The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 16, 1963, Section Two, Image 17

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    Four Pages
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
Volume 83—Number 4 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, May 16, 1963 Ten Cents
Ewing News
By Mr*. Harold Harris
Guests Sun<iay at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright were
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gragert and
family, AHikm and Mr. and Mrs
Leo O’Malley and son, Pat of
Francis and Dennis Bergstrom
were guests Sunday at the Ralph
Larson home at Page.
Mr and Mrs. Stanley Davis and
family went to Lawrence, Kan.,
to spend the weekend at the home
<rf Mr, and Mrs. Cloyd Ingerson.
Mrs. Caroline Sanders was an
honored guest for dinner at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Mil
dred Bergstrom and family on
Fritz Bazelman
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Mother’s Day.
Mr. and Mrs Darrell Neitzke
and daughter, Sarah Marie of
Spencer, spent the weekend in
Ewing and Plainview with rela
tives. Mrs. Neitzke and Sarah
Marie are spending the week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
H. R. Harris.
Dr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks
had as their dinner guests in
O’Neill on Mother's Day, his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyl<j Dierks.
Mary Ada Sanders, Page, was
a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mild
red Bergstrom and family, Sun
The Seek and Share club made
a study of the use of libraries
for their meeting Friday after
nix/n. The first stop was at the
Ewing Public Library where ma
ny of the group had been visitors
during their school days, obtain
ing materials for their school
work or a book to read for fun.
Much interest was shown in
the juvenile books now on the
shelves of the Ewing Public Li
brary. Mrs. H R. Harris, libra
rian, also called attention to ot
her useful books whether plan
ning a new home, or improve
ments, going on a vacation trip,
a health problem or entertain
ment for a party or shower. Ma
terials for a reading program
were also given out by Mrs. Har
Members present, Mmes. Don
Larson, David Anson, Dale Na
pier, Archie Johnston, Walter
Miller, Willie Shrader, Donald
Mott, Wendell Switzer and Ran
dy, Janet and Cindy Switzer and
Jane Anson.
The ladies went to Neligh
where they visited the public li
brary and had lunch at the Riv
erside Park.
Mrs. Minnie Larson was the
honorid guest at a no-host pic
nic dinner on the lawn of her
home on Mother’s Day. She was
also presented some lovely gifts
on this occasion. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrod,
Mr and Mrs. Keith Harrod and
family, Mr. and Mrs. William
Harrod, all of Burwell, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Peters, Norfolk, Mr
and Mrs. Weslyn Larson and fam
ily, Ewing.
Mrs. Leslie Carey and daugh
ter, Nila, attended a Mother’s
Day service and program held
at Butte Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd were
dinner and evening guests Thurs
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Buffington, Meadow Grove.
Other guests at the Buffington
home the same day were Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Cloyd, Meadow
Callers Friday at the Leslie
Carey home were his cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. George Vanosdell,
Mrs. Louis Reimer, O’Neill, was
a visitor at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Butler, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd vis
ited her mother, Mrs. George
Zimmerman at a rest home in
Tilden, on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler were
entertained Mother’s Day for din
ner and the evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McDonald
and family, Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham
and granddaughter, Rose Mary
and Carol Rotherham spent Sun
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day at Niobrara, guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent .
Rotherham. j
Mr. and Mrs. Irvm Cloyd were
dinner guests Thursday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buf
fington, Meadow Grove. Other
guests at the Buffington home
were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cloyd,
Mrs. Leslie Carey and Nila at
tended a Mother’s Day program
Sunday evening at Butte.
Mrs. Charles Kruntorad became
ill at her home in the early hours
of Friday morning and was taken
to the Tilden hospital for treat
ment and care.
Mrs. Curtis Roberts is a pa
tient at St. Anthony’s hospital,
Tre American Legion and Aux
iliary, Sanders Post No. 214 met
Thursday evening at the Legion
Club. Jerry Rotherham, Comman
der- conducted the business ses
sion for the Legion. The base
ball program will be sponsored
by the Legion again this year.
Lorraine Montgomery will coach
the boys from twelve years and
under. Dean Pofahl will coach
the older boys in the Midgets and
the Pony League group.
The Memorial Day program
was completed.
Plans were made for a court of
honor for the Boy Scout Troop
281 this month. Loren Walton dis
trict scout executive was pres
ent and assisted with the arrange
The Auxiliary session in charge
of Mrs. R. H. Sham completed
tnoir part of the Memorial Day
program. ] j
Lunch was served to the mem- j
bers and the Auxiliary by Mrs. |
Floyd Lee and Mrs. Earl Van
Ostrand, The Anniversary cake
honoring the birthday anniver
saries of the members was baked
and decorated by Mrs. Shain.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Anson had
as their guests Tuesday evening
honoring the birthday anniver
sary of Mr. Anson, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Tuttle. Other guests later
in the evening were Mrs. Vera
Anson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Miss Geraldine Bauer, Lincoln
and Miss Catherine Bauer, Fre
mont, spent the weekend with
their mother, Mrs. Rose Bauer.
Other guestts on Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Shrader and
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis went
to Plainview Sunday to spend
the day at the Walter Austin
Mrs. Earl Billings who has been
under the doctor’s care at Hast
ings, Nebr., is now at her home
in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rother
ham and daughters spent Moth
er’s Day with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Donohue, O’Neill. ,
Thursday visitors of Wilma Ep
penback were Mrs. Julia Lore and
daughter, Mrs. Dorothy piles and
children, Douglas, Wyo. They
returned home Monday morning.
