The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 16, 1963, Image 6

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FOR SALK 1953 Chevrolet heavy
duty Mj ton, overloads, 4-speed,
good rubber. Marvin Stauffer,
Page, Nebr. Phone 3590 3-4c
Ready for service, Veterinary
Vaccinated for Plrysipolas, Hog
Cholera and Lepto; guaranteed
breeders. Spencer Feed Service.
Sr>encer. Nebr. 2®tfc
195! Farmall H, gas burner, runs
like new
1946 H P'armall, gas burner, near
new tires, new sleeves & pistons
1944 H, gas burner, runs good
1949 B John Deere, powrtrol, gas
1951 A John Deere, gas burner,
powrtrol, 2 piece pedestal
Also powerlifts for B and A John
3 sets Int. wheel weights
3 new heavy duty underslungs
Used parts for John Deere, Inter
national, VAC Case and Allis
Chalmers tractors
ItRADV shop
Rhone 2605 days 8061 nights
Atkinson, Nebr. 4-4ic
rcm. aia. Kingnam Mat rack
aemi trailer anil a Trailmobile
semi stock trailer, both 30 feet
1 long. Also a 5th wheel and 120
gal. saddle tanks. H. J. Harkins,
ph. IV2-2644. Ewing. 4-5p
FOR SALE 15 Hampshire and
Yorkshire sows to farrow im
mediately. Will have them at
O'Neill sale barn May 23. Theo
I-mis, Spencer, Nebr. 3-4p
SEE US for new SPARTAN or
SAFEWAY mobile homes, 257
down, 57® int-; up to 84 months
to pay. Write or phone Ccntois
Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf
liAlt KEY FOR SALE Controls
Horn and Face flies. Boots Iodine
mineral, reasonably priced. Clif
ford Sobotka, Inman, Ph. 435.
FOR SALE — Grimm Alfalfa seed,
Otto Lorenz, O’Neill. 2tfc
FOR SALE 4 2-year-old Register
ed Hereford bulls. Pioneer Shad
ow breeding. Charles Ooolidge, ph
482-2862, Chambers, Nebr. 3-5c
Need it tractor hay sweep?
Contact Bennett Implement and
Repair at Elgin, Nebr. We have
them ready to go, Complete with
head. Six have wide front ends.
Write or Call
Box 339 Phone 843-3615
Elgin, Nebr.
4-5c and 7-8c
S A V E N O YV !
Side ends May 25, 1963
We have a wide selection of New
and Used Mobile Homes to choose
Large Discounts on all units
See us today
Albion, Nebr. — 395-2170 4tfc
FOR SALE—Holstein and Swiss
Hol stein cross heifers to freshen
within one week. John Sojka,
Page, Nebr. 4-5c
FOR SALE -3-rake hitch to fit
Int. H or M. Morris Hagberg,
phone 2763, Spencer. 3-6c
Quality Insurance. See Kieth
Abort. 38tfc
FOR SALE One Allis Chalmers
irrigation motor and Burkley
pump. Phone 917R1, Otto F. Lor
enz, O’Neill. 49tfc
Raster’s Hampshires
FOR SALE — Serviceable fall
boars from C. M. S. sires extra
rugedness length bone heavy
rMS ss se~*e
Nebraska R e s? rt'L . 1 3 ways.
Champion, ^^®atedJohn Kas
Guaranteed breeder ,
ter. Clearwater, Nebr. Ph.^
5-3360 ---
AH ^mo^you 'van^S6 mor^s
your w-ornes. 74060
F and PoSry"
blocks south. J* O'
