Your Farm Sale Newspaper Twelve Pages t in North Central In This Issue Nebraska "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper __ Volume 83—Number 2 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, May 2, 1963 Ten Cents Warranty Deeds WI> Dorothy Curran to Robert E Larson & wf 3-23-6.3 $200-Part of SEV4SWV4 19-29-11 GUARDIANS DEED — Wm. Griffin, Grd to Lawrence Rouse 3-18-63 56650 - NViNEVi 33-32-11. WD Lawrence Rouse to Lloyd A Rouse - 4-18-63 51 - NMiNE'A 33-32-11. WD louis W Reimer to Or ville C Miller & wf 4-26-63 5500 Ix>t 5 Blk X-Reirners Subdivision O'Neill. WD Earl I) Miller to John F Winters & wf 3-6-63 516,500-Part of NWV4NKV4 30 - & Part of IOOF IXIDOK NO. 57 meets every Wednesday at 8 p.m. All members are urged to lx? present. Visiting Odd Fellows welcome. tf SEy4NEy4 30 St SEy4SE% 19 28-10. WI> Grace Kcrnan to Richard A Serbousek 3-21-63 J1050 - Lot 5 Blk D - Neely's Add-Atkinson. WD Darrell E Gillette to Wil liam G Logemann St wf 8-23-62 $125 - Part of NE«/4 30-26-12. QCD — Helen Ryan Goding to Loretta Doyle, et al, 4-5-63 $1 - SW‘/4-NE'/4 12; WVi & SEV4 13; SE'/4 24-All 26; EVi-NWV4 25-29-11; NEVi-S'/z 18; All 19; All 30; NW'/4 31; SW»/4 5; NWy4-SVi 17; 29-10; EVz 23; NW'/4 24; NW',4 36; 28-12; NEVt 32 - SW V4 -N Vi 29 - All 20 - SViNH'/4 - SEy4-WVj. 19 - WVi 27 - NVi 30-29-12; EVi 24 - E Vi N E y4 25-29-13 and I/its 10 & 11 Blk 13 - Lots 13 & 14 Blk 14 - Lot 24 Blk 22 - S102 ft of North 130 ft lots 14, 15 & 16 Blk 28 - Lots 9-10-11-15-16-17-18-19 6 20 Blk 33-All O'Neill. WD Harry McGraw to F T Engelhaupt & wf 4-15-63 Jl-Lots 11-12-13 & 14 Blk 10-Inman. WD -Frank Nelson to Lloyd E Ritts & wf 4-15-63 $9000 - NW'4 28-32-11. WD — Cleveland & Kipple to Mark R Herbers & wf 4-10-63 51 East 40 ft lot 4 & Wrest 50 ft lot 3 Blk 4-Cleveland & Kipple’s 1st Add - O'Neill. WI>- Mark R Herbers to Char les R Force & wf 4-11-63 51-Same as above deed. WD F J Gilg to Mark R ller l»ers & wf 3-20-63 51 - Lot 8-Gilg 6 Ressels Add-O’Neill. The following deeds all are giv en to Frank Nelson and all cover the EViNWy* and W^NEVi Sec 34-Twp 32-Range 11 Arch Hull—11-24-62 51 Elmer Hull 11-26-62 $1 William Hull, et al 1-15-63 51 Pearl Crawford 1-15-63 51 Edwin Hull 11-27-62 51 Esther Haynes 11-26-62 51 Everett Hull 12-7-62 51 Ralph Miller 12-26-62 51 La Von Dawdy 1-16-63 51 GUARDIAN'S DEED — Wm. W Griffin-Grd to Frank Nelson 3-15-63 $16,333.33 S^SW^ - suy4swy4 - swy4Nwy4 27 - NWV4NW/1 34 - W^NEVi - EM-NWli 34-32-11. WD Jane Robertson Spann to Raymond Shoemaker & wf 4-10 63 55500-Part of NM-NVfe 29-26-12. WD — Cleveland & Kipple to Robert Stahlecker & wf 3-26-63 51-West 25 ft Lot 4 & East 65 ft lot 5 Blk 4 - Cleveland & Kipple’s 1st Add-O’Neill. WD—Hannah Heimer to Lucille Davis & Evelyn Spence 10-5-62 51 Nondescript No. 35 located in NEV4SE>/4 32-30-14. WD—Max E Hamik to Frank Schneider & wf 12-12-62 510,200 Lot 15 Blk 1 Tuller & McNichols Add - Atkinson. WD — Cleveland & Kipple to Carhart Lumber Co 4-4-63 $l-Lot 7 Blk 5-Cleveland & Kipple’s 1st AddO Neill. WD — Verna Dailey to Bert Quick & wrf 2-25-63 52750 - Lots 7 and 8 in Block 2-Fahy’s Add - O'Neill. WL'- C E Wintermote to Lloyd L Durre & wf 4-9-63 $5350 - Part of NWV4NWV4 Sec 29-26-12 and Lot 1 Blk E - Perkins Annex - Chambers. BILL OF SALE C E Winter mote to Uoyd L Durre 4-9-63 $10,750 - All tools & equipment in Blacksmith & welding shop in Chandlers. WD—Triangle Land Co to Tri angle Curry Co 3-16-63 $1-NEV4 3- 30-14. WD Mark Her tiers to Mable L Butterfield 4-16-63 $l-Lot 3 Blk 1 O’Neill. WD Esther B Downey to Mark Berbers & wf 4-3-63 $5750-Lot 3 Blk 1-O'Neill. WD—Mary B Schueth to Leo C Schueth 4-12-63 $l-Lots 1 & 2 Blk 21 - Ewing - Grantor retains a life interest. WD- Cleveland & Kipple to Samuel A Swenson Jr. - Trustee 4- 5-63 $3000 - Part of SWV4SWV4 19-29-11. WD- Samuel A Swenson Jr. - Trustee to O'Neill S-C-H, Inc. 4-12-63 $10 - Part of SWViSWy4 19-29-11. WD -Francis D Lee-Trustee to Max E Hamik & wf-no date-$600 Lot 9 Blk 1-A.V.W. Add to Atkin son. DEED & BIU.. OF SALE — Public Telephone Co to North eastern Telephone Co 2-1-63 $10 AU telephone exchanges - lines - poles - posts - wires - stores - materials - Supplies - tools - leases - easements - right of way - agreements - etc. Servicemen's Notes . . . I * Airman Basic Robert L. Doty, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Lynn Doty, Spencer, is being reassign ed to