Inman News Hy Mrs. .1 si lira McMjUmui Mr. and Mrs. Martin Omani arrived Thursday from St. Hel ens, Ore., and are visiting in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cun ningham and Mr. and Mrs. Hor ace Sholes and family. School District 111 held their annual picnic Sunday, May 19th. Everyone enjoyed the good eats, and visiting. Marjorie Kelly will teach the school again next year On Tuesday, May 14th, the teach er and pupils enjoyed a field trip to Norfolk, Nebr. Mrs George Herold and Mrs. Dale Lines al so accompanied the group. The trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all. James Kelley spent 9unday at home. Jim is training horses at Park Jefferson, Jefferson, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley, Orn alia, spent the weekend in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kelley and family. Sunday the rrw>oti i/ttiiwl u fiukinu fnn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family s|>ent Wednesday af lernexin and evening at Stroms burg, whe*re they were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Newcomer and in the* evening at tended graduation exercises at Stromsburg where DeWitt Mich ner, nephew of Mrs. Raynokls, was a graduate. They returned to Inman Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs. Albert Reynolds spent Saturday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Je>hn Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purely, left Friday morning for their home at Medford, Ore., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vaden NOTICE Inman d«*g licenses are de linquent May 31st. Get licenses from I. L. Watson, Village Clerk. 3-5C Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Phone I (HIGolden Bldg. ■ Kivett and with relatives in and around Madison Mrs. Purdy anti Mrs. Kivett are sisters. Mr and Mrs. Dick Clark, O' Neill, visited Mrs Clark's mo ther, Mrs. Violet Sholes Saturday afternoon < Dorsey News By Mm. Harold Onborn Mis* Beverly Carson, Lincoln, spent the weekend with her par ents, the Edward Carsons. They also called on Mrs Mary Wolfe and Lizzie Carson in Lynch on Saturday evening Mr and Mrs. Clayton Bennett and Donnie were callers at the Gordon Barta home Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Marlyn were Norfolk busi ness shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and family attended the school picnic held at the Redbird school Sunday. Mrs. Lila Hull closed an other term of school, she plans on being back as teacher in the fall. Miss Rose Mashino had the misfortune of getting hfcr arm burned Saturday she spent over night in the hospital. Me A r4Li>e called at the Osborn home Sun day evening after returning home from North Platte where they had taken their daughter, Donna and grandson, Dustin, to meet Donna's husband, Dewey, as he had spent seven weeks in Kan sas City going to school. Mrs. Howard Graham and Marlyn attended the school picnic at Dist 1 on Friday which clos ed the school for another year. Pvt. Rodrick Hughes, Granite, 111., was home a few days the past week arriving home in time to attend the graduation exerci ses in Lynch, leaving for duty on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka and Pvt. Rodrick Hughes were vis itors at the Harold Osborn home Friday. Pvt. Rodrick Hughes also called at the Gordon Barta home Fri day afternoon. Mrs. Howard Slack attended Connie Bowlby’s wedding Thurs day evening which was held at the Methodist church. John Derickson called at the Lloyd Brady home Saturday and -?! was a dinner guest there. Mr*. Willi* Butterfield aocotn panted Mrs. R. L. Hughe* to Nor folk Sunday, they caJed at the Olson home and Holland Hughe* while at Norfolk. Stuart News tty Mm. Herb tilukia Toney Hoffman, Mike Ramm, Kandy Jardee, Mike Kaup, Roger Sctioiz, Dwame Silvers, Guy Muel ler, John Cobb, Jeroid Liable, j Kenny Hamik, Janice Kollman, j Sharon Campbell, Rita Olberding, Donna Goebel, Shirley Schaaf, Rose Ann Kramer, Linda Engler, and Brenda Kaup received their eighth grade diplomas Sunday morning from high mass at the St. Boniface Catholic church. Fa ther Vince Delazy of Holy Cross gave a talk to the eighth grad ers, men's choir sang high mass. I he boys wore dark trousers and ties with white shirts, girls, pas tel dresses and white hats. A miscellaneous shower was held at the St. Boniface church basement Sunday afternoon with Joyce Scholz, Omaha as the hon ored gjest with 30 ladies present. Rainbow with a pot ot gold But tercups as the theme. Patty Van Cleave sang "Over the Rainbow” accompanied at the piano by Di ane Olberding. Games and queen for a day were played. Joyce received ma ny lovely gifts and she invited all the guests to her wedding on June 22. A lemon dessert was served by the hostess es. Mrs. George Minning, Mrs. Ervin VanCleave, Mrs. Agnes Jardee, Mrs. Roy Krysl, Mrs. Joe Wallinger, Mis. Charles Schaaf. Mrs. S. E. Timmermans and Mrs. Chet Anderson accompanied Mrs. Forrest Iverson and 3 pu pils on a school picnic Friday to Niobrara State Park, took the fairy to Yankton and Gavins Point Dam. The 9and Creek Improvement club met at the home of Mrs. Carroll Marcellus on May 16 with Mrs. Vince Olson as co-hostess. The lesson on meat deminstration was given by Mrs. Alois Schmad erer and Mrs. Jim Hytrek. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Walter (Skip) Smith on June 20. The shut-in of the month was Nancy Horton, former resi dents of the community, who has multi pual sclerosis in a Hastings hospital. Cards were sent to Dan ny Olson, son of Vince Olson at Lynch who was injured in a trac tor accident. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire received word last week that their grandson, Greg Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, Lin coln, received a broken leg. He will be in traction for three weeks at St. Elizabeth hospital and then have to be in a cast for six to eight weeks. Mrs. Elsie Sweet and Mrs. Car ol Finch spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Montgom ery, Sparks. Mrs. Carol Finch returned home Friday after having com pleted her school term near Gor don. Saturday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Farr were Mrs. John Hasch and Mrs Bert Bogue, Newport. A large crowd attended the kin dergarten graduation at the Lunch room of the Public school Friday evening where seventeen boys and girls received their diplomas. The teacher was Mrs. Ruth Krotter. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Earl Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cadwallader and farnuy Alfred Whitley. Naper, spent last week visiting hu daughter, Mr and Mrs Vernon McClurg A Wednesday visitor of Mrs Frank Steinhauser was Mrs. John Hunke, Lexington, Nebr Mr and Mrs. C. D Farr drove to Grand Island to bring Mr. and Mrs Ward Dyer h -me after five weeks Mr Dyer was in the hospital. Mr. and Mr*. C. I>. Farr called Sunday aiternuon on Mr and Mr* Raymond Olson ami family at Newport. Randy Jardee had the misfor tune of receiving a cracked wrist F-iday evening while at a skat ing party. Mrs Jack McGrew al so ! tceived a cracked wrist when a horse jumped out from under her on Saturday Mr and Mrs Vermin McClurg entertained four tables of pitch players Sunday evening at their home Prize winners were Jim Hoffman and Katie Papke, high, Haruid Butler and Alberts Hoff man, low, Mr* Harry Cad walla der, travelers. Laurcne Kaup was honored at a bridal shower Friday evening May 17. by hostesses, Mrs George Walhnger, Mr* Alton Hoffman. Mrs Francis Steinhau ser, Mr*. Wilfred Seger, Mrs Ed — ■■■Ill 11IWIIIl.i 11 ■■■«■■■■ III.—. IIIIIIHIHIMSMIIIIHII-' mm - ■ * Schneulrr and Mia* Darlene Hoff man Mix* Kaup was truWMil and orated at a blue-cowered thrum A rolling pin autographed by the guest* served a* her scepter Tin- gift table was decorated with a bride (toll and a wishing well. The bride's color* of blue ami while predominated Each *ue l (t opped a penny to the wtalitn* writ * lh a up for thr brute Lauren* «m s Minted at lit* g ft table by her aiat*r, Mum Margie Kaup. and a daumab. Midi Darien* Huffman. Lu are net Go'mother, It a Kit Sehnc.iler, p tired at the releah merit tabic I LIGHTER fluid I 5C fifoiisWr""' . FRIDAY - 1 .SATURDAY 1 I Wilson Texaco | | n»Kip-.ii. Nebraska Our brewmaster uses the term "hat schleife” to de scribe a beer that “goes down easily.” It describes Triumph perfectly! What makes this zesty brew so good going down? Well, it's partly the old-time lager flavor—partly Triumph’s natural sparkle—and even that creamy crown of fragrant foam helps to make this beer a great one! Triumph gives you these good things because it’s a natural old-time lager brew. Ready for a round of Triumph? Jal I WORLD’S FINEST LAGER BEER Brewed the utureJ way for store taste—more flaw by STORZ BREWING COMPANY. OMAHA ■V /ladies "briefs NOW, JJC -S*28CI P00' S,,mm, r *tyl®r Sleeve- / s«®«* u„ **,, p \ *'? <0tU,n" in an array of tl( style' f ^ ^ / » toMPrlnte and 8oUd8- wcoi.' ^ wash #n wear ' ' • n|. J < \ I / I Chambray I / work I I 4 / SHIRTS I I w.. / nylons Ayr K—,'u~- / ^Ajcr^r te— I •r / I *-*-- <*,„ ,w I J O £ I ,'ue’9 40 ,o^- oiw bu I mer.,,p n,m ,or iui hu«»- j uZzZr kzzz r*- I JAMAICAS Girls 3-6X SHORTS 1 All set for summer fun! Sturdy cotton twill shorts for little girls have an elastic hack, band front. Red or blue. Gradesters 7-14 SHORTS Sporty cotton in black, blue, beige or tile. Band front, boxer back style with t large, decorative front pockets. 4 Popular Lengths! Black or White Cotton Duck SHORTS PANTS Priced as Low as Go to any length! Cool Jamaica*, slim pedal pushers, jaunty knee pants or long tapered ankle panto! 9^ Ohoow the style that salts you Jamaica best. Neatly tailored with side pocket and concealed side zipper. ','1orTs Perfect summer sportswear for aa \ active outdoor life! size* la-ig. Wmma ,I,M 11 "■ 11 IIIW,,-F- ■■■ I & Drip-Dry Batiste Shortie P.J.'s Misses Sizes I I Hlrrp tool: Prrtty pa*. trl print baby doQ pa jamas with iaoK trims! Oioir*- of rotors. S-M-L Slim! Trim! Wash 'n Wear IVY STYLE SLACKS 100% Cotton for Comfort B°y*m38 Sizes ■ M 8-16 4^ PR. s,- nss Smart Ivy style cotton paste to wear now through sum mer! Neatly tailored with tapered legs, zipper fly. Mini-cord, cotton antoen! Mated plaids, solid colors! Wide selection! Cotton Knit BOYS' SHIRTS 169 S”?s Two cool, comfortable style* to choose from in cottoa hurt or cotton mesh. Wide variety at STOCK-UP SALE Men's & Boys' Combed Cotton BRIEFS and T-SHIRTS "Mix or Match" Boys' Sizes 6-16 5 97c Men's Sizes, Reg. 69c 2 4 17 for I Cotton knit brief* with etentte taped front. T-ohlrin 17. Ion reinforced at new*