The Frontier
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see your favorite gas appliance
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Riverside News
By Mr,. Uooel Ouotrr
Mr. and Mrs R A. Hoed were
dinner guests Sunday at the Al
fred Napiers.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink vis
ited at the Lee Fink home Tues
day evening.
Mr and Mrs. Georgie Vanos
dall of Greeley visited at the L:
onel Gunter home Friday after
Thirteen members were pre
stmt when the Facts and Fun
club met with Mrs. Earl Pier
son Thursday afternoon
Mr and Mrs. John Napier and
family went to Lincoln Wednes
day for a dental appointment.
They also visited at the Ed Cud
dy home.
Ina Bennett visited at the Wil
bur Bennett home last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter
visited at the Ralph Shrader
home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Z. H Fry entertained the
Jolly Workers club Thursday af
ternoon with Mrs Grant Mott as
co-hostess. The ladies embroider
ied some for the hostess. Mrs.
Edgar Jensen showed some pic
tures that she had taken five
years ago when she was on a
guided tour of twelve countries
in Europe. Mrs. Willie Shrader
presided at the business meeting,
thirteen ladies answered roll call.
Mrs. Edgar Jensen, Mrs Duara
Jensen, Mr*. Ronnie Mott, Mrs
Floyd Napier, Mrs Dale Napier.
Mrs Melvin Napier and Mrs
K.chard Napier were gueata Mrs
Wilbur Bennett, treasurer, sent
15 00 to the Nebraska children's
home in Omaha Thank You
notes were read from Ralph
Shrader and Mrs. Douglas Shra
der. They had a coin shower for
the newly married couple, Mr
and Mrs. Richard E Cobb who
live in Norfolk The club will meet
Thursday afternoon, June* Kith
with Mrs Lionel Gunter and Mrs
Georgle and Mrs Lyle Switzer
are co-hostesses
Mrs. Dale Napier, Mrs. Melvin
Napier and Mrs Richard Napier
members of the Seek and Share
club attended a extension club
tour in Lincoln Tuesday of the
State Penitentiary, processing
plant where they bottled peanut
butter, mustard and vinegar, vis
ited the Mansion and the State
The CYC group gave a program
at the Riverside Free Methodist .
church Thursday evening for
their mothers and grandmothers
after the program they served
lunch, there were eleven mothers
and grandmothers present.
Eight members of the Seek and
Share club visited the Ewing li
brary Friday afternoon. Mrs
Harold Harris talked to the group
Then they went to the Neligh Li
Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt
and family, Mrs Rene Libby
Sunday, May 19
Time Trials — 7:30 p.m. First Race — 8:00 p.m.
12-20 cars 9 Races
June 9 . 8:00 p.m.
June 23 . 8:00 p.m.
July 4 . 7:00 p.m.
July 21 . 8:00 p.m.
August 11 . 8:00 p.m.
September 1 .. (Special "500" Race) .. 8:00 p.m.
September 15 . 2:00 p.m.
(Clip & Save)
Adult*, $1.00; High School Age, 50c
Children. 12 & under — FREE, accompanied by parent*
and the Kenneth Pollock's visit
ed last Sunday afternoon at the
Dave Pollock home
Mr ami Mrs Earl Pierson vis
ited at the Fred & tr h*me Toes
day evetung
Mrs. Edgar Jensen and Mrs
Duane Jensen and children of
Newman Grove were dinner
guests Th.irsday at the Z H Fry
home, in the afternoon. Jams.
Jerry ami Anna Mane Jensen vis
lied the Riverside School, after
school they visited at the Wayne
Fry home
Frank Emsick and sons, Mich
ael ami Brett of Omaha spent the
week at the Wayne Fry home,
Brett stayed most of the week
at the Z H. Fry home
Mr and Mrs Alfred Napier
and family, visited at the Charles
Rotherham Itome lust Sunday
Mr. and Mrs George Mom
gomery came home from Colo
rado Friday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H Fry and
Bertha Archer were guests last
Sunday at the Art Fritton home
near Dodgr,
Mr an! Mra Floyd Nap**,
Mr and Mrs Melvin Napier, Mr
uml Mr* Dale Napier. Mr. and
Mra Richard Napier, Mr and
Mra. Dr*ut Hoke attended (hr
Horne Show in Ntrfdik A tel dor s.
utn last Sunday afternoon,
Mr and Mr* Dewitt Hoke and
H>!« Robb*. Mr end Mr* Alvin
Nelson, Mr amt Mr*. K A Hurd
Mkt Mr and Mr* Lionel Gunter
visited Mr and Mrs Dewitt Gun.
ter in Norfolk last Sunday after,
Mr and Mrs William Lofouist
visited Patty in the Nrligh ho*
pita! Friday evening
Melanie Miller hud the measles
the poat week
Tile William Lofquwt family
were guests Sunday at the Kdna
luifquist lautie
Marilyn John*ton ami Sherry
Switzer were guests last Sunday
at the Lid Miller home in Ism
or of Joan Miller's birthday
Mrs Alfred Napier visited in
Nellgh Thursday afternoon
and 30' dia.
Favorite of
Large herd, need abundant water which between each lactien provide water
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Hours of summer funl Set consists of
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PAPER NAPKINS Indies. Makes picnics 'inker.
77c m
^ I Per Package 1fl(
Package of 250 white lunch- Each package contains 10
eon napkins for indoor or forks or spoons in assorted
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— P» 12x18x104a. 2^8
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Son! wrop^d”^ *" f“"cu>- A”orled c°'°ri- |_O'Neill. Nebr.