i Town House. Ray 38-10p
Neill. Nebr. ---
AU OumplcU-b “
Guaranteed and Beany
1953 p'l J-" scduu *A5.W
1954 4 door sedan — S250*
1959 fdix'r sedan. Gala-Ge V*
196* VS impala. 4 door xedM
1962 98, 4 door Hard Top
1955 FCAB 2 Ton - VI50 00
1957 x “ p««p - «“ •
egp loaded with $3395.0*
Sfr Special Discount Price
r O’Neill. Nebraska
1958 DGOF405 Int Tandem West
Coaster, sleeper, saddle tanks,
air horn, real good rubber, all
majored recently, fifth wheel
ready to roll, only $9,750 00
1962 BC162 with New 16-ft comb,
rack $3,195.00
1960 B160 Cliassis with 8 25 x 20
fires $1,495 00
1959 Ford F600 with hoist, giant
16-ft. comb., new sides, new en
gine block, only $2,495 00
1946 Stuile. truck 7.50x20 tires $275.
1950 Jeep Vi ton $375.00
1946 Jeep w motor overhaul $345 00
1956 Hudson Hornet with V8 en
gine, only $295.00
1961 Scout 2 wheeler Powerlock,
radio, only $1,695.00
1963 C900 Vi ton 4 cyl. pickup
See us for all Models of new
International trucks
Atkinson, Nebr. — Phone Kill
FOR SALE Singer Slant-O-Matic.
This machine will sew on but
tons, button holes, appliques,
blind hems, zig zags, decorative
designs, etc. No attachments
needed. Carries our new guar
antee. Will take trade. Take over
final b small payments, r 01
more information write Credit
Manager, 230 North 10th Street,
Lincoln, Nebraska. 3-4c
I make monthly payment loans
on City real etfate. R. H. Park
er, O’Neill, Nebr. 41tfc
FOR SALE -Hereford bulls.—
Kieth Abart, O’Neill, Dercy
A hart, Emmet. 32tfc
CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker.
FOR SALE Mlinar slide stacker,
32-ft. arms, with or without cage.
Leonard Juracek, O’Neill. 4p
FOR SALE — Eight big rugged
Hereford Bulls, coming 2 and 3
years old. Albert and Rex Car
son, Lynch, Nebr. 44tfc
FOR SALE — Beef calves to go on
cows. Any amount. Calves on
hand most all times. Gerald O’
Connor, Atkinson. Call 2562. l-4p
a pickup Coach? All sizes. Or
der now to be assured of de
livery. For prices see J. J. Lou
kota, Spencer, Nebr. or call 2401
Spencer or 7481 Bristow, Nebr.
FOR SALE Home at 305 West
Fremont, 3 bedroom with gar
age. Billie Marcellus, phone 703,
O'Neill. 4c
FOR SALE -“Air Tex” Aluminum
combination windows and doors.
Aluminum siding. Floor and wall
tile. Free estimates. Phone 360W
Joe Bazelman, 120 So. 7th, O’
Neill. 4-7p
FOR SALE — 10x50, 2 bedroom i
mobile home. Sell or trade equity
for furniture. 306 So. 3rd, O’- {
Neill, Nebr. 4-5p
TOR SALE—2 IHC H tractors, one
with new No. 100 mower, top
shape. Write Star Route Box 32,
Stuart, Nebr. 4c
Real Estate for Sale
FOR SALE — Two bedroom
home for sale at 305 South Jef
ferson in O’Neill. Phone 1143J
after 6 p.m. 2-4p
FOR SALE—6-room modem house
with 3 bedrooms, on paved
street, 3 blocks from school and
downtown. In good repair, priced
reasonably. Phone 606, O’Neill,
619 E. Benton. 3-5c
Why pay more than 4% interest
on your land loan? See R. H.
Parker, O Neill, Nebr. 41tfc
with car, good health, 30 hoars
or more weekly, to serve fam
ilies in 9. Holt Co. Rawleigh line
well known. See or call Marvin
Stahlecker, Box 92, Spencer or
write Rawleigh, Dept. NBE 101
-136, Freeport, 111.
Virgil Laursen Agency
O'Neill, Nebr. altf
E. J. (Skip! SHANE
Dragline Work
Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work
Basement Excavation
and Road Work
Atkinson, Nebr.
