The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 09, 1963, Image 11

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    » ' «• * * • - ,, At {t.
Report from
By ('<«(rrMBUii Dave Martin
Fourth District. Nebraska
Thw week our Education and
Labor Committee has been con
sidering a new libraries bill. The
present present Librara-s Services
Act docs not expire until 196k so
tliere is no need to enact new
legislation at this time. The pro
posed bill id a good example of
how our Federal government can
mushroom fr<im a comparatively
modest program into a much
larger one. The present Libraries
Services Act has been in exis
tence for six years at a cost of
$7 5 million per year. It has pro
vided library facilities to our rur
al areas—limited to those towns
with less than 10,000 population
It is oh a matching basis and has
been highly successful. 1 think
that the present program should
The new program is known as
the Library Services and Con
.struction Act. The present cost of
$7 5 million per year would be
increased to $25 million j>er year
Th# 10,000 limitation on popula
tion would be eliminated, thus al
Buy a Gas Lite now and get a
beautiful 2l/2 quart West Bend
whistling teakettle FREE! No
down payment — just one
dollar a month on your gas bill.
A gas lite will make your home
a nicer place to live. Offer
Good Only Through May 25,
so talk to Kansas-Nebraska or
see your favorite gas appliance
dealer today.
for Dependable GAS Service
lowing assistance to libranea, re
gardlesa of the sue of the com
rnunity, throughout the country
Surveys by the Department show
that the rural areas have the
greatest need for these facilities
Therefore, as a result of Urn pro
posed change, these activities ir
Nebraska could be curtailed be
cause less money would be avail
able lor the rural areas. The sec
ond section of the bill is entirely
new. It would provide $20 millior
for assistance in construction, re
modeling, and for the purchase
of land or iwjuiprnent on a match
ing basis. This is a Federal-awl
to- libraries bill similar to pro
I wised Federal-aid-to-educaUpu
Total cost: $45 million for the
first year, against $7.5 million
annually for the present pro
gram- With a projected $12 bil
lion deficit for 1964 predicted by
the President, I cannont accept
this new proposal.
The president, last week, senl
to the Congress in regard to fur
ther pay increases for Civil Ser
vice and postal employees. Thu
group received a pay raise only
last year. The raises would rur
from 2% to 25% according to the
classification of the job. The
higher grades, or those already
in the higher pay brackets, would
receive the largest percentage
boost. The expected cost of this
proposed pay raise would be $40C
million for the first year. This is
on top of the $1 billion pay raise
in two steps granted last year.
All' x i uiiUvut nuvuu » Bfcov.
salary for top government execu
tives to a ceiling of $25,500 per
year. This is a forerunner to an
other message within the next
week or two to increase the sal
aries of the Members of the Con
gress. To this, I am unalterably
opposed. I feel that our present
salaries are adequate and that a
raise is not justified. As your Re
presentative in Washington, I
feel that I would be violating my
sacred trust to vote for a pay
iincrease. As a consequence, 1 in
tend to vigursly oppose any pro
posed increase in salaries for
(Week News
By Mrs. Fred Ilndberg
The Holt County Soil and Water
Conservation District planted
about 2000 trees on the Allen Wal
ters farm during April and last
week 2800 trees were planted on
the Carl Hallgrimson ranch and
65 acres were seeded with per
manent grass. The trees were
planted with the help of ma
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Armfield
went to the hospital at Burke
Friday evening to see his mother,
Mrs. Rasley Armfield who has
been transferred to Burke from
an Omaha hospital last Thurs
day. Mrs. Armfield has not re
gained consciousness since the re
cent accident. Melvin’s sister.
Miss Avis Armfield who was in
.V an r» 4 i 1 1 Urve
pitalized at a Sioux Falls hos
pital hut has hopes of being re
leased soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse
and Howard’s sisters, Maude
Rouse and Edith Young attended
the open house at the Clarence
Hansen home southeast of Inman
Sunday p.m. in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Keys 55th wed
ding anniversary celebration.
The Rev. Mr. Turner plans to
be present Sunday a m. at Pad
dock Union church.
Sunday evening supper guests
of Mrs. Christine Johnson were
Mr. Bob Weiss, Kansas City, and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johring
and family were Sunday dinner
guests at the Martha Johring
The American Jr. Citizen club
District 27 met May 2. Roll call
f buynowTI
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on famous PITTSBURGH
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^ Amerka’s Finest HOUSE PAINT
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You need only one coat for most repaint work
when you use famous Pittsburgh SUN-PROOF House Point.
No primer is required. And you can paint right over
chalky surfaces. SUN-PROOF abo gives you the extra
protection of fume •resistant pigmanti and special
Coyne Hardware
O'Neill - Phone 21
—Pittsburg hPaj nts_
was answered by naming our fav
orite flower. We disbanded our
club and the money that remain
ed was added to the money re
ceived from the program.
Wayne Rouse, reporter
Mr. and Mrs. Ld McAllister
and family. Tilden and Mrs.
Mary McAllister, Spencer, were
Sunday dinner and afternoon
guests at the Hi Johnson home
and Mr. Larry Lawrence, Bruns
wick was a Saturday dinner and
afternoon guest.
Mr. and Mrs Dave Jensen call
ed on Mrs. Van Hove, Bristow,
who is a patient at the St. An
thony hospital. O'Neill. Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young
and family, Ravenna, spent Sun
day at the Oswald Drueke tome.
The women are aisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse
and family were Saturday over
night guests at the Don Rich
home, Dakota City.
Mr. Lloyd Rouse was a Satur
day evening visitor at the Merlin
Anderson home and Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Anderson. Atkinson, par
ents of Merlin were dinner guests
The teachers and pupils and
some of the mothers of the Joy
and Agee schools spent Friday at
Niobrara picnicking.
W*ite a number trorn the com
munity attended the funeral of
Henry Krier Friday p m.
The teacher. District 1. Dorothy
Curran and her 8th grade pupils.
Marilyn Risor and Denny Hard
ing. the teacher. District 27,
Twila Hicks, and her 8th grade
pupils Enid Johnson and Terry
Langan and Mabel Dev all. teach
er. District 80 (Agee) and her
8th grade pupil Wynn Roberts
and Patricia Templemeyer, the
teacher. District 92 (Joy) and
her 8th grade pupil John Ham
merlun, all Joined in with the
other teachers and 8th grade pu
pils of Holt county that made the
trip to Sioux City Wednesday and
toured the places of interest re
turning the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson were
Monday night visitors at the Vir
gil Hubby home and Virgil and
Alberta were Friday night call
ers at the Dave Jensen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh were
hosts to eight couples at a flavor
rite supper Tuesday evening
James Davidson & Sons
Service Since 1901
Winter & Summer
Air Conditioning
Can — OU — Coal
American Standard Plumbing Fixtures
YounGstown Kitchens
Sheet Metal Work
51S E. Dougina Phone *64 O’Nelli, Nebr.
Their guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Schafl und boys. Mr and
Mrs Veldoa Pinkertnan, Mr. and
Mrs Ce-orge Calkins, Mr and
Mr*. Art Rempter, Mr. and Mrs
1 on Fernau, Bristow. Mr. and
Mr*. Joe Kamphaus and Nancy.
L>Och. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wyat
and Mr. and Mrs Austin Searles.
The teachers and moat of the
pustls of District 1 and 27 attend
ed the track meet in O'Neill Sat
urday. District 27 pupils brought
home 15 ribbons and District 1
pupils brought 3 ribbons home.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall.
Diane, Mrs. Delia Harrison, Mr
and Mrs. Bennet Devall and boys
were Sunday dinner guests at Un
Barry Mitchell home. Butte.
Mr and Mrs. John J. Hancock,
Qtsper. Wyo . were Wednesday
overnight guest* nt the Lnysl
Hull horn* and Jim McNulty was
a Sunday caller
Mr. and Mr* Russell Wpcppel
and girls. Mr. and Mrs Allen
Waiters and boys were Thursday
evening supper guests at the Mer
lin Anderson home.
Mrs I>aie Roberts. Mrs Mer
lin Anderson and Nancy and Mrs
Henry Waiters visited with Mr*.
Carl Hallgrimsun Friday
little Mark Johrlng spent Fri-1
day with hi* grandmother Wal
The Paddock Community Ad
met Wednesday afternoon at tin
home of Mrs Edward Kaexor
Thirteen members anti five guests
were present The names of se
Thursday, May 9 "COURT MARTIAL"
Friday and Saturday May 10 and 11
Starring GORDON SC50TT as tlw* new Tarzan
Midnight Show Sat., May 1 1 — “Wasp Woman"
Sunday-Monday-Tuesday May 12-13-14
De^n Martin — Shirley MacLuine
Wednesday and Thursday May 15 and 16
Glenn Ford — Lee Remick
cret pals wen* revealed and n^w
names wert drawn fie the com
ing year The scripture lesson
was given by Mrs looker* Wold
neck Klecttun of officers was
held resulting In president Dor
othy Devall. vice president. Grace
IkM-g. treasurer. Mary Hansen,
secretary. Wilms Anstav Mr*
Dora Hallgnmacai Joined a* a
net* mrtnler. Thr tOaoe <4 thr
nr*l meeting to tir drrlrta«| lam
Mr and Mra flanitd iUanr
amt Marilyn were Saturday aw
ning vi»ltor» at thr Dave Jrnaeti
Th« Frontier—
Teen Age
O'Neill Legion Ballroom
SAT., MAY 11
Music by
Admission: 75c
Enjoy these fresh, California-grown STRAWBERRIES
Green Onionsl^oisHKs....2bunchcs19c
Crisp Carrots boiled or raw ... .Poly Bag 19c
Sweet Corn ES& SRm..5 ^ 39c
Peanut Butter 0essertCups*£ wBx^^|c
Ue Creams - 1
*1,0 «trs...
GOLD BOND «*■»» ft
| U.S.D.A. Grade-A, US. Inspected, Fresh
CHUNK TUNA 8551) § E B W E B
Offer good thru May U r* ^E ^^^B
GOLD BOND «i« || llIHlie,
— with purchase of JR Mg Mg E E ^E
3 Offer good thru May 11 ^ J, g ___
Cut-up Fryers ™Z^A?£aS££. ,. .Ua. 35c
Chuck Steaks serf (ceaterewU)1?.. —ta 49c
Pork Steaks _u39c
Fish Fillets CAl'Mhrtflreaea n,.,.7w. "jBui
★ Safeway Gives GOLD BOND STAMPS!
I "' ' • ' " " '’v