FOR SALE FOR SALE 1953 Chevrolet heavy duty V4 ton, overloads, 4-speed, good rubber Marvin Stauffer, Page. Nebr. Phone 3590. 3-4c LANDRACE ROARS FOR SALE Ready for service. Veterinary Vaccinated for Erysipelas, Hog Cholera and Lepto; guaranteed t recders. Spencer Feed Service. Spencer, Nebr. 2Gtfc FOR SALK 15 Hampshire and Yorkshire sows to farrow im mediately. Will have them at O’Neill sale barn May 23. Theo Liuts, Spencer, Nebr. 3-4p FOR SALE — Pure bred Angus bulls, ready for service, $250.00 and up. Jim Corkle. 2-3pd SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25^ down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay Write or phone Ocntois Motor Co., Nellgh. 30tf ■FOR SALE — Grimm Alfalfa seed, Otto Lorenz, O’Neill. 2tfc FOR SALE Aermotor mills, new and used repairs, Links, well systems. Ph. 435, Inman, Cliff Sohotka. odd w 49tfc FOR SALE 4 2-year-old Register ed Hereford bulls. Pioneer Shad ow' breeding. Charles Coolidge, ph 482-2862, Chambers, Nebr. 3-5c MOBILE HOMES New & Used See us today for the best deal on a New or Used Mobile Home. Write or call for free literature Open Everyday MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Ph 395-2170 Albion, Nebr. 2tfc FOK SALE 1948 Ford convert. Completely reconditioned and has a 58 Ford motor. Sells this week to the best offer. Bruce Grimes, Chambers, Nebr. 3c FOR SALE GARDEN SUPPLIES Bulk garden seeds. Colorado onion sets. Vitagro garden grower. Rakes and hand tools. LAWN SUPPLIES Scotts Turf Builder. Halto and Pax for Crabgrass. Holt Co. Blue Grass seed. Spreaders available with fertilizer. Hose and sprinklers. COYNE HARDWARE O’Neill 51-3c FOR SALE 3-rake hitch to fit Int. II or M. Morris Hagberg, I phone 2763, Spencer. 3-6c AVOID DISPUTED CLAIMS—Buy Quality Insurance. See Kieth Abart. 38tfc TRACTORS FOR SALE 1- 1959 WD Allis, Live PTO I I1IC Model C J-IHC M Also have other makes—All priced to save you money Also have weaning pigs for sale VERNON GORGEN Just east of O'Neill Drive-In Theatre 3p FOR SALE One Allis Chalmers irrigation motor and Burklev pump. Pb°f 917R1’ OU° F' 49tf° i^lTsALE " i Sailer; 10 H. P immi boat and trade , e S A^Tel TtSson. Nebr. Wheel-Inn Mot , l-3p <•» FOR R-^LF ». s sires extra boars from C-JJ- bbone heavy mgcHinLSSmJaf type rapid hammed meat m Prince, 19*’ ers -sired ^ 5^iaved Grand Nebraska »^*®fnated 3 ways. Champion. ders. John Kas Guaranteed bree Ph. Hu Xr Clearwater. Nebr. 474p 5-3360 _____-——" — ” shores\new DA1RY C&pn months Ml the money y°u w^"ttle finance Mat 6^ Buy ne'vho^r Wisconsin Terrs. h‘-Pay V°o- «“* ** SreT^GH' ^ 74(Sfc i-oiT and PonlW Fe^bS wire and als, Soybean- ^areh0use Steel P°s*s- bloch east of blocks south, Lawrence, O Towti House. Ray ^ 3S-10P Neill. Nebn____.-—TT" special cabs . R‘“dy To USED CARS _ftC. CBEVROEEX $050.00 1954 4 door sedan ***” 1962 SS-- *4oor 1962 H“d Top ,7W ** $3195.00 USED TRUCKS J4? chevron M 1955 rAR 2 Ton - *-■*■00 1957 r£g£? ' *** .'a CHEVROLET Mode 1962 Trm ST^pme-t OB. loaded oorjg^ I960 ?S« - —* ’-r^sr O’NeUl- N«W*% FOR SALE — Ford Mounted Plow, 3 bottom 16” inch size, perfect condition, new 2 years ago. Ph. 43, Inman or write Route 1, Box 143, O'Neill, Nebr. l-3c FOR SALE—Singer Slant-O-Matn This machine will s«*w on but tons, button holes, appliques, blind hems, zig zags. decorative designs, etc. No attachments needed. Carries our new guar antee. Will take trade. Take over final 6 small payments. For more information write Credit Manager, 230 North 10th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. 3-4c I make monthly payment loans on City real estate. R. H. Park er, O'Neill, Nebr. 41tfc ,ir)R SALE -Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O'Neill, Dercy A hart. Emmet. 32tfc CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf FOR SALE — Eight big rugged Hereford Bulls, coming 2 and 3 years old. Albert and Rex Car son, Lynch, Nebr. 44tfc SEE THE NEW lawn boy tillers and mowers at Coyne Hardware, O'Neill. 51-3c FOR SALE — Beef calves to go on cows. Any amount. Calves on hand most all times Gerald O’ Connor, Atkinson. Call 2562. l-4p PLANNING A VACATION? Need a pickup Coach? All sizes. Or der now to be assured of de livery. For prices see J. J. Lou kota, Spencer, Nebr. or call 2401 Spencer or 7481 Bristow, Nebr, 2-3pd. Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE — Two bedroom home for sale at 305 South Jef ferson in O’Neill. Phone 1143J after 6 p.m. 2-4p FOR SALE 6-room modern house with 3 bedrooms, on paved street, 3 blocks from school and downtown. In good repair, priced reasonably. Phone 606, O'Neill, 619 E. Benton. 3-5c FOR SALE — 10 x 50, 2 bedroom mobile home. Sell or trade equity for furniture. 306 So. 3rd. O’Neill, Nebr. 2-3pd. FOR SALE — 160 acre improved farm with or without irrigation. 