brilliant success and If all future oinirtsnio equally ns pleasant, the clubliiiiy be well satisfied that tho object of tho club Is fully realized. TlUiCoiruiKii's readers will bo pleased to know that little llcssln Lane Is rapidly Im prolug, being sble now toolt up u llttlo while each day. During her sickness Iter friends haenot forgotten herns Is shown by tho nu merous callers uud mountains of floral oner lugs which havo filled her loom. It Is Imped she w 111 soon bo ablo to bo about om o moro. Lincoln, Nudraska, Saturday, MUSIC AND THE. MAMA. AMERICAN AMUSEMENT AFFAIRS- l.lfn In tlm Profession. Matters Musical and ItruiU'itle. Notes Admit i'lnynrs, MiuitAKt. HTiionorr. Saturday evening the Andrews Minuet Michael Ktnigoff coinpny nppmrwl nt tlio l'inkn to uu nudlenco that almost taxed tho mNiclty of tlio house. Everylwdy nutlclpnt (xl an elegant xutertalnmeut and stir oly none wero disnpiiolutcd ns ns attosted by tho fre quent nnd jirolougiMl applause, Tho company is a largo ono nnd ixhhoshx some artists of rare ability and many of tho chn meters wero iKirtrajixl in an exceedingly strong ninii ner, The llremou's drill wnn one of tho prin cipal foatun and fairly captuanl tho nudl enco. Tho music and dances wore very fine while tho costumes and scenery wero tho cniiM) of much comment. The management of tho opera hotiou is to Is) congratulated on wMjurlng such rate attractions for its Nit rons. J. it. l-o I.K. Tho excellent comedian, Mr. J, II Polk, will npiHvnr nt Funku's oiwru house next Woduosdny livening in his famous "Mixed Pickles." Tho actor and play play, worn scon h cio last Si'iisou, mid gavo good satisfac tion. Tho plot is n simple one, hinging on the adventures nnd misadventures of tho two brothers, Pickle by iiniue, (.ho one n sciiih) grace and the other a clergyman. Theru is ii strong nwomblnuco Is-twivn tho two, and the neniwgrneo manages to get his reverend broth er Into sovernl bad mess,s. Tho piny nlfords un ovcnlng of much enjoyment, and should bo seen by ovcry thontro-goor. LILIAN OLCOTT. The famous American actress, MIsh Lilian Olcott, npix-ars nt tho Kiinko on Friday and Bntunlay evenings in "Theodora" and anoth er play not yet announced. "Theodora" Is undouhUslly tho mastor-plecu of tlto great French dramatist, Vlctorieii Kardou, and has lMXn presented with great success in Loudon, Paris nnd tho principal American cities. An immense amount of scenery is neoossary to tho proper production of this great play, and tho Olcott company is well equip ped in this regard. Tho costumes nro very lino nnd the mounting of the piny simply magnificent. Miss Olcott is an actress of ac knowledged talent, and her supporting com pany is far abovo tho avcrtigo, Hncrct (society Hnucn. Tlio CouiUKH acknowledge tho receipt of mi Invitation to attend n select Christmas ball to lw glvc.i by Crete lodgo, No. 27, I O. O. F., nt Hand's ojiera house, Crete, Neb., Fridny evening, December 23, 1887. As tho Odd Follows of Crete uovcr do anything by halves,, we havo no will 1h) n grand affair. It is proluiblo that quite ii uumlier of Lincoln Odd Fellows will bo in attendance. Tuesday afternoon quite a number of Lin coln K. P.s, members bf tho uniform divi sions, and the K. P. band in uniform, went to Ashland to assist in tho formation of a uni form division nnd tho presentation of ft hand some banner to Star lodge, No. 1), of that place, by tho Omaha knights for tho largest number of members present at the meeting of too grand lodge last Uctoltor. in the after noon tho uniform divisions from Lincoln, Greenwood and Omaha, numlieriug about 500, paraded tho streets "lid in tho evening tho exercises wero hold 111 tho opera house, which was filled to overflowing. Addivses wrro mndo by n uumlier of prominent JC. P.s nfter which n grand ball wes given. At n regular meeting of Fnrragut tnxt, No. 85, G. A. It. Saturday evening, the following ofllcers wcroolocted: Commnndor.O. C. Hell; senior vico coinmnndor, W. A. McArthur; Junior vico commander, A. L. Manchester: olllcor of the