The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 06, 1963, Image 7

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    Chambers News
Hy .Mr*. K. It. C*rpnnl«r
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Wilkinson
returned Thursday from a three
w«y-k vacation trip. leaving here
May 12th they spent Mother's
Day with her mother, Mrs. Bes
sie Fluckey and their daughter
and son in law, Mr. and Mrs Jim
Messenbrink and girls at Fre
The visited her brothers at
Hastings and cojsins at Shelton
and Oskoah; also the Hoy Seeiy
family, Gmng They then drove
Wed.-Thurn. Jiim' .*-<>
Family Night
•IIII I'.Xssw old I IStOI llAt.F"
Children under 12 Ire*- if aeeom
|M»nle*l by parent.
Iri.-Sat. June 7-K
• I.l N XI W S « M.K 1
rinldren under T! free it uerurti
pnnled by parent.
Hun.-.Mon.-Turn. June !♦ I«-II
Children under 12 free it ureom
panied try parent
Wed.-Thurn. June 12-13
Family Night
Children under 12 fr*-e if aeeotn
pauied by parent.
to Rupert, Idaho, where they
spent some time with her sister
and husband, Mr. and Mrg. Ivan
Stokes. Among friends in Idaho
they visited were the Guy News,
Emmet and the Claude Martins,
They enjoyed a day at Sun Val
ley and the Crater of the Moon,
and a visit with cousins at Ad
rian, Ore. Returning to Nebraska
they spent Memorial Day at Ans
ley then visited ins sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs Earl Rob
inson, Norton, Kan. From Norton
they returned heme having trav
eled some 3200 miles witn out car
trouble of any kind.
The American Legion Auxiliary
of Post 320 sponsored a 15 min
ute program over radio station
KBRX, O'Neill, on Saturday,
May 25th which was Poppy Day in
Chambers. The Auxiliary presi
dent, Mrs Donald Green intro
duced Jim Kruse and Arln Craw
turd who spoke on The Origin of
Poppy Day”.
Word reaches us of tin- mar
riage on Sunday, June 2 of Rill
■ wimp;, .vjii nmin .uni r\“irii
Porter, Caldwell. Idaho Bill
The Frontier
On Sale each Thursday morning at
Stannard's Superette — O’NelU
Golden Hotel — O’Neill
O’Neill Drug — O’Neill
Devoy Drug — O’Neill
Johnson Drug — O’Neill
SheHiamer Foods O'Neill
New Outlaw — O’Neill
Wilson Drug — Atkinson
Munn’s Store — Ewing
McGraw’s Store — Inman
Newhouse Sundries Chamber* 1
Miller Bros. — Orchard
for automatic heating, cooking, water heating,
clothes drying, refrigeration, tractor power, irri
gation, crop drying, flame weeding, etc.
CO-OP L-P Gas heats faster . . without dust, soot
oily film. CO-OP L-P Gas gives more easily con
trolled, more uniform burning. CO-OP L-P Gas
cuts tractor engine maintenance costs in half.
See us tomorrow about this modern fuel . . .
CO-OP L-P Gas.
Holt County Co-op
O'Neill Phone 51 Chambers Phone 2332
Young wa* formerly of Chambers
where he attended High School.
He is a brother of I nek Young
an.l Mrs. LaVern Hoerle, both of
Jim Cavanaugh, Superior,
spent the weekend with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs Bernard Cav
anaugh and attended the Alumni
Roger Waldo was employed at
the Chambers Co-Op last week
while Mr and Mrs. Bill Logeman
were on vacation.
Two brothers and two sisters of
Mrs. Myron Shavlik were over
night gu< sts in the Steve Shavlik
home Thursday and Friday. On
Thursday they accompanied the
Shaviik families to Clearwater
to spend the day with Mrs. Steve
Shavlik’s sister and brother-in
law, Mr and Mrs Lyle Switzer.