65 acres irrigated, balance pas ture. 1 mile west of Atkinson. Charles A. Dobias. 2-3p Why pay more than 4% interest on your land loan? See R. H. ] Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 41tfc j HniriAc Fnr 828 East Everett — 3 bedroom Bungalow, carpeted living room, good size kitchen, bath, utility room and garage. Well located. Owner being transferred and this home is priced to Sell. New Addition NW O’Neill — Top Quality 3 bedroom home, full basement, attached garage and ample yard, with double garage thereon, house in excellent condi tion. Good terms available. Close in and well located good 3 bedroom home. This home having some age on it but in very good condition. Is reasonably priced. Virgil L. Laursen (Realtor) Insurance Loans Real Estate O’Neill, Nebr. ~ WANTED WANTED — RAWLEIGH DEALER with car, good health, 30 hoars or more weekly, to serve fam ilies in 3. Holt Co. Rawleigh line well known. See or call Marvin Stahlecker, Box 92, Spencer or write Rawleigh. Dept. NBE 101 -136. Freeport, 111. 2-10c EARN UP TO $7,000 IN YOUR SPARE TIME! Work part time selling famous Rusco windows and doors. No investment required! No prev ious experience necessary! We train you. All you need is com mon sense and the ability to work. New financing plan clin ches the sale. 100% loan. No money down!! You get the leads, make the calls and earn the commissions. If sincerely interested write for interview to Mr. Joseph S. Guss, Micklin Home Improvement Co., 1702 Cuming. Omaha. Nebr.Sc SAVE ON INSURANCE PROMPT CLAIM SERVICE Virgil Laursen Agency O’Neill, Nebr. 51ti E. J. (Skip) SHANE Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage. Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 50-23p i L. GUTHMILLER I Half Block East of Texaco Station Specializing in all kinds of auto mobile, truck and tractor repair Acetylene and arc wielding i New and Rebuilt LAWN MOWERS FOR SALE LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson, Clin ton and Briggs engines on hand 2tfc HELP WANTED —Two new and used car salesmen. Also exper ienced all-around mechanic Good work conditions. Apply by letter or in person to Spitzen berger Chevy-Olds, O’Neill, tfc Need More CASH? Ask Me! O'Neill Loan Co. Yirg Laursen 51tf If you would like to change the in terest rate on your farm loan or ranch loan down to 4% Interest See or write R. H. Parker, O' Neill. Nebr. 41tfc WELL DRILLING and well anc windmill repair. 403 N. 1st Si Phone 775-LW SPRAGUE WELL CO , O'Neill 3 blks. W. & 3V4 blks. N. stoplight NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O'Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _21 tfc MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc Why can’t you live with a loan that you do not have to buy any shares or stock in the Company? I can loan money at 4% interest on Farms and Ranches. You do not have to buy any shares or stock in the Company to get a loan that you can live with. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 48tfc ASHBURN MONUMENT CO. P. O. Box 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. 46tfc REG. OH STUD — Good blood lines, Sorrel with blaze face. Ser vice fee, $10. See Bob Matthews or Darel Adamson. 2tfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks south of the New Deal Oil Station -O’Neill 50tf FOR RENT FOR RENT A modern house. Phone 196. O’Neill. 3c FOR RENT — Office Building. Phone 1, O’Neill. 51tfc FOR RENT — Large room or ground floor, suitable for parties, meetings or receptions. Call or see GOLDEN HOTEL. 50tfc LOST & FOUND MISSING — From my feed yards 2M> miles south of Atkinson or hwy 11, a hereford cow, brand T lazy U. May have calf now Lloyd Thompson, Ph. 2525. At kinson. 2-3j MISCELLANEOUS You do not have to buy any stool* in any company to get a Farrr or Ranch loan from R. H. Park er, O’Neill, Nebr. 41tf( AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207 OTrenJ. , CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO THANK our man; friends and relatives for the lovel; cards and gifts we received on ou Silver Anniversary. A special thanks to those who fur nished the entertainment and t those who served the cake and ic< cream. Thanks again to all for makinj the day a memorable one. 3p Glenn and Helen Harri WE WISH TO THANK our son, j Ermand anti family, our daughter, ■ Ruth and family, relatives and friends for making our 55th wed ding anniversary such a happy oc casion for us on May 5. 