The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 20, 1963, Image 6

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    Meek News
By Mr*. Fred Undherg
Mr and Mrs Markm Woidneck
and girls took Mr and Mrs. Paul
Woidneck out to dinner on Fa
ther'* flay and the afternoon was
spent at Fort Randall fishing
Marions face was wreathf-d with
smiles as he pulled in an 8 lb.
Mr and Mrs. Walter Devall and
Kathy enjoyed Father’s day din
ner at their daughters home, the
Hob Yf>ungs, O’Neill. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. R, V. Crum
ley and family, Page and Mr
and Mrs. Raymond Walters and
family, Chambers.
Mr and Mrs. Garold Risor call
ed at the Virgil Hubby and Jes
sie Kaczor homes Monday eve
ning and the Hubby family were
Thursday night visitors at the
Paul Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford
are enjoying an extended visit
with their grandchildren, Linda,
Steve and Cheryl Whetham, Belle
Fourche, 3. D Their parent* are
Mr and Mrs Lloyd Whetham.
Father'* Day visitors at the
Will Langan home were Jack
Langan, Ronnie Johnson and Mr
and Mrs. Lyman Bursell.
Norma Walter* retum»-d home
from Omaha Friday where she
had spent the last three weeks
with her sister, Mrs Gene Libby.
The Paddock Missionary socie
ty plan to meet Friday afternoon
at the home of Mrs Howard
Mr. and Mrs. David Ackerman
and family and Mr anti Mrs
Iiwayne Borg, Edma, Minn., and
Mrs. Gerald Harding were Satur
day dinner guests at the Axel
Borg home.
Mr. and Mrs Loyal Hull and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hancock,
San Bernardino, Calif., were
Tuesday evening guests at the
Ed Hancock home, the occasion
marked Claude’s birthday. Claude
and Stella accompanied Loyal
and Grace home and remained
until Saturday.
Mr Levi Hull, who is residing
at a rest home in Spencer and
Mrs. Duane Booth were Father’s
Day dinner guests at the Loyal
Hull home.
Mr and Mrs. Norman Correll
and family. Assembly of God
Missionaries, home on leave from
Tanganyika, Africa, are occupy
ing the extra farm home on the
Carl HaUgrimson ranch this sum
mer. They moved in last week
and are planning to return to the
mission field in the fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus
and family went to Aurora Sun
day to spend the day with Mrs.
Kamphaus mother, the Ralph
Willis family.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby
were Sunday p m visitors at the
Dave Jensen home and Dave and
Elsie attended the wedding Sun
day evening of Nancy Lightfoot,
daughter of Mr and Mrs Lawson
Lightfoot, Spencer and David
Williams, Michigan, at the Meth
odist church, Bristow.
Mr and Mrs. Blake Benson
have been visiting their son, Stan
ly at Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Their daughter from California
was there also. They are expected
home the latter part of the week.
Henry Storjohann is doing farm
chores while they are gone.
Martha Johring and Henry Stor
johann were Sunday dinner
guests at the Jim Karel home.
Norma Walters, Dolores Rosen
krans, Dennis Wells, Ronnie Lib
by and Cheryl Redlinger attended
the Lexington Youth camp last
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harding
arrived home Monday from their
trip to California and stop overs
to visit relatives along the way.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters
and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie
Johring and family, Christine
Johnson, Bertha Hayden and
Maude Rouse were Tuesday eve
ning guests at the Merlin An
derson home. The occasion
marked Debras birthday.
The Rev. and Mrs. Nathaniel
Jones and family, Shelby, N. C.
arrived Friday to spend a few
days with her niece and family,
the Delbert Rouses.
Mrs Carrie Hood became quite
cir'lr Timvtflriv ami was
taken to the Sacred Heart hos
pital at Lynch for medical treat
ment. The last reports she was re
covering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Rouse
and boys were 9unday dinner
guests at the Howard Rouse
Mildred and Jerry Schmitz at
tended a family reunion at the
Joe Schmitz home, Bonesteel,
Sunday. Others from the O'Neill
area attending were Mr and Mrs
Louis Pierson and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huston
and family, John Sehimtz is still
in the hospital in O’Neill.
.-. -.. ■■■■■ ■■■
Riverside Newi
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter at
tended open house Friday eve
ning at the Phillip Lee home for
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Emery Carey's 25th
wedding anniversary. Relatives
and friends of the honored cou
ple came from Minnesota, South
Dakota, Osmond, Sidney, Nehgh,
O’Neill, Creighton, Clearwater,
i Orchard and Ewing.
Mrs. Alfred Napier and Mrs.
Rol Hord took Julie Fry, Bar
bara Johnston, Becky Miller,
Glenda Napier and David Shrader
to the Cleveland camp near Stu
art last Monday afternoon. Mrs.
Napier and Mrs. Hord called on
Mrs. Will Conner and Mrs. John
Vandersnick in the Stuart Rest
Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery en
tertained the Seek and Share
project club at her home Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. Lynn Fry
served the lunch. There were
eight members present. Mrs. Don
Larson gave a report on the club*
visa to the Ewing and Neligh li
braries and Mrs Melvin Napier
gave the high light* of their vis
it in Lincoln. Their neat meet
ing will be in September with
Mrs Dave Anaon
Mr and Mrs Abe Pauls and
family. McPherson. Kan , Mr
and Mrs Harold Fink and fam
ily, Sacramento. Calif , Mr and
Mrs. William Fink and family.
Englewood, Colo , and Mr and
Mrs George Fink, Grand Island,
were weekend guests at the Bert
Fink home. Other dinner guests
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs Lee
Fink and family of Page
Mrs John Napier and children
were dinner guests Tuesday at
the William Finch home, O’Neill.
In the afternoon the Napier fam
ily and Mrs Finch visited at the
Ed Walters home in Chambers.
Mrs Alfred Napier and Mrs.
Richard Napier, members of the
Seek and Share project club
went to Neligh Friday morning
for the lesson an handcraft on
braided rugs and decorating sew
ing baskets.
Mr and Mrs, Dan Robinson and
family were dinner guests Fri
day at the Leo Miller home.
Mr. and Mrs William Lofqucst
and family attended the Golden
wedding anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs James Doming at Stuart
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Napier and
6“ *»** . uiitj uivu aui ^
ter and sons and the Alfred Na
pier family were guests Sunday
at the John Napier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert King. Mich
• igan, came last Monday to work
at the Howard Miller home this
Mr. and Mrs Rol Hord visited
at the George Montgomery home
last Sunday evening.
Mrs. Philip Lee ate dinner last
Monday at the Lionel Gunter
* 1 " ' "1
Mr and Mrs Stanley Rickert
and Judy of California plan to ar
rive at the Z H Fry borne Tues
day evening for a visit.
Mr and Mrs Kenneth Pollock
and family had a wiener roast at
the Dave Pollock home Tuesday
evening Brenda and Blame stay
ed for a couple days visit.
Mr and Mrs. Dave Pollock vis
ited at the Kenneth Pollock home
9uml ay
Mr and Mrs George Montgom
ery visited in Neligh Wednesday
Mr* Grant Mott and Rev Will
iam Ross called at the George
Montgomery home Friday eve
Tommy Had duck, Denver, Colo,
came last Monday to spend the
summer with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs Howard Miller.
Mr and Mrs Dan Robinson and
family, Loveland, Colo, arrived
at the Ora Switzer home Thurs
day to spend the weekend and
attend the Switzer reunion Sun
day, June 16.
Ur and Mrs Earl Pirrwn vis
tied Mr Will Conner last Sunday
Mr and Mrs William Lofquest
and family picnicked at Goose
Lake Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller.
Mesa. Aril., came last Monday
to visit their granddaughter and
Ronnie Mott They were a ton
guests Tieaday at the Grant Mott
home and left Wednesday for
their home.
Mr and Mrs William Ixifquest
visited Charles Rotherham in the
O'Neill hospital Friday evening.
Mrs Lionel Gunter entertained
the Jolly Workers club Thursday
afternoon. Mrs Lyle Switzer and
Mrs Georgia Wiegands ware co
hostesses Thera were ten mem
bars present and they embrot
deried for the hostess The club
will meet July 12th at (lie Rol
Hord home with Mrs Joe T*»m
jack, Mrs Floyd Lee and Mr*
George Montgomery as cohost
Mr and Mrs Dewitt Hoke and
Clayton railed on Ahrin Nelson
ill thr I’lamvirw hospital la*l Sun
day afternoon. Mr Nel*« wa«
taken by ambulance to the St.
Joseph hosjMtal in Stoua City laat
Sunday afternoon and underwent
surgery Thursday nurtun*
Mrs John Napier and children
visited at thr Alfred Napier home
Thursday afternoon
Body Shop
24 Hr. Wrecker Service
Complete Body Work
Glass Cut & Installed
86 Day - 473 Night
A nice word, “suffig.” It’s got a good,
hearty, authoritative quality about it.
Same goes for Triumph’s flavor. Try
this zesty brew; savor its good old
world beery taste. See what you think.
Storz Triumph: world’s finest lager
beer. Brewed the natural way for
more taste, more flavor by Storz.
'J' 'I |ti'E; [ ■ '; yflfp; | iif|!liJl!irj!:l;;f!||[|!||: i :jI|lBl||«l|^
fn«wd tha Mturil ny tar mara taata — aai| Rm
* - - ... . I
Fritz Bazelman
"He's starting on his vaca
tion. Andy . . . won’t buy
gas from anyone else.”
You too will be a regular
customer . . . once we’ve
had a chance to Spoil you!
Mobil Service
SINCE 1929
Phone 355
Hi way 20 East
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You may not qualify at a panny-tavar. But chances
I are you Rica to save money. So remember that
now's the time to install your new Bryant gas fur
nace. Because now our installers can work at their
convenience • a savings to us which we pass on te
you. Cal Kansas-Nebraska or your favorite gas
appRance dealer today. Your oid furnace could
make the low down payment. And you can teka
three fuR years to pay.
For Dependable GAS Service
Imuraore — Honda
Real K.stute A Home Irani
Call us for reliable service
<«KO. €'■ ROBERTSON, Agency
Office 5M — Rea 161W
James Davidson & Sons
Service Since 1901
Winter A Hammer
Air U«rln<
________________ One — <M1 — (tool
American Standard Plumbing Fixtures
Youngstown Kitchens
Sheet Metal Work
SU E. DoorUm Phaar ?** O’NeM. Note
J. M, Mc DONALD ca
ANNUAL LAYAWAY ^J'l fill Ml hi
SALE OF... ^““m
Take Advantage Of The Blanket Event Of
The Year!
Your Choice Of Three Popular Blankets
• SANDY M ACPI AID . smart plaid pattern with new Hi
Loft perm a nap finish. Coral Gold, Brown, Pink. Blue 72 x 90
• MONEY BAK SOLID winter weight blend of 94*55 ray
on. 6% Acrilan<»> acrylic. Hi loft |x>rmu nap finish. 72 x 90
• MONEY BAK JACQUAltD . colorful jarquard pattern in u
blend of 72% rayon. 17*!? cotton, 11"! acrylic filler* 72 x 90
• 72 x 90 Blanket . 7.77
• 25 x 48 Bath Towel . 2.98
• 16 x 28 Guest Towel . 1.59
• 13x13 Wash Cloth .59
• 81 x 108 Sheet . 4.49
• 72 x 108 Sheet . 3.49
• 42 x 38Vi Pillow Cases 2 for 2.78
• Blanket blend is 94% rayon, 6% Acrilan1*' acrylic.
• Extra thick towels have dainty fringe edge.
Talisman Rose pattern co-ordinates with blanket
and sheets. Shocking Pink. Palace Blue ami Coro
nation Gold.
• Luxurious Combspun *■ percale sheets have lovely
rose panel prints with colored piping and items.
Famous DONCREST Electric Blankets
Choose From Three Different Models
Perfect Covering For Warmth And Luxury!
Double Size Double Size
Single Control Dual Control
11“ 15“
Here is the electric blanket designed with sturdy snap6 to shape
comers to fitted style- Blend of 79% rayon. 20% cotton. 10%
nylon. Two year replacement guarantee. Lilac, Blue Red, Pink.
Lt. Green, Spruce Green. Beige, Turq.. Gold
I - -——
"SIESTA" The Blanket With
The Colorful Stripes!
90% Avisco* rayon, 10% Acrilan* acrylic
You'll love the thick high nap erf this heavy weight
white blanket with wide colorful fashion stripes; all
wool whip stitch binding. Orange-Brown, Yellow
Orange. Brown-Red. Turquoise-Beige. Buy now. save!
Popular DONCREST Solid
Color Acrylic Blanket
Winter weight luxury at a low price!
72 x 90 Sire l77
Full size blanket of 100% virgin acrylic fibers for
maximum warmth and beauty, has Hi-Loft perma nap
finish; 6” nylon binding Machine washable Pink
Beige. Yellow. Lilac, Red. Green, Blue. Turquoise