day, Joseph Teeters; ofllcor of thoguurd, J. W. Uowen; clinplniit, Henry Mastermnn; surgeon, Dr. J. L. Haggard; quarter master, Martin Howe. Messro. Hon ton, Paliio, McArthur and Carpenter wero chosen delegates to tho state encampment. Afternoon Mnitiale. Thursday afternoon a very pleasant inusl calo was givon nt tho residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Zehrung by Prof. Wnlter D'Enyer nnd hovernl others. Tho ojiening uumlier on thu program wiw given nt VM p. in. nnd the closing ono was finished ntO o'clock. Alioiit 100 invitations had Itceti issiusl, nud but fow regrets won) recclvtsl. Tho selections wero exceptionally flno, nnd all wero thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Edith Doolletlo, ono of our mast accomplished plaulstes, rendered selec tions from Liszt, Heethovon, and Chopin; Mrs. J. P. Dorr sang in her usunl excellent stylo Itubensteln's "Since First I .Mot Thee"; Madame Welxtr sang "I-t Me Dream Again" by Sulllvnn; Herr Adolf Welter playml n solo on tho violin, while Prof. D'Enyer wing sev eral selections faultlessly, Mrs. P. V. M. liny moud accompanying on the piano. Lnst Saturday evening a progressive euchre party was given ot tho resi dence of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Huckster nt Fnlrlawn. Ten was sorved nt 7 p. in., nfter which tlio party filled tho seats nround eight smnll tnblos nnd plnyod euchro until nbout 11 o'clock, after which tho party ndjournod for homo, Mrs. Kent Hnyden took tho Indies' roynl prize and Mr. F. C. Zehrung took the gente' royal. 8300 In Cash 1'rlzos. This Is tho tempting olrermado by n cloth ing house ns a 8oetnl Inducoment to their imtrons to lay in their needs for the winter nt once. Messrs. Mayer lirothers, 122 North Tenth street, give to cash purchasers of five dollars worth of goods, n ticket which entitles tlio holder to a chance for drawing the cash, not hoinething you havo no use for, but tho real hard, bound legal tender coins of national value It is readily to bo so n that by purchasing your clothing, gents furnishing goods or any thing In their lino of them, you have the op portunity of adding to your rlchoH without lxiylng for tho chnueo or nny oxtru outlay. This llrm Is known for ite excellent vulues given the trade, lielng low class goods for living price. If in nood of a suit or nny t.iing eU, call on them uud thoy will demon stnito to you tho saving problem and at tho same time gel n chnnco nt the $200. "Why fnvo'or starvo!" U tho itolnted question iu.ked by the manufacturers of "Gar land Btoves," and wo would ndds Why bnyu poor Imitation when for tho samo pri?o you can get tho genuine "(lai laud?" 17, t8QT JOLllY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. They ArsmiiIiIo Kii Mt.e at Castle Hall and thnote an lit ruing to Honir I'lliii Vnrl. Thursday ovcnlng the inomlers of Capital City IaxI)?!', No. (VS entertained u number of visiting klllghls f i om I ho local lodges and from ndjolulng nnd eastern slates. Every Isnly was (in tho tip too of uxpectnney ns It was rumored that w oik would Iki performed in all tho (au sn pait of which would 1st con ducted by P. 0. Fniuk Llndon of Gauntlet lodge No. -I, Chicago, 111. Early In the even ing prominent local knights liegnn to niilvo nnd by 0 q'ulock nil four 0. O.'s elect, repro sentlng tlm four Lincoln lodges, occuphsl thn nwtium, whllo 1'. (. O. .Inc. Morrison sat near by, Ills ever watchful eye on the pro- celling. Nwirly nil tho ollleors elect in Cap ital City ; lodge, occupied (heir seats nnd showed that they had not Urn idle since their election, .Una candidate was given tho first rank nnd by the time he ncclvcd it two moro wero In readiness to receive tho strond nnd third.; The woik kept tho kslgo busy until about - u in., after which nil ndjouruisl to Drown' Cafe, and enjoyisl a f(nst such as liono but Brown can prepare. i no evening win long ho reuioiubensi by those priwMiit as ono of tho most enjoy able In tho history of the lodgo. Among those present wero P. C. Frnuk Llndon of Gnuntlett lodge, No. -I, Chicago, III., Hnrrjr Harlow of lied (Jo lar lodgo, No. 8.'