1963. To all who gave gifts, sent cards and called made us very happy to be remembered at this time. 3p Mr and Mrs . Floyd E. Keyes WE WISH TO THANK all those who helped make the Holt County Rural Track Meet held Saturday, May 4. a success. A special thank you to Coach Jim Taylor and Mar vin Miller who spent many hours planning and running the meet. Holt County Rural Teachers Assn. Office of County Superintendent 3c NOTICES NOTICE TO MY PATIENT9: I will be out of the office during the month of June for three to four weeks starting June 12th to attend continuation courses in post graduate medicine in order to retam my academy standing. Dr. Ramsay will take care of you in my absence. R. A. Serbousek, M. D. 2-5c |--Legal Notices-1 (First pub. April 25, 1963) Elmer C. Rakow, Attorney Estate No. 4620 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AP RIL 18, 1963, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF JOSEPH PAUL SHAN NER, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is August 16, 1963, and for the payment of debts is April 18, 1964 and that on May 16, 1963, and on August 19, 1963, at 10 o’ clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections dulv filed (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County J udge 9EAL) l-3c (First pub. April 25, 1963) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: The heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of J. Clement Ryan, also known as Rev. J. Clement Ryan, S. J., deceased, real names un known; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the South west Quarter and the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, the West Half and Southeast Quarter of Section 13, the Southeast Quarter of Sec. 24, All of Section 26, the East Half and the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, in Town ship 29, Range 11, the Northeast Quarter and the South Half of Section 18, All of Section 19, All of Section 30, the Northwest Quar ter of Section 31, the Southwest Quarter of Section 5, the North west Quarter and the South Half of Section 17, in Township 29, Range 10; the East Half of Sec tion 23, the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, the Northwest Quar ter of 9ection 36, in Township 28, Range 12; the Northeast Quarter of Section 32, the Southwest Quar ter and North Half of Section 29, All of Section 20, the South Half of the Northeast Quarter, the South east Quarter and the West Half of Section 19, West Half of Section 27, the North Half of Section 30, in Township 29, Range 12; the East Half of Section 24, the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 25, in Township 29, Range 13, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, and Lots 10 and 11 in Block 13, Lots 13 and 14 in B. 14; Lot 24, in Block 22, and the South 102 feet of the North 130 feet of Lots 14, 15, and 16 in ! Block 28, Lots 9. 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, j 18, 19, and 20 in Block 33, All in j me urigmai lown ot u Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, real names un- i known. Defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 23rd day of April, 1963, Loretta Doyle, Neil B. Ryan, Joseph F. Ryan and Ro bert B. Ryan as plaintiffs filed their petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you as defendants the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in them, the said Loretta Doyle, Neil B. Ryan, j Joseph F. Ryan and Robert B.'Ry-j an to the real estate hereinabove I specifically described as against you and each of you, and to secure a Decree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or , lien upon said real estate or any part thereof; and for general equi table relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of June, 1963. Dated this 23rd day of April, 1963. Loretta Doyle; Neil B. Ryan, Joseph F. Ryan; and Robert B. Ryan, Plaintiffs, ■ By Julius D. Cronin Their Attorney l-4c • . NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given that O* r Neill National Company has been r incorporated under the Laws of : the State of Nebraska. The name of the corporation is O’Neill National Company. > The principal place of busi ness of the corporation is located in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebras ka. The nature of the business to be transacted is: Acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, lands and interests in lands, and to own, hold, improve, develop, and manage any real estate so acquired, and to erect, or cause to be erected, on any lands owned, held, or occupied by the corporation, tiuildings or other structures, with their ap purtenances, and to manage, op erate. lease, rebuild, enlarge, aJter or improve any buildings or other structures, including facil ities for the parking of motor vehicles, and to encumber or dis pose of any lands or interests in lands, and any buildings or struc tures, and any stores, shops, suites, rooms or parts of any buildings or structures, at any time owned or held by the cor poration. To acquire, by