Half Block East of Texaco Station
Specializing in all kinds of auto
mobile, truck and tractor repair.
Acetylene and arc welding
New and Rebuilt
Also repair parts for Lawson. Clin
ton and Briggs engines cm hand.
HELP WANTED — Two new and
used car salesmen. Also exper
ienced all-around mechanic.
Good work conditions. Apply by
letter or in person to Spitzen
berger Chew-Olds, O’Neill, tfc
i Need More
Ask Me!
O'Neill Loan Co.
VTrg Laursen 51tf
store your candy and nuts head
quarters. Always fresh. 27 tie
If you would like to change the in
terest rate on your farm loan or
ranch loan down to 4% interest,
See or write R. H. Parker. O'
Neill, Nebr. 41tfc
windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St.
Phone 775-LW
3 blks. W. Sc 3V4 blks. N. stoplight.
We make quick cash loans on
automobiles and furniture.
See us also for your insurance
Central Finance Corp.
O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr.
Why can’t you live with a loan that
you do not have to buy any
shnrpQ nr in thp C!nmnanv?
I can loan money at 4% interest
on Farms and Ranches. You do
not have to buy any shares or
stock in the Company to get a
loan that you can live with. See
R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 48tfc
P. O. Bos 6, Tilden, Nebr.
Personal attention to all orders.
Covers all Northeast Nebraska.
Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All
work fully guaranteed.
NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. 46tfc
REG. QH STUD — Good blood
lines, Sorrel with blaze face. Ser
vice fee, $10. See Bob Matthews
or Darel Adamson. 2-4c
and Heating
16 Years of Experience
No job too small or too big
Snowardt Plumbing
320 So. Jefferson St.
O’NEILL, NEBR. 52-4p
We just want “YOURS”
For Farm and Domestic Wells
Call 721 or come to—
Kelly's Well Service
5 Blks. south of the New Deal
Oil Station -O’Neill
FOR RENT—Office building. See
or call Annabell Asimus, phone
210, O’Neill. 4tfc
I HAVE pasture for 30 cows with
calves or 40 steers. Phone 3219,
Stuart. 4-5c
FOR RENT — Office Building.
r'liuutr -L, i^ciu. jiuc
FOR RENT — Large room on
ground floor, suitable for parties,
meetings or receptions. Call or
see GOLDEN HOTEL. 50tfc
LOST -Billfold on May 5. Finder
may keep money but please re
turn billfold and papers to Roy
Olson, Anoka. Nebr. $10 reward
to finder. 4p
You do not have to buy any stock
in any company to get a Farm
or Ranch loan from R. H. Park
er, O’Neill, Nebr. 41tfc
Private Listings and Auctions
Auction Service
I WISH TO EXPRESS my sincere
thanks to each member of the Ho!
County Town Teachers Associatkw
for the $100 scholarship to the col
lege of my choice that they gav<
It is greatly appreciated.
4c Faye Scheer
sincere thanks to the Sisters anc
nurses of St. Anthony's hospital
Atkinson Memorial hospital an<
Stuart Rest Haven for their kind
ness and care during my brother’!
illness. Also my sincere thanks t<
my neighbors, friends and Rev
Kennicott who helped out during
the sickness and death of my be
loved brother.
4p Genia Krier
TO MY PATIENTS I will be out of
the office djring the month of June
for three to four weeks starting
June 12th to attend continuation
courses in post graduate medicine
in order to retam my academy
standing Dr. Ramsay will take
care of you in my absence.