!, CMlnr Foils, Iowa, nnd Fred Hawyerof Hiimmlt lrllge, No. HI, Hplnt Lake. A Dellglitrul A Hair. Oil Tuesday evening last, the elegant resl donee and Mrs. Mason Gregg, 1421 II street, w;aa tho sojno of ouo of tho most lirll limit nntl enjoyable nlfalrs of tho wmihou", o ing tho ocwislonof nil entertainment given by Mr, and Mrs. Mason Gregg nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Gregg, ton fow of their many friends in tho way of six handed progressive euchre jmrty. Tnblos covered with daintily iirrnng od Japnnuoj lunch cloths were placed in order nlxMit tho spacious and brilliantly lighted par lors, stately imlms nud lovely flowers were every whc)v, lending lsjauty to thu scone. At 7;!W tho jguests had nil arrived, and wero soatcii, six at n tabic, w Hero delicious re roshmontk wero servisl In n iKiuutiful man ner,nf ter jvhlch tho covers wero removed and cards ennui noxt in order. Tlio rules for tho game closed lit I l.itO. Crrlghtnn College Miisleale. Tho miulcnlo at Cioightou college hall, Omaha, Inst Friday evening, was n very bril liant nlfnir. Tho selections weru from tho works of iho great masters, Liszt, Rubinstein, Hnndel mid Hosslnt, nud rapturously aiv ilau'disl. it From tho Herald wo glean tho fol lowing: fc Tho foulHh nud seventh numbers woro piano uolcw fxouiiLlMtiui'lltuk'nitteln. plnycu by Miss May U l'otvln, a young lady well known In Lincoln musical and social cir cles. From tho moment shu sounded tho first note she held eurnptthu attention of her hear ers, and won from them nt tho close of her pcrformanco nn applause thnt was not uu empty compliment, Imttho genuine testimony of delighted hearts. Hho was made tho re cipient of a largo basket of choice flowers. A Hiirprl'ti Turfy. Thursday ovcnlng about thirty friends of Mrs. C. F. Murrny assembled at her residence, 1435 It street, and took K)sMfsIon of every thing. They laid intended to surprise her, nnd thoy did so. They soon mndo themselves comfortable, nud ns they had provided muslo for tho occasion dancing was soon the order. During the evening card playing was Indulg ed In nud dovcloixsl n uumlier of excellent players. Refreshments wero fccrved nud dancing resumed until nlxmt 2 n. in. when the guests prjiarsl to tnko their deiarturo, but not boforo gently Intimating that as thoy had en Joy is 1 the ovonlng so thoroughly n rep etltlon of the nlfair might lie expected at nny tlmo. Muslo Hecltal. Bntunlay evening tho chnjiel of the univer sity was comfoi tnbly IllUsl to hear n miuknl recital by the music department of the uni versity nssIsUxl by Miss Cochran, who wits nbly seconded by Mrs, J. I). Packard of Lex ington, 111., nud Prof. Meuzendorf. This was the seventh recltnl given by tho department nud was in ovcry way mioi lor to its prede cessors Tho following pupils in tho dep-irt ment also assisted: Mioses Taylor, Ueuedict, Dement, Bouthworth, I.atta, Loom Is nml llaker, and Mr. The cutertaliiment was lllierally applauded and thoroughly enjoyed by thoe present. Card l'urty. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cntlg entertained n numlsir of fi lends at progressive euchre at at their cosy home, No. K!2!l P street Thurs day uvenlng. An elegant stipiMT was sjircad, after which cards weie brought out and the evening royally spent. Tho occasion will Ihi long icmembcrul by those who had tho pleas ure of lielng present. A lllg (Surprise. Tho following will bo n big surprise to the friends of tho gentleman, if ilunio rumor has furnished thu CoriilKli with correct informa tion. Hho says, "IM Cerf, tlio big-hearted Iwicholor clothier of this city left Thursday morning for St. Joe, wlioro hu will tnko unto himself a wife lit the pornon of Miss Cnrrio Well, daughter of n prominent and wealthy citizen of that placo. If the report is correct tho CouniKii extends hearty congratulations, and if it be an error, wo would say It is time Ed r' ould be attending to such mutters, ns ho enn never do so nny younger. A