The Best of . . . "Prairieland Talk" By ROMA INK SAUNDERS iv' |fi hh'm ii»nii v unr vtf »inn Were I a citizen of Omaha the blush of shame would flush my face tocause of the shabby recep tion for Mr. Truman As a citizen of Nebraska one can hut feel humiliated. I could not support him for continuing in the White House, Iwit he is now our president and was entitled to at least the con sideration Omaha accords a prize fighter or notable baseball club. Mr. Truman undoubtedly entertains a forlorn tope, if in ilecd he harbors a lingering tope Down in the cotton states there might lx* something lack ing in the southern hospitality, hut the coolness of Nebraska Democrats upon the occasion of a visit from the Democratic president of the United States can 1m- explained only that they too are definitely opposed to the administration as it is in Washington. Gov. Peterson. Republican, redeemed us offic inlly. * * * Meeting a former acquaintance recently, I ask ed if her husband was still in railroad service. ‘ Yes. and he has two years to go yet to get his retire ment pension.” The same day I met another ac quaintance and she said they were interested in getting into the country hut her husband had three years yet on the job and then retirement on pension. These are not isolated incidents but are en countered frequently. This generation of employees s«*»‘m to have tin- one ambition to get that pension. For the most part such payments come from a fund created by the workers and it brings the grati fying assurance that they will not be the benefici aries of public charity in later years. But what a tout the smaLI business people? They must do as our fathers and grandfathers did by providing for non-productive years or wind up on the poor farm. In the community where my early childhood was merging into youth, there was a poor farm but no destitute venerable citizens, so the place was used to care for a few local characters whose ment al balance had upsei. • * * r*rw ,i5K i n muiuinmitMwun siair, rv» km June 1. State Treasurer Gillette reports 41 million and a quarter in the public treasury. • • • laving saints are often kicked around while the dead ones are canonized. • • • The annual worry over weather conditions has ln-en on again . . much unnecessary concern over something we are not managing When in 1X94 the great plains region was swept by hot winds day (tier day there seemed to lx- something to worry about That period was survived and seasons of unfavorable weather conditions since then have been local in effect with little resemblance to that earlier famine season There have tx-en no hot winds this far this season and while rainfall has not been what is desired doubtless at roundup time there will be t fine crop of husky young beeves, and granaries and cellars pretty well stocked. My daughter writes from Orlando, Fla. that they have had no rain in ihree months less than two weeks since the Lin coln community had an all-night rainfall. • • * Communities in which railroads were built lie fore the introduction of trucks now making court fights to retain train service on these branch lines should make a showing that the community is able and willing to furnish sufficient business to warrant the operation of trains. Railroads are not sending their rolling stock out empty if they can help it. * • * Among the 1,100 odd graduates of the state uni versity the names of a number from Holt county appear. Dona E. Gallagher, O’Nei.11, received the BA degree; William H. Rees, Amelia, finished in business administration; Charles P. Walker, Page, and Janice J. Wilson. Stuart, were among those graduating from the teachers’ college. Maybe others that I have not intentionally overlooked. • • * I^ancaster county, with a population of some thing like 150 thousand, has room for a sizable population of native wild animals The county clerk paid bounties on 400 coyote pelts last year. * * * He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy rinH - ir»u h fi -fi Editorial If We Would Check We Might Be Content The Neligh News Small boys aren't the only people who envy Big League baseball players. Millions of us of all ages must wonder now and then why fate has chained us to a desk, glued us to a machine, imprisoned us in a salesman’s car, otherwise consigned us to an unglamorous career. Unglamorous that is. compared to the carefree, exciting lives these handsome, frisky young heroes enjoy as they pull down fabulous money for