R. A Serbousek, M D
Banquet tickets 51 50 each on sale
at Thomson Cafe, Platts Station
and Holt Co. Coop in Chambers;
Ford Garage (Delbert Robertson)
and Dr. Eason's office in O’Neill
Deadline May 25 Banquet June 1,
7 p.m. high school gymnasium
I-Legal Notices— |
(First pub. April 25, 1963)
TO: The heirs, devisees, legatees
and personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
Estate of J. Clement Ryan, also
known as Rev. J. Clement Ryan,
S. J., deceased, real names un
known; and all persons having or
claiming any interest in the South
west Quarter and the Northeast
! Quarter of Section 12, the West
Half and Southeast Quarter of
Section 13, the Southeast Quarter
of Sec. 24, All of Section 26, the
East Half and the Northwest
Quarter of Section 25, in Town
ship 29, Range 11, the Northeast
Quarter and the South Half of
Section 18, All of Section 19, All
of Section 30, the Northwest Quar
ter of Section 31, the Southwest
Quarter of Section 5, the North
west Quarter and the South Half
of Section 17, in Township 29,
Range 10; the East Half of Sec
tion 23, the Northwest Quarter of
Section 24, the Northwest Quar
ter of Section 36, in Township 28,
Range 12; the Northeast Quarter
of Section 32, the Southwest Quar
ter and North Half of Section 29,
All of Section 20, the South Half of
the Northeast Quarter, the South
east Quarter and the West Half of
Section 19, West Half of Section
27, the North Half of Section 30,
in Township 29, Range 12; the East
Half of Section 24, the East Half
of the Northeast Quarter of Sec
tion 25, in Township 29, Range 13,
West of the 6th P. M. in Holt
County, Nebraska, and Lots 10 and
11 in Block 13, Lots 13 and 14 in B.
14; Lot 24, in Block 22, and the
South 102 feet of the North 130
feet of Lots 14, 15, and 16 in
Block 28, Lots 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, and 20 in Block 33, All in
the Original Town of O’Neill, Holt
County, Nebraska, real names un
known, Defendants.
You and each of you are here
by notified that on the 23rd day
of April, 1963, Loretta Doyle, Neil
B. Ryan, Joseph F. Ryan and Ro
bert B. Ryan as plaintiffs filed
their petition in the District Court
of Holt County, Nebraska, against
you as defendants the object and
prayer of which is to quiet and
confirm the title in them, the
said Loretta Doyle, Neil B. Ryan,
Joseph F. Ryan and Robert B. Ry
an to the real estate hereinabove
specifically described as against
you and each of you, and to secure
a Decree of Court that you have
no interest in, right or title to, or
lien upon said real estate or any
part thereof; and for general equi
table relief.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 3rd day
v' * * * v 9 ii/w.
Dated this 23rd day of April, 1963.
Loretta Doyle; Neil B. Ryan,
Joseph F. Ryan; and Robert B,
Ryan, Plaintiffs,
By Julius D. Cronin
Their Attorney l-4c
Notice is hereby given that O’
Neill National Company has been
incorporated under the Laws of
the State of Nebraska.
The name of the corporation is
O’Neill National Company.
The principal place of busi
ness of the corporation is located
in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebras
The nature of the business to
be transacted is:
Acquire by purchase, lease, or
otherwise, lands and interests in
lands, and to own, hold, improve,
develop, and manage any real
estate so acquired, and to erect,
or cause to be erected, on any
lands owned, held, or occupied
by the corporation, buildings or
other structures, with their ap
purtenances, and to manage, op
erate, lease, rebuild, enlarge
alter or improve any buildings oi
other structures, including facil
ities for the parking of motoi
vehicles, and to encumber or dis
pose of any lands or interests ir
■ lands, and any buildings or struc
tures, and any stores, shops
, suites, rooms or parts of any
buildings or structures, at any
time owned or held by the cor
t To acquire, by purchase, lease
manufacture, or otherwise, any
■ personal property deemed nec
essary or useful in the equip
ping, furnishing, improving, de
veloping, or management of any
property, real or personal, at any
time owned, held or occupied by
l the corporation and to invest
trade and deal in any persona
l property deemed beneficial tr
the corporation, and to encumbei
• or dispose of any personal pro
> perty at any time owned or helc
by the corporation.