purchase, lease1, manufacture, or otherwise, any personal property deemed nec essary or useful in the equip ping, furnishing, improving, de veloping, or management of any property, real or personal, at any time owned, held or occupied by the corporation and to invest, trade and deal in any personal property deemed beneficial to the corporation, and to encumber or disjiose of any personal pro perty at any time owned or held by the corporation. To borrow money; to issue tjonds, debentures, mortgages, notes and other obligations to se cure loans; to sell or pledge such bonds, debentures, mortgages and other obligations; and in general to make any contract which the directors may deem advisable; To enter into and perform agreements and contracts of any nature with any government, state, territory, district, munic ipality, political or government division or subdivision, Ixxly pol me, corporation, association, part nership, firm, trustee, syndicate, individual, combination, organiz ation, or entity whatever. To carry on all or part of its business, objects, and purposes, as principal, factor, agent, con tractor, or otherwise, either alone or associated with any corpora tion, association, partnership, firm, individual, or organization, at any place. To do any one or all of the acts and things herein set forth; to do any and all acts and things and exercise any and all powers which a natural person could do and exercise and which are now or may hereafter lie authorized by Law for corporations to do or exercise. To do and perform all acts or things necessary, incidental or convenient to do in order to pro mote, either directly or indirect ly, the interests of the corpora tion, and to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the corporation’s property or rights. The amount of capital stock authorized is $100,000.00, of which $10,000.00 shall be paid for in cash or property at the time the corporation commences business. The time of the commencement of business of the corporation was May 2, 1963, and said corporation shall have perpetual existence. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a Board of Directors, with a President, a Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer as officers. Dated this 3 day of May, 1963.1 O’NEILL NATIONAL COMPANY By Francis N. Cronin. President 3-5 (First pub. May 9, 1963) NOTICE TO CONTK ACTORS Sealed proposals will be receiv ed at the office of the City Clerk. City of O’Neill, Nebraska until 7:30 P.M.. C.S.T. on the 27th day of May, 1963, for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and equip ment required to construct Water Extension District No. 1 as per the plans and specifications for said construction now on file with the City Clerk and available at the office of Kirkham, Michael and Associates. Such proposals as are received will be publicly opened, read aloud, and tabulat ed at said time and place in the City Hall in O'Neill Nebraska. The Approximate Quantities of the major items of construction are as follows: 4,991 L.F. 6” Dia. C.I.P. Com plete in place 6 Ea. New Fire Hydrant, Com plete in place 15 Ea. 6" Dia. Gate Valve 1 Ea. Street Crossing The Engineer’s estimate for the cost of construction of Water Ex tension District No. 1, is S23.800.00. Each proposal shall be made on a form furnished by Kirkham, Michael & Associates, and must be accompanied by a certified check in an amount not less than $1,190.00, made payable to the City Treasurer, City of O’Neill, Nebraska, wtiich shall be con sidered as liquidated damages, and shall be forfeited to the City of O'Neill, Nebraska if said pro posal or bid is accepted and the bidder fails to execute the con tract and file the required bond as provided in the specifications. Checks accompanying proposals not accepted shall be returned to the bidders. No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of thirty (30) days after date set for open ing of bids. All proposals must be enclosed in an envelope, sealed and ad dressed to the Office of the City Clerk. City of O’Neill, Nebraska, and shall be marked “Proposal. Water Extension District No. 1”. Proposals received after the above time and date will be returned unopened to the bidder submitting the proposal. The work herein provided for shall be done under written con tract with the responsible bidder submitting the lowest acceptable bid in accordance with the re quiremcnts uf the plans and specifications and as provided by law. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond as specified in the specifications in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, said bond to be also exe cuted by a resj>onsible corporate surety approved by the Owner and shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained. Plans, specifications and con tract documents may lx* examin ed at the office of City Clerk. City of O'Neill, Nebraska, and may lx* procured (rum the of fice of the Engineers, Kirkham, Michael & Associates, at 7300 Woolworth Avenue. Omaha 24, Nebraska, upon the payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) which amount will not be refunded. The Mayor and City Council of the City of O'Neill, Nebraska, reserves the right to waive in formalities and to reject any or all bids. Dated this 7th day of May, 1963 CITY OF O'NEILL. NEBRASKA Dale French, City Clerk 3-5c (First pub. May 9, 1963) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will lx? receiv ed at the office of the City Clerk, City of O'Neill, Nebraska until 7:30 P.M.. C.S.T. on the 27th day of May. 1963, for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and equip ment required to construct SAN ITARY SEWER EXTENSION DISTRICT NO 1, as per the plans and specifications for said construction now on file with the City Clerk and available at the office of Kirkham. Michael and Associates. Such proposals as are received will be publicly ofiened, read aloud, and tabulated at said time and place in the City Hall in O'Neill, Nebraska. The Approximate Quantities of the major items of construction are as follows: t.ovx L^.r. n v^r, January Sewer Pipe, Complete in place 12 Ea. Build Standard Manhole 6 Ea. 6’’ VCP, Stuhout for House Service Connection .55 Ea. 6”x8" VCP VVye Branch 2 Ea. Adjust Existing Manhole to Grade The Engineer s estimate for the cost of construction of Sanitary Sewer Extension District No. 1 is $17,295.00. Each proposal shall be made on a form furnished by Kirkham, Michael & Associates, and must be accompanied by a certified check in an amount not less than $864.75, made payable to the City Treasurer, City of O’Neill, Nebraska, which shall be con sidered as liquidated damages, and shall he forfeited to the City of O'Neill, Nebraska if said pro posal or bid is accepted and the bidder fails to execute the con tract and file the required bond as provided in the specifications. Checks accompanying proposals not accepted shall lie returned to the bidders. No bidder may withdraw his proposal for a period of thirty (30) days after date set for open ing of bids. All proposals must be enclosed in an envelope, sealed and ad dressed to the Office of the City Clerk. City of O'Neill. Nebraska, and shall be marked "Proposal, Sanitary Sewer Extension Dist rict No. 1.” Proposals received after the above time and date will be returned unopened to the bidder submitting the proposal. The work herein provided for shall be done under written con tract with the responsible bidder submitting the lowest acceptable bid in accordance with the re quirements of the plans and specifications and as provided by law'. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond as specified in the specifications in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, said bond to be also exe '-'Liuvrvi uy LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, the following described change of district loundanes is requested: To dis solve Dist. No. 100 and annex the territory there of to Dist No. A A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Hoorn of the Courthouse at O'Neill, Nr braska on May 20. 1963 at 9:00 P.M. when all interested may appear and be heard Holt County Reorganization Committee By: Alice L. French, Sec 3-4c (First pub. May 9, 19631 LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Iuiws of Nebraska, the following described change of district boundaries is requested: Dist. No. 26 to be dissolved am! the territory there of to be annexed lo District No. 3. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Courthouse at O’Neill, Ne braska on May 20, 1963 at 8:00 P.M. when all interested may appear and be heard Holt County Reorganization Committee By: Alice L. French. Sec. 3-4c Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mr and Mrs Web Napier were dinner guests last Monday at the John Napier home in honor of Tommy’s birthday. That evening the John Napier family had ice cream and cake at the Richard Napier home in honor of Tom my’s birthday. Mrs. Esther Mae Barnhart and daughters, Valenia and Mrs. Ronnie Mott visited at the Ora Switzer home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, William Lofquest and family visited last Sunday afternoon at the Reuben Meyers home in Neligh. Mrs. Duane Jensen anil daugh ter, Cathleen of Newman Grove were guests Thursday at the Z. H. Fry home. Grayden Browning, Calif., vis ited at the Howard Miller home Friday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Earl Pierson were dinner guests Sunday at the Mar vin Pribnow home at Albion in honor