In Our New- Olllco. Tho CouniKii is now nicely located in Its now quurters in tho liosomentof tho now liurr block, corner O nud Twelfth streets, nnd a cordial invitation is extended to nil our pat rons to call nnd nhj us. Wo nro now prepared todolietter work thnn over before, nnd till nil order promptly. Our now olllco is heatisl by steam uud lighted by tlectriclty, which makes it ono of the most pleasant in the state. Calls by telephoho No. 2.V1 will lie promptly ntte'idcd to. Dr HurniH, 1208 O stnvt, dwiros to call the attention of tho public to the fact that his olllco U first door east of the Coi'iiikii olllco nnd that lie Is prexirtsl to put in now bets of teeth at big Ixirgains, Kvorylxxly ought to commence thu new your with xrfeot tooth, and tiow's tho time to order them A. Hurlbut & Co , the clothiers, nro giving nway a lino horso and buggy vnlued at 11,000, nnd overy person buying $10 worth of goods get ii ticket in tho draw lug, which takes place DccouilH)r3l, OicoitNtuieu d MANY MATTCKSMINCKI). VARIOUS MATTERS INTERESTING ALL. A I'litpoorliirNiitesiinNimierousHiildi'cts. Mr. O, L Mnrlln, w ho has for several years been Identified among the prominent travel ing men of tho state, hu put aside his gilp nml become n cltlnui ntuong us, enilKirking In n mercliniidlso nud real estnto exchange over II II, Nlssley Sz Co 's dry gissls store. Mr. Marl In's ex iH'rlence In merchandise vnl ties will no doubt i-ntik him with tho llrst In the state, among this class of exchanges. His list now consists of general merchandise. hnnlwnro, drug, confectionery uu 1 millinery stock imil numerous other business chances, for sale or exchange for city iroioi t v or lands We recommend hlui to nil who havo dealings of this nature. The II. & M, with lis usual generosity In forms the publlu that holiday excursion rates on that road, Isitwism stations not over two hundred miles iiirt, will bo In effect IKk.'. 2: Id to Jnu, II, Inclusive at one fare and a third for rou id trip. Tickets may Ihi had by npplylngto A. 0. .eliuor, city ticket ngent, corner Tenth nnd O streets, Lincoln, Tho nliovo rules will encourage many to visit their friends In the tielghlKinng towns nnd villages nud thus lultl to their enjoyment of tho holidays. Iut nil avail themselves of tho opportunity to tnko a cheap ride over this fa moils route. Inst Monday evening quite n luimlMir of invited guests assamblisl at tho rcsldenco of Mr. Jnmes M. nud Miss Mnrgaret Coclirnn, 1050 K street, nud imikhisI u few hours very pleasantly playing curds, dancing and dlsKm lug of refreshments of which there was nu abundance of delicate quality and flavor. An oronosirn nt moro tiiaii usual nullity was presold, nud as a cousiMpieucu the music wits delightful. Those present woro reluctant to depart for their homes when tho hour was late, but promlwsl to return (it no distent day. With tho lui vent of New Your Uoii Elsfeld, who has Wn connected with tho GIoImj cloth ing for some tlmo, w III lenvo Lincoln, going to llurilngteu, Iowa, whero ho will ussuuio chnrgo of his father's store. Since his resi dence hero Iicou has made hosts of friends who will deeply regret to hoar of his depart ure, but who wish hint all tho success invisible In his now undertaking nud hoist ho will not forget to return nud liven up tho ninny pleas ant places so familiar to him. If you want to see tho latest nnd prettiest designs In Jewelry go to Halletts, 1125 O street. He has Just received un Invoice of elegant goods that cannot be surpassed in tho west. Ills prices nro always IkIow those, of his couqictlters vhllu his stock Is larger and liner than any similar stock In tho city. You will miss it If you purchoso elsowhoro Isiforo Mltig:)iltnAn4 gottuu prices, under sold by nny ono which Is evidenced by his heavy trade. , As mentioned in tho CouniKii last week tlio Y.M.C. A. formed n 0. L. H. C. which will meet ovury other Tuesday evening nt their rooms. Tho ollleors nro: President, W. J. Dryan; vico president, Mrs. Prof. Hoose; sec