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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1963)
aklHE FRONTfifti BILL RICHARDSON, Publisher BRUCE J REHBERG, Editor Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $3.50 per year; elsewhere in the United States, $4 per year, rate abroad provided upon request. AH subscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This newspaper is a member of the Nebraska Press Association, National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau jf Circulations. NATIONAL E 0 I T O HI A ; ' "" I————■Ml ■■III . Page News Rv Mr». Rea Aikni DeVon Kemper, Linda Alberts, Linda Thompson, Jim Crumly, Andrea Wettlaufer, Roberta Ash er, Valjean Parks and Jolene Grass accompanied the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder and Dick and Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer tit Omaha, Saturday. They visited various churches of different de nominations including Boys Town a Hebrew Temple, where they witness a boy’s Bar Mitvah and also attended services at the First Mehodist church. The above named young folks are attending membership class and will join the Methodist church in June. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and boys and Mrs Hester Edmiston enjoyed a breakfast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln, who spent the weekend here on their farm. Leonard Blain, a junior in in Page High School has been informed by the Temperance Le ague of Nebraska that his es WALLPAPER SALE Several good patterns While they last at 10c per roll West Lumber and Coal Co. I’age, Nebr. 2-4c j n m -SIOUX STEEL GATE... Guaranteed for Life! All Sim • CHANNEL FORMED FOR EXTRA STRENGTH • RUGGED DURABLE • DOUBLE LATCHES Everything you want, and more, in this new, -SIOUX- Steel Rigid Panel Farm Gate. Never needs painting . . . can’t sag or warp. See it now, before you buy any gate. ! MAKERS OF | AMERICA’S ; FINEST FARM |PRODUCTS OF :STEEL STANDARD SIZES SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O’Neill, Nebr. 4-6e say, “The case against Social Drinking’’ has won second place in our district in the Senior High contest. Leonard will go to Lin coln on Citzenship Day, May 11th, where he and the other winners will receive an award of merit certificate at the Capitol build ing They will then tour the Cap itol building and be guests at a banquet at noon. The Rev. El more Blain of Atkinson will ac company Leonard to Lincoln. “Party Time" was the theme of the annual May Tea, of the home extension clubs of the Page Center, Page Extension club, East Side Kountry Kluto and the Gold en Rule Extension club held in the Fellowship hall of the Meth odist church Thursday afternoon. The 42 members and their guests welcomed by Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, group chairman of the Page center. The afternoon be gan with a “Kitchen Scramble” a puzzle pertaining to kitchen ar ticles. A triple trio, members of the East Side Kountry Klub, sang two selections. Mrs. Catherine Indra gave a demonstration on centerpieces. She showed what could be made from items most homemakers have around the house. She made several centerpieces to be used for the different months of the year. A film strip was shown on “Ground Beef, the Passport to Far-away Eating”, which Mrs. I n/lr-i noeroto/1 At the conclusion of the pro gram the members viewed the decorations followed by the serv ing of lunch. Mrs. Merwyn French poured the coffee and Mrs. Dick Cunningham, the tea. Town and Country club met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fussel man. Bridge was played with Mr and Mrs. Jerry Lamason winning high and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey, second high. Mrs. George Clasey and Mrs. Harold Kelly were guests when the Bid or Bye club met with Mrs. John Steinberg, Wednesday afternoon. Bridge was played with Mrs. Jerry Lamason winning high. The pupils and teacher, Mrs. E. L. Miner of District 23 enter tained their mothers and guests at a tea Friday afternoon. Each lady received a tulip corsage. A short program was held. Fol lowing this the young folks went on a scavenger hunt while the mothers enjoyed a social hour and lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and family entertained Mr. and Mrs Raymond Heiss and Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Heiss and family to a Mother’s Day dinner Sunday at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers and Mrs. Richard Heiss were Sunday afternoon callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs Merwyn French jr. and family, York. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, Mr and Mrs Harry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer and fam ily and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer had Mother's Day dinner. PAINT SALE Several good colors Sherwin Williams Super Kemtone, rubber base paint West Lumber and Coal Co. Page, Nebr. 2-4c SHARP ONE-OWNER Used Cars 1961 FORD Galaxie 4 door, V-8, tu-tone, radio, Fordomatic 1962 FORD Galaxie 4 door, V-8, overdrive, ra dio, heater, new tires 1957 FORD 4 door, V-8, tu-tone, radio, heater, new tires, low mileage 1960 FORD Country Sedan, V-8, Cruisematic, mechanically A-l 1960 MERCURY Monterey 4-door, V-8, new tires, low mileage, clean and sharp ROBERTSON MOTOR CO., INC. PHONE SS 316 E. Fremont O'Neill, Nebr. at Segerwood Cafe. In the after r*jon the Edgar Stauffers called at St. Anthony's hospital to vis it the patients from Page. Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen and sons visited their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. Dick Stewart and son, Grand Island. Dennis Ickes was home from Lincoln for the weekend. Mrs. Emma Kemper accompanied him back to Lincoln, Sunday, where she will visit her daughter and family, Mr and Mrs. George Winkler. Mrs Jennie Finley went to Bronson, la., by bus where she will visit her son and family, Mr and Mrs. Jim Finley and Sheila and her sister. Mrs. Susie Alex ander for several days. She will also visit a niece, Mrs. Dorothy Haafke, Mr. and Mrs Edgar Woods ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes from Lincoln to Page for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser, O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Saturday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Mr. and Mrs George Wettlau fer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and Gary, O’ Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Strong Norfolk and Karen Woeppel, Ew ing, enjoyed a no-host dinner at the home of Mrs. Andrew Wett laufer, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton and Mrs. Gailord Albright were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amott Buxton, O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hancock, Cal ifornia, were afternoon callers. King’s Daughters met Tuesday night at the Methodist church, Mrs. Robert Beelaert had the de votions. The Rev. Linder gave the first lesson on the “Dimen cisvn nf Prrivnr” nf n f. ficers was held with Mrs. Nor man Trowbridge, president; Mrs “Bud” Ickes, vice-president; Mrs. Allen Gross, secretary; Mrs. Tom Kelly, co-secretary; Mrs. Donna Beelaert, treasurer; Mrs. George Wettlaufer; condolence secretary. Hostesses were Mrs. George Wett laufer and Mrs. Robert Linder. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes, Lin coln, visited his mother, Mrs. Al len Haynes and aunt, Mrs. Nell Storm over the weekend. Mrs. Roy Haynes also visited her sis ters, Grace and Nell Woods, Em ma Canaday and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neubauer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sor ensen and family, Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nissen and family were Sunday lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. So ren Sorensen sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Roach were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk and family. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes at tended the Knox county school picnic, Sunday. Mrs. Henry Vona sek, the teacher Glenda Sorensen who attends the school, won a purple ribbon at the speech con test held Saturday in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, Loup City, visited Mrs. Susie Haynes and Nell Storm Wednes day. Mrs. Reed, the former Nel lie Barnett is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry Barnett who us ed to live where the Harry Teg elers now live. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch took their mothers, Mrs. Ethel Waring and Mrs Alta Finch to church Sunday followed by dinner at their home. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch and family, Osmond. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Giv ens, Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens 1 O 1 T-l_i_1 ailU IdilUljr, uimiiv-i • ***»« Mrs. George Pongratz, O’Neil] were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Harold Kramer, Stuart. Mrs. A. 0. Weber spent Mo ther’s Day with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Blain, Or chard, were Mother’s day guests in the home of his mother, Mrs. Ella Blain. Elkhorn Valley Holiness associ ation prayer conference met at Niobrara,' Saturday. This area was represented. The morning speaker was an Indian pastor, the Rev. Jimmerson, Winner. The afternoon speaker was the Rev. Berniece Hubby. A basket din ner was enjoyed at noon. District No. 55, Mrs. Harry Thomsen the teacher, will hold their picnic. Thursday. Mrs. E. L. Miner and pupils of dis trict No. 23 invited everyone in the district to their picnic, Satur day. Mrs. Icie Snyder was a Sunday dinner guest in the John Gray home. Afternoon callers were Mr and Mrs. Elsworth Hunter, Scotts bluff. Sunday visitors in the Otto Mat schullat home were Mr. and Mrs Dale Matschullat and family and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony and family, Scotia. Afternoon callers to visit the Anthony's were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, Inman. Mrs. Otto Matschullat had Mo ther’s day greetings via the tele phone from her son. Wayne, San Francisco and her daughter, Mrs. Mernon Chase. Porterville. Calif. Mrs. C. E. Walker and Mrs. Floyd Frahm entertained neigh bors and friends of Jenelle Allen to a breakfast Thursday morning in the Walker home. The group presented Miss Allen with a gift. Mother’s Day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert, were his mother. Mrs. Marie Bee laert, Ewing, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarman and family, Chambers. Mrs. Gordon Harper, Oklahoma City, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beelaert and family and Mr. KU I ML I nCHIRE rhurs. May 16 Family Night "ESCAPE FROM EAST BERLIN” Fri.-SaL May 17-18 “FACE OF A FUGITIVE” Sun.-Mon.-Tnes May 19-20-21 “A GIRL NAMED TAMIKO" Wed.-Thms. May 23-23 Family Night "THE HARD MAN” and Mrs Robert Prill and fam ily, Stuart. Mr and Mrs "Bud” Ickes and family were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R F. Park Mrs. Paul Hartigan and fam ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr. visited Mr and Mrs. Clay ton Messner and Leta Rea, O’ Neill. They also called at the Jack Taylor and Frank Barival homes, to visit their grandchild ren, who are staying there. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers, Mrs Richard Heiss and boys and Grace Zellers were Sunday din ner guests of Mr and Mrs. J.C. King and family, York. Mr. and Mrs L. G. Summers and family and Jerry Summers and children were Sunday din ner guests in the Bob Summers home, Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy, Ainsworth, were Sunday dinner guests in the Bill Sorensen home Mr. and Mrs. Everett Baldwin and family, Los Angeles, were Friday to Monday visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaman. On Sat urday they all visited Mrs Weg man's brother, Clarence Broker, Plainview. A large crowd attended the pre nuptial shower Friday night at the Fellowship Hall of the Meth odist church for Jenelle Allen, sponsored by the class mothers of 1958. Mrs. A. T. Cramly and Mrs Harold Freemeyer had charge of the decorating which featured a white imitation decorated cake with miniature bride and groom trimmed with red roses. Jean Finley, Bonnie Crumly and Mrs. Ron Boville assisted with the gifts. Bonnie also entertained by playing old time love songs on the piano between the opening of gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ruther, In man and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Conner were Wednesday evening visitors in the Jim Ruther home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gray were Sunday dinner guests in the Art Miller home, Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher, Mrs. Frieda Asher, Mr. and Mrs Jerry Asher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family, Dick Linder, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nis sen, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen and girls, Marlene DeVon and Diane Kemper, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family, Jeannette Stracka and Ron Asher, all of Atkinson, Mr, and Mrs Harry Appleby. Inman Mr and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’ Neill and Mr. and Mrs Bob Ash er and family. Winner. S. D., all enjoyed a rio host dinner Sunday at the Legion hall. Mr. and Mrs Charles Hancock, California, are