of Maranna's twelfth birth day. Mr. and Mrs Lynn Fry and Mrs. Victor Vandersnick and sons visited at the Willie Shrader home last Monday. Alice and Eddy Shrader visited at the Gerald Wetlauffer home in O’Neill last Monday evening Alice stayed for a dental appoint ment returning to Ewing by bus Wednesday and visited at the Ve ra Anson home. Mrs. Alfred Napier and Glen da visited Friday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter. Mrs Chester Taylor and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers visited in O’Neill Wednesday morning Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vander snick and family were guests at the Wayne Fry home Sunday. Willie Shraders took Mrs. Vic tor Vandersnick and sons to Lake Andes Wednesday morning, they went from there by bus to their home at Absorkee, Mont. Mrs. Keith Biddiecome visited Mrs. Mildred Wright Friday eve ning. Jay Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and the Wendell Switzer family were guests last Sunday afternoon at the Leo Miller home in honor of Mrs. Ora Switzer and Melanie Miller’s birthdays. Tommy Jacobson and daugh ter, Helen and Arlene Pelletier visited at the Dave Pollock home Thursday evening. Sharon Mott attended the FFA banquet at Atkinson last Monday evening. Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and >ra«kit. Tkanxtoy, M»y », •»« Mr* Joe Sturbaum visited Mr* Keith Biddleoome Wednesday af trmoon The Leo Miller family visited Friday evening at the Arehk Johnston*. Mra. Wilbur Bennett wa* Wk en to the O’Neill hoapita! early Saturday morning for teat* and observation She wa* reatlng eas ier in the morning. Mary Jo ami Patty Loftjuest were overnight guest* Friday at their grandmother, Mra. Edna U ifquewt '* home Mr and Mr* Richard Napier and girta visited at the Ikale Na pier home Friday evening. Mrs Rudy Abler* wa* a dinner guest Thursday at the Earl Pier son home. In the afternoon both ladies attended the Tea at the Methodist church Mr* Dale Napier stayed with Shnl a Frv, wtw win »lck Wed nesday afternoon while Sheila's mother. Mra. Lynn Fry and Mr* Floyd Napier were ui Nellgh Mr and Mr* Verl Gunter and family, Eddy and Alice Shrader, visited at the Lionel Gunter lawne Wednesday evening. Mrs. Dale Nupier viaited at the Z H. Fry home Friday. Ti»e Grover Shaw family vis ited at the John Napier home Friday evening. Deloit News By Mrs. H. Kctmnr Mr* Edith Scholl and Curl Funk were married on Saturday at the Christ the King church in Omaha. Robert Hupp officiated The couple was charivaried Sun day evening at their Deloit home Mr. and Mrs Web Napier and Marilyn Burk and family called at the Gicnu Har peter home Thursday evening. Mrs. David Durre iiad the mi* fortune to run into the ditch on the county line Sunday. Her baby son accompanied her. The mother sustained only minor in jury and tlie baby was uninjur ed. The car had minor damage. The break failure was the cause of the accident. Terry Harpster spent Friday night on a camping trip with Bart lett FFA boys and leader. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rcimcr and Echo Fisher were Sunday din tier guests in the home of Mrs. Sisson and Fred. Mrs. Maxine Masleraen, Jer ome, Idaho, and Mrs Philip Bed fern of Butte, Mont., arrived at the Charles Bartak home by car Wednesday evening They visited their mother, Anna Bavidge and the Charles Bartak family un til Monday when Mrs Savalge re (urnoii tn fu-r luiiiio in (Tu/lfliS Sunday guests at the Charles Bartak home w<>re Beverly Bar tak, Wayne, Maxine Martenaen, Idaho., Bemadine Redfern, Mi and Mrs. Harold Savidge and family, Oakdale and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eggerling, Norfolk. The Deloit Pinochle club met Wednesday at the Fi ank Bohn home. Mrs. Anton Shavlik was a guest. Mrs. Frank Bohr arid Mrs. E. L Sisson high, Mr.. Pallesen had low and Mrs. Ivan Smith, traveling. Mrs. Anton Shavlik won the door prize. We've had about lVi inches of rain in the past week Farmers are busy putting in corn and get ting the cattle to pasture. Clarence Shavlik is living on the Shavlik ranch. Mrs, Shavlik and family will arrive when school is out. A number of ladies from here attended the Holt County Exten sion club tea in Ewing on Thurs day afternoon The mail route road past Leo nard Larsons has been graded recently. TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ILL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 7U O’Neill, Jfetrr. AND GOLD-N-PURE ALFALFA EDGAR STAUFFER, Page CLARENCE HANSEN, Inman IVO SHALD, Stuart BONENBERGER FEED, Atkinson LORIE MICANEK, Lynch HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS, O'Neill We also carry the following Chemicals ATRAZINE - ALDRIN - THIMET - DIAZON Harry R. Smith Imp. O'Neill_ Nebraska