|-Legal Notices-1 (Published May 9, 1963» ORDINANCE NO. 3.4J-A j AN ORDINANCE OK THE CITY OK O'NEILL NEBRASKA. TO AMEND SECTION 1 OK OR DINANCE NO 291-A RElJtTING TO SEWERS AND THEIR UP KEEP AND INCREASING THE SEWER RATE CHARGE FROM CENTS PER MONTH TO $1 00 PER MONTH EFFECTIVE JUNE l«t, 1963. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. SECTION I That Section 1 of ordinance 294 A he amended to read as follows: A sewer use charge of $1.00 |M*r month for each connection whether direct or indirect is hereby fixed to lie charged and collected from the owner of each real estate proper ty in the City of O'Neill having a connection either directly or indirectly, to the City sewer system, whenever said property is occupied or used Said charges shall he collected at thp same time angs at Large; Rabid Dogs: If the owner or harborer of a fierce or dangerous dog, after its disposi tion and nature have been ascer tained, permits the same to run at large in this City to the danger or annoyance of the citizens, he shall lx- deemed guilty of a mis demeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall lx* punished as hereinafter provided. The Chief of Police or other constable des ignated by the City Council is hereby authorized to kill such dog if found running at large. The prudent use of firearms by the Chief of Police or such other officer for this purpose or for any purpose required by this article shall not be considered a violation of the ordinances of this City. The City Council by resolution may prohibit, by pro clamation, the running at large of any dog at any time of the year when, in said Council's opin ion, the public is in danger of rabid dogs. All dogs are to be tied or confined between the dates of April 1st to October 1 of each year. SECTION 4: Female Dogs in Season: The owner or harborer of any female dog, licensed or unlicensed, who permits such dog to run at large while in sea son, shall, upon conviction there of. be punished as hereinafter provided. The Chief of Police or other officer designated by the City Council is hereby authoriz ed to kill any such dog if found running at large in such condi tion. SECTION 5: Plates, Tags: It shall be unlawful for any dog to run at large or to be harbored within the corporate limits of this City, unless such dog shall have a collar with a metallic plate or tag fastened upon it. Each and every such tag or plate shall have plainly engraved or stamped thereon in plain letters, Dog Tax, O’Neill, Nebraska, and in figures the year for which the same was given and the number, which shall represent the number of such plate or tag; Provided, that the shape and appearance of the same l>e different each year and shall be numbered from one upwards. SECTION fi Doe Tax When Due. When Delinquent; Dog Tax Credited to General Fund: Every harborer of a male or spayed female dog in this City, shall pay to the City Clerk or other repre sentative. as a dog tax. the sum of One Dollar and twenty-five cents per annum; and every har borer of an unspayed female dog, in this City, shall likewise pay to the Village Clerk or other representative, as dog tax, the sum of Two dollars per annum. Such tax shall be payable on or before the first day of January' of each year. Each person so paying shall have a metallic tag attached to the collar of the dog showing the number as proved in Section 5 of this ordinance; Provided, the harborer of any dog brought into or harbored within the corporate limits of this City subsequent to January first m any yrear shall be liable for the dog tax levied herein. Dog tax shall become delinquent January 10 of each year, or with in ten days after the dog or dogs shall have been brought within the corporate limits of this vil lage subsequent to January first in each year. The Chief of Police when directed by the City Clerk, shall assist the said Clerk in the collection of the annual dog tax as provided herein, All dog tax money shall be credited to the General Fund of this City. SECTION 7: Enforcement of Dog Ordinance, Impounding, Kill ing of Dogs; Additional Compen sation of Chief of Police or other constable: It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or other constable, designated by the City Council, after January tenth in each year, or when the dog tax becomes delinquent, as aforesaid, to take up and kill any dog, male or female, harbored and found running at large or running at large within the corporate limits hereof and not having about its neck the tag or plate provided for in Section 5 of this Ordinance; and. for each dog so killed and disposed of the Chief of Police or other constable, designated by the City Council, receive in addi tion to his salary the sum of fl.00 One Dollar, the same to be paid as other claims against the gen oral fund of said City. No dog so taken by the Chief of Police or other officer of this City shall be killed until such officer, after consulting the records in the of fice of the City Clerk, shall have satisfied himself that the tax tierein levied on said dog is due and unpaid, anil until such officer shall have no.died in writing or by word of mouth die owner of said dog, if known to him, forth with to pay the delinquent tax so due; PROVIDED, each dog so taken will lie impounded for at least (5) Five days, after which time if the dog is not called for and fees and maintenance paid, at the rate of $1,00 per day, then said dog shall be destroyed. SECTION 8: Poisoning or In juring Ixigs: It shall lie unlawful for any person or persons to ad minister or cause to be administ ered poison of any sort whatso ever to any dog, or in any man ner to injure, maim or destroy, or in any manner to attempt to injure, maim or