playing a game they no doubt would play for free if no one had thought of paying them to play it. Consider the life of a baseball star. Every move followed by millions of admirers some of them girls. Fan clubs. Autograph seekers— some of them girls. Travel. Fine hotels. As much good food as you can eat — on an expense account yet. Plenty of sunshine and fresh air. And you can't beat the hours But hold it. Did you get your joh over the active and talent ed competition of a half dozen other guys who were just as determined as you to land it? When you boot one on the job — and don’t we all? — do 40,000 dedicated maniacs boo you? Do half a dozen eager beavers sit behind you, waiting and praying for you to slow down a bit so they can take over your work? Does the whole country know when you are re moved from the starting lineup? Is the tension in your job so great you are too nervous to eat before you go to work and too de pressed to sleep after you get home? Do you know what most of the unsung baseball players make? Not the big stars, but the mine-run Ixiys? Do you want to be washed up in your profession at 35? Do you want to be away from the family "half the time? Maybe all of us should check our jobs point by point against those that look so posh and cushy. Maybe we’d be more content with what we have. And of course there’s always a way for any of us to be happier in what we’re doing. We can merely do it better. O/dsm obi/e safes are ROCKET!NO! Eding OIOS Is the Going Thing I Nearly 1,700 people a day are discovering what a thrill it'uj to step out in an Oldsmobile. Reasons? Plenty! Sleek looks. Sensational V-8 performance! Plus the kind of economy that made the Olds Dynamic 88 Class 'G” winner in the Mobil Economy Run! HMniMii gnirmwT iwn m atomm • st am ounmu auun nuu— SPITZENBERGER CHEVY - OLDS CO., O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Frontiers Ago 50 YEARS AGO Dr. J. C. Gallagher of St Louis. Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs Michael Gallagher of this city was unit'd in marriage at Dunlap, la., to Miss Gertrude L McNaughton on June 19 . Mrs. Anna George, wife of C F. George, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. O. E Davidson, in this city Tuesday morning. . Mr. and Mrs. William Hammond returned last Monday night from their honeymoon trip in Northern Minnesota and Iowa. . . C. E. Stout of this city was chosen vice-president of the state druggists association, at their meeting held in Norfolk last week . After ten days of dry, hot weather, this section of the state was visited with a splen did rain last Sunday afternoon. The precipitation amounted to 82 hundreds of an inch and was the heaviest since May. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lohaus and John Lee, Omaha, came Sun day and will visit her sister, Mrs. C. J. Gatz and other relatives and friends. . .Dr. W F. Finley anu aaugnier, Mary joan, leu Friday morning for Omaha where Dr. Finley entered St. Jo seph’s hospital for medical treat ment. . .Wayne Hancock of Te kamah, arrived Thursday night, and will spend a few weeks visit ing his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hancock. . Mrs. Sherm Ennis received word Wednesday that her husband had been operated upon in a hospital at Rochester, Minn., Monday morning and that he was getting along nicely. . Sumner Downey, C. J. Gatz, Norbert Uhl, John Kazda and Dr. H. L. Bennett leave tonight? for Park Rapids, Minn., where they will spend a week fishing. When they get back we expect to hear some great fishing tales. 10 YEARS AGO Arlen Miles, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miles, has been pro moted to airman second-class and Donald Sauser has been up ped to staff sergeant at Good fellow air force base, San Angelo, Tex. . .Joseph Emmett McLi mans, 33, orally confessed Wed nesday afternoon to the sadistic slaying of O’Neill’s Police Chief, Chet Calkins. The chief was kill ed in the early morning hours of March 7, 1952. . .Two O’Neill high school teaching vacancies have been filled, it was announc ed this week. Mrs. Patricia B. French, Page, has been signed to teach vocal music and Miss Mildred McNutt has been hired to teach home economics. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKenny, O’Neill, a daughter, Glea Kath leen, weighing 6 pounds 14Vi oun ces, June 23 . .Marilu Jesse, Om aha, became the bride of James Elmer Merriman, O’Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Merri man, O’Neill, Saturday. 