Mrs Edwin Hubbard and two
children also accompanied the
group. The young people are
from Murdock The Myron Shav
I k . from Denver Colo
Daily Vacation Bible School
closed Sunday with a program at
the Methodist church starting at
10:30 a.m. The president. Mrs
Duane K Miller was in charge
assisted by Mrs. Roy Miller and
Mrs. Glen Miller Teachers were,
beginners, Mrs Don Lines and
Janice Robertson; primary and
kindergarten, Kay Tracy and Ar
dith Crawford; 1st & 2nd grades,
Mrs. Bill Logeman and Carol
Fluckey; 3rd grade, Mrs. Melvin
Bell and Kathy Read; 4th grade,
Mrs. Dick Read and Sandra Whit
aker; 5th and 6th grades, Mrs.
Lyle Watson and Mrs. Bernard
Hoffman; 7th and 8th grades,
Danelia Whitaker.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik
drove to Lincoln Monday of last
week to visit their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Gisch and family. They returned
Tuesday accompanied by their
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Myron
Shavlik, Denver, Colo., who had
been visiting her family at Mur
dock. Mr. Myron Shavlik came
Wednesday. The couple visited
his parents and his sister, Mr
and Mrs. Edwin Hubbard and
family and attended the Alumni
Banquet. They left Sunday for
home accompanied by his sister,
Pam, who will spend two weeks
or more with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pichler,
Grand Island, where in Chambers
for the Memorial Day services .
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Livering
house and daughter moved Fri
day of last week to Kearney. Mr
and Mrs. J. E. Grimes moved this
past Wednesday into their home
which the Liveringhouses had oc
cupied during the school term.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Damme
and baby, Wichita, Kan., spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Damme
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben
Miller, Lincoln, came Saturday
and visited until Sunday p.m. with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dam
me and family.
Seventeen members of the
American Legion Auxiliary gath
ered at the home of Mrs. H. W.
Hubbard Tuesday p. m. for a
farewell to Mrs. Esther Wood
who has been a member for a
number of years. She is moving
t > Lincoln soon. The group hon
ored her with a shower of Hand
kerchiefs and cards. The hostess
served refreshments of coffee,
sandwiches and cookies.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fees and
two sons, St. Paul, Minn., came
to attend the Memorial day ser
Miss Lola Ermer, Washington
D. C. arrived the first of the
For Father's Day, June 16
On All Father s Day Purchases
You will receive this masculine gift wrapping FREE on
all Fathers Day gifts purchased from McDonald’s,
Handsome gift wrapping is Chocolate Brown Krome
kote® paper with gold ribbon and smart brown em
bossed seal.
week for a visit with her mo
ther, Mr*. Ola Ermer and to at
tend the Alumni Banquet
Cheater Jungbluth, Beatrice,
spent the week visiting friends
and relatives here and at At
Mr and Mrs. Don Prill and
family, Oakland, and Mr and
Mrs Charles Blevins and daugh
ter, Lincoln, spent the Memorial
Day weekend with their mother
Mrs. Lloyd Gleed.
Mr. and Mrs. E R. Carpenter
visited relatives at the Rest
Home in Ttlden Saturday On
Sunday they enjoyed a picnic
dmner with their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Dean
Stevens and family at the At
kinson park Terry Stevens ac
companied them home for a
weeks visit.
Mrs Marjorie Hanna. Lincoln.
-v I_ J_ .L r _a. r
‘•r' **k « «»• " a uw. jiiav ui vtii
week wun her mother, Mrs. E-.
ther Wood helping her get ready
to move She returned to Lincoln
Tuesday. Mrs W.xxi left Saturday
for Lincoln where she will make
her home.
Mr and Mrs Fred Fangman,
York, spent Memorial Day and
the remainder of the week with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr
and Mrs. Barnard Hoffman and
family and with the George and
Don Cameron families.
About 15 members of the Wino
na Rebekah Lodge went to Nor
folk Monday to attend a district
Mr. and Mrs Harry Collins,
Denver, Colo spent from Thurs
day to Sunday with Mrs. Paul
Roth, Mr. and Mrs Harold Her
stedt. North Platte, stopped for
a visit with Mrs Roth Sunday
enroute to Rochester, Minn
Mr and Mrs. Dave Holcomb,
Aurora, spent the weekend with
the L V Cooper's Saturday eve
ning caiiers were Mr and Mrs
Herman Holcomb Abo Mrs
Cooper’s sister, Mrs Sewell John
son. Atkinson, who had attended
the Alumni banquet.