destroy any dog, the property of another, or to place any iioison or poisoned food where the same is accessible to any dog; Provided however, this section shall not apply to the killing of dogs with firearms by the Chief of Police or other offic er designated by the City Council carrying out or attempting to carry out the duties assigned him in other sections of this ar ticle. SECTION 9: Barking, Howl ing, Yelping or Offensive Dogs: No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog w'ithin the cor porate limits of this City which by loud, continued or frequent barking, howling or yelping shall tiuiury ui uihiui u any hood or person or which habitu ally harks or chases pedestrians, horses or any vehicle whatsoever to the annoyance of such pedest rians, drivers or owners of ve hicles while on any public side walks, streets, alleys, or avenues in said City. SECTION 10: Dogs, injuring or Destroying Property of Another: No person shall own, keep or harbor or allow to be in, or upon any premises occupied by him, or under his charge or control, any dog that in any manner in jures or destroys any real or per sonal property of any description belonging to another. If upon the trial of any offense mentioned in this section, it shall appear to the Police Judge that the person be quilty as charged in said com plaint, said Judge may, in addi tion to the usual judgment of conviction, order the person so offending to make restitution to the party injured in amount equal to the value of the property so injured or destroyed. ARTICLE U. General Regulations SECTION 11: Animals and Fowls Running at Large: No per sons having the charge, custody, or control thereof, shall permit any horse, mule, cow, sheep, goat, swine, except as in this chapter otherwise proved, to go loose or run at large in any of the public ways, or upon the property of another, in this City, or to be tethered or staked out in such a manner as to allow said animal to reach to or pass into any public way, or upon the property of another, and the run ning at large within the limits of this City, is hereby declared to be a common nuisance and the same is hereby prohibited. SECTION 12: Animals, Cruelty to: Any person or persons who shall inhumanly beat, strike, kick or wound any domestic ani mal within the corporate limits of this City, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Any person or persons who shall within the corporate limits of this City, torture, torment, in a cruel or inhumane manner any domestic animal or beast of burden, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con viction thereof, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Any person or persons, whether as owner or agent, having in charge any domestic animal or animals within the corporate limits of fhie Pitv tirhn choll \rillfnl1\r rvr carelessly neglect to provide suf ficient food or shelter therefor at any season of the year, shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. SECTION 13: Animals Not to be Kept Within One Hundred Feet of Residence of Another: No person, whether as owner, bailee, keeper or custodian, shall keep or maintain any domestic animal within one hundred feet of any part of any building used by another as residence or place of dwelling. SECTION 14: FOWLS NOT TO BE KEPT WITHIN THE COR PORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL; No person, wheth er as owner, bailee, keeper or custodian, shall keep or main tain any chickens, ducks, tur keys, geese, or any similar fowl within the City of O'Neill. ARTICLE m. Penal Provisions SECTION 15: Violations, Pen alty: Any person who shall vio late any provisions of Articles I and II of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and shall be assessed the court costs of prosecution. ARTICLE IV. Repeal and Operative Clauses SECTION 16: Repeal of Prior Ordinances in Conflict: All or dinances and parts of ordinances passed and approved prior to the passage and approval of this ordinance and in conflict there with are hereby repealed. SECTION 17: When Operative; This ordinance shall be m full force and take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED AND APPROVED May 7. 1963. D C. SCHAFFER Mayor ATTEST: O. D. FRENCH City Clerk (SEAL) 3c Congratulations Graduates m ! » ■ (Published May 9, 1963) ORDINANCE NO. 355-A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRASKA CREATING SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION DISTRICT NO. 1 AND PRESCRIBING THE SIZE AND KIND OF SEWER MAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED THERE IN AND THE LOCATION AND TERMINAL POINTS THEREOF AND THE OUTER BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT. Section 1. The Mayor and City Council hereby deem it. necessary and desirable to extend the mun icipal sanitary sewer service be yond the limits of the existing sanitary sewer system of said City and for such purpose to create a sanitary sewer extension district. Section 2. There is hereby cre ated in the City of O’Neill, Ne braska. and within one mile of the corporate limits thereof, San itary Sewer Extension District No. 1, the outer boundaries erf said District being defined and established as follows: nA 4L - XT_4.1_A. comer of Block G of the O’Neill and Haggerty’s Addition to the City of O’Neill, Nebraska; thence east to the northwest comer of Block H of the O’Neill and Hagg erty’s Addition; thence north to the northwest comer erf Spelts Ray Subdivision; thence east along the north line erf Spelts Ray Subdivision to a point oppo site the southeast comer of Lot 12, Block 4 of Cleveland and ffipple's First Addition; thence north along the west line of Lawndale Avenue to the inter section of the west line of