retary, Mrs. J. A. Diimmett; treasurer, Mr. J. II. Mocket, Jr.; ciltlc, E. C. Wlggcnhorn; commlttisi on Instruction, Mr. J. A Diini mott, Mrs. Dr, Hniloy nnd Mrs. C. A. Atkin son. In n few days Mr. Frnnk W. Klock, who has Iksjii connected with Zeimer's ticket olllco so long, will leave for Halt I.ako City, whero ho will nssiiino nn active part In thn real es tate firm of J, M. Knox & Co,, hu being the comiMiny, Mr. ICIock has friends without number, who will inks him much, as he was ouo of thu most pleasant, gonial uud painstak ing clerks over in the 11, & M, olllcei In tills city. Monday evening Judge Parker lsstiod a marriage license to wed to n Chinaman giving the names of L. King Eu and Miss Corn Par mer. Tills is the first man Inge license over issued In this county to n Chinaman. Thu happy jwilr Immediately sought tho services of llev. Marino and wero made one, after which thoy doparted for their homo In York, Nelt. Mrs. E. C. McShuno has m a guest this week and noxt Miss May Potvln of Lincoln, who played so acceptably a mimtter from Lls.t at the Crelghton college muslcalo last Thursday evening. Miss l'otvln has n brilli ant future iw a plaulste, nud will always Ut welcomed nnd nppreolnted in Omaha. Her ald. Miss Clara Goldlsirg of Chicago arrived In the city Sunday morning on thu Ilurllngten flyer, nnd is being entertained by her sister, Mrs. D. Wise. 152S K street. Miss Goldlwrir nntlclpntes sending suvoml montlis In Lin coln, nud the Cour.lKii trusts her stay may bo n pleasant one. Next Thursday Miss Hlnllo Hurr, accoin lwinlod by Frank and Chnrllo Hurr, and tho Misses Fay Marshall and Oertfo Zeliuerwlll return from Faribault, Minn., where thoy havo tieen attending college, to siKnd tho hol idays. They will lesumo their studies nfter Now Years Miss Sarah Low-man, who was clerk in tlio registered letter ilciitirtirMtit in tlio Lincoln IKWtrolllco, but who Is now a resldont of Mc Cook, hius mturncsl to tins city to hinmiiI the winter with her aunt, Mrs. S. Schwab, This will Ih jwlaslng news to her many friends in this city. Tho Willard W. C. T. U. gavo a iiouud so cial at its rooms corner N and Thirteenth street Tuesday, the procssU of which were donated to the city hospital fund. The social was as usual, a grand sueeoss and a hand some prollt realized for the worthy object. The second year litlu class of the Univer sltj held n vory pleasant MK-ial nt tlio home of MKs Iulsn Pound, comer of Sixteenth and P streets, Thursday ovonlng. Refresh ments, music uud similar amusement hclcd to pass away tho evening vory pleasantly. Mr and Mrs. J J. (llllllan are nvelvins tho congratulations of their friends iqion tho ndcnt of a iKiuncing baby girl ut their resl demo Suiiihiy The llttlo btranger U of tho ivgulitlon weight, linniUomo and a grvNit oculist, I larold Liusoti bovered his counectloti w 1th Andrew's Minuit. Michael Strogeir conimny heiv and lett Monday for Cincinnati, Ohio, where ho will play the loading part and man age Andrew's Ikstern Michael Strogon com puny. Wo nro not iimklng any "special drives" in Hatsins, Nut, Figs, Citron, etc, but can sol you nny thing in that lino at prices that lire as cheap as good as pure, first class goods can bo obtained, Rett & Sowed, 1120 O street. Phioic Fivic Ounth TOO UTTALY UTTA. I'm called an osttictla young mnn, And wudo ssiplo my 1 nm slllrl 1 onmny a woso mid a fsn, And illnn on tlio scent of lltrt I'm loiielied with tlio bwlo bro cttAM, A plmpio sets my heart In a flutU, I'm swisl nnd wcflned In my ways In fact, I'm decidedly uttn Yrs, litUt In fact, I'm dccModlutU. ' I dwrss In n plctuwpsnuo itrlfl, My costumo If slinpln nml soulful My fnea wonlis nu csihctlo suillo Tlinl's half Idiotic, lmlf doleful. I've uoliltig hi cniiininn with tliosa Wudo HHiplo who spwlng fro a I tho gutU Ililt Hint's list olisiird to upmso 1 I'm qulta too ilcclded'y uttn; Yes, utU) l'lu qulta too decidedly utU. On wising I pwnctlcnnwlille In fwnnt of my uilwow each mawnlng, To catch thn expression and imlln ' Thnt Ignowaiit jveoplo are scawalnff. a And when through