> To borrow money; to issi*
bonds, debentures, mortgages
notes and other obligations to se
cure loans; to sell or pledge suet
(First jmb. May 9. 1963>
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, the following
described change of district
boundaries is requested: To dis
solve Dist. No. 100 and annex the
territory there of to Dist. No. 4.
A hearing of said matter will
be held in the Assembly Room
of the Courthouse at O'Neill, Ne
braska on May 20, 1963 at 9:00
P M. when all interested may
appear and lx- heard
Holt Cbunty
Reorganization Committee
By: AJice L. French, Sec
bonds, debentures, mortgages
and other obligations; and in
general to make any contract
which the directors may deem
To enter into and perform
agreements and contracts of any
nature with any government,
state, territory, district, munic
ipality, political or government
division or, subdivision, ixxly pol
itic, corporation, association, part
nership, firm, trustee, syndicate,
individual, combination, organiz
ation, or entity whatever.
To carry on all or part of its
business, objects, and purposes, |
aa ^inu-ipai, laciui , u^ciib, EUll*
tractor, or otherwise, either alone
or associated with any corpora
tion, association, partnership,
firm, individual, or organization,
at any place.
To do any one or all of the
acts and things herein set forth;
to do any and all acts and things
and exercise any and all powers
which a natural person could do
and exercise and which are now
or may hereafter be authorized
by Law for corporations to do or
To do and perform all acts or
things necessary, incidental or
convenient to do in order to pro
mote, either directly or indirect
ly, the interests of the corpora
tion, and to enhance the value of
or render profitable any of the
corporation’s property or rights.
The amount of capital stock
authorized is $100,000.00, of which
$10,000.00 shall be paid for in
cash or property at the time the
corporation commences business.
The time of the commencement
of business of the corporation was
May 2, 1963, and said corporation
shall have perpetual existence.
The affairs of the corporation
are to lx? conducted by a Board
of Directors, with a President, a
Vice President, Secretary and
Treasurer as officers.
Dated this 3 day of May, 1963.
By Francis N. Cronin, President
(First pub. May 9, 1963)
Sealed proposals will be receiv
ed at the office of the City Clerk,
City of O’Neill, Nebraska until
7:30 P.M., C.S.T. on the 27th day
of May, 1963, for furnishing all
labor, tools, materials, and equip
ment required to construct Water
Extension District No. 1 as per
i the plans and specifications for
said construction now on file with
the City Clerk and available at
the office of Kirkham, Michael
and Associates. Such proposals
as are received will be publicly
opened, read aloud, and tabulat
ed at said time and place in the
City Hall in O’Neill Nebraska.
The Approximate Quantities of
the major items of construction
are as follows:
4,991 L.F. 6” Dia. C.I.P. Com
plete in place
6 Ea. New Fire Hydrant, Com
pieie m piace
15 Ea. 6” Dia. Gate Valve
1 Ea. Street Crossing
The Engineer’s estimate for the
cost of construction of Water Ex
tension District No. 1, is
Each proposal shall be made
on a form furnished by Kirkham.
Michael & Associates, and must
be accompanied by a certified
check in an amount not less than
$1,190.00, made payable to the
City Treasurer, City of O’Neill,
Nebraska, which shall be con
sidered as liquidated damages,
and shall be forfeited to the City
of O’Neill, Nebraska if said pro
posal or bid is accepted and the
bidder fails to execute the con
tract and file the required bond
as provided in the specifications.
Checks accompanying proposals
not accepted shall be returned
to the bidders.
No bidder may withdraw his
proposal for a period of thirty
(30> days after date set for open
ing of bids.
All proposals must be enclosed
in an envelope, sealed and ad
dressed to the Office of the City'
Clerk, City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
and shall be marked “Proposal,
Water Extension District No.
1”. Proposals received after
the above time and date
will be returned unopened to the
bidder submitting the proposal.