Lawn dale Avenue and the north line of Cedar Street; thence west along the north line of Cedar Street and Cedar Street extended to the west to a point on the east line of U. S. Highway 281; thence south along the east line of U. S. Highway 281 a distance of 585 feet; thence east to a point on the west line of Cleveland and Hippie’s First Addition; thence south along the west line of Cleveland and Hippie's First Ad dition to a point on the south line of the County Road; thence east along the south line of the County Road to the intersection of the south line of the County Road and the west line of Madi son Street; thence south to the point of beginning. Section 3. The size, kind and location of the sewer mains to be constructed in said District shall consist of 8-inch vitrified clay sewer pipe or 8-inch concrete sewer pipe and appurtenances located in Madison Street between Adams Street and County Road; in County Road between Lawndale Avenue and Sunset Avenue; in Sunset Avenue between County Road and Cedar Street; in Ash Street between Sunset Avenue and Lawndale Avenue; in Birch Street between Sunset Avenue anu umnuoic Avenue; in Cedar Street between Sunset Avenue and Lawndale Avenue; and in a 20-foot ease ment 167 feet westerly from the intersection of Sunset Avenue and Birch Street. Section 4. The sewer mains in said District shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor which have been made and filed with the City Cleric prior to the in troduction of this ordinance by Kirkham. Michael & Associates, municipal engineer who has been employed by the City for that purpose which plans and speci fications have been approved by the Mayor and City Council and to which reference is hereby made. Section 5. The engineer's esti mate of the total cost of the pro posed extension of the City’s sani tary sewer system is $19,890.00. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publi cation, in accordance with law. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL. NEBRASKA: PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th DAY OF MAY 1963 D. C. SCHAFFER Mayor ATTEST: O. D. FRENCH City Clerk • SEAL) 3c .Published May 9, 19631 ORDINANCE NO. 356-A AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL. NEBRASKA, CREATING WATER EXTEN SION DISTRICT NO. 1 AND PRESCRIBING THE SIZE AND KIND OF WATER MAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED THEREIN AND THE LOCATION AND TERMINAL POINTS THEREOF AND THE OUTER BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL NEBRASKA: Section 1. The Mayor and City Council hereby deem it necessary and desirable to extend the mun icipal water service beyond the limits of the existing water sys tem of said City and for such purpose to create a water exten sion district. Section 2. There is hereby cre ated in the City of O’Neill, Ne braska, and within one mile of the corporate limits thereof, Wa ter Extension District No. 1, the outer boundaries of said District being defined and established as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of Block I of the O'Neill and Haggerty’s Addition to the City of O’Neill, Nebraska; thence east to the northwest comer of Block 7 of the McCafferty’s An nex; thence north along the east line of Third Street to a point on the north line of the County Road; thence west along the north line of the County Road to the east line of First Street ex tended north; thence north along the east line of First Street to tlu intersection of the east line of First Street and the north line of Cedar Street; thence west along the north line of Cedar Street and Cedar Street extended west to a point on the east line of IT. S. Highway 281;’ thence south along the east line of U. S, Highway 281 a distance of 585 feet; thence east to a point on the west line of Cleveland and KjDDole s First Addition■ then/-* south along the west line of Cleveland and Kippple's First Ad dition to a point on the south line of the County Road; thence east to the northeast corner of the Spelts-Ray Subdivision; thence south to the point of beginning. Section 3. The size, kind and lo cation of the water mains to be constructed in said District shall consist of 6-inch cast iron water mains and appurtenances located in County Road between Archer Street and Sunset Avenue; in Sunset Avenue between County Road and Cedar Street; in Ash Street between Sunset Avenue and Lawndale Avenue, in Birch Street between Sunset Avenue and Lawndale Avenue, in Cedar Street between Sunset Avenue and First Street; in I^awndale Avenue between Ash Street and Birch Street; in John Street be tween First Street and Second Street; in County Road between Lawndale A venue and First Sireet, in County Hoad between Second Street and Third Street; in Third Street, 148 feet norther ly from John Street; and In a 20-foot easement 167 feet wester ly from the intersection of Birch Street and Sunset Avenue. Section 4. The water mains in said fJisfrict shall be constructed in accordance with the plans end specifications therefor which have been made and filed with the City Clerk prior to the In troduction of this ordinance by Kirkham. Michael & Associates municipal engineer who has been employed by the City for that purpose'which plans and specifi cations have been approved by the Mayor and City Gjuncf] and __ ■ W ta ilCiCli/y made. Section 5. The engineer's esti mate of the total cost of the pro posed extension of the City's wa ter system is 527,370.00. Section 6. This ordinance aha]] take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publi cation. in accordance with law. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 7th DAY OF MAY 1963 D. C. SCHAFFER Mayor ATTEST: O D. FRENCH City Clerk (SEAL! 3c