spending a few days with her brother and family, Mr and Mrs. William Buxton Inman News By Mr*. James McMahan Margaret Pruss. Clearwater, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Henry Pruss. Ralph Sholes spent Friday and Saturday at Sterling, Colo. On Saturday he attended the wed ding of Gale Stevens, formerly of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill spent the weekend at Holdrege visiting Mr and Mrs G. E. Hartigan and family. Charles Young, who is em weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch, who are employed at Kearney, spent the weekend at their home Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley and twin girls, Jennifer and Ju lie, spent Friday afternoon and Saturday, visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Slushor and sons, Valen tine. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutton and family, Omaha, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton. Gus Spath entered St. Antho ny's hospital as a medical patient on Friday. Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins, at tended a bridal shower, Saturday afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Earl Rodman, O’Neill, in honor of Miss Paula Reed. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley and L-,»idy, Norfolk, spent the week end visiting Don’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher, O'Neill, were Inman visitors in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Michaelis and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Mr and Mn Robert Bunval and Murk O'Neill, visited Mr and Mr* Howard Jackson and Billy Friday evening Mr and Mr* Ray mood Luben and daughters, Fremont, spent the weekend vuuting his mother, Mrs Grace Luben Mrs Harvey Tompkins. Mr* Ethel Tompkins and Mrs Fred Moure i^-ent Wednesday in Nor folk on a combined business and pleasure tnp Mr. and Mrs. Turn Cunningham and son entertained the follow ing at dinner Sunday at their home south of town. Mr. ami Mrs. Horace Sholes and family and Karen and Maunce Walt feldt, Inman and Mr and Mrs. Terry Cunningham and family, O'Neill. Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dv-Long Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Coventry visited Mr and Mrs Dick Cov entry at Norfolk Tuesday after noon. Edwin Langley, Lincoln, came Friday to spend the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs Ira naisou. .>irs. i*angicy ana aaugn ters, who have spent two weeks in the Watson home, returned to Lin coln with Mr. Langley on Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Ray Siders spent Mother's Day visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder and Kathy, O'Neill. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Krueger and daughter of Woodward, la., spent Wednesday visiting Mrs. Pauline Anderl and Frances. Ot her guests in the Anderl home were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berg strum, Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes and Mrs. Amelia Moore, Inman. The Kruegers continued , on to Lander, Wyo., to visit their . son, Richard, and family. Mr and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mrs Pauline Anderl, Mrs. Amelia Moore and Mildred Keyes spent Saturday in Norfolk Mrs. James McMahan, Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and Mrs. John Mattson spent Monday in Nor-J. folk. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield Insurance — Ronds Real Estate A Home limns Call us for reliable service GEO. C. ROBERTSON. Agency Office 534 — Res. 161W . and daughters, Norfolk. visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs Dana lanes and family. Mr and Mrs Clifford Juracek of Norfolk spent the weekend vis ilmg Mr and Mrs Glenn Gil logly and family and with rela lives at Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull, Lynch, and Mrs Swtnle Brill vy, Bristow, were Friday dinner guests in the home of Mr anil Mrs Albert Reynolds and family. The Senior class accompanied by Mr and Mrs Maurice Widt feldt wp<nt the weekend at the Black Hills for the Sneak day The group left Friday morning and returned to Inman Sunday evening. Joe Peters who is employi*d at Norfolk, spent Thursday and Fri day here with his family Mr and Mrs Howard D Hanks and family, Lincoln, spent the weekend visiting Mr and Mrs James Banks and family at In man and with relatives at Cham bers. Dr. and Mrs W J. Slusher. Valentine, were Monday noon guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson The Slushers were returning to Valentine from Omaha where they attended an Optometry meeting. WSCS of the Metiiodist cl Kirch met Thursday afternoon at the church annex for their regular meeting M members were in at tendance During the business session it was voted to pay $250 oo on the church budget. Lunch was served at the close of the NOTICE Ininun dog are de linquent May Slut. Uet lit-nniiew from I. I,. Village <Vrk. S-Bo Paul Shierk INBI'RANCTE AOKBOT O'NEILL. NEBR IntnniDre of All Kind* afternoon by Mr* Groce Gannon oral Mr* Ruth WuUan Mr Bob Munten, representative of Niecu Feed*. Norfolk. vutted Mr and Mr* Harvey Tom(kini on Tuesday Aftrrru><*> A record ;ng *u made by Mr tlunten and Mr Tompkins and thu recording can be heard at 7 30 a in >m Friday over station WJAG Nor folk The Frontier On Sale each Thuraday morning at Stannard'a Superette - O'Naid Golden Hotel — O'Neill O'Neill Drug — O'Neill I>evoy Drug — O'Neill Johnaun I >rug — O'Neill SlieHiamer Food* — O'Neill New Outlaw — O'Neill Wile *1 Drug — Atktnean Munn'a Store — Kwtng McGraw'a Store — Inman Newhouoe Sundrtea Chamber* Miller Bro* — Orchard torn lam Frier on MilJi RKTIJUTK Kaff-A itllh tiox 97.7ft .Mli bOK DIO 14-o* |iarkuge of Kraft Caramels Free with each Ui* TOMPKINS Livestock Headquarters lnmnn, Nebr IMic MOTOROLA ALL-TRANSISTOR CAR RADIO 29* m\ MiglaMgttea aal—mx No waitinf btauliful bound the iniUnt you turn th* jwitch I r.\|M-ri I AK KAIIIO Her vice PINKERMAN'S TV West O’Neill i I BOYS SPORT SHIRTS B You'll want several at such a Special ■ Price! Big assortment of prints in cool ■ sanforized cottons. Size 6-16. Regular I Now! 99c I MISSES JAMICA SHORTS I Big assortment of solid color shorts for fl summer. Stock up now at these won H derful Special Prices! I Now! £7C I MISSES SLEEVELESS I BLOUSES I Here's a wonderful value! Imagine ■ pretty blouses of fine sanforized fl broadcloth for just 77c. White, pastels I and prints. Sizes 32-38. Don't miss fl these buys! Regular 1.29. I Now! 77c I HANDBAG SPECIALS! fl Specially purchased by Gambles! fl White softie plastic handbags now at fl real savings! Regular 1.98. I Now! 1 37 plus Fed. Tax I SALE! SEAMLESS HOSE fl Popular seamless stockings now Sale fl Priced! Size 9-11. New summer I shades. They're excellent values at fl the regular price. Now you get extra fl savings at Gambles! Regular 79c. | Now! 47c I GIRLS DRESS HATS I While They last! Reg. 1.98 I_Now! 5Qc KIDDIES BOXER LONGIES What a buy! Blue or faded blue denim. Sanforized for easy care. Sizes 2-4-6. Compare this low price! Now! 61c BOYS 13 3/4 OZ. Western JEANS Heaviest denim made — and can they take it! Sanforized. What a buy! Com pare at 2.49. Now! £88 FLANNEL DIAPERS Soft fine fleecy flannel, bleached snowy white. Excellent quality flannel. Regular 2.98 dozen. Now! 247 Dz SALE! BATH TOWELS Big thick thirsty Cannon towels at a real Sale Price! Soft absorbent terry— America's best known brand. Blue or pink stripes. Stock up now — you'll need lots of them for summer. Regu lar 59c. Now! 33c CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Good quality thickly tufted chenille spreads. Not the ordinary "Flimsy" weight. White and pink. Full bed size. Now! 297 SUMMER FABRIC SALE! 2,000 yards better quality cottons at a wonderful low price! Make new dresses, blouses, skirts, sport clothes, children's wear. Every yard perfect washing. Regular 59c value. Now! 25c Yd- I SALE! SUMMER FLATS I Summer's most popular shoes and for I a low, low price at your Gamble store. I Hundreds of pairs just unpacked. |§ Gleaming whites in smart as can be I straps. They're at Gambles, ready for H your cool wear all summer long! Sizes 8 Now! £99 | MENS STRETCH SOCKS I Here's real value! Brand new colors & 8 patterns in these popular long wear- B mg Banlon dress socks. Perfect fitting fl — comfortable. Reg. 59c 8 Now! 2 Prs* $1 I MENS SPORT SHIRTS I They're really good looking! Smart 8 new woven gingham plaids, wash like ® a breeze. S-M-L. Reg. 1.98 fl Now! £27 I SALE! SUMMER MILLINERY I Dozens of new smart styled Hats, now ■ reduced V2 price. Whites, Blacks, 8 Colors. Get yours now at only 8 HALF PRICE I SALE! SOFT SOLE 1 MOCCASINS 1 Here's real value! Misses sizes 5-9 in 8 white or natural Indian Bead design. 8 Compare this low price! 8 Only! J 99 I SALE! SUMMER NITIES I Shorty Gowns and P.J's. now at real I value prices! Cool drip^jry batiste and I Nylonized" tricot. Pretty pastels I Sizes S-M-L. ■ Now! £ 98 I