The work herein provided for
shall be done under written con
tract with the responsible bidder
submitting the lowest acceptable
bid in accordance with the re
quirements of the plans and
specifications and as provided by
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish a bond as
specified in the specifications in
an amount equal to one hundred
percent (100%) of the contract
price, said bond to be also exe
cuted by a responsible corporate
surety approved by the Owner
[ and shall guarantee the faithful
i performance of the contract and
the terms and conditions therein
I Plans, specifications and con
tract documents may be examin
• ed at the office of City Clerk.
City of O’Neill. Nebraska, and
may be procured from the of
II fice' of the Engineers, Kirkham.
Michael & Associates, at 7300,
Wool worth Avenue. Omaha 24
Nebraska, upon the payment ol
Ten Dollars ($10.00) which
amount will not be refunded
The Mayor and City Council of
the City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
reserves the right to waive in
formalities and to reject any or
all bids.
Dated this 7th day of May, 1963
Dale French, City Clerk 3-5c
•First pub. May 9, 1963)
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, the following
described change of district
lioundanes is requested: Dist.
No. 26 to be dissolved and the
territory there of to be annexed
to District No. 3.
A hearing of said matter will
lx* held in the Assembly Room
of the Courthouse at O'Neill, Ne
braska on May 20, 1963 at 8:00
P M when all interested may
appear and be heard.
Holt County
Reorganization Committee
By: Alice L. French, .See.
(First pub. May 9, 1963»
Sealed proposals will be receiv
ed at the office of the City Clerk,
City of O'Neill, Nebraska until
7:30 P.M., C.S.T, on the 27th day
of May, 1963, for furnishing all
labor, tools, materials, and equip
ment required to construct SAN
DISTRICT NO. 1, as per the
plans and specifications for said
construction now on file with the
City Clerk and available at the
office of Kirkham, Michael and
Associates. Such proposals as are
received will i>e publicly opened,
read aloud, and tabulated at said
time and place in the City Hall
in O'Neill, Nebraska.
The Approximate Quantities of
the major items of construction
are as follows:
4,302 L.F. 8" VCP, Sanitary
Sewer Pipe, Complete in place
12 Ea. Build Standard Manhole
6 Ea. 6” VCP, Stubout for
House Service Connection
35 Ea. 6”x8” VCP Wye Branch
2 Ea. Adjust Existing Manhole
to Grade
The Engineer’s estimate for the
cost of construction of Sanitary
Sewer Extension District No. 1
is $17,295.00.
Each proposal shall be made
on a form furnished by Kirkham,
Michael & Associates, and must
be accompanied by a certified
check in an amount not less than
$864.75, made payable to the
City Treasurer, City of O’Neill.
Nebraska, which shall be con
sidered as liquidated damages,
and shall be forfeited to the City
of O’Neill. Nebraska if said pro
posal or bid is accepted and the
bidder fails to execute the con
tract and file the required bond
as provided in the specifications.
Checks accompanying proposals
not accepted shall be returned
to the bidders.
No bidder may withdraw his
proposal for a period of thirty
(30) days after date set for open
ing of bids.
All proposals must be enclosed
in an envelope, sealed and ad
dressed to the Office of the City
Clerk, City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
and shall be marked "Proposal,
Sanitary Sewer Extension Dist
rict No. 1.” Proposals received
after the above time and date
will be returned unopened to the
bidder submitting the proposal.
The work herein provided for
shall be done under written con
tract with the responsible bidder
suomiumg tne lowest acceptable
bid in accordance with the re
quirements of the plans and
specifications and as provided by
The successful bidder will be
required to furnish a bond as
specified in the specifications in
an amount equal to one hundred
percent (100%) of the contract
price, said bond to be also exe
cuted by a responsible corporate
surety approved by the Owner
and shall guarantee the faithful
performance of the contract and
the terms and conditions therein
Plans, specifications and con
tract documents may be examin
ed at the office of City Clerk,
City of O'Neil], Nebraska, and
may be obtained from the of
fice of the Engineers, Kirkham,
Michael & Associates, at 7300
Woolworth Avenue, Omaha 24,
Nebraska, upon the payment of
Ten Dollars ($10.00) which
amount will not be refunded.
