The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 09, 1963, Image 2

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    BIIX RICHARDSON, Publisher
Tfrmi of HubnrrlpU<>n: In Nebraska, $3-50 per
year; elsewhere in the United States, $4 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions puyable in advance.
Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Molt county,
Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the
Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This newspaper
is a member of the Nebraska Press Association,
National Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau
of Circulations.
Inman News
By Mrs. .Iuiik-h McMithaa
Cub Scouts
The Inman Cub Scouts met at
the school house Monday after
school for their regular meetings
with Den Mothers Alta Widtfeldt,
Faith Keil and Doris Fick in
charge. The Dens worked on their
projects for pack night on the
theme “Up At> rvc and Under
neath’’. Arlee Butterfield furnish
ed treats for the Cubs.
The Cub Scouts of Pack 283
held their regular pack night pro
gram at the school house Mon
day evening. The program (be
gan with the Flag Salute led by
Billy Jackson, which was follow
ed by the group singing “My
Darling Clementine". Two poems
in tribute to Mothers were given
by Maurice Widtfeldt and Eddie
Fick. Two very interesting skits
were given by the cubs.
Several awards were presented:
Billy Jackson, gold arrow under
Wolf; Eddie Fick, Bobcat badge;
Eugene Clark, gold arrow under
Bear and Lion Badge and gold
arrow under Lion; Neil Tompkins,
I Jon badge and gold arrow: Ar
111 .
I»w Low Price on
50-lb. box $7.75 |
25-lb. box . $4.10
14-oz. package of Kraft
Caramels Free with each box
Livestock Headquarters
Inman, Nebr. 3-6c
Wish comes true
A big thrill for any youngster
...being wished a “Happy
Birthday” by Long Distance.
Next time your favorite boy or
girl is “making a wish”—join
the party with an inexpensive
phone call. Northwestern Bell.
lee Butterfield, Denner stripes
and Timmy Gallagher, 1 gold
and 4 silver arrows under Wolf.
Mrs. Doris Fick was presented
with her registration card as Den
mother. A very interesting film
entitled “Footsteps of the Pion
eers” was shown to the Cubs and
families present.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Widtfeldt
and Mrs. Howard Clark served
refreshments at the close of the
Boy Scouts
Troop 283, Inman Boy Scouts,
went to Long Pine Friday night
for the over night camporee and
returned Saturday evening. They
all reported a very fine camp
program of demonstrations, con
tests and various activities suited
to the Boy Scout program. Con
Cunningham acted as sponsor of
the troop.
Those who attended from In
man included; Roger Banks, Ar
lie and Glenn Sholes, Allen Tomp
kins, Bob Boelter, Rickey and
R«xlney Alder, Jimmy and Kenny
Pribil, Wally Fick, Dick Kopecky,
Gary Kopejtka and Kenny Kes
Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins drove
to Utica Friday night where she
visited in the home of her mo
Ultfl , J.VH5. VAJX rt V/Ii
Saturday she drove to Milford and
she and her daughter, Mrs. Ned
Kelley drove to Lincoln for the
day and returned to Milford in
the evening. On Sunday Mrs.
Tompkins drove to Lincoln where
she attended a Mothers meeting
and Mother’s Day Tea at the Tau
Kappa Epsilon fraternity house
as guest of her son, Roger. Af
ter visiting again in her mothers
home Monday morning, Mrs.
Tompkins returned to Inman
Monday afternoon.
A large number of persons at
tended the grand opening day of
the Tompkins Livestock Head
quarters in their new office, Fri
day, May 3.
Neighborhood club met Wednes
day with Mrs. Wilbur Brown. The
hostess served a lovely dinner at
noon. The afternoon was spent
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark, Walt
hill, spent the weekend visiting in
the homes of Mr and Mrs. Floyd
Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clark and
family, Chadron, spent a few
days last week visiting Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Clark and with re
latives at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman
and family, Tekamah, spent the
weekend visiting in the homes of
Mr and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst
and Mrs. Leo Mossman.
Eleven persons attended the
annual Cemetery meeting Mon
day evening at the RLDS church
annex. Officers for the coming
year are Kenneth Smith, presi
dent, Earl Watson, Secretary,
Mrs. James McMahan, Treasurer
and Mildred Keyes and David
Morsbach, Trustees. Several ot
her matters of business was dis
cussed also.
Joe Peters, who is employed
at Norfolk, spent Friday visiting
his family.
Zion’s Daughters of the RLDS
church held a bazaar and served
Pie and Ice Cream at the Locker
Plant on Saturday afternoon.
Proceeds of the afternoon were
added to the church treasury.
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark and
daughter and Mrs. Charles Lu
Mothers Day Gift?
Have her diamond re-set in
one of our beautiful mountings
All Styles to choose from
Prices start as low as
Stop in today and
let one of our
help you
McIntosh Jewelry
107 E. Douglas Phone 168
A Trusted Jeweler is your Best Advisor
ben visited Shirley Luben at Nor
folk on Sunuay.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bunval,
and Mark, O’Neill, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Jackson and
Billy Saturday
Among thise attending the St
Mary’s Alumni Banquet, O'Neill,
Sunday evening at the Parish
Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Michaelis, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Gallagher, Mr. and Mrs. Frelent
Pribil, Joe Hart**, Warren Han
sen, Bill and Bob Coventry, Pat
ty Morrow, Carol Gaughenbaugb
and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rey
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks,
Page, visited in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and fam
ily, Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. James Kelley took the
pupils of Willow Laxe school dis
trict to O’Neill Saturday where
they took part in the Holt Coun
ty Rural Track meet.
Mr. anil Mrs. W. E. Kelley and
Ann and Mrs. James Kelley vis
ited Mr. and Mrs Don Kelley and
family, Norfolk, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen
and Mr. and Mrs. Ermand Keyes
entertained on Sunday at the
Hansen home south of town in
honor of th 55th Wedding Anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Han
sen and Mr. and Mrs. Ermand
Keyes entertained on Sunday at
the Hansen home south of town,
in honor of the 55th Wedding An
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Keyes. A dinner was served at
noon to the following Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Clark, Walthill, Mr.
and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Watson, Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Watson, Mrs. Blanch Rouse
and Miss Mildred Keyes. Open
house was held in the afternoon
and over ninety friends and rela
tives called to offer congratula
tions. During the afternoon Mr.
and Mrs. Keyes received tele
phone calls from their daugh
ter, Marl, who is living at Phoe
nix, Ariz., and from their son,
/\/> 11 iirUo I o ii’itVv thru TT Q A V -
my at Fort Bragg, N. C. Mr. and
Mrs. Keyes were married on May
5, 1908 at Inman and have lived
in this community most of their
lives. They have five children,
Mrs. Clarence (Ruth) Hansen, In
man, Ermand Keyes, O’Neill,
Murl Keyes, Phoenix, Ariz., Ce
cil Keyes at Fort Bragg, N. C.
and Lorin Keyes with the U. S.
Army at Scoffield Barracks,
Hawaii. They also have nine
grandchildren. Several who at
tended the dinner on Sunday for
Mr. and Mrs. Keyes attended the
original wedding 55 years ago.
Out of town relatives and friends
who called were Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Clark, Walthill, Mr. and
Mrs. Ermand Keyes and family,
Marvin Rouse, Edith Young,
Maude Rouse, Mr. and Mrs. Ho
ward Rouse, Mrs. C. A. Rut
ledge, Mrs. James P. Gallagher,
Mr. and Mrs. Frelent Pribil and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, O’
Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc
Kathnie and family, Atkinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sire, Butte,
Mrs. Minnie Hansen, Creighton,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert VanHorn
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Van Horn, Mrs. Bertha Prill, Mrs
Harry Thomsen and Mr. and Mrs
Jesse Kelly, Page, Mrs. Edwin
Langley, Lincoln, and Mr. and
Mrs. William Jensen, Grand Is
Amelia News
By Mias Florence Lindsey
Joyce Doolittle spent the week
end with Renee Hitchcock.
Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal
visited at the Jimmie Tesina
home Sunday.
Richard Pospichal is one of the
St. Joseph Graduates at Atkin
son this year. Their Junior-Sen
ior banquet was held Wednesday
evening, May 8. Other Amelia
young folks graduating from ot
her high schools this year are
Sharon Watson, Cathy Doolittle,
Judy Mohr, Atkinson public
school; Rodger Waldo, Robert
Burge and Neal Madsen from
Chambers high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White went
to Julesburg, Colo., Wednesday to
meet Glenn’s father, H. S. White
and bring him home for the sum
mer. His daughter and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton, Den
ver, Colo., with whom he has
been staying, brought him to Jul
esburg. Mrs. Lawrence Barnett.
Greeley, Colo., accompanied them
and will visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ned Aldersen, Cham
bers and also assist them with
some house cleaning.
Mrs. Harold Fullerton and pu
pils of the Amelia school attend
ed the Track meet m O'Neill Sat
uruay. DuUiia r ^rues won second
place in the loti yard dash. Joyce
Burge and Vicki Doolittle won 3rd
in the three-legged race and Lar
ry Waldo placed 3rd m the
Broad jump.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge
and Mrs. G. H. Grimes were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Coobdge.
Mr and Mrs Vernon Berry
ami George Fullerton were sup
per guests Friday evening with
the Lee Gilman and Chuck Ev
erett families.
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Davis,
Eric son, visited at Ed Jungmans
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jungman en
tertained Mrs. Jungman’s brother
and sisters and families at din
ner Sunday. The families present
were Frank Piussa, Charles Pru
ssa, Mrs. Bill McCallister, all of
Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Flannery, Stuart. Another sister,
Mrs. Pete Mench, Phoenix, Am.,
expects to come next week for
a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal
went to Schuyler Wednesday to
attend a wedding.
Swan Lake school teacher and
pupils presented a program and
Pie social Friday evening. Mrs.
Darrel Wedgewood, Chambers, is
the teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and
Dale attended Grand Ole Opre
in O’Neill Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Zane Edwards
are rejoicing over the arrival of
a son, Kurt Wyland, born April
27 at the O’Neill hospital. Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Edwards are
the paternal grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Drobny and
Otto were afternoon and supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Miss Janette Clemens, O'Neill,
visited with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Clemens Wednesday.
Miss Joyce Doolittle, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolit
tle was chosen FFA sweetheart
for the coming year at the FFA
banquet in Atkinson last week.
Pine Grove Hustlers 4-H club
met at the home of Cynthia
Dierking. The meeting opened
with responsive reading of the
4-H pledge. Roll call was ans
wered with the name of a breed
of sheep.
The next meeting will be with
Vickie and Sue Doolittle the eve
ning of May 10th.
The girls prepared roll dough
and practice*! making and bak
ing several different kinds of
rolls. In sewing, towel material
was prepared for heming. Dust
cloth containers were shown.
Some are completed. Boys are
continuing with making knots. At
the close of the meeting a lunch
was served - by the hostess, Mrs.
Harlan Dierking.
Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs.
Lloyd Gleed were O’Neill shop
pers Friday.
The Dvorak brothers brought
a big herd of cattle to their pas
ture Friday.
Vern Sageser and Jim Gibson
were appraising the Gleed land
_ ... .1 TV-I
IVII . aim x aux
son, Wayne, returned home Fri
day from Omaha where they had
been for medical attention.
Mrs. Blake Ott, Mrs. Asa Wat
son, Mrs. August Pospichal and
Mrs. Ralph Adair were among
the guests attending the dinner
at the Tropical Gardens in O’
Neill Saturday evening in hon
or of Mrs. Dick Doolittle.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade were
Sunday dinner guests with the
Mrs. B. W. Waldo and Mrs.
Frank Pierce attended the show
er for Judy Smith at Chambers
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Everett
visited his brother and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett,
Harley and Susan, Sunday.
Mrs. Clayton Burge and infant
daughter, Vera Mae, returned to
their home from the O’Neill hos
pital, Saturday.
Misses Darla Waldo and Lana
Oetter attended a slumber party
at the home of Susan Larue Fri
day night following the Junior
Senior banquet at Chambers
High school.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Carney,
Hays, Kan., came Friday and
stayed until Sunday. They were
here looking after the property of
Mrs. Carney’s mother, the late
Flowers are a symbol of your love and affection
Choose from our selection of
Potted Plants - Cut Flowers
Corsages - Lovely Gift Items
Phone 579 O'Neill, Nebr.
Ivan and Carla Rae Nissen
Mrs. George Withers.
Mrs. Dick Doolittle was guest
of honor at dinner Saturday night
at the Tropical Gardens in O'
Neill. The Merry Matrons club
of which Mrs. Doolittle is a mem
ber, sponsored the dinner. The
Doolittle family will move to their
new home near Faith, S. D. the
latter part of May.
Elmer Oetter helped Frank
Pierce fix fence last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees at
tended the funeral services for
Henry Krier at O’Neill Friday.
Mrs. Rees also attended the bur
ial service at the cemetery near
Mrs. Tommie Doolittle was I
helping other mothers serve at
the junior-senior banquet in At
kinson High Friday evening. Her
daughter, Cathy is a senior, and
Joyce is a junior there.
Mrs. Gertie Adair and Mrs
Stella Sparks helped Mrs. Ralph
Adair paper Friday.
WSCS met Thursday afternoon,
May 2, at the Methodist church,
annex with Mrs. Alice Prewitt as
hostess. Thirteen members ans
wered roll call by naming “A
group of people who need our
help.” Mrs. Blake Ott conducted
the prayer service. The lesson.
williu VV Ct p. uju, m
titled “What have you in your
hand’’? Mrs. Prewitt and Mrs.
Asa Watson served lunch.
Glenn White and Paul Fishei
went to Ansley Tuesday to help
with the clean up work at the
Free Methodist camp grounds.
Several from this community
attended the Rural Electrification
Mr. and Mrs. Or land Fryrear
were pleasantly surprised Thurs
day evening when friends came
to help them celebrate their wed
ding anniversary and also Or
land’s birthday anniversary.
Guests were Mr and Mrs. Ver
non Berry, Mr. and Mrs Lew
Backhaus, Mr and Mrs William
Fryrear ami Mr. and Mrs Er
nie John stou.
Mr and Mrs. Elmer Coolidgc
went to Neligh Wednesday to get
baby chicks.
Mrs. Edith Andersen accom
[>amed Mrs Esther Wood to Col
eridge Saturday to attend the
Spruig meeting of District III
school cooks which was held in
the Coleridge community school.
Clearwater News
Mr*. Chariea Ctartrtght
Hlnlrr t UM
Mrs Howard Luben entertain
ed 4 little girls at a party Tues
day evening in appreciation fur
their effort selling Easter Lillies
durmg the recent fund raising
drive for crippled children. The
girls who took part are, Janie
Halsey, Loretta Worley, Denise
Bums and Cathy Hankla Games
were played and lunch served.
The following from Concordia
Lutheran church attended a
meeting at Foster Sunday of last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snider,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weyrich. Mr
Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted
Contact Lenses
Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr.
Hours 9 6—Mon. thru Saturday
Otoaed Wednesday
Long Pine, Nebraska
Marvin Rudstrom Orchestra
100 carnations to first 100 ladies
Chicken - Steaks - Sea Food
Cabins For Rent
Open every day except Monday
ami Mr*. Lawrence Rutledge.
Mr* Ocea Kirchner, Mr*. Roy
Blunt amt Dean Pofahl
Mr* D. L Braunersreuthgr (yi!
infant son. Jon Mark, returned
home Wednesday from Antel<>|>e
Memorial hospital
Marie Tubbs «u the honor
guest at a miscellaneous bridal
shower at the Harold Michael
borne Saturday night t
The Jr. class play "Aunt Ca
thy's Cat" was well received
Thursday evening in the high
school auditorium. Under the di
rection of la*Roy Ernst ami Mrs
Earl Dasher, parts were well
chosen and well taken The:
young people gave some film en
tertainment and the din-dors de
serve a round of applause
Jackie, the seven year old son
of Mr and Mrs. Merle Alleirutrig
underwent surgery on his arm at
St. Vincent's tuapital in Skmx
City Wednesday. Jackie had bro
ken his arm the Thursday before
while playing at school and the
break did not heul satisfactorily.
Mr autl Mr# Bernard KflBler
Norf.rtk are Owr parenla of a «tt».
born la«t week In a Norfolk hoa
pital Mr# ljuue Kaater went U>
Norfolk to meet her new grand
The Frontier
Beauty Shop
m E ttouglan H* Pt»««aa t«
Complete Hrauty Service
Sllmltnrr Reducing Machine
litniun dog llt-rtie# are de
linquent May Slat, liel ll« an#ea
Irani I. I-. Wataon, tillage
Clerk *-*r
when you select
A Gift for the
We carry a complete line of
Portable or Console
Classical, Jazz, Religious, Popular or Hillbilly
We're on top of the trend with the newest
If the grad on your gift list likes music of
any type we've got a gift to please him or her.
Behmers Music Center
122 South Fourth St. O'Neill, Nebr.
Make The Apparel Shop your Shopping Center for the Graduation
Gifts you will need to purchase during the next few weeks
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Pedal Pushers I
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Prints and *2“ ’° $5** I
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99< •» *175
O'Neill, Nebr. Winnie Barger, Owner Phone 89