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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1963)
Mr. ami Mrs. Kaymom! I teed, <'handlers, have announeed the approaching marriage of their daughter, .Imlllh Karen Heed, and lurry Suansnii, son of .Mr. ami Mrs. Leonard Swanson, also of (^handlers. A June 15 wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Addison of Slnart announce the engage ment of their daughter, Sharon Kay, to Jerry Steinliauser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Stcin hauser of Stuart. Miss Addison is a 1963 gradu ate of Stuart High. Mr. Stein hauser, a 1962 graduate of Stuart High, is employed at the Glen Cobb Chevrolet. No wedding date hits been set. Amelia News By Miss Florence Lindsey Mrs. Harold Fullerton ami pu pils, the upper grade room in Amelia went to O’Neill Friday and spent the day visiting the various business places. Students are Ronnie Thompson, Debbie and Bruce Waldo, Cynthia Dierk ing, Donna Forbes, Joyce Burge. Vicki Doolittle and Bill Doolittle. Air. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus visited at the Ed Bosharts, north of O'Neill Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Paul Johnston Mark and Kay, Schuyler, were Saturday night and Sunday vis itors with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson. Lawrence Barnett and daugh ter, Connie, Greeley, Colo., came Friday night and visited until Sunday with his parents. Air. and Airs. S. C. Barnett and sister ami brother-in-law. Air. and Mrs. Glenn White, also relatives at Chambers. Mrs. Barnett, who had been here since Wednesday vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Next Aldersen, Chambers, return ed home with them Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Darrel Carr. Debra and Darla, were Wednes day evening guests of Mr. and Airs. Harry Peters. Air. and Mrs. Bob Bailey. Belle vue, spent the weekend with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Glenn White. The Baileys are teaching and have about two weeks of school left. Air. and Mrs. Ralph Adair, Al len and Dick, were supper guests Saturday evening with Mrs. Ger tie Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Berl W7aklo have received word from their son Harold, that he and the family will leave Fairbanks, Alaska, Alay 25, and will travel by car. They will visit their daughter, Mrs. Jeff Vore and family at Beulah, Wyo., enroute to Washington D.C. where he is employed by the Bur eau of Land Management. He will also visit his parents here. Mrs. Keith Shellhase and pu pils will have their school picnic Sunday, May 19. Everyone is in vited. The Farm sale of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bly Friday was well at tended. The Blys moved to thi ir new home in O’Neill Saturday The Helping Hand club met Thursday, May 9 at the church annex with Mrs Emma Lindsey as hostess. Fifteen members and 3 visitors were present. After the dinner the business meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Arthur Hiatt Roll call was answered by naming a new flow er or shrub they would like to grow After the bjsmess was dispensed, the rest of the after noon was spent quilting on the club quilt. A nice crowd attended the pro gram and films at the church Thursday evening, sponsored by the MYF and Sunday school group. A fellowship hour followed the program. Cookies and coffee were served for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman visited her mother, Mrs. L>. L. 1" ancner m-ar nmswonn aunuay. Jot- Stoecker visited ins sons, Neal anti Fred Stoecker, and their families at Newcastle, Wyo. last week. Mr. and Mrs. August Puspichal were shoppers m Grand Island Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland, Wauneta and Royvan, Gene Har vey, Page, Mr and Mrs. Claude Ragland, Kearney, Mrs. Laura Ragland, Albion; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. The Merry Matrons club met with Mrs. Ralph Adair Wednes day. Mrs. Blake Ott was co-hos tess. Eimer Coolidges are having the roofs on their house and chicken house re-shingled. The hail the previous Sunday completely ruin ed the roots and also damaged the tin on the barn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs, Dale, Wayne and Diane were Mother’s Day guests with her mother, Mrs Maude Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Krutz, David, Darla, Linda and Kay leen, Stanton, were Sunday din ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Shellhase, Shir ley and Margie were afternoon callers there. Mrs. Stella Sparks and Mrs. Alfred Walters were Mother’s Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne STiith at the Town House in O’Neill. Mrs. Lovina Thompson, Om aha, was a weekend guest with her son, Stanley Thompson and family. Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Jack, Bill and Terry and Mrs. Amy Slay maker went to Albion to spend the weekend with the Darrel Slaymaker family. They also shopped in Norfolk and visited relatives at Newman Grove. First Lt. and Mrs. Kenneth Mathews and Becky, Lincoln, were weekend guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton. George Fullerton, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skala and Kelly, Fremont, were also dinner guests there Sunday. Mrs. Lean Skala has been visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Doolittle and family since Wed nesaay. sne returned to ner noiue at Fremont Sunday evening with her son, Gene Skala and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Miles and family, O’Neill, were Sunday din ner guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Kennedy. Mrs. George Fullerton return ed home Monday evening from Hawthorne, Calif., where she had been visiting her son, Don and family, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Spath and a sister. Mrs. Keith McMillen and family who also live in California. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Makovicka and family, Ulysses, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tesina and Kimberly and Patty Dvorak were visiting at August Pospichals Sunday. Richard and Michael Pospichal joined the rest of their classes in a school picnic at Long Pine. They are students at St. Joseph's High School. Atkinson. Mr. and Airs. Tommie Doolittle and family entertained at Alo ther's Day dinner Sunday. Those present were Mr. and Airs. Tom Doolittle, Mrs. Gertie Adair. Air. and Airs. Jim Bilstein and Dick, Mr. and Airs. Eldon Ballagh, Ken neth, Dennis and Nancy, Mr. and Airs. George Enbody, Cindy and Clinton Doolittle. Air. and Airs. S. C. Barnett, Mr. and Airs Lawrence Barnett, Gree ley. Colorado and Air. and Airs. Bob Bailey, Bellevue, and H. S. White were supper guests Satur day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Teen Age HOP O'Neill Legion Ballroom SAT., MAY IS Music by BLUE NOTES Admission: 75c _^ Glenn Whit*. Grandpa (H S ) White observed Ins 93rd birthday Sunday, May 12 In honor of the occasion a num ber of friends gathered at the < Glenn Whit* home Monday eve ning. The evening was spent vis iting and lunch of Sandwiches, Cake and Gdfee were served. Mrs. Paul Fisher and tier sister in-law, Mrs. Clarence Damme. Chambers, went to Clearwater Wednesday to help their mother. Mrs. Griffith with house clean ing Clyde Burge, Joyce and Bruce spent Mother's Day in O’Neill with his mother, Mrs. Bessie Rnrse Mr. and Mrs Ernie Johnston were dinner guests at the Dunk Peterson home Sunday and vis ited with their nephew, Paul Johnston and family who were al so visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson drove to Randal] Dam Sunday af ternoon. Lee Gilman and Dunk Peterson took Mrs. Gilman and Mrs. Pet erson to the Town House in O’ Neill Sunday evening for Mother’s Day supper. Mrs. Edith Andersen was a - dinner guest at Lindsey’s Sunday Mrs. Lindsey and Florence vis- | ited at Charlie McMillens in At kinson Sunday afternoon. School picnic was held Thurs day (today) at Amelia school house. Darleen Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Johnson, O’Neill, has recently received her nurse’s cap presented by Edna Logan, Director of Nursing at Nebraska Methodist Hospital, Omaha. She was among a class of 56 members to receive this honor. Venus News Uy .Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Elmer Grim repaired pasture j fence at his Venus farm this week. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser was called to the Larry Brookhouser ! home, O’Neill to care for their { baby while Patty who was taken j ill Sunday in the hospital. Mrs. Tomlinson is also assisting in the Brookhouser home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey. Bellevue and Leonard Davey jr. Plattsmouth were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey and son called at the Russell Ickler home, Saturday morning. Alvin Butterfield, Neligh, called at the Donald Caskey home, Tuesday. Mrs. Milo Snyder, teacher at District 18 dismissed classes at noon, Wednesday, to give her pupils an opportunity to get their Sabin oral vaccine. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser was an O'Neill visitor Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey en tertained for Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Joe Eggerling and fam ily, Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Zimmerman, Bloomfield, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moser and Ardith, Bloomfield, and Mrs. John Hot rods, Omaha. Mrs Kotrous re turned to her home, Monday af er spending this week with rel atives in Venus and Verdigre. There will be a reunion of the Brookhouser descendants at Mis souri Valley, la., Sunday, May 19 at the fair grounds. The Work and Fun club will have their annual club picnic, Sunday, June 9, at the Grimston school. Mrs. Mrytle Wheeler is stay ing at her sister's home following a stroke which left her partially paralized. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hegge meyer were hosts to a family group dinner Sunday, May 5. The occasion was the birthday anniversaries of their sons, Loren and Richard jr. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dronselka, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson, Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ruzicka and son,, John Frisk, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Co over and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. George Heggemeyer and Eddie. A trophy was awarded to the Grimpton school, district No. 17 for placing first at the Knox county regional track meet at Verdigre Friday, May 3.. Those participating were Kathy and Jo an Dorr. Connie and Carolyn LeMaster. Mrs. Gordon Harvey, Page, is the teacher. Mrs. Reed Resinger entertain ed the Work and Fun club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Nine members and four visitors, Mrs. Josie Butterfield, Mrs. Leon ard Resinger and Viola Pospesel Creighton, were present. Hand work was done for the hostess. Mrs. George Heggemier will be the next hostess. — Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays I Phone 788 O'Neill Locals (Vlfbralc Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Herman Orsbom wen- hosts to a supper, Saturday evening in honor of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kay W. Orsbom’s 37th wedding anniversary Their three children, Herman, William and Mrs. George (Ber tha» Mumm ami their eight grandchildren were all present They also celebrated the birth days of Dean and Mary Ellen Orsbom and Ellen Kay Mumm Mrs. Jennie Chrniel was enter tained to a Sunday dinner by her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. A Horn, Grand Island Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zakr zewski and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gribble. Chambers, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gribble, Chambers. Mrs C. F. Abart and Dercy were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Keith Abart. Mrs. Bob Erwin and children spent the weekend with tier sis ter and family, Mr. and Mr*. Bob Ellers. Tilden Mr. ami Mrs Hugh Carr ami Sharon. Mr. ami Mrs Gene Carr. Amelia, and Larry Roach. Page, attended a school picnic Sunda> Frances Boyle is the teacher Oirl-tt l.ulh< nui l^ulics Christ I>utheran ladies Aid met Thursday, May 2, at the church parlors The lesson on “Faith Forward" was presented by Maxine Mo Leish. Following the opening of the meeting, mil call was answered hy telling of "A Person who most greatly influenced us". Reports were given from sev eral committees. A discussion was held on the Junior-Senior banquet and other fund raising projects. Hostesses were Edna Meyer and Alice Johnson Bob Erwin accompanied Mr and Mrs Edw Hancock to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haggerty, Casper, Mrs. Hancock remained and will leave with the Haggertys for Albuquerque, N’ M to visit the ladles' mother, Mr* Susan Kubitsehek Tlx- men returned tKxne Sunday. Mr and Mrs. C H Switzer were among those who attended a no-host dinner at the I region Hall, Page. Sunday Mr and Mrs William Buxton, Page, amt Mrs Gaiktrd Albright were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Amott Buxton Alter noon callers were Mr. and Mrs Charles Hancock, who are visit ing here from California. Mr amt Mrs 1-aurence Haynes and family were Sunday supjx-r guests of his mottier. Mrs. Allen Haynes. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carr and Sharon and Mr ami Mrs Larry Roach and I-airy. Page, attended the square dance at Chambers, Saturday night Lonna Haynes accompanied Mr and Mrs Larry Godel, Chad ron. here for the weekend. Lonna is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Laurence Haynes and the Codeia visited their parents, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gmlel and Mr and Mrs. Joe Tennis. Mrs Rosa Bowers and Mr. and Mr* Paul Woidneck wit*' all Sun day dinner gueata of Mr ami Mr*. Marion Woidneck Patricia Hccrman la expected tome from Kanaas City thia weekend to visit her parent*. Mr and Mr*. Fred Herrin an Mr ami Mr* Jack Hollenbeck wen* Sunday evening caller* in the Hugh t!arr home Mr and Mr* Dun MrKamy. Mr ami Mr* Clifford Harding and Mr ami Mr* Uwii ilartos txiw led in the mixed double* at Norfolk, Sunday Mr. and Mr* Gerald Wettlauf er and Gary. Mr and Mr* Hnr old Strong. Norfolk, Mr ami Mr* Kenneth Wettlaufer and txi>» Mr ami Mr* George Wettlaufer and family, Page, and Karen U’oeppel, Ewing, held a nutnwt dinner at the home of Mm An drew Wettlaufer Mr. and Mr* It l> Glider sleeve attended the Mth annual convention of the Nebraska <)j* tometric Association It vva* held in the Paxton Hotel. Omaha, on May 11-13 Mr and Mia George Mnmm Jr and family will spend U» week rnl in Omaha visiting Mr oral Mrs Arnold Krarht and also to get acquainted with thrtr in* niece l.rjiun llustirr* Thr Grattan Hustlers 4 It tMi met at the home <•! Jtm M* ism aid tm .Sunday, April II T»»« meeting was railed to onlrr by the president. Mary Wolfe Eight members afietnml ill call A new member Jtm !>.**ut •on, joined tlm club la-.tderi chosen for the varnst jiroject* were Mr and Mr* Jim McDonald Mr end Mrs Frank Shell six! Mrs Joe thifes The leader* met with thru group* and dtecuaaed the pn» jeets for thr year Following the me Hig. w:w"»f* were sung and games played The next nxetmc will iw it the home of Mr anil Mis Frank Shefl, Sunday, May 19 Rei jurter, Kathleen Duiati || HAM SANDWICH I i and only f | SEVEN UP | ^ SATURDAY from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. jjf SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! ON ALL THESE DISCOUNT MEAT BUYS! 1 I Minced Ham Olive Loaf Spiced Lunch Meat Pickle & Pimento Loaf Ir\(K\(.K ^ ib GROUND BEEF 3 Look What a Dollar Will Buy! Home Miulc PORK SAUSAGE 3 lbs. <T First tilt PORK CHOPS 3 lbs. I^ineti Meat MINCED HAM 3 lbs. I'lcnlc S|iediU WIENERS 3 lbs. RING BOLOGNA 3 for l.c;ui SI.All BACON 3 lbs. Frontier SI.K Kl) BACON 3 lbs. BEEF LIVER 3 lbs. 1U.S.D.A. CHOICE WHOLE ff STEAK SALE I ROUND or RIB .. Lb. 79c Lb* I CHUCK.Lb. CClc -— -i Rolled Boneless U.S.D.A. Choice M SWISS.Lb. 0Qc RUMP ROAST.Lb. 89c BEEF QUARTER SALE! I i-BONE. Lb. 00c BACON SQUARES . Lb. 29c chucks .. lb. 39c rounds lb. s/c 1 CIPI OIK1 I h and Out, Wrapped and Sharp Frozen B BACON.4-lb. box 79c ,or your ,r""u'r ™*! l Mm ■ B R-Wav Sweet Quart jar Last week to ) PICKLES ........ 39c m week’s paper for M Suappv ) POPCORN .. lb. 10c 100 free - TOP VALUE I 69c stamps IB ^Bb BB ^Bk I < FREE! FREE! FREE! B I One Jar of any Kraft I i Ice Cream Topping m : with the purchase of II ONE HALF GALLON I < ICE CREAM m We reserve the right to limit quantities j Van Camps No. 2 Vi cans Pork & Beans .. 4/$l Three Diamond No. 2 cans PINEAPPLE ...■ 3/SI Bordens Tall cans MILK.8/$1 t ——— BUTTER KERNEL CORN Whole Kernel or Cream Style 7 303 eans *1 FIUET OF OCEAN f PERCH I / 39c 1 H * G CHICKEN — TURKEY C WHITING MEAT PIES ( Lb. 19c7 for $1 I PEAS & CARROTS BUTTER KERNEL ■ cut wax beans 303 cans I WHOLE GREEN BEANS C for $ 1 1 CUT GREEN BEANS 9 JL 1