The Mayor and City Council of
the City of O’Neill, Nebraska,
reserves the right to waive in
formalities and to reject any or
all bids.
Dated this 7th day of May. 1963.
Dale French, City Cleric 3-5c
'First pub. May 9, 1963)
In accordance with the School
Laws of Nebraska, the following
described change of district
boundaries is requested: To dis
solve Dist No. 32 and attach the
following territory to Dist. No. 4:
N% erf the SEy« and the SEy4
of Sec. 25. NEy4 of Sec. 36, Town
ship 32, Range 10; S% of Sec.
30. EVfe and the N% of NWy4
Sec. 31, Sec. 32, Township
32. Range 9; SWy4 and the N%
of the NEy4 Sec. 6, NWy4 of Sec.
7, Township 31, Range 9. The re
mainder of Dist. No. 32 to be
attached to Dist. No. 3.
A hearing of said matter will
be held in the Assembly Room
of the Courthouse at O'Neil!, Ne
braska on May 20. 1963 at 8:30
P M. when all interested may
appear and be heard.
Holt County
Reorganization Committee
By: Alice L. French, Sec. |
THE FRONTIER. O'Neill, Netoi
Clearwater News
Mrs. CfcartM Ourtr^bl
Graduating exercises will be
held at 8 00 p m., May 15th for
the Seniors and 8th grade. Speak
er for the evening will be Dr
Allen P Burkhart.
Officers <jf the Alumni banquet
association for Clearwater High
school have set May 27th as the
deadline for reservations for the
banquet. Reservation* may be
made with Mrs. Hul Thompson
or Mrs. Erick Muiertch at fl 75
each. The banquet is set for May
29th in the Lutheran church par
Mrs Harold Bearinger, a past
county chairman of the Antelope
county extension clubs will act as
Antelope county's representative
at the annual Rural homemakers
day in Sk>ux City, la., June 4lh
The WSCS of the Methodist
church held a bake sale Sutur
day at the Snider store on main
w*k*. Thursday. May IS. *S*S
relative* corning fruin Wnh"o
Neligh, Columbus, Ewing anti
Mr* Edith McClcnahan was
honored at the Baptist church
Sunday as being Uie oldr»l mo
tiler present The youngest mo
tiler waa Mrs Tom Odder.
Mrs Vernon Smith returned
Friday of last week from a 7 day
plane trip to various point* In
the V. i. Mrs. Smiths slater.
Miss Elenore Porter, employed in
the IBM Prudential budding.
Chicago by American Airline*
was given a free trip by air. She
was permitted to take as a guest
either her parents, a bmlitor or
sister. Mrs. Smith was asked to
aocompMiiy her. They visited
San Francisco and Los Angeles,
Calif , New York City. Tucson,
Am., Phoenix, Aril., and back to
Chicago In Los Angeles they vis
ited Mr. and Mrs Robert Far
rier and Mrs Elmore Farrier
where they were overnight
guests The Farriers are former
Chandler* friends
The Town Board met Monday
evening, May DUi Among matters
of business was the election of
officers. Duane K. Miller was
elected Mayor to replace J, W
Walter and Kulph Adams to the
bound Inins Walter will replace
Bernard Cuvuiuiugh as police of
ficer. Lyman Covey will serve
this capacity for a short time
until Mr. Walters job at the
Platt Oil Company ends.
Robert Hess lelt for Missouri
to uttend an Alumni Banquet on
Suturduy evening in his old home
Mr and Mrs Lawrence Burnett
left .Sunday for their home at
Greeley, Colo. Mrs Burnett hud
been here since Wednesday vis
iting and assisting tier parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E Alderson.
Mr. Barnett came later to get his
wife and to visit his parents,
Mr and Mrs Stacy Barnett. Am
Gary Holcomb, Lincoln, spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr and Mrs LeHoy Holcomb.