Clarence Grimes and son, Glea
son. Milford, were in Chambers
Friday on business. They visited
at the home of Mrs G. H. Grimes
and with Mr. and Mrs Eugene
Mr and Mrs. Joe K»ci spent
Memorial Day at Schuyler
Mr and Mrs. Bernard Cooke
>nd Mr and Mrs Gary Harris,
Springfield, Ore . came for the
weekend The Cookes are visit
ing his mother, Mrs Letha Cooke
and also to attend the alumni
Ponton Insurance
Insurance of All Kinds
and Bonds
Phone 106 Golden Bldj
The Rev Earl He**, left Mon
day am for Lincoln to attend
the MethodtH conference Hr e*
pert* to return Friday.
I wily Vacation Bible School
started M today a m. at both the
Memorial Baptist and St Paul's
Lutheran churches. Both will hold
classes fur all ages The program
for the Baptist group will be Fri
day evening and the Lutheran
program also Friday evening
Mr ami Mr*. Jack Aldcrson
an<l family, ptauerux. Am . came
for the Alumni banquet and to
visit his parents, Mr and Mr*
T. E Alderson a few flays be
ftire going to Genoa to visit her
mother, Mrs Mamie Childers
Norma and Junet Wintenmote
spent from Thursday to Sunday
with their grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs Ernest Thonn, Columbus
Norman Harley came home
Wednesday from Seward where
he has been a student at Concor
dia Teachers college
Mrs Dorothy Welch, Kenne
wick Wash , is visiting her
daughters, Mrs Earl David and
K»« examined—(iluMni Pitted
Contact l.rnwK
Phone 161 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Hour* » —Mon. thru Saturday
Cloned Wednesday
Mrs Vugil David amt family
Earl David. Lyle David, liar
lan Larson and w«. Wayne, ami
Lloyd Waldo spent Friday and
Saturday flatting at Lake Andea.
Memorial Day services were
held at the Bethany Presbyterian
church at V it) i m. On the pm
gram were Stanley Lambert.
Carol Summerer. Ervm Carpenter
and Eugene Baker, with Mrs
Bernard Hoffman, pianist; also
there ws» the American Legion
color guard
Services at C)taml>ers were held
at tl»e cemetery at 11 no am
with the Legion Commander.
Merlin Groasnkklau* in charge
Speaker was Mr Hamik. Stuart
l.urtla Buttei fa id .ang two
Erwin Carpenter read the mil
call 'IV color guard and firing
Mjuad partw ipiitnl with a group
of amall g.rU placing a wreath
mi the grave* of the veteran* of
World War 11
Mr and Mr* Earl Sharp, Bro
ken Bow. were dinner giant* uf
Mr* Andrew Gilbert Saturday
They are old friend*
Mrn Donald May and family
and her mother in law. Mr* Me
Treimapohl drove to Cmly Tup*
day All returned Wedne-dav
but the latter who stayed for a
longer visit They were all guest*
of Mr* May's mother Mr*
Florence ChutMi
Beginners — or anyone interested in learning
Rock and Roll or regular guitar playing. Lessons
to start today (Thursday).
Write, Stop In or Call for Appointment
122 S. 4th Street Phone 1)56 O'Neill, Nobr.
Special Savings At Spelts
Farmers and Ranchers
FENCE rA"'o3"
POSTS Tops - 6V2'
6 POUND m" *»4"
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1x10 Utility
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400 Pieces 8' long CTn
One only, 8'x2' Round ^Bb
Stop your Tank Leaks with
Bag, Only
All FARM and HOME Ready Mixed
Minnesota Brand H |^Q/
PAINTS. ins,“k l®/0
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10 Ft. - - $1095
12 Ft. - - $23’5
14 Ft. - - $2795
16 Ft. - - $3^95
huilding Mat rial