thx city I pits I set tlio gurU' hearts In n flutUi Though soiuo of them call mo an ass, What mattnlis It whllo I nm titlal Yrs, uttn! What nmltnlis It whllo I nm uttat Poiiinryllla Journal, Veritable lllnck Art. "Well, I declnro,nrterIspcn'nll mymonnjr on you studyln' nrt, you dniw n cow 'dout any tall I" 5 "Well, inn, do Ixtok nay strlvo for offock, an' not for dotnll." Harper's Ilnxar. Home Hpi.rtlng Hqulbs, Hurtson, of last year's Omaha team, will pitch for the Docutur, (HI.,) club noxt sea son. Heckloy thu peerless slugger of tho Western leaguo, has signed with Tom Loftus'Bt. Louis team, Sam Smith, thu Denver's big first Itasoman, will hold down tho Initial bag for Loulsvlllo noxt year. . HutehrilAmi'rfho'pullSIT)eiittMolnoof 'a' hole last season, will likely play with them next year. Thu Couiui'.li prisllcts that Kansas City nud Omaha will Ir up near tho top ut tho close of thu coming Mvison. Their pitching talent is ihtcldodly the best. Whitehead nnd Ebright of this year's Hast ings team, nro playing grout ball out In Cali fornia. A little work of the samo character last summer would have Iio1hsI Hastings con siderably. "Tub" Welch, "Ducky" Hemp, Joo Horr, Tom Dolnu, Jnck Gorman, Genius, Under, Healy and Pat Tcboau, all well known West cm league ball tessers, aro Ntwndlng tho win ter in Bt. Louis, Tlio memlters of tho Detroit team havo do mundod the rem vnl of Manager Wntklns. Wut Is not ft howling success as u manager, , nnd It wns only tho intrinsic merit of tho "chiunim" that brought them out nhoad. Tho Sporting News says: "Dave Itowo hits Ixihlxsl up In tho wild west. Liku Hnnquo's ghost Dave will not down. If tho west was full of such live fellows, luiso ball would Itoom there nil the your round." Inasmuch ns Davo lias been with us since the season closed wo don't sco us hohas dono much of tho bobbing up net. NUTS! NlT.SI Wocnrrytho blggekt nnd finest Hue of Nut In the city. Alinonds.Eiigllsh Wnlnut, Filberts, Pocnns, Hickory Nut, Wnlnut, in fact, every kinds of Nut for tho holiday trade. Prii-os right. Como and see us. Hetth & Skwkli., 1120 O btrtet. To the Trawling Public. Pleaso note that u siqierb Hue of FREE CHAIR CARS Is now nm lotweon Lincoln and Chicago on trains New. 5 nud No. 0; also 1 Hint sleeping pnr lierths or drnwlng rooms on I tho "flyers," Nos. 1 and 2 mny 1st reserved In (uiviiuce in. uy iicKei unice, cortiur lentil uud O Btns-ts. A. C. ZmiEit, City Pnssenger Agent, An O (Terror Subscript Ions, Tlio Couuikii elsewhere III this Issue has n display advertisement announcing tlio price of this favorite literary ami boclety Journnl from now until January l&0 for 2.(H. Tills olter U also gsl to r ent Mibscrllwrs who mny necvpt tho same by imying unwlmtmnv j Iw lit ui rtsirs, t).eroby huving tlio paper sent mom nearly iwo iiionius ireo or chnrgo. Mnny have nhvady taken ndvnnbigo of the olter, yet we nro i endy to nocommodnte as meny more. Our objivt In niuking this oiror is this. We me rapidly Incrtvwlng our al ready large list, mid is order to keep tho work Itoomlngnndtofurtherbwoll tho list.wonmko tills offer Tho publishers are determined in their effort to fucrenbo tho present circulation and fully expect to roach tho 2,000 circulation rat ing by January llrst, lhh8. Should you de sire to Mibscribo by taking nihantugo of thU olter bond in two dollars or notify us by card and our so'.Htor w 111 wait on you. To lVopIo Who ISiiterlutn. Society people arranging for jiartles, IwlU wisldlngs, mvptlons or anything in this lino, should Inspect our elegant lino of stationery and printed noeltIo,s used on such occasions. We have Just revolved our now fall line of elegant ball programs, Invitations for wed dings, parties, etc, announcements, folders, calling curds mid In fact everything In this lino, Some Clieup rruporty, A flue reoideuco lot on Twenty-tint street near N for Kilo ut u reasonable price. Also ono in Mechanics addition, Hyde Park and EImwood.WIU sell chwip if sold immediately Callouornddrcns U Wessol, Jr., caro this ollliv. I I 1 . -,