Gail Holcomb, student at Keur
ney State College was also home
for the weekend
Kenneth Thomson, teacher at
Cedar Rapids spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Thompson and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blevins
and daughter, Lincoln, spent the
weekend with her mother, Mrs.
Lloyd deed.
Mrs. C. W. Porter, O’Neill,
Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, Mrs. Mae
Hubbard and Mrs Leonard Swan
son, Chambers, returned Wednes
day from Texas where Mrs. Por
ter and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard vis
ite«l the formers son and family
and the others attended a Clinic
at Dallas.
Mrs. Edgar DeHart spent a few
days last week in the Lutheran
hospital, Norfolk During her aj>
sence from home her daughter,
Mrs. Eugene VanGerpen, Fre
mont, assisted in the DeHart
home. Mrs. VanGerpen returned
to her home, Sunday, the De
Harts taking her as far as Albion
where her husband met her
Mrs. G. H. Grime* drove to
Milford Saturday where she vis
ited until Monday with her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Grimes arwi fam
Bobby Durre, small son </f Mr
and Mrs. Henry fAirre, spent a
short time in St Anthony's hos
pital last week due to having sf'v
eral teeth removed
Mrs. Richard Jarman returned
hnmp Mtinri;iv frnnri Knmla Ts»
Mrs. Erick Mmerich. Mrs
George Wrenholt an<l Mrs Char
les Curtright attended the Scout
Ex (sis it ion for 1%3 in the city
auditorium in Norfolk Saturduy
afternoon. Quite a few scouts
from Clearwater were present
along with leaders Hal Thomp
son, Don Russell and Orlando
Mrs. Howard Luben spent a
couple of days at the Dewey Brit
tell home near Chambers last
week, on Sunday she accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brandt
to Weeping Water where they
were Mother’s day guests in the
Don L/uben home.
Mrs. Theresa Curtright, Neligh
spent Sunday at the Charles
Curtright home.
We had a little moisture here
over the weekend, there was lo
be promised of more and we could
well use it. Saturday morning
some hail fell here m town but
there have been no reports of
serious damage, although the
ground was completely white for
awhile and tree leaves took a
Chambers News
By Mm. E. K. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wright, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Logeman and Ka
thy and Mr. and Mrs Raymond
Shoemaker were Sunday dinner
guests in the Mike Fleek home.
The Henry Fleeks were p. in.
Mr. and Mrs. Eemerson Lose
ke and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Koci
and girls drove to Columbus Sun
day to visit the formers parents
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Loeske.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hunt, O’
Neill, were Sunday evening vis
itors in the home of their daugh
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
George Smith and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young and
children spent Mother's Day with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Madsen, Laurel.
Mrs. John Ogriz, Seattle, Wash
came Tuesday for a visit with her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. T. E. Alderson. Mrs. Ogriz
is the former Minnie Alderson.
Lt has been 34 years since she
has visited at Chambers where
she was reared.
Mother’s Day dinner guests of
on T miUn /^/>aUa ttrnrn \/I irar L’ #!
ith McClenahan, who was guest
of honor, being 90 years of age
soon; also Mrs. Etta Keller, Mrs
Valo Edwards, Mrs. Mae Hub
bard, Mrs. Andrew Gilbert, Mrs.
Esther Wood, Mrs. Bert Fare
well, Mrs. Cordia Smith and Mrs.
Rena Coppoc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holcomb
Aurora, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper.
Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell fib
served her 96th birthday anniver
sary Sunday at her home in
Chambers. Present for a family
gathering in her honor were 53
•where she spent a week with her
parents. Mr. arid Mrs Charles
Smith and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs Dean Stevens and
son, Terry , Atkinson, were Sun
day evening visitors in the E. K
Carpenter home
ud repair
*»bone 719 O'Neill, VHm.
We also carry the following Chemicals
Harry R. Smith Imp.
O'Neill Nebraska