The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 16, 1963, farm home Section, Image 10
Control'Jr \ flies You'll find it pays to spray with Diazinon—just one residual application on dairy barn walls and ceiling, kills flies for weeks. Diazinon saves time and labor, gives you lower cost per day of protec tion. So spray less . . . pay less for effective fly control. Ask your farm supply dealer for Diazinon —one of the safer phosphate insecticides creators of chemicals for modern agriculture GEIGY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS j Division ot Geiffy Chemical Corporation • Saw Mill Ri var Road. Ardslay. N Y get the ONE insectitide for ALL your farm needs METHOXYCHLOR LIVESTOCK Direct application to livestock controls horn flies end cattle lice D AMD PORAAI CROPS Controls leafhopper. sprttletmg. and many othar insect pests. IN STORAAE RIMS Residuel control of insects attacking stored pain. TARLES Controls many insacts on many vegetable crops. I ■ Controls phim curtuiio. codling moth and many other insects in the orchard Folks* label deactions May be used on food crops up to seven days before harvest creators of chemicals for modern agriculture GEIGY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Division of Geigy Chemical Corporation • Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, N. Y. GRASSROOTS I GLEANINGS I Have you ever been afraid to do nothing? It happened to the Senate Judiciary Coin mittee of the Wisconsin Legislature, accord ing to the Port Washington (Wis.) Pilot. A bill which the committee had been as sured by exoerts would really do nothing, was laid aside for further thought. There are a number of us who would be interested in the success of the meeting re ported in the Mitchell County (Iowa) Press News in which boys were invited to learn something about clothing selection. I wish my boys could have attended. The way they select clothing is to fight. The winner wears whatever is being fought over, and the loser screams to his mother that someone is wearing his socks or undershirt. Our boys don’t only fight over each other’s socks, they fight over mine too, which leaves me sockless about ninety percent of the time. This, of course, means that 1 get into the sock fight some mornings, and there are p.e breakfast wrangles with three or four of us claiming the same sock. About the only thing of mine that the boys haven’t “selected” to wear are my trousers. The reason for this is obvious, and it isn't because the legs are too long. My wife tells me that if I would do fifty sit-ups a day, my waistline might recover its lost youth. I don’t want it to recover, because then the boys would wear my pants, and 1 at least like to think I’m wearing the pants in mv familv There are probably a few farm dogs left around the country that contribute some thing to the national effort, but these pooches are frequently so impressed with their own importance that they are totally impossible. We had a dog like this once. He got so carried away that he wouldn’t chase cows until you said “please.” I wish I could have heard the psycholo gist’s talk on “Emotional Disturbances in the Classroom,” that the Storm Lake (Iowa) Tribune reported some time ago. I would like to know if the talk was on the emotional disturbances of the students or the teacher. I know beyond a doubt that facing a class room full of kids day after day would sure enough disturb my emotions. In checking over a son’s homework the other night, I came across a question which asked, “What grave problems faced the na tion at the end of the Civil War?” His an swer— “There weren’t enough people left to bury the dead soldiers.” That’s a grave problem, and it is also emotionally disturbing. I’m glad I caught it before it got into the classroom. The Boonville (Ind.) Standard reported a while back that the Yankeetown Fire De partment would hold a meeting to discuss a water system for Yankeetown. This is a municipal activity that makes pretty good sense. It is tough to think of a better agency than the fire department to hold a meeting on a water system. A dog's life isn’t so bad, according to the Gratiot CoutUy (Mich.) Herald lire Herald reports that dogs are living longer and more comfortably thanks to better nutrition, vet erinary medicine and vaccines. It ought to be said right here and n<m that another reason for a dog having it pretty nice is that most of them go direct from puppyhood into seini retirement and never have to grub out a living. Most of the dogs I know lounge around the house and hiccup from over eating The Sullivan (III.) Progress states that the average dollar hill remains in circulation for only ten or twelve months before it is so worn that it must be replaced. At the rate I hang onto a dollar bill — at least five minutes — this means that the greenback is handled by 105,120 people la fore it is retired. This is figuring that money is circulated twenty-four hours a day, which is the way it would have to lie in order for most of us to go through so dam much of it. The people of Nashville, Mich, are brave. The Nashville (Mich.) News reports that the students are going to be allowed to name the new school. All the children from kin dergarten through 12th grade were to have submitted suggested names some time ago I don’t know if the contest is over, but I’m prepared to bet that among the entries were: “The Prison, Torture Chamber, Cage, Zoo,” and others. Any takers? An item in the Crookston (Minn.) Daily Times said that Canadian women are more courageous about the overweight problem than men. A survey showed that twenty-eight per cent of French-speaking males and seven teen percent of English-speaking males felt they were overweight, while forty percent of French-speaking women and forty-four percent of English-speaking women felt their figures were too ample. As a spokesman for my sex, 1 take issue. I think the survey only shows that the ability to speak French makes you heavier — if you are a man, that is. I don’t see where courage enters into tin picture at all. I know any number of fat, brave men. Dear, I think the dog wants to go out.