5 YEARS AGO A 16 year-old O’Neill high school senior, George Fuller, was critically injured Monday after noon when he was run over by a crawler-type tractor at a gravel pit. . Page American Legion post 315 held an election of officers Tuesday and Ben Asher was elected commander to succeed Lloyd Cork. . Among those elect ed to offices at boys state in ses sion at Lincoln was Bob Kurtz, Long Pine, who was elected lieu tenant-governor. A candidate for the legislature was elected but was forced to leave. He was James Nissen of Page, who con tracted the chicken pox. . .Mem bers of the graduating class of St. Mary’s academy reunited Satur day with their wives and hus bands and marked the 25th an niversary of their graduation. . . An Appaloosa horse show, the first to be held in Nebraska, will be the main feature of the 1958 hay day celebration, August 19. The Long Ago At Chambers 50 YEARS AGO Mr. Hall of Neligh, Superinten dent of the Children’s Home So ciety is here this week with two children trying to place them. . . Dr. Oxford reports the birth of a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Barton at Bal lagh. . .A baby girl was born to the Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Groose, Thursday. . .Guy Alderson had the misfortune to lose one of his driving horses Sunday. . Rev. Price went to Oakdale Monday to attend the Epworth League Con vention in session there. .The Bugle office is in receipt of a mess of fine, large strawberries brought in by Mrs. Earl. Thanks! They were certainly good. . .C. J. Barnum returned from Omaha Friday driving a new regal “25”. ROYAL THEATRE Wed.-Thurs. June lb-*« Family Night “THE RACERS” Children under 12 free if accom panied by parent. Fri-Sat June 21-22 “DECISION AT SUNDOWN” Children under 12 free if accom panied by parent Sun.-Mon-Tues-Wed-Thara. June 23-24-25-24-21 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD” Children under 12 free if accom panied by parent 25 YEARS AGO Mr and Mr* Glenn Grime* art the pruud pareau at a ton, Bernard Glenn, bom to them on June 15. The young man tipped the scale* at 9 pounds 9 ounces . The interior of the Greens tree! store looks very cool and inviting being freshly painted in green and white, and with the partition removed making more room , . Mr and Mrs Arthur Engelhaupt are the parents of a fine baby girl born to them, June 16 . At the ball game, Sunday, between Chambers and Amelia, the score was 15-1 in favor of Chambers , . There were about forty people present at the Fair View church, Friday evening, to attend the Evangelistic service by the Chambers Baptist Gospel team Miss Jennie Adams was the speaker. . Mr. and Mrs Darrell Gillette are the parents of a 7Vi pound daughter, Mary Ellen, born June 2. Pages Past 50 YEARS AGO Buv and Sterling W a riser and wives drove to Plainview Sunday in Buv's car and spent the day with relatives. . ,C W Duel has a Hupmobilc which he bought at Battle Creek the first of the week He is learning to gee and haw this week. . _P. T. Stevens, Fred McNabb, J.F. Morey, Barney Ste wart and D. L. Crellin attended the Modern Woodmen picnic at Neligh Tuesday. . George Breach ler has installed a new rain gauge in the Page State Bank It measures the rainfall accurate ly to the hundreth of an inch . . State Veterinary McKim ar rived from Norfolk Monday and declared his intention of destroy ing the two horses of R. A. Sar chet that were affected by Glan ders. . .From the village board proceeding: Moved by Cockson and seconded by Timmermier tnat there be but one pool hall in Page during the year and that the pool hall close at 10:00 p.m. on all nights except Saturday, closing time on Saturday to be 10:30 p.m. Motion carried. 40 YEARS AGO A six pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter on Monday, June 4. . .Misses Ethel, Margaret and Mildred Walker went to Sioux City Tuesday. . Miss Hilda Stauffer left Monday with her sister, Elizabeth for Lincoln where she will take a three month course in the Lin coln Business college. Upon her return she will take a position in I~ ' - BlIJL RICHARDSON. INihhsher BRUCE J. RKHHKRG Editor Term* ot HabM'ripttoa: In Nebraska 1350 prr year; elsewhere In the United Slates 14 per year, rate abroad provided upon request All subscrip tions payable in advance Entered at the postoftice tn O Nrui. lto« county. Nebraska, as arcond-class mall matter under the Act ol Congress ot March 3. 1879 This newspaper