Greenville AFB, MLss., for technical training as a United States Air Force medical service j specialist. Airman Doty, who enlisted in 1 the Air Force a short time ago, has completed his initial basic military training here. The airman is a 1962 graduate of Spencer public schools. Airman Basic Melvin A Ah iers, son of Mr. and Mrs Albert O. Ahiers, Clearwater, is being reassigned to Greenville AFB, Miss., for technical training as a United States Air Force fire pro tection specialist. Airman Ahiers, who enlisted in the Air Force a short time ago, has completed his initial basic military training here. The airman is a former stu dent at Clearwater public high school. Airman Third Class Kieth A. Lieding, 20, son of Mr and Mrs. John A. Leiding, Orchard, com pleted an eight-week cooking coarse at the Army Quartermas ter Center, Fort Lee, Va., Apri' 19. Lieding entered the Air Force last November and completed ba sic training at Lackland An Force Base, Tex. He is a 1959 graduates of Or chard high school. Staff Sergeant William J. Koll man, Stuart, has arrived here for assignment to a United 9tates Air Force support unit. Sergeant Kollman, a legal spec ialist, was assigned previously to Lowry AFB, Colo. The sergeant, son of Mrs. John R. Kollman of Stuart, is a grad uate of St. Joseph’s high school in Atkinson. His wife is the former Rudina A. Wewel of Newport i Airman Third Class Thomas P Warner, Ewing, is being reassign ed to Francis Warren AFB, Wyo , following his graduation from the United StaU*s Air Force training course for electrical power pro duction specialists here. Airman Wanser learned to op erate and repair diesel engine generators used to furnish elec tric power to Air Force installs tions. A graduate of St Mary's High School at O'Neill, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs Max W'anser of Ewing Deloit News By Mr*. H- Keiaiw We received about Mi inch of very welcome rain Friday eve ning and Saturday. Mrs. Fred Harpster went to the doctor in Omaha on Wednes day. She spent from Wednesday until Tuesday in the Tilden hos pital. She returned to the Anita Lee home in Ewing on Tuesday. The skin grafting was over ao% successful. Mrs Anna Savidge, who has been hospitalized in Neligh for about 3 weeks was able to go to the Bud Bartak home on Sunday for a few weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bartak and family, Mr. and Mrs Adolph Bar tak were among the large crowd who attended the wtdding for Le Roy (Butch) Pofahl and .1 Tinsley who were married Satur day, April 27 in the Lutheran church in Clearwater. Supt and Mrs. Lewis Carter Mrs Henry Reimer, Mrs. Ever ett Ruby and Miss Ina Bennett attended the Antelope county teachers meeting and dinner in I ltoyal an Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs Ralph Tomjaek returned Monday from a week end visit at the Ralph Beaudin home in Chicago. Mrs Beaudin was formerly Darlene Tomjaek Ewaki Spahn went to Omaha last week for a check-up Mrs Henry Renner ami Mr and Mrs Leonard Larson of Kimball visiu-d Thursday after noon at the Don Larson home Mrs. R. Tomjaek and Mrs E Spahn went to Chambers <*n Eri day to take the club lesson. Mr and Mrs Jim Conway (Sal ly Chris ton) and 3 daughters of Newton, Kan , visited last week in the Don Larson home Mrs Conway visit»>d Ivan Chriaton in Newport on Wednesday, Mr and Mrs. Adolph Koenig are moving to Neligh. They have rented the Don Wilcox property. Their son, Gene and family will occupy the farm when fu* returns from service. Mr and Mrs. Don Larson call ed at the Henry Renner home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Miller ami Mrs. Minnie Miller and James of Omaha spent the week end at Ralph Tomjacks. A number of ladies attended a party at th. Elizabeth Umiak home on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjaek and Fred Sisson anil Mrs Sis son were guests Tuesday eve ning at the Gene Tomjaek home for Gene's birthday. Stuart News Hy Mr*. Herb lU«b .— .—- .. Sunday dinner gur*ta of Mr and Mr* Harry Codwalloder were Mr and Mr* I, H Carl waltadrr und Darrrll, Atklmnn Mr. atwl Mra Jim Hoffman |\ GOLDEN Jb> C%GUARANTEEjp 1. You can’t get bett:i £"fts for fewer stomps.'.anywhere 2. You must be sadsfied...lOO% Top Value Stamps given with every purchase by the following O'Neill businesses: The New Outlaw ¥ Meyers Midwest , Furniture 1